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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5741619 No.5741619 [Reply] [Original]

Brány Skeldalu (The Gates of Skeldal) is a Czech RPG in the style of Dungeon Master. It was originally released in 1998, making it as /vr/ as it gets.

And these days it's freeware and you can even play it in English.

Here's the game's installer + English patch.

And this is the newest exe file for the game, v20. Just overwrite.

A video of the game to get the general idea what it's like.

>> No.5742215

Looks interesting. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.5743154


>> No.5743662


>> No.5743710

virus don't click

>> No.5744257
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>Czech kino being released
Excellent. Will download later.
Whilst we're at it. Anyone got the original Czech/Slovak copy of Spellcross? I heard the English version is dumbed down compared to the original Czech/Slovak version. I can kinda read Czech so playing it won't be a problem without a patch.

>> No.5745923

Thx for the bump.

This seems to be it. Appearently a version packed with DosBox.

>> No.5746043

>tfw you realize that there may be a vidya out there, which you'd love and play nonstop, but it's only available in a language you don't speak

>> No.5746342

Thanks mate, I appreciate it.

Well good news is (bad news for me), there aren't actually that many good retro Czech RPGs out there. They exist but they are kinda rare. Spellcross (technically Slovak) and The Gates of Skeldal are just an exception. A ton of the better Czech games came out after when more developers got more experienced with tools, so we wound up with games like ARMA, Beat Saber, Factorio Mafia and KCD. But of course those aren't retro.
You'll find tons of retro Polish RPGs tho. But those will probably be Polish language only sadly.

>> No.5747769

Original War

RTS with RPG elements.

>> No.5747938

Ukranians make best slav games

>> No.5748512

Give me some recommendations (other than STALKER), I am interested. I'd like some RPGs preferably.

Oh yeah, shit. Almost forgot that game existed actually, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.5748794

This basically. When it came out, it got praise for finally being Czech AND a good game.

>> No.5748841

Cossacks (bit meh)
Codename Outbreak