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/vr/ - Retro Games

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577814 No.577814 [Reply] [Original]

This is just the most.. asinine thing ever.
I was playing Fallout 1 and decided to play some Fallout 2, I used Google to fix the resolution issues, and ran the unofficial patch, and have no problems with the psychedelic colors that I saw when I first opened it, (took some time, no big deal) but when I go inside the temple.. What the fuck?
Those ants have what 7 hp? Easy to defeat but I have a 40% chance to hit them (Took gifted, have 9 int, agi, 8 per, 8 luk). I tagged Small guns, Lockpick, and Speech but I can't even kill the damn ants!
I've been trying for over 40 minutes reloading my saves trying to kill the scorpions and ants just at the start... was I supposed to tag unarmed or something?
I mean I'm calling bullshit on this. I want to enjoy F2 but right off the bat this is frustrating, and looking for those patches didn't set me in a good mood either. I just want to know if I took the wrong traits.. or agh, I don't know.. Some advice?

>> No.577832
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Not a bad idea to tag melee or unarmed at the beginning. The game isn't necessarily difficult, so it's not like your build will suffer a whole bunch. You can try and sneak by some of the enemies. I personally don't remember having much of a problem with it my first time, and I was pretty young.

Also get gud

>> No.577842
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I haven't given up easily, despite my post I have been trying, I only find one healing powder in the room after four or so ants. Fallout 1 starts you out with a gun, and some Stims.. It wasn't hard to get out of the Vaults cave but these.. man, no guns, no stims it's difficult to get anywhere. If I had a higher chance of striking I wouldn't be so annoyed but I like my current build, it will work for my play-style. I'm new to old WRPG's, and Fallout is one in particular I really have wanted to play. I started with F3 and fell in love with the series as a whole. Enough about my life though, back to my original questions.. how the hell do I kill all the ants unarmed?

>> No.577851
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>Interplay forces devs to have a tutorial section
>lol okay

>> No.577853
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The low-Int play through is the reason why the first two Fallouts have credibility to me. Yeah, I'll reset my dude and tag melee (or unarmed, Spear is meh in my opinion).

>> No.577860
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funny, (and ironically), I beat all the Khan Raiders at level three. I mean, I actually had a weapon, combat armor.. a fighting chance so it wasn't hard. I started over, no big deal. I with tutorials or beginning areas were as difficult.. might be hilarious to see casual players reactions to them.

>> No.577861

Go ahead and put some points into melee and use the spear on the ants/scorpions. If you're tagging speech than the guard won't be a problem.

And don't worry too much about your build if all you wanna do is get past the Trials - it's arguably the hardest part of the game.

>> No.577864

You only need like 20-something-% unarmed to beat those ants. It's tedious but doable. I know because I did a playthrough with a completely non-combat char (shit agi/str/per). I needed to tackle the enemies one by one with a lot of resting in the middle but it wasn't hard.

Having said that, unarmed is a surprisingly useful skill in FO2, and in a lot of fun situations. Not a bad one to tag at all.

>> No.577876

got any more pictures similar to these, that show funny moments?

>> No.577875

remove everything from Intelligence and put it into Strength, tag unarmed, rape everyone

>> No.577893
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This one is fake, but pretty lel

>> No.577916
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Yeah, I figured I could use Speech.
I'm a type that gets frustrated if the only battle plan isn't working, I get impatient as the frustration mounts. I haven't tagged Unarmed yet or restarted yet, either though.
Oh god, that's possibly one of the funniest things I've read in the past month. That was awesome.

>> No.577921


You are denying yourself fun

>> No.577923

>not tagging melee instead
>not super-sledging everything across the screen

>> No.577927
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I know but I want to play this game plaintively for now. I've never played Fallout 1 & 2 (until now of course). Mu knowledge of the in-game world is limited, aside from a few sordid weapons, characters, and traits/perks you can acquire. So.. I just want to get through a good amount of it nd on my second playthrough I'll do a neanderthal (I know it's fun but damn, I need experience).

>> No.577941
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Thanks for some advice, I don't feel as inept, and quitting for a few moments has let me calm my frustrations a bit. I'm off to adventure!

>> No.577942

to beat the ants, make sure you leave 3 action points to step away so they'll catch up but never have enough ap to hit you.

or just sneak past/ignore them, they give shit for EXP anyways

if you didn't tag speech for cameron, you can also steal the key from him to avoid a fight and get extra exp

don't bother exploring every room in the temple, just head straight to the finish, you can riffle through shelves for all your hoarder needs in the next town

>> No.577943
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>> No.577947

You don't have to tag melee or unarmed to get through the trials. Run away from some of the enemies and just fight when you have to. Tag speech and you can bypass the final guy without fighting.

>> No.577958
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Of course, I could go the temporary-pacifist route. I'll try this instead.

>> No.577969

Temple of Trials and Arroyo are far and away the worst areas of any of the Fallout games. I was about to say even including Fallout 3, but then I remembered Little Lamplight.

If you want to beat the scorps and ants easily make sure you have enough action points to hit them and then move maybe about 3 hexes away. They'll use AP walking towards you, but not actually have enough left to hit you. So you hit them again, run again, etc.

You might still have some difficulty with the fight at the end. The guy has more AP than a scorpion or ant, although vaguely remember if you have enough AP you might be able to punch and run again, would probably need like 10 though. You can talk your way past him if you have speech tagged. Aside from that it can actually be quite a tough fight.

BTW I've played some games of Fallout 2 were I've tagged unarmed for no reason other than to get through the first stages of the game more easily. Having said that it's fun to roleplay a fighter in some parts as well. For what it's wroth, unless you enjoy roleplaying a trapper-hunter, the first parts of Fallout 2 are the worst, it only really picks up at the Den.

>> No.577986
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For some reason people don't realize you can just run past all of the enemies in the temple. I wouldn't recommend it because you lose out on valuable xp but it's a viable strategy.

>> No.578003

Just started playing the first. The cineatic sequences are nice but is it supposed to be this mind numbing? I can't understand why people would think this is better than 3 for any reason other than difficulty elitism.

>> No.578034


The second game is far better and more interesting.

Except for the temple at the start. That's a mind numbing experience that the developers were forced to add in because execs insisted there ought to be a tutorial level.

The first is actually pretty boring, although the plot is pretty awesome.

I actually liked Fallout 3 better, except for the NPCs, which I found to be grating and annoying, just like all characters made by Bethesda.

I thought Fallout: New Vegas was the best game of the series.

I'm sorry /vr/, I have failed you.

>> No.578058

I guess I'll try 2 then. The Master has me interested anyway. I thought NV and 3 were too different for me to really pick one. They both did the things the other failed to do incredibly. NV had a bland wasteland but 3 had terrible acting (not including Liam Neeson of course).

>> No.578110

little details that you might've missed out on FO2:

if you come back later, Arroyo tribespeople have different dialogues, and Nagor admits to having eaten Smoke, his dog

When you're trying to get Rebecca's money back from drug addict named Fred, you can cover up a part of his debt and 6 months later he'll pay you back because he struck gold at the casino

if you have a female character named Buffy, Rebecca at the Den will give you some crazy good gears

>> No.578116

Yeah, the Master is just awesome.
Really, everything directly tied to him and what he's doing was just incredible, I thought.
But he's really like the only interesting part of the game, and you only really start hearing about him at the tail end of it.
Everything else is honestly pretty dull, unless you just really love post apocalyptia.

The sequel, though, has a lot of interesting and varied locations, things to do, and a decent enough plot with some humor thrown in. I really feel like it's the stronger of the two.

But you have to make it out of the temple first, and that's just agony the whole way through. Should take about 10-20 minutes if you don't have to do a repeat run.