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File: 312 KB, 640x480, PKMN Blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5736487 No.5736487 [Reply] [Original]

Deepest Lore - /vr/ Edition

>> No.5736497


>> No.5736501

Fuck off back to /v/ with your shitty memes.

>> No.5736764
File: 100 KB, 300x225, Mobile Suit Mewtwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was that the shuttle they used to go to the moon and bring the clefairies?
Was jigglypuff from the moon too?

>> No.5737587

If you read the diaries at Cinnabar Lab, they say Mew was found in South America

>> No.5737592

Cinnabar mansion's diaries are peak comfy game lore.

>> No.5737612

is retro

>> No.5737809
File: 17 KB, 313x286, 1353636654129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was that the shuttle they used to go to the moon

>> No.5738062

Back when Pokemon was still trying to claim it took place in the real world before they said "Fuck it" and made up their own.

>> No.5738069

>game border is in color
>game is black and white

why are japs so lazy

>> No.5738085
File: 26 KB, 640x400, 1558488856197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not true. What you're looking at is the Gameboy game being run on the Super Game Boy, an SNES cartridge which had a Game Boy game slot so you could run Game Boy games on your SNES. The border is from the 16-bit console color capabilities, whereas the inner window uses a 4-color pallette depending on game setting options, or gameboy game internal settings.

Furthermore, it's actually not black and white; in fact, this usually only 4-color pallette changes all the time depending on where you are/what you're doing in the game. Although originally designed to run natively on the black-and-white original game boy, it came out late enough in it's lifespan to take advantage of the color capabilities both of the Super Game Boy and the Game Boy Color. This screenshot doesn't showcase those very well, however. A much better example of what it could do:


>> No.5738365

That's literally the shuttle Louis Armstrong used to go to the moon

>> No.5738373

They should've kept it that way, the lore is up its own ass now

>> No.5738439

honestly just stop playing after yellow

>> No.5739149
File: 534 KB, 876x1222, Screenshot_20190715-094930_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you

>> No.5739176

This composite signal tho

>> No.5739541

nah, it was pretty fucking stupid, never made sense as a part of the real world

>> No.5739851
File: 613 KB, 295x221, 3XiKMch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing RBY and GSC gave the implication that these took place in the real world, especially with Kanto being named after, and inspired, by the real life location in Japan. When you start the game, the professors seemed to imply that the Pokemon just randomly appeared and they were conducting research on them, in GSC they discovered the Unowns which were thought to be just a writing system but were also mysterious creatures.

Then they started going a little overboard with some of their lore. I could sort of buy the Regi Pokemon being some sort of ancient golems, but as soon as they bring up Arceus being like this god Pokemon worship and was responsible for the creation of everything, I just went picrel. Suspension of disbelief can only go so far before it gets fucking retarded.

>> No.5740189

Pokemon being an alternate-history version of the real world is a lot more fun than the stupid pokegod shit they came up with instead.

>> No.5740201
File: 758 KB, 1094x529, democrats pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Columbia was the shuttle they landed on the asteroid with and the feminists made a fuss over the guy for the cartoon sexy lady on his shirt who was forced to apologize.

I think it's implied here that Pokemon hides feminist propaganda into its games. Pic related

>> No.5740214
File: 878 KB, 1280x960, shuttle_columbia_AP690146878537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it MissingNo.?

>> No.5740285
File: 31 KB, 400x300, meat and lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the pokemon world is its own then there are no earth animals right? Then what kind of meat do the people eat? Do they eat pokemon or are they all vegetarian?

>> No.5740302
File: 490 KB, 706x538, Magikarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have stumbled onto shit that should have been left forgotten. Fuck you and your thread OP.

>> No.5740316
File: 65 KB, 453x604, 1555097653914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the regi trio

Can anyone tell me how the fuck you were supposed to catch these guys in RSE? I had all three carts growing up and i never figured that shit out. It made me feel like the dumbesy piece of shit. I remember something about needing an e-reader for your gba and also needing to know how to read braille.

>> No.5740454

There are better threads

>> No.5740710

The manual had a braille section, you just translated the text in their caves and did what they say.

>> No.5740721

Read the braille and do the puzzles/riddles to open the chambers. No need for any e-reader stuff at all.

>> No.5741720
File: 15 KB, 500x324, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5741731

>need to learn an entirely different real life language just to catch a pokemon

Is this the most retarded requirement in gaming?

>> No.5741735

Unless you're american, then the manual just said something like "You might find strange text while you're exploring. Hmm maybe it's braille?" And they didn't even have that in the emerald manual.

>> No.5741815

>learn a language
they have the code at the back of the manual, all you need is a piece of paper to write it out.

>> No.5741832

Oh yeah? I recall just looking up a book on Braille at the library. I can see that being tough if someone didn't have the age to understand though.

>> No.5741854

No, they don't, at least not in the US versions. I only knew because I had a strategy guide that covered it.

>> No.5741862

Braille isn't a language any more than morse code is a language. It's a 1:1 translation of English letters into different symbols that can easily be looked up at the library or even on the internet at that time if you were so inclined.

>> No.5741946

I wonder if this was done as an anti-piracy measure

>> No.5741991

either way it was 2003 so you could easily look it up online

>> No.5742198

the lore is that pokemon are all aliens who came to earth and settled there.

the missing link is about human evolution though.

>> No.5742209
File: 208 KB, 500x358, Pokemon_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fan theories state that there are earth animals but they just never show them.

here's a pic of a normal fucking dog trapped in the nightmare that is the pkmn universe just trying to live his life among all these disgusting monsters around him.

>> No.5742214

>implying some 10 year old is gonna keep the manuals
yeah, real metal gear of you nintendo

>> No.5742249

Theories that the series have long since ret-conned and shot to hell by saying that there are NO normal animals, just Pokemon that resemble them.

Yes, they do reportedly eat Pokemon. There's a Sinnoh legend saying that if you bless the Pokemon for providing the meal and clean its remains, it will return to life.

>> No.5742352

I always kept the manuals and boxes for all my games growing up. Why would you throw any of that away?

>> No.5742370

Manuals get lost, or damaged. Boxes were just thin cardboard. It was just considered packaging you naturally throw away with any other trash like a cereal box. It wasn't until plastic cases came along people thought to store their games in them full time and keep the cases.

>> No.5742381

I vastly preferred the first two gens of pokemon for their naturalism.

>> No.5742390

>It wasn't until plastic cases came along people thought to store their games in them full time and keep the cases.
Nah, the boxes are where I kept the manuals and maps and stuff so they didn't get damaged when not in use. The carts were always in their sleeves and stored near the console. CDs did change that for me because then the whole shebang got stored near the console, but me and my friends always kept our boxes and manuals in some form. Games were so expensive and we got so few of them each year that we cherished each one we did get. It's so hard to picture someone just ripping open the cardboard box and tossing it in the trash can.

>> No.5742396

With CDs you had to start keeping them because you wanted them to remain usable, I kept none of my SNES boxes

>> No.5742502
File: 3.28 MB, 1154x920, 20180902_v2-neptune-gds-cowart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tickles my autism as a spacefag

>> No.5742678

>haven't even learned english well enough to know what a language is
Well there's yer problem

>> No.5742753

It may sound a bit autistic but Pokemon lore to me as a kid when the series first came out was so important, it was probably the thing that kept me so engaged in the franchise at all....I would get so excited thinking about the future and finally learning the truth about Pokemon that was only hinted at in the games and anime.....

Once I realized none of that was going anywhere, ever, I lost all interest and stopped playing

I mean they used to reference real animals all the time, especially in the Pokedex entries

>> No.5742880

Seven going on eight generations of Pokemon games and they still open every game with "Pokemon are amazing creatures, but we don't know everything about them yet."

Like, COME ON! Figure something out already!

>> No.5743038

>reading braille
>on a SCREEN
holy fuck the designers are either evil or retarded

>> No.5743317

Just get a blind person to do it for you, easy

>> No.5743425

>mysti in a yukata

Holy shit

>> No.5744071

She still has weird blocky feet though. Not interested.

>> No.5744153

Yeah the gen 4 legends are all basically gods and I don't like it.

>> No.5744156

i stopped playing pokemon when black and white had the j-pop song at the start

>> No.5744416


I was 10 years old and all I fucking had to do was get a book about braille at my school library. Translates each cave section in 5 minutes

>> No.5744501

would have it been better if it had kpop or american pop?

>> No.5744552

1960s American pop, sure.

>> No.5744619

Wtf is that?

>> No.5744621

Obviously the shadow of a giant flying saucer

>> No.5744630
File: 792 KB, 899x674, Concept_art_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creators have always been vague about animals in the pokemon universe.
Originally they were meant to be intended as mysterious creatures that resembled animals, but lived alongside them. This was most likely because they needed a point of reference to explain and compare pokemon in a 'real world' context. Then, they got all autistic with their lore and retconned everything.

Takeshi Shudo, the head writer of the anime, went autistic in his own special way, even writing a novelization of the anime about how pokemon were actually related to humans instead of animals (which actually got referenced in the games).

>> No.5744632

what song is this?

>> No.5744640

Makes sense though. Originally we just had animals and no pokemon. Pokemon arrived through space or whatever the lore is and outcompeted our native animals due to them having basically magic or super powers and the regular animals all slowly went extinct. Only the older generation of people remember them now. Kids like Ash probably have never even seen a real animal at this point.

>> No.5744645

is that the sailor moon cat

>> No.5745634

Pokemon made so much more sense when it was just tiny tokusatsu kaiju. It was heavily inspired by Ultraman Capsule fighters or something. Someone dug up an old beta that proves the cries of the Pokemon were literally taken from it. And the monster Woo is what Jynx was based on, she was never a black woman she was a yeti.

>> No.5745635

Oops I went on a tangeant my point 8s they were just like how Dragon Quest had monsters and animals. I dont know why it was so taboo for them to mention animals because it's not hard to reconsile. They were always just RPG monsters and kaiju like in Godzilla and ultraman.

He was going to do a whole movie about that but it got canned and I'm still mad.

>> No.5746418

How do they even keep oldet pokrmons relevant? I remember up to gen III thry still tried to include some of the older gen pokemons in the games, is that even possible now?

>> No.5746442

The gen 1 pokemon in gens 6 and 7 outnumber the new pokemon in their own regions.

>> No.5746647
File: 3 KB, 280x280, '''''''''''bird''''''''''''keeper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's part of what makes genwun so neat.

>> No.5746649


>> No.5747008

Well, the series has cow pokemon for dairy production, does it not (at least in the anime IIRC)? And what do real life farmers do with cows that can no longer produce milk?

>> No.5747392
File: 41 KB, 480x360, E1136294-8618-4F76-A213-D9D931ABDFEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they have fossilized remains of pokemon in rby

>> No.5747507

Pokemon was made by aspies and for aspies. How did it get that big?

>> No.5747517

Uhhhhhhhh.... weren't slowpoke tails literally considered a delicacy in Silver? Don't you and Lance have to bust an underground tail-cutting-and-selling ring? Am I crazy?

In theory IIRC they're heal items to boot so just mull that over