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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5747339 No.5747339 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5747342
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Off to a bad start. But I'll save the thread for you.

>> No.5747613

Tetrisphere, baby

>> No.5747615
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Still off to a bad start. I’ll help.

>> No.5747678

Mario, Zelda, the list goes on...

>> No.5747746


>> No.5747840
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explore the catalogue more

>> No.5747843
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>> No.5748286

BK is easily the best game on the system. Your shitty meme racer is significantly worse than xtreme g.

>> No.5748301

Nope, sorry. You're a grown man with the taste of a helmeted child autist. Mario 64 is the 3D platformer of choice and Extreme G is an absolute joke compared to F-Zero. Your opinions are embarrassing.

>> No.5748305

Wipeout also crushes f-zero. You've got nothing.

>> No.5748306
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You really blew it. But don't worry, I'll make things right.

>> No.5748307

Wipeout's the only good game you've mentioned here. Still not as good as F-Zero X.

>> No.5748364

Heres a starter pack:
Blast Corps
Duke 64
Earthworm Jim 3D
Harvest Moon
Jet Force Gemini
Kirby Crystal Shards
Majoras Mask
Mario Kart
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Rayman 2
Resident Evil 2
Road Rash
Ridge Racer
Star Fox
SW Rogue Squadron
SW Shadows of the Empire
SW Racer
Super Mario 64

The list goes on and on. The n64 library is godlike.

>> No.5748370

That list is smaller than the list of good jrpgs on the ps.

>> No.5748379

I could never get into jrpgs, i quit FF7 after the first battle :/

>> No.5748384

It also includes shit games that were never good. Everyone else was choosing one game and including some box art and this retard just dumps a random list of drastically varying quality. Spider-Man? Ok, thanks for the hot tip.

>> No.5748389

Have you tried chrono trigger?

>> No.5748394
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I don't give a fuck what other people think, this is a top tier N64 game for me.

>> No.5748435

The PC version is better.

>> No.5748446
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Maybe, never tried it. Aqua Aqua on PS2 is meh. I heard that Dreamcast version is also quite good.

>> No.5748686
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>Playing ANYTHING on the N64 when a Dreamcast port exists

>> No.5748687

Cart > disc.

>> No.5748689

You posted literally the only good game on the system that isn't a wrestling game

>> No.5748715

Wrestling fag has awful taste. That's a shocker.

>> No.5748729

imagine having the n64 living in your head rent free. the absolute state of /vr/.

>> No.5748750

Amazing how a game so simple could be so good.
Hard to pick the best of all, can do it for genres:

Best FPS
Perfect Dark

Best Scotformer
Mario 64

Best Action-adventure
Majoras Mask

Best racing
Wave Race 64

Best multiplayer
Super Smash Bros.

>> No.5748759

Essential console. Mario 64's never been matched. Ocarina's never been topped. F-Zero is one of the best arcade racers of all time and so is Wave Race. Top 3 all time tennis game. Best snowboarding game ever made. Best on-rails shooter of all time in Sin & Punishment. Ignore retard fodder like wrestling games, Banjo, Diddy Kong racing and get a controller with a decent stick like the Hori Mini Pad. Essential.

>> No.5749295

You forgot best paperboy simulator, which goes to Paperboy

>> No.5749302

What's the best boy simulator?

>> No.5749391

I'm a huge PSX fanboy and even I can't dispute the importance of the 64.

>> No.5749419

Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Mario Party 2 and 3
Majora Mask
Star Fox
Smash 64
Yoshi's Story (Far from a great game, but I personally liked it)

>> No.5749492

Based. I play powerful pro, re2, and megaman on my everdrive 64 and i dont give a fuck

>> No.5749921

Harvest Moon

>> No.5750019
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>> No.5750079


Why not call it Vigilante 8 like a real human? And where's Pokemon?

>> No.5750084

Mario is not a scotformer. Sonic is a scotformer because Sega created Sonic with the intention of making him a scot. Mario became nintendo's scot because his games are good.

>> No.5750124

Rocket 64

>> No.5750673

Got it.

>> No.5750793
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bee's knees right there

>> No.5750807

Jrpgs aren't good

>> No.5750823
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Man, everyone always seems to say GX is better, but I just can't for the life of me get into it. X is arguably my favorite n64 game and arguably one of the tightest smoothest games I've ever played. That being said, I don't play many racing games.

>> No.5750840

I play a ton of racing games, and I do like GX, but X is better, mainly because the vehicles feel much better to drive. This applies to a lot of series when they moved from the N64 to the GC. In most cases the physics/control was a downgrade, and it's not because I like the N64 stick--I don't at all; I use a 3rd party controller.

>> No.5750913

I've always felt like F-Zero X can only really be played with a genuine n64 stick. Even a horipad doesn't feel right to me. Seriously the n64 stick and that game were a match made in heaven.

>> No.5751009

pick one. Just don't pick n64 because it's a piece of shit with no games.

>> No.5751031


>> No.5751057

Hori is far more sensitive, but it was worth getting used to it for me because it feels so much better to use. It's silky smooth and comfortable, while the official is the least smooth and comfortable official stick ever made. I was on the steel stick waiting list but when my turn came up I passed; I'm sure it's great though if you're willing to pay for it.

>> No.5751267
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I love that the N64 makes you mad. My top 10 favorite N64 games aren't even 1st party lol.

>> No.5751330
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>good jrpgs on the ps.
trim your neck

>> No.5751339

Of course it'd be a Trashurecuck. Only someone that retarded could like the Nintendo Shitty-Fail.

>> No.5751345

>N64 hater is the anti-treasure shitposter
Like pottery, lol. I love it that it makes you mad.

>> No.5751350

Even worse, he like that cringe non-game pedophile simulator, WPJ2.

>> No.5751357

why are you replying to yourself?
Enjoying every tear anyways.

>> No.5751362
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>> No.5751363
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I love the hate generated by the N64

>> No.5751368

Me too. I mean, every console generates hate in one way or another, mainly from people who didn't own them. Saturn generates a lot of gate too.
Knowing there's people out there who actually waste brain cells hating these systems is like a guilty pleasure of mine. Knowing they suffer while I play good games, lmao.

>> No.5751382

N64 hate stems mostly from Nintendo fanboy butthurt because it was the system that failed to live up to their past systems and Nintendo could never achieve dominance in the market.

People that hate Nintendo should actually like the N64 because it was the system that did them in, along with the Shitcube.

>> No.5751401
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That's some history rewriting you're doing there, shitposter! LOL
People who hate the N64 are typically console warriors who grew up with a single system. Or /v/tards that need to translate their console war mindset to /vr/. Either way, funny as shit and enjoyable in a schadenfreude way from an idort standpoint.

>> No.5751413

Well you're wrong, I grew up with an N64 only and in retrospect, find it to be the weakest of the big 3 of that generation and play my PSX and Saturn way more often these days.

N64 was a major disappointment, wish I'd gotten a PSX instead. I was expecting it to be good after owning a NES and SNES which both had amazing libraries of games, but alas.

>> No.5751417

Saturn has about as many worthwhile games as the sega cd.

>> No.5751463

I got a PS1 first back then, and I wasn't too invested in it. Over the years I found some good games that I love, but overall, out of the 3 big 5th gen systems, it's the one I go back to the least, while I often go back to Saturn and N64.
I wasn't a fan of RPGs with loading times, and many PS1 games were ports, or got ports later, so yeah.
N64 still offers a lot of exclusives, and even games that later got ported to like, virtual console and stuff, are still best played with the original N64 controller.

>> No.5751478
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Best 5th gen Bomberman after Saturn Bomberman.
Extra points for native 4 player mode without the need of a multitap of course.

>> No.5751485

Atomic Bomberman is better.

Also Bomberman Fight!! is underrated, it's like Bomberman meets Power Stone.

>> No.5751550

>Atomic Bomberman is better.
Never played it, but I doubt a western-developed PC Bomberman would be better than a Hudson game.
Why is it better?

>> No.5751581
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>> No.5751890
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Fuck that 2nd to last boss fight though

>> No.5751983

This thread has as many posts as there are worthwhile games on the N64. It truly was the nogaems console of the 90s.

>> No.5751989

>sonygger still mad.

>> No.5752000

I couldn't get into it either. Its visually messy, the music is generic euro-techno, and the comic book aesthetic is barely present. Its fine as its own game, but its no sequel to F-Zero X.

>> No.5752005

Not just any western developer, but motherfucking Interplay.
Best thing about the game though is that it has a level editor.
Also, try it out yourself, it's free on download sites since the game is abandonware now.

>> No.5752006

I think that the music and reduced comic book aesthetic of GX are an upgrade (though the original looks and sounds best), but X plays better.

>> No.5752008

meant to quote 5751550

>> No.5752737

>Earthworm Jim 3D
I mean, I have a soft spot for it, and even I don't think it's very good. You put that shit on here but are missing titles like Mystical Ninja and Mischief Makers

>> No.5754538

I like you

>> No.5754585

I always get to disc 2 and completely lose interest.

>> No.5754649

if you own an N64, you MUST buy or play the following :

Mario 64
Zelda Majora
Zelda Ocarina
Mario Tennis
Mario Party 3
Perfect Dark
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Pokemon Stadium 1
Pokemon Stadium 2
F Zero X
Turok 2
Rogue Squadron
DK 64
Lylat Wars
Smash Bros.
Starcraft 64
Resident Evil 2
Paper Mario
World Cup 98
Jet Force Gemini
Killer Instinct Gold
Mario Golf
Battle For Naboo
Episode I: Racer
Turok 3
Mario Kart 64
Blast Corps
Battletanx Global Assault
Operation Winback
Rayman 2
Beetle Adventure Racing
Ridge Racer 64
F1 World Grand Prix 2
Space Station Silicon Valley
Xtreme G 2
Diddy Kong Racing

... and the rest

Yoshi's Story
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Tony Hawk's 2
Tony Hawk's 3
Kirby Crystal Shards
Pilotwings 64
Wave Race 64
1080 Snowboarding
Mario Party 2
Mario Party
WcW v NWO / Revenge
NHL 99
Wrestlemania 2000
Harvest Moon 64
Mickey's Speedway USA

if i've left anything out feel free to tell me to kys

>> No.5754658


X is a better game, but GX is a real challenge (possibly THE hardest game i've ever played) and it has its own look ; X has a 1980s, heavy metal, biker, comic book look, and GX has more of an early 2000s, Japan, techno, cyborg, cyberpunky look to it (and a soundtrack thats suitably electro-Jap-metal-core.)

But X just handles and plays so much better, and the difficulty curve is good but not INSANE like GX is - then again, some people enjoy a challenge.

I appreciate both, they're both excellent, but X is the better game overall. It's a shame Ninty have dropped the F Zero franchise, but then they're literally just a toddler's toy company at this point.

>> No.5754668


Pokemon Snap
Quest 64
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Mortal Kombat 4
Duke Nukem 64
Doom 64
Dr Mario 64
Earthworm Jim 64
Worms 64
Mission : Impossible
Turok 1
Shadows of Empire
Tarzan 64
Madden 99
Clayfighter 63 1/3

>> No.5754682

Did you use an online randomizer to produce this list?

>> No.5754703

this is an addendum to my main list which is here >>5754649

So in my main list I have 40 games, I then add in another 15 which are also critically acclaimed, then I remembered a further 15 which are also acclaimed games, to greater or lesser extents.
The talk of "N64 had no games!" is shown to be untrue, because 40 core AAA games, plus 15 good games, plus 15 decent games is 70 games, which is more than enough for anybody.
It's especially hypocritical for Dreamcast and/or Saturn fans to say it, because there really were hardly any games on those consoles, full stop. I like Sega consoles ; i'm just saying it's a bit hypocritical. And theres lots to play on N64. Of those 40 best titles i listed, i own most of them and i've played all of them. Plenty to play on N64.

Clayfighter is in there for a laugh.

>> No.5754712
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I apologise, Autismus Maximus

>> No.5754717

my personal Top 10 on 64 :

1, Perfect Dark
2, Zelda Ocarina
3, Mario Tennis
4, Banjo Kazooie
5, F Zero X
6, Conkers
007, Goldeneye
8, Zelda Majora
9, Banjo Tooie
10, Pokemon Stadium 2

... and rounding out my top 20

11, Lylat Wars
12, Mario Party 3
13, Mario 64
14, Rogue Squadron
15, FIFA 99
16, DK 64
17, Smash Bros.
18, Pokemon Stadium 1
19, Jet Force Gemini
20, Wetrix

I wouldn't add Resi 2 because it's better played with the PS1 pad, or on the Gamecube. (Or the new version that's just come out). the 64 version is fine, and easily one of the 20 best games on the console, but the controller doesn't do justice to the Resi style.
I also didn't add Mario Kart 64 because it does nothing for me. The sprites look VERY dated, in a bad way (it was a very early 64 game). The physics of the game is also pretty broken IMHO; slides are too hard to control, the jump is annoying and hard to time, and the ice levels / Jungle level / Boo level / Yoshi mountain level are just nigh on impossible to control. I still rate it as a good game because it has universal acclaim and lots of people will enjoy it,especially in multiplayer, but for me, I'm personally NOT a mario kart 64 fan. Double Dash on gamecube is immense, however.
This also goes for Diddy Kong Racing. Its just not my bag. I honestly think CTR on ps1 is a better game than either of them.
I still rate them and advise they get played, but i personally won't be playing them. FZX is the patrician's choice of racer on the N64.

>> No.5754734

You've got a bunch of inessential stuff like Pokemon Stadium 1/2, Turok 2, Fifa, Jet Force, Killer Instinct, Battle for Naboo, Turok 3, Battletanx, Beetle Racing, Extreme G 2 and Diddy Kong on the MUST play list, while you have some of the greatest games ever made, Wave Race, 1080, and Pilotwings on the "and the rest" list.

These are the best N64 games--disregarding nostalgia and dumpster-kid taste--to play today:

Mario 64 (best 3D platformer in existence)
Ocarina (messy genius)
F-Zero (this is a top 5 racing game)
Wave Race (hugely underrated)
Sin & Punishment
Mischief Makers
the 2 Goemon games
Ogre Battle

Also good:

Star Fox
Mario Kart
Paper Mario (not great, but the only decent PM game)
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
Ridge Racer
Perfect Dark
Harvest Moon

Kind of fun:

Pod Racer
Rayman 2
Blast Corps
Golden Eye

Shit that people always mention, but don't bother:

Yoshi's Story (if you have a retarded homeschooled kid use this to keep him entertained)
DK64 (this and the next 3 are great for kids who are the genetically human equivalent of worker ants or honeybee drones)
Turok series (great games if you live in the 90s, have bad taste, and no PC)
Diddy Racing (so much better than Mario Kart! (if you're retarded))
all the WCW/WWE garbage <- play these while listening to the Insane Clown Posse and ignoring your crying stepchildren

If you have dumb women over who don't play good games:

Mario Party

Play Starcraft on PC and RE:2 on PS1 (most recommend GC)

>> No.5754765

No, pokemon stadium is a great game, its not just a SuperGameBoy version of the handheld, the Gym Leader Castles in both Stadiums are new, revamped and VERY challenging. There's also the minigames and the Pokemon Academy, which really rounds out the whole pokemon experience very nicely. All in all i'd say at least one of them is essential. Plus it's a great 2 player just to battle two 'mon.

Extreme G 2 is a good racer if you can find it cheap and you can't get FZX. Turok 2 is a great game, VERY challenging solo player mode and some really cool guns. Battletanx GA is a great multiplayer game if you've got mates round and you're sick of Mario Party / Perfect Dark etc.

Beetle Racing got VERY good contemporaneous reviews (go check it out if you dont believe) and its good to have a "realistic" racer on the N64 since most of them are futuristic or low-CC kart style. There's no Gran turismo here. So I think Beetle (Or F1 WGP if you like a challenge) is the best realistic racer on the 64.
FIFA 99 or world cup 98 is an absolute must on the 64, i'm afraid, and if you are disagreeing you either don't like soccer (in which case, fair enough i suppose) OR you weren't there at the time, because both of them were absolutely HUGE at the time and there was no rival soccer game like them. PS1 soccer games all sucked, and WC 98/FIFA 99 introduced a lot of game mechanisms that stayed with FIFA for many years, setting something of a benchmark.

Also, FIFA 99 in 4 player mode is up there with Mario Tennis and Conkers for best multiplayer experience on the console.

Conkers is NOT just a collecathon for kids, it's a strange mix of 3rd person shooter, puzzle solving, and platforming, and has really inventive multiplayer modes with a lot of replay value. For that matter Banjo Tooie is less of a collectathon than Kazooie; Tooie is more of an adventure game, with puzzle, racing, and FPS elements. There were collectathons on PS1 too - Crash and Spyro being the foremost ones.

>> No.5754785

the vast majority of these games are either shit or have better versions on other platforms. the only exceptions are kirby, smash, and paper mario. the n64 was a glorified paperweight.

>> No.5754789

i should also add I just started writing down titles i thought were good (starting with the most obvious ones) then I added on others i'd initially forgotten ; I didn't really format the original list as well as I would like to have. I do agree, a few of the titles there are not exactly 10/10 material. the post is not well thought-out.

However I will still disagree on a couple of games you have; Pilotwings is very dated and the SNES game was better; if you like semi-realistic flight sims there's much better on PC.
I still rate pilotwings 64, but its by NO means one of the 10 best games on the console.

I also disagree RE: Mischief Makers. This game is pretty fun, in multiplayer, but it's nothing to write home about. I also disagree on Wave Race - the water graphics are weak and I feel that you're saying it's good to make some kind of point to prove what a patrician you are rather than talk about how good the actual game is itself. It's a decent game, worth a look, but it's only a 2 player, graphics are dated, and the physics of the game are actually pretty frustrating. It's more of a glorified demo to show what the 64 can do than anything else in all honesty. So is Wave Race Blue Storm, its mostly "look at these gamecube water graphics" and the game is, yeah, its OK but its not that amazing. Diddy Kong i agree isnt the best , as i say i just made the list then added some text at the top without formatting the thing properly. But, DK Racing gets a lot of love and IMHO it's better than MK64.
The Wrestling games are not my bag but many like them and as far as wrestling games go the 64 was the peak of them.

I agree Starcraft is much better on PC too but i'm just pointing out, it IS on the n64 (despite being very expensive and rare) and it is a good game. Like Resi 2, its better played elsewhere, but it is a 9/10 game that is on n64, so it would be remiss to not mention it.

>> No.5754794

>FIFA 99 or world cup 98 is an absolute must on the 64, i'm afraid, and if you are disagreeing you either don't like soccer (in which case, fair enough i suppose) OR you weren't there at the time, because both of them were absolutely HUGE at the time and there was no rival soccer game like them.
You say "was" and "at the time" and I think that says a lot about your choices. I like soccer fine, but the N64 has the excellent International Soccer games. There's no reason to play EA's relatively poor renditions.

I don't understand your "there were collectathons on PS1 too" argument. How is that relevant? You also mentioned that PS1 soccer games sucked. You sound like you have some kind of 90s-induced dementia.

>> No.5754804
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that's cool. i love the games generated by the ps1.

>> No.5754809

>I also disagree on Wave Race - the water graphics are weak and I feel that you're saying it's good to make some kind of point to prove what a patrician you are rather than talk about how good the actual game is itself.
That you have some inkling of Wave Race being the patrician's choice is meaningful. You should really follow that train of thought. The game looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, and plays immaculately. The handling is technical and satisfying--that you were frustrated by it only reflects on your own ineptitude. It takes longer to get the hang of than some braindead physics-free game like Beetle Racing, but it's not even close to learning how to perform some mildly complicated real life activity that anyone can learn, like snowboarding, so complaining about it is embarrassing.

>> No.5754810

Mario Party 1 is good but the rotate-the-stick thingy fucks your hands up, so dont bother. MP2 is better but just rehashes a lot of MP1 minigames, which is a bit annoying.
Mario Party 3 is legitimately a good game, and all 3 Partys are great for if you've got friends over. There's no game that you can screw your buddies over quite as badly as you can in Mario Party. Plus it's nice to play something from time to time that isnt BLOOD VIOLENCE GORE SHOOT KILL KILL just once in a while (though that may just be me...)

as for the Jap games, Goemon and stuff , i have no idea. I'll take your word for it that they're great games. I'm a Gamecube fan and i'm aware the GC is great for JRPGs but i'm just not a fan of the genre; or more specifically i've never played them and i don't know what i'm talking about in that area, so i don't try to embarrass myself.

i would only classify Banjo, Conker and Turok as "dont bother" if i was taking the piss. Kazooie and Tooie, Conker , DK64 are great, well designed, immersive games that will keep you entertained for hours. They've also all got great music and good subtle humour; adult enough to go over the kids' heads but puerile enough to get the adults laughing.

Wipeout, Pilotwings, Ogre Battle (whatever the fuck that is) and Wave Race over Banjo? Umm.... you cant be fully serious here. If you are making recommends that someone should part with money ? Those are bad investments...

and goldeneye is one of the best games on the console. Huge replay value, well designed, good music, memorable glitches and hidden areas, dedicated online fansite/s (anyone remember Detstar.com ?) that lived on for years after the game was out, good 4 player, great graphics for its time, basically reinvented FPS genre. N64 experience isn't complete without Goldeneye or at least Perfect dark.

>> No.5754820

>There's no game that you can screw your buddies over quite as badly as you can in Mario Party.
it's not retro, but dokapon kingdom has mario party beat there.

>> No.5754830

Uhh what the fuck did it fail to live up to? It had the best 3d and best games

>> No.5754837

>as for the Jap games, Goemon and stuff , i have no idea. I'll take your word for it that they're great games. I'm a Gamecube fan and i'm aware the GC is great for JRPGs but i'm just not a fan of the genre
They're not JRPGs and each is a different genre. Great Adventure is a 2.5d action platformer, and Mystical Ninja is a 3D adventure platformer. Maybe you'd like them.

>> No.5754839

>Uhh what the fuck did it fail to live up to?
the snes, which actually had games.

>> No.5754840

It has like 25 good games tops. You had to be there in the late '90s and experience the long droughts in between game releases that the N64 suffered from to understand why it's trash.

But hey, at least it wasn't as bad as being an American Saturn owner.

>> No.5754851

Yeah I'm getting real sick of your bullshit
N64 has perfect dark and GoldenEye and quake 2

>> No.5754859

Do you fat fucks know what year this is?

>> No.5754861

>N64 has perfect dark and GoldenEye and quake 2
two overrated games and a multiplat that was also on pc and ps1 (both of which had better framerates). wow.

>> No.5754868

hah, well what i was saying was the customer's choice for a soccer sim during Gen V was slim because the options on the PS were poor, so you were limited to ISS or FIFA on the 64. In my opinion, EA had the upper hand in that era, then PES was much better than FIFA thru the 2000s, then with FIFA 09 the EA games were better until the last couple of years (maybe 17 / 18 ) and PES series now gives a better footballing experience. that's how most people see it, anyway. ISS on the n64 is OK for sure but one can hardly say "FIFA 99 is really blocky and 8-directional" then vouch for ISS 98 which is... really blocky and literally 8-directional. Plus, official licences (and a banging soundtrack) never hurt nobody.

As for collectathons, I guess that bit comes over sort of console war-like, that wasnt my intention. I meant to say "collectathons were just a late 90s thing and not just a 64 thing" but i ran out of characters in the post. I'm trying to say that the idea that DK, BK and the N64 generally is just kiddy collectathons is a bit misleading bcos it was more of a general trend; plus Conker isn't a collectathon anyway, and Banjo Tooie is more Rareware throwing everything into one game rather than simply being a platformer. Besides lets face it isn't Mario 64 also a collectathon? nobody ever seem to mention this... i had both n64 and ps1 in the 90s and while i won't lie I think (and thought) the 64 was better, i still rate the ps1, they are all good consoles, with different options and they can all give something different. Overall i'd rather play the 64 though, game choice and load times being the main thing for me.

>> No.5754875

>Overall i'd rather play the 64 though, game choice and load times being the main thing for me.
Lack of load times is a huge advantage for the N64. Every console of that gen is excellent, and they each do different particular things well which helps to give that gen a lot of character.

>> No.5754885

if you say PD is overrated you've never played it.

>Great solo player with replay value and different courses thru the levels
>VERY difficult to beat this game on highest difficulty
>Cheats are hard to unlock, open the game up once you've got them
>Multiplayer is legendary with a huge amount of options, rarely seen and IMHO not yet surpassed (you can tweak each AI Sim's characteristics, and you can make custom weapon sets).
>Music is all classic
>Voice acting is campy and quoteable, while being sufficiently believeable to actually work
>Some pretty cool guns
>Cool cyberpunk feel, Chicago level feels like Blade Runner, Grid level on multiplayer is based off the bank from the Matrix, there's a level set in fuckin' Area 51 my god, it's pretty damn cool
>Stunning graphics for its time
>Once you've done the solo mode there's 30 Challenges which get progresively difficult and unlock more stuff
>There's also a firing range which is itself quite challenging and very novel for its time to have such a thing
>That blurry vision thing when you get punched was wicked fun to unleash on your enemies in multiplayer with the Tranquilizer or N-Bomb
>Good fun to mix the heads and bodies up of characters in multi

Overall, PD is, if anything, underrated.

Yeah the game could slow down (IF you were playing with 4 players and 8 Bots), but most of the time it is fine. You really shouldn't believe all the horseshit you read online, play the game for yourself (you can get an updated version on XBLA or just a computer emulator).

>> No.5754902

its true the long waits between games was excruciating, look at issues of Nintendo magazine or PlayStation magazine from the later 90s or 2000, I remember PSM literally would run out of space of new games to review and once the main reviews were over would fit like 20 more just on one page, one word reviews and a mark out of 10 because they didnt have the space.

Meanwhile Nintendo magazines will be full of stuff like "How to tweak a few more gaming hours out of [X game that was released a year ago]" and maybe one review per issue.

I'd loosely agree theres about 25 good games on it, I have given 70 here (others have mentioned more which would bring it to about 90), but of those 25 many are classics that still are mentioned in discussions about the GOAT, and besides, how many games do you need? 90? 70? 40? 25? I mean, does anyone actually have a console with 70 games that they ACTUALLY play? I mean, really? Most people have a console and like, 10 games, tops. That's the thing; discussions about these things become so inundated with this idea we have to retrospectively review the console, in its entirety. At the time, games were damned expensive (new n64 games were like £54.99, which given inflation, would be like £100 today in real terms) so people didn't tend to have that many games at home they owned. People rented from Blockbuster or borrowed off each other a lot.

And yes, the 64 had long drought periods, but while the PS1 had no shortage of games, it had no shortage of shuffleware either. There's fucking boatloads of the worst garbage imaginable on PS1, and nobody seems to ever mention it. I remember in PSM in the December 2000 issue there was (one of those) one-word reviews for a Teletubbies game. it said, "1/10. Because it's Christmas."
the ps1 must have been easy to program for or cheaper to produce games for , which worked in its favor (it got Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, etc) but also against it (truckloads of shuffleware).

>> No.5754907

100 worthwhile games ain't too shabby. Most systems have around 30.
Are you sure about your statement?

>> No.5755079

only virgins own a dreamcast

>> No.5755081

Best multiplayer

Mario Party 3...SMB was too laggy

>> No.5755104

dreamcast was the chad system. lots of sports games, racing games, shooters and fighters.

>> No.5755115

t. zoomer who was too young to own a chadcast

>> No.5755219

wipeout 2097 is a 10/10 still not better than Fzero X though

>> No.5755381

Why did the Nintendo 64 have such a small library anyway? Not shitting on the system, just curious.

>> No.5755389

I think dev kits were expensive, to get your game released you needed nintendo to approve and manufactur your game cartidge and coding for the thing wasn't easy. At the end it was kind of a poison for shitter company's with shovelware to put out.

>> No.5755574

I'm sorry anon. I didn't know how bad your condition was until I read your post.
Chin up though, champ. Sure your mother will always be there to aid you with your disability

>> No.5755783

DC was good, mind-blowing graphics at the time, but in retrospect a lot of its library is arcade ports, and the lack of a 2nd analog stick is also a bit of a missed opportunity.

However shenmue and a few others eg Crazy Taxi, Soul Calibur and Jet Set (i know theyre all arcade ports....) were and are classic games.

>> No.5755790

nintendo lost nearly all of their third-party support when sony entered the market with cheap cd-roms, fairer licensing deals, and a more hands-off approach. this left nintendo with nothing but their own bing bing shit and a few token ports.
for the record, nintendo only had themselves to blame. if they had treated third parties better when they were on top, and if they had recognized that their gravy train with the cartridges was over and adapted to cd-roms, the n64 wouldn't have been such a failure.

>> No.5755810

This is mostly true but you should bear in mind Nintendo still had the 1983 videogame crash in the back of their minds. The NES had reversed that crash, but (to nintendo's mind anyway) that was because Nintendo HAD taken a hardline approach and (mostly) released their own games. "Nintendo Seal of Quality" etc. to ensure no more atari 2600 E.T. type of games getting released.

So with the '83 crash in mind, Nintendo were wary of flooding the market with shuffleware. Games were still a bit of a niche thing in the 90s, mostly the realm of pre/teen boys, and not the huge industry they are today. So the concept of another crash was not as outlandish as it seems now (Although some would argue we could be heading for another,).

The PS1 did kind of flood the market with shuffleware; so did the PS2. But they got away with it, for a number of reasons : Nintendo / Sega had set something of a precedent on how to do things; Market was bigger in the 90s than the 80s; PS consoles had enough great games with high acclaim and sales , and also, Sony played the gamble that perhaps some 3rd party devs would hit a home run out of the blue, wheras Nintendo were more concerned the console would be flooded with poor quality games.
Sony's gamble paid off more or less, and some 3rd party devs released some amazing games on PS from nowhere (Rockstar's GTA series).

Also the PS was going to be a Nintendo console, but Nintendo went with carts for various reasons. The main one is the piracy/anti-shuffleware thing I mention above but also that when these consoles were being drawn up in like 1993, CDs were still pretty expensive to make and quite new, and load times etc were still an issue. In teh same way that VHS still lasted into the early 2000s even though DVD had been around a while, technical ability is not always a direct indicator of success. VHS was still sturdy enough and enough people had VCRs for it to stick around, despite the much better DVD product being around.

>> No.5755823

It was the last major home system with cartridges instead of optical media. It was significantly more expensive to develop and publish for the N64 than the other systems at the time.

>> No.5755831

i should also add that the fact that the PS2 had a DVD played built in, on its release (holiday period 2000) was a huge factor in the PS2's absolute dominance during Gen 6. DVD players were £xp€n$iv£ at that time and many people were thinking of getting one, but still had/used their VCR. So the PS2 seemed a natural upgrade; a new console, better than anythig around today, AND a DVD player in a oner, AND it played CDs, too, AND it played PS1 games, too. The PS2 was a stroke of genius. Sony played their hand very well.

Nintendo do only have themselves to blame for the cart/3rd party thing, but its a bit more complicated than just making out that they're hubristic idiots. You can see why they did what they did if you bear in mind their long memories and the '83 crash, and so on.

>> No.5755868

>This is mostly true but you should bear in mind Nintendo still had the 1983 videogame crash in the back of their minds.
with all due respect, that's a load of crap. by the time the n64 came out, the industry had long since stabilized. it's not like there was going to be another industry crash if nintendo didn't censor all the blood out of mortal kombat or keep charging their $19 nintendo tax on every cartridge.
>So with the '83 crash in mind, Nintendo were wary of flooding the market with shuffleware.
assuming you meant shovelware - the nes and snes had plenty of that. if nintendo truly cared about quality, ljn would have never been allowed to release a game on their systems.

>> No.5755879

there was also technical reasons they went for carts over CDs as i also mentioned.
The anti-piracy thing was a big issue too. There was SO much piracy going on with PS games, "my mate's uncle will chip your playstation for £20" was a big thing you always heard in the playground. Piracy was easier on CDs and piracy on that scale was kind of unprecedented, and the market old-timers like Nintendo were worried it could mean another crash. It is interesthing how much piracy there was for PS (and PS2) and yet the market remained strong. Who could have predicted that?

There's also reasons to do with violent content as you allude to. Nintendo see themselves as a family company with a responsibility to not expose kids to adult content, and personally I think that's totally fair enough. I don't think kids should be playing blood and guts violent videogames, so fair play to them on that point.

I'm just trying to explain why things panned out as they did. What is your explanation for it, then? It seems to amount to:
>nintendo are money-grabbing assholes
>they deliberately didn't make their console easier to release games on just to be dicks
do you really believe this? it's just a dumb argument.

>> No.5755897
File: 69 KB, 725x468, A4BDE8EA-D209-4D22-B5CD-5826BF30F32E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was also technical reasons they went for carts over CDs as i also mentioned.
there really weren't. piracy and load times were convenient excuses. the actual reason they stuck with cartridges is so they could keep collecting that $19 nintendo tax on each cart. it was a financial decision, not a technical decision.
>There's also reasons to do with violent content as you allude to. Nintendo see themselves as a family company with a responsibility to not expose kids to adult content
good for them, but third parties were tired of having to sacrifice their creative vision in order to help nintendo maintain their undeserved image as "the good guys."
>What is your explanation for it, then?
nintendo had grown accustomed to a greedy business model that made them a lot of money when there wasn't any serious competition. they failed to adapt to a changing market, and they were left behind in the dust as soon as another company offered a better, fairer and more stable alternative.

>> No.5755924

you make some good points, but I still think overall I am being more inclusive of all the factors.

As I said, the N64 wasn't developed overnight. the pre-plans for production were around as early as 1993, or before, and at that time CD was still developing. The "load times" thing is a big deal - CDs also can't save, and early PS1 games used password saves (which could be unreliable) and memory cards. N64 carts were durable, could save to cart and loading times were practically nil. Those are techincal reasons - put yourself in a 1993 mindset and not a 1996 one, which doesnt sound like a long time but in terms of technology it was leaps and bounds

As for creative visions of companies, if that means ripping your opponent's spinal cord out, or going on a killing spree in a police car in a big city, or releasing a game like Manhunt, (which it does) then avoiding having anything to do with that is fair enough. To frame this another way, Sony and other companies have no qualms with profiting from depicting violence on their systems. Isn't that worse than trying to seem sanctimonious? I do think violent media has an effect on people and I don't think opposing that is a bad thing. Kids are playing these things. I certainly will not allow my kids (whenever i have any) to play violent videogames.

>Nintendo had grown accustomed to a greedy business model
This is true and as i say you are right in some respects. There was Sega around of course, but while I am somewhat "justifying" the N64, im more just trying to explain it reasonably than actually justifying it as a business model because as a business model it failed and resulted in Nintendo almost going out of the home console business (they always sell lots of handhelds though and the gimmicky Wii somewhat saved them.) So Im not defending it AS SUCh just trying to explain given the factors at the time why it happened. I think theres a bit more to it than just their shady business practice - tho thats part of it.

>> No.5755953

>Earthworm Jim
shiggy diggy

>> No.5755972

>As I said, the N64 wasn't developed overnight. the pre-plans for production were around as early as 1993, or before, and at that time CD was still developing.
the cd-rom was invented in 1982. the yellow book was published in 1988. sega released the mega cd in japan in 1991. by 1993, most of the hard work in developing the format had been done already. the ultra 64 should have been planned with cd-roms in mind from the beginning.
>The "load times" thing is a big deal - CDs also can't save, and early PS1 games used password saves (which could be unreliable) and memory cards.
this is a moot point once you consider that the n64 used memory cards too. most third-party games forced you to save to the controller pak because letting you save to the cartridge would have increased their manufacturing and retail costs even more.
>As for creative visions of companies, if that means ripping your opponent's spinal cord out, or going on a killing spree in a police car in a big city, or releasing a game like Manhunt, (which it does) then avoiding having anything to do with that is fair enough.
it's "fair enough" for nintendo to leave that type of content out of their own games. it wasn't "fair enough" for them to censor other companies' games, especially when the competition wasn't doing it.
>There was Sega around of course
the problem with sega was that, thanks to soj's stupidity, they just weren't a stable enough alternative like sony was. by the mid-'90s, they had alienated consumers and retailers while juggling the genesis, sega cd, 32x, game gear, nomad and saturn at the same time. as awful as nintendo could be, nobody was leaving their relative stability for that shitshow.

>> No.5755982

Not the guy you're arguing with, but you omitted the loading time thing and only addressed the memory card.

>> No.5756002

>Cd-rom inventened in 1982
The actual technology to create a CD existed since at least 1967, when Phillips and Sony together created it, initally seen as a platform for selling music on with all its inherent superiorities over vinyl. That's why they hold 75 minutes of music, that's how long Beethoven's 9th is.
But it would have been massively expensive to produce and sell in the 60s, and plus (Similar to what i said about VHS) the infrastructure to sell vinyl records was ubiquitous in the 60s - everyone had a turntable, factories could press vinyl and turn a profit, the consumer expected and was comfortable with the vinyl medium, artists were expanding their creative vision to produce immersive 'album experience's, double albums even.

So the Macro-trends have to be borne in mind, of course in hindsight Nintendo missed a trick by not parterning with Sony and releasing the Nintendo-Playstation, but at the time you can (or certainly at least I can) see why they went for carts.
And if the deciding factor was money and royalties then yeah of course that's pretty shady. But i guess that is kind of what every business is like to some extent?

at the end of the day the N64 library is big enough; I just don't think a system needs thousands of games on it to be good, and I disagree with the idea that any one consumer will own, play, and invest time in, on average more than 10 games on any one console. Especially with the price of what N64 games were, some AAA titles could be as much as £75. Turok 1 was £95 on release, which is friggin' ridiculous.

>> No.5756007

didn't Sony actually lose money on every PS1 made? Because of moving parts and optical disc laser reader, etc.?

But Sony could afford to take the hit from their games department, because they were still selling TVs, VHS, DVDs, CD players etc. Nintendo are a games-only company and didn't have that option.

>> No.5756057

loading times alone aren't enough of a tradeoff to justify having such a small library and missing out on entire genres.
also, some n64 games actually did have load times. wcw mayhem, quake 2, shadowman, etc. come to mind.
>at the end of the day the N64 library is big enough
couldn't disagree more. the n64 is devoid of hidden gems. entire genres (like rpgs and shmups) are missing. there's no metroid, no street fighter, no tekken, no final fantasy, etc. if you didn't like collectathons, fps, or action-adventure games, the n64 had shockingly little to offer.

>> No.5756072

>loading times alone aren't enough of a tradeoff to justify having such a small library and missing out on entire genres.
I won't argue that having more games would have been better for the system, but not having loading times is kind of a deal. I hate loading times, I hated then and hate them now. I appreciate cart-based systems a lot.
And even if some games had loading times (never played those you listed, so I don't know how bad they are), I doubt it's as bad as CD games. Also, disc read errors and such doesn't exist on carts.
>if you didn't like collectathons, fps, or action-adventure games, the n64 had shockingly little to offer.
The "collectathon" thins is overblown. The "genre" wasn't as big as people make it out to be. And sometimes, people just plaster the "collectathon" label to any games that's a 3D platformer. Mario 64 can hardly be called a collectathon when stars are more like goals rather than actual items you collect.
There's far more racing games or sports games than 3D platformers on N64, anyway.
N64 was definitely a weird system, but I think it still has good stuff to offer, a lot of it very unique too.
Most of the hate it ges comes from brand-wars, I think. Specifically people who has a thing against Nintendo.

>> No.5756167

>And even if some games had loading times (never played those you listed, so I don't know how bad they are), I doubt it's as bad as CD games.
they aren't, but it's still pretty bad for a system that claimed to have no load times at all.
>Also, disc read errors and such doesn't exist on carts.
carts had their own issues - like the battery failing and deleting all your save files, for example.
>Most of the hate it ges comes from brand-wars, I think. Specifically people who has a thing against Nintendo.
i like nintendo and hate the n64. it was a shit console and a disgrace to the snes' legacy.

>> No.5756696

Carts did have issues,
but you are forgetting something else - Sony don't make any in-house games for their PlayStation consoles. To compare Sony to Nintendo in this regard is kind of pointless. Sony's whole MO is third party devs, whereas Nintendo always had a strong in house gaming tradition. Sony's main business is selling household electronics, don't forget. Nintendo is a videogames company. It's apples and oranges. To say "Nintendo ostracized 3rd party devs" is true, obviously, but I feel it misses the point a bit. Sony had NO CHOICE but to embrace 3rd parties, since they don't make games. You seem to have just omitted this point altogether, based on what appears a somewhat irrational hatred of the N64.

Also Nintendo bring something unique to gaming; a lot of Nintendo games set precedents and ideas first that many others then copy. They also (and i know i've made this point a few times now) avoid putting out adult/violent content, and I personally think that is commendable. Recent Nintendo games in the 2010s have been conspiculously devoid of any Politically Correct bullshit either, and lots of their franchises gently suggest traditionalism (Mario saving the pink dress wearing Princess, other wholesome family themes, etc). I think that is commendable, and if having success with 3rd party devs means politically correct crap and lots of violence, which it appears to, then honestly I think Nintendo are better off without them.

>> No.5756729

Also, a couple of other points. I'm enjoying this discussion though and as I have always said thruout you are correct about several things.

The thing about the carts with the 64 is that the market doesn't move as fast as the technology does. Jurassic Park and Terminator 2 are two early 90s films that use CGI the type of which would only be affordably possible on home consoles until 10 years later. The Dreamcast came out in 1999 (a year earlier in Japan) and it was just too advanced for the market at the time, it cost Sega a lot to produce, people's expectations weren't that high. That's the thing. Tech comes out, and it sticks around for a while. Button cell phones and flip-phones are a good example. Did you know it took until January 2013 for a majority of American adults to own a smartphone? And yet they'd been around since fall 2007 with the iPhone and earlier for some models of Blackberry,etc. I personally didn't get a touchscreen mobile until 2012. I was still using a Sony Ericsson K510 in late 2011. Did you know that the USSR , all thruout the Cold War, until the late 1980s, had MAXIM machine guns stationed along the Chinese border? Yes the gatling gun from 100 years before. Because it was reliable and did the job. In WW2 the Allies still used bolt action rifles from the 1900s. Yeah fully auto SMG would have been theoretically possible in 1910 but it would have been impractically expensive, and do you really need it when the Enfield does the job?

It's like I said with VHS and DVD. VHS is clunky but it does the job. Tech is always (at least) 10 years ahead of the market. Right now they could make some mind-bending VR midair projection AI light screen thing, but people aren't ready for it and the prototypes would be insanely expensive.

N64 should have used disc media but disc media for videogames was still in its infancy and the PS1 had some problems with that. Also the main target market of these games was youngsters, and kids scratch discs.

>> No.5756764

ultimately the point being made here is that the N64 had a small library. While this is correct, in this thread about 100 games have been mentioned as being worthwhile, and quite honestly who actually plays 100 games? We're used to this idea with Steam and the Virtual Console and the PS Plus Marketplace and XBLA all this stuff that we have thousands of games at our fingertips, but how many does any one consumer actually play? And not just play, but play regularly and level up in and dedicate some hours to? I bet you any money that for most people they have ONE game they really pour time into, maybe 2 or 3 other ones of a similar genre, and maybe 1 or 2 others here and there.

Also bear in mind that Zelda Ocarina, Mario 64, Goldeneye, are regularly mentioned in the greatest game of all time conversation. So 3/20 games are all-time classics with around-the-board admiration and huge sales numbers. 3/20 (theres roughly 20 games everybody mentions for the 64) is about 12%. 12% of a consoles games being 10/10 all time classics is not a bad thing and suggests to me a "quality over quantity" ethos, which is no bad thing. I'd rather have 1 game that gave me years of replayability than 10 games that I'd dip into and never really go back to.
That said, the 64 did have a remarkably small library and it worked against it and it was poor planning to allow this to happen.

so while its true the N64 was lacking in some genres, so was the Saturn, so was the Playstation, so was the Gameboy, so is anything. There's a distinct lack of platformers on the PC, for example. Also the Ps1 had thousands of games on it but the majority were garbage, and plus the graphics were not as good as the 64, which was a big deal at the time.

So overall your main point about nintendo's sneaky reasons for using carts and about the fact the 64 had so little 3rd party and why that went on to hurt Nintendo in the long run, are true, your points about WHY these things were the case are flawed.

>> No.5756881

>physics controls was a downgrade

holy shit I'm not the only one, I can barely play most modern 3rd person games because N64 spoiled me. All the autistic retards screeching at the controller and the hardware deserve their waggle gayming

>> No.5756948

>Sony don't make any in-house games for their PlayStation consoles... Sony had NO CHOICE but to embrace 3rd parties, since they don't make games.
this simply isn't true. sony japan studio has been around since the ps1. they've also bought studios like psygnosis, naughty dog and media molecule. and recently, they've done partnerships with fromsoft (bloodborne) and kojima (death stranding). while it's true that sony's always put more of an emphasis on third parties than nintendo did, it hasn't totally come at the expense of first-party output.
>Also Nintendo bring something unique to gaming
they used to do that, but they've really regressed in that department in recent years, unfortunately. they're neglecting way too many of their franchises while being content to put out nothing but ports and rehashes. they're not the only company doing it, but they're a major contributor to this trend.
>They also (and i know i've made this point a few times now) avoid putting out adult/violent content, and I personally think that is commendable.
i wouldn't say it's "commendable," but it's a valid choice on their part as long as they're not censoring that content out of other studios' games.
>Recent Nintendo games in the 2010s have been conspiculously devoid of any Politically Correct bullshit either
gerudo link, wedding dress mario, treehouse "localizations," etc. all disagree with you there.

>> No.5756956

>The thing about the carts with the 64 is that the market doesn't move as fast as the technology does.
sure, but the market was already clearly moving in the direction of cd-roms. in 1993, the 3do came out, myst came out and popularized cd-rom gaming on pc, the turbografx-cd and sega cd had been on the market for years, and both sony and sega were working on cd-based consoles. the writing was already on the wall for cartridges back then and everyone knew it. even nintendo knew it on some level, they just allowed their shortsighted greed to prevent them from adapting to the market.

>> No.5756964

>sony japan
>2nd party devs like Naughty Dog
Yeah actually that's true. Its still not the same extent as Nintendo obviously. there's good and bad things about each setup.
>ports and rehashes
Nintendo are the worst for this. I don't play modern games, but I see my younger brother with his 3DS and there's Lylat Wars, Zelda Ocarina and Majora, even fucking Luigi's Mansion on there. I was like "don't they release new games?" If they'd released Link To The Past or something on N64 in 1999 people would have just been like... uh? Where's the point in this?
I think the Switch is garbage, and the Wii-U was very badly thought-out. I thought the Wii itself was just a gimmick that most kids played at Christmas 2007 and never touched again. I'm not a Nintendo fanboy
>censoring out of other studio's games
I think, its more the case that Nintendo don't want to be seen having that stuff on their console, thus having an association with it. IMHO - fair enough. I think videogames are way too violent.
>gerudo link
>wedding dress mario
I had no idea any of these were a thing. I'm a bit out the loop with the Switch and all that stuff, I dont really care. I guess it could be worse.

>> No.5756969

>While this is correct, in this thread about 100 games have been mentioned as being worthwhile, and quite honestly who actually plays 100 games?
nobody's expecting you to play every single game that's ever released on a platform. the problem with the n64's small library was that it provided fewer choices to the consumer. if you didn't like the handful of essential games on the n64 or just wanted to try something different, you were shit out of luck. in contrast, the playstation had so many games that you were bound to find something you liked.
>Also bear in mind that Zelda Ocarina, Mario 64, Goldeneye, are regularly mentioned in the greatest game of all time conversation.
so are final fantasy 7, final fantasy tactics, metal gear solid, and chrono cross. the difference is that the n64 had the classics and not much else. the ps1 had the classics as well as a shitload of other really good games and hidden gems.

>> No.5756973

every console has shovelware and nobody ever mentions it because it's irrelevant

>> No.5756997

>provided fewer choices to the consumer
Most PS owners had the same handful of games. Also the N64 had the best multiplayer experience in the late 90s
>chrono cross
I've never heard of this game. Did it come out in Europe?

I don't think having very few [of anything] is necessarily a bad thing, as long as they are of high quality. I'd rather have 2 or 3 very close friends than 100 friends, none of whom I'm particularly close to. In my opinion, the N64 has some games with massive replay value - I still play Perfect Dark, Mario Tennis, F Zero X, and Goldeneye to this day. Compare to, say, BioShock, or Gears of War or something, which is a great game, but I completed it once in 2008 and never played it again.

>> No.5757031

Yeah, it's evident all over the place, but there were some really obvious N64 to GC series transitions from a kind of training-wheels-free natural weighty physicality to more restrictive and/or more artificial feeling, less satisfying physics.

Mario 64 -> Sunshine
Tennis 64 -> GC version
F-Zero X -> GX
Wave Race 64 -> Blue Storm
1080 -> Avalanche

And on forums it seems like that kind of sanded down change in physics and control, when it's even noticed (usually discussion's focused on unimportant shit like features and length), it's almost always praised. I bet if you were to graph taste in game physics alongside natural athletic ability, an eye for things like correct anatomical movement and perspective, and dexterity you'd see a connection. I think the apex physically awkward geek's dream scenario is the game character that moves like a mouse cursor.

>> No.5757035

mostly true, but Mario Kart DD has much better physics than Mario Kart 64

>> No.5757053 [DELETED] 

I didn't include it because it's less clear, and I think Kart 64's a strange case with its use of sprites, but I think you definitely say that the karts in DD were made much simpler to control, which does follow the trend perfectly.

>> No.5757059

I didn't include it because it's less clear, and I think Kart 64's a strange case with its use of sprites, but I think you can definitely say that the karts in DD were made much simpler to control, which does follow the trend perfectly.

>> No.5757073

>Living in your head rent free
>Absolute state of
Are you 14 years old?

>> No.5757080

Not the teen anon but I'll respond for him using his language.


>> No.5757696

Why was this game so goddamn comfy

>> No.5757721

imagine being cringe and also blue pilled, bruh moment

>> No.5757905

My favourite game. Love every single thing about it.

>> No.5760421

N64 version is much more comfy.

>> No.5760589
File: 44 KB, 500x345, 6621-mega-man-legends-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, I cannot help but only have fond memory of that game. Maybe its because Tron Bonne was my first and only waifu, but maybe not... maybe.

>> No.5762280
File: 8 KB, 199x138, SANFRANRUSH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one talks about this game as along with Mario Kart 64 and DK Racing was up there as our favorite racing games of that era.

I spent hours and hours on this game. All the jumps, secrets and fun EXTREMEEEEE action of the game was a blast. Also there was all sorts of variations and tricks on the maps, so you could spend hours and hours on it.

>> No.5762308

Shake shake!