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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 121 KB, 627x613, 1565037830627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5792469 No.5792469 [Reply] [Original]

is SNES 9x GX (wii) accurate enough or should I play on the original hardware? What about BSNES for windows/linux? Is it accurate or does it miss 1/2 frames every 60 seconds?

>> No.5792472

Why is soijak making its way to /vr/?

>> No.5792486

Linux>windows>wii if you want the lowest latency

>> No.5792487

SNES 9x is great

>> No.5792495

it's /v/ kiddies wanting more attention

>> No.5792512

Soijak is a sitewide problem.

>> No.5792521

Spoken like a progressive journalist's new headline

>> No.5792540

Get your gay fucking wojack politics shit of our board.

>> No.5792550

>he thinks I'm being SJW by complaining
>not that it's just FUCKING ANNOYING and used by purely to antagonize and bother because "lol, u mad"

>> No.5792554

BSNES or SNES 9x? I had BSNES on Arch but I remember not running smooth on mega man x and super mario world

>> No.5792573


>> No.5792585

or maybe just keep fucking scrolling or say something about OPs question, his image isnt really a problem until a bugman like you makes it one

>> No.5792593

Lmao don't tardrage

>> No.5792605

>redditman poster is retarded when it comes to emulation
What a shock

>> No.5792623

No, it is ruining the site and every instance of it needs to be deleted posthaste.

>> No.5792624

how is it ruining anything the dude asked a question about emulation

>> No.5792625

You new to this site? People use images to bait threads into going the opposite direction from the post all the time.

>> No.5792632

i joined in 2016 when i heard about /pol/ from reddit

>> No.5792662

Is this nonstop wojack and pepe posting lasting even longer than those shitty ragefaces?

>> No.5792663

Because of your cringe pic I’m not going to answer and instead tell you to go back to r*ddit where you belong.

>> No.5792668

ignore the image its that simple you dont have to take the bait every fucking time

>> No.5792669

Rage faces died because other sites latched onto them. Wojacks are so shitty that no one else wants them.
You'll see a random pepe avatar, so that's on the way out.

>> No.5792670

katy perry posted a pepe like 4 years ago he was close to normie until he became nazi frog.

>> No.5792673

Yeah but then Boomers and edgelord idubbz/filthyfrank kids latched onto it once Pepe became a nazi frog so everything balanced out.

>> No.5792686

I have tried to ignore it but that isn’t the point. People who post shit like that just want to take up space and annoy everyone. If they get a response that’s just icing on the cake.

>> No.5792696

is it a good idea to waste money on Ryzen 5 3600 to play SNES/MegaDrive/PS1/PS2/Gamecube or should I get a retropie /?
Will ryzen 5 3600 run genesis/snes with accuracy no slowdown?

>> No.5792727

dude you can run those emulators on a 500mhz pentium2

>> No.5792759

the emulators are accurate enough but there can still be issues
original hardware is the standard

>> No.5792778

The linux versions of anything that byuu makes are poo.

>> No.5792823

Name one 2019 updated emulator that runs well on a Pentium 2.

>> No.5792839

No need to get so defensive, zir

>> No.5792842


>> No.5792843

piss off cunt

>> No.5793095

You're the only one being annoyed because you're a sensitive retard. Fuck off this website and take the rest of redditfags with you. Why would you be so mad at soi memes if they didn't connect to you somehow, anyways?

>> No.5793098

The fact you're calling anyone who doesn't like something that's obviously imported from a different website a redditor could't make for sweeter irony.
INB4 'seethe' or whatever version of u mad kids say nowadays.

>> No.5793103

Just use mednafen

>> No.5793135

You're the only one that replied to his image. If you didn't post in this thread no one probably would have even mentioned it. So the problem is you for derailing the thread.

>> No.5793176

It deserves to be derailed until it gets deleted and remade with an image that isn’t antagonistic.

>> No.5793184


>> No.5793295

Just use RetroArch, there are like 4 SNES cores, you choose the one depending on compatibility, you get more options.

>> No.5793543

visually it okei but there's noticeable input lag.

>> No.5793556

Gee, it sure is butthurt around here.

>> No.5793638

The newest version of BSNES is called Higan.

SNES9x is pretty good, though. If you're going to be autistic about half a frame every 60 seconds I don't know what to tell you, though, that sounds like a level of autism I can't account for.

>> No.5793807
File: 41 KB, 157x198, ra b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BSNES and Higan don't run well in a i5 from 2014
What CPU should I buy to run without stutter?

>> No.5793819

how do you know it was imported from reddit unless you were a redditor yourself

>> No.5794314
File: 87 KB, 518x710, 231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds

>> No.5794326

Just use Snes9x. Higan's not worth getting a new CPU.

>> No.5794334
File: 32 KB, 480x405, 1491870966413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass quoter telling others to take meds

>> No.5794338

take meds

>> No.5794491

have sex

>> No.5794494

Eat a banana

>> No.5794497
File: 514 KB, 1439x1595, 10-douglas-harding-map-of-the-first-person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shtick a banana in you"re ear
&&all you're troubles will surely

>> No.5795079

Kevin Nash is the biggest lazy-ass in the world, suck a dick.

>> No.5795126

Zoomer kids still mixing up greater than/less than.

>> No.5795264

>According to "ask me anything" (AMA) thread on Reddit[2] by a user claiming to be Krautchan user Wojak, the bald man illustration was originally discovered on the imageboard vichan with the filename "twarz.jpg." The image was subsequently popularized as a reaction image after Wojak submitted it to the German language image board Krautchan in May 2010. Soon after, the picture became known as “Wojak’s face” and “ciepła twarz” (“warm face”). The image spread to other international image boards, including the Italian Pastachan[3] and the Russian Dobrochan.

we will have 10th annivesary next year

>> No.5795301

Aging gamer population

>> No.5795810

No, as of now, bsnes and higan are different things and both can be downloaded separately.
bsnes107 is faster than Higan107 (it is now the performance build) and I've had no hiccups in the games I tested, running on a 3rd gen i5

>> No.5795840

People are getting dumber.

>> No.5795850

/v/-tier thread

>> No.5795863


>> No.5795865


A middle schooler on summer vacation

>> No.5795897

There's no reason to use BSNES unless you're playing air strike patrol. Also it has more higher input lag than SNES9x.

>> No.5795941
File: 140 KB, 800x1000, 1560547878848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5795943

there's no way you have the eye to tell if it matters so just emulate