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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 85 KB, 460x345, running-getting-faster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5734684 No.5734684 [Reply] [Original]

What games do you speedrun?

Do you hold a prominent record in any of them?

>> No.5734689

None. Speedrunning is cancer.

>> No.5734698

How so?

>> No.5734820

I never got into speedrunning, because in addition to my consoles, I had copied floppies, so I never had to fixate on a small number of hundred dollar nintendo tapes. There's no good raisin to do it today. I'm very autistic and it's too much for me. Whoop-di-doo, you're better than a dozen other people at playing with that childrens' toy. You are king of the tiniest anthill for a few months. I still compulsively watch GDQ

>> No.5734827

Not autistic, so none

>> No.5734835

You have to be mentally ill to exclusively play a single game over and over and over until you have every mechanic, timing, and square inch of the game world completely memorized, playing it over and over and over for thousands of hours just to shave off half a second of your time to impress some fags online in a niche irrelevant community that everyone else mocks anyway.

>> No.5734836

>a week of GDQ, with thousands in attendance can't even raise 10x what one dude does over a weekend just chilling with DK64
>their travel and lodging cost more than they raise
Dance Dad is based tho

>> No.5734843


>> No.5734846

sounds like the 1ccfags of this board

>> No.5734849

That's some of the more populated, autist-filled speedruns anon. Nobody spent thousands of hours "perfecting" Spider-Man on the NES.

>> No.5734852

as soon as you start speed running the videogame both isn't a game anymore and you aren't playing it anymore, the game is playing you.

>> No.5734870

There's less than a AAA game worth of total runs of that game.


People run the most obscure shit just so they can have a WORLD RECORD!!!!!!11

>> No.5734874

It essentially turns every game into Guitar Hero.

>> No.5734878

Except arcade 1cc's is what the developers intended, whereas finishing the game in an arbitrary, autistic time limit was not.

>> No.5734880

>There's less than a AAA game worth of total runs of that game.
Woah, so, like, you're saying that well-known and popular game gets more speedrunners than a title nobody cares about? That's like, deep and stuff, dude. You're a modern day Socrates.

>> No.5734882


>> No.5734885


>> No.5734886

The satisfaction of pulling off a 1cc is quite a bit different. There's a finality to it. Speedgaming has no end so they can never stop chasing that dragon.

>> No.5734903

Speedtranning was a mistake.

>> No.5734904

GDQs are great for hookups.

>> No.5734908

speedrunning should only be done for racing games, change my mind

>> No.5734912

I don't personally speedrun any games.
Although I do like to 100% games or take alternate routes that are more difficult (zelda, final fantasy).

I'm not sure if it's totally related but I beat super mario world in one sitting yesterday on my snes mini, all exits and optional levels. Was a lot of fun, actually.

>> No.5734917

Ever try stuff like pacifist or melee-only?

>> No.5734964


>> No.5735087

I sometimes use speedrun strats to skips parts of games I don't like, but I'd never do it for the entire game

>> No.5735129

You have to be mentally ill to never git gud at any game you play instead you flail around like a scrub in dozens of new hidden gem purchases.

>> No.5735136

Developers don't care about your autistic personal challenge. They care about getting many credits from antisocial weaklings with no direction in life, no wives and no muscles.

>> No.5735291

>Developers don't care about your autistic personal challenge.
They do, or else they wouldn't reset your score every time you credit feed.

Spotted the shitplayer.

>> No.5735294

I can finish RE3 on hard in under 1:20, obviously there is a lot of room for improvement. I mainly lose time autistically organizing the item box. I can finish ff7 in about 12 hours with Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie. Obviously not world record stuff, just fun PBs.

>> No.5735303

That's just called playing racing games well, it doesn't need a separate category. It's cringe when Nintendo fags have to make everything RTA style speedrun even if it's racing games with individual courses and built in timers.

>> No.5735334

great way for suprise penis

>> No.5735339

I speedrun Taboo on nes

>> No.5735356

I meant hookups with men, sweaty. How much bonus hole is there? Do any trans men speedrun?

>> No.5735360

>or else they wouldn't reset your score every time you credit feed.
they don't care about your score either, they want your money, and tons of games don't even reset score when you continue.

is a personal goal. period.
also it's a garbage trophy.
it's like getting 1% of a WR speedrun and thinking you done gud.

>> No.5735381

Speedrunning and score milking are equally retarded personal challenges but they are more challenging than going for a 1cc personal challenge.

>> No.5735412

If you have the world record in the most popular speedgame, you're literally one in a thousand. Would you fuck Cheese?

>> No.5735417

>they don't care about your score either
Of course they do you fucking retard, otherwise they wouldn't even include a scoring system and scoreboard in the game.

>is a personal goal. period.
No, it's how arcade games are meant to be played. If you credit feed through a run you're basically cheating.

>also it's a garbage trophy
Then how come you don't have any 1cc's?

>> No.5735459

most score systems are just tacked on, specially for beat em ups,, platformers and run n guns, even lots of shmups have brain dead tacked on scoring systems with no depth. I'm right, you're wrong. They are tacked on my developers to trick autists into sticking around I guess.

>clearing a game on one credit is not a personal goal
Yes it is. Beating a game in a certain way is a personal challenge. It's not forced upon you, it's not mandatory, you take it up yourself.

>credit feeding is cheating
It's not cheating, it's just not a 1cc by definition.
That's like saying a 1cc is cheating because it's not a no-miss no-bomb. Are you retarded?
Or like saying a NMNB is cheating because it's not a World Record. All these are personal challenges. Most arcade games promote credit feeding and encourage it, good way to make money. Credit feeding might hurt your score but these companies don't make a living from a dozen score players, they made their living from the thousands of normal players.

>no 1ccs?
I have 1ccs, that's how I know they are shit and no effort relative to actual challenges that take skill. You can 1cc a game and have 1% of a WR in terms of timing or score...it's garbage to people actually good at the game.

>> No.5735468

Not him but credit feeding in the arcades wasn't really possible unless you were rich since you had money to worry about. In the home setting it's cheating though since there is rarely ever a limit, you're given infinite lives for nothing.

>Credit feeding might hurt your score but these companies don't make a living from a dozen score players, they made their living from the thousands of normal players.

For a while, until they understood how fickle regular players are and started pandering to the top players who were a good source of income long term. That's why these elaborate scoring systems and tlb's became so common in the 90's.

>> No.5736834

this post is proof that anti-speedrunning autism is worse than speedrunning autism. imagine being this furious that people play games in a way you don't like lol

>> No.5736845

>Except arcade 1cc's is what the developers intended
no it isn't. what the developers intended is for you to suck ass at the game and use as many credits as possible to get your money. if you can 1cc a game, it means they failed at their goal.

>> No.5736849

i dont have brain damage so have never had the compulsion to speedrun.

i can blast through crash warped though

>> No.5736857

I bet you can't, pussy.

>> No.5736860

>It's cringe when Nintendo fags have to make everything RTA style speedrun even if it's racing games with individual courses and built in timers.
Full game RTA tests a different skill set than time trials you dunce. In time trials you can do significantly more attempts in the same period of time, making consistency matter much less, therefore you can make far riskier plays to save comparatively less time.

>> No.5736902

I'm not sure where your arbitrary distinction comes from. Speedrunning games with action is very like trying to lower your times in racing games, particularly if the speedruns are on a level by level basis (not 20 hours long). Unironically speedrunning jrpgs and shit I would agree is a bit silly.

>> No.5736924

Just look at any given photo of the players & audience at Games Done Quick and then tell me you actually believe that.

>> No.5736951

I saw many cuties at this year's SGDQ

>> No.5736963

You are dumb and gay. The vast majority of them look like normal folk you would see anywhere.

>> No.5736970
File: 151 KB, 1200x800, AGDQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5736973


>> No.5736985

The number of trans speedrunners is disproportionately low compared to the general population, shut-in bumpkin.

>> No.5736992

game dev here, i hold the wr in my own game under a pseudo name. fuck em lmao

>> No.5736994

I try to 100% every game I play and I usually never play it again after I do so, unless I really like it. There's no way a game would remain fun if I played through it enough times to be able to speedrun it.

>> No.5737018

no one cares about your amateur indieshit or your times in it niggerfaggot

>> No.5737031

Is it possible to speedrun without doing the narcissistic/parasocial live streaming friend simulator thing?

>> No.5737032

I can clean out Demon's Crest in a little under two hours. I've done it pretty thoroughly cut on whiskey to boot, so I know half of it is just muscle memory by now.

>> No.5737045


I only randomly checked this out because Kevin is a legendary player but you can immediately see the 3 tranny speedrunners sitting next to each other

>> No.5737046

You should record/stream a playthrough to be added to the bottom of the leaderboard of almost no one ever


>> No.5737047
File: 115 KB, 220x221, Doom_II_-_Hell_on_Earth_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom2, but never that speed from actual speedrunners

>> No.5737076

You realize that a few trannies and tubbies showing up at a hobby doesn't make the hobby itself bad, right? I'm struggling trying to get a feeling for your retardation level.

>> No.5737168

I can do Halo:CE on legendary in under 2 hours. Wouldn't really call it a speed run though.

>> No.5737170

>You realize that a few trannies and tubbies showing up at a hobby doesn't make the hobby itself bad, right?

>> No.5737175
File: 3.06 MB, 2000x1345, Halo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT RETRO... well, except for the PC version, lol.

>> No.5737184

That's pretty good.


>> No.5737214

That's not how it works. The PC games have to be released before 2000, not just the operating system. Do not argue about this, this is how it has always been for years.

>> No.5737220

>meanwhile, Deux Ex thread has been up for days

>> No.5737248

Good luck finding a 32 megabyte video card before the big round number year

>> No.5737273

For me diablo2 became some sort of a speedrun game after playing it every year for the past decade. It's actually really fun to clear the game in a fast way to reach the highlevel parts faster, where the interesting and valuable items drop. Then it just becomes regular gameplay for me once hitting hell.

>> No.5737301

lmfao noone was playing halo in the 90s

true. countless hours playing video games you like makes more sense than spending countless hours in gdq threads ranting about the same shit

a /vr/ convention would look worse

>> No.5737310

I'm not autistic or a tranny, so no, never gone too fast.

Obviously I can beat games I play a lot fast, I can beat Baldur's Gate in 5-6 hours. Not really speed running, but quick for a game that is "supposed" to be 30 hours long.

>> No.5737318

Anyone watching that ESA shit right now? BigJon is on :D

>> No.5737323

If you mean Enhanced Edition, congrats on second place also last place

>> No.5737463
File: 495 KB, 2048x1367, 4783972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look at any given photo of the players & audience at Games Done Quick
Most of them look like your run of the mill gamers. What do you look like, anon?

>> No.5737469

How many trans speedrunners are there? I assume you know, since you've analyzed the data.

>> No.5737472

Now find a run like this from 2019.

>> No.5737484

>Obviously I can beat games I play a lot fast, I can beat Baldur's Gate in 5-6 hours.
That's what speedrunning is, you're just shit at it.

>> No.5737494

>the tranny photos that /v/ faggots cherrypick and spam here
>"any given photo"
imagine having such a small capacity for critical thinking.

>> No.5737508

I speedran Beyond Oasis for Sega Genesis as a kid but that's because it saves your clear time on a leaderboard on the internal battery and also gives you a special rank if you do it fast enough. It was cool to beat the fastest times of people who had previously owned the game.

>> No.5737513

Bulk slash
I wish other people would play it.

>> No.5737535

me on the left

>> No.5740107 [DELETED] 

i can't

>> No.5740156
File: 139 KB, 363x479, don't do drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speedrunning is VERY unhealthy for the mind.
I can't go into full details, but the dopamine release and stresses from in day after day do damage to neurons. It also seems to lead to sexual deviancy through the above dopamine agonism.

I would advise against it, like I'd advise against using cocaine for more than a few days a year. But in the end it's your choice.

>> No.5740169 [DELETED] 

>Speedrunning is VERY unhealthy for the mind.
>I can't go into full details, but the dopamine release and stresses from in day after day do damage to neurons
social media is significantly worse for this and it permeates life and society far more invasive. at least you have to work for the release in speedrunning, which trains you in deferred gratification. social media is effortless and instantaneous.

>> No.5740172

>Speedrunning is VERY unhealthy for the mind.
>I can't go into full details, but the dopamine release and stresses from in day after day do damage to neurons
social media is significantly worse for this and it permeates every aspect of life and society far more invasively. at least you have to work for the release in speedrunning, which trains you in deferred gratification. social media is effortless and instantaneous.

>> No.5740187

You are indeed correct.
I was just talking about speedrunning though. Also, too much competitive gamine in general is also unhealthy. Dopamine receptor agonism is great, but after a time doing it, it becomes the opposite of great. As I said, it's like the difference between doing coke a few times a year for fun and doing it all the time.

Technology has gotten so ubiquitous and cheap now that it's quickly taking the place of drugs, and unlike drugs, the mentally deteriorating effects aren't being widely realized because of their subtlety.
With drugs like cocaine, the side effects caused by norepinephrine agonism make the drugs become quickly and obviously deteriorating, and thus dopaminergic drugs are somewhat limiting. But technologically-driven dopaminergic release has far less norep effect, which in turn removes the limiting factors. And with dopamine agonism, it's not how hard you activate the system but the duration. Going hardcore for one night with coke is far less deteriorating than using much lower doses but for a much longer time.

It's very worrisome to me how the psychological/neurological community is apparently oblivious to this new and growing serious problem, perhaps because they themselves are afflicted without knowing it. After all, the vast majority of people seem to be addicted to their phones and social media. I myself have never owned any cellphones, and 4chan is the only form of social media I engage in.

>> No.5740251

Have sex

>> No.5741316

Real shit: using speed as a metric for measuring your mastery of a game and trying to improve and beat your personal bests is no different than trying to beat a game with fewer credits or getting a high score or some shit. It only gets autistic when you start chasing world records or restrict yourself to playing one game for several hours a day. That is when you have become Chibi.

>> No.5741324

>That is when you have become Chibi.
but chibi is terrible at all of his games and hasn't accomplished anything in speedrunning.

>> No.5741412

Exactly, so you can be autistic and be terrible at video games.

>> No.5741435

Toy Story 2 Action Game for PC.
Also I could probably speed run Quake but it's been done to death already.

>> No.5741453

Pseudoscientific garbage.

>> No.5741495

Why does this shit persist when we're long past the era of hundred dollar nintendo tapes?

>> No.5741501

I bet you eat refined substances, like oil, sugar, white flour, tubby.

>> No.5741510

>we're long past the era of hundred dollar nintendo tapes
What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.5741518

It started because autistic kids ran out of games to play.

>> No.5741521

Is that really what you believe or are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.5741606

Just Quake

>> No.5741651

"Why do people watch movies when they have tv? People only started watching movies because there was no tv to watch. Hurrr why, I want to know why they still watch movies hurrr".

>> No.5741658

Almost no one watches the same movie every day for years.

>> No.5741692

How retarded are you? You claimed to know why people started speedrunning and now you're at a loss why people are speedrunning is still going, and you can't even understand my example. Let me answer you as clearly as possible then - reality has proven your idiotic theory is completely wrong and bullshit. It's like saying the only reason football is a thing is because people had no computers - yeah well clearly people still like football. Now just shut the fuck up.

>> No.5741736

last time i checked i was in the top 20 in most stages of umihara kawase on steam. pretty badass if you ask me. i'm even fourth on one stage. the top 2 or 3 are crazy japs

>> No.5741902
File: 36 KB, 384x183, Screenshot_2019-07-16 speedrun com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought someone was getting better, but they've started running this full time again :(

Is there a cure for speedrunning?

>> No.5741926

bend over

>> No.5741958

Most have only one specific route memorized, and hit reset or quickload any time the game deviates from it at all. For example, these Half-Life 2 runners on the couch have forgotten about some major set pieces that have been routed out of their experience of the game:


>> No.5741972

Also, find it on Twitch if you're going to watch the whole thing. The quality there is much better. I waste terabytes of their bandwidth grabbing it with youtube-dl.

>> No.5742185

not only that but people speedrun modern games too. it's not like people stopped speedrunning new games after the n64 lol

>> No.5742191

except even middle tier speedrunners are better at randomizers than casuals.

>> No.5742386

No I'm not retarded

>> No.5742771
File: 15 KB, 533x697, Captain Vidya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speedgaming is producing a massive wake of self-destruction and needs to be stopped.

>> No.5743730
File: 443 KB, 1600x1200, 1530918991507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubt its worse than MMOs were
probably fortnite too

>> No.5743756
File: 7 KB, 240x239, kuumempi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What games do you speedrun?
I'm not a tranny

>> No.5744596

Its not something Id ever enjoy doing myself, but i do like to watch some glitchless 100% runs every now and then.

>> No.5744652

>dude check out how well i can abuse this one glitch to skip 99% of the game's content lmao

speedrunners are hacks

>> No.5744723

you know that categories exist right

>> No.5744938

Wouldn't it be funny if we shitposted very long runs to the leaderboards and competed for the longest times?

>> No.5744975

haha yeah that would own them so hard XD