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5748852 No.5748852 [Reply] [Original]

So what is your opinion on TR3?

Its my personal favorite

>> No.5748886

When someone asks me which of Core games they should play to get the gist of classic TRs, I always suggest TR3. It has its issues, but in general, it probably delivers the ultimate Core-era experience, mixing weird shit with "serious" game and having some interesting levels on a side of it all. Also, looks much better than TR1 and 2, so easier to get people behind it and has some iconic music beats.
All in all, one of the better TRs ever made.

>> No.5748892

I have a hard time assessing TR3. I have a huge soft spot for it, but on the other hand I consider TR1/TR4 better (i.e. more coherent) games. I still enjoy the fuck out of this game - mostly due to it's slightly "sandboxy" feel. I would put it above TR2, that takes forever to get to the point.

>> No.5748939

too hard, never made it past antartica as a kid, I should try it again some day but I just hate Nevada for taking your weapons
my favourites are 1 and 4

>> No.5748954

Good game but the level design in a lot of spots leaves a lot to be desired, a lot of the tight level design of the previous two games is gone in favor of making the levels as long as possible. I'm glad they toned down the encounter rate from 2, but some shit is inexcusable like finding a key somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, it's like finding a needle in a haystack, and some of those London levels were dark and linear and just long for the sake of being long. Also the rapids shit was stupid.

I like the game but it's not as carefully made as its predecessors despite some advantages over TR2, namely encounter rate.

>> No.5749002

I got it when I was 9 years old but was haunted and intimidated by the atmosphere and scope and never returned to it. I really need to give it a go as an adult.

>> No.5749261

South Pole is the final stage, anon. You've missed some really, really good shit in it.
The game in general is all over the place. We've got classic adventure (India), we've got cheesy adventure (South Pacific), we've got aliens and conspiracy (Nevada), we've got urban fantasy and shit (London) and we've got pure Lovecraft (Antarctica). Somehow TR3 makes it all work together and gel really well.
Definitely an improvement in terms of pacing over TR2, which was boring as fuck for first half and here even if you pick London as your first choice you still can have (some) fun.

>> No.5749281

yeah, I'll probably play it again
I remember getting stuck in temple ruins for months because I didn't realize a monkey dropped a hard to see key

>> No.5749297

My advice - skip all of London if it doesn't "click" for you after first 15 minutes. It's not exactly well designed and it's obviously a prime example of City Raider, so if it doesn't work for you, just skip it, instead of testing your patience and interest in the game.
When I was playing the game for the first time, I gave up myself in the Lost City of Tinnos, the pen-ultimate level. Was too big, too complex and too damn hard (I had the version with infinite spawn of enemies), so I've dropped it. Eventually had a friend at my home and he talked me into going back, so we were just passing the contoller upon reload to beat the shit out of that level and then the final one. Good memories...
... and when I returned to that level two years later, it was piss-easy to beat.

>> No.5749313

>Also the rapids shit was stupid.
The kayak fucking ruled you could do weird shit like paddle up waterfalls backwards.

>> No.5749453


>> No.5749454
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Hello, fellow kayak lover

>> No.5751206

>the rapids shit was stupid
Mabudu Gorge is literally one of the best level of the entire game, the fuck you are on?

>> No.5751227

To be fair I did love South Pacific levels. Lara's cute outfit had nothing to do with it, honest.

>> No.5751258

I never understood the logic of TR3's locations. India and Pacific gel together perfectly. Nevada is a nice mix of wilderness and "urban" areas. This all fits with Antarctica...
... and then there is London. Which on paper is a great concept, but in reality is not only boring, but also most of it doesn't fit rest of the game.

>> No.5751276

Remember times when having vehicle section in a game was a big deal and having variety of said vehicles was even bigger?

>> No.5751285

I guess they wanted to put an "urban spy episode" somewhere. Every location has it's own distinct feel to it - it almost feels like a bunch of episodes in a TV series. India is your classical Indiana Jones, South Pacific is pretty much Lost World or King Kong, Nevada is X-Files, Antarctica suddenly start ripping off The Thing and in the Mountains of Madness. I guess CORE wanted to turn London into a "spy episode". Cool on paper, but not so fun in execution.

>> No.5751295

It's a good thing they've resigned from making All Hallows an obligatory level. London is too long as it is, no need to drag it further.

>> No.5751389
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>save crystals

>> No.5751414
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>playing on console

>> No.5751621

I liked it. I've always liked city levels where it's dark or takes place at night. Yeah there are parts in the London levels that get a little boring, but overall I enjoyed it's aesthetic and atmosphere.

>> No.5751781

dropped it half way through, or beat it I can't remember. I've beaten I and II multiple times but just can't get into 3 onwards.

>> No.5751850

>half way through
That says nothing, because the game is semi-linear. For example, you could pick Nevada and then London and hate the game with passion. Or you could play South Pacific, Nevada and drop it when things start to get interesting. And so on and forth

>> No.5752162

I've finished out of pure spite. It's a manual on bad game design, cheap deaths and trial and error design. TR1 is the best.

>> No.5752320

TR2 > TR3

>> No.5752398

The Lost Artifact was short so it's not really a fair comparison but it felt more solid to me than TR3.

>> No.5752661

Who were you trying to spite then? Yourself?
Because you sound like the type of person who is afraid to admit they've enjoyed something, doubly so if said thing is popular. Nobody gives a fuck, man. It's anonymous Tibetan tapestry after all

>> No.5752686

literally me

>> No.5753857

I think I beat it? I remember all those locations but not enjoying it.
I'm inclined to agree with you my man. 1 is like you're just dropped in the middle of fucking nowhere and everything is trying to kill you and you have no idea what the fuck is happening. The locations are all deep, unexplored wilderness and not cities like 2 onwards. I love that when you see a bear or gorilla it feels like how you would feel in real life even if you had guns. you just wanna run away from that shit and not fuck with it.

>> No.5754894

was going to do a full series play through and burned out on the 3rd level after playing 1 & 2. I have since beat the non-retro ones and want to come back and finish the middle part of the series (even angel of darkness et. al.). I remember it being pretty good but the levels just seems so much bigger and the atmosphere was not as good as 1 or even 2. I think that's when the series really got away from the lmao no tombs syndrome. If someone had to pick one game to play from the earlier series I would say 1. Atmosphere is top notch, the story is wild and it's clunky. That's just tomb raider to me.

>> No.5754952

I’m disappointed there wasn’t a boss battle in the Nevada area.

>> No.5755139

Depends on your ammo count, facing the final wave of soldiers might count as boss battle anyway.
I always liked the scrounger dilema with Area 51 ending - fight those guys, potentially using ammo on that and maybe even a medpack to gather ammo they drop OR just rush for the ending, ignoring the hail of bullets

>> No.5755337

It had too much James Bond/the X-files, and not enough Indiana Jones. A very bumpy and uneven experience. On the other hand, London and Nevada were weird. On the other, India and The Pacific islands were god tier Tomb Raidering.

>> No.5755849

Antarctica was also good, being the proper mix of wild, "urban" and ruins. Nevada fucked up with proportions and London was just plain awful city raider

>> No.5758057

Cheat-skip London and it's a perfect game

>> No.5758082

london stands out in memory for the sheer fact it made no fucking sense

i kinda liked it

>> No.5760038

>All those people complaining about London
Best boss, thou

>> No.5760049
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Bitch, please

>> No.5761865

Ruined by CRITICAL bugs and bad game design. If you leave Nevada at the very end, almost all ammo collected through the game is gone and you are left with basic pistols in the last level. Speaking of which, it has some serious The Thing vibe.
I liked London level, with a bit of Egyptian throwback in museum but TR4 is my all-time fav.

>> No.5762390

>If you leave Nevada at the very end, almost all ammo collected through the game is gone and you are left with basic pistols in the last level
This is not a bug, you bloody idiot.
>I liked London level
Oh, so you are just trolling

>> No.5762945

>This is not a bug, you bloody idiot.
>and bad game design. If you leave Nevada at...

>> No.5762972

Last TR that has soul, it's great but people should play TR1 and 2 first, if you love those 2 then play 3. Probably the hardest TR, tons of insane level design and puzzles that are nearly impossible to solve in you're first playthrough. I have a love/hate thing with the London levels, atmosphere is urban sinister and super nice but Lud's Gate is fucking horrible for example.

>> No.5763069

>Probably the hardest TR, tons of insane level design and puzzles that are nearly impossible to solve in you're first playthrough.
That would be The Last Revelation. Levels were insane and they had backtracking, it wasn't as linear as the rest on TR games.

>> No.5763074

It has no bugs, so the point still stands - you are a bloody idiot. If you consider the fact you are stripped in a fucking prison out of your all possessions "bad game design", then go fuck yourself, too. The game is perfectly playable regardless of which bits you do first

>> No.5763094

>It has no bugs
Ora Dagger and Element 115 want to talk.
Whole game is bugged and glitched more than the rest. There are bugs with objects that do not appear, invisible walls and events that do not trigger.

>> No.5763110
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>Can't list a single one
>Has to dig out ancient shit that doesn't apply to more than 90% of copies of the game

>> No.5763181

2nd fucking level. Temple Ruins - the one where you fight statue with six arms. Same things happen in underground station too.
Ice city has a bug where some items are not always appearing and since you need them to open another gate, you are stuck.
And famous glitch with misplaced pieces of meteorite in Nevada and Pacific.

>> No.5763261
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>Same things happen
Same as...? Because you know, you forgot to mention what bug happens in those levels.
>Ice city has a bug where some items are not always appearing and since you need them to open another gate, you are stuck.
Never heard about that one before, following the franchise since '96

Gee, it almost as if you still got shit aside that one misplacement that's on the corrupted data during disc burning, but trying to push hard with your utter bullshit.
And the best part is that while TR3 has countless issues, you are trying to make up fictional ones. Bravo

>> No.5763572

I have literally never encountered any of those, on multiple playthroughs of the game on both PC and PlayStation.

>> No.5764945

Aside Ora Dagger and Element 115 having a low chance to being misplaced (which was patched since release, so it only exists in original batch of discs and only in some regions), nothing else is "bugged" in TR3. No invisible walls, no other issues with objects, no nothing. Played multiple versions of TR3, only ever had any of it when I finally sniped out a version with Ora Dagger misplacement, but I had to actively search for it in the net just to see it for myself. And even that version didn't have any other bugs.

>> No.5765923

You can add Lud's gate bug. Quite common, there's some info.



>> No.5766017
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>Triggers guards' response