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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 44 KB, 800x300, shmuptrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5833482 No.5833482 [Reply] [Original]

The holy trinity of shmup developers. Prove me wrong.

>> No.5833493

None of those studios made Rayforce, so no.

>> No.5833509

Cave > Raizing

>> No.5833518

Yagawa is a fraud He did save Daifukkatsu Black Label though

>> No.5833536 [DELETED] 

holy shit, BASED

>> No.5833551

Yes. Batsugun is pretty much the shmup perfected and I still count a lot of early Cave as mostly Toaplan staff. Respect to Out Zone also.
They're ok. Batrider is my one of my personal favourites, but not into many of their other games. Bakraid seems approachable.
Their games are very samey, but Gunbird is good shit.

Gonna raise you Konami and Taito to replace the latter two, but Toaplan's a keeper. If we must make it a quartet, Irem can go in there. And from there we can go into Cave, Psikyo, etc.

>> No.5833553

Were you dropped on the head as a baby or did the youtube rot your brain?

>> No.5833554

Wait, I thought that was the overrated shit you boomers pretend to like. Do you like Ikaruga now?

>> No.5833567 [DELETED] 

It's kusoge. The scoring system is a complete joke.

Strikers trilogy and GB2 are much better, though. Zero Gunner 2 is also very good.

>> No.5833578
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>> No.5833592
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I just want another Batsugun

>> No.5833596

>playing for score
Oh, you should have said earlier you're an autist.

>> No.5833604 [DELETED] 

The point of shmups is to play for score, idiot.

>> No.5833605

>the point
irrelevant to my experience

>> No.5833607

The only thing the developers intended was to make money. Unless you take a time warp back to the 90s you're not doing what the developers intended.

>> No.5833615

Shove your experience up your ass

>> No.5833617

We're here, we're queer, get used to it

>> No.5833653



>> No.5833659

It's a simple question

>> No.5833664



>> No.5833668

Really I thought everyone liked Truxton 2, it's boring as shit but it's 8 hours long and really hard so you can pretend to be hardcore retards.

>> No.5833669 [DELETED] 

gus > icycalm

>> No.5833672

>The scoring system
Who cares.

>> No.5833673 [DELETED] 

>having normie developers like konami, taito or irem as your favourites


>> No.5833674

D'awwwtistic. Adorable.

>> No.5834113

Irem are cool too, especially X-Multiply.

>> No.5834249

Liking a game doesn't make the OP any less retarded. No "holy trinity" can not include CAVE and if you don't want to answer the question about how you got brain damage just say so.

>> No.5834252

fuck off faggot

>> No.5834254

Raizing >>> Toaplan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Psikyo

Psikyo is overrated af

>> No.5834273 [DELETED] 
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Opinion trashed.

>> No.5834458

>No "holy trinity" can not include CAVE
Cave isn't a top tier studio.

>> No.5834460


>> No.5834465

>you cant like the best studios because everyone knows them
Kys hipsternigger

>> No.5834609

It is. The rantings of a brain damaged mongoloid will never change that.

>> No.5835429 [DELETED] 

Takumi was here.

Cave is for losers.

>> No.5835529

In my opinion


>> No.5835757
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IREM (X-Multiply, R-Type, Dragon Breed)
Konami (Gradius series)
Taito (Darius Series)

I proved you wrong. What's my reward?

>> No.5835769

I have no preference. I think I played too much to focus on just three.

>> No.5835798 [DELETED] 

horizontal shumps are shit.

>> No.5835805

Why shmup up when you can shmup right!?!

>> No.5835831


>> No.5836035

How is that a "holy trinity"? There are only three of them in that image. Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.5836063


>> No.5836273
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Honrable mention to Tecno Soft, they're shooters are great but the only thing is they're usually kind of easy and never have really different gameplay mechanics or design. They're all still really fun to play though. Shout out to Hyper Duel and Blast Wind also

>> No.5836708

I'd swap out Konami for Psikyo personally (never been a fan of Gradius), but definitely solid picks. X-Multiply deserves more recognition. Yumekobo (Pulstar, Blazing Star, Prehistoric Isle series) are deserves a shoutout, but obviously not quite up to making the top three.

>> No.5836714

Good list, but Image Fight deserves a mention and Taito's best game is Rayforce.

>> No.5836723

But that's not Treasure, ZUN, and Toby Fox.

>> No.5836845

was looking for somebody to mention this. technosoft are legends

>> No.5836849

Into the trash

>> No.5836915


>> No.5836934

Don't care about shmups, but Toaplan had the best and most consistent music of any company.

Vimana - Space High

Dogyuun - Dogyuun Magic

Hellfire - Captain Lancer

Outzone - To the Earth

Zero Wing - Natols

How did one small company do it in such a short amount of time?

>> No.5837195

>not Konami/Namco

>> No.5837214

toaplan had that too when they got yuzo to rip it off for Slap Fight MD


man should have posted the genesis version of hellfire I think its better than the arcade it has more punch. Posted mega drive Natols though so good shit. Not going to lie I also love the first level of truxtons music even though that organ banging is obnoxious as fuck sure gets you into the game though

>> No.5837215
File: 136 KB, 1476x1224, cave trinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all those companies made only 1 max 2 good shmups, and all the rest were inferior, lackluster games..

Like this guy said toaplan = batsugun & truxton
Psiyko = Gunbird 2 & Strikers 1945 II
Raizing = Batrider & Dimahoo

Meanwhile a company like CAVE has tons of fantastic shmups:
Mushi Futari
Dangun Feveron!!
Pink Sweets
Muchi Muchi Pork
and on and on....

I'd say Cave the Father is #1, then Cave the Son #2 and Cave the Holy Spirit is #3 making up the holy Cave Trinity.

Every other company will have to battle for 4th, 5th and 6th.

>> No.5837302

Dragon Blaze and Sengoku Blade/Tengai are both solid too, and each play differently to gunbird and strikers.

>> No.5837317

I like tengai but it's still inferior to the others.
Not a fan of DB at all, don't like the dismounting mechanic, otherwise it plays a lot like GB2, just more of a hassle.

>> No.5837324


>> No.5837346

Weren't like half the people in CAVE from Toaplan after it shut down?

>> No.5837349

It plays quite differently to gunbird though; the optimal survival technique is constant dragon rushdown to avoid seeing the more dangerous bullet patterns (which means you're always "out of position" and open to being overwhelmed if you slip up). Other games have this to a lesser extent but DB to me gives you most control over the pace. It's a bigger playstyle change than a lot of the Cave shooters. The only game of theirs that has a very similar approach is Tengai, but it's a hori so it still feels fundamentally different.

>> No.5837350

cave is reskin city, only like 3 games are original

>> No.5837351

based and true

>> No.5837354
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>> No.5837375

back to the manCAVE

>> No.5837381

cool story, bro
I remember that guy
he was a cunt

>> No.5837559

>no cave

>> No.5837575


Sry but Cave fucked up after focusing on moe and loli shit, so no gold star for you today.

>> No.5837590

and yet cave was still making games well into 2010s while other arcade companies by that time were dead dinosaur fossils. their games are still getting modern remakes on modern PCs and consoles.

>> No.5837604
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>their games are still getting modern remakes on modern PCs and consoles.
totally forgot Esprade M2 release coming SOON LADS
oh shit

>> No.5837613

And that affects gameplay how?

>> No.5837617

>Prove me wrong.
you proved yourself wrong with memeshit hipster kusoge raizing and psikyo desu

>> No.5837621

wow you /shmupg/ nogs sound pretty insufferable

anyways give me some shit with the hypest soundtrack you can think of and I will try to 1CC it

>> No.5837626

Cho Ren Sha

>> No.5837637

And yet you are pedos or pedo enablers

>> No.5837638

>give me some shit with the hypest
Look who's talking about being insufferable.

>> No.5837640

still focking ace

>> No.5837668
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>> No.5837703

kiddie diddling isn't either.

>> No.5837726

>Thunder Force
>kind of easy

holy fuck.

>> No.5837749
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At least those other shmup developers died with dignity.

>> No.5837753

Well it is, III and IV at least.

>> No.5837757
File: 211 KB, 272x264, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this.

>> No.5839106

More like Konami, Compile and Cave.

>> No.5840043
File: 469 KB, 1068x1486, ketsui girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketsui is one of the coolest shmups ever. The soundtrack is pure sick fire.

But you have to play it to really appreciate the music.
Like stage 4 is decent, but when the midboss appears the the music adjusts accordingly, it's so cool.

Stage 2 is really chill at the start but picks up nicely as things get more hectic.

Another cool boss theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QusvQlqnhPY

>> No.5840048

>all those companies made only 1 max 2 good shmups
So why did you replace them with a company that never made a single good game?

>> No.5840053
File: 94 KB, 640x494, 6638625103_0460e902c7_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Cave.

>> No.5840592 [DELETED] 

>cave, the dregs of toaplan
>better than any other shump dev
go back to >>>/system11/ cavecucks

>> No.5840672


>> No.5841541
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>X-Multiply deserves more recognition

A hidden classic imo

Gradius is the best horizontal shmup series ever made imo.

Try playing Gradius III on SNES, literally the best shmup on SNES second to Darius Force (Super Nova in USA)...

There is a new patch that removes the slowdown but makes the game much harder, a classic nevertheless.



>> No.5842331
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imagine the smell of that cab

>> No.5842407
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>> No.5842519

no one plays shmups here.

>> No.5842530

imagine being the bf of this obnoxious attention whore.
Sure, the sex must be great, but imagine literally everything else about the relationship.

>> No.5842535

>noooo stop liking games with level design and enemy formations! I want my kawaii-looking colorful patterns and tiny hitboxes!

>> No.5842536

here or everywhere. shmups are a thing of the past.
maybe in japan.
In the west, all you have are people pretending to like shmups, but in reality they just like the concept of playing shmups, maybe copymonkey some strats from japanese players to feel good about themselves, but never played in a real arcade anyway.

>> No.5842652
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Project somewhere else pedogaf.

>> No.5842660

Some went to Cave, others went to Raizing and Takumi.

>> No.5842673

Pedo spotted

>> No.5842714


>> No.5842741

gb2 /v/

>> No.5842801 [DELETED] 

Raizing was Compile, not Toaplan.

Also you forgot Gazelle.

>> No.5842970

cave is not retro.

>> No.5843071

Yeah, meant to say Gazelle and not Raizing.

>> No.5844592

Dangun Feveron > All toaplan attempts at shmups

Ibara > All raizing attempts at shmups

Explain this/

>> No.5844602

Your opinion is shit.

>> No.5844609 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't STRICTLY play Cave

>> No.5844612

Pedofag neckyourself caveshit

>> No.5844614

Circumventing the wordfilter is a bannable offense on this board, just so you know.

>> No.5844617


>> No.5844619
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Does this look like pedoshit to you? wow cope

>> No.5844623
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stinky spic
how fat is your gut?

>> No.5844625
File: 8 KB, 195x258, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look! pedos, pedo apologists and pedo enablers.

>> No.5844637

Look, mental problems and autism.

>> No.5844643

Like every shmup thread on /vr/

>> No.5844657

If you play Cave
you're one of the Brave

if you play Psikyo
you need to take a hike yo

>> No.5844658

>prove me wrong

>> No.5845049 [DELETED] 

if you play Raizing
you're the chad king

>> No.5845057 [DELETED] 

if you play toaplan
you're the fucking man

>> No.5845060 [DELETED] 

if you play psikyo
you're a true bro

>> No.5845959

This is some grade-schooler shit

>> No.5846445

It literally is. Should be over in a few days.

>> No.5846669

if you play cave
little lolis you crave

>> No.5847427

>pick up gunbird after playing a few other psikyo shmups
>1CC it on normal first attempt
I don't know whether I should be happy about it or not. It felt completely manageable compared to the bullet speed/chaos of dragon blaze, which makes sense since it was released earlier. It was strange playing a Psikyo shooter where I could visually react to bullets.

>> No.5847428

If you play Cave
Your neck needs a shave

>> No.5847431

I assume whatever port you played is way easier on defaults than the arcade because that loop is certainly not reactable blind.

>> No.5848175

I can't tell what shmups is on the back poster. Don't recognize these enemies

>> No.5850540

Cave can't even make hardware that works, even new their boards have insane defect rates, and now you're dealing with the shitty memory they used dying.

To top it off they've completely shifted to making shitty iOS cash grabs, complete fucking garbage company.

>> No.5850565

They haven't made a new cellphone game in years. They're completely gone.

>> No.5851048

Muchi muchi pork
Pink sweets

Yet in terms of retro shmups cave is king

>> No.5851064
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danmaku is not retro

>> No.5851226
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DoDonPachi 1997
ESP Ra.De. 1998
Dangun Feveron 1998

Guwange 1999

>> No.5851232

Ketsui and DOJ are borderline retro

>> No.5851252

The only shmup I played is axelay and it took a long time till I was able to finish 2 runs, recommend me more please.

>> No.5851257 [DELETED] 

/vr/ is a traditional shmups only board

get out of here with your fagmaku zoomers

>> No.5851258

Thunderforce 3
Thunderforce 4/Lightening Force
Trouble Shooter/Battle Mania 1&2

Raiden Project
R-Type Delta

Layer Section
Cotton 2
Batsugun Special

>> No.5851260

see >>5842407

>> No.5851261

I find some old school shooters like Raiden 2 way harder than bullet hells.

>> No.5851264

>too many bullets
My reason for not being a danmaku fan isn't "too many bullets", it's "not enough level design".

>> No.5851271

I hate most danmaku because they feel awful to play. The good ones, like Mushihimesama Futari, have a flow, and even when you die, you feel it was your fault. The bad ones are just autism central.

>> No.5851281

how enemies appear, how they move and release their patterns is all part of level design.

there are danmakus with scenery, like Deathsmiles

>> No.5851285

I don't hate danmaku, I'm just not a fan, and just wanted to make clear my reason for not being a fan isn't "too many bullets".

>> No.5851287
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>CAVE sois will defend this shit

>> No.5851292
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>> No.5851319

Thats because bullet count has nothing to do with difficulty, it's just a style of gameplay.
Do you hate classic vertical shooters too? Encounter design is still level design, anyway.

>> No.5851325
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very disturbing behavior

>> No.5851360

There's nothing deviant about Mushihimesama.

>> No.5851362

>deathsmiles artstyle went from pedo bait to flat out pedo

>> No.5851368

Why do the Daifukkatsu element daughters genuinely look braindamaged?

>> No.5852089 [DELETED] 

>unironically posting soijak
You're not helping your cause, danmakucuck.

>> No.5852135

>least old game is fucking 2 decades old

/vr/ used to be cool

>> No.5852189

>/vr/ used to be cool
And then you babies showed up and ruined it

>> No.5852232
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Get ready boys. Fire up your systems for some hot, retro shmup action.

>> No.5852247

It's deep.

>> No.5852485

That's what she said

>> No.5852508
File: 229 KB, 761x657, 1567302035698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes I play Cave shmups exclusively, problem?

>> No.5852521

>and it's me youuu neeeed toooo SHOW...
>how fat is your gut? (how fat is your gut, how fat is your gut?) I really need to learn.