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File: 27 KB, 420x363, Tristar n64 unit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
581028 No.581028 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Retro vidya purchase tips

If you're looking to buy a N64, GET A NTSC-U MODEL. DO NOT get a PAL one. Not only does the NTSC-U N64's allow you to play in 60hz, but it is easy as hell to mod to simultaneously allow NTSC-J games. Like, it's probably the easiest console mod ever. There were a bunch of Japan exclusive N64 games that were pretty great, so you shouldn't miss out on them. Even Europeans should do this. Just import NTSC-U N64 games; you'll import the JP onrys anyway.

Once you've done that, look around for a N64 Tristar add-on. It was some unofficial Chinese peripheral that lets you play Famicom, Super Famicom and Super Nintendo games on your Nintendo 64. Really efficient, saves you a lot of money. It works flawlessly from what I've heard too. And has a built in game genie.

>> No.581242

Shameless bump

>> No.581283


heres just one review of it

it sucks

>> No.581274

>N64 Tristar

yeah its a good idea on paper, but it makes games look like complete shit

>> No.581278

>It was some unofficial Chinese peripheral that lets you play Famicom, Super Famicom and Super Nintendo games on your Nintendo 64

How well does this actually work? Does it even play special chip games?

>> No.581352

Oh. OP here, what a shame. I had heard it worked great.

>> No.581450


well it is chinese, anon

>> No.581574

What if you put a Super Gameboy into the Super Famicom port
>But wait, there's more
What if you put a GBC Gameshark into the Super Gameboy

>> No.581624

>playing GBC games on your N64
truly the best way to play.

>> No.581641
File: 41 KB, 555x552, sega[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then we'd be halfway there to rivaling the Sega Tower of Power.

On that note, if you're looking to buy a Sega Genesis, make sure it says High Definition Graphics, as it's a surefire way to make sure that you're getting a model with superb, clear sound. Many of the later models fucked with the circuitry, which resulted in muffled sound output. Also, it just looks better IMO, and some Model 2s have issues with the power jack desoldering and shit.

The only downside to this model is it only outputs mono sound from the AV port in the back. You can get around this with a 3.5mm-to-RCA cable, since the headphone port in the front outputs stereo.

>> No.581658

PAL N64s are literally fucking trash, and I say that as a Euro. 50Hz and no way to get proper RGB output. You'd have to be a moron to opt for one over any other region's.

>> No.581685

I know this might be obvious, but if you're at a swap meet or garage sale and spot an NES, always check inside the console to see whether a game is already loaded.

On that same note, always check N64s for the Expansion Pack. These are the smalls things that really help in the long run.

>> No.581732

sorry to burst your bubble but the super gameboy doesn't support GBC exclusive games. Black gameboy color cartridges do work though

>> No.581739

>and some Model 2s have issues with the power jack desoldering and shit.

They all do from my own personal experience. Every single model 2 I've ever used seems to have that issue. The reset button also crapping out seems to be a common issue; not nearly as much as the power jack, though. Thankfully they're both really easy fixes, but still.

>> No.581775

Yeah, I got a Model 2 many years ago which at first I thought didn't work, then it turns out the power jack was desoldered and thus the plug had to be pushed up with a book or some shit so it would make contact and the console would turn on, but then it turns out the controller ports also don't work.

I ended up shelving it until I got a High Definition Graphics model, which works perfectly.

>> No.581806

Personally I prefer the look of the model 2 more. The model 1 just looks too bulky to me.

>> No.581843

>If you're looking to buy a N64, GET A NTSC-U MODEL. DO NOT get a PAL
>ignore OP's warning
>get PAL
>Have to get Power Converter
>Have to get TV converter
>Have to buy games online
>Have nogaemz because PAL never got anything
>Give up on buying PAL games because even without shipping, they're fucking expensive (even for the yuro's)
>have to get pass-though device to play US games
>I've just wasted over $200 on an N64, only to end up using it as an NTSC one only
>tfw you can replace the word "N64" with anything else, and it still holds true
Why the fuck would I ever want to buy ANYTHING PAL, other than a pre-IBM computer?

>> No.581867

To play all those awesome European N64 exclusives!

>> No.581869

yeah yuros got fucked over pretty hard. At least we know how to convert PAL consoles to 60Hz for NTSC now, it must have been disappointing back when the consoles were new though

>> No.581864
File: 3 KB, 320x224, Genesis O_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It grows on you. I grew up with the model 2 and never saw a model 1 until I went over a friend's house in the late 90s and wondered what the hell was with his Genesis. Flicking the power switch for it to immediately boot the game (The BIOS screen does not exist on the "High Definition" model 1s) is really, really nice.

>> No.581890
File: 35 KB, 800x400, 800px-Sega-Mega-Drive-JP-Mk1-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Japanese Mega Drive, that giant 16-BIT is great.

>> No.581891

actually it looks like there's no easy way to convert the PAL n64. that's got to hurt

>> No.581919

I'd go PAL for the SNES and Mega Drive just because region and frequency modding is so simple.

The US SNES is an ugly fucking monstrosity, and the Genesis has problems with its RGB output that aren't present in the Mega Drive. I'll take a modded PAL machine any day of the week.

>> No.581934

>The BIOS screen does not exist on the "High Definition" model 1s

Not quite accurate. The first Model 1 revisions didn't have it, but later revisions did. Mine does.

>> No.581954

Some (earlier) PAL snes consoles block NTSC(American and Japanese) controllers from being used. Another very easy fix.


>> No.581964

>Not quite accurate. The first Model 1 revisions didn't have it, but later revisions did. Mine does.
I can confirm that's the case in Europe as my 'high definition' model 1 sadly has TMSS.

>> No.581976

Hm, how does the sega cd work with the mega drive? or the ntsc games with the sega mega cd?

Any tips?

>> No.581985
File: 2.61 MB, 4060x2580, Sega-Genesis-Mod2-Bare[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the model 2 look. Just smaller, sleeker, and a more tasteful palette. But I can see why the original Genesis model would have looked kickass at release, especially compared to the competition.

By the way, can anyone confirm that the model 2's sound circuits can be modded to correct the audio fuckup? I've seen people say this a lot, but has anyone here actually done this?

>> No.582013

I preferred the model 1 for the headphone jack, and the vertical stacking of the Sega CD, compacting it a bit.

>> No.582015

I have a PAL Mega Drive 2 that I put a 50/60Hz and language switch in, but it's one of the models with distorted sound. I really want to do this mod, but I'll get so fucking confused unless I do it on a piece of stripboard or something, but then it probably won't fit inside the case...


>> No.582023

How funny you should ask that as I was typing. See >>582015

>> No.582025

A Sega CD works fine with a PAL Mega Drive provided the MD is 60Hz modded, all it does is check the frequency at boot.

PAL Mega CDs won't start up unless you're in 50Hz mode, but once it's on you can switch and run at 60Hz just fine if desired.

Neither will play non-native games so you're effectively tied to the region of your Mega/Sega CD unless you either get a multibios chip or burn copies of your games and change the region code.

>> No.582032

This. Though I think the Model 1 is a bit more attractive. Sega at least knew attractive console design (aside the mushroom extension)

>> No.582028

Eh I never noticed any difference. I guess Rare games were optimised already, given that they were a British company and N64 magazine would always ask devs if they were going to be lazy and put black bars on they shit.

>> No.582038

why would you recommend something without using it yourself first?

>> No.582043
File: 194 KB, 1421x585, Model 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mistake. I always assumed the "High Definition Graphics" was the thing to look out for. I've only got one model 1, and it's a non TMSS "High Definition" model.

Yeah, it can be done, but it's a fairly complicated process:

Bear in mind there are model 2s that sound really, really good, albeit only slightly more muffled than the non TMSS model 1s, but they're very difficult to find, especially online, since you need to look at the bottom of them beforehand. The good ones have the motherboard that gets cut off near the end. Any time I see model 2s I check and I've never seen another one. The only one I've ever seen in real life is the one I've had since childhood. I got lucky, I guess.

>> No.582067

It's all down to the chips used on your board revision. There are mods to reduce the hiss on the less-shitty versions of the Genesis 2, but if you've got one with the bad sound chips you're stuck with them.

Lots of detail on this stuff here:

>> No.582087
File: 48 KB, 800x600, lateva6hookups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the non-HDG model 1s have the good sound board too -- look for the ones with a blanked-out area in the back panel where the extension port would be on the HDG ones. These Genesis models have the VA6 motherboard, meaning they have superior composite video (that is, less rainbow banding) to the earlier HDG models and the same superior sound hardware as the HDG models.

Future model 1s have this blank area removed, shortening the back panel to accommodate only the remaining ports. Those model 1s have inferior sound quality.

Pic related, the "good" non-HDG model 1.

>> No.582102

I actually like the look of the US SNES, and Don't like the PAL SNES.
Seriously, I get that it's subjective, but it's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.
I also prefer the Model 1 Genesis, I guess I don't like smooth lines.

>> No.582126

I disagree with you entirely about the SNES, but I'd put the Model 1 Genesis up there as one of the best looking consoles of all time. It's beautiful.

>> No.582153

I didn't know there was a bios screen on any version of the sega genesis because I never used the model 2, seems like a weird and pointless addition

>> No.582180

Ah, thanks.

I never had a Sega/Mega CD, but there are some nice games I want to play.

>> No.582241

I think I've got one of the "stinker" Model 1's, but I dont notice any hiss, and as far as I can tell, there's no rainbow banding either.

Model No. 1601
It's got an empty space on the back, but it's on the right side.

Also, can someone link me to the page with all the Genesis hardware mod's?

>> No.582308

I have one like this, the audio is still as good as the first HDG model but the one HD port is missing

>> No.582318


A bit technical but it does the job

>> No.582314

I'm glad I sold my two genesis with the full mother boards

>> No.582335

Yeah, I know about that, that's why I was asking. I've got a VA7, but it doesn't have any of the issues (as far as I can tell) that they describe.