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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5824413 No.5824413 [Reply] [Original]

Hi. For some godforsaken reason my roommate thinks retro gaming is cool despite not being alive for most of it. He wants to get into Sega stuff, but all I have for multiplayer on the Genesis/Sega CD are like, NBA Jam and maybe Toejam and Earl. It basically gets worse on the Saturn (besides Virtual-On and fighting games from Capcom, I guess) and Dreamcast.

If anyone has recommendations it would help a lot.

>> No.5824417

Gauntlet Legends on dc

>> No.5824424

Why aren't you allowed to think things are cool if you weren't alive for them? What kind of retarded logic is this?

>> No.5824435

There *might* be a co-op Genesis hidden gem someone here can recommend but I PROMISE you won’t find anything on the Saturn you wouldn’t be better off loading in MAME and playing the superior original arcade version of. Or someone will recommend Fighters Megamix or an equally shitty “original” trash pile made up of assets thrown together from other games. Now that I think of it, there aren’t any “great” single player Saturn games either unless you’re an absolute weeaboo who hates life.

>> No.5824436

Sonic 2

>> No.5824440

I'd say Sonic 3 & Knuckles would be better for co-op, since the player that controls Tails can fly Sonic up to new areas.

>> No.5824484

Power Stone for DC
Skeleton Krew for Genesis

>> No.5824505

I just meant it seems odd to me that he'd take an interest in something I like this much when it's a relatively niche interest.

>> No.5824569

Remind your roommate he's living with retarded looser. Also, there is literally nothing worth playing for the SCD.

>> No.5824675

Liking retro video games is like like liking Radiohead. It's not everyone's cup of tea but it doesn't make you special for liking it.

>> No.5824683

>there is literally nothing worth playing for the SCD.
Found the retarded loser

>> No.5824702

Step away from teh mirror

>> No.5824736


Saturn Bomberman or guardian heroes or any of the shmups on Saturn.

>> No.5824793

Sonic CD
After Burner III
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Chuck Rock
Dragon's Lair
Earthworm Jim
Ecco the Dolphin 1 and 2
Fatal Fury Special
Final Fight
Heart of the Alien
Jurassic Park
Lethal Enforcers 1 and 2
Lunar Eternal Blue and Silver Star
NHL '94
Prince of Persia
Road Rash
Samurai Shodown
Secret of Monkey Island
Shining Force CD
Surgical Strike
The Terminator

>> No.5824820

He was in your head with the rest of the voices all the time

>Let me show you just how low someones standards can go
Mission accomplished faggot

>> No.5824839

>multiplayer on genesis/sega CD
yeah there really isn't much for that.
> It basically gets worse on the Saturn (besides Virtual-On and fighting games from Capcom, I guess) and Dreamcast.
That's just plain wrong. Saturn and Dreamcast have a fuckton of multiplayer games due to all the arcade and arcade-style games those systems got. Fighting games, racing games, party games, and so on.

play cannon spike on DC, nigga

>> No.5824904

Stop samefagging, retarded loser

>> No.5824907 [DELETED] 

It is cool

>> No.5824910
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Why do you have a room mate so much younger than yourself? This is either bait or you're some kind of manchild.

>> No.5824926

Sonic 2 vs. Mode dickface

>> No.5824951

He wants your ass

>> No.5824965

Nothing wrong with a little pederasty, at least he's not a homo.

>> No.5824984

Gauntlet 4

>> No.5825041

>I PROMISE you won’t find anything on the Saturn you wouldn’t be better off loading in MAME and playing the superior original arcade version of.

Radiant Silvergun
Guardian Heroes
all Model 1 and 2 games
… all ST-V games since MAME emulation of those are shit.

>Now that I think of it, there aren’t any “great” single player Saturn games either

Panzer Dragoon 1-2-Saga
Thunder Force V

>> No.5825045

Those are all crap.

The only good Sega CD game is Keio Flying Squadron and maybe Popful Mail.
Chuck Rock is OK for the title screen music, but honestly the game was released on 12 different machines so there's no point in playing it on the Sega CD.

>> No.5825080

Sorry but if he's old enough that he owned a genesis originally and now still needs a roommate he fucked up at life real bad.

>> No.5825081

>Genesis multiplayer recs
>Streets of Rage (there are 3 all good)
>Golden Axe (3 of these too, take your pick)
>TMNT Hypersone Heist (or if roms, the Jap version is Revenge of Shredder)
>Sonic 2 splitscreen (if you can manage the slowdown, which isn’t as bad as people say)
>NBA Hangtime/ Jam
>NFL 95
>Vapor Trail
>Street Fighter II Special Championship
>Mortal Kombat 2
>Mega Bomberman
>Contra Hardcorps (If you can get Jap version {read:rom} it has a lifebar instead of insta kill but either way its fun)

>> No.5825194

>everyone who doesn't have my same low standards and shit tastes is samefag
Why is it always failing losers who think this?

>> No.5825216
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>For some godforsaken reason my roommate thinks retro gaming is cool despite not being alive for most of it

How is this strange?

Are you also flabbergasted by people who watch old movies or listen to music from before they were born, too?

I have 1,119 games and 37 consoles myself, 99% of which I never owned growing up, or came out when I was too young to remember (born 1992)

Good games are good games. Being alive when they came out is not a factor.

>> No.5825476

What the hell are you talking about? Nobody here wants to get into a discussion with you about how related wealth is to your personal success, go to r9k or some other incel board for that shit.

>> No.5825641

You have abysmal taste.

>> No.5826039

3's is still better

>> No.5826132

Maybe his wife just left him

>> No.5826326

>retarded loser predictably gets mad when caught samefagging
like fuckin' clockwork

>> No.5826461

>retarded loser predictably gets mad when caught being wrong about samefagging

>> No.5826514

>Nobody here wants to get into a discussion with you about how related wealth is to your personal success

Lol gee I wonder why! This from the board that has a tamper tantrum when an old game resells for more than 10% of it's original value. Not saying money is the be all and end all, but this thread is embarrassing even for here.

You say that like it makes him come off as less of a chump lol

>> No.5826703

>tamper tantrum