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File: 740 KB, 1007x702, splatterhouse_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
532486 No.532486 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Splaterhouse thread /vr/?

>> No.532498

Wow, that comic takes me back.

>> No.532520


>title is in the comic
>OP still spells it wrong

I heard OP was a receiving homosexual

>> No.532515

Same here. I saw it in a random ad and it gave me such a kid-boner. The same went for those Bonk ads - it seems that forbidden fruit is usually the most appealing.

>> No.532534

>Splatterhouse 1
>Creepy mask
>Splatterhouse 3

Also SH3 is creepy as shit. Those fucking cutscenes.

>> No.532564

I never got a TG-16, I wanted one solely for Splatterhouse but I couldn't convince my Mom of it because I already had a NES at the time. I eventually forgot about it and got a Genesis a year or two later.

>> No.532571


Genesis got the best Splatterhouse game, so it's all good.

>> No.532603

Yeah, I played 2 and 3 on it. Imagine my surprise as a kid to find that the sequels made it to Genesis. Total retribution.

>> No.532625

Good as dead? You die anyway ya cunt

>> No.532656

Splatterhouse gave me a mask-wrapped-around-your-head fetish.

No regrets.

>> No.532713


You need me.

>> No.532736
File: 116 KB, 600x390, Splatter Rick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't gotten to play much of the first Splatterhouse, but I loaded it up on my PSP and got up to Biggie.

From the longplays I love this music and the entire scene associated with it.


>> No.532856

Favorite Terror Mask?

Part 3 design I love to hell and back.

>> No.532870

I'd fuck a chick wearing any of 'em, but 3 is my fave yeah

>> No.532929

>Splatterhouse 3
>that intro screen with the ghosts
>those cutscenes
>that time limit


>> No.532970

>be young
>older brother rents Splatterhouse 3
>first boss is eating people
>head falls off after you beat him
>almost throw up
oh god

>> No.532963

I didn't like Splatterhouse 3 as much as the first two games even thought there was a bigger variety in moves. But at least it gives a nice plot finale to the trilogy.

>> No.533004


Actually he keeps running around headless, and attacks you with a huge-ass bloody arm that comes out of his neck stump.

>> No.533017 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 640x480, Dat room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing great
>Destroying everything
>This room

>> No.533235

Not that bad. Just keep right and punch.

>> No.533313

For better or worse, there's doujin porn version of Splatterhouse (of course it's from Japan) named Syakuga. The fact that you very literally rape bosses aside, it's possibly the most faithful conversion of Splatterhouse for PC to date, complete with pretty sweet intro and whole lot of WTF.

>> No.533412

Found Splatter House 2 and 3 for the Genesis.

Guy is going to hold onto it for me until friday.

>> No.534049

I liked the Splatterhouse Remake. I'm not saying it was a great game, or better, just that I liked it.

>> No.534090

Yeah man, I liked it too. It was an alright beat em up game, a bit repetitive but good. I liked the soundtrack, haha it was fitting. Dat Lamb of God song while ripping limbs off faggots.

Also SH3
>dat teddy bear boss
>dat creepy music
>dat spin kick

I loved this game as a kid. It scared the piss out of me and I could never get past stage 3. The timer was overkill as a child already being shitpants scared. That shit was scarring as a 6 year old. Probably why I'm so fucked up now as an adult.

>> No.534120
File: 23 KB, 285x300, hellbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the coolest arranges I've ever heard.

>> No.534145

For a reboot it was pretty good (expecially in comparison with other reboots which are bullshit). Not a great game but still enjoyable and faithful to the francise. Of course another reboot but with 2D side scrolling gameplay would be more appreciated and much easier to be made. Unfortunately that will never happen, considering that the reboot wasn't a big hit. Anyone played the fan-made Splatterhouse rpg ?

>> No.535215

I second that. Thanks for the link.

>> No.535261

A nice, free rearragement album:

>> No.535402

Anyone knows where can I download free this album?

>> No.535923

You check Underground Gamer?

>> No.536030

She dies in the first game, but is brought back to life into the second game and you literally have to take her out of hell.

In the third game she is infected with a parasite and can die if you take too much time before killing the mother worm. (Cue the nightmare fuel cutscene, where the game informs you that her mind was destroyed by the parasite and she is gone forever.)

Your son can be killed too.

>> No.536120
File: 72 KB, 640x339, 640px-Mindles_sbeast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.536129
File: 5 KB, 640x480, Jennifer_Has_Become_a_Mindless_Beast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.536135

some girls + natural ice

>> No.536138
File: 27 KB, 422x255, Jennifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.536243
File: 348 KB, 425x600, 221717962_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I wish I could find the arrangement in this commercial.


>> No.536254

>Comic nostalgia

Good times.

>> No.536553

>tfw no qt3.14 gf to rescue by smashing the skulls of monsters with a 2x4

>> No.536657

Holy shit that arrangement of the ending theme is nice.

Is it available anywhere?

>> No.537007


I think I might give it a download. I saw a video on youtube with the porn bits edited out, and it looked pretty fun.

>> No.537047

Never knew those games existed before, bought the new gen game, loved it, saw the first 3 games as bonus on there...

>tfw they are so fucking hard I can't beat them
>tfw whatever I do I'm never fast enough in the first level of Splatterhouse 3

>> No.537882

It's actually a good game that is faithful to arcade, but you can easily break the difficulty since you gain hearts by raping things. Still, the boss fights/rapes are hilarious parodies of the originals, poltergeist and church in particular had me laughing hard.

>> No.538206

I know your pain bro

>> No.538268
File: 321 KB, 800x1119, sh3back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY! God damn have I been waiting to talk Splatterhouse with peeps. Especially pic related; I've actually been trying to get it together to speedrun this. I've struggled to get it to 34:31 (the current lowest on HLTB, though that's not saying much), but I'm convinced it's possible to get it done considerably quicker.

Anywho, sleep for now, and if this is still around I'll chat it up.

>> No.538356

For me,one of the best part about splatterhouse was that boss fight with the inverted cross
>that music
>that corridor
>that inverted cross surrounded by those faces
>that church melody
>that scream at the end

>> No.538359

Μy account has expired.

>> No.538451

So is this game over or do you have to suffer through the rest of your playthrough knowing Jenn's dead in a horrible way?

>> No.538471

I have tried for years to find that. Years, man.
I never have. Its probably in some namco vault somwhere.
Have this version in consolation, it's pretty good too:


>> No.538474

Not game over, but you get bad end, there are like 3 or 4 ends depending on who dies/lives.

>> No.538505

Woah, didn't know Katamari had a Splatterhouse track in it.

>> No.538608

So what are the special moves for Splatterhouse 3. I remember pulling a few off by accident.

>> No.540593

Back, Forward, C = Spin Kick

That's one I remember off the top of my head.

I wish I knew Super Rick's little super still.

>> No.541929

>Jennifer dies, David asks Rick where mommy is, demfeels
>David dies, Jennifer asks but comes to her own conclusion, demfeels
>Both die, Rick is ZETSUBOUUUU
>Both live, nospoilers4u

>> No.541960

So, there are some grappling moves, and both Rick and Monster Rick have an invulnerable special that is worth special mention in the Genesis version as they do MASSIVE damage comparatively speaking. Gonna use punches as a reference.

-4 punch combo (Atkx4)
-AirAtk is worth 2 punches and knocksdown
-Headbutts while grabbing (Atk while neutral), which are worth 2 punches. Can be done 3 times before knockdown, which is the only non-scripted way to knockdown without knocking the enemy into the air first iirc.
-Atk+Left/Right while grabbing throws the enemy, dealing 2punch to it and any enemies it hits.
-Back, then Forward, then Atk (this is finicky and requires a quickyetprecise movement from back to forward to attack, which is often why people slip up): Spin Kick. Deals 8punch, is fully invuln during its two rotations, and knocks down. Once you get this down, the majority of SH3 is now Road House: The Game.

>> No.541986
File: 273 KB, 320x240, 1366521817613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whelp, I just looked up how much Splatterhouse 2 and 3 go for on ebay and... WOW!

The guy is selling them to me for 4 bucks each, and Splatterhouse 3 comes with the box and inserts.

>> No.542031

Monster Rick
-Punches are slower and reduced to a 3hitcombo, but are worth 2punch a piece. That said, the slower pace means some enemies can actually break out of it. Weak.
-JumpAtk is one I'm not quite sure about. It does around 3-4punch iirc, but otherwise is the same as before, albeit shorter horizontally.
-Headbutt is replaced by choke which, while damaging (3-4punch), eats up time. Can still do 3 before knocking down.
-You can still throw. Not sure if it actually even does more damage.
-Down+Atk while grabbing is a gutpunch which is about as long as a choke and does doubledmg and knocks down.
-Up+Jump while grabbing does essentially an izuna drop. The two fly offscreen, and come back down upside down with Rick smashing them into the ground. Still not sure on the exact dmg, but I believe this is a full 8punch.

>> No.542037

My childhood! Noooooooo

Downloading at the speed of light.

>> No.542086

-Back, then Forward, then Back, then Atk is Monster Rick's Special, which thrusts tentacles from him. I don't believe this does more dmg than the roundhouse, though what it DOES do is have a hitbox much larger than what you see; it hits almost half a screen's length from either direction, meaning that if you're in the middle you may as well be hitting the whole screen, and if you're not you'll actually hit off-screen. Very useful for bosses as many try to hop around to a spot you can't normally hit. Fuck them.

And that's about it. It should be worth noting that I admittedly haven't fully tested the dmg on all of these attacks, so these are estimates from experiences with enemies I have just sat there and beat down with punches in the past. If I happen to be off, feel free to correct me, as any such information would be useful in improving my runtime.

Also, if anyone has maps on full Zone X (like when you beat Stage1 in under 3min), lmk

>> No.544213

I love how the mask is just being a condescending prick yet..........you know it's right.

>> No.544227




We should all pitch in to find this arrangement.

>> No.544305
File: 121 KB, 517x700, jp02_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the arrangement everyone is lookin for, but still worth a listen if you haven't heard it yet.


>> No.544340

Agreed. Its a complete nightmare but I'm sure its out there somewhere.

>> No.544365



>> No.544447 [SPOILER] 
File: 894 KB, 288x224, splatters5jentransforms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me....my darling.....

>> No.544469

No luck yet but I did find this interesting thing:


>> No.544476

demfeels; poor Rick. That moment always got me pumped for the rest of it; gives me this feeling of 'this fucking house and its spawn better be ready for what's coming'

>> No.544501

Goddamn it, Anon.

>> No.544730


>> No.544759



>> No.544770


>> No.545987
File: 103 KB, 539x734, 39cd78166dcbfda7d9c59878bd50b080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why a classic game seris with such memorable soundtrack has only one remix in OCRemix? I'm so disappointed.

>> No.545996
File: 436 KB, 800x630, 5974310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.546031

I really liked wanpaku graffiti for the famicom. to bad it never saw NA release.

>> No.546032
File: 208 KB, 900x1280, SPLATTERHOUSE_SDCON_poster_by_Dave_Wilkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a zip file with all the Splatterhouse fanarts I have downloaded:

>> No.546362

Ha ha yes!

Props anon, I was looking for a few of these.

>> No.546945

I'm playing the FM Towns version right now (got cheap Marty on eBay) and holy fuck, it's so much better than TG-16 version it's not even funny. ALL THE EXTRA GORE! THAT FUCKING OST! This is, without doubt, the best spent $300 in my life. Now I have to find that obscure Japanese PC version somewhere...

>> No.547045


For anybody still doing this, I asked around and it's commonly believed that West Mansion (that now archived Splatterhouse fansite) had it back when it had music downloads.

So if this is true, it's definitely out there, just gonna be a challenging find.

>> No.547073

I was a regular West Masionsman (even wrote a little fanfiction) back in the day, but I don;t recall it being there.

Was there a CD version of the game? I can imagine it being on a CD soundtrack.
The FM Towns a CD system, or the PC version run on CD?
Time for additional detectivework.

>> No.547096

FM Towns is on CD and OST is redbook audio, but I think it's just converted from arcade, I can't hear any difference in the tracks. I could rip it if somebody is interested. PC version doesn't have redbook audio, that much is for sure.

>> No.547117

>Never had this in our arcade
>Never had a Turbografx 16
>tfw only played parts 2 and 3 on Genesis.

>> No.547131

It dosent? Hmm, man for a second there I was imagining a whole remastered soundtrack on CD somwhere, forgotten for all time.

This is driving me mental.

>> No.547146

Play the arcade original in MAME or Towns version in Unz.

>> No.547368


I like how the fan artists make the ghost girls out to be harmless

>> No.547850

But they are.....till they drop stuff on you

>> No.548654

Anybody play the terribad touch screen version

>> No.548682

It's my favourite Splatterhouse, actually.

>> No.549638
File: 70 KB, 288x224, splatters5jendies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you......goodbye.....

>> No.549712

>ma feels

>> No.552216

So I realized I'm dumb after testing it through; there's only one 'full' Stage X (as in one that's a map and not just a short straight shot): The first one, which allows you to skip Stage 2. Even better, it seems to be faster than Stage 2 now that I've figured out how it's mapped. Has a couple of Phantoms (the hooded feegs that teleport and almost instagib you on-hit) in one room though, but with some practice it shouldn't be a problem to get through. Thanks to that bit of knowledge, it indeed seems that the best route is to blow through the stages as quickly as possible. (at least Stage 1 and the corresponding Stage X; with future stages the fastest possible time may be close enough to the Stage X time as to be faster wasting the time to skip them, but we'll see)

>> No.553669

Good luck anon, keep us posted.

>> No.553779

curious about something...

Just downloaded MAME, now I'm looking for Splatterhouse. I went to coolrom, and they have 2 versions of it.

One is labeled new and the other old. WTF is this? what are the differences?

>> No.553824

wow, ok, I've never used MAME before

So I'd rather use my PS3-style gamepad to play this game, instead of the keyboard. So I got to the input section on the mame screen and holyfuck that's overwhelming

anyone have suggestions for controller layouts?

>> No.554058

Me thinks bug fixes or something.

Either or should be good though.

>> No.557006

Yeah it's mainly bug fixes, the original used to crash IIRC.

>> No.557194

Thanks. I'll be recording my runs from now on, and if I come across one that happens to beat my current time, I'll try posting it on like mediafire or something.

iirc, button 1 is atk, button 2 is jump. Might be backwards though. Personally, I like to set atk to square and jump to x, then coin to select and start to start

>> No.557651
File: 1.56 MB, 320x240, 1359801206075_zpsff1f4ce0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm not the only one who liked Splatterhouse reboot
I refuse to not let that arrangement be found

>> No.559180

we must press on

>> No.559190

You are not alone. Now lets open a twist top with Winnie The Pooh.

>> No.559579

stepping a bit out of /vr/ territory but still related to this thread, can anybody tell me what people had problems with concerning the reboot?

I actually liked it myself

>> No.559673

I like it, but I do have some points to make:

-Personally, I didn't like the overall change of scale. Like, they make Rick go from a total dweeb to THE MOTHERFUCKING HULK, rather than an average guy to a well-built guy, mayyybe even peak human performance. I know they did this to amp up the gore and to try and reach a more sensible vision of how a guy is ripping through creatures, but meh.

-The music I hear a lot of flak about. Being a hot-blooded dude who enjoys Devil May Cry and the like, I can forgive much of the 'faggy butt rock' for the fact that it does fit the tone of tearing demons apart and the intensity of play. Plus, not all of it is bad to listen to in general, even if most of it isn't my cup of tea from a perspective of musical taste.

P.S. I guess if I was really nitpicking, the lead-in ending bugged me; they were a bit overly confident/hopeful that this would kick off, and I would have preferred a solid end, even if a sequel were to follow.

>> No.562010

I didn't mind it either, but I just had a problem with how over the top it was in regards to the original.

>> No.565643

Yeah the ending wasn't flattering at all.

I did love the mask as a character however.

>> No.565650


The creature design. art direction and combat were actually really enjoyable. I just hated the cheap insta-death platforming segments (and the 45 second load times following each death).

>> No.565735
File: 749 KB, 1680x1050, Splatterhouse is depressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can't save anyone in SH3

That game is unforgiving. I can hardly beat the game taking my time, let alone under that time limit.
How do you people pull it off?

>> No.565876


Level memorization, basically.

>> No.565980

How's the Turbografix version of the first game?

>> No.566002

it's pretty good

>> No.566039

The mask is red, that's the only bad thing about it really.

>> No.566156
File: 560 KB, 988x1000, splatterfaith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there is Splatter Faith. Not quite a conversion but for a flash game is pretty damn good.

Playing on a keyboard is kind of meh, but that's what's joy2key is for, haha.

>> No.566576

Dude, Jim Cummings will make anything golden. Not saying the mas wasn't going to be a cool character anyway, but hnnng

Oh hey, somewhere where I can be helpful. Without just giving you a direct course to go through, here's some tips.

1. Most important here: GET THE MOTHERFUCKING SPECIALS DOWN. Get a feel for the deliberate push of each direction followed shortly by the atk button. Don't do back, forward+atk; do back, forward, atk. You want to leave the faintest of gaps between inputs. back, forward, back, atk for Monster Rick.

2. Look at the map when you first get a chance. See how many rooms each route to the end will give you, and try to go for the shortest overall number.

3. If a long room happens to just be a hazard room, that means you're on the right track; those things that hit you will barely slow you down and do NOT hurt like the game advertises.

Hope that helps.

>> No.567342

for once a touhou crossover that doesn't reak of autism

the music is great too

>> No.567405

I wondered how copyright was the reason behind the mask change, it just looks like any ordinary hockey mask.

>> No.567463


imagine wolfenstein but splatter house.
Object is to find your GF on each map and exit.
Also the games fairly nerve wracking.

The small sight distance and the one reanimating enemy drive me nuts.
The music and story are the same.
There's part 1 and 2 based of the orginal games.
Graphics are nice music is right from the game etc.


>> No.567486

I was never able to beat the chainsaw boss on the TBGFX16 version. Fuck me.

>> No.567562

>West Masion
We should contact Rob about it.
The site host.

>> No.567565


>> No.567575

Splatterhouse 2 was the first horror game I remember playing. So glad the original trilogy is included with the remake. That and Jim Cummings as the Terror Mask are worth the price of admission alone, never mind that I really enjoy the remake.

>> No.567581


Didn't he end up working on the current-gen Splatterhouse game? Going from running that site to actually working a game on the series. Living the fucking dream.

>> No.567605 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 288x224, splatterboss32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice share anon, I'd wanted to check this out.

Shoulda done the shotgun trick. Works every time against Biggy Man.

While making your way through the stage after finding the gun, you're going to have to duck and kick pretty much everything.

Fortunately, you'll end up grabbing some rocks along the way as you duck- they're one-use projectiles and will kill Deadmen and hanging corpses in one shot, so use them and remember to grab your gun again!

Near the end you'll find a second shotgun, and you're going to need it.

Hope that helps!

Picture: what not to do

>> No.567613

read the news post.

>> No.567625

Because of how the rest of it looks
>hockey mask
>simple tattered clothes with top matching bottom
>large, bald, muscular

Individually these aspects are like whatever, but when you put them all together it starts to sound a lot more like Jason Voorhees. That's probably why.

If you hit him with all 8 shots of the shotgun provided directly before him (he jumps occasionally so you have to follow him), a slide kick (and maybe an extra hit after, I forget) should do it. Of course if you do what >>567605 suggests, all you have to do is pump him full of led and be done with it.

>> No.567630

I always use the shot gun on him and I save the ammo etc.

The gun always runs out of ammo and I have to use my fists. Even if I always get clean shots in.

>> No.567641

ok well I should retry it sometime later

>> No.567819

I just beat him with sliding, man it felt good. That guy is a nightmare. Seriously, fuck Biggie.

>> No.571510 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 900x1095, Rick_Returns____by_Dave_Wilkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Till now I haven't seen any Splatterhouse fan being disappointed with the reboot. Seems that only the "serious" reviewers from big sites had negative opinions about it.

And that's totally ridiculous: I can't see worthy reboots like Splatterhouse getting negative reviews while shitty reboots that most people hate like DMC getting positive reviews. Even if you're not a Splatterhouse fan, the reboot is a fine action game. At least it doesn't tries to be something else in order to appeal to a wider audience (like the latest Castlevania games that try to be a new God of War in order to be more appealing to the "bro" audience).

>> No.571541

In the japanese version the mask is still white.

>> No.571569

DmC actually had rather solid gameplay, Splatterhouse didn't, it was average.

>> No.571575
File: 11 KB, 200x300, 58ac9027464e9fd0b64f41bf1427e83c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this thread. Mainly because it proves that Splatterhouse fanbase is very moderate.

>> No.571583

I have heard from many DMC fans that the reboot's gameplay was downgraded in comparison with the older games.

>> No.571585


W-would you like an invite, anon-kun?

>> No.572038

From what I played of the Splatterhouse reboot it was fairly fun, though terrible load times. People also seem to be forgetting that the first two games were just going right, jumping, and doing a standing punch, a jump kick, a kneeling kick, or a slide and that was everything to the game. It was as basic as Altered Beast but it really grabs you in with its enemies, what will happen next, and its style.

Though I think it does scrolling single plane beat 'em up better than Altered Beast, it just feels a bit smoother and slightly faster.

>> No.572091


Take that shit to /v/

I always compared the original to Kung Fu due to the way it's structured.

>> No.572432

>tfw this is the only game I wasn't allowed to play as a child

Mortal Kombat is honky dory but I can't play Splatterhouse, thanks mom.

>> No.572473

>Ignores the fact that the post he was responding to was talking about a not-retro reboot

>> No.572698

I just beat that melty faced bastard. I finally have both Splatterhouse 1 and 2 under my belt. First one I went after is 2. Honestly I like this fight a lot: >>544447 but fuck that area with the jumping hands. Also the stage after gave me the most trouble.

>> No.572723

Guys. Wait if.....Evil Dead/Splatterhouse

>> No.572771

Made even funnier considering you were killing monsters and trying to save your girlfriend.

>> No.572841

>trying to save your girlfriend
Well, you did. Sort of.

>> No.572848

Well, trying. You can try things but it doesn't mean you'll succeed.

>> No.572943
File: 114 KB, 261x440, 1357793262578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the reboot myself, a lot of reviewers don't seem to understand how clunky a lot of those old games where, the remake did its best to capture that same spirit while at the same time opening it up a bit due to advances in tech. The DD Neon review is a good example of how dumb some reviews are as one of their biggest complaints was that it was clunky.

I mean, did any of them play arcade DD back in 87? That shit was stiff was fuck.

Glad to see a Splatter thread, loved the games, a shame we'll never see another but at least we our memories.

>mfw when I learned how to one cycle the Jennifer boss

Choke on it you whore. Also did anyone else notice her laugh sounds like Lisa Simpson?

>> No.572994
File: 6 KB, 256x224, spraterhouse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget this.

>> No.573046

You do in number 2

>> No.573302

It's not a bad game, but also not that great.
Aesthetic design isn't as charming or horror cinema inspired as in the old ones, the fan service in it is both juvenile and off putting and the soundtrack doesn't fit the game at all.

>> No.573316
File: 384 KB, 486x579, saunafun572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you think about my Splatterhouse fanart?

>> No.574201

Castlevania fan here; don't even get me started on Lords of Shadow. All aesthetics aside, it was a tryhard title that was basically a whip-stitched collection of thingsfromothersuccessfulgamesotheymustworkhereamirite

Not sure what difference there is between solid and average. Solid: It works. Average: It works. The platforming in that game is well done, but the actual combat is about level with just about any other nottotallyfail 3D hacknslash.

It doesn't fit the old tone of the game, yeah. But for what they were going for (OVERTHETOPRIPANDTEARMOTHERFUCKER),<wbr> I'd say they did an alright job, even if I don't personally like the aesthetic decision to go that route.

>> No.574253

Actually everything is better than Altered Beast which is so fucking unplayable. If you want to play a game like Altered Beast but much better play Konami's Metamorphic Force.

>> No.574312

That isn't comparable to either Altered Beast or Splatterhouse 1 and 2 since you can move up and down on the plane. Another example would be Eight Man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0dZwdwC9So

>> No.574338

How did I missed this game (8man) ? I'll check it out. Thanks a lot.

>> No.574341

>But for what they were going for (OVERTHETOPRIPANDTEARMOTHERFUCKER),<wbr> I'd say they did an alright job, even if I don't personally like the aesthetic decision to go that route

Yeah, like I said, it isn't a bad game either but I don't think anyone like that direction, fans or otherwise so in that respect it was a failure.

>> No.574426
File: 109 KB, 432x537, 33005008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 30 years old, playing videogames since I was a little kid and I can't think any other videogame I have played which is creepier than Splatterhouse.

>> No.574451
File: 983 KB, 1000x1466, 21257848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I'm thinking about it, it's a big shame that Splatterhouse never made it to Namco X Capcom and Project X Zone.

>> No.574461

I spose; I mean it didn't sell that well so the proof's in the pudding if you want to look at it that way. That said, it's not like Doom, Devil May Cry, or God of War weren't things, so at least some people enjoy that sort of thing.

That said, I think we can at least both agree that if the 'overthetop' aspect had been toned down and emphasis be put on the creepy atmosphere, that we may have had a better title.

I'm surprised by how 'underground' it came off as for its time, given people's love for creepy gorey crazy shit; this series was always loaded to the brim with the stuff

>> No.574503

>That said, it's not like Doom, Devil May Cry, or God of War weren't things

The difference being that Doom, Devil May Cry and God of War started out as those things (well, Doom really isn't outside of the comic) while Splatterhouse had been established as something else. A lesson publishers (that force the developers hand, lets be honest) need to learn is: Never alienate the core fanbase. If you want to compete with the competition, make something new instead of forcing something already established into something it isn't.

>> No.574638

Fair enough, although I will say that Splatterhouse was always about gruesomely beating down godawful abominations. That said, I do agree that it was a bad business move to try and mimic and even overdo the extremity of other successful titles.

I think if:
-Rick wasn't the goddamn Juggernaut (or at least more like SH3)
-The tone (both visually and through music/ambience) were emphasized to be creepy
-Splattery fatalaties were kept to weapons and bosses (and maybe Monster Rick if he were to be a thing)

The game would have been a smash for fans, and maybe even some creepypasta for new players

>> No.574681

Oh my sweet dick that would be magic. I'd have to fucking main him, i don't care how broken or weird his moveset is...

>> No.574684

Also skipped on the whole fan service bullshit with Jenifer, or at least kept the nudity horror based as in "she's naked and that's horrible" and not "she's naked, time to fap".

>> No.575001
File: 372 KB, 438x570, Splatterhouse (USA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The horrifying theme of this game may be inappropriate for young children... and cowards."
Best videogame warning ever!

>> No.575069

Oh lol, yes of course. I actually forgot about that gimmick.

>> No.575173
File: 39 KB, 141x165, Screen Shot 2013-04-29 at 9.07.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does rick stand so weirdly

the fact that you can see the other arm/ where his shirt collar starts to curve back up on the other side of his neck implies he is facing slightly towards the camera. but his left leg lags behind, implying that he is facing away from the camera, or throwing his leg back for no reason.

it also doesn't help that the front part of his jumpsuit just underneath his arm kinda looks like it could be his butt

>> No.575189
File: 46 KB, 649x450, 31in1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has the original pic that was used for this pirate cartidge?

>> No.575887

Oh man I actually like that art

>> No.577136

Seconding this.

>> No.577210

Was playing this in MAME today. Console is censored shit tier

>> No.577383

Eh, not a whole lot though; pretty much just

>Mask if it's US
>Inverted Cross if US
>Womb spilling fluids

Mask is ugly in US but w/e.

Cleaver animations weren't much; more surprised the 2x4 was considered ok.

Inverted Cross I have mixed feelings about; on one hand religious censorship is dumb, but on the other an inverted cross surrounded by heads is a weird as fuck boss without any added context.

Womb being censored was lame tho, true that.

The other bits (missing flaming creature and Hell Chaos animations, missing Jennifer's scream after Inverted Cross/Nightmare) were because of technical limitations at the time and a bug resectively; her scream is there, but doesn't initiate for some reason.

The arcade is definitely the better version, and what you should be emulating if emulation is the case, but if you actually have a TG16, Splatterhouse is a gem to have.

>> No.577534

Cleaver isn't "censored", it's absent from PC Engine version as well, because decapitating a zombie creates one extra sprite plus some blood fountain and PCE would probably crap itself on combo kills where you have tw heads, tw bodies, tw blood puddles and other things on screen at once.

>> No.577684

Ah, that's right; my mistake.

>> No.580361

>but on the other an inverted cross surrounded by heads is a weird as fuck boss without any added context.
It is an evil house, there is your context.

>> No.582089

I thought the TG version was just the PCE version but missing some crosses.

>> No.582169

...Did I say it wasn't? As pointed out before and sans my forgetful trippin on the cleaver bit, the cross/chapelscenery and mask are the only differences between regions.

>> No.582332
File: 37 KB, 454x338, mansion1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commencing official art dump, curtsey of West Mansion.

>> No.582342
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>> No.582337
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>> No.582348
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>> No.582353
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>> No.582360
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>> No.582365
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>> No.582371
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>> No.582376
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>> No.582379
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>> No.582387

Fuck religion.

>> No.582384
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>> No.582389
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>> No.582395
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>> No.582398
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>> No.582406
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>> No.582414
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>> No.582423
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>> No.582429

Looks like a trustworthy fellow.

>> No.582427
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>> No.582434
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>> No.582431
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>> No.582436
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>> No.582443
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>> No.582448
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>> No.582450
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>> No.582453
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>> No.582464
File: 31 KB, 321x431, rick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.582474
File: 249 KB, 1203x850, sh1_flyer_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaand I'm done. There's a lot more at West Mansion along with art from both the released and canceled reboot and fan art of varying quality. Sadly, I didn't find >>575189

>> No.582786

>dat sweet flyer
Shame that doesn't actually happen in-game; maybe they tried it initially and just decided on some swaggier variety with the shotty instead?

>> No.582863

I love the design of the mask in this one.

Should have kept the shape of the old one, but put those designs around it to keep from getting sued.

>> No.582858

It's either completely doable or was stored and unused in the PC-E, a PC-E hack has the decapitation for the Deadmen.

>> No.582882

I WANTED to like Splatterhouse 2010, and I still enjoy it enough to keep it, but it wasn't very well put together. The combat was repetitive to the point it literally became painful to play. The quicktime kills were simply too plentiful, many enemies are cheap and frustrating, those red-hot enemies you can't touch without hurting yourself simply have no place in the game, and it was buggy as hell.

It also felt like half the content was gutted and what wasn't was stretched out further to cover up the holes. Oh wait, that's exactly what happened!

>> No.582919

I liked it. That game would have been my game of the year if the last few levels and ending weren't rushed as fuck and the special kills were shorter. GOAT soundtrack.

>> No.584121
File: 2.31 MB, 1280x1024, RICK_TAYLOR_vs_WEST_MANSION_by_thedarkcloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.584230
File: 7 KB, 284x284, owo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.584250

I can barely play this fucking game but I absolutely love it

The AESTHETIC. The goddamn dready palettes and the overdetailed body horror EVERYTHING. Zombies are old hat now because they're the same boring old grandpas and generic civilians. This game stands the test of time because it's full of tumorous freaks and inhuman pus-pinatas.

And that soundtrack. The way that harsh, twangy, FM synth just sets the mood on edge....

>> No.584256

interesting how he's actually wearing some kind of torn up dress suit in this, note the lapels and hem. I always figured he was in blue collar coveralls

>> No.584252

Why can't splatterhouse afford shoes?

>> No.584280

You could probably just chalk it off to being a dress shirt and matching slacks, since that would have been a reasonable depiction of college students from the Japanese perspective during the late 80s.

>> No.584285


>> No.587103

I like the guy on the left with a shocked expression.

>> No.588472

It is probably because a worm uses him as a coat.

>> No.588537

Why should the man bother? He's got better things to do than worry about footwear!

>> No.588563

So. Where does his hair go?

>> No.588653

More like:
>Jacket, now recovered from his mental trauma, urges on to meet one of his Uni professors; Dr. West.
>Meanwhile, Rick, a fellow classmate of Jacket, knows of the ploys of the Splatterhouse. Rick dawns the mask once more to save Jacket.

The game is primarily played between two standpoints: Jacket runs from left to right, while Rick tries to catch up to him right to left. They meet in the middle of the mansion.

>> No.591793

because this thread is still alive, i've purchased splatterhouse 2010.
it feels really fun

>> No.591823

Heh, well good on ya; hope you have some fun.

>> No.592474

Have fun dude!

>> No.593185

I had plenty of fun the few hours I had with it. Liked taking those horned guys heads off and then throwing them at other enemies.

>> No.596221

>that sad feel when you missed out on buying it

And the used game store just closed down :-(

>> No.596259


>> No.596271



>> No.597584

you could always buy online

>> No.599101

I know it's not the remix that everyone is looking for now, but it's still almost just as good

>> No.599157

There's was a really cool remix of the first level theme on some DDR type arcade game, i forgot what it was called. Anybody know?

>> No.599627

I fucking love the arcade version, but i don't think any of the sequels really lived up to the creepiness of the original.

>> No.599718

This one?


>> No.599732

Technic Beat
i think

>> No.600058

Yeah, that was the one. But is the actual track just supposed to abrupltly stop and the end like the video?

>> No.600064

Oh wow, this is great. I love the use of stock screaming effects.

>> No.600118
File: 722 KB, 746x631, 1366477166038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, this shit really makes me wish some japanese developer like Platinum Games would get their hands on the Splatterhouse IP and made the reboot, instead of what we ended up getting.

>> No.600350

I don't think their style works with it, they are a bit more fast paced and in your face, that isn't want the first three Splatterhouse games were like.

>> No.600436

I don't know, i feel like they could pull it off. I'm kinda picturing a Horror themed version of Mad World.

>> No.601658

Well, look at what we got, and imagine if Platinum had done it instead. We'd likely have had less of a shoddy GoW experience and one more akin to DMC and the like. Fluid. Gruesome. Awesome.

Still wouldn't have likely been like the older style; for that, I think you could stick with that concept, but tone Rick's frame down a bit, put more detail into the enemies and making them creepypasta, and from a mechanical standpoint, making enemy layouts with it in mind that anything that hits Rick will make him feel it. None of this 'am god, go through shit'; the player needs to feel the panic of this fucked up monstrosity trying to wreck your shit. Then balance that out by not commonly smothering the player in enemies, and maybe giving him some (possibly eventual) fuck-off moves.

>> No.601678

Idk, doesn't really seem like it would capture the feel of the original games. I think it should kinda play like a survival horror, where you possess superhuman strength and actually stand a change against monsters to some degree. Kind of a beat em up/survival horror hybrid. Shouldn't be too crazy and fast paced like Bayonetta or some shit, but should feel tense.

>> No.601714

Ah, forgot to add that in addition, yeah, Rick wouldn't be capable of just whipping out punches and kicks left and right; his style should have weight, as to emphasize that he's just a not-particularly-skilled fighter taking advantage of the fact that he now possesses superhuman strength. Not that he should be sluggish per-se, but he shouldn't be all over the place like some kind of acrobat either.

>> No.602704

Nice share.