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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 30 KB, 828x420, moonwalkerarcade-9-e1499970358736-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5832167 No.5832167 [Reply] [Original]

Knowing what we know now, is it still ok to play the Moonwalker games?

>> No.5832192

What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.5832196

Genocide of an unspecified ethnic group

>> No.5832198

Knowing even more that he was an innocent man? sure, go right ahead. Grab a few friends and play the moonwalker arcade game.

>> No.5832301

Sure its fine we all know sega used child slave labor to program the game and their souls are trapped in the machine

>> No.5832329

Knowing what? That his handlers got rid of him?

>> No.5832337

What do "we" know now that "we" didn't know 40 years ago?

>> No.5832347


>> No.5832393

I grew up around the time pop culture was calling Michael Jackson a sick pedophile was “in” and it took me a long time to realize I was being conditioned to believe a lie, even so it was hard to change my mind on him after seeing the facts.

>> No.5832474


>> No.5832475

Only if you grab your crotch

>> No.5832483


>> No.5832492

Every time you score a point. A dime is deposited in the Jackson / Kelly nonce account.

>> No.5832508

Michael Jackson was /ourguy
He even had a lifeseize statue of Laura Croft.

>> No.5832509

I thought the recent fussing had dissipated. Someone posted elsewhere on this site yesterday that if the documentary had been true, how come there wasn't a flood of other victims coming forwards, like with R. Kelly?

Although to answer your question directly, even if was revealed that MJ was 100% a pedophile, playing this game would do absolutely nothing. Buying the Genesis cart or arcade PCB now would give his estate no money, let alone if you were just emulating.

>> No.5832596


>> No.5833957

>Implying he did "that"
Netflix mentality

>> No.5833975 [DELETED] 

>tfw can't enjoy Sonic 3 & Knuckles anymore knowing a filthy nigger pedo composed its music

Anyone else share this feel?

>> No.5834059

Back in like 2006, playing the Genesis game was really funny because you rescue little kids and when your health is in the red all the A button does is grab his crotch

>> No.5834060

>Knowing what we know now

the MJ was a castrati, it was plainy apparent. daddy jackson was quite happy to go through with the snip since he already had a few boys to pass on his bloodline.
anytime (((someone))) shits on mj its just the old trope of the enemy of all mankind trying to disfigure/debase anything beautiful they don't happen to own.

>> No.5834602

No and I never will. What kind of homo can't seperate art from the artist? I can listen to and enjoy music made by murderers. The music itself never harmed anyone. If I had to approve of the artists actions for every piece of media I consumed I wouldn't be able to like anything at all. Thou art a fool!

>> No.5834605

>The music itself never harmed anyone.
Lies. Carnival Night is an abomination to the ears.

>> No.5834619

Believing his innocence is only slightly less embarrassing than thinking the moon landing is fake.

No he didn’t engage in like, full-on penetrative rape with those kids, but having fruity little sleepovers with them was 100% sexual in his mind and if you believe anything else I’ve heard over the years like “his troubled childhood made his adult mind revert to a childlike state and see those children as his peers!” you’re fucking retarded.

Read the police file on what they actually found at his place. Fetish/torture art featuring nubile young boys. Again, I’m not saying he raped anyone. But that’s where his mind was.

He was gross. End of story.

>> No.5834624

He was framed because he developed a view contrary to the agenda he was supposed to push, and they made him a big star with lots of influence so they had to ruin his image to take away that influence. After they did it people either still liked him or started to like him again so they saw to his death. That's the reality. MJ always knew that the Saturn and Dreamcast were superior systems, and was about to go public with it and potentially bring back a new Sega console, those behind the scenes could not allow that.

>> No.5834629

>Someone posted elsewhere on this site yesterday that if the documentary had been true, how come there wasn't a flood of other victims coming forwards, like with R. Kelly?

Worse, the one guy's own family called him a liar, pointing out they were all on a family vacation at the time he said the assault happened, in a part of Neverland that hadn't been built yet.

It was all bullshit

>> No.5834650

He was redpilled on (((them))), so that's a point in his favour. However, he probably was a pedophile and strange in other ways....

Overall, so many famous people are tainted in one way or another, it's best to separate the art from the artist.

>> No.5834662

I thought Sony erased him for supporting Sega.

>> No.5834663

"Off the Wall" era-MJ was the fucking coolest. I think that's my favorite record of his.

>> No.5834678

>Knowing what we know now

Knowing that he was framed?

Of course, it's okay to play his games. I love his arcade game. Here's a huge tip for newbs: enemies can only attack diagonally (i.e., in 4 total directions). You can attack in 8 directions. That knowledge is the key to 1CCing that game.

>> No.5834701

That Jackson is an innocent man and his accusers were money-snatching liars that the media avoided mentioning the religion of?

>> No.5834704
File: 948 KB, 1024x724, 1464744217915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link us the police report on what they actually found at his place. No, I'm not searching it myself, you are the one making the claim and you are obviously aware of exactly where it is so pony up.

>> No.5834734

anyone who thinks jackson was a molestor also believes the russians "hacked the election"

>> No.5834736

thinking the moon landing was real? wew lad youre the one that needs to be embarrassed

>> No.5834739

Yes, i got lately the game for Mega Drive.

>> No.5834751

>how come there wasn't a flood of other victims coming forwards
Because shit that happened before you were born never happened?

>> No.5834774

>Believing his innocence is only slightly less embarrassing than thinking the moon landing is fake.
>Again, I’m not saying he raped anyone.
So... he was innocent

>> No.5834790

Of course, when these people say "hacked the election", they mean "people made lies about the candidate but it was in favor of THEIR candidate".

>> No.5834842


>> No.5834913

So...rape is the only crime you know of. I'd do a thing that make you go hmmm bit here but we both know you're a virgin.

>> No.5835323

>he didn’t engage in like, full-on penetrative rape with those kids
>100% sexual in his mind

Well good thing the thought police don't exist (yet), so you just admitted he did nothing wrong. If he didn't do anything physical with them it wasn't sexual and not illegal.

Michael may have been a weird dude for wanting pet monkeys and turning his house into an amusement park, but I don't believe for a second he was a pedo. The family who accused him as a history of making up allegations like that to get money.

>> No.5836505

You mean the "people" who breached the security of the Illinois board of election website and accessed voter records, those people?

>> No.5836542

you mean (((people)))

>> No.5836837

Well, you got me there.

>> No.5836907

>Evan Chandler borm Evan Robert Charmatz
>He changed his name from Charmatz to Chandler because he thought Charmatz was “too Jewish-sounding”.

>> No.5836939
File: 74 KB, 580x560, room-to-play-4-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked at them. They're some weird European "kids frolicking around in nature" kind of stuff and art books with some select strange photos in there. Pretty much exactly the type of thing you would expect MJ to have.

>> No.5837002

>Knowing what we know now

that hes completely innocent?


>> No.5837031
File: 198 KB, 900x642, mjgalaxyforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many 1ccs do you think Michael had? Do you think he cleared his own game?

>> No.5837039

what did the composer of sonic 3 and knuckles do?

>> No.5837153

Seems normal enough, odd but not the kinky torture porn originally mentioned.

>> No.5837648

Yep, that's >>5834619 what sounds more bothersome

>> No.5837751


I conflated the contents a little bit, but the sum total of what they found is equally or more disturbing.

>> No.5837761

Yep. After I started browsing /pol/, and learned about the concept of "character assassination" it all started making sense. The same thing happened with Bill Cosby, if you name the (((problem))) the media will destroy you.

>> No.5837767

Plus him and pollacks have a lot in common being gay pederasts and all.

>> No.5837769

The Cosby thing still pisses me off. Some shit he did 30 years ago and no one could be assed to speak up or accuse him for, suddenly now it's this big crisis that has to be dealt with RIGHT NOW and they ruin his life and send an elderly man to prison. What happened to statute of limitations? Outside of maybe murder you can't go chasing after somebody for something they may or may not have done half a lifetime ago, there is a time limit.

>> No.5837771

Es el juego del Ayuwoki?

>> No.5838296

He wasn't charged for the old shit, he was literally still doing this up through a recent enough time frame that some were applicable to bring up criminal charges.

>> No.5838327

Nothing, just character assassination and sue happy money whores in action

>> No.5838343

Those images definitely seem like a guy who had a bleak childhood relating to the images on some level rather than a sexual thing.

>> No.5838352

And I'm sure to you loli are just depictions.

>> No.5838415

I don't understand. MJ was a cool guy and did some nice music. And Moonwalker is actually a great game. That isn't affected by some kids getting rammed in the ass or not.

>> No.5838471



>> No.5838479

Only if you're a morally corrupt scoundrel. I'll spell it out for you, everything is fucking wrong with that.

>> No.5838481

So we're not able to enjoy and appreciate his music anymore based just on a rumor he touched a kid?

>> No.5838493

Yes, his legacy is tainted.

>> No.5838495

NASA has credibility, the MJ accusers are a bunch of known scoundrels.

>> No.5838582

No it's not. His legacy will stand the test of time and in 300 years his music will still be regarded as awesome. Your perception of him is tainted, but that is fleeting.

>> No.5838594

Based MJ defenders. Keep on fighting.

>> No.5838598

Sure. Hack the game 'till there's no trace of the King of Pedos (fine - prince, if you count Epstein) left. Music and some SFX could be a problem for some, of course. Hey, you would be taking the game back. It'd be like Charlie Manson, the Beatles, and the whole Helter Skelter thing.

>> No.5838613

imagine defending a pop star pedophile

>> No.5838615

Imagine being a Sony shill.

>> No.5838686

he's innocent

>> No.5839119

As innocent as lolicons. Which is to say, not at all.

>> No.5839121 [DELETED] 

Is the joke of that image we never went to the moon and MJ never did pedo shit with kids?

>> No.5839125
File: 331 KB, 1146x1280, You is ignorant!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he is. The OG dindu. Must've given all that out of court settlement non-hush money to his non-victim(s) out of the kindness of his heart.

>> No.5839130

Kek. Hacking paper ballots.

>> No.5839132

It's...not a joke.

>> No.5839156
File: 180 KB, 349x349, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly relevant to the thread. We're all aware of "we wuz kangs n shiet", right? And we all know the Pharaohs imprisoned the Jews and had them build the pyramids, among other things, right? What if, just what if, they wuz in fact kangz n shiet, but history was (((rewritten)))? It seems like anti-semitism is fairly strong in black groups, perhaps the rabbit hole goes deeper than we think?

>> No.5839167

>BLM faggots
>White nationalist faggots
Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.5839169
File: 59 KB, 1440x300, Screenshot_20180430-204926~4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuinely interesting theory

>> No.5839239

That's exactly the kind of thing Nation of Islam cultists were saying back in the 90s.

>> No.5839487

But it's true. Every African tribe of goat fucking mud hut dwellers had a kind. Who do you think sold us all those niggers?

>> No.5839510

Because "We wuz kangs" stems from black people not comprehending that there's a huge-ass desert dividing Cairo from the rest of Africa, so their ancestors never went near it.

>> No.5839741

And you're a shitty moralfag. I don't give two shits about what happens outside of his "legacy". I like his music and the games. Though luck to everything else.

>> No.5839770

You cared enough to post. But no one cares about you announcing your support for some pedo. You're a worthless faggot.

>> No.5839786

It's supposed to be, "Neil Armstrong walked on the moon" for the joke to work. At least get your shitty meme right, for fucks sake.

>> No.5839790


>> No.5839794

also earthbound blow-up dolls...

>> No.5839806

>can't separate the artist from the art
>can't stop hating the dead

>> No.5839810

Yeah, I do care enough to answer since I like MJ. It's just that, I genuinely can't believe there are people so blindly hateful and that can't discern objective things. But whatever, keep crying for the kids, while I enjoy some Moonwalker and MJ music blurring in the background.

>> No.5839823

>Includes ‘Pimps Up – Ho’s Down,’ plus 4 ‘Barely Legal’ DVDs.
Damn, nice.
Also, fuck bros who don't destroy other bro's porn stash.

>> No.5839829
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i love the best selling pop singer of all time!
>it's art
>i will defend him online

>> No.5839889

>i hate the best selling pop singer of all time!
>it's not art
>i will attack him online
Two can play that game. Also, none of that invalidates anything of what's been said.

>> No.5839894

*takes an especially large shit into your mouth*

>> No.5839901

Remember when being a faggot Redditor was discouraged?

>> No.5840412

>What happened to statute of limitations?
he does jailtime for a thing he did in 2004 and which was investigated in 2005 and later.
sorry mate.

>> No.5842710

So desperate you are to defend the King of Molestation that you have to resort to pedantry... Stay away from schools, pedo apologist.

>> No.5842752

composed the music for Sonic 3 and knuckles

>> No.5842763

>Must've given all that out of court settlement non-hush money to his non-victim(s) out of the kindness of his heart.
The accusers still had the option to pursue criminal charges and lock him away for the rest of his life but they never did. I wonder why that could be?

>> No.5842930

Because those kids had parents, and those parents saw a cash cow. The welfare of their children be damned. You must be stupid if you think they didn't leech him for more cash after the trial ended. Of course they fucking did. They probably did it until the day the monster died. It's the American way.

>> No.5842981
File: 124 KB, 1276x718, smug anime girl 460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much obsessed about hating a already dead black singer and not knowing how to separate his work/legacy from his (possible) crimes
Oh man, this thread is a mess, but a fucking funny mess. Keep up the good work, faggot.

>> No.5842995

>You must be stupid if you think they didn't leech him for more cash after the trial ended. Of course they fucking did.
Yes, that's what I'm implying. The original accusation was nothing more than a get-rich-quick scheme by Evan Chandler and the evidence corroborates this. The second accusation went to trial, Michael fought it, and handily won.

The current accusations by Safechuck and Robson are more attempts to extort the estate, especially since Robson testified under oath in the 2005 trial in defense of Michael. There is no hard evidence pointing to Michael Jackson being a pedophile or molester. Any "evidence" is circumstantial at best and court inadmissible at worst.

Before you ask, yes, I would absolutely 100% be OK with children of mine sleeping in the same room as Michael Jackson because a critical examination of the evidence makes it demonstrably clear that nothing illegal would take place.

>> No.5843145

hate to admit but

>> No.5844252

>I would absolutely 100% be OK with children of mine sleeping in the same room as Michael Jackson
Wow, really?
See: >>5837751
"The welfare of their children be damned"
That's you. You're the deviant who will happily feed your kids to pedophiles. By your own admission. HAHAHAHA!

>> No.5844260 [DELETED] 

more like ~5 songs from sonic 3
mj wasn't involved with s&k

>> No.5844497

>have porn stash
>lel can't be a functional "normal" guy
Oh boy, can't wait what my family/friends/clients will say when they find my porn stash on my PC after I kick the bucket.

>> No.5844543

"Evidence Item #509. Book with pictures of nude children.

The hard cover book is titled Cronos, by author Pere Formigeura, contains images of nude children of both sexes...

Evidence Item #510. Disneyland plastic bag containing underclothes and bloodied bed linens. The Garden City bag also contained:

-a bright orange pair of shorts, size 4, ‘possibly for a young girl’.
-a new pair of Spiderman socks.
-child-sized, off-white t-shirt.
-pairs of gray, white, and blue child socks..."

He's bad! He's bad! Ya know it! HAHAHAHAHA! Disgusting pedo apologist.

>> No.5844567

This whole fucking thread is retarded, is /v/ leaking again?

>> No.5844647

That's kinda hot, actually.

>> No.5844779

>You're the deviant who will happily feed your kids to pedophiles.
I wouldn't. Michael Jackson however, was not a pedophile.

Nothing you listed connotes actual pedophilia or molestation. Art photography books and childrien's clothing that could easily belong to any of his children are not hard evidence. Either provide some or shut up.

Corey Feldman, a known victim of child sexual assault and a known close associate of Michael has defended him for years. Macauley Culkin defends him. Terry Lewis and many other people who knew Michael personally all have the same story: that Michael loved women and would frequently have multiple women in the studio with him or in the back of limos.

Michael Jackson was under scrutiny by the police and FBI for years and this is the amount of hard evidence they collected to charge him with crimes: zero, zilch, zip, nada. Which is more likely, that the police and FBI are completely incompetent at their jobs or that Michael Jackson was simply not a pedophile? Sorry buddy, I'm going to trust the police, FBI, evidence, testimony of known friends and associates, his ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley, and facts over rumors and some random conspiratorial anon on a Chinese basket-weaving picture forum.

>> No.5844804

stop glorifying pedophiles pls

>> No.5844858


WHo's glorifying you?

>> No.5844898

I agree. Nazis are the cooler guys nowadays. Those and skinheads.

>> No.5845020 [DELETED] 

>just because you like women means you can't want to fuck little boys
Come on anon.

>> No.5845031

All Nazis are pedo anyways, same shit.

>> No.5845042 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 200x282, Ernst_Röhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? Nazis shot pedos along with any other degenerates.

>> No.5845053

You're putting everything in the same basket when it isn't like that anon. Read a fucking book.

>> No.5845131
File: 1.63 MB, 498x494, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out that's more a liberal thing

>> No.5845146

even if it is true their own parents pimped their kids buttholes.
they probably were like
>plz, michael, do our baby. then we set 4lyf

>> No.5845168

All? Wow, way to be that fucking retarded.

>> No.5845180

OP doesn't like the game and moves on after playing for five minutes.

>> No.5846080
File: 247 KB, 693x601, BC79A994-F2EA-4FFF-BA85-0F78086F3977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes of course. Knowing that there are still people trying to scam him over a decade after his death, doesn’t change yours or my enjoyment of these classic games. His legacy as the King of Pop lives on in our hearts and minds.

>> No.5846213
File: 291 KB, 720x484, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe this guy is real, he looks like those exaggerated cartoon characters, he looks like the fucking Tick.

>> No.5846249

He isn't.
Well, he is. His face is heavily Photoshopped by his girlfriend.

>> No.5846270

That we don't have proof he crossed any lines is also not proof he didn't. That a jury found him not guilty also does not mean anything.

As with another recent high-profile case, Casey Anthony, the prosecution in Michael's trial was horrendous. They called Michael's ex (Prince's and Paris' mother) to the stand who testified in favor of the defense.

The judge also disallowed expert testimony that would have shed light on why a key witness may have been unreliable in the past (domestic violence) because it was "irrelevant," while the defense was allowed to drag her through the mud endlessly on previous lawsuits such as one for welfare fraud. The judge also ruled out a separate testimony.

Meanwhile, the defense called George Lopez and Chris Tucker to the stand to make character judgments on the father of two of the alleged victims to essentially say, "Boo hoo! This man tried to extort money from us poor celebrities!" after freely admitting they gave the family money and gifts under their own power.

Let's say, just for argument's sake, that he didn't molest anyone.

Why did this man want to hang out with and sleep with children so much?
Why were they all boys?
Why did no more than one at a time go to bed with him?
If you observed these three things being done by literally any other man, what would you think? Would you be able to come up with any reasonable "harmless" explanation?

>> No.5846429

>tfw a redditor tries to prove OJ guilty on a ching chong brick game board

>> No.5846469

Talented musician and entertainer? Sure

Fucked in the head weirdo? Definitely

Pedo? Probably. But if he was, those boys were sold by their parents.

>> No.5846491

>Why did this man want to hang out with and sleep with children so much?
>Why were they all boys?
The guy explained it himself. He didn't get to hang out with kids his own age when he was young due to the "child celebrity" thing. He just wanted to live out his dreams of feeling like a normal kid. It's kind of weird for an adult to hang out with a bunch of kids, but I don't think there was any sexual about it.

>> No.5846492

fucking fag

>> No.5846497

Counterpoint: Come on.

>> No.5846891

Umm no.

>> No.5847298 [DELETED] 

Its absolutely valid, psychologically. The actual problem comes in the process of someone like that working out the experiences he was put through as a child is very likely that he'll accidentally pass on a watered down version of them to the boys he was "hanging out with". Mental disease is contagious.

What's missing from so much of our current obsession with criminality in the neurodiverse is the responsibility of the family and the community. Why were the parents of these kids allowing them to have sleepovers with this adult man? Obviously because they were trying to cash in on his fortune so it should be no surprise to anyone that they would fabricate or unreasonably embellish stories in a continued long-game effort - especially in a culture where they the parents bear no responsibility for failing to ensure their children's safety.

Finally, it bears mentioning that celebrities are treated like commodities and they're ALL fucked up in the head somewhat but CHILD celebrities are absolutely permanently damaged from growing up under such abnormal, altered circumstances. That's why MJ was so close with Macaulay Culkin since he was already screwed up.

>> No.5847331

It it's not, then it's not ok to play Sonic 3 either.

>> No.5847347
File: 88 KB, 550x322, 90s sonic fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5847348
File: 41 KB, 500x354, mjsonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5847351 [DELETED] 

but what if the child consents

>> No.5847370
File: 353 KB, 519x366, cosby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you take a seat over there?

>> No.5847390

Then you still go to jail and become rapemeat, with or without your consent

>> No.5847407 [DELETED] 

Age of consent should be done away with, individuals mature at different speeds desu.

>> No.5847436

You should be done away

>> No.5847537

>we will never get a re-release or remaster of S3&K because of music licensing issues and other legal bullshit
I'm still mad.

>> No.5847540

They'd probably just use the updated soundtrack if they wanted to remaster it that badly.

>> No.5847604

law says minors cannot consent to anything.

>> No.5847630 [DELETED] 

Back to /pol/, moralfag.

>> No.5847665

Yes, because you still don't know shit apparently.

>> No.5847742

>on /pol/

>> No.5848025 [DELETED] 

The age of consent laws in the US actually are pretty darn good. In most states an adult can actually have sex with 16 year olds there are just a bunch of things we CAN'T do with them like drink or be an authority figure or entice them to travel to you or travel with them etc etc etc.

In general I think that's a pretty fair age and fair way to handle the transitional ages. Younger teens are often ready to have sex but psychologically it's best if they do it with other teens, which is also legal - or just wait until they turn 16 and have their own plan in place if THEY want to have sex with an adult.

>> No.5848904

>tfw no one is surprised you're an expert on the subject

>> No.5848942

Literally innocent

>> No.5849013

Michael Jackson is dead and you are emulating the game instead of paying for it. Your actions do not matter.

>> No.5849048
File: 908 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180921_005858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA has no credibility. They ve just been making shit up

>> No.5849216

YouTube's still not banning that shit? Goes to show that they're bought and paid for by the fringe right and/or the Russians (if there's even a difference)

>> No.5849565


4chan needs to blacklist Russian IPs outright. But that will never happen since they no doubt pay Hiro for the privilege of getting to shitpost with absolute impunity. Fuck moot for selling out.

>> No.5849615
File: 23 KB, 503x337, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5849648

Space is not a perfect vacuum, and gravity is pretty fucking strong. Am I missing something?

>> No.5849787
File: 40 KB, 321x409, 1554058168587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who doesn't know, triple parenthesis (((word))) is a neo-nazi dogwhistle to reference jews in public without normies noticing.

>> No.5849795

Okay faggot nobody cares back to resetera

>> No.5849797

Fuck off and take the /pol/tards with you

>> No.5849906


I've been here since gaiafags were our boogeyman.

>> No.5850361

>For anyone who doesn't know, i'm a faggot

>> No.5850427

I thought it was supposed to symbolize (((ECHO)))

>> No.5850440

he didn’t do anything though, he was just weird, so I’d say play away.

>> No.5850441


>> No.5850527

The answer to that question is gravity you fucking mong.

>> No.5850876

I dunno man. Quora is a well respected source of high quality accurate information on par with reddit and facebook.

>> No.5850902

lmao the guy trying to debunk the moon landing is hilarious and fucking retarded

>> No.5850903

the people who built the pyramids had wages, a clock in and clock out system to keep track of their work hours and nearby houses to sleep in. Slaves didn't build the pyramids

>> No.5850915

>using fucking Quara as a source

why are all conspiracy theorists always so fucking retarded

>> No.5850957

It was shown in a study a few years ago that the dumber a person is, the more likely they are to believe conspiracy theories. Enter the internet of today...

>> No.5852063

Then that study is wrong. Difficult to believe, but Alex Jones has been proven right more times than he's been proven wrong.

>> No.5852184

Being right isn't nearly as important as being woke and appropriating a word in your ridiculous crusade against appropriating

>> No.5852198

Still clinging to that nothingburger? Give it a rest.
You're as schizo as the flat earth guy.

>> No.5853120

You don't know anything about Michael Jackson.

>> No.5853219

Not everyone knew his as intimately as your granddad kiddo. Now zoom off back to facebook where you belong.

>> No.5853493

This is sort of the way I see it. He may have legitimately been a gay pedophile (redundant, I know), but he only got outed and targeted by the good ol' boy network because he talked about (((them))).

>> No.5854656


>> No.5854718

It was always okay to play them.
and they're really just okay games

Settlement happens a lot regardless of guilt.
Turns out, it's generally cheaper and less effort than fighting the case.

>> No.5854724

For me, he didn’t get outed because he talked about Jewish people. He was a gay pedo who got away with it for as long as he did because of his money and power and now people are revealing the truth. Some people just love a good conspiracy though, like N64 emulation is bad, you can show proof to these inbreeds and they’ll still keep crying about their delusions.

>> No.5856481

confirmed for not knowing shit

>> No.5856971

You say that like triple parentheses hasn't greatly expanded in use in 4chan culture beyond just antisemitism.
The echo was originally used in some skit where someone was calling people on a loudspeaker and every time a Jewish name came up there was a large echo with it. Nowadays it's used for basically anything you want to call attention to.

>> No.5857121

Ok, that makes sense. Figured it was just a way to make it sound like a scary boogeyman or something.

>> No.5857132


>> No.5857986

do you still eat at subway?