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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 182 KB, 856x800, Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5746606 No.5746606 [Reply] [Original]

It is time for the annual Final Fantasy VIII thread. In this thread we discuss the greatest video game ever made, while posting like gentlemen. To get us started, let's talk about the magic system.
>muh drawing magic
No. The only times you ever draw magic in ff8 are at the start of the game to build up a base supply for Selphie, 300 Aura from Seifer at the end of disc 3 and 300 Meteor from level 100 Ruby Dragons. You can also draw 300 Pain from Elnoyle if you're using Quistis. You refine ~98% of your magic.
>but casting magic makes your stats worse
Yes, technically it does, but if you are playing the game properly (ie: not speedrunning/challege running) then this is negligible because you've got tons of stuff to refine to replace it.
Tbh the magic system in ff8 allows for such fun casting. A party consisting of Squall + two casters is peak jrpg casting. Using Cerberus for double/triple allows the player to "spellweave" which is just spectacular.
>why would you ever use magic when you can just break the game by junctioning Death to your status attack?
I used to do this when I was a child, but it got boring
>you need to find retarded challenges to make the game fun
No, the game is already fun, but admittedly jrpgs are not very challenging. Also, there is only one difficulty in jarpigs so to play the game on "hard" the player must implement their own challenges

>> No.5746618

7 is better pmw

>> No.5746619

>Autismo finds a new hobby

>> No.5746629

I've got a .txt on my work laptop and the ff8 cover in the downloads folder for quick access

>> No.5746636

You also have a Griever necklace and practice Seifers battle stance in front of a mirror. In nothing but the trenchcoat. Said trenchcoat is homemade.

>> No.5746648
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>> No.5746661

I'd just like to say that ff8 is a good game with an interesting story and an interesting, shadowy villain whom is active in the game since disc 1 and whose appear is known since the end of disc 2. I really love Ultimecia and want to be her slave.

>> No.5746667

Also ff8 is a good game with a good world map with lots of good towns and fun magic and fun enemies

>> No.5746749

I love FF8s atmosphere and aesthetic.
I'm really glad that it doesn't have any talking in it.

>> No.5746818

>le orphanage
>le cloud was really le living zachs memories xD

>> No.5747083

My only real complaint about 8 is the 1000 exp per level and the fact that monsters level with you. This makes progressing feel awkward and less rewarding.

>> No.5747197
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i dont get why one of the best characters in all of the later Final Fantasy games (7+) gets almost no love

>> No.5747216

VIII is a lot more enjoyable if you only bother with magic you intend to junction and ignore the rest and just use items instead.

>> No.5747218

God cosplay is so fucking dumb

>> No.5748098

VIIII was never good

>> No.5748203

>Also, there is only one difficulty in jarpigs so to play the game on "hard" the player must implement their own challenges
Wow I never thought of it like that before

>> No.5748212
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>> No.5748251

Because he is a cuck who bitched out and missed the shot

>> No.5748285

>implying he should have shot the woman that only he remembers loved and raised them all

>> No.5748298

He would have done it if he wasnt a cuck and was taking the mission seriously

>> No.5748325

Star ocean 2 has difficulties

>> No.5748336

>remove CardMod
>remove all refine abilities except AmmoRefine
>characters are only allowed to have 1 GF equipped
>raise draw cap to 99 instead of 9
>remove Enc-None
>remove Aura

there, now the gameplay isn't a complete joke

>> No.5748341


>> No.5748358

you seem like an incel homosexual

>> No.5748386

Find yourself actual arguments instead of the same old buzzwords, fellow redditor.

>> No.5748414

>you seem like an incel homosexual
>Find yourself actual arguments instead of the same old buzzwords, fellow redditor.

Only 19 hours old and it's already turned into a bait thread.. impressive.

>> No.5748430

Not a record but still impressive.

>> No.5748463

The gameplay was incredible for all of the reasons that you think should be removed. You don't have to remove Aura if you think that it trivializes encounters because you can just not use it, Enc-None was groundbreaking by giving the player the ability to turn off random encounters in a genre where random encounters are a major criticism. I agree draw cap should have been higher. Allowing only 1 GF to be equipped may make sense from a story telling perspective, but it is gay in game because it is fun deciding who gets which GF and balancing the GF distribution amongst the characters. Removing all refine abilities is dumb because refine gives the player the option to skip random encounters all together by refining cards for supplies. Remove card mod is just retarded.

>> No.5748586

I almost 100%'d this game
Beat Omega Weapon after much cursing. All I have to do is finish the Queen of Cards quest. Pain in the ass

>> No.5748636

>It is time for the annual Final Fantasy VIII thread


>> No.5748646

I've tried going back to this a few times over the years and always get derailed. Part of why I want to go back to it and replay it (never beat it sadly) is because I can put death on my weapons and sling spells all day and other things. I dont mind the setting or story (what tiny bits I remember) so I mostly just wanna beat it and enjoy death swords and magic goodness and drawing for reasons and stats

>> No.5748717

Why would Zell's cosplayer not be smiling? His optimism and upbeat attitude is his strongest feature.

>> No.5748719

His aim was perfect, Edea straight up blocked it. If he was aiming for anyone other than a literal Time Goddess it would have been an easy kill.

>> No.5748730
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Zell and Squall make a good comedy duo
Squall's serious and quiet
Zell is the polar opposite

>> No.5748838

You're right

>> No.5749179

Is Diablos in other ff games? He always seemed very cool

>> No.5749564

It's because some brightheaded fuck decided to link this thread on a FF7 remake thread on /v/

>> No.5749658

8 doesn't have Cloud, therefore 8 > 7.

>> No.5749847
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>> No.5749870
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>this is the third one this fucking month

>> No.5749879 [DELETED] 

it's like the stark exp, it runs all year

>> No.5749884

it's like the stark expo, it runs all year

>> No.5749901

Your right it has a slew of characters much worse.

>> No.5749917

>stark expo
>muh capeshit
You need to go back.

>> No.5749929

stark doesn't wear a cape, ya retard

>> No.5749941

It still falls under the Marvel capeshit universe, dipshit.

>> No.5749950

Shit posting gimmick, seek help

>> No.5749951
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>> No.5749963

Please return to reddit immediately.

>> No.5749970

what's readit?

>> No.5749982

I've always had a mega boner for ff8 Bahamut and Ultima weapon. The entire Deep Sea Research Center is peak Final Fantasy.

>> No.5749985
File: 126 KB, 850x1020, anr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OST is incredible and the story isn't nearly as bad as everyone crows about.

That's about all I have to say.


>> No.5749993
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>> No.5749998

Kys nigger

>> No.5750005

only a true nigger calls others a nigger ya racist prick

>> No.5750010
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 65df1c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fucks sake it's the ff8 spellweaving autist again

>> No.5750014
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>> No.5750020
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>> No.5750025

a heart-felt apology is always appreciated
I accept your obvious decision to improve your life
and I thank you for being considerate to others

>> No.5750614

He was still willing to let his "childhood friends" die in prison until Rinoa dragged him by the ear and forced him to bail them out.

>> No.5750831

This was intentional

>> No.5751524

I have always really enjoyed VIIIs space sequence. Top notch compared to most other jarpigs.

>> No.5751692

His limit break was a lot of fun but his character was bland imo

>> No.5751870

What a gay, edgy game

>> No.5751894

In what way is it edgy?

>> No.5751906

It's not edgy, the retard that you are replying to is using the reddit definition of edgy rather than the real definition.

>> No.5751907

Squall is an edgy gayboi

>> No.5751912

Cringe and soipilled

>> No.5751914
File: 5 KB, 250x174, q5OL30E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you're one of those. Opinion on anything and everything discarded.

>> No.5751921

Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.5751926
File: 323 KB, 1084x1238, 1506378112551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to 4chan for /vr/ lol, I don't really use any other boards, except /g/ occasionally. Nice try though.

>> No.5751929

Just what a /pol/tard would say

>> No.5751930


>> No.5751931 [DELETED] 

Have sex

>> No.5751958

I do. Stop memeing you dumb nigger.

>> No.5752340

>he doesn't know about Boke & Tsukkomi

>> No.5752346
File: 894 KB, 2005x2136, 1555700915871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny there's an FFVIII thread up - haven't been on /vr/ in some time. Been replaying the game for the first time since I was eleven or twelve, its aged very nicely. Art holds up well and while the drawing system is a little tedious, I do still really like the junction system, as busted as it is.

>> No.5752348

t. Incel

>> No.5752470


>> No.5753251

>I used to do this when I was a child, but it got boring
This is not a valid excuse

>> No.5753701
File: 1.63 MB, 4032x3024, AE915FD5-3FE1-434D-AE43-AFF9C30BA476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emulate or steam?
I’ll be using my Chinese ds4 either way

>> No.5753734

Steam version is good

>> No.5753747
File: 321 KB, 699x1080, 61f62ce3e4f85632b235a3a4d79b629f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legitimately my second favorite final boss theme in the series (after Zeromus)


Force Your Way is also top 3 regular boss themes. Some of the town music in 8 gets real tiresome though, which is why its not a top OST overall to me.

>> No.5754657

Only in FFVI

>> No.5754692

he's all hat no cattle

>> No.5754707

Also Super Mario RPG as a side boss if I remember right.