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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 1064x681, n64 lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5797503 No.5797503 [Reply] [Original]

Fighting games were shit on the N64
>b-b-but Smash Brothers
Would be a 6/10 on a console with Tekken 3, and that god awful N64 controller was just not fit for fighters.

JRPGs were shit and nearly nonexistent on the N64
>b-b-but Paper Mario
Would be a 7/10 on a console with the FF trilogy, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Breath of Fire 3 and 4, etc. Seriously, the amount of them is massive on PS1

SHMUPS were nonexistent on the N64
>B-b-but... uhm...

If there's one place the N64 actually crushes it, it's FPSes. PS1 is abysmal when it comes to them. The fact that one of the best FPSes is a bad version of the N64 version of TWINE, then you know you got problems. Hell, FPSes on N64 make Dreamcast FPSes kinda embarrassed, they're that good.

>> No.5797513

I'm not even reading all your post mang. N64 rules brother.

>> No.5797517
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>PS1 is abysmal when it comes to them
there’s disruptor, alien trilogy, and medal of honor (which actually has dual analog control)

>> No.5797520

Don't forget Alien Resurrection, a style of horror FPS we wouldn't see again until RE7

Horror, which is mainly a genre you can only get on the PS1 as well.

>> No.5797526

N64 was a Platformer console and ushered in the era of 3d platformers.

Playstation at the time didnt even have a joystick yet. They implemented joysticks to stay competitive with a console with a retarded looking controller

Nintendo has to try to fail for the others to keep up.

>> No.5797529

b-b-but i-i'm r-r-r-retarded

>> No.5797538

Yeah, N64 and Cube were awful failures. If it weren't for Nintendo handhelds and Pokemon they would've gone the way of Sega.

>> No.5797542
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On today's episode of "Things Zoomers Say"; "The N64 Controller is Terrible!"

>> No.5797573

Yeah consolewars!
Suck my dick Mario!

>> No.5797578

nice bait

>> No.5797583

There is literally nothing wrong with being young. you sour, aging, old fag.

>> No.5797587

>best couch fps
GoldenEye and Perfect Dark
>best arpgs
OOT and MM
>best 3D platformers
>best racer
Mario Kart
>best party game
Mario Party

N64 stomps all over PS for multiplayer. PS was the system for future incels

>> No.5797591

What's worse than console warriors? Being a fag that gets triggered by console warring.

>> No.5797604

There's nothing inherently wrong with being dumb either but we don't generally listen to what dumb people say.

>> No.5797607


>> No.5797660
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anti-n64fags keep showing that they're more obnoxious than n64fags themselves

>> No.5797676

The only valid criticism is that there's so few video game titles on the system.

Because the few it did have knocked it out of the park.

>> No.5797696
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>shmups were nonexistant
starfox 64 & sin and punishment would like to have a word with you

>> No.5797748

>Fighting games were shit on the N64
you never played fighter's destiny, and you're a faggot
>JRPGs were shit and nearly nonexistent on the N64
jrpgs are garbage and you're clearly a butthurt weeb, and you're a faggot
you mean starfox, or do you mean 2D shumps? the n64 was a 3D console and it had a library of 3D games. unlike the ps1 which used them as a crutch for its shitty hardware, and you're a faggot.
damn straight, faggot.

>> No.5797749


>> No.5797754

I'll gladly keep having fun with Ocarina of Time, Lylat Wars, Pilotwings, Banjo-Kazooie and other games and people who want to convince me that the N64 sucks only motivate me to play more games on it.
Thanks OP!

>> No.5797768


>> No.5797813

>N64tard thinks rail shooters are shmups


>> No.5797840

As if the distinction is that wide rendering it humorous. ha

>> No.5797865

OP is just shitposting.

>> No.5797871

>n64 is so based this faggot seethes on two boards at once continuously for months
Goddamn, I knew it was a based console but I had no idea it could mentally destroy someone like this.

>> No.5797962

>make game system capable of rendered 3-d environments
>make 2-d sidescrolling shooters for it which are a dime a dozen on every single other system

>> No.5798062

n64 had star soldier 64 and bangai-o
dunno if they count but there's asteroids hyper 64 and space invaders 64.

>> No.5798129

Zoomers worship N64

>> No.5798681

>and that god awful N64 controller was just not fit for fighters.
Bait aside, surprised no one noted this part.
What's awful about the N64 for fighting games? It's got a traditional D-pad, 6 face buttons.
Better than PS1's segmented D-pad and 4 face buttons

>> No.5798689

Nah they love the ps1, N64 "aged poorly" for them

>> No.5798695

zoomers don't care about either PS1 or N64, they just LARP as caring about them just to use as ammo for their current gen console war shitposting.

>> No.5798703

>controls movement of player
"it's on a rail guiz! just like house of the dead! same genre!"

>> No.5798785

>ITT: Kids react to the N64

>> No.5799217

Have sex

>> No.5799252
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Good bait, anon

>> No.5799258

I liked Star Soldier Vanishing Earth.
There were 2 other shooters designed for Alleck 64 that never made it to console: Variant
Schwanzer and Viewpoint 64. http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=816


>> No.5799264

Free replies. Hopefully this board is at least smart enough to sage.

>> No.5799575

The weird thing about N64ers is that they never admit the positive qualities about the PS1

>> No.5799646

>If there's one place the N64 actually crushes it, it's FPSes. PS1 is abysmal when it comes to them.
Alien Trilogy
Alien Resurrection
Final Doom
Quake 2
Medal of Honor

>> No.5799657

N64 faggots are the reason gaming is so trash now n64 is the reason we have all these shit open world games and why the difficulty is aimed at retards

>> No.5799846

>why the difficulty is aimed at retards
And yet we have zoomers endlessly bitching that the N64 controller is too hard to use and games like Goldeneye are too unfair on higher difficulities

>> No.5799949

The ps1 was well known for jrpgs the few fps it had were decent.

>> No.5799962

your thread sucks.

>> No.5800269

N64 had a ton of great games tho.

>> No.5800270

This thread is trash, OP sucks cocks.

>> No.5800287

Dildo thread.

>> No.5801242 [DELETED] 


>> No.5801257

I have never understood why people suck the dick of the Dreamcast so much yet shit on the N64, considering the 64 was in every way except music, better.
I owned neither machine because I liked jarpigs growing up, but having played some of the games for both in my elder years, I have to say the 64 completely outshines the DC. I can't even think of a DC game I care for.
And you wanna talk about shit controllers.

>> No.5801276

Who cares when you're the best console at FPS when the PC exists.

>> No.5801283

true N64 is the redditors console.

>> No.5801284

Console fan boys always hold up one system over the others, which is silly since they all have a unique shine.
Dreamcast was amazing way back when, not only bringing internet to the home consoles, again it' in 'it, it had Sonic Adventures, Shenmues, several arcade ports.
If you ask me N64 shares a lot in common with DC right down to having so few games, but the ones they did rocked.

>> No.5801307

Technically the Dreamcast had almost twice as many games as the N64 in Japan but most of them were visual novel trash.

>> No.5801312

The Dreamcast had terrible Japanese third-party support with pretty much only Capcom in its corner.

>> No.5801314

But it did have a bunch of shmups and novels that I doubt western audiences were very interested in.

>> No.5801534

Ah hahaha got em!

>> No.5801595

>Legend of Zelda

Who started this meme? Item collection is not an rpg make.

>> No.5801681

There's 50 or so games on n64 that are good and out of those 50 only like 20 were really great

>> No.5801685

This board is just autistic. N64 was much more popular than the Dreamcast, but was mainly a console for well adjusted normies.

>> No.5801783


>> No.5801795

DC was much better if you liked arcade/arcade-style videogames.

So many quality fighters, racing games, and shmups for the DC.

It was also better for jarpigs if you're into those.

Oh, and Shenmue 1&2 pwn OoT/MM.

>> No.5801802

>Oh, and Shenmue 1&2 pwn OoT/MM.
That's a tad bit 'o a stretcher.
It's an action adventure, but debating whether or not it's an action role playing game is for the birds.

>> No.5801803

I like a little bit of everything. I like the Saturn because I had one when my parents got divorced. Croc and NiGHTS got me through it.

>> No.5801846

>I have never understood
Just think about how you suck N64 cock and shit on the DC and imagine it in reverse. Then go and google for some "need 3 hands for N64 controller". That should give you a good idea of how retarded both you and opposite you look like to intelligent adults.

>> No.5801851

Shenmue 1&2 are two of my favourite games, but they're on par with the N64 Zelda games, and all four are at the apex of their respective genres.

I'd take N64 over DC for racers. F-Zero X + Wave Race + 1080 is a better combination than Daytona + MSR + Le Mans.

Then you have all the irrelevant DC stuff:
F335 while interesting is way too fucking slow, Hydro Thunder is classless Midway trash like Cruisin', Sega Rally 2 is pointless if you own a Saturn with the sublime SR1, Tokyo Extreme 1&2 are worth playing for their style but they're only okay games at best, SF Rush is a slightly less trashy Cruisin' USA--pass, Speed Devils--yuck.

And 64:
Beetle sucks, Extreme G is not good, Top Gear has cool suspension physics but not much else, RR and Wipeout are good but have better iterations on the PS1, Pod Racer is also on DC and it's just as mediocre here, Mario Kart's very good, Diddy sucks, World Driver Championship's not great.

They've both got some essential racing classics but N64's best outclass Dreamcast's.

Neither are good for JRPGs. Dreamcast has Skies of Arcadia and N64 has Ogre Battle. Grandia 2 is atrocious, and a huge disappointment coming off the excellent Grandia.

Fighters; SFIII 2nd Impact and Last Blade series. Yeah, DC, though SSB is fun.

>> No.5801857

That control might have been odd at first but the cool thing was you could hold it in three different ways, or more like two depending on whether you want d-pad or analogue controls, and that was neato!

>> No.5801863

>Beetle sucks, Extreme G is not good
>Pod Racer is also on DC and it's just as mediocre here
>Diddy sucks
>World Driver Championship's not great.
poor taste

>> No.5801879

Yeah is there anything this guy likes? and is it any good? lol

>> No.5801884

Stop fucking stop the DC competes with the gaycube not the 64

>> No.5801889

Dreamcast was discontinued and Sega went third-party before Gamecube even launched lol.

The DC is more 5th gen than 6th gen. "5.5 gen", if you will.

>> No.5801902

I know what Gen it wuz cause I paid 500buckos

>> No.5801913

B-b-but Bangaioh

>> No.5801918

The dreamcast was never $500 you filthy liar.

>> No.5801924

Check my post.

>> No.5801932

Genuinely great game. I love that Treasure games on N64 make console warriors seethe.

>> No.5801937

And Sin & Punishment is possibly the best thing they've ever done.

>> No.5801945

The only people who hate treasure were PSX-only peasants who only got a shitty port of silmir from them and are still butthurt over it.

>> No.5801992

There's also australia-kun who just hates them for having worked with Nintendo.

>> No.5802004

>Goldeneye and Perfect Dark
I will never understand why the Saturn get's shit on for having a ~20fps port of Quake, when these sub 10fps games get put on Pedestals on the N64.

>OOT and MM
Not bad games, but there are good similar games on the PS1.

>Mario and Banjo
Again I don't get why these boring ass games get put on such pedestals.

>Mario Kart
Fun party racer, but there's objectively better racers on the Saturn, PS1, and Dreamcast, and even the N64 for that matter.

>Mario Party
Define party game. If it's just massive couch multiplayer then I'd say the Saturn definitely has some good contenders with Saturn Bomberman (10 Player), Guardian Heroes (6 Player), Vatlva (6 Player), Street Racer (8 Player), any sports game (6-12 player), etc.

>Fighter's Destiny
Oh, I guess when you don't have access to Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Fighter's Megamix, Dead or Alive, Soul Blade, Last Bronx, Fighting Vipers, Street Fighter Alpha, X-men vs Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, etc. then Fighter's Destiny might seem like a good game.

>JRPGs are garbage
Whether you like them or not, you can't deny it's a massive hole in the N64's library.

For shmups he probably means your 2D ones, which actually there were quite a few pushing the 3D hardware on the Saturn and PS1 like Einhander, Radiant Silvergun, and Thunder Force V.

As for Starfox, Saturn had Panzer Dragoon.

>N64 best at FPSes
Do any of those have an online mode that still works?

>> No.5802026
File: 36 KB, 650x419, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never understand why the Saturn get's shit on for having a ~20fps port of Quake, when these sub 10fps games get put on Pedestals on the N64.
They ran at 30 usually with ocassional frame drops.
>Not bad games, but there are good similar games on the PS1.
There's nothing like those two games, that's a big reason they are heralded as the greatest of all time.
>Again I don't get why these boring ass games get put on such pedestals.
Glory days of collectathon platformers where we finally got to see huge three dimensional worlds. (as primarily Nintendo gamers)
>Fun party racer, but there's objectively better racers on the Saturn, PS1, and Dreamcast, and even the N64 for that matter.
I can agree to this, Diddy Kong Racing was so so good.
>Define party game. If it's just massive couch multiplayer then I'd say the Saturn definitely has some good contenders with Saturn Bomberman (10 Player), Guardian Heroes (6 Player), Vatlva (6 Player), Street Racer (8 Player), any sports game (6-12 player), etc.
Saturn sold poorly unless I'm mistaken so we Nintendo gamers took to Mario Party and the like on our advance cartridge machine.

I can agree with the rest of your statements except I have a bone to pick with the last one. N64 is still widely played online in emulators to this day and it's a testament to how good the games were. Saturn is my knowledge isn't as popular to return to.
>Select all the squares with traffic lights

>> No.5802030

>Do any of those have an online mode that still works?
They have couch multiplayer, which is even a better feature retro games used to have!

>> No.5802038

>Do any of those have an online mode that still works?

You're joking, right?

>> No.5802043

>I will never understand why the Saturn get's shit on for having a ~20fps port of Quake, when these sub 10fps games get put on Pedestals on the N64.
Haha are you actually trying to imply Quake Saturn had a better framerate than those games? PD feels like a 60 FPS game after you play a bit of Quake Saturn.

>> No.5802049

N64 quake runs at a solid 30 fps while also looking better than Saturn Quake.

Saturn quake looks/plays like your average PSX or Saturn fps game. N64 Quake is pretty representative of how much better the N64 is at the genre.

>> No.5802092

>They're 30fps games!
>Perfect Dark is like a 60fps game!
lol, no:

Try 5-15fps at best for perfect dark. Goldeneye targets 30fps but is usually around 15-20fps in single player, just like Saturn Quake, which targets 30 but can drop to 15-20 in spots.


>Thinking sales has anything to do with the quality of couch multiplayer games

Now, tell me what N64 game you have that can do 10 player multiplayer action? 8 player? 6 Player?

>Thinking I meant online in emulators
No, the Saturn actually had a modem peripheral that still works to this day. Games that used it can still be played online.

>N64 quake is better!
If reduced geometric detail, shit texture quality, and worse dynamic lighting is your definition of better then sure I guess. Yeah the frame rate is better, but as I just stated it's not doing as much either.

>> No.5802095

>would be a 6/10
Smash Bros. kicks ass, stopped reading there.

>> No.5802096

>Now, tell me what N64 game you have that can do 10 player multiplayer action? 8 player? 6 Player?
How many 10 multiplayer retro games are there?
Anyway, even if Saturn has Saturn Bomberman, and maybe playstation got a few 4-player sports game to use with multitap, N64 had native 4-player action for most of their MP games. It was an advantage nigger, stop having a hateboner for the system.

>> No.5802113
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>If reduced geometric detail, shit texture quality, and worse dynamic lighting is your definition of better then sure I guess
Listen buddy your game hyping up Saturn Quake is over. Not only does Saturn Quake have a worse framerate than the N64 version but the graphics are worse too.

>> No.5802119

>Thinking Saturn Bomberman is the only multi-tap game on Saturn.

Here's a list of compatible Multi-tap games on the Saturn:

Here's the PS1:

Yeah you had to get a multi-tap, but oh well. You clearly have no idea what games had more than 2 player multiplayer on either the Saturn or PS1 if you think it's just Bomberman and a handful of sports games on PS1.

Sure the N64 didn't require a multitap, but it's not like only it's games had 4 player modes. The only advantage is that you the consumer didn't have to buy a multitap. Developers didn't give a shit about that as they had been manking multi-tap games on the NES, Genesis, and SNES for years already.

>> No.5802140

>Crappy quality webm proves all!
Let's look at something a little better quality shall we?:

Notice how much geometry is missing on the N64?
Notice how much more blurry the textures are on N64?
Notice how the texturing isn't even aligned properly on the walls on N64?
Notice the worse dynamic lighting on the N64?

>> No.5802146

>Notice how much geometry is missing on the N64?
Well for starters, its an actual port of Quake. Saturn Quake isn't running on the Quake Engine.

>Notice how much more blurry the textures are on N64?
Yeah, it looks like 3DFX Quake on PC. You can actually see the game, instead of a horrid mess of shifting pixels.

Notice the worse dynamic lighting on the N64?
The fixed lighting looks good.

>> No.5802149

Fuck off with your /v/ tier thread.

>> No.5802157

I like the Saturn as much as anyone, I play mine more than I play my N64 by a large margin. But I'm not sure what sort of delusion would drive someone to attempt to claim that Quake on Saturn is better. The N64 version is actually playable today. The Saturn version is sluggish and ugly, like you'd expect from a 32bit FPS game.

I own both of them, and played it on PC back in the day, I'm not basing this off youtube videos. Protip, you can actually turn off some of the texture filtering in-game. It is one of the few N64 games to allow this.

>> No.5802159

>Saturn quake isn't running in the quake engine!
Ok? That doesn't change the fact that the N64 has less level geometry than the Saturn or PC version.

>Blurry N64 textures look like 3DFX Quake!
Um, no? N64 quake is like 3DFX Quake with an extra layer of vaseline smeared on the screen.

>The fixed lighting looks good!
But nothing like the PC version, which the Saturn gets closer to. And we weren't talking about fixed lighting, we were talking about dynamic lighting. Quit trying to move goalposts.

>> No.5802165

>I'm not basing off of youtube videos!

Neither am I, as I do own the games. I'm not denying that the N64 game runs at a better framerate and therefore can play a bit better. I'm simply pointing out that graphically it's rendering less geometry, has worse textures, and isn't doing the same level of dynamic lighting the Saturn version is doing. I'd bet if you were to lower the geometry and texture detail on the Saturn port to that of the N64 port that you'd probably get a significant bump in performance.

That said, the only reason it was brought up was in response to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, which both get put on pedestals as perfect FPS's on the N64, yet they run at either a similar or worse level of performance than Saturn Quake.

>> No.5802174

>Goldeneye and Perfect Dark
>30 fps with ocassional frame drops


>> No.5802178

Because GD & PD are much slower-paced than Quake, so low framerate isn't that much of an issue (iirc GD framerates goes down the shitter on Jungle and when you fuck up and activate infinite respawning enemies).

>> No.5802213


>> No.5802220

>Notice how much geometry is missing on the N64?

Yes, the levels have lower geometry on N64 but this is really most prominent only on the first level. Other levels in the game have a more similar amount of geometry. I'd say that was because the Saturn version had extra effort put into optimizing the first level for showing off that wow the Saturn is doing Quake.

On the flip side however, the Saturn version has reduced geometry for character models compared to the N64 version.

>Notice how much more blurry the textures are on N64?
Yes, again the N64 version uses lower resolution textures. But it's another trade-off by the developers. The textures on N64 use a higher color depth than the Saturn textures which used a reduced color depth.

The N64 textures are also mip-mapped which eliminates the aggressive noise from distant textures which badly plagues the Saturn version.

>Notice the worse dynamic lighting on the N64?
Again, another trade-off. The N64 version has instead opted for fixed lighting with a higher color depth.

>> No.5802272

Right, there's trade offs. However I'd say in general the Saturn version made the right choice on a few such as the dynamic lighting, being closer looking to the PC version, and the better texturing. Yeah N64's textures may have higher color depth, but that's ruined by the low resolution and heavily filtering applied.

But again, the point for bringing Quake up is that I think it's silly to complain about Saturn and PS1 3D framerates, and then put games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on pedestals when they have poor frame rates as well.

>> No.5802280

Which retro console would you recommend?
> i hate pokemon
> I hate the legend of zelda
> I hate violent games
> I hate RPG games
> I hate hard games

>> No.5802281

As someone who grew up with and loved the N64 at the time, this post and sentiment is still true. Looking back honestly, the only games that were true gems and still fun today are Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Maybe Super Mario 64 as well but that's it. The other games that shined were just high-res versions of PS1 games like Resident Evil 2 and Tony Hawk.

>> No.5802293

>But again, the point for bringing Quake up is that I think it's silly to complain about Saturn and PS1 3D framerates, and then put games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on pedestals when they have poor frame rates as well.
No, this part is absolutely a strawman and it's right to call you out for it. As bad as the framerates are for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, they literally are good compared to most of Saturn Quake.

>> No.5802315

F-Zero X, Wave Race, Sin & Punishment, Mischief Makers, Legacy of Darkness, both Goemon games, 1080, Tennis and Golf, Ogre Battle, Kart, Pilotwings, Doom 64, Star Fox

These games aren't hidden and it's not 1996 anymore. It's time to stop being a basic bitch.

>> No.5802318

Banjo, Pokemon, the hidden gems like Rocket robot on wheels or Glover, and don't forget Goldeneye or even Starfox. The list goes on actually.. You sure you grew up with the N64?

>> No.5802332

literally true, the 4 player multiplayer is perfect for quick matches of mario kart and smash bros right after getting wasted

t. 21 year old in college

>> No.5802341

why this /v/ thread still up?

>> No.5802343

>nintendo racers
>goemon weebshit
>awful castlevania
>worst retro doom game

>> No.5802373

>>worst retro doom game
We all gotta die sometime.

>> No.5802379

Why do N64 fags always try to claim awful shit like Glover and Castlevania 64 as good games? I mean you never see people list shit like Croc or Pandemonium when talking about the best PS1 games

>> No.5802429

They're pretty good, and so is Chameleon twist and Jet force gemini..

>> No.5802445

I'd never say that Glover's a good game. Glover's shit. And yes, you do sometimes see people list shit like Croc or Pandemonium. It's the same flavour of retard that lists Glover.

>> No.5802450

Chances that a guy who would unironically type lel has bad taste: 100%.

>> No.5802457
File: 103 KB, 500x696, poormanfuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp you guys get to miss out on the true hidden gems then, pity.

>> No.5802463


>> No.5802493

Castlevania 64 is pretty good though

>> No.5802502

>you can actually turn off some of the texture filtering in-game. It is one of the few N64 games to allow this.
No, Quake 64 lets you turn off the dither filtering, not texturing filtering. It's actually good they added that option because it lets people see what exactly the N64 dither filtering does and does not do.

>> No.5802701

always turned that shit off game looks 100x better

>> No.5802707

What makes a RPG?

>> No.5802714

Pretty much confirmed that console warriors on /vr/ are simply /v/ children LARPing as having been alive during /vr/ times.
They just project their current console warring into retro times. Sad.

>> No.5802715

Mickey's Speedway, Shadows of the Empire, No Mercy, Snowboard Kids, Body Harvest, Crystal Shards, Jet Force Gemini, Conker, Killer Instinct Gold, Excitebike 64, Banjo 1&2, Starcraft, Quake, Hydro Thunder, Mega Man Legends, Shadowman and the Turok games too

>> No.5802717

Honestly, seeing posts like this only makes me want to cheer for the N64 crowd, and I'm a Sega fan.
Fuck off to /v/

>> No.5802724

>>Thinking Saturn Bomberman is the only multi-tap game on Saturn.
No, I asked if there are other 10+ player games other than Saturn Bomberman.
>Developers didn't give a shit about that as they had been manking multi-tap games on the NES, Genesis, and SNES for years already.
Developers sure had in mind when a console needed multitap or not. N64 being native 4 players made devs care more about making 4-player multiplayer.
And yeah, I know multitap has been a thing since before 5th gen. Mostly for sports games.

>> No.5802728

>Honestly, seeing posts like this only makes me want to cheer for the N64 crowd
That was probably anon's intention, falseflagging as a retarded anti-N64 guy so other people would think all anti-N64 guys are stupid and have bad taste.
Falseflagging in console wars is way more often than you'd think, I'd say more than 50% of console war is falseflag.

>> No.5802729
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What's about the N64 that triggers so many people?
Like N64 haters are way more obnoxious and whiny than N64 fans.

>> No.5802747

N64 is one of the few retro consoles that can't be emulated properly.

>> No.5802750

I was alive during those times I owned the snes and my neighbor had a genesis and turbografx so I liked all them cause they all had good games. I used to go full genesis warrior on this board cause I was sick of the fucking fart memers and jarpig faggots who thought genesis had no good games when what they meant was it didn't have enough jarpigs. When earthbound, chronotrigger, and final fantasy 6 are 3 of your top 5 snes games and you say the genesis is shit I start shitting on the snes just cause it makes me reeeee so hard. I love the snes but I admit to console war shit posting cause I'm salty about jarpig babbys and genesis is farts xD memes. I shouldn't care I know but it still bothers me.

>> No.5802757

Your posts don't make it seem like you've been alive during those times. It's really like I'm reading a 15 year old LARPer, although now that you used "jarpig", I'm thinking you're from /vg/ instead of /v/.
Anyway, you've probably been baited by other /v/ and /vg/ LARPers of your same age.
Actual guys who lived during retro times don't hate on jrpgs and don't pertake in silly genre-wars like "shmup vs jrpg", that's some made up zoomer bullshit.

>> No.5802760

Those were my posts I was just saying I was alive during those times and have engaged myself in that type of shut posting and explained why I personally did it. That was my first post in this thread

>> No.5802764

Well, as I said, you've probably been baited by kids (the whole "genesis farts", etc).
You should be smarter than that, and instead of pertaking in console wars, call out the console warrior LARPers for what they are.

>> No.5802767

Weren't my posts*. I stole jarpig from here it seemed to be what the hip young kids were saying it makes sense though just add vowels to make real words I thought it was funny. I like Jrpgs too I just hate retards who only play Jrpgs and that seem to be the "genesis sounds like farts xD" retards

>> No.5802773

>I like Jrpgs too I just hate retards who only play Jrpgs and that seem to be the "genesis sounds like farts xD" retards
How are you sure about that anyway? It's not like you can check profiles by anons to see what else they like.
Anyway, as I said, you've been baited by shitposters. These kids probably don't even play videogames, they're all day watching letsplays on youtube and organizing their shitposting raids on discord servers.

>> No.5803261

>threads about actual retro games fall off the board
>this shit thread is still alive

>> No.5803440

This is about retro consoles/games

>> No.5803464

He's not wrong about this thread being inflammatory bait, and about retro game threads dying in the background.

>> No.5803542 [DELETED] 

Except it can


>> No.5803658

>while also looking better than Saturn Quake.
It doesn't though. They removed all of the lighting and shadows and thus all of the atmosphere.

>> No.5803672 [DELETED] 

>It doesn't though. They removed all of the lighting and shadows and thus all of the atmosphere.
Get the hell out of here, Saturn Quake looks like shit, the Ogres don't even look like Ogres, everything looks strange and warpy, you can tell it was pushing the Saturn to the max. The N64 has excellent light and is a fine port of the PC classic.

>> No.5803682
File: 61 KB, 640x480, Quake 64_Mar31 19_47_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The N64 has excellent light and is a fine port of the PC classic.
This is your brain on sóytendo

>> No.5803701

Man, that's just an unfortunate screenshot, that's how Quake looks on any platform. The N64 handles it without a sweat and it played like a good PC with a 3dfx graphics card at the time. The reason I deleted my post is it seems kind of like bullying to trash Saturn Quake too much since the Saturn is such a shit console for 3d games to begin with. It's an amazing feat of software engineering it's playing at all on the Saturn, but you can barely even call it Quake.

>> No.5803785

>Man, that's just an unfortunate screenshot
Not "unfortunate", stretched (640x480, that's not the native resolution)
This is your brain on /v/-tier console war and zoomer-tier video game knowledge.

>> No.5803789

By now I already have an Everdrive 64 so I'm not bothering checking that out, but does it emulate everything perfectly?

>> No.5803826

might wanna schedule an appointment with your neurologist and get that checked out, i hear mental retardation can lead to brain cancer :(

>> No.5803917 [DELETED] 

Goemon works perfectly and that was considered one of the more hard to emulate ones.

>> No.5803935

>Goemon works perfectly
Not even close.

>> No.5803938 [DELETED] 

You mean doesn't work or not the hardest one? Played through it on N64 and played through it emulated, was perfect.

What's considered the hardest one these days if not Mystical Ninja?

>> No.5803940

You're not helping.

>> No.5803959

Battletanx. Eat shit nigglet

>> No.5803962

What about Mario Golf? That game is arguably the one that worked the least on emulators in my experience. Other games like the Zelda games and Conker's Bad Fur Day glitched out heavily but that might have been because I used Glide instead of NGlide (cut me some slack, last time I emulated N64 games was over 5 years ago at this point).

If those games worked better AND if there were some decent N64 3rd party controllers with a USB connection than it would've been much more interesting to me but I'll stick with my N64 console for now.

>> No.5804025
File: 19 KB, 320x238, 37747-Twisted_Metal_2_[U]-1482928227-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 wasn't necessarily bad, it was just aimed at a much younger audience and the games made for it reflect that.

>> No.5804037

Input lag fucks up Golf, so no.

>> No.5804047

I agree but if we're saying this about N64 it's only fair to call out other consoles like the PS4.
It's very similar in how there are only a dozen very good games.

>> No.5804057

It's the same thing. N64 might not have had many games targeted at you the same way PS4 may not have. But the same way there are many out there who genuinely liked Banjo and Goemon, a lot of people also think PS4 had a lot of games they liked. Tastes are crazy like that.

>> No.5804101

>locked behind patreon

>> No.5804109

Ah yes, that explains why only 30 year old fucking manchildren still play Nintendo and talk about nostalgia for this thing.
I'm not being sarcastic, that's exactly why.

>> No.5804194

Compared to the DOS version, maybe the N64 is ok but compared to the Windows or OpenGL version it's shit.

>> No.5804202

Yup, Nintendo is like Disney. People will bitch about the stuff they put out because it's all the same pandering rehashes year after year, but they know exactly what they're doing, for whom and it's why they're successful.

>> No.5804341

based and truthpilled.

>> No.5804354

Is this why moot initially didn't want gen 5 discussion on /vr/?

>> No.5804360

Yeah because it's SO different from discussion here of other gensm

>> No.5804363

It's the only thread I see on the board right now that's explicitly console wars and it was spammed on /v/ multiple times before it was brought here.

>> No.5804503

Ah, you're right. None of the retro consoles can be emulated properly. Emulation is, after all, just an attempt at replicating what specific hardware does through software. It can be pretty close, but never "proper".

>> No.5804504

Gen 5 is the worst of the console wars (on /vr/).
SNES vs Genesis can get pretty nasty, too, though, but having Sonyggers out of the equation already makes 4th gen console warring preferable to 5th gen.
I don't think you'll find gen 2 or gen 3 console warring. At least not to the same extent.

>> No.5804509

I never understood when people compared Nintendo to Disney.
Sega always felt more like Disney to me, they had the animal mascot (that was actually inspired by mickey mouse, and was initially going to be a mouse), and Sega themselves did Disney games (and pretty good ones, too).
Nintendo was more like Max Fleischer stuff IMO. Like Popeye.

>> No.5804729

nah nintendo is too popular and relevent today to be fleischer, im the only person I know who actually still watches popeye, me and wimpy are kindred spirits tho god I love hamburgers

>> No.5804796

Another one again OP, really?

>> No.5806028 [DELETED] 

Honestly if SEGA were a bit more successful as a publisher, I could see them as a Disney.

>> No.5806561 [DELETED] 


>> No.5806571
File: 2.97 MB, 560x404, Nade_Jumps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disruptor is okay, a little plain. It's like a solid 6/10. The best shooter of the generation however is not found on the N64 at all, only the PS1 and Saturn.

>> No.5807087

>played through it emulated, was perfect.
No it wasn't.

>> No.5807352

>Max Fleischer
Let him have the illusion.

>> No.5807408

OP's life was shit from the moment his was born
>b-b-but Shitposting
Would be a 6/10 if he actually got out of his god damn room, and those god awful motorskills were just not fit for today's society

Education was shit and nearly nonexistent in OP's life
>b-b-but High School
Would be a 7/10 compared to everyone else with Math, Science, Reading, Writing, Art, etc. Seriously, the amount of education is massive compared to college, but OP just couldn't make it.

Social Life was nonexistent in OP's life
>B-b-but... uhm...

If there's one place OP actually crushes it, it's autism. Regular people's autism is abysmal on the autism spectrum when it comes that. The fact that one of the best autism stories from well adjusted members of society is a mild version of the OP's version of cancer, then you know you got problems. Hell, OP's autism make normalfags kinda embarrassed, he's that good.

>> No.5807776

Smash Bros isn't a fighting game

>> No.5807786
File: 29 KB, 300x211, !!e!V(NwCWM_$(KGrHqEOKisE0oFnFdNcBNP4VN08uQ___35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5807791

You mean on original hardware and CRT? The 45 ms of input lag isn't too bad. But on an emulator and 9ms LCD it's only like 30. It just depends how sensitive you are to input lag.

>> No.5807803

Smash Bros. isn't a fighting game in the same sense that Virtua Fighter or Tekken aren't fighting games: it isn't a Street Fighter-like.

>> No.5807804

Zelda is an rpg

>> No.5807835

thank god we didn't have incels on message boards in the 90s. you people are fucking insufferable.

>> No.5807845

I mean that the only decent way to play it is on real hardware + CRT because timing is crucial. Emulation butchers Mario Golf. If that were the only way I could play it I wouldn't bother. Your arbitrary numbers are a good joke. You have quite the imagination.

>> No.5808204

Hi David.

>> No.5808535

Shmups are rail shooters buddy

>> No.5808564

Real life is a real shooter since we're not really in control of our will and America sure has a lot of shooting.

>> No.5808580


>> No.5808718

Anyone remembers this one?


Worst game I've ever played probably. I had lot of fun with Goldeneye, Mario 64, OoT and more.

tl;dr: OP is a faggot.

>> No.5809409 [DELETED] 


>> No.5810242 [DELETED] 


>> No.5810593

On N64 there's about 156 Games that support 4 player modes.

On Saturn there's about 90 games that support the Multitaps from anywhere from 4-12 players.

On PS1 we have 294 games that support 4-8 players with multitaps.

Yeah Saturn doesn't have as many, but it also wasn't out as long and didn't sell as much so that's expected. However it's still a significant number for a failed console. The PS1 number though pretty much disproves the idea that 4 player was more common or developers catered to it more on the N64 because it had native support for it.

>> No.5810596

You're welcome to measure it yourself, it's more than 3 frames. But your unscientific CRT religion is highly entertaining, please explain more about how timing is crucial.

>> No.5810615

I appreciated that they had a normal fighter mode, and a kid-friendly easy fighter mode. This was probably my first real fighter. Good stuff.

>> No.5810617
File: 81 KB, 730x960, 1552497022130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would be a 6/10 on a console with Tekken 3, and that god awful N64 controller was just not fit for fighters.

>> No.5811191

where did you get these numbers from?
It's insane to think there's that many PS1 games that support multitap, then again, the PS1 has an insane amount of games, I wonder how many of those are sports games.
I never saw a PS1 multitap IRL, although I know some people who used it for Crash racing.

>> No.5811194

Fighters' Destiny says otherwise

>> No.5812551

>Thinking Fighter's Destiny is in the same League as any of these:

I know it sucks if you like Fighting Games and only have an N64. But let's not pretend games like Fighter's Destiny are anywhere near the level of quality we have for 3D Fighters on the PS1 and Saturn.

>> No.5814668 [DELETED] 


Which tricks people into thinking it'd be good for fighters, but you ever use those C buttons?

>> No.5814764

Typically, the people who I see bitching about and or attacking the N64 are either severely uneducated about the N64's game library, or they just never had any interest in learning about the N64 in the first place.

It had good games in every genre, except RPG really. Ogre Battle 64 is absolutely stellar but the N64 needed more.

>> No.5815132

>b-b-but Smash Brothers
>Would be a 6/10 on a console with Tekken 3
Yeah I guess that's why Smash 64 STILL in 2019 has international tournaments with hundreds of entrants and Tekken 3 doesn't.

>> No.5815150

It has mortal Kombat trilogy which is fightans enough for normies

>> No.5815153

KI Gold is much better.

>> No.5815232

And being slapped in the face is better than being kicked in the balls. Who cares.

>> No.5815279


>> No.5815281

get good

>> No.5815417

Early tekken games still get tournaments regularly at bigger events. Smashes fanbase is just hyper autistic.

>> No.5816013 [DELETED] 


>> No.5816025

The few zoomers I've spoken with that appreciate old games grew up w/ older siblings that had n64's. They like it but accept that its software library's pretty limited.
Myself, I'm right on the millenial cutoff line. Only own OOT, Majora's Mask, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, and Custom Robo/Custom Robo V2 (imported).

BTW, what would you call Custom Robo and Custom Robo V2?
They are "fighting games" in that you fight in them and need to move fast. But there's also sort of an RPG element.

Conker's Bad Fur Day is too expensive and IDK if it's really my scene. Furfags ruin everything.

>> No.5816043

None of the 5th gen systems were worth a damn desu. We went from peak 2D gaming with peak sprite art and peak 2D control to those pieces of dog shit. Fuck all that noise.

>> No.5816067

If anyone says that the Custom Robo games weren't released in america/europe and therefore don't count, I just want to pre-emptively say that they should kill themselves.

Ocarina of time, tho.
Mario 64, tho.
I'm iffy on it, but people swear FF7 is great. (I actually do prefer 6 myself)
The PSX is actually pretty unappealing except for a handful of 2D games, but N64 had a few really nice titles that used 3D.
Graphics and gameplay are two different elements that impact perceived quality. You are missing out if you're blinded by bad graphics and can't notice the fun.
(e.g., Pokémon gen 1.)

>> No.5816072

It's definitely the graphics AND the gameplay. Those early 3D games were a bitch to maneuver around in. The cameras were also in the way most of the time and didn't help matters. I'll be real, I realize that 3D was gonna happen sooner or later. But from my experience, 5th gen just wasn't fun overall. Sorry mate.

>> No.5816078


At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, I'd prefer if gaming stuck to 2D. Just my personal preference. I think 3D gaming is a huge letdown.

>> No.5816092

OOT did it well
Mario 64 did it semi-well.
Other people were indeed retarded. Most don't hold up.

>> No.5816095

I mostly agree with you and think VR is just more shit people might buy into without thinking "but why though".

But there ARE good 3D games.
I think the problem is that people feel like they HAVE to make their games use 3D now. Pokémon is again a good example.

>> No.5816106

I think it also factors into less experimental and "fun" games, along with the glut of sequels. Those 3D games are expensive, take lots of programmers who need lots of paychecks. I agree with you, it's VERY forced to the point that it stifles the fun for all involved.

>> No.5816113

Can't comment on OoT (no experience with it), but SM64 for me was...aggravating. Mostly centered on controlling Mario and the camera. It took too much concentration and took away from playing the fun game to me. It got in the way of itself.

>> No.5816139

that's why semi-well.
It definitely took a LONG time to get even mostly used to mario 64 compared to OOT.
100% on point
And then they claim the reason they couldn't fit all the pokemon in the newest games is because of some 3d modelling bullshit.
*then make the Pokémon use pixel art and use the excuse that 3D is haaard.*

>> No.5816280

n64 had no rpgs, no shmups, no horror, and a pitiful few puzzle games. genre diversity was not its strong point

>> No.5816304

>no horror
>RE2 one of the most famous horror games of all tiem.

>> No.5816314

>two fucking games
both multiplats by the way. that's pretty sad

>> No.5816329
File: 382 KB, 640x480, 1489041010709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien Resurrection was truly ahead of its time, I'm sad I waited to play it due to hating the movie it's based on.

>> No.5817045

Yeah, though AR sucks, having the skull alien thing as an enemy was based

>> No.5817049

I remember renting it. I didn't like it nearly as much as Trilogy.

>> No.5817146
File: 30 KB, 300x300, n64_killer_instinct_gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fighting games on the N64 were shit
Zoomer opinion discarded.

>> No.5817231

>free replies
I bet you retards don't even know how to sage.

>> No.5817510

>Waaaaah I hate when people discuss things

>> No.5818280

Unga bunga Nintendong sexty fork bad

>> No.5818294

capcom vs games were complete trashpiles on ps1 as well.

>> No.5818507

>but SM64 for me was...aggravating. It took too much concentration
Haha oh man.

>> No.5819093 [DELETED] 

They were - and they also didn't exist on N64 lol

>> No.5819103

Killer Instinct is hot garbage.

>> No.5819248

Alien Trilogy is a MUCH better action game thanks to the Doom inspiration, whereas Resurrection is very slow (even by modern FPS standards) and isn't going to be enjoyable unless you're into survival horror. That's the weird thing about it, it's an FPS with an infinite ammo pistol based on one of the more action-heavy Alien movies, so you start off the game expecting action. Instead you're just constantly worrying about ammo/item management and paranoid about the sparse but tricky enemies because you can't kite them. Trilogy's sprite aliens meant that it could have way more of them in a single level, on the screen at the same time, but they were always stuck to the ground or the ceiling, but ceiling aliens were a unique enemy that was stuck to the ceiling rather than being a common "alien function." The full 3D polygonal aliens in Resurrection can move from ground to wall to ceiling to wherever, and pounce around.

>> No.5819684

The PC DX version is so fucking good, holy shit

>> No.5820963 [DELETED] 

What does it make better?

>> No.5821343

the n64 controller was a piece of shit, unless you enjoy only having one analog stick which breaks down from regular use and drills holes in your hands from playing mario party.

>> No.5821371

lube that shit lol

>> No.5821383

Nintendo needs better build quality. Word around non-retro is that Switch has drifting joysticks. Imagine paying $80 for a controller that becomes inaccurate with usage. They also needed to put felt in the docking bay, as to not only avoid scratching the tablet but to clean smuges everytime players move to the television.
>lube that shit lol
That's sodomy.

>> No.5822262

>That's sodomy.

I'm sure that's okay in your part of the world

>> No.5824017

What's better about it?

>> No.5824885

Reminder that there is, and has always been, an agenda against the N64 for no reason.
(copy and paste this when necessary)

>> No.5825265

Paper Mario would be a 6/10
All it has is "charm", otherwise its an extremely simple baby's first RPG that is nearly impossible to die in.

>> No.5825273

Choice and consequence or at the very least RPG elements for jarpigs