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File: 5 KB, 300x168, celesopera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
580694 No.580694 [Reply] [Original]

For years I heard a lot about the "famous opera scene" in FF6, how it's "one of the most memorable scenes of the game, if not the entire series".
But to be honest all I ever got out of it was irrelevant boring opera dialogue, a fight with a recurring mini-boss, and a plot device so you can get to Setzer and the airship.
Is there something 2deep4u I'm missing?

>> No.580721

guess you might have had to play it back when it came out. That shit was amazing then (and I find it to still be)

>> No.580718

You completely overlooked the musical genius and the fact that the song was done so wonderfully with the hardware limitations of the time.

>> No.580727


and what he said

>> No.580739 [DELETED] 

Is that what it says at the title screen?

>> No.580760


>> No.580761

Actually it's more like they used the music chip for it.
You want to see song play tales of phantasia!
FF6 used the sound board to emulate singing.
Instead of putting an ACTUL song on a snes cart.

FF6 invented vocaloid

>> No.580758

I thought it was a bit silly really. Nice attempt, but it just fell flat on its face

>> No.580778

Go be retarded somewhere else.

>> No.580787
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>> No.580792

Actually we have a fix for this now.
Play the GBA version with the sound patch.

>> No.580793

Still my favorite FF6 boss to this day

>> No.580798

Most embarrassing 16bit game scene ever

>> No.580810

I actually hated that change on the patch.
It sounds so out of place.

>> No.580812

You're not alone, OP. I played it back when it came out (mail-ordered it since the shithole town I live in didn't sell console games at the time) and even then I thought that scene was a bit silly.

>> No.580805

Wait so someone fixed the sound on the GBA for FF6.
Hmm Or well explain?

>> No.580807

I don't like it either. I hate playing through FF6 and reaching it.

Guess I'm 2pleb4opera

>> No.580813
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Or is the the most beautiful?

>> No.580835

I loved it.

>> No.580845

I beg to differ

>> No.580865
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Pretty lackluster, even for the time. You weren't really missing anything.

Did it take some time and skill? I would imagine so... but so would making an inhabitable tower out of buttermilk and paper clips.

>did a replay recently
>got past this and forgot to save at some point
>had to play through the opera scene again

>> No.580868

You just have to use your imaaaaaginaaaationnnnnn.

>> No.580860

I've never played through FF6, I probably should, but an opera scene in a FF game just sounds awkward and that pic makes it look so as well

>> No.580874

I fucking hate musical numbers in the middle of a game. It happened with IX too (save the awesome "impress the nobles" part) and with Chrono Cross, during that awful, unskipable, rock opera sequence.

>> No.580875


>> No.580876

I played through this game for the first time on my SNES not too long ago. I guess it was a cool little cinematic, but I didn't know fans jizzed their pants when this opera stuff went down.

I didn't think much of it, so I guess you ain't missing anything.

>> No.580890

I'm not sure what's so funny

>> No.580885

FF9's was cool

>> No.580906

oh, ok, you are just trolling then, nice to know

>> No.580901

Let me rephrase


>> No.580912

This is still worse


>> No.580920


The kiss scene at the lake is even worse.

>> No.580929

I played FFVI on an emulator years ago and I gotta say that the Opera scene is kinda overrated. There are more powerful and beautiful moments in gaming, even during it's era.

>> No.580931

Apparently you don't know your Final Fantasy.

>> No.580924


FF9 was so terrible, I couldn't even get into it

>> No.580925

this is actually pretty awesome

>> No.580937

Screw you, that was cool.

Just remember that Kimahri was there watching them the entire time and it's a lot more enjoyable.

>> No.580932

9 seems to be a love or hate thing, even more so than 7

>> No.580940

it's been ages since I played any of them so I've most likely forgotten a lot, and I'm not the type that sits down and memorizes lines/scenes anyhow

>> No.580960


>> No.580952



>> No.580956

It's THE scene in FFX that is universally hated.

Well almost universally. I don't mind it, and Teedus' voice actor does a good job actually, it's just Yuna's that can't emote for shit.

>> No.580967

It's really one of those things that was much cooler at the time. Playing it nowadays, I wouldn't expect anyone to really be impressed.

>> No.580984

wasn't this about celes facing up to herself for all the shit she'd gone through? Also setting up the cliff scene a bit...

>> No.580986

I never got far in FFX, I didn't like it much

oh god, I think I remember this now, this was pretty early on in the game huh? that was so pathetic

>> No.580997


Yep. Before the chocobo snatcher, or whatever the fuck it was.

>> No.581003

That two tongued nigga?

The babby one in X-2 was cute.

>> No.581012

yeah, I think that very scene with them laughing is where I thought "this game is lame and mostly cut scenes, I'm done", lol

>> No.581014

Why do people keep posting the Celes bit? The Wedding is the defining scene. That shit was revolutionary in terms of narrative. Plus it had these two tracks.



>> No.581024
File: 339 KB, 710x508, Rest Easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"this game is lame and mostly cut scenes, I'm done", lol

>> No.581037

but it IS mostly cut scenes... and yes, I know ever FF game from 7 up until 12 is like that, if you like that, that's your thing, I don't, learn that different people have different tastes

>> No.581042

before some troll has a tantrum

>> No.581052

I rarely into RPG's but when that shit came out, I was mesmerized by the tech. FF3 was the only rpg game I was encapsulated into enough to finish it. Also one of the first games I bought with my own money and damn well worth busting my ass off in the summer doing pleb work.

>> No.581046

It's like you've never played a Final Fantasy game in your life.

>> No.581059

have you played a FF game before 7? I'm guessing you haven't, they didn't used to be *walk walk* *FMV* *almost automated fight* *repeat forever*

>> No.581056

I think you're confusing dialogue with cut scenes. Every Final Fantasy from IV and on is like that.

>> No.581062

mostly? so there are more cutsscenes than my average 30 - 40 gameplay hours?
ha ha fag

>> No.581064

The most beautiful scene in a 16-bit game belongs solely to the ending sequence of Lufia II. Nothing else compares, although Terranigma's ending comes the closest.

>> No.581070

Again, you have clearly never played a 3D FF if you honestly believe that.

>> No.581073

no I'm not, I'm talking about the games inbetween 7 and 12, not incluing 11 for obvious reasons, those games were all pretty much FMVs the games

>> No.581079

If you aren't trolling I genuinely pity you.

>> No.581096

You either have no idea what FMVs actually are or you're a fucking moron.

>> No.581091

You literally have no fucking idea what you're talking about. As much as you accuse other people of not playing the games before 7, it's painfully obvious you've never played any beyond 6.

>> No.581130

I don't think you do, yes, it was CGI produced, but he game wasn't rendering, therefor it's still FMV

>> No.581136
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At the time it was very moving, it is still very moving to me, you could feel the love between Celes and Locke during it

>> No.581152

It was a minigame AND a cutscene combined. annoyed the fuck out of me.

>> No.581149
File: 17 KB, 280x428, 1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freya with different clothes

>> No.581156
File: 28 KB, 540x405, Freya Despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your greatest fear is being forgotten
>the game writers forget about you once Disk 1 is over

Being Freya is suffering.

>> No.581157

actually, maybe I should go back and replay them, maybe what happened is the first PS era FF game I played was 8, and it soured me to the rest of them at the time and I just assumed they were all like that

>> No.581205

I actually understand op. I was finding the opera scene cool, but not the wonderful masterpiece that people spoke about.

then they had to put ultros and I said "ok, fuck it"

seriously, I even like japan LOL RANDOM humor, but that was retarded

>> No.581389


For the opera scene you have to be really into the characters, maybe even imagining interactions behind the game's dialogue that is presented to the player.

As someone said, it requires quite a bit of imagination to make an actual opera experience out of a ridiculously old game. But for me, it did happen.

I imagined Celes with her problems, and the story up until that point, with her correlations to the opera story, singing that actual song. And it moved me.

I didn't see Ultros coming. A let down, but masterful in that it put you right back into the actual game, showing you that the opera was just what it was.

An interlude in the fight and struggle of the main characters against the inevitable.

... captcha: another Cpsite

>> No.581552

>Teedus' voice actor does a good job actually
It's not Teedus. You mean Baboon's voice actor.

>> No.581563

There's a sound patch for all three SNES ports now, and a color patch for VI. Each one has a live orchestra track, and for VI it's the opera.

So if you really hate how the voices were done, now you have live ones.

>> No.581569

I thought it was a little silly, but I liked it.

>> No.581584

If you don't consider the opera scene in FF6 to be beautiful and poignant, then what the fuck SNES game scenes DO you find beautiful?

If you can't think of any then congratulations you're incapable of finding beauty in 16-bit games move along, nothing for you here.

>> No.581591
File: 42 KB, 800x473, 1343865366399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaems are art.

>> No.581606

Is Metal Slug 16-bit? That series is the pinnacle of beautiful.

>> No.581619

You can't compare arcade hardware to home 16 bit hardware.

>> No.581649 [DELETED] 

>Like if you agree

>> No.581667 [DELETED] 

le upboat lel le le le le

>> No.581781

Final Fantasy VI's soundtrack was very impressive for 1994. Can you think of any other 16-bit cartridge games that have twenty minute songs?

>> No.581794 [DELETED] 

That's your rebuttal? "I don't have anything to prove him wrong so I'll just shitpost at him."

Brilliant. You sure showed me.

>> No.581810


>> No.581827

Don't get butthurt when people think games should just be games, something you play and eventually "win". Only older game that somewhat touched me was a Gameboy game at its ending sequence. The opera scene in FFVI really wasn't special.

>> No.581830

DQ5 papas death

This thread is full of FF7 fags anyway.

>> No.581835

There was nothing to rebut. You didn't have an argument, you just fawned over the opera scene.

>> No.581837

The fuck is this shit, River Dance?
God, I never want to play FF9 after watching this shit, and I got a new copy on my shelf...

>> No.581859

Chill out bro, I just remembered a facebook post that looked exactly like that.

>> No.581870

Is Ultros supposed to be like a creepy pedophile or something? I don't really get what they're going for with his personality.

>> No.581884

It's Ted at the translation, you're not supposed to.

>> No.581880

>Anon doesn't know about Terranigma's ending.

>> No.581887
File: 35 KB, 471x472, 1367044074457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize the opera scene has parallels with Celery's attempted suicide
>and Rachel

>> No.581905

What's he like in Japanese?

>> No.581912

Ohh well my apologies that you're an autistic who shrieks and runs away from emotions. I assure you that if I ever go into game development I will keep all emotions and attempts at beauty out of them so as not to make you uncomfortable.

Ahh that was a pretty good scene, yeah. However it was really just two monsters launching attacks at him. It was well written though and I agree it was poignant. I wouldn't call it beautiful though, more like tragic, though tragedy can often be beautiful too.

>> No.581915

No OP, that's exactly what I got out of it. To the point that when I saw it, I thought it was a sort of prelude to a real Opera Scene that would occur later in the game. Boy was I disappointed...

Honestly FF6 disappointed me greatly. Bad pacing, muddy graphics if you don't have a CRT (I admit this is my fault), unlikable characters, and a shallow story that replaced the great job system of the previous game. Felt like all style no substance.

>> No.581916

>the song was done so wonderfully with the hardware limitations of the time.

Nowhere near as impressive as anything in Jurassic Park.

>> No.581921

I thought IX was generally well received among the PS1-PS2 entries.

>> No.581924

Who ever said I was uncomfortable with it? Are you emotionally stunted because it doesn't seem like you've been outside before.

>> No.581943

Locke's performance always made the Opera for me.

>> No.581946

it was the birthplace of the cutscenes that we all know and love today

at the time it was soooo cool (i remember, i played it on the snes), it was touching and the song is funny, although today it sounds like farts.

>> No.581960

It's pretty lame shit, yeah. Not as overplayed as Aeris dying, though.

>> No.581978

>no u


>> No.581974

Sorry, but if you think it was "poignant and beautiful" you have terminally low standards and probably zero exposure to culture that isn't mass-market entertainment.

>> No.581995
File: 38 KB, 348x319, 1343876825156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't expect serious responses when you don't do so sperglord.

>> No.581998

Guys you're overthinking it.

The whole point of the opera scene was to show how badass Seltzer is, and it served that purpose well.

>> No.582006

>if you don't agree with me you aren't as cultured and refined as I am

You forgot to throw in buzzwords like plebeian and quote Nietzsche. Is this your first time making a pretentious pseudo-intellectual post?

>> No.582009
File: 60 KB, 263x303, alkaseltzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.582016

It was also development for the Celes and Locke subplot, as well as foreshadowing for her attempted suicide. And fun time with Ultros.

I wouldn't say it's the best or most touching scene in the game, but its definitely an important and memorable one. Had a good mix of humor and heart with nice music.

>> No.582019

>using "sperglord" unironically


>> No.582026

Well okay then. I planned on giving my negative opinions of FF6 in here but apparently there are a bunch of fanboy /v/-tards flipping their shit in here and acting like children.

Nevermind. I guess we can't have nice things.

>> No.582036

I know what you mean, I hate having to share my opinions when there's a small chance someone might disagree with them.

>> No.582078

>it's okay to fuck up a whole board with shiposting because I disagree!

>> No.582074

Or shitpost like a little baby.

Or attention whore like a tripfag.