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5734781 No.5734781 [Reply] [Original]

This game is literally perfect. You can't change one thing about it and make it better. Beautiful art design, simple compelling story, unique gameplay, perfectly challenging, iconic sound design.

>> No.5734785

Saying "literally perfect" is fishing for shitposters to come in and trash it, but yes it's a great game

>> No.5734805

>unique gameplay
Cinematic platformers are a genre anon, not unique.

>> No.5734829

Aesthetically it’s immaculate. Gameplay is a bit troublesome in places, but overall good.

>> No.5734848

I can agree to that, the controls can be clunky and at times its frustrating, but never in a way that fails to serve the game as a whole.

>> No.5734862


introduced the quicksave which made it slightly better
extra vocal commands and characters to control

>> No.5734892

From the looks of that character, the cheesecake is probably horrifying.

>> No.5735068

it's overrated as heck. the gameplay is boring. you must have played it as a kid and so have nostalgia-goggles

>> No.5735106

humor seemed pretty cringe desu

>> No.5735115

>This game is literally perfect. You can't change one thing about it and make it better
But exodus did exactly that.

>> No.5736059

OP will argue that it made it worse, because of the challenge

>> No.5736368

She actually is, there's only one known Mudokun female


>> No.5736384

Uniquely disturbing and comforting at the same time. Incredible.

>> No.5736412

>Huge lump of a creature.
>Cradling a baby in her arms.

>> No.5736421

exoddus you swine

>> No.5736543

Stranger's Wrath is perfection tho, not retro, but still.

>> No.5736562

Is this game, or should I say this franchise, a huge piece of anti-capitalism leftist propaganda? I'm saying this with respect, being a commie myself

>> No.5736584

*fart noise*

>> No.5736587


>> No.5736783

Can't people do a fucking "Free the slaves" story without antifa cunts like you dragging it through the mud?

>> No.5736820


Well, it's a "free the slaves" but also a"destroy the factory and kill the owners" story, so the doubt is legit

>> No.5736929

Wow pardon the fuck out of Abe wanting to blow up a factory that literally wants to turn him and his people into meat-on-a-stick.

>> No.5736987

Thread music:

>> No.5737019
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exoddus is better
>muh quicksave making the game too easy
Except the gameplay itself was way harder than in Oddysee

>> No.5737021

Fanboy detected

Anyway it's a great game, but there's no "perfect" game out there

>> No.5737026

"free the slaves" is a leftist message

>> No.5737115

Only if the masters are the ones doing the freeing.

If you're the slave, you're acting in your own interests. That's completely right-wing.

Left-wing would be a glukkon sympathizing with the mudokons and helping them defeat his own people like a total fucking faggot race traitor.

Abe is doing the right thing for himself and his people, earning his people's freedom through his own guile.

A quisling Glukkon would be engaging in a retarded act of altruism and giving power to undeserving weaklings.

>> No.5737132

What other cinematic platformer has the puzzle focus Abe's has though? Especially the emphasis on the interactive environment.

>> No.5737229


Flashback is probably the closest thing.

>> No.5737348

Heart of darkness

>> No.5737598

What did you guys think of the remake? I found it disappointing, the art style was boring and the movement was too fluid. I'm not sure what the term is but I preferred the original's grid style movement.

>> No.5737605

>the movement was too fluid
Way to take a positive and spin it as a negative because you don't have any real issues to complain about.

>> No.5737629
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Exoddus was way better though so you are wrong

>> No.5737713


>> No.5737776

One day I will replay this game (haven't played it since I was a kid) and then play Exoddus. I remember having a magazine that talked about the sequel, the flying slugs always looked cool.

>> No.5737892

It’s fun if you just treat it like a game. It’s nice to just play like it’s a traditional platformer, thought the saws that cut vertically I think don’t work very reliably. I got hit by them way too often.

Art-wise it took a huge hit. And to me that’s like 3/4 of the reason to play Abe. Everything is too bright and fast now. It still looks good, but only because it’s based on incredible art. Some of the screens in original AO are legitimately stunning, and other things like area transitions aren’t as good in the new game either.

Again though, it’s decent in and of itself. Also Soulstorm looks really good to me, but not a lot of people seem to think so yet.

>> No.5738526


>> No.5738582

My negro

>> No.5738585

The remake is amazing

>> No.5738610
File: 33 KB, 565x640, FlyinSlig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here boy!

>> No.5738653

Too fluid = Abe doesn't seem to have any real weight to him and his feet slide along the floor rather than making pixel-perfect movements.

>> No.5738659

That's a contradictory statement. He slides around specifically because his controls are weighty, which is one of the most common complaints that we also see with oddysee and exodus.

>> No.5738684

The glukkons are so obviously a play on corporate America. Oddworld is in the very least, anti-capitalism.
Do you just not want to admit a game you grew up with has political inspirations that don't align with your own political beliefs or something? Pretty sure Oddworld Inhabitants are blatantly leftwing on twitter.

>> No.5738696

>Aesthetically it’s immaculate.
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you Euro?

>> No.5738706

>glukkons have thick brooklyn accents
mudokons are goyim confirmed???

>> No.5738734

smooth scrolling backgrounds, its a bit of a step backwards compared to 16 bit games
backgrounds can be a bit blocky, I remember the pc version being more detailed than ps1
great game to play and watch, its like looking at artwork

>> No.5738736


Almost every cinematic platformer including Another World, Flashback, Heart of Darkness, Blackthorne, Limbo and Prince of Persia 2.

It even extends to spiritual successors like Ico, Mirror's Edge and the PS2 Prince of Persia games.

>> No.5738823

What is hard for you to understand? I'm not Euro and what he said was fine, are you retarded?

>> No.5739016

You know it's possible to hate corporate America without being anti-capitalist, right?

>> No.5739045
