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5751748 No.5751748 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this piece of shit game?
>muh crucified mechs and chuchu

>> No.5752018

>10/10 soundtrack
>classic turn based combat
>based story

>> No.5752101

they thought it was deep or that the story was good. i disagree but they're well in their rights to, the creator clearly poured his soul into the game. it could've been planned better though.

>> No.5752104

Soundtrack was good. Story was convoluted as fuck.

>> No.5752107

That second disc...

>> No.5752112

What's wrong, can't handle a little comedic relief in your super serious plot about killing god and saving humanity with the power of magic kung fu mechs that people randomly come across?

>> No.5752123

i'm curious as to whether hardcore xenogears fans defend it. i actually enjoyed a lot of disc 1 but disc 2 was the point of no return [for the record I don't hate xg but all the things I liked about it were unrelated to the plot which I felt they just lost control of somewhere down the line].

realistically, they should've just ended xenogears in solaris and released the game as an anthology similar to what falcom does. the world takahashi had planned was just, too fucking big to squish into 1 game.

>> No.5752126

I think Xenogears is the only thing I can think of where adding giant robots made the game worse.

>> No.5752153

no kidding

i love giant robots too, and XG has SOME fun (if not obvious) references but its extremely obvious they're not meant for the core script and that Takahashi allowed them begrudgingly, which shows.

very poorly implemented, and the already easy combat becomes even more simplified once you're in a Gear

>> No.5752172

I forget whether omnigears use fuel or get their power from that floating save point looking thing

>> No.5752192

>they thought it was deep or that the story was good.
speak for yourself buttlicker
I liked the characters, the mecha theme in the gameplay, and the world-building. The story was uneven but its highs were very high so yeah I enjoyed it. The "deep" shit made me embarrassed to like it originally, but now I realize that a lot of the character writing is better than most videogames, which is the main reason I ever liked it in the first place.
>That second disc...
>i'm curious as to whether hardcore xenogears fans defend it
As I'm apparently not a hardcore xenogears fan, but it's always hard to defend something like this because 90% of the criticism of it is meme shitposting anyway. My take on Disc 2 is:

1. Xenogears' core gameplay systems are too shallow to sustain its narrative anyway. I was very bored by that point and was happy to just sit back and watch the story unfold.
2. I would have preferred more complete cutscenes over the text dump of narration. Particularly for the massive world-changing events.
3. Gameplay-wise, I like JRPGs that open up and where you have access to the whole world by the end, and Xenogears... doesn't really do that.
4. The real problem with disc 2 is the bad pacing and bloat of disc 1 that led to the rest being unfinished.

To sum up, I really don't think disc 2 is as big a problem as most people make it out to be. It's the symptom not the cause, the real problem being the game's narrative plan being far too ambitious and unfocused. There's very much a "kitchen sink" feel when playing Xenogears. And while some pastiche is admittedly part of its charm, a bit more focus from the beginning might have resulted in a true masterpiece.

>> No.5752195

More like Pseudogears, because only pseudo-intellectuals would be impressed by the game's story.

>> No.5752196

the story gets really crazy on disc 2.

>> No.5752205

Lazy meme criticism. The character writing is very good. The fact that there are psychological themes mixed with cryptic melodrama and religious content attracts both 2deep4u edgelords and 2cool4u retards. You are the latter.

>> No.5752213

Some of the characters aren’t very well developed; ie Rico. Plus I wonder what happened to a bunch of characters like Citan’s wife and Jessie Black since they don’t get mentioned on the second disc.

>> No.5752224

>Some of the characters aren’t very well developed; ie Rico
he gets dropped. Until that point, there's hints that there's a complex story for him also. Again everything points to the story just being too much for any kind of reasonable budget. Rico probably shouldn't have been in the game at all.

"Lots of great character writing with lots of dropped threads and unfinished arcs for secondary characters" is a massively fucking different criticism than "only pseudo-intellectuals would be impressed by the game's story"

>> No.5752228

Coming from an inarticulate philistine who has to resort to buzzwords whilst unironically arguing that XG has good writing, your insult doesn't mean much.

Go read some Dostoyevsky instead of these awful anime games, lad.

>> No.5752231

No Tolstoy? :(

>> No.5752267

t. smoothbrain

>> No.5752270
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Xenogears is fun.

>> No.5752273

/v/-tier thread

>> No.5752297

Based CHAD high IQ probably chrono cross player.
Cringe VIRGIN xenofag muh edgy history who needs gameplay.
Face it, Xenogear is the poor man Evangelion, turned in a video game at the expense of the soul.

>> No.5752451

Takahashi is obsessed with mecha. I have no doubt that he's the reason they're in the game at all.

>> No.5752463

during era i tried it and was turned off relatively quickly

glad to find out decades later that it's because i have good taste and the game is shit


>> No.5752465

Did they talk about hitler when you go to the underground city and have all those flashbacks

I remember in those flashback cutscenes there was a lab and you could play videos on a big monitor, and i think one of them referenced hitler or some other IRL dictator.

I remember seeing it in the underground city area in disc 2 where Emeralda transforms and i thought "Oh shit, was that a picture of hitler? What the fuck"

>> No.5752468

Its also a slow and clunky game id add and its biggest draw is its charm and music which isnt too great, the gameplay and combo system is presented as much more complicated than it looks like and you really need a guide to figure out how to get the useless endgame combos. Thats all ill say

>> No.5752469


No. 'Gear is a collection of all the things he like wrapped into one game. Gundam, Macross, Star Wars.

Its like a really bad case of diarrhea with no TP.

>> No.5753165

I didn't have fun playing this game, but for this genre it's a notch above games like BOF, in every aspect.

- sprites are average looking for this console, they pale in comparison with good 3D models
- I forgot the music
- lot's of not so interesting information and locations/dungeons dumps(basically a forest, ship, sewers....? I don't remember anything interesting), no cinematics
- combat system is nothing involving, mech fights are a dissapointment
- also very, very linear and long, not much room for a replay unless you are bored

Calling it a piece of shit game means you just don't like JRPGs or you call most games that. It's just not very great.

>> No.5753179

If you happened to love JRPG's back then (they were called RPG's, go figure) you had to be mesmerized by the hugeness of this game.

I remember this being the first time ever I stayed up until morning playing a game (I was 12 at the time). Played for 90 hours and saved at the cave before the two gears battle and had to restart all over because I hadn't bought the necessary upgrades. Then I played it for like 200 hours more before finally finshing it. No regrets.

Also Citan Uzuki's story was mindblowing.

>> No.5753219

Yui is busy tending to Lahan/Shevat. Jessie is probably getting plastered with Maison because his usefulness ends after Solaris falls.

>> No.5753228

Rico is supposed to be the “Bart” of Kislev, which could have been a good plotline. It probably should have been him at the beginning of disc 2 when Solaris raids Kislev, and you have a sort of stand-off between Rico and his dad (the kaiser). Instead they just made it into another wacky Bart adventure.

>> No.5753450

I want to ____ Chuchu.

>> No.5753460

fei could have tapped that

>> No.5753465
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Who hasn't tapped that? It's implied she gets around, especially with her own kind. There's a goddamn orgy on-screen at one point (though it's blacked out).

>> No.5753545

>Crucified mechas
>Sex scene and tons of nudes
>edgy and pseudo religious themes
Actually the game had the chance of being incredibly popular but the storytelling and the late gameplay was terrible

>> No.5753573

>i'm curious as to whether hardcore xenogears fans defend it
Don't think so.
Many fans were disappointed and pretty much all of them dream for a remake with a finished second disk.

>> No.5753575

>it's a notch above games like BOF, in every aspect.
Not in the music department.
BoF1 has the best soundtrack in an RPG ever.

>> No.5753616

I meant BOF 3 and 4, since they are on the same generation, but ok. Can't remember any of the music of BOF and Xenogears. Whereas I can remember Vagrant Story one, even though I played it for a couple of hours.

>> No.5753697

Yeah a game totally fails to sell because of its last 10-20 hours.

>> No.5753741
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>> No.5753987

Fei or Lacan?

>> No.5753997


>> No.5754028
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disk 2 was awesome.

all plot and boss fights, no filler. skip all the lame stuff and get right to the meat of what makes Xenogears awesome.

>> No.5754178
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>> No.5754191

Ching chong

>> No.5754197
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>Xenogear is the poor man Evangelion, turned in a video game at the expense of the soul

>> No.5754353

No matter what you think of the quality of Xenogears, the points it tries to make are at least coherent. There's themes of friendship, being an outsider, brotherhood, responsibility, knowing when to stand up and fight, blind devotion, etc. Evangelion props up a hodgepodge of "SYMBOLISM" and proceeds to spin its wheels for the entire series, never attaching actual meaning to any of it.

>> No.5754569
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the music was good and the girls in it erected my young penis

>> No.5754807

Should have gone with the original idea for FF VII or CT 2

>> No.5754836

the main problem with the music is that there's not enough of it to fill the game and a lot of tracks get reused a LOT.

>> No.5754848

the only people who like xenogarbage are ironic weebs from discord. everyone else correctly recognizes it as one of the shittiest jrpg series ever.

>> No.5754870

the first one is different

>> No.5754889

The extra music is there, some are underused or too specialized.

Stars of Tears isn't used at all. At least three, four songs (all of which are good) you only hear in the last hour of the game.


There are like three variants on this theme and they really only use the more in-your-face "Flight" one, although this one is superior. I think it's only used when Fei and Elly are floating around before Thames and maybe at one other point in the game? Many of the songs are generally reserved for Fei/Elly mushy scenes and it's disappointing.

>> No.5754915

>Fei/Elly mushy scenes
Butt sex

>> No.5754964




The way dysentery is from the taco shits?

>> No.5754992

I said mushy, not tushy.

>> No.5755009

What about Billy being a gay prostitute?

>> No.5755017

Impressive art and mecha design, on top of the great soundtrack, story, world building, etc.

>> No.5755127

Anyone know where I can find a better translation script for the game?

>> No.5755652

Not giving Chu-Chu a giant robot was the biggest mistake they made for the character.

>> No.5755687

Disc 2 made the biggest sin any visual medium could make. Show, don't tell. The huge majority of Disc 2 is nothing but text telling you what happened, while occasionally stopping to let you fight a boss or explore badly designed dungeons.

>> No.5755695

So is xenogears just like evangelion for people who think theyre deep?

>> No.5755746

Not sure, I have a healthy digestive system and don't relate to your analogy.

>> No.5755747

It may be stupid as fuck and have endless cutscenes that are semeingly written by 16-year-olds, but as a 13-year-old msyelf I was absolutely floored by exactly this kind of shit.

>> No.5755752

Who knows what neofans say, but back in the day the common understanding was that the studio ran out of budget and the TRUE Xenogears experience will happen in the next games (Xenogears was supposed to be expisode whatever, whereas the true epic shit was suppsoed to happen in episodes somesuch and whatnot).

>> No.5755765

That be fine If the gameplay wasn't an 80 hour linear slog of slowly walking through hallways and repeating the same battles over and over again. It is nice how early in the game they give you a break from that for what has to be longest prison stay in rpg history. It's so fucking boring.

inb4 all RPG are a repetitive linear slog, they really aren't, and there are different degrees to how sluggish, repetitive, and devoid of anything outside of the main storyline (until a zillion hours in) that a game can be. Xenogears ramps it up to the highest degree.

Also the dungeon design is absolute ass, that platforming where you have to jump onto the rope is laughably stupid. The rest are simply linear grey hallways most of the time, with none of the beautiful backdrops of a game like SO2. It's a 3/10 game with an intriguing story.

>> No.5755826

>Who knows what neofans say, but back in the day the common understanding was that the studio ran out of budget
sure it was common knowledge, but you can also tell from playing the game that it's an overly ambitious project where the creator just didn't know how to cut/edit all the ideas into something focused and manageable.

>> No.5756271


>> No.5756282
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*has a deeper, better written, more poignant story*
Heh, nothing personnel, weebkid.

>> No.5756295

If only WRPGs had JRPG combat.

>> No.5756316

Combat in Xenogears is not good though. The systems are polished enough but the gameplay is very shallow.

>> No.5756385

It really wasn't all that great, disc 2 was worse than I expected and the story is just your typical late 90's Evaclone.

>> No.5756427

>SJW gaymu ever being good compared to waifupilled nippon games.

Beamdog shills are so degenerated and enraged.

>> No.5757303

It was still more fun and better than disk 1 though

>> No.5757386

as someone who never played it and never will, gimme a quick rundown on disc 2. From what I gather it's just a 20 hour long cutscene?

>> No.5757407

>What about Billy being a gay prostitute?

Billy wasn't a gay prostitute!

...prostitutes get paid.

>> No.5757417

>From what I gather it's just a 20 hour long cutscene?


We should be so lucky.

It was 20 hours of a character sitting in a crudely rendered chair in the middle of a black screen, monologueing huge walls of texts. Sometimes there's a pendulum swaying in the background, or if you're super lucky a still screen overlay.

Throw in a handful of half-assed dungeons and some boss fights and......yeah, that's pretty much it.

>> No.5757420
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Imagine you're playing a pretty competent, sometimes above average JRPG, and after a disc change, four people sit in a room and then they talk about what happens, sometimes they cut some concept art in, sometimes they throw you in a battle randomly, it all depends on whether there is any content chunk done for that part of the text. It's hilariously bad.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I don't know how hardcore Xenogears fags are able to defend it, my dignity sure as hell wouldn't allow me.

>> No.5757457

Nice disc 2 parody, but what's the actual game it's from?

>> No.5757460

Xenoblade 1