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File: 129 KB, 640x480, FFIX_Vivi_Magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5778376 No.5778376 [Reply] [Original]

I challenge someone to show me a better jrpg character than Vivi. I do not think that it is possible, though.

>> No.5778378
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you asked for it

>> No.5778393
File: 121 KB, 1191x670, galuf_s_last_stand_by_nowis_337-d8wcund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galuf is the most based JRPG character this is not even a question.

>> No.5778401

He only stands out in 9 because of how bafflingly terrible the rest of the cast is.

>> No.5778409
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>> No.5778414

Freya wasn't bad. I know some of the others felt a little heavy-handed or something but it's been too long and I cant actually remember this game well

Maybe it's time to try out android ps emu

>> No.5778427

I lose your challenge, because it is indeed an impossible task

>> No.5778497
File: 65 KB, 200x200, 72f969890c406812dffe5d5b9de0bb307ecaf2c3_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vivi is fantastic, probably my number 2 but it's Ershin for me no question.

>> No.5778658
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A challenge, huh? Well, not much of a challenge when you really think about it. Turbo virgin Vivi doesn't even hold a candle to a giga chad like Kyle.

>> No.5778670
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*does nothing wrong*

>> No.5778821

Ershin says Ershin is the best character, and you do not argue with Ershin.

>> No.5778870
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>> No.5778921
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Based and althena pilled

>> No.5778949
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There's only one answer and it's fucking FREG (aka Glenn).

>> No.5778984
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>> No.5779196
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>> No.5779219

Imagine thinking that Cid even comes close to Vivi...

>> No.5779372

This guy is a qt

>> No.5779391

I always hated this fucker but just about any character in this game is infinitely more interesting than Vivi

>> No.5779408

>infinitely more interesting than Vivi
Based on what standards? How do you quantify your statement?

>> No.5779418
File: 23 KB, 560x444, ziggy_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive the non retroness, but Ziggy is legitimately my favorite RPG character ever. Dude's a hardass with a heart of gold, and has a really relatable backstory despite the ultra futuristic setting.

>> No.5779431

He looks like a gayer version of Alfred Ashford from CVX

>> No.5779486


>> No.5779620
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>> No.5779686

Blatant waifubait. There's no actual character to her.

>> No.5779714

that sack of shit should have been axed during development.

>> No.5779830

Yeah but she is more attractive than Vivi

>> No.5779901
File: 83 KB, 991x717, 1558631488906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point

>> No.5780010

i cant imagine anyone disliking dias except for someone with small genitals

>> No.5780020
File: 24 KB, 340x341, mr_saturn_earthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing IX last week. I like Vivi
Mr. Saturn are some pretty cool guys

>> No.5780041
File: 24 KB, 320x224, chrono-cross-kid-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5780101

I named my black cat Vivi.

>> No.5780151

She was aesthetically good but story wise she was a gigantic nothing and in combat she was terrible.

I'll raise you the entire cast of 7 minus cait sith and aeris since both belong in the trash.

Another good answer.


>> No.5780160
File: 93 KB, 600x762, galuf.cara.Final.Fantasy.V.full.1378651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still this thread has yet to come up with anything better than Galuf, the ball-busting gramps with the most noble of hearts.

>> No.5780207
File: 216 KB, 1064x1064, 1487366423125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heh. You mean armored vessel for a lewd goddess.

>> No.5780497

How does that hoe fit into that r2d2 suit?

>> No.5780524
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a fucking goddess. She can do what she wants.

>> No.5780545
File: 41 KB, 511x499, 111clive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to do a mad dash in suikoden 2 the best installment in the series and skip recruiting damn near any one and fight luca with no real leveling up time the boss fight of 3 player teams in descending order then bail on the last dungeon and wander to find the small town just to shoot the lady who killed his brother. thats how cool clive is almost nobody gives a fuck about some random character so they dont go through the trouble of unlocking 2 lines of text in the epilogue where are they now moment after you beat the game . thats what cool is not caring about any one or anything. and he has a gun

the only thing more hidden in the game would be lewds in the bathhouse and going to kill joey by walking out of the peace treaty signing or stalemate with joey at the same location

>> No.5780637

Man I really wish IX didn't totally shit the bed in disc 3.

>> No.5780693

How did it do that? Flying around the map and removing the seals beyond worlds (this is probably disc 2, it has been a whole) is great, and Memoria is a fucking phenomenal final dungeon.

>> No.5780703

He had a pretty cool arc, but as a character in of itself he wasn't that involved

>> No.5780816

I like that games visual style... what's it called? I might track it down and play thru it tonight

>> No.5780838

It's Lunar the Silver Star for the Sega CD. There's also a sequel called Lunar Eternal Blue. Depending on what you want out of the game, there's multiple versions of each. If you need help choosing, I can try and help you out.

>> No.5780861
File: 84 KB, 640x480, LUNAR000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the Sega CD version going. Loving the intro with singing and voice over. Def like the art style also. Thanks for the name anon I think I might be on this game for a bit tonight. This is nice since I just got done playing phantasie I and was looking for something new to play

>> No.5780894

No problem, you might enjoy a lot of the songs since they are made by a combination of Noriyuki Iwadare and Isao Mizoguchi, who have composed for other cult classics.

>> No.5780908

I probably will desu.. I like things like that in games since i t can make the game have its own charm. Plus as I mentioned I really like the art style in game. Maybe that's my been playing c64 rpg's bias showing but it's really colorful and I enjoy it. Saved and closed it for the moment since I have a few things to do but will be putting an hour or so into it shortly. Odd since I was pretty sure I was going to end up playing another c64 or zx spectrum rpg. but also has me seeing what's on the sega cd worth playing and it seems a few games worth checking out including a few rpgs. nice

>> No.5781079
File: 128 KB, 640x480, LUNAR002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played for a bit and just fought some enemies and leveled outside of the dragons cave. Def a decent game and will put some time into it. gonna check out popful mail for a bit since that looks like another fun one to play thru.

>> No.5781086
File: 16 KB, 256x224, lu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a gif version of that image. Also popful mail sounds nice, I definitely want to play that game.

>> No.5781160

Squall, Seifer, and Laguna are the only good FF8 characters.

All FF7 playable characters are good except Cait Sith and Vincent (How did Vincent become popular? All he does in fill in some unimportant backstory.) And people like >>5780151 calling Aerith trash are just mad she's not their pure waifu cliche.

>> No.5781403

>Squall, Seifer, and Laguna are the only good FF8 characters.
Objectively false. Quistis, Selphie, Zell, Edea, Xu and Ellone are all great.

>> No.5781414

>How did Vincent become popular? All he does in fill in some unimportant backstory
Brooding troubled secret character with mysterious past.

>> No.5781451

I think Cait Sith is super interesting. Yuffie is the dull one to me.

>> No.5781492

While I agree he's interesting, the problem is it requires supplemental material - the other FF7 projects like Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus - to learn exactly WHY he's interesting.

>> No.5781578

I haven't played or paid attention to either of those though. I think from what you see in game he's one of the more interesting characters.

>> No.5781638

His whole story is "Reeve is secretly helping AVALANCHE". The closest thing to character development is that he does it more openly once he can get away with it. We don't know why a high-ranking Shinra member decided to betray his organization, even though that's an interesting story.

Yuffie has a huge side-quest, where we learn about her motivations, and where she learns to be less annoying. Yuffie is objectively the better character.

>> No.5781736

I won't disagree Yuffie gets more screen time, I just find her annoying and uninteresting. Cait Sith has a small part but it was more compelling. I don't think anyone in the game is amazingly realized though.

>> No.5781757

Yuffie's a cunt, and still completely unlikable in all the other FF7 stories.

>> No.5782107

Yuffie is a saint

>> No.5782353
File: 46 KB, 426x608, Sundown_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shoots your path*
nothin' personnel, kid

>> No.5782395

What are you talking about?
He was ODIO. And his version of the final chapter is Kino.

>> No.5782403

Phenomenal is a stretch.
Memoria is basically a linear hallway.

>> No.5782694

>Gustave the Died under Rubble

>> No.5782726

Saints aren't thieving, self-centered shits, anon.

>> No.5783848


>> No.5785151


Freya isn't bad in combat. After some grinding she can easily deal 9999 damage

>> No.5785286



>> No.5785320

Ziggy is cool. I'm playing Xenosaga right now.

>> No.5785469

Not him but it was about the art design and vibes.

>> No.5785510

>using the shitty expanded universe lore when talking about FF7

>> No.5785515

>Ignoring canon material just to support your narrow, incorrect view.

>> No.5785557
File: 89 KB, 739x1081, vincent_valentine_suite_by_sakimichan_dc36ulc-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did Vincent become popular?
Hm, I wonder. :P

>> No.5785558
File: 133 KB, 640x480, remember when sector 7 fell, because the writers sure didn't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignoring canon material just to support your narrow, incorrect view.
Yep, that's what Square did alright!

>> No.5785630

The train graveyard was in fact in Sector 6. Check out around 2:05 here and you can even see the sky where the sector 7 plate used to be.

>> No.5785634
File: 66 KB, 630x630, 2286988_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice Orko ripoff you got there

>> No.5786380

But hes a cat and cats are cute.

>> No.5786393
File: 164 KB, 850x850, Jawa_ionblaster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5786669
File: 454 KB, 800x600, demonsgate01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these male characters

>> No.5787985

>When you play Suikoden V and see Shun Min's ending, implying she marries Hai Yo

>> No.5788568

he definitely picked Claude at the beginning.

>> No.5788583
File: 16 KB, 512x480, Delita_Chronicles_Final_Fantasy_Tactics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5788607

they censored rose's limit break in the american release because it looked like menstruation

>> No.5788614
File: 142 KB, 610x814, Thats+hot+_e114ee581be009acf3f4a068fd4fade9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a gayer version of my mom

>> No.5788698

Where is he from, he looks familiar.

>> No.5788758
File: 262 KB, 1000x1351, 6fc63822064c18cba22a93ff8d997453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best use of Vivi: Casting multi-select spells on a fully-reflected party, bouncing them off and smacking the piss out of enemies for dirt-cheap.
Very satisfying thing to do, even the attack animation is cool.

But yeah, nah. Selphie is best.

>> No.5788776
File: 65 KB, 253x238, 1558624371228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5788805

>ten seconds

>> No.5788831

Vivi, Dagger, Freya, and Eiko are the only characters I can really empathize with. Yeah, I have soft spot for Eiko, and she starts off as a great healer. Dagger can catch up to her but it takes time and the right equipment.

Zidane starts off cool but I lost interest in him by the second disc. He's the worst main character in the series, of the games I've played. Amarant's character is just fucking bleh and his only redeeming quality is Chakra, but after grinding Grand Dragons I'm stocked on so many ethers and MP modifiers that Chakra has become irrelevant.

Steiner is great in combat when paired with Vivi for Sword Magic. Character-wise he's just an annoying prick.

The thing is useless unless you're using her Lvl 5 Death to rape Grand Dragons.

Yeah, this is where the story just goes completely off course and most of the cast just falls apart. It barely catches back up by the time you get to Garland and he explains Zidane's backstory, but by then the game is pretty much over since there's only one dungeon on Disc 4.

Kuja goes from an interesting villain to a complete waste, too.

>> No.5788893

He shouldn't have to spell it out for you m8. Vivi is a useless whingey twat who can't do anything on his own, he is not interesting. There are castle guards with more character than the brat.

>> No.5789084

>Worse main character
Shit taste confirmed. Dude's the best one. He's upbeat, friendly, and goes out of his way to help others simply on principle. He went and took a piss together with Vivi as a male bonding ritual in order to cheer him up! He has the most natural and believable romance arc in the entire series. Dude is a total bro. But I guess you like the dime-a-dozen, "whatever..." edgelords like Squall and Cloud too much.

>> No.5789130

I don't think I could have finished FF9 if it wasn't for the fact that I liked Zidane. I hated most of the other characters. I like Vivi, Beatrix is a cute, and Garnet is OK but other than that my reaction ranged from disinterest (Freya) to mostly annoyance (Steiner, Quina, Eiko, Amarant)

>> No.5789132
File: 141 KB, 677x1000, FF5_Gilgamesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5789282

Steiner's pretty great too IMO. He's presented at first as someone who's meant to be unlikable, but before even disc 1 is finished you see he's an honorable hardass with a heart of gold.

>> No.5789514
File: 50 KB, 794x637, il_794xN.1060810171_jov6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best storyline of any character in the game
>most based character in the game
>hovers in his walk animation
>most powerful magic in the game
>uses scythes
>summons and attempts to solo the big bad
>villain with a redemption arc
>based theme music
>such a Chad he rocks a purple outfit and gets away with it
For me, it's Magus

>> No.5789839

>But I guess you like the dime-a-dozen, "whatever..." edgelords like Squall and Cloud too much.

Presumptuous projection. Squall is boring and Cloud is only tolerable because he's surrounded by an A list cast of characters.

Try again brainlet.

>> No.5789910

>I liked Zidane because he goes pee.

Wow. I never thought of it like that before.

>> No.5789914

Alright, so tell us who you think is best so you can be mocked properly.

>> No.5789918
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Thank you, and have a nice day.

>> No.5790010

Oersted from live-a-live

>> No.5790179

>If your favorite character isn't the genome who goes peepee then you should be mocked.

Alright, you know what, I love Zidane now. Shucks.

>> No.5790205

I thought I was going to hate both Zidane and Steiner when there was just promo material out and they both ended up being some of my favorite FF characters in the end.

I will say this too though, Cloud basically being an unreliable narrator was interesting at least. Squall is a dipshit though.

>> No.5791149


>> No.5791157

I actually have no problems with most FF characters, most of them are fine or great imo (at least the retro ones, maybe the lack of voice acting helped but I also like X as well)
I hated everyone in X-2 though, and the XII cast is about as memorable as one from a NES FF which was really disappointing
can't say anything about the games after XII since that one (and X-2) made me drop the franchise for good

>> No.5791236

steiners easily the best developed character in the game

>> No.5791256
File: 104 KB, 668x1000, Kain_Highwind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks all paths

>> No.5791258

Always had a hard time not siding with Steiner when I think you're supposed to like Zidane the most at the start, but the truth is Steiner was right about everything.

>> No.5791264

But vivi is a shit character

>> No.5791268

Explain how.

>> No.5792251

He is good but not as good as Vivi

>> No.5794880

Seconding this. >>5791268

>> No.5794884

Thirding this. >>5791268

>> No.5794936
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, Kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love her or hate her, she is undeniably a great character.

>> No.5794970

Not that guy but like someone else said Vivi is the best character in a game full of bland characters. Its not an achievement.

>> No.5794978

But OP's thesis isn't that Vivi is merely the best character of FF9, but of ALL JRPGs.

>> No.5795013
File: 331 KB, 1180x1060, knight-in-armor-vs-steiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Steiner is that he's unreasonable and his behavior is constantly played for laughs. He's a stooge in a party that, as far as I'm concerned, didn't need one. He could have been insecure and overcompensating with conflicts over duty and self-worth without being an obnoxious fool every step of the way. Plus he looks goofy. Zidane is a cocky/funny guy, a carefree player with loose morals. He could have been a great contrast with a more stoic, reserved Steiner who disapproves of Zidane's reckless ways and objects to the plans without devolving into a fit of sputtering rage every time Zidane tools him. Instead it's just constant shenanigans and tomfoolery for hours of the game until finally Steiner gets some fair treatment.

Vivi stands out because he's one of the few characters who isn't obnoxious fool. He actually has a legitimate reason to behave like a naive child and (unlike Eiko) he is earnest and not bratty. Quina is a one-note greed monster who people think is wise because he randomly gets some good lines. Amarant is a caricature of an edgelord whose brooding aloofness is so over-the-top I could not take him seriously at all.

Garnet and Zidane are OK, they are portrayed as young teenagers in extraordinary situations and that's fine. My problem is that taken altogether the party in FF9 is a clown car of goofballs. While I realize this is a valid artistic choice and disliking it is a matter of taste, it was very disappointing to me as a game that was touted as a return to the old-style Final Fantasy. The older games had characters who were, on average, older and more mature. Child characters like Palom & Porom and Relm were minor side characters, and the shorter length of the stories meant that goofy stuff rarely over-stayed its welcome.

>> No.5795025

Solid analysis, anon. My compliments.

>> No.5795040

>But I guess you like the dime-a-dozen, "whatever..." edgelords like Squall and Cloud too much.
Anyway, I (>>5789084) also want to comment on this because even though I like Zidane this isn't really a fair characterization of Cloud, and certainly not in a 1997 context.

Cloud's "whatever..." attitude was most certainly NOT dime-a-dozen when the game came out. The archetypal JRPG protagonist at the time was an upbeat teenage boy who just wants to do the right thing (Crono from Trigger, Ryu from Breath of Fire, Rudy from Wild ARMs, Butz from FF5). And while Final Fantasy protagonists had changed it up in the past with Cecil starting off the game as a Dark Knight and Terra as a frightened teenage girl with unknown powers, those conflicted characters were still clearly good with noble intentions right from the start. Cloud's introduction as an aloof character with legitimately selfish motivations and no outward desire for friends or camaraderie was very striking and unusual for the time.

And of course, the fact is that Cloud is a deeper character than that. After his initial introduction as a coldly practical mercenary you immediately had Tifa and Aeris chipping away at the facade.

>> No.5796232


>> No.5796275

I enjoy horror-themed characters so I can't argue this one.
And this guy either.

>> No.5796278

Also, I think they went for more goofiness because of FF8's SO SERIOUS lineup. FF9 was a pretty good contrast to FF8. They're basically opposites.

>> No.5796338

That makes sense. I just think they overshot the mark a bit, which is ultimately a matter of taste.

>> No.5796487

They could have made FF9 more serious for sure. Especially Steiner. After all he's supposed to be a war-experienced soldier, not easily trolled.

>> No.5796584

He does get serious when shit gets real. Remember that part where he's bulldozing through Alexandria Castle while trying to save Garnet? Notice how he doesn't do a victory pose after felling his fellow knights.

>> No.5796587

>return to the old-style Final Fantasy

I never got this sense at all. FF7 is more like 6 than 9 is. And 9 isn't anything like 4 or 5. Those games are fast paced and exciting. 9 is so slow in both pace and gameplay.

>> No.5797323

I believe that what made people say that was:
(a) The pre-modern setting. FF7 and FF8 were modern and sci-fi/futuristic.
(b) A traditional class system again. Even though FF7 was really a lot like FF5 in its design, most people didn't think of it that way, and FF8 was even weirder, ability-wise.
(c) Four character party

>> No.5797350

Wait, how is 7 like 5? I never even remotely thought that.

>> No.5797431

Seconding this >>5797350 7 is nothing like 5. You're not making people different classes, it's way more freeform.