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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 194 KB, 1121x1097, Screenshot_2019-07-15-19-40-08-200_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5739136 No.5739136 [Reply] [Original]

New 8bitdo controller.

>> No.5739145

Looks fucking terrible.

>> No.5739152

Agreed. I showed it to my wife's boyfriend and he too said it looks revolting. Looks like i'll be sticking to the switch pro controller.

>> No.5739163


Though they obviously fucking won't. The D-pad is the biggest complaint with these controllers, like how you don't even need to press a diagonal for it to register as one. They've released numerous updated controllers and new models yet they've never fixed the D-pad issue despite a very well known DIY fix. They obviously just want your fucking money and don't give a shit about quality. Every single one has the same problem.

>> No.5739164

Meh. Get back to me when they make a Saturn styled pad with clickable analog sticks, six face buttons, and four shoulder buttons.
I could use two extra buttons over the current standard.

Do you think a lot about things like that?

>> No.5739203


>> No.5739210

If one's going for soulless, why not just play with a PS4, Wii U Pro, Xbox, Logitech, Switch, whatever controller?

>> No.5739316
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my autism forbids me from getting this or the other 30p re-release.

i could maybe tolerate the gameboy color'd one but if you're going to give me snes/fami colors it has to look identical.

>> No.5739324

Going directly after the Switch Pro Controller market with this one. Doesn't look good at all.
Their M30 is the best third-party controller I've ever owned though so something like that with a pair of analog sticks like a DualShock would be great.

>> No.5739456

Looks fucking usable, FINALLY.

The SNES controller is shit in hand though. If anything, my autism forbids me to use anything that isn't maximum ergonomic.

>> No.5739463

>all these form over function fags
I wonder how many of you guys actually see the irony being form over function on /vr/ of all places

>> No.5739471

It's chinkshit. It doesn't have form or function besides being disposable chinkshit.

>> No.5739495

Being against that D-pad is function over form and it is a shitty D-pad.

>> No.5739512
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>> No.5739540
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>people on a nostalgia board prefer how things look in addition to how they feel
there's nothing ironic about it.
this (and the one before it without the sticks) is the best snes style controller in recent history.
the dpad is easily fixed, the buttons and sticks feel fantastic.

people that bring up the build quality, when contested, -usually- also bring up the fact that they got it discounted from a reseller.
i got mine (FROM the official 8bitdo seller) 4 months after launch, watching and waiting for reviews, and have not had any issues with it what so ever.

>> No.5739584

>the dpad is easily fixed
Hardware issues are not peoples' concern with the D-pad (also 'yeah but it's easily fixable. who cares if it's poorly assembled' isn't a great argument) It's the design of it. People who hate those D-pads prefer a Saturn-type D-pad.

>> No.5739603

Just use a dualshock.

>> No.5739608
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, retrobit saturn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know if its still coming out to be honest

>> No.5739646
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should i buy this?

>> No.5739651

Yes, buy 30.

>> No.5739653
File: 77 KB, 1459x444, 61jidhk7JpL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not "poorly assembled". it's functionally over-sensitive because the pcb is based off of the switch Pro controller, which has the same issue.

Yes it is absurd that it has not been fixed. both on the switch and the 8bitdo controllers. presumably the new one will change it.

i have never heard the argument for the saturn type d-pad, the complaint has always been the diagonal sensitivity.
i don't know why anyone would buy a SNES CONTROLLER if they instead wanted a fucking sega instead.

>> No.5739674

>muh sensitive pcb
>muh diagonals
Oh fuck off, just buy it.

>> No.5739701

it looks like some abominable hybrid of the SNES & PS4 controllers.

id give it a try.

>> No.5739708
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>> No.5739737

are you sarcastic?

>> No.5739741

So they just come out with a new "improved" version of these things twice a year now right? And buyfags buy them?

>> No.5739774

>The SNES controller is shit in hand though.
It's the most comfortable retro controller by far, what are you smoking?

>> No.5739793


Congrats. This pad represents everything i hate about controllers.

>> No.5739798

Is there any good raisin to buy this instead of DualShock 4 or xbone?

>> No.5739847

Does it still needs AA batteries? that's my only deal breaker.

If you have a switch it will connect directly and according to the blurb it has button mapping (whatever that means), but unless you like it or don't have 10 extra bucks to get a better controller I don't think so.

>> No.5739854

Some like having the option to power something with ubiquitous low self discharge NiMHs they bought a decade ago.

>> No.5740075
File: 253 KB, 2048x1536, D84dhZlUwAAcWwy.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting new 3rd party dreamcast proto

>> No.5740210

why are these RETARDS making more switch controllers? where the fuck are the BT n64 controllers? do we have to wait for kevtris to shit out an fgpa n64?


>> No.5740221

This. The whole appeal of 8bitdo was that they were close replicas of the real thing. Now that they're going for their own style, there's no reason to bother with them. You can get an official PS4 controller (which is much higher quality) cheaper than 8bitdo's products.

>> No.5740223

Sounds like good plan for those who don't want to deal with unreliable JoyCons and their low profile carbon on brass slider stick modules that often malfunction prematurely.

>> No.5740224

>do we have to wait for kevtris to shit out an fgpa n64?
Literally never ever.

>> No.5740229

Neat, but those sticks are too close together. Your thumbs are going to be hitting each other.

>> No.5740231

A DS4 has much less soul than the 8bitdo controllers with the classic colors and properly labeled buttons. How the fuck are you going to play snes games with triangles and squares and circles and shit?

>> No.5740236

it might be the same distance as dual shock

>> No.5740241

I'm still using a DualShock 3 with hacked Xbox360 drivers. It's no problem remembering which buttons are which. I usually map it Japanese style because it's more intuitive.

>> No.5740242

Modern 8bitdo controllers look generic as hell. If I'm going to play with something that doesn't resemble the real thing, I might as well get something ergonomic.

>How the fuck are you going to play snes games with triangles and squares and circles and shit?
I only care about the controller's looks for the sake of style. I don't need to look at the controller to know which buttons to press. I know that "A" is the right face button.

>> No.5740270
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Just for fun I measured this shit, ratio is how many sticks wide the gap is using the respective system's stick as a unit of measurement. I think anon is right and it'll be uncomfortably close together.
>Retrobit Saturn = 1.0
>DS2 = 1.15
>DS4 = 1.48

>> No.5740279

I used to emulate all my shit on a PS2 controller
Fuck it, I love sony

>> No.5740291

and fuck every youtuber whore who shills 8shitdo and doesn't mention this colossal flaw

>> No.5740303

I'm just goofin, wouldn't be caught dead with 8bitdo's overpriced, poorly designed trash.

>> No.5740309

The price would be fine if they were of the same quality as Sony or Microsoft.

>> No.5740315

That's a big if. Budget quality with a first party price is disgusting.

>> No.5740367
File: 16 KB, 262x400, 41IUwpDkuzL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if these are any good? Cheaply made? Input lag? I want to play my Wii emulators with a playstation controller


>> No.5740489

DS4 is $40 right now for primefags with the prime day sale if you'd rather get the real deal and save 10 dollarydoos in the process.

>> No.5740735

I miss the classic DS1-3 design. The PS4 controller feels weird to grip with it's bulbous handles.

>> No.5740974

Or are the any adapters top plug a Wii pro controller into a gamecube controller port? The only things I can find go the other way- gamecube controller into a wiimote

>> No.5741023

The Dreamcast controller we should have got.

>> No.5741034

Reminder that both d-pads and sticks are objectively worse than hitbox-style controls.

>> No.5741067


>> No.5741069

I bought the one for the original hardware and let me tell you this is the best controller for genesis. It has actually given me a new found love for genesis games because I fucking hated the official controller.

>> No.5741208

>Hitbox style unless you focus on 2d game it won't work too well

>> No.5741260

meh I got my F30pro for £5 and it's great for that price.

>> No.5741267


>> No.5741607
File: 57 KB, 1024x576, 1563132598785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A DS4 has much less soul than the 8bitdo controllers with the classic colors and properly labeled buttons.

>> No.5741625
File: 610 KB, 907x1152, playstation controllers-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally the same controller but better

>> No.5741945

I find the tiny baby handles a lot less comfortable than just curling my fingers under the SNES controller.

>> No.5742220

>gripping the "handles"
>not floating the controller on your middle fingers
It makes me uncomfortable to realize I'm sharing a board with people like this.

>> No.5742229

Why is "handles" in quotes there? Do you not think the PS1 controller has handles? Are you blind?

>> No.5742230

This, if your fingers and wrist tendons are tight, you're not playing at peak speed and performance.

>> No.5742261

They're not handles, they're a counterbalance so you can properly hold the controller as it was meant to be held. That's why they're so tiny.

>> No.5742291

What are you taking about? Are you talking about how you cant to diagonals on these dpads? Cause i fucking hate that shit, thats the main reason i never touch my duelshock 4 controller anymore

>> No.5742312

Do you not have your other fingers touching it? Cause i very slightly grip it with my middle fingers balancing it

>> No.5742319

Index fingers resting between L1/L2 and R1/R2, controller sides barely grazing your palms.

>> No.5742335

Is there a picture of this somewhere? I'm finding it difficult to even imagine.

>> No.5742359
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only way to hold a controller

>> No.5742364
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>> No.5742408

He's talking about the dpad registering a lot of presses as diagonals when they are straight.

>> No.5742421

If they're registering as diagonals then clearly you're pressing diagonal. Why blame hardware for user error?

>> No.5742427

Post pics

>> No.5742550

I have that adapter. I haven't used it in years, but a friend of mine used it all the time to play Smash with a PS2 controller. Worked fine even on the Wii U with the GameCube adapter.

>> No.5743384

It is pretty awful, cheap plastic and very light. Rattles a lot and the d-pad feels like ATGames pack-in controllers. I bought it alongside an M30, sent this back and got another M30 to use on my MiSTer setup.

>> No.5743645

Kinda looks like a dualshock, I might buy one

>> No.5743678

wars were started for less serious acts of crime.

>> No.5744025

Well, fuck me. And I can press down the analogs to use as buttons too?

>> No.5744049
File: 49 KB, 960x720, norwich_ac_scared_dog-1482508062-3054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with you? MOOODS!

>> No.5744101

Hold your hands parallel in front of you with your fingers and thumbs pointing forward. Now, relax your thumbs. With your hands still in that position, relax your remaining fingers. Now point your index fingers at each others. Congratulations! You're now holding a ps controller or dualshock like a human instead of a retarded nigger.

>> No.5744231

No, there's something wrong with your hands, you need to go to a doctor.

>> No.5744232
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>> No.5744667

>DMC player

>> No.5744715


apparently they did


maybe that's why it's taken forever

>> No.5744764

Someone buy it and post input test videos.

>> No.5745087

Not going to shill for the 8bitdo, but I messed around with both it and the adapter. Adapter is great, controller is clearly 3rd party. Best to use the former with a Dual Shock 4.

It isn't "unusable" though, I beat Super Star Wars and DKC2 with it.

>> No.5745161

>concave buttons
Why would they do this?

>> No.5745164

They look flat to me.

>> No.5745175

Its okay

For some reason Steam freaks out when ever I plug this in though.

>> No.5745181
File: 18 KB, 250x250, Acc SNES-10-2__54555.1394693224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A and B are flat, X and Y are concave. Just like on the original controller it's based on.

>> No.5745189

>A and B are flat
Technically convex, which is very comfy. The SFC controller is so much more comfortable since all 4 are convex.

>> No.5745207
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What's the point?

>> No.5745214

>digital only shoulder buttons
That thing can't even properly cover GC games. Shameful.

>> No.5745217

I find the concave buttons to be comfy myself. The pad of my thumb fills in the concavity very nicely and then my thumb knuckle rests upon the convex button. Maximum comfort.

>> No.5745219

>ZL and ZR
>not just C and Z
why is nintendo so stupid

>> No.5745223

>not L2/R2

>> No.5745243

Because C stood for Camera and that function has been replaced by the right thumbstick. The Wii nunchuk had a C button only because there was no right analog stick and Nintendo games most frequently used it for looking around or some other camera toggle.

>> No.5745331

oh its another "company fucks up a well known fundamental controller design and maybe fixes it some time later" episode.

>> No.5745336


it's a pretty slight flaw imo. only rarely comes up for me

>> No.5745338

feels cheap and light
also no analog triggers

stick gates are nice tho

>> No.5745339

the fact that any company still comes up with a controller with a fucked up dpad in 2019 is the problem, nintendo included.

>> No.5745341

No. It's a "company fucks up a well known fundamental controller design and fixes it with an entirely different SKU while still selling the original broken SKU" episode.

>> No.5745342

Analog triggers are a meme, also completely unnecessary for retro.

>> No.5745343

except no one knows if they actually fixed it (hint: they haven't).

>> No.5745349


right but the 8bitdo will cover every use case and feels much more solid

sure but the pro dpad is still way worse so they at least beat nintendo

>> No.5745353

switch pro, not cc pro

>> No.5745358

Analog triggers are required for gamecube games, yet another reason why the DS4 trumps the shitty nintendo pro controllers for emulation.

>> No.5745363

Most interesting thing about this is the new customization software.


>> No.5745370

Yeah but Gamecube is not retro. You should really play Gamecube games on a Gamecube controller anyway. The clicky triggers and unique face button layout make other controllers just not feel right.

>> No.5745372

We've had this for years with a better controller. https://github.com/Ryochan7/DS4Windows/releases

>> No.5745378

whether or not some tranny considers that specific console retro doesn't have any bearing on the ds4's superiority as a general use emulation controller.

>> No.5745412

That part was just a joke. The spoiler is the real content.

>> No.5745416


>> No.5745417

I fucking hate the face buttons. I really like the two-stage shoulder buttons though.

>> No.5745431

I find it just feels weird to play any first-party Gamecube games on any other face button layout. I don't even really like the Gamecube controller very much in general, but it just isn't right playing Gamecube games on anything else.

>> No.5745457 [SPOILER] 
File: 457 KB, 851x800, 1563427434141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it just isn't right playing Gamecube games on anything else
You want to see some disgusting shit? This is how I play n64 games.

>> No.5745475

Have you tried mapping the c buttons to the right stick?

>> No.5745479

Depends on the game. For oot/mm/bk, it's much nicer to have them as fast and precise button presses.

>> No.5745480
File: 877 KB, 416x452, Huber Disappointment.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You monster...

>> No.5746009

Are you E.T.?

>> No.5746014

>slight flaw
having a good dpad is the only reason these shitpads from 8bitdo and retro-bit have any reason to exist in the first place.
yet they always fail.

>> No.5746187

I avoided the SNES ones due to the d-pad and got an M30 instead. Months later the thing still works quite fucking fine.

>> No.5746334

Because some dpads are designed shitty and makes it really easy for a press to register as two directions at the slightest provocation, some are worse than others on this and it can make it difficult to use with precision.
On an NES dpad, which is good, it's hard to accidentally hit two directions, on many cheap and generic USB controllers, this can happen a lot.

>> No.5746361

The DS4 fits my hands pretty comfortably, going back to play some PS3 games just now, I found the DS3 doesn't quite fit my hands as well.
Ergonomics can be pretty subjective I suppose.

I might use my controllers for more than just retro games though.

I agree. 3DS dpad could be a lot better.

>> No.5746394

I'd throw it like a boomerang

>> No.5746859

>the dpad is easily fixed
kek anon

>> No.5746861

wth anon

>> No.5747142


Pay 5 bucks extra for the 8bitdo version.

Sega's seal of quality is meaningless, because, well, y'know. Sega.

>> No.5747270


the 8bitdo is 10 more than the usb genesis one, 5 more than the saturn

this are pretty much 1:1 with the originals so no reason to not get them if you liked those

>> No.5748753

better than the n64 controller tbqh.

>> No.5749159
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8bitdildo blows chunks :^)

>> No.5749161

Nice try shill.

>> No.5749164

Absolute trash

>> No.5749168

It is, but that's an awfully low bar.

>> No.5749194

Shut the fuck up the N64 controller is awesome

>> No.5749207

It's not even good with the games that were specifically designed for it. There's a reason they never ever went back to anything similar to that design.

>> No.5749443

i played with megadrive as a kid and got a saturn usb knockoff from ebay years ago it felt cheap but worked, i don't really remember the feeling, i remember the d-pad was very tender but i liked it in the end

i don't have it anymore coz i smashed it after some gaming rage

>> No.5749450

also is the snes one worth buy or should i stick with the ps4 one, button layout is nearly identical plus i fear that the snes one is too small

>> No.5749498


alright the retro-bit's as far as the ones i've gotten are original quality. the first batch of the saturn ones had a weak dpad that was fragile but they fixed it and replace controllers for anyone that gets one from the old batch.

the 8bitdo's are pretty good but they also have a flawed dpad that registers diagonals too easily. it's slight but will annoy you sometimes. expecting 8bitdo to make a new revision of the normal sn30 pros with the revised dpad from the plus once it's out

>> No.5749554

It was pretty flawed. The analog stick is precise, but fragile, and actually anti-ergonomic, I've rawed my thumb more than once doing unlocks in Goldeneye, and lots of kids gave themselves stigmata with Mario Party.

The overall controller itself is workable, but nothing great. The idea was you would hold it differently for different sorts of games, hence the three handles, but I don't think I ever saw that put into practice.

>> No.5749608

I actually like my sn30 even with the dpad issues. I'm probably going to get a pokken to try that out. It's annoying because the main reason people are buying them are for dpads.
It's a thousand times better than the switch pro with it's flaws.

>> No.5749915

>those triggers like the L/R2 of the DS4

Kill that shit with fire

>> No.5750009

I genuinely don't see the appeal of hinged shoulder buttons, they don't feel at all like the trigger on an actual gun, they just feel mushy and indefinite, worse they sometimes bump when you put a controller down on a surface.
Just make them straight like the R1 and L1 buttons.

>> No.5750518

Precise throttle control. Nobody cares what they feel like for first person shooters, because nobody with an IQ above room temp is using a gamepad for FPS.

>> No.5750838
File: 747 KB, 1857x1513, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8bitdo has inferior SNES controllers to other brands (like ibuffalo). Their M30 is still the better product. More functionality than the alternatives and this little thing doesn't break (it can creak, but that is easily fixed with silicone lubricant).

>> No.5750908

There's amazon reviews that go into technical detail explaining why ibuffalo pads have a severe design flaw that results in phantom button presses.

>> No.5750914
File: 66 KB, 400x400, snapd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop typing like a brazilian shill

>> No.5750961

or buy a ps classic and get 2 oem quality controllers for 10 bucks each

>> No.5750965

>2 oem quality controllers
They're really, really low quality compared to the originals. Go look up a takedown.

>> No.5750973

they're still far better than any of that 8bitdo/retrobit shit

>> No.5750976

Probably, but instead of that shit why not just get a DS4?

>> No.5750978

because you could buy 4-6 of them for the price of one ds4

>> No.5750998

>no analogs
>no rumble
I guess, but I'd just as soon spend $40 on a DS4 and get a much nicer controller that can actually work with the entire PS library.

>> No.5751392

What does that 3 button underneath B do?

>> No.5751409

That's usually the home/guide button. Star is for turbo. If you pair these gamepads to PC as switch controllers instead of xinput/dinput you can use the turbo button as an extra generic button. Handy for emulators.

>> No.5751691

what controller should i get if i wanna connect it to my phone or comp?

>> No.5752567

I have the gameboy version and the d-pad never had the errant diagonals issue, though it's gotta kinda mushy after a shitload of use.

>> No.5752748

>New shillshitpost about an 8bitdo controller.

>> No.5752771

an old PS2 Dualshock2 + PSX-to-USB adapter is all you need. Both can be acquired for under $10 total

>> No.5753060

Thats how I hold a controller in Darksouls at times lol. I've played too much Monster Hunter on PSP so I'm used to it.

>> No.5753218

the dualshock 2 is by far the worst dualshock ever made. The dpad is fucking useless, all the buttons feel like shit because of analog support, and the analog sticks have some weird resistance in them that also makes them shit.

>> No.5753304

My first instinct was to yell at you for being a nigger, but I just compared my DS2 and DS4 side by side and you're right. Whoops!

>> No.5753469

Xbox 360 wired

>> No.5755224

Earthbound is a garbage game, way to out yourself as a newfag. Go back to reddlt

>> No.5755435


>> No.5755598

I used this to play Stepmania on Xbox with Playstation mats so yeah there is no significant lag

>> No.5755613

I'm doing my retro gamage using one of mine xone controllers. While it's not bad, I do think the analog sticks get in the way for fast platforming. So after all this useless prologue, my question is: best snes style, not wireless, controller for muh retro gaming.
I've though about the saturn usb, but I've never played with 6 face buttons (nintendofag child)

>> No.5757312

>Star is for turbo.
Fucking hell, it doesn't take screenshots?

>> No.5757316
File: 548 KB, 2078x1532, 1562094300737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want another fucking fake SNES controller, I want a fake NES controller with only two buttons

>> No.5757412


>> No.5757726

Don't you have a Print Screen button?