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5814281 No.5814281 [Reply] [Original]

Which system had better games?

>> No.5814302

SRPGs: Genesis
Action/Adventure: SNES
Platformers: Tie
Action-platformers: Genesis
Shmups: Genesis
Racing: SNES
Sports: Genesis
Beatemups: Genesis
Fighters: Genesis

>> No.5814306

Too generous to the genesis.

>> No.5814314

Where am I wrong?

>> No.5814325

Oh, I forgot:
Puzzle: SNES

>> No.5814332

Genesis does what nintendon't.

>> No.5814338

>including Super Famicom / Satellaview games
>including Mega CD / 32X games

SRPGs: Genesis
Action/Adventure: SNES
Platformers: SNES
Action-Platformers: Genesis
Shmups: Genesis
Racing: Genesis
Sports: Genesis
Belt-scrollers: Genesis
Fighters: SNES
Puzzlers: SNES
Simulation: SNES
Text-Adventure/VN: Genesis

>> No.5814354

SRPGs: I don't think that the Shining Force games are very good, and even if you exclude the Fire Emblem games I'd still take March of the Dark Queen over SF. There's also Front Mission, Langrisser, and Bahamut Lagoon, but I haven't played much of those.

Platformers: What is there on the Genesis that justifies a tie with SMW and YI? And DKC 1 and 2 are at least on par with Sonic 2 and Dynamite Headdy.

Action platformers: Depends on what you include in this genre, but Rocket Knight, Bloodlines, GnG, Shinobi III and Contra Hard Corps are great, and Mega Man X is hugely overrated, but Alien Wars, CV IV, Super GnG and Mystical Ninja are all top tier. I could see this category going both ways, so giving Genesis the win here isn't ridiculous.

The rest are fine, but a lot of those could go either way too. I'd say the only clear win for Genesis is beat 'em up on the strength of the Streets of Rage series.

>> No.5814360

Nah he's right. Sega won all three irrelevant categories.

>> No.5814365


>> No.5814370

Action/Adventure: SNES and Genesis
Platformers: SNES and Genesis
Action-Platformers: Genesis and Genesis
Shmups: Genesis
Racing: Genesis and SNES
Sports: Genesis
Belt-scrollers: Genesis
Fighters: SNES
Puzzlers: SNES
Simulation: SNES
Text-Adventure/VN: SNES

>> No.5814373

Which console was more than just low res arcade ports?

>> No.5814616

Langrisser on Genesis is better than SNES. I really think the Shining games are quite good. Ogre Battle is really excellent - I always forget this was an SNES game, since I first experienced it on PSX. I guess between OB and TO I'd be willing to concede this one.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles alone at LEAST ties with SMW and YI. I might be biased here, but I enjoyed the game a thousand times more. DKC destroys the lower-tier Genesis platformers like Headdy and Ristar but nothing beats the Sonic games.

For action-platformers, I think Genesis Castlevania and Contra are way superior, and the Shinobi games beat Mystical Ninja any day.

>> No.5814648

>Langrisser on Genesis is better than SNES.
I'll take your word for it.
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles
I know a lot of people love this game, but I think it's borderline bad. For me the only great Sonic game is 2.
>I think Genesis Castlevania and Contra are way superior
All four are amazing (I'm ignoring X). I lean slightly toward both SNES games, but I'd never argue against the greatness of Bloodlines and Hard Corps.

>> No.5814785
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>Mega Man X is hugely overrated

>> No.5814829

I love shmups, and the Genesis certainly had many good ones. But in this day and age you can get the real actual arcade versions on MAME with no compromises so I never touch them on Genesis.

>> No.5814835

Genesis for the best arcade experience at home
SNES for shitty jarpigs

>> No.5814841

Most Genesis Shooters people talk about are console exclusives. There's also arcade ports like Hellfire that are better on the Genesis than in the arcade.

>> No.5814852

Which ever one has blast-processing /s

>> No.5814961

First of all, that model Genesis sucks even if it does look better.

I think SNES has the better overall games with the better classics but for some reason I prefer playing Genesis games these days. Genesis games usually play better with a faster fps and not so much lag like so many SNES games have. Also I think Sonic 1-3 and Knuckles as well as SOR 1-2, Golden Axe 1-2 all BTFO nearly all SNES games pretty handily. I am a huge fan of those games and have really high nostalgia for them.

Everybody knows about the best SNES games like SMW, Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, FFVI and on and on. Genesis doesn't get as much appreciation so it deserves more in my eyes.

>> No.5814980

>First of all, that model Genesis sucks even if it does look better.

This is such a meme. There's several Model 2 revisions, and they all have clearer video. You have to be somewhat of a sperg to even hear the audio difference, and it isn't major.

>> No.5815005

Can you prove your claims there?

>> No.5815010

Blaze Processing > Blast Processing

>> No.5815017

I own both of them. I use the Model 1 because it looks nicer (you're wrong there, too), and I like the Model 1 Sega CD more, too.

The soundchips in the Model 1 (except for the final revision) are different than those in the Model 2, and sound different. Model 2 sounds a little flat. Going from "it sounds a little worse" to "these consoles suck" is ridiculous.

>> No.5815027

So you are confirming there are differences? That was my whole point in saying the model 2 version sucks. With Genesis sound is very important and model 1 had the best soundchip.

>> No.5815038

Both have garbage libraries. I can’t think of a single playable game on either system

>> No.5815091

>Golden Axe 1-2
>I am a huge fan of those games and have really high nostalgia for them.
Fuck nostalgia. What are you? Brazilian? Golden Axe games weren't great, only passable.

>> No.5815312

I never really understood some of the design decisions in the Sonic game. For one, the difficulty is all over the place, where most mistakes are completely inconsequential since you can just regrab a ring and be fine.

>> No.5815565

Model 2 looks so fucking good

>> No.5815885

Neo Geo CD

>> No.5816215


>> No.5816221

Hey OP, would you kindly fuck off, you are creating useless drama. This isn't the school playground and it's not 1992 anymore.

>> No.5816791
File: 309 KB, 350x482, 010086011432.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought pic related a couple years ago and it satisfies all my Genesis SHMUP tastes
It's a lot more expensive now than it used to be

>> No.5816836

Better RPG's, no one called them JAY RPG's back then my zoom zoom friends, SNES.
Better everything else , MEGA DRIVE.

And no one called them SHMUPS you fucking hipsters.

>> No.5816840

You're right, this is much more immature and brain damaged.

>> No.5816843

I'd say it's an even tie for scotformers

>> No.5817251

genesis was terrible for puzzles

>> No.5817292

He's not wrong though, people love to slurp on the SNES' dick but all they focus on are its strength, JRPGs. Genesis was unanimously better for action games.

>> No.5817301

>Text-Adventure/VN: SNES
But that was firmly TurboGrafx territory.

>> No.5817320

Genesis was the best RPG system since it had the best RPG, Phantasy Star 4. Quality trumps quantity, gentlemen.

>> No.5817346

>Genesis was the best RPG system since it had the best RPG, Starflight. Quality trumps quantity, gentlemen.

>> No.5817442

All I can think of are variations of Columns and Puyo Puyo.

>> No.5817646

snes, no debate.

>> No.5818335

>SRPGs: Genesis
Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem, Bahamut Lagoon, Treasure Hunter G, Feda

>> No.5818395

/v/-tier thread -

>> No.5819032

The best Genesis games are better than the best SNES games, but overall the SNES has a better library

>> No.5820470

Yes they were you cpull say the same thing about any shitty snes jrpg. Ff6 wasn't great only passable

>> No.5821212

SNES wasn't that great for JRPGs during its heyday, at least half of the best ones were only released in Japan

>> No.5822279

Half the jrpg library of the SNES is still better than SEGA's though.

>> No.5822289
File: 181 KB, 550x745, BLAST_PROCESSING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best Genesis games are better than the best SNES games, but overall the SNES has a better library
I'm the opposite. Nothing can touch aLttP or Super Metroid but I like the overall library of the Genesis more. Needless to say but 4th gen best gen.

>> No.5823647
File: 23 KB, 295x378, D I E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Console war threads like these need to be banned.

>> No.5823660

It wouldn't be so bad if we had actual comparisons to deduce what each console did best personally.

>> No.5823672

This. Every console has pros and cons so they cater to different people with different tastes. Saying that one console is better than another is stupid.