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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 258 KB, 1024x768, Chrono-Cross-chrono-cross-28575780-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5748890 No.5748890 [Reply] [Original]

How good is Chrono Cross?

>> No.5748894

its shit.

>> No.5748902

It's one of my favorite Square games of the era, but that is very faint praise coming from me.

>> No.5748907

Not as good as trigger, but still a worthy sequel. Either you're going to hate that there's a million characters and they're all functionally interchangeable, or you'll enjoy the incredible amount of customization you've got with your party's visuals. The contrarian perspective is that it's terrible, despite it being better than any 3D FF besides 7.

>> No.5748912

It's fantastic as long as you're smart enough to grasp its concepts but not autistic enough to over-analyze it. And it's got some hot wimmin.

Also, Fargo's side story toward the end kicks ass.

>> No.5748935

It's not Chrono Trigger. Why aren't you Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross?

>> No.5749089
File: 48 KB, 340x600, Harle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too easy which breaks gameplay completely. All this characters on picrel doesn't matter at all because you can pick anyone and mash attack button through whole game. I dropped it because of that. There is a patch: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2912/ that fixes game difficulty but I haven't tried it yet.

>> No.5749095

>It's too easy
Anon it's a JRPG.
>you can pick anyone and mash attack button through whole game
You can do this with chrono trigger for everything but a handful of bosses.

>> No.5749101

Very good

>> No.5749130

Chrono Trigger is one of the easiest rots ever made but I don't know why that has anything to do with that anon's criticisms of chrono cross. It's a glaring flaw in both games.

>> No.5749142

>rpgs ever made*

>> No.5749148

I know, but look at Final Fantasy 7/8/9 random encounters can be tough and you have to use your resources smartly, also bosses can be fuckin hard. In Chrono Cross every random enemy deals abysmally small damage, even normal attacks from bosses deals you nothing. It just breaks the game.

>> No.5749169

>final fantasy
shut the fuck up bot

>> No.5749181

"Difficulty" in menu sims comes down to how much grinding is required for you to brute force everything. The chrono games require very little, and I think that's a positive trait.
Outside of the submarine, I can't think of a single area that has potentially deadly random encounters.
That's an even worse example since the proper way to play is rushing encounter-none ASAP so you don't gimp yourself by unnecessarily leveling up with shitty level scaling random encounters.
I guess maybe wondering into the forest after gizmaluke's grotto and getting dragonfucked, but everywhere else it's trivial as far as I can remember.

>> No.5749301

>Final Fantasy 7
>random encounters can be tough
>you have to use your resources smartly

I'm sorry but I have to ask what version of the game you played? Because I would probably much prefer that game.

>> No.5749367
File: 46 KB, 527x800, 3c19f861c56190a64ce9560fee7f5468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the goodest

>> No.5749461

The last time i played chrono cross the paris terror attacks happened so i dont play it anymore

>> No.5749463

I might try this

>> No.5749473

Thats good of you, say hi to your mother from me alright?

>> No.5749479
File: 16 KB, 220x220, 220px-Star_Ocean_Second_Story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im telling you, the government is watching me, and they are all helping the terrorists. all i did was play the game. they wanted to enact psychic terror on me, which is why i dont play chrono cross anymore. Im being 100% serious. It used to be my favorite game.

Anyway, heres a better rpg with 98 endings and choices that matter

>> No.5749487
File: 51 KB, 680x588, 4d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5749494

man, that shit was a bloated mess

>> No.5749503

Itt me getting gangstalked and oppressed

>> No.5749520

Based and Chronopilled. Also Marbulle OST give me the chills.
Cringe and contrarian. Probably plays Xenogears and Undertale. Eternal Basedboy.

>> No.5749524


>> No.5749583

Is this the vidja equivalent of the Rick and Morty meme?

>> No.5750139

We know anon, we watch you too.

>> No.5751062
File: 1.61 MB, 1024x766, cc_half.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a lot of great ideas but the execution is severely lacking on most of them. Like the huge number of recruit-able characters. If it were up to me I would have cut at least half of them (pic related) so you can give the remaining ones some more things to do after recruiting them instead of turning them into interchangeable textboxes with an accent script applied.

Also the story is extremely poorly paced towards the end, pulling a whole bunch of shit out of its ass around the end of Chronopolis.

>> No.5751071

>cutting janice
Fuck you.

>> No.5751072

It's a bimbo: gorgeous but completely dumb.

>> No.5751078

I had to cut half of them. I'm interested what other people would cut if they had to pick half of them.

Oh also having so many recruitable characters is stupid when you can only have 2 in your party at any given time, since you always have to have the protagonist. The star anti-grinding system makes the problem even worse since once you get another star all the characters that you didn't grind to the limit permanently miss an opportunity to get their stats up. So the game incentivizes you to just use the same handful of party members.

>> No.5751095

I loved it

>> No.5751116

Too fucking good for words

>> No.5751150

Music 10/10
Visuals 10/10
Everything else 1/10

>> No.5751158

I'm a huge fan of Chrono Trigger, but have never actually played Cross. Is it worth going out of my way to play? How does it connect?

>> No.5751162

It's loosely connected with some cameos and alternate timeline shit. If you like the PS1 era squaresoft JRPG formula, it's absolutely worth a playthrough.

>> No.5751175

>How does it connect?
In ways that are probably going to piss you off. Let's just say that a major part of the premise for Chrono Cross is that all the time traveling you did in Trigger to defeat Lavos wasn't great for the timeline.

>> No.5751182

That's honestly pretty interesting. What's the best way to play it these days? Is it on, say, PSN or whatever?

>> No.5751203

Beetle PSX is fine.

>> No.5751213


>> No.5751771
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 40-grand68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he has a "no fat chicks" policy.

>> No.5751825

It's ok in some regards, nice graphics and music mostly but that's surface level nonsense, The meat and potatos of the game aren't so good - The writing is convoluted as fuck, and the characters are uninteresting. The battle music is god awful and you're going to be hearing it a lot. And the frame rate in battles is really bad.

>> No.5751828

It doesn't. Cross is a remake of the SNES game Radical Dreamers.

>> No.5753274

So Chrono Cross fans are the Rick and Morty fans of /vr/