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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.54 MB, 3648x2736, SDC13531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
580816 No.580816 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to Museum in Scotland
>See this

How does it feel knowing that some of the games you play, now belong in a museum as outdated technology?

>> No.580825

Also the cart is Top Gun.

I nearly died laughing.

>> No.580839

why would a Brazillian F1 racer sign a PS1?

>> No.580843

I have no idea, I was puzzled over that myself.

One of the museums in London, also has a SNES.

>> No.580856

that looks like a shitty museum

>> No.580858

>implying that its not awesome to own loads of stuff that is worthy of display in a museum. I don't even have to leave my place.

>> No.580878

Yeah it wasn't the best. National Museum of Edinburgh.

>> No.580887
File: 234 KB, 640x360, 2012-09-22 02-05-19.231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? just kidding the condition of this box was pretty bad when i got it, who the fuck wraps something in packing tape like that?

the odyssey 1 inside is a tad yellow and has a chip on the top but it fully works though.

>> No.580895

>yuropoor museum of shittyness

no thanks

>> No.580914

I fucking hate living in the UK.

Everything retro is overpriced as fuck (and inferior 50hz) and if you want to import there's the big shipping charge and possible government import duty. They need to skim some off the top because it's not like I'm paying for it with my already taxed wages or anything.. Oh wait!

Not really related to the thread but I needed to get it off my chest.

>> No.580949

OP here, yeah i feel your pain.

Games are pretty hard to come by where I live anyway. ->Ireland

>> No.580945

Pac-Man and Dragon's Lair are in the Smithsonian.

>> No.580954

Take it from a guy who works at a museum... that is one seriously shitty display. Our museum exhibition students do a better job than throwing white on grey with text block labels.

I would fail that, if it were done by my students.

>> No.580964

You think I am meant to care?

I was a tourist. It was free in. It was pretty shit.

>> No.580975
File: 2.53 MB, 3648x2736, SDC13624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one thing that when I saw it I thought of /v/

It was this.

>> No.580987

Man, Al Gore is going to be pissed.

>> No.581008

That looks like one of those bullshit "museums" you see someone open inside a garage... That doesn't look visually appealing AT ALL, and the shit on the wall doesn't look professional in the slightest... oh and it's not informative

>> No.581039
File: 2.50 MB, 2736x3648, SDC13620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are so interested:

It did have a cool exhibit on Dr Livingstone though.

It was a museum mainly full of old technology. I think most people looking at the consoles knew what they fucking were.

Like when I saw pic related. I knew what it was. Like seriously, you guys can complain about anything.

>> No.581032

It also doesn't match the rest of the National Museum of Edinburgh, from what I've just seen.

It's mid-tier, as far as the category "Socialist National Museums" goes.

>> No.581057

Anon-museum guy here,

That's a much more professional display. I think whoever curated the vidya exhibit either didn't know or didn't care about what they were doing. Still, something like that can drag down the quality of the whole joint.

>> No.581437

>signed by rubens

my fucking sides, way to ruin a ps1

>> No.581474

Lol guys books and antiques are outdated you should be ashamed for enjoying old things lol only new things are good haha

>> No.581482

It is outdated technology.

>> No.581660

More like way to ruben a PS1.

>> No.582497


Wll hooooooo'd've gessssst?

>> No.582654

>...and introduced Super Mario Bros as the most popular selling game
>most popular selling game

You mean most popular game?
You mean best selling game?

Aren't museums usually staffed by liberal arts folks who can write halfway decently because of their degree programs?

>> No.582938

Apparently not. My degree is electronic engineering, and it sickens me when people praise my grasp of English. I'm not supposed to be literate and verbose, since my degree is made of MATH AND SOLDER, not feelings and calligraphy.

>> No.582968 [DELETED] 


Fellow Electronic bro here. It seems like good grammar and speaking skills are becoming less common quite quickly. Maybe people expect us to be literate because we're supposed to "have minds of numbers and logic"?

>> No.582973
File: 13 KB, 256x232, hotbullets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our museum director has a masters in Anthropology, and he'll hand me copy for new labels like, "Get you the hot bullets of shotgun to die..."

>> No.583315

Oh shit, I remember in the days of the oldternet when that was being used in the place of "fuck off and die", constantly.