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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 422 KB, 1280x1120, orange2.original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5724394 No.5724394 [Reply] [Original]

We had a nice thread last time, and I've been searching for more games. Let's share our finds.
This one got announced recently. Could it run on NES?

>> No.5724403

It'll be another mediocre hipster game with no actual understanding of how the old classics worked and it will never touch them for design/content/playability.

>> No.5724476

It's not a real NES game yet, so, NOT RETRO.

And I'm tired of NES games and the shitty NES palette. NES wasn't the only 8-bit console.

Give me new Game Boy Color games.

>> No.5724482

Micro Mages and Battle Kid are fucking awesome
GBC was a garbage system with literally only Zelda games going for it

>> No.5724489

>it's another shitty PS filter indieshit game with no understanding of how a sprite works or what a grid is.

>> No.5724530
File: 3 KB, 380x280, micro-mages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micro Mages isn't really very good at all. The 8x8 sprites were not at all typical of NES graphics and it's also an NROM game, yet no actual commercially released NROM games had graphics with that level of detail because it would have taken too much of the very limited available space.

>> No.5724535

These games also end up trying to shoehorn in their shitty Famitracker wannabe Ron Hubbard music that eats half the ROM up.

>> No.5724545

So it doesn't look like an NES game and wouldn't have been something that could have existed at the time? So? The game is fun NOW and looks good NOW.

>> No.5724548

no. fuck off.

>> No.5724557
File: 35 KB, 2400x1800, 387334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point was these idiots don't have any appreciation or understanding of technical limitations and why you can't make a good game with their design philosophies.

Try and find one commercially released NES game that had sprites like this. They didn't use this kind of design for good reason.

>> No.5724560

My point is that your appreciation and understanding is unnecessary and games can be good without respecting history. Indeed, it's better to challenge traditions than to follow them.

>> No.5724568

Genuinely curious but how come sprites like that weren't used?

>> No.5724579

One of the big reasons obviously was that sprites like Micro Mages or >>5724557 uses would have looked awful and been hard to see on the typical 80s consumer TV. Proper definition, color choices, and contrast all had to be factored into graphics design so it didn't look like a fuzzy mess.

>> No.5724582

>games can be good without respecting history.
When your main selling point is "retro" graphics it matters.

>> No.5724590

NROM games were mostly very early though when they didn't have very good graphics tools. They literally had to plot them on graph paper. By the late period of the NES in the early 90s, dev tools had improved a lot and they could use programs like DeluxePaint for graphics.

>> No.5724594
File: 1.31 MB, 1760x1200, 1562712349949-190709-190752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shader shits up the image more than any of my SDTVs do, and I think it still looks good.

>> No.5724604


This is one of the dev guys for these games, he's trying to shill them on here.

>> No.5724608

All the same you still had very limited space so you couldn't have very elaborate graphics. The really early stuff with 16k PRG ROMs mostly just had black backgrounds.

>> No.5724609

Gameplay looks pretty fun but the box artstyle and the apparent cutscene heavyness seems pretty tumblr.

>> No.5724614

I've made a single post in this thread you stupid nigger.

>> No.5724618

I'd like to see Micro Mages running on a real CRT, either to prove or disprove anon's point. Would be a neat experiment.

>> No.5724627

In particular a CRT TV from 1985 if a working example still exists.

>> No.5724630

They learned with time as well. SMB looks fuzzy and has loads of dot crawl, by SMB3 they outlined everything in black and lowered the framerate to make everything look much cleaner.

>> No.5724640

NES games never had too many cutscenes due to space limitations.

>> No.5724653

Yeah if you're doing a single bank NROM game it's going to look more Colecovision-esque.

>> No.5724664

The Zniggy project is working out well because the game is fairly consistently adhering to the norms of Spectrum game design--some of it's not just the developers, it's also the hardware and the hardware does shape what kind of games you can do. The Spectrum just naturally lent itself to those kind of giant, aimless maze games where you wander for days trying to collect gems and find keys.

>> No.5724673

My understanding is that many of these NES homebrews are made by Yuro demosceners who have not and will never into game design.

>> No.5724731
File: 2.67 MB, 680x448, Xeno Crisis - Sega Genesis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5724741

MD homebrew is pretty cake. The hardware is straightforward and there's no real quirks or undocumented l33t hax0r tricks, it has the god-level 68000 for a CPU, there's no banking, and normally no expansion cartridge chips.

>> No.5724743

It looks fine on my C64 monitor and my Toshiba CRT. I don’t know what the hell you're going on about

>> No.5724753

I hate these games. They want to make something like the games they loved growing up. Yet those classic games were made by people who were working DESPITE limitations. They worked hard to push old platforms to their limits to achieve their vision. People talk about limitations breeding creativity but there's a big difference between self-imposed limitations as a stand-in for hard work and talent and the actual technological limitations the original creators had to deal with begrudgingly. Yet these indie devs think they're just like their idols when they do this when in reality they're nothing like them. The classic creators never had an issue with fetishization of limitations.

>> No.5724759

Nobody has made a game to push any kind of hardware since 2007.

>> No.5724760

The story of Maniac Mansion's development on the C64 makes for a great read and you appreciate just how many hoops they had to jump through to get the game to work.

>> No.5724761
File: 2.68 MB, 768x672, tumblr_pl2lniMBwv1tybik8o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfling is worth playing. It's on NES and C64.

>> No.5724762

The old stuff also didn't try to shoehorn in le quirky Tumblr hipster aesthetic.

>> No.5724763

What game?

>> No.5724764

You might be getting at the aspect of it I hate MORE but unfortunately going around saying how stupid the Tumblr/Reddit vibe is won't move the conversation anywhere. I have to be more creative with my criticisms.

>> No.5724768

Why is SID music so cyberpunk?

>> No.5724774
File: 3 KB, 512x384, abbaye_des_morts_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abbaye des Morts was a free game maker game that was later ported to the ZX spectrum.

>> No.5724780

Because people can't resist going crazy with the analog filter

>> No.5724785 [DELETED] 

The C64 as a whole has a pretty cyberpunk aesthetic, it was pretty much 80s modernism.

>> No.5724793
File: 20 KB, 640x477, laby1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hydra Castle Labyrinth is a PC game that has been getting a lot of homebrew ports, including the dreamcast.

Also, dig through pdroms.

>> No.5724858

NES port when?

>> No.5724872

Xeno Crisis, says right there in the filename

>> No.5724886

Also why is every NES homebrew an NROM game? Why deliberately limit yourself that way?

>> No.5724894

It's also worth mentioning that the MD is effectively a more "modern" console than its competitor, the SNES. The SNES requires many tricks that the NES would've needed while the MD was more straight forward. It's not hyperbole to say the SNES was just an overclocked NES with Mode 7.

>> No.5724902

The 65816 is haxy to program because the register length is set at run time, not assembly time, and it has segmented memory in a similar manner to the x86, not the nice flat memory space of the 68000.

>> No.5724905

Say what you want about the art direction, but the artists working on this game really knew what they were doing with their color choices. It looks overly colorful and pastel-like, but it still thoroughly "looks like" any other NES game, if that makes sense. It's not doing anything too crazy with colors and everything looks "right" for an NES game.

>> No.5724960


The background graphics here are fine and look typically NES, but the sprites though...Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.5724968

Nobody but Japanese people should be allowed to be doing Famicom homebew.

>> No.5725005

They're lazy and NROM games are simple and don't require you to play with banking or any of the 65 or something different mappers.

>> No.5725017

I thought it was because these guys want to release the games on physical cartridges and NROM PCBs can be gotten by just looting some Golf or Tennis cartridge.

>> No.5725072

These six will account for 80% of US NES games.

>> No.5725079

I don't know anything about NES programming. Explain the differences?

>> No.5725092

Upload rom please?

>> No.5725097

>NES wasn't the only 8-bit console

99% of all retro homebrew games are made for msx, zx spectrum, amstrad and c64

get a clue

>> No.5725098

PRG bank is fixed, CHR can be paged in eight 8k segments. Most of these games store the level data in the CHR ROM and blank the screen while reading it.
One 16k fixed PRG bank, the others are swappable. The CHR ROM is switched in 8k segments. These games often have a CHR RAM and store their graphics in a PRG bank.
PRG bank is swapped the entire 32k at a time. Only a single CHR bank is permitted. In practice these games always have a CHR RAM rather than a ROM.
This was the first discrete mapper. The PRG banks can be swapped 16k at a time and the CHR 8k at a time. It supports 8k RAM as well, generally for save games. Often have CHR RAM rather than ROM.
Lets you swap the CHR in 1k chunks and the PRG in 8k chunks. Has an IRQ counter for split screen scrolling so you don't need to do the sprite 0 trick. Supports 8k RAM as well, generally for save games.
This was the most advanced Nintendo mapper and is mostly a clone of the Konami VRC6, although interrupts work a bit differently (VRC6 games can be converted with only a few modifications to the IRQ code). It adds 2k additional VRAM so the tile to palette ratio is two instead of four, scanline IRQs, a coprocessor to take some routine tasks off the CPU, and optional 8k RAM for save games. Expansion audio was also supported, although not on US model NESes.

>> No.5725104

>99% of all retro homebrew games are made for msx, zx spectrum, amstrad and c64
Forgetting the Atari 2600.

>> No.5725107

relevant platforms I mean, not American ones.

>> No.5725108

uuuuuuuh doogies, Kickstarter!

>> No.5725115

I'm pretty sure the retro platforms with the biggest homebrew scenes are the Atari 2600, C64, NES, and Spectrum.

>> No.5725134

The major Japanese arcade manufacturers all had their own mappers, Nintendo didn't allow third party ones on US NES carts though, at least not until very late when they didn't care anymore (Batman: Return of the Joker uses a Sunsoft mapper).

>> No.5725139

Capcom didn't have their own mappers, not even in Japan. They always just used Nintendo ones.

>> No.5725148

Ok them aside. Konami, Namco, Jaleco, Data East, Sunsoft all had their own mappers and usually their own Famicom PCBs. Capcom might be an exception of an arcade company who didn't, they used Nintendo-supplied PCBs and mappers.

>> No.5725274

There were assorted variations as well, for example Konami had their own CNROM that has some differences from the Nintendo one and TMNT, an MMC1 game, has some small differences against the standard MMC1 boards.

>> No.5725305

>why sprites resembling a typical 30-40 year old 21st century Starbucks barista with skinny arms and a hipster goatee weren't used in the 80s
Yeah hard to understand why they were more interested in sprites that looked like golden axe or ninja gaiden

>> No.5725442

AOROM was invented by Rareware, only their games and games they did under contract used that setup.

>> No.5725462

No they were made by people who were working with the limitations with their vision being shaped by the hardware they're working on. This is of course a good thing because as much as it limited the more interesting things developers could do, it also put a limit on their cancerous inclinations that came in full force once hardware became more powerful and they were given more creative control. Indie developers tend to appreciate the design that resulted from harsh limitations on its own.

>> No.5725496

Most of the actual guys who worked on games in the 80s don't have any particular nostalgia for the hardware, other than maybe David Crane who loved the challenge of working on the Atari 2600. They usually seem to view the stuff as a tool for getting the job done and when better tools came along, they were happy to move to them and not look back.

>> No.5725498

Within reasonable limits of course. I don't see the fetish for NROM NES games indie devs have just because they want to show how much they can do with 40k of ROM. Devs back in the day moved past those limitations as quickly as it became possible.

>> No.5725504
File: 98 KB, 500x500, headbang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already went over this. MMC3 or whatever games are complex and difficult to code, single bank NES games are much much easier for amateurs/hobbyists to pull off.

>> No.5725515

looks like a mod of smash tv

>> No.5725521

aren't they sort of the equivalent of single load C64 or Spectrum games?

>> No.5725528

Sort of but the NES is actually more limiting in some ways because NROM games among other things can only have a single tile set while C64 games can fit multiple tile sets into memory without multiloads. Also it has more memory to begin with, even if the NES has some advantage in that it can flip sprites in hardware.

>> No.5725537

MMC3 actually makes NES programming a relative breeze especially for doing split screen scrolling.

>> No.5725542

Bunch of mistakes here. UNROM has fixed CHR ROM, MMC1 lets you page the CHR ROM in 4k pieces, and MMC3 banking doesn't work quite like you say.

>> No.5725559

SMB had to do some insane compression tricks to fit into 40k.

>> No.5725667 [DELETED] 

I masturbated three times today. Lately I've been masturbating so much every day. Anyone else get those phases? It usually lasts for half a week to a week or so, I think it's because of stress.

>> No.5725703

I fail to understand why is this of any insult to /vr/ when games like gimmick and kirby were just as graphically impressive.

>> No.5725715

I do actually play the game on a CRT and it looks amazing.
But truth be told I'm playing it on the Wii connected to a PVM using component cables so it's not really accurate to how it might have been back then.
I could try again using composite but sadly I don't have a consumer set.
I could post pics later if anyone is interested.

>> No.5725717

>I fail to understand why is this of any insult to /vr/ when
That isn't. This is >>5724557

>> No.5725726

Why do you think the clouds are also bushes or why the overworld and underground look the same?

In a way I do like SMB's simplicity. It knows what it wants to do and doesn't try to do anything stupid like shoed-in flying levels or shooting sections or anything like that.

>> No.5725916

I can’t find the rom anywhere, mind sharing it?

>> No.5725961

S06b5:07:Inf. Energy
For FCEUX. I'm such a shit. HAHAHAAAA! I ruin games!

Oh wait...Everyone uses Nestopia/Mesen...

>> No.5726106

>box artstyle
Oh come on it's literally just Kirby's Adventure style. Is that Tumblr too?

>> No.5726113

easier to manufacture i guess

>> No.5726534

I don't understand what you're trying to say. I played it on my wii with fceugx just fine..

>> No.5726883
File: 177 KB, 1024x576, dis-cos-tang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded?

>> No.5726894

>for PC and Mac
Observe how it's just a modern retro-style game and not actually coded for vintage PC/Mac hardware.

>> No.5726916

Why do these all need a physical cartridge? Damn, just offer the ROM on Steam and people can put it on an Everdrive if they want to play on a real machine.

>> No.5727428 [DELETED] 

ITT How dare hipsters exist

>> No.5727470

>lowered the framerate
Only because SMB3 has more lag, which isn't the normal meaning of "lowered the framerate". And most of the time it's running at the same 60fps.

>> No.5727475

SMB has more slowdown than SMB3 from what I recall.

>> No.5727505

You recall wrong. SMB3 isn't Megaman-series laggy, but it has very obvious slowdown when lots is happening at once. SMB1 has so little slowdown you might miss it completely if you don't know exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.5727507

When you knock a Koopa shell into some other enemies and run towards them fast, it slows down, I know that.

>> No.5727513

wait, this is the box art for OP pic game?
holy fucking shit it's atrocious. I guess actual 80s/90s games were like that too (shit looking box, good looking game) but fuck that's awful

>> No.5727649
File: 355 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all these western indie games have shitty tumbr artstyles? I exclusively play jap games for this reason.

>> No.5727657

few people seem to realize what made Japanese NES music so great is that it was concise 45 second loops and not huge size overly long and overly ambitious shit that brits did for C64

>> No.5727663


Of course there's the great Tim Follins soundtrack for Silver Surfer, but the expensive and limited ROM space forced him to limit the excesses.

>> No.5727670


This is one of the few I've seen that just sticks to a nice basic chiptune instead of bathtub gargle nonsense.

>> No.5728082


>> No.5728108

I think this and the Steins Gate demake are the only "homebrew" NES games to have been made by professionals (as in, are they really still homebrew games?), and additionally I believe both utilize the MMC3, something most western homebrews don't even attempt. The Amazon game wasn't released on the eshop but Steins Gate has, which means it's the newest "licensed" NES game as Nintendo still needed to approve it. If Nintendo approves the OP game and if said game runs in an emulator on the Switch, that would make it the newest NES game. Which raises the question, for those documenting games for the NES, should these licensed games be included as well, despite not seeing physical release? Star Fox 2 is considered to be the last "official" SNES game, even though it was only available for the SNES classic. Should Wikipedia include Steins Gate 8-bit and Orange Island on a list of official NES games?

>> No.5728115

>and additionally I believe both utilize the MMC3, something most western homebrews don't even attempt
Too bad because like mentioned earlier, MMC3 makes NES programming way easier.

>> No.5728118

That would be because it hasn't released yet.

>> No.5728123

What exactly makes the Japanese so much more adept at making NES games? Even hacking NES games, their ROM hacks are far more impressive than anything westerners have made. Do the Japanese have much better documentation or some shit?

>> No.5728124

They probably don't want to deal with all that bank switching (MMC3 games can be a clusterfuck from a structural standpoint).

>> No.5728127

Why not? It's their hardware and they have a well-established bedroom coder tradition for it since the 80s.

Also it probably doesn't help that most Western homebrew is made by Euro demosceners repeating the same stupid mistakes they did 30 years ago on the C64.

>> No.5728140

It's ironic when you consider that the NES was one of only maybe 3 Japanese machines that used the 6502, while westerners were exposed to it for far longer, what with the Atari systems and the C64, among others (even arcade systems). I don't think the Famicom had many bedroom coder style games, but some early titles like Portopia and Door Door definitely seem like 1 man projects.

>> No.5728145

Some of the Euro NES stuff from back in the day was pretty fair. I don't think Americans ever really did anything notable with the NES.

>> No.5728151

>don't think the Famicom had many bedroom coder style games, but some early titles like Portopia and Door Door definitely seem like 1 man projects.
Studios like Bits Laboratory and Micronics were fairly close to being bedroom coder.

>> No.5728171

Allegedly Micronics was founded by a recent graduate who credited himself as "Kazzo", and seemed to imply he was one of the only people working there. Over time the workforce grew, and it's suspected that Capcom and other contractors sent out their own staff members to assist. The last game Kazzo was credited with was Aero Fighters for arcades, and he allegedly posted on 2ch about his company. I wonder what Kazzo is up to now, I wonder if the Amazon or Steins Gate games (or the port of Darius to the MD Classic) will inspire him to make his own Famicom game after a ~20 year hiatus.

Bits Laboratory on the other hand didn't seem to make many games. I believe they also made Kings Knight (with Nobuo Uematsu sent over from Square) and were eventually bought by Square.

>> No.5728174

Most LJN games were also farmed out to literallywho amateur Japanese studios.

>> No.5728178


This is amateurish as fuck. No wonder they didn't release it internationally.

>> No.5728180

Of the 8 Japanese LJN games, 3 (Friday, Karate, MLB) were made by Atlus, 3 (T&C, Gotcha, NFL) were made by Sanritsu, 1 (Jaws) was made by Westone, and the last (X-Men) is made by an unknown developer, believed to be Bothtec due to musical similarities with a game called Topple Zip (which also shares an unknown developer). I can't speak for Bothtec but the rest were known developers in Japan.

>> No.5728181

Like most arcade companies, Capcom brushed off home consoles as a joke and didn't want to develop Famicom games in-house, so the early ones were outsourced to Micronics. They took over development themselves in 86 and the first such game was Commando, which is glitchy as fuck due to their inexperience with the hardware.

>> No.5728187

LucasArts was the only licensed American dev of the first rank to develop NES games and they started late and ultimately only put out four of them. A lot of NES games with American publishers were actually developed in Canada by Bits Laboratory-tier studios likely because they were cheap. For example, it appears that most THQ games were made by Canadian studios.

>> No.5728189

Because suckers will pay for it. I don't even blame them for doing it

>> No.5728194 [DELETED] 

And not counting Atari who trolled the fuck out of Nintendo and even developed their own MMC3 clone which was better than the real thing.

>> No.5728201

You mean Namco. Tengen was run by a Jap from Namco, and Namco had some beef with Nintendo.

>> No.5728202

EA of course didn't bother with the NES at all, they just skipped ahead to the Mega Drive.

>> No.5728205

I'm not sure what this beef was, maybe due to NOA's policies.

>> No.5728212

Atari had a huge pride complex as the "founding father" of video games and resented Nintendo usurping their spot, aside from disliking NOA's controlling policies. Namco also didn't like Nintendo for same reasons. The black-shelled Tengen carts were an intentional homage to the Atari 2600.

>> No.5728216

>Also it probably doesn't help that most Western homebrew is made by Euro demosceners repeating the same stupid mistakes they did 30 years ago on the C64.
Like making pastiche Ron Hubbard tunes that eat half your memory?

>> No.5728217
File: 3.86 MB, 1835x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black cartidges really suit the NES' boxy design, but whoever thought the cartridges needed to get narrow at the top and having awful grip spots should have a bad day for the rest of their life. Like misplacing their keys, stubbing their pinky toe, that sort of thing.

>> No.5728221

I know...if you think it's annoying getting a normal licensed cartridge to work in a toaster NES, you've never tried it with a Tengen cartridge where there's nothing to grab onto to wiggle it around in there.

>> No.5728226

Also all modern-day 60 to 72 pin converters, homebrews, and Flash carts use a clone of the Tengen lockout chip, not the Nintendo one because nobody's yet managed to figure out how it works.

>> No.5728231
File: 678 KB, 640x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Camerica had the right idea by having a huge gripping point, but it makes their cartridges look uglier. Tengen's look the best but are impractical, Camerica's are practical but ugly, Color Dreams were both ugly and impractical, unsurprisingly Nintendo's cartridges were the best.

>> No.5728235

Due to that, Tengen carts are the only unlicensed ones which will work on any NES (or a Famicom with a converter) and have no chance of damaging your system from lockout zappers.

>> No.5728305

>So it doesn't look like an NES game
it literally runs natively on the NES

>> No.5728309

If they don't like doing that, CNROM is the simplest banking scheme there is.

>fixed PRG
>eight CHR banks permitted for a total ROM size of 128k
Simple as.

>> No.5728349

Commodore International was American

>> No.5728352

Didn't matter. The bulk of their market was in Europe, most games as well as nearly all the interesting ones that pushed the hardware was in Europe.

>> No.5728427

That above all else.

>> No.5729329

>David Crane

Is that why A Boy and his Blob looked like a glorified Atari game? The main character is even animated like the Pitfall guy.

>> No.5729684

Also they make the games for their fellow retro game hipsters/LGR followers not a general audience like the stuff from the console's commercial lifespan.

>> No.5729703

To be fair, it will be hard to make a game for a 30+ year old console for a "general audience". Do they even sell famiclones in poorer countries anymore?

>> No.5729763

I hate this shit pastel color bullshit. It's a lazy way of not knowing color theory.

>> No.5729787

It's no better or worse than Mr. Gimmick or Kirby's color scheme.

>> No.5729793

Yes China still makes Famiclones and probably will until the heat death of the universe since the modern ones are all just FPGAs anyway.

>> No.5729850

They still had better colors than that.

>> No.5729856

ITT: How dare hipsters exist

>> No.5729862

That still doesn't justify >>5724557

>> No.5729863


>> No.5729870

For sure. A bare NES with no mappers is a Colecovision with some more colors and smooth scrolling.

>> No.5729886

>The 8x8 sprites were not at all typical of NES graphics
At least not after the very early days.

>> No.5729904

Hipster detected.

>> No.5729958

Nobody likes hipsters.

>> No.5729967

What's wrong with LGR? He's a cool bro who really knows his shit.

>> No.5729984

god that game is hard as balls

>> No.5730015
File: 1.82 MB, 2048x1536, mm-pvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM CRT Pic #1 - PVM (20L2MD) on a toaster NES

>> No.5730020

It would have to be on an actual 80s-early 90s consumer TV to be period-accurate.

>> No.5730025
File: 2.09 MB, 2048x1536, mm-jvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM CRT Pic #2 - Mid-90's 19" JVC on a toaster NES

(these look a lot better in person. I can't take pictures to save my life)

>> No.5730028

Ok, I have a 1977 Sony CRT I can go get as well as an early 90's 19" Toshiba that are RF only. Gimme a few min.

>> No.5730030

It's impossible to accurately capture a CRT on camera anyway.

>> No.5730032

The Toshiba would be ok, the Sony would be a bit before the NES's time (maybe more accurate for an Atari 2600?) though I'm sure poorfags still had TVs of that vintage in the late 80s.

>> No.5730045

Euros were good programmers not good game designers, though I do believe the rigid Q/C console games had was helpful since it forced them to not make the kind of mistakes they did on computer games.

>> No.5730065
File: 3.74 MB, 4096x1536, mm-77sony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM CRT Pic #3 - 1977 Sony Trinitron - RF only - toaster NES

>> No.5730075

Fuck off Clint.

>> No.5730078
File: 3.78 MB, 4096x1536, mm-90stoshiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM CRT Pic #4 - Early 90's Toshiba on RF - toaster NES

>> No.5730079

Yeah, a TV of that age destroys any detail the developers put into the pixel art, and the eponymous mages are only barely identifiable.

>> No.5730083
File: 1.88 MB, 2048x1536, mm-hidefnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM LCD bonus pic - hi-def NES mod

>> No.5730085

To be fair, RF and age of the set itself don't help.

>> No.5730090

Now you see why they didn't use 8x8 sprites in most NES games. Too fucking hard to see on a typical 80s consumer TV.

>> No.5730094

play anodyne

>> No.5730095

Someone needs to try this out and see how illegible these stupid sprites look.

>> No.5730096

And that 77 Sony was pretty much what we used back in the day to play. The TV in the den was not the gaming TV. The older TV in the bedroom was, at least in our household.

>> No.5730101

I figured this was the reason why they stuck with NROM. It's nice to not have to think about the hardware involved with bank-switching and just slap in your fixed ROMs. I'm sure the hardware wouldn't be too hard to do nowadays though.

>> No.5730103

>RF and age of the set itself don't help
Dude, that's exactly what the guy in the post you were replying to just said.

>> No.5730104

>It's nice to not have to think about the hardware involved with bank-switching and just slap in your fixed ROMs
Some banking schemes only used a TTL, a discrete mapper wasn't required.

>> No.5730110

Yeah, mine was a '78 Zenith
I had no complaints then but I obviously would now

>> No.5730115

No banking and...result=very limited game. I mean, 40k is fucking nothing. You can only have a single tile/sprite table with that.

>> No.5730131

I thought he meant the era the TV was from.

>> No.5730135

Master System carts actually had custom ROM chips with an onboard MMU, they weren't off-the-shelf components.

>> No.5730146

There's Flash carts for those too so it can't be anything hard to recreate.

>> No.5730157

The Master System only had a single MMU that supported ROM sizes of 32k, 128k, 256k, and 512k unlike the dozens and dozens of NES mapper/ROM setups.

>> No.5730172

Hipsters aren't even human.

>> No.5730182

>Google "hipsters suck"
>1.2 million results

>> No.5730207

As an aside, why is Master System homebrew so rare?

>> No.5730610

>Why do all these western indie games have shitty tumbr artstyles?
What does this mean? What is this supposed to mean? Does it have any meaning? Is there such a thing as a 4chan style? >implying 4chan actually does anything productive. Is there some difference in "tumblr-style" and any other anime-inspired cartooning other than "4chan Anons don't like it"?

I don't understand.

>> No.5730792

>Micro Mages and Battle Kid are fucking awesome
No. They aren't. They're mediocre homebrew games that no one would give a shit about or probably even know about if people like you didn't shill them.

>> No.5730812

As mentioned earlier in here, the Japanese homebrew stuff beats it hands-down.

>> No.5730823

For one thing they aren't retarded enough to limit themselves to NROM.

>> No.5730829

>Tengen's look the best.
Yuck. I go for their stock grey shell releases whenever possible. Those black carts look terrible.

>> No.5730864

You may as well just do MD homebrew instead.

>> No.5730909


They probably buy PCBs from here.

>> No.5731686

>why is Master System homebrew so rare
'cause it sucks ass

>> No.5731703

What are some good Japanese homebrew games then?

>> No.5731715

Octopus waifu game on SNES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwHj5bOmMuY
This actually looks pretty fun

>> No.5731720


>> No.5731814

For the NES, I can think of five; buster blader, Kira Kira starry night, that Amazon game, steins gate 8bit,and heiankyo alien plus. They don't appear to be as common as western homebrew games, but they do appear to have significantly more effort and polish put into them. There's also at least one "8 bit power" music compilation cartridge, but I don't consider it a game.

>> No.5731856

Blade Buster and Kira Kira Star Night don't look any better than Battle Kid or Micro Mages.

>> No.5731979

For one thing none of these are NROM.

>> No.5732005

Games that are just one-dimensional collectatons are the laziest form of design.

>> No.5732023
File: 2.34 MB, 3055x4354, 1562355617541[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, in case you didn't know, a ZX Spectrum homebrew is being worked on right now by a bunch of /vr/ anons:
It all started from a joke about many old Spectrum games being kinda shitty. Then some legend of an anon made a working Jet Set Willy-like engine, another one made a level editor, and now whoever feels like helping out can create a room for the game or contribute ideas.
Don't hesitate to come give us a hand! Creating new levels is fairly simple and quick, and with half of the map done so far we've still got plenty of room left for newcomers!

>> No.5732028

Yea! And best of all, it looks like complete shit!!! :D

>> No.5732036
File: 8 KB, 275x198, 1333721279368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup! People like >>5724530 will be pleased to know we followed the era's graphical style and design philosophy very closely.

>> No.5732039

To be honest the Spectrum has such limited audiovisuals that it's hard to not...

>> No.5732054

I'm not even sure myself how multi-bank NES games are supposed to even work. Perhaps our tech experts can weigh in.

>> No.5732064

Usually you have a separate bank for code, graphics, level, and audio data. On a game like LOZ, the $C000-$FFFF range contains the core game engine and the $8000-$BFFF range is swapped as needed. The game does its setup by switching in the graphics and level banks, reading them, setting them up, and during actual gameplay the audio bank will be active so that music and sfx can be played.

On some setups like AOROM the whole PRG bank is just swapped in one 32k piece, which means you have to have a lot of duplicate routines between banks.

>> No.5732072


>> No.5732083
File: 37 KB, 1300x254, 856678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Maybe the games just aren't very good
2. Poor babby can't handle the challenge of programming retro hardware and needs his modern PC C# safespace

>> No.5732102

Some homebrew like Blade Busters is p. fair. Most however makes Action 52 look like Castlevania III.

>awful design decisions up the wazoo and generally clueless or self-indulgent content like >>5724557
>result being games that resemble what you'd find on some bad bootleg Chinese cartridge

>> No.5732163

Blade Buster is motherfuckin' beast of a caravan shooter right next to Recca. It could be even better with a normal game mode but I wouldn't expect that with limited cartridge storage (256k PRG and 128k CHR).

>> No.5732220

SMB3 was 384k. That's not a small game by NES standards.

>> No.5732225

There's the Zniggy project but then the Spectrum doesn't exactly have a lot of hidden exploits or quirks to learn.

>> No.5732317

Gameboy homebrew is a lot easier than NES homebrew.

>> No.5732340

NES Cartridge Database doesn't have Recca: Summer Carnival so we don't even know how big the ROM is or what mapper it used.

>> No.5732347

I think it was 256k and used MMC3.

>> No.5732349

Supposedly Nintendo made it a policy to not use epoxy ROMs on US NES cartridge PCBs but NESCD shows that Super Mario/Duck Hunt did indeed use them. I guess the cost savings were that important.

>> No.5732354

I hear tell Duck Hunt was patched to be compatible with HDTVs.

>> No.5732358

Also if you're curious SMB/Duck Hunt uses what's called GNROM, which means the PRG and CHR can be banked in whole pieces. A few other games use it but it's pretty rare.

>> No.5732365

>that NES King's Quest 5
Terrible idea. Even Konami couldn't make that thing work.

>> No.5732368

That on top of huge NOA censoring.

>> No.5732401

But he doesn't, he's good with history since it's all available on wikipedia and forums, but doesn't know anything about the software and hardware he likes so much.
I mean, he's okay, he's doing well for himself and enjoying what he does, can't nobody blame him for that, but don't praise him for things he's not worthy of.

>> No.5732406

I sure fucking hope you guys have a RF interference generator in your room, otherwise it won't even be close to accurate even over RF, since RF today (after the shutdown of VHF/UHF aka RF analog TV) looks so much better since it's not picking up any interference from it anymore.

>> No.5732413

LGR is a monumental autist who built a shrine to his childhood.

>> No.5732415

If BB is 384k then it's actually bigger than Recca: Summer Carnival.

>> No.5732416

The RF on the Toshiba TV looks just like it did when I was young. It's actually always been pretty good on that set.

>> No.5732418 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1440x1080, mmexport1561247829991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please call me guys

>> No.5732423

He's making a living, can't blame a man for that.

>> No.5732426

I like the idea of this thread. Can you guys post more games please? I'm really curious.
Are there any places that specially deal with new games on old consoles where I can look stuff like that up?

>> No.5732475

Also he has the world's most punchable face.

>> No.5732748

>intentionally shit
All it needs is a kickstarter and it will be exactly like the turds hipsteranons are shilling ITT

>> No.5732803

Spectrum homebrew could be at least distributed on cassette tape and not an expensive-ass cartridge.

>> No.5732810

I tried to convince the Zniggy team to use multiload for a bigger game, they didn't want to do it.

>> No.5732823
File: 20 KB, 285x327, 1479929918195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one backseat artist who knows all about colour theory but doesn't make art himself

>> No.5732825

I don't know why Rare settled on that AOROM setup. There are other banking schemes that are so much easier to use.

>> No.5732831

Beats me, but they came up with it and used it in all their games though I guess having one banking scheme made it easier and simpler since they could probably recycle a lot of code in each game.

>> No.5732846

All of Rare's NES games save for Battletoads were forgettable, they were still on that low budget British computer shovelware mentality.

>> No.5732852

The smallest Famicom game was Galaxian, wasn't it?

>> No.5732858

Yeah only one with an 8k PRG ROM. Technically Space Invaders was smaller since it only had 4k of code but the ROM was 16k and left three quarters empty (or maybe they just mirrored the game, IDK).

>> No.5732885

The US release of Galaga used a 32k ROM rather than the 16k one of the original and the game is just duped in the second half. I guess by the time that came out 32k ROMs were cheap enough that they could afford to waste one on a 16k game.

>> No.5732982

So it's just Legacy of the Wizard?

>> No.5733038

And wait for it. They'll try to make an NROM RPG.

>> No.5733049

Judging by the OP screenshot the graphics seem too complex for an NROM game.

>> No.5733098
File: 244 KB, 1024x682, pap_trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw a release party
>forget to actually release game

>> No.5733316

Millennial indie hipsters love to celebrate and congratulate themselves for not accomplishing anything. They celebrate diversity quotas rather than actual work. Why work when patreon can pay me for false promises.

>> No.5733321

>an expensive-ass cartridge
Did I suddenly go dyslexic? I could have swore they said NES not AES.

>> No.5733342

If you're doing scrolling screens like 90% of NES games, you can't switch tile sets. The status bar could of course use a different set since the CHR bank can be switched in mid-frame.

>> No.5733405

sickening character design

>> No.5733448

>you can't switch tile sets
>you can though of course
Psychologists have a word for this

>> No.5733462

There's this damage control article. Make of that what you will (it's still vaporware imo)

>> No.5733468

They went out of their way to throw a black in there too.

>> No.5734132

>complains about "shitty tumbler art"
>posts "shitty tumbler art"
What did he mean by this?

>> No.5734272

He means the scrolling portion of the screen can't be switched. I agree he didn't phrase it very well. But what does psychiatry have to do with vidya?

>> No.5734274
File: 125 KB, 220x310, 220px-M.C._Kids_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5734283

Yeah yeah forced corporate diversity was a thing in the 90s. Your point?

>> No.5734320

It's weird and funny how triggered Americans get over black people.

>> No.5734454

That's literally a game by a huge ass corporation for advertisement. They literally sold food to poor/dumb minorities when educated people would never eat there.

>> No.5734461

If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say that the anon posted a cheat for a game, and he/she seems proud of the fact. Maybe the cheat isn't in any database, or something. Perhaps anon is just trying to annoy, as cheating is looked down upon by /vr/.

>> No.5734465

>when educated people would never eat there.

Which is why president frogman is obsessed with their shitty food lol

>> No.5734476


>> No.5734482

Lol nice sage but sorry to remind you of that odious turd of a man.

>> No.5735515

The way he phrased it he might as well have said "I'm schizophrenic and so am I"

>> No.5735824

>can't stop thinking about a particular Trump photo

>> No.5736208

You must be blind since both of those have far more going on screen than MM or BK. Namely the huge number of sprites in Kira Kira and the parallax scrolling in Blade Buster. The Japs are so good at their homebrew games they've managed to make a niche business out of them, Steins gate and Darius MD were both created by professionals for antequated hardware (despite not having a physical release).

>> No.5736520

>oh no you don't agree with me! YOU MUST BE BLIND!

>> No.5736567

I'm waiting for the trend of DOS games on floppy discs.

>> No.5736595

Why not just make a nes style game in C?
No slowdown. No sides of screen artifacts. No sprite limit.

>> No.5736598

yeah people that actually have to live in close proximity and deal with them on a regular basis don't like them much at all

>> No.5736608

Europeans view black people the way Americans view gypsies.

>> No.5736635

I live in one of the most multicultural cities on earth and meet black people from all over every day and they're overwhelmingly great. But America has really fucked over their poor populations hard, especially those descended from the slaves so it's not unsurprising that you have a skewed view. That's what you get for creating a racist shithole of a country lol.

>> No.5736673
File: 3.59 MB, 1920x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait no more, Planet X3 is out now.

>> No.5736787

I actually really enjoyed the C64 version.

>> No.5736920

I was gonna type out an argument but you probably use lol or lmao to end your sentences, so this is all you're getting.
These are just exercises that programmers use to flex that they can program for an old console. Anyone can make an NES looking game for modern platforms, that's why everyone and their mother is making all these LoVe LeTtErS tO tHe NeS games. You don't even need to know programming to make these games, anyone can do it.

>> No.5736934

An NES game can be played on flashcarts or anything with an emulator.

>> No.5737035

what a load of shit
I lived right on the edge of the ghetto and got robbed twice. Literally a zoo.

>> No.5737090

Where's the challenge in that? Part of the challenge is getting your game vision to work within the limits of the hardware.

>> No.5737094

This, it's more about the challenge and experience. It's a bonus when retarded sois want to buy your game too.

>> No.5737112

Within reasonable limits. I still don't see anyone doing homebrew CGA PC games because why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.5737118

If you were doing retro PC games you'd just use VGA Mode 13.

>> No.5737123

IDK...it's just, from interviews with a lot of retro programmers, most of them other than David Crane didn't enjoy working with that hardware and were happy to move on to more powerful systems.

>> No.5737130

Normies gonna normie. I agree Dave Crane and his Atari 2600 lovefest was a little unusual, he found the C64 boring because "it's too easy".

>> No.5737172

>giving money to the 8-bit Cuck

>> No.5737415

All ghettos are dangerous you idiot.

>> No.5737507

Because people have money like to collect things and put them on shelves who knew.

>> No.5737572

Why are the character designs always so overly cutesy?

>> No.5737591

Intot he trash it goes.

>> No.5737651

yeah and all black areas are ghettos you idiot

>> No.5737726

The Atari 2600 has one of the biggest homebrew scenes of any retro platform, but then the games are so small that they don't exactly take long to make.

>> No.5737753

I bought both X2 and X3. (:

>> No.5737756

See >>5736673

>> No.5737760 [DELETED] 

That particular game IIRC has CGA and VGA support, EGA was skipped apparently because he said he hated trying to code for it.

>> No.5737767

CGA was the main focus, VGA was added later.

>> No.5737768

That particular game has CGA and VGA support if I recall, EGA was skipped apparently because he said it was a huge bitch to code for.

Also where the fuck did he get new 5.25" disks in this day and age?

>> No.5737769

>EGA was skipped apparently because he said he hated trying to code for it.
citation? he didn't do EGA because there wasn't a point if you already had CGA and VGA, it was about maximum compatibility with lowest effort
someone else already made a EGA port of the game

>> No.5737772

>Also where the fuck did he get new 5.25" disks in this day and age?
Probably the same place where I did. I got a dozen sealed boxes, NOS exists.

>> No.5737781

Didn't most commercially released games back in the day support all three and often Tandy and Hercules as well?

>> No.5737789

Usually they had pre-made graphics libraries for that shit so it's not like they had to code everything from scratch in assembly language.

>> No.5737790

Better question is, why not just sell it on Steam and if you want to play it on real hardware go and put it on an HxC.

>> No.5737803

Because swindling idiot collectorfags.

>> No.5737823

They usually used built in compatibility modes. Like Hercules was just CGA with a patch. Rarely they bothered to support everything. It was also only turning specific eras when several modes were available at the market at once that developers actually bothered to support several modes, usually they just picked a few that had the most users.
That's not the point though, he isn't a huge team of developers, he just wanted to make a playable game, specially a RTS one for as old as it goes for a platform, he already did C64, now he did PC.

>> No.5737826

why would I need to buy a HxC if I could just buy a boxed copy with a real floppy and plug it into my old shitbox?
got a better idea, why not just sell it on Steam with a DOSBox bundle, who care about real hardware haha

>> No.5737861

Rather than recreate one of the original mappers, it seems to me that developers would be better off creating a new "mapper". I mean they could easily package a $5 IC in the cart that could achieve significantly more than the NES mappers ever could... no doubt they could package something more powerful than the 6502 in the cart. I guess that means that the game could end up looking way different to the original games (I mean you could easily do FMV for example) so maybe it wouldn't be too authentic a result, but they're be free to limit themselves however they like.

>> No.5737868
File: 122 KB, 399x462, 1519405691825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern dev
>doing something actually creative or productive for the dev community

>> No.5737874

You could make a SNES game and stick a Pi in a cart and emulate a SNES on a NES.
Heck you could just do DOXBox the same way and deliver a Quake re-skin on the NES.

>> No.5737890

A lot of games (for example Maniac Mansion) just dump the CGA graphics data into the B000 segment when run in Hercules mode. EGA, Tandy, and VGA however all work totally different and the graphics code has to be unique for each.

>> No.5737896

Yup, the Hercules patch was just a memory patch, it didn't change anything else over CGA.

>> No.5737898

Many mappers were ad hoc standards--for example, AOROM was something Rare came up with and only their games used it. NOA officially only supported CNROM, UNROM, and AOROM next to their own discrete MMC series mappers.

>> No.5737905

Japanese games could have many strange mapper permutations.


Moero!! Pro Yakyuu better known as Bases Loaded. The US version was just MMC1 rather than this funny combo of TTLs. Famicom games create a big nuisance for emulator and flash cart people.

>> No.5737909

Looks like at least a couple of new homebrew mappers have been made (mapper 30/UNROM 512 and mapper 218)

>> No.5737910


Everdrive doesn't apparently support the speech synthesis chip in here.

>> No.5737929

The chip actually has its own onboard digitized samples.

>> No.5737932


This list mentions the Jaleco JF-29 mapper as not suppored by the Everdrive although I don't know if it's outdated or how old the list is.

>> No.5737948

You mean the Everdrive doesn't support some random Famicom shovelware sports title? Aw, man.

>> No.5737983

They may not have nostalgia for it but they should get down on their knees and thank it for masking their ineptitude by limiting their ambition and their ability to fully realize their tacky vision.

>> No.5737984

Some games use the second page of Hercules memory for an extra video buffer--these weren't compatible with dual-header setups (color card and Hercules in the same machine).

>> No.5737992

As ZX Spectrum games prove, technical limitations were not a handicap on poor game design.

>> No.5738181

>Steins gate and Darius MD were both created by professionals for antequated hardware (despite not having a physical release
Oh they just had a ROM download and not a physical cartridge.

>> No.5738530


I'd say the best answer is that you may as well just do Mega Drive homebrew. The one guy's whinefest that games >32k are impractical just sounds like a crybaby thing. Even if that's the case, the Master System still offers more than the Colecovision like he suggests, especially in having actual hardware scrolling.

>> No.5738558

The Zniggy project is a collab one and this is only a simple 48k single load Spectrum game.

>> No.5738569


>16 colors
>32 monochrome sprites with 4 per line
>1k WRAM
>no hardware scrolling

Master System:

>64 colors w/32 on screen at once (16 sprite and 16 background)
>64 three color sprites with 8 per line
>8k WRAM
>smooth scrolling
>hardware tile flipping
>sound is otherwise same as CV but pitched lower so it's less annoying

Right. Even a 32k game would still be better and easier to pull off on the Master System.

>> No.5739769

The guy who made that almost ten year old AtariAge post was a retard who probably never looked at a SMS spec sheet.

>> No.5739829

Redline me on him, what did he do to draw ire?

>> No.5739835

VGA Mode 13 was a revolution in PC gaming for how easy it was to code for against all earlier video standards.

>> No.5739838

>t. 20 year old

>> No.5739862
File: 390 KB, 610x395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the main restriction is that the entire image will be rendered as a background, which would only display 4 colors on the screen total. There was a similar concept known as the Retrovision, which was Game Boy hardware crammed into a cartridge and designed to interface with the NES, but the sound was output from the Retrovision device, not through the NES. I don't think you could easily interface the NES with whatever onboard hardware you have, which is why there aren't many efforts going towards it.

>> No.5739864

He's right though. Nice linear frame buffer while CGA/EGA/Tandy were a tangled mess and you'd really hate having to program those things.

>> No.5739870

That's the Australia-kun troll. Don't feed it.

>> No.5739889

But Hercules/CGA were "nice linear frame buffers" too.

>> No.5739967

>not the Nintendo one because nobody's yet managed to figure out how it works.

>> No.5739984

Succeed at doing what he enjoys.

>> No.5739987

Not really, no. Each half of the video memory contains alternating scanlines and CGA uses 2 bits per byte to designate each pixel and Hercules one. Tandy graphics are a real bitch since there's 4 bit color and four banks of scanlines instead of just two.

VGA mode 13 is 100% linear. Each byte represents one pixel. Simple as that.

>> No.5739998

It's mode 19 or at least mode 13h, there is no mode 13, smartypants.

>> No.5740068

Mode 13 is just an old shorthand phrase they used to use on Usenet. When you see it, you should be able to figure out it means the 320x200x256 mode.

>> No.5740094

EGA is planar, it's also fucking lousy to program. No wonder The 8-Bit Cuck didn't want to bother with it.

>> No.5740112

What game is that?

>> No.5740220

Everyone used Mode 13h or just 13h, nobody ever called it just "mode 13" since in reality it was mode 19

>> No.5740230

it's called "What Remains".

>> No.5740264

How come SNES homebrew is so unpopular/rare?

>> No.5740283

1. You have to learn not just one but two different CPU instruction sets (yes, the SCP700 has its own programming)
2. The graphics are harder to utilize properly due to the large color palette versus 8-bit machines
3. It's harder for homebrewers to fill up the minimum SNES ROM size (256k)
4. It's hard to deal with three layer parallax scrolling
5. Lack of decent 65816 assemblers you can run on a modern PC
6. Until quite recently, SNES emulators weren't that accurate and would let you do things that don't work on a real machine

>> No.5740289

>It's harder for homebrewers to fill up the minimum SNES ROM size (256k)
That's not as much of a problem as you think since the actual code portion of any game is about 25% of the total size, the rest being graphics, sound, and level data.

>> No.5740297

The SNES is a bitch to work on compared to the NES, for example you don't have the nice convenient CHR ROM, you have to copy your graphics data from the main ROM into video RAM in a slow-ass code loop. The sound chip also has its own RAM you have to copy audio data into.

>> No.5740306

LOLno it's not harder than the NES. Why would it be? The NES's architecture is janky as fuck. For example, you try and read the controller buttons compared to how it works on the SNES.

>> No.5740312

Man, even just getting a Hello World message to display on a SNES is a huge fucking headache. On most NES games the graphics data is in the CHR ROM and instantly available in video memory. The SNES has a much more conventional architecture where you store the graphics data in the main ROM and copy it into VRAM with a slow code loop. On top of that, the SNES SPPU has a lot more setup steps you have to do before it will even display anything at all.

>> No.5740330

There are loads of homebrew games for all different retro machines from the Atari 2600 onward and even 21st century ones like the DS and none of these are any more or less annoying to work with than the SNES is.

The SNES and 5th gen consoles during their commercial lifetime were very short on adequate documentation, nor was there any good way to test code on real hardware. The floppy-based cartridge copiers, parallel port devices, and mod chips they used in the 90s are quaint museum pieces now. Though even if SNES/5th gen homebrew was too difficult to pull off in the 90s, it doesn't explain why it still isn't.

The big issue with the SNES as I see it is the CPU. 65816 dev tools for modern OSes are lacking and it's not an easy or intuitive CPU to code for against the 68000, particularly in how register sizes are set. I'm actually scared by that 8/16-bit stuff on the 65816 and I can't imagine how programmers back in the day were able to put up with it. Granted you could just do all operations in 16-bit mode and not touch the 8-bit stuff, but the SNES has a lot of 8-bit I/O registers. Aside from being hard to program, it's also a terrible pain to disassemble 65816 code.

>> No.5740342

SNES games not infrequently used C rather than straight assembly language particularly the later RPGs.

Square seems to have made their own bytecode language for their games, which I assume they had large script files and a compiler for. Masaya built games entirely from portable macro code (it was a nightmare to hack, the unrolling was legendary)

The main issue is that the 65816 is just an absolute dog shit architecture for compiling C code on. You have exactly one register that you can add and subtract on. There's no hardware multiply/divide.

Any code produced by a compiler is going to be slow. You can definitely write your non-critical code sections with this slow code and probably be okay, but given the CPU is effectively ~2.68MHz, with a throughput of less than half of one MIPS, you're going to end up degrading your game the more you use C. It's not like a desktop app where you can just code a few hot functions in ASM and have great performance. Some of the best games bog down CPU despite being in pure assembler. Absolutely anything called at least once per frame would have hurt those games.

>> No.5740346

>(yes, the SCP700 has its own programming)
Should add that the SMP also has a terrible, terrible programming model. It's a naked copy of the 6502 instruction set, but with syntax that looks like the designers were on some kind off powerful hallucinogens. I would really be shocked if they didn't internally have a 6502-like mnemonic set for their CPU. I'd bet money that their public syntax was strictly a legal decision.

Of course the real fun in deviating from official syntax is that you'll never, ever get two people to agree to the same unofficial instruction set, so you end up with 15 variations.

>> No.5740354

It seems if people want to make a small/8-bit game they tend to want to do it on the NES and if they want to do something more ambitious they go for the Mega Drive maybe because they feel it's easier to code for?

>> No.5740358

SNES coding is ball-busting. There are so many weird/nonsensical things about the architecture particularly how sprites work and especially the way they're stored in the video RAM.

>> No.5740360

>inb4 autistic Castlevania IV memes
Konami were never particularly good at SNES programming and their arcade games of the period were mainly 68000-based so it makes sense they'd be more familiar with that.

>> No.5740365

As others have said I think the SNES is just a PITA that most homebrew coders don't want to deal with. The actual CPU isn't that slow contrary to the memes, but the architecture is snarled as fuck and a huge bottleneck.

>> No.5740371

>The SNES and 5th gen consoles during their commercial lifetime were very short on adequate documentation, nor was there any good way to test code on real hardware. The floppy-based cartridge copiers, parallel port devices, and mod chips they used in the 90s are quaint museum pieces now. Though even if SNES/5th gen homebrew was too difficult to pull off in the 90s, it doesn't explain why it still isn't.

Don't see why you'd want to do 5th gen homebrew anyway, it's basically just like low-poly PC gaming.

>> No.5740382

Sure not N64 homebrew unless you like MIPS coding. I don't think I've ever even seen any N64 homebrew anyway. Come to think of it, I don't know of any Gamecube homebrew either although there is some stuff for the Wii.

>> No.5740414

5th gen consoles were mostly programmed in C++ anyway, not asm.

>> No.5740416

The CPU alone makes the MD much easier to code for, especially in C. Also in general its graphics hardware is simpler and more intuitive.

>> No.5740419

I don't see how the SNES chipset is any weirder or more annoying than any of the 8-bit architectures like the C64, Atari machines, NES, or TMS9918-based machines.

>> No.5740431

They all have their own odd quirks, yes, but they're still far simpler than the SNES and with 8-bit systems you kind of expect it. The SNES is from a later generation when one would expect that convoluted architectures were a thing of the past.

Also in general, 8-bit games are simpler and not on the scale or complexity of SNES games. Most of the systems you mentioned were also home computers where anyone could code for them. In addition, there's less room for exploration or novelty on the 4th gen systems and not much you can do with them we didn't already see in commercially released titles.

And I don't think the Mega Drive is inherently more or less difficult to code for than the SNES. The learning curve for the SNES is higher, but once you figure everything out it evens out. Learning any console architecture is actually pretty insignificant compared to the time and effort needed to develop a game on a comparable level to the commercially released titles from the console's market lifespan. This is something many people don't grasp--it's not as easy to develop Chrono Trigger or Yoshi's Island as it looks and that it took a team of professional programmers/artists/musicians 1-2 years to make those games. And that in my opinion is what holds back SNES homebrew development.

>> No.5740432

The Zniggy project is easier to do as it goes because the standards of commercial Spectrum development were a _bit_ lower than what you had on the SNES.

>> No.5740436

I know the walking characters in Haunted: Halloween '85 (the player and the zombies) are the most algorithmically complex because they have to read the collision map four times (bottom center, left, and right, and head-height at leading edge), compared to everything else that reads it once (bottom center) or not at all.

>> No.5740439

Anyone who's ever programmed a game knows the player character is always the hardest part because he's the only one with full physics while NPCs only have to do some very limited actions like move back and forth in a loop.

>> No.5740440

What's funny is that I had gotten1943 from a local video game store, Game X Change, (don't know why I felt like sharing that) and I played it and it's a ton better about not slowing down than Gradius III which I also got, except that this one is on the SNES. That's what really vexes me.

Isn't the SNES's CPU supposed to be something like 4x faster than the one in the NES?

>> No.5740446

Now that I think about it, I think most people mistakenly identify object collision as speed-critical code, when it could actually be the BG collision that bogs the CPU down. I wonder if slopes have anything to do with it, because slopes seem to have been pretty rare in NES games. I can't think of many games other than SMB3 and Kirby that use them.

>> No.5740450

Slopes are a major programming headache which is why they were not used very much and well into the 16-bit era, it was typical for only the player character to navigate them while NPCs didn't.

>> No.5740453

I don't remember seeing any game that doesn't allow enemies to walk on sloped platforms. Maybe I just never noticed it before because nobody ever pointed it out to me.

>> No.5740459

>I don't remember seeing any game that doesn't allow enemies to walk on sloped platforms.
I wouldn't be surprised if they at least used a simplified form of slope handling for objects other than the player. I know that the Sonic games did this. Enemies are placed at the correct height on slopes but the angle doesn't affect them at all, it's as if they're always walking on straight ground. You can easily notice this if you use the debug mode to place enemies near loops or quarter pipes. They ascend insanely fast, because their horizontal movement isn't attenuated by the angle, and their Y coordinate is adjusted to match the height of the slope.
>Maybe I just never noticed it before because nobody ever pointed it out to me.
There are a lot of limitations games managed to hide from us pretty well. I'm pretty sure there are many cases where level design and object placement are carefully planned to avoid tricky situations.

One of my personal favorites is in TMNT: The Arcade Game on the NES where the programming is very carefully set up to avoid putting more than two enemies on the same line as your turtle and thus not go over the scanline limit.

>> No.5740462

Other ways SNES is more efficient...
>Separate processor to handle music, don't have to waste CPU cycles running a music engine
>tons more RAM, don't have to do things twice if you can store it in RAM for later
>much more efficient moving large chunks of data around
->larger sprites, don't have to waste cycles contructing metasprites or worry too much about going over the scanline limit

Downside is that people will expect your game to look like SMW, you can't get away with single screen black background stuff like you can on the NES.

>> No.5740480

I would agree that artwork and music/dealing with the SPC are the biggest challenges for doing something on the SNES. The standards for audio and visual quality on the SNES can be pretty high among players when compared to the top licensed games. Like the other guy said, NES games could run the gamut from single screen with black backgrounds to Kirby and Castlevania III while SMW was the launch title for the SNES and often seen as the baseline game for it.

>> No.5740493

Part of my hypothesis for this, if you'll recall, is the gap in asset complexity betweenthe NES and SNES. One review of Sydney Hunter took points off for underusing the S-PPU. Apparently it's not good enough to just have a NES game with more colors, you also need to utilize the SNES's more advanced features.

>> No.5740497

Why exactly do you need to have parallax/Mode 7 antics though? Some additional colors not good enough?

>> No.5740503

Easily explained. The TG-16 was sort of the intermediate system between the NES and MD/SNES capability-wise and it's only relevant in Japan. There's no major system in North America and Europe that occupied that intermediary space between the NES and 4th gen consoles.

So if you want to make a simpler 8-bit kind of game, the homebrew community will just end up putting it on the NES or Gameboy. Anything with actual 16-bit level graphics would go on the Genesis or SNES in which case people will expect it to do everything commercial games did and that ends up being more than most homebrewers can handle.

>> No.5740506

What do you mean? There's plenty of GBA homebrew and it's comparable to the SNES hardware-wise. Thing is, it's straightforward to code for while the SNES is not.

>> No.5740508

I doubt most homebrewers really do it for anything but fun/a hobby, not for money.

>> No.5740514

The homebrew scene for GBA produced exactly one commercial release to my knowledge: gbadev 2004Mbit Competition
Maybe so, but my point was more that you need paid professionals to make anything near Yoshi's Island or Chrono Trigger standards. One Cheetos-eating neckbeard in a basement can't do it.

>> No.5740526

All the same there are plenty of good GBA homebrews and they don't all need to be commercial AAA title standard. The SNES doesn't even have that.

>> No.5740529

1. C64 can do many of the same things the NES does and without a lot of the programming headaches like limited VBLANK, fuck-all RAM, postage stamp sprites, and each block of four tiles having to share colors.
2. If you fancy an intermediary between the NES and SNES, the Amiga is there for you and it has the god-level 68000 for a CPU
3. There's also retro DOS PCs.

>> No.5740536

>1. C64 can do many of the same things the NES does and without a lot of the programming headaches like limited VBLANK, fuck-all RAM, postage stamp sprites, and each block of four tiles having to share colors.

>Lego block pixels
>memory-mapped video that steals CPU cycles
>16 color graphics
>one button sticks
>three voice sound with no easy way to play samples
>no character banking
>and slooooooowwwwwwwww disk access
How the fuck's that better than the NES?

>> No.5740547

C64's blocky graphics and small color palette aren't an advantage over the NES at all. I do however agree that the larger sprites and unrestricted access to the video RAM are a plus. Though the VBLANK limitation on the NES isn't really as bad as you think unless you need to transfer unusually high amounts of CHR data like CHR animations on full backgrounds. The NES's tiny sprites are definitely a liability though.

>> No.5740550

Why do you illiterate bitter fanboys always see "better" everywhere even when it was specifically stated "many of the same things" without the headache?? Which is true.
It's like anyone remotely even says something about your childhood console which doesn't directly translate to "the best" you explode like whiny 12 year olds...

>> No.5740556

Half of these arent hardware limitations, like one button sticks or slow disk access, which can both be circumvented via the parallel port or user port, not to mention you can play samples pretty easily, it's more to do with memory restrictions when it comes to longer samples.

>> No.5740557

Isn't the SMS more like the in-between console between the NES and 4th gen?

>> No.5740558

unironically mayhem in monsterland looks and sounds better than most anything the NES had

>> No.5740563

Not really, no. There's two completely different ways of playing SID samples for the two different models of SID, neither of which works on the other model, and it eats 50% of the CPU while playing NES samples on the PCM channel takes all of 2% CPU time.

>> No.5740568

>unironically mayhem in monsterland looks and sounds better than
And that's where the "better" part ends. It looks and sounds pretty nice but the actual gameplay is a very limited, shallow collectathon.

>> No.5740573

I should have clarified when I meant "there were no popular systems in North America which occupied the gap between the NES and SNES." The Master System was not popular in North America or even Japan, its main market was in PAL regions.

>> No.5740589

>Lego block pixels
Ok yeah, but you can also mix hi-res and multicolor tiles on screen.
>one button sticks
Multi-button sticks can be done on the C64 and you also have a keyboard.
>three voice sound
I give you this one although the SID can produce a wider range of sounds than the 2A03.
>no character banking
Maybe not but you can switch video banks on the fly. Otherwise when you load a game level on the C64 you're simply loading graphics data from disk instead of a banked ROM so it's a chalk-and-cheese comparison.
>16 color graphics
True but in 1982 most other machines on the market couldn't even manage that. Not the Apple II and its six lovely 70s purple/orange/blue artifact colors or the IBM PC and its pink and aqua graphics that cost $3000. The Atari 400/800 had 128 colors but it can't really display more than four of them on screen at once. Just having full color text was a huge deal at the time. As for the choice of colors on the C64, well, I don't think it's better or worse than any other 8-bit system including the NES's palette.

>> No.5740594

Not really, no. The Master System doesn't really add anything of substance over the NES except some more colors and WRAM. In all other categories, it's the same or worse (no hardware sprite flipping, shitty sound, having to copy graphics data from the ROM into VRAM in a slow code loop, etc).

>> No.5740601

I'd count the fixed VDP windows on the top and/or right in its favor also. Yes, you can use timed code or sprite 0 hit or an IRQ to fake a top or bottom fixed window, but not having to is better, and there's nothing like the status window on the side.

Agreed that the SMS's sound capabilities were pretty sad. The funny thing is I've actually heard some really nice music done on the TMS9919/SN76849, but no commercially-released games ever did anything with it other than basic bleeps and bloops.

>> No.5740602
File: 24 KB, 384x272, 101528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on though, the C64 can do some really nice pixel art not in the least because it has a real bitmap mode while the NES does not.

>> No.5740606

That is pretty nice, although I believe a good NES artist could produce something approximating it.

>> No.5740610

Static screens aren't a good measuring stick because you wouldn't use them for in-game graphics and the C64's bitmap mode is especially impractical to use in a game.

>> No.5740620

Both the 2A01 and SID have certain things they're good at and other things they're not so good at, it depends on your tastes I guess. I personally prefer the 2A01's larger # of sound channels and easy sample playback, but the SID does have some brilliant music composed for it. And both were definitely a quantum leap above existing personal computer/console sound hardware in the early 80s.

>> No.5740645

It's a commonly repeated meme that the SMS is superior to the NES because it's 2-1/2 years newer so newer must mean better, right? Well, not in this case.

>CPU clocked at a higher speed--4Mhz vs 1.79Mhz, except oops it's a Z80 which means instructions that take up to 14 clock cycles
>more colors and complete freedom of color placement versus the annoying three colors per every four tiles limit on the NES--definitely a plus
>shit-tastic sound--a sound chip from 1979 with a slightly longer duty cycle to produce a lower pitch
>no sprite DMA
>port-based I/O
>you can access the video during the VBLANK, although slowly--kind of a plus

So summed up:

>shit sound
>no real advantage when it comes to CPU performance
>more limited graphics update capabilities
>8k WRAM versus 2k, that's a 400% increase
>cartridges were not as expensive to manufacture
>does have a built-in IRQ counter even if the way it works is slightly brain-damaged

I think overall the NES wins out especially when you factor in advanced mappers like MMC5 and the VRC series.

>> No.5740653

True, true, but quite a few C64 games do use bitmap mode for in-game graphics such as Way of the Exploding Fist and a number of other fighting games. Also The Law of the West uses hi-res bitmaps--compare the Famicom version for a laugh. Also C64 pixels being chunkier than NES ones isn't really true considering it has higher resolution to begin with (320x200 versus 256x224). Another thing is the C64s 16:10 aspect ratio means if you don't use the border area you can trim the borders and it still works on a 16:9/16:10 tv/monitor without warping. It also makes it easier to port modern games.

And as for multi-button sticks yes it was always possible and the C64GS came with a two button controller.

>> No.5740654

I agree, and the stupid vscroll lock is a big mistake.

>> No.5740661

>cartridges were not as expensive to manufacture
Sega actually cheated their way around this by using custom-made ROMs that incorporated the banking hardware directly onto the chip die. If they had to put the banking hardware on the PCB like NES games did...

>> No.5740662

The SPC700 really sucks to program not in the least because there's no interrupts.

>> No.5740665

You forgot where the C64 can do clean scrolling without artifact glitches.

>> No.5740668

You do realize the SPC-700 was designed by Kutaragi, and is a "Kutaragi Special" so being a pain to program was pretty much expected out of the gate.

>> No.5740669

Ok, but the NES is perfectly capable of clean scrolling as well. Try Alfred Chicken, Felix the Cat, Jurassic Park, etc. If SMB3 has scroll glitches, the blame was on Nintendo's programmers, not the hardware.

>> No.5740671

I though it was only with enhancement chips, MMC3 etc but some of those are NROM so I was wrong.

>> No.5740673

Jurassic Park is the only game of those that actually uses mapper (MMC3) features to hide scroll artifacting, the other techniques are possible with the basic NES hardware. There are a few other ways to do this without mapper assistance, though I can't think of any games that demonstrate them.

>> No.5740675

I forgot just how much the C64 underscans and how big the border area is. Still, wouldn't it have been nicer to have no border like on the NES?

>> No.5740679

C64 is a computer so the border was there for a reason, that being if you were trying to display a screen full of text (say a BASIC listing) it wouldn't be very nice to have the text going off the edge of the screen.

>> No.5740682

Yeah losing the side of the a screen and the bottom on a NES oh well (it's possibly even a feature).. even on the PS3 we still had a "safe area", but on a word processor, spreadsheet not acceptable.

>> No.5740685

Sure but it would have been nice to have no underscan. NES and most later consoles have an active scanline duty of 75% so there's essentially no border and the image will go off-screen. C64 and Apple II have a 60% active duty and they have fuckhuge borders. IBM CGA cards, Atari machines, and OCS Amiga have 70% active duty so they have a small border.

>> No.5740694

C64 uses RAM rather than ROM for storage so you can also do stuff like self-modifying code that isn't possible on consoles.

>> No.5740714

>Also C64 pixels being chunkier than NES ones isn't really true considering it has higher resolution to begin with (320x200 versus 256x224).
It's effectively halved to 160x200 for multicolor graphics, which is definitely lower than 256x224. You can mix in two-color regions and get back that extra resolution, but a lot of games don't.

the machine is pretty much just the SG-1000 (you know, the not-a-ColecoVision machine Sega originally created) with more RAM and (drastically) better video
that's it

people say it's better than the NES because the graphics are largely better
the machine is slow though, there's a bunch of SMS games that run at like 30fps
it inherits a lot of the weaknesses of the SG-1000, such as some of the retarded VDP design

there's a handful of games with nice SMS music, but I still dunno how Sega looked at it and said "yeah, this is okay" when they were designing the Mark III/SMS

if you're doing something modern on SNES, you can just write a tracker module and convert that to SPC, real easy stuff
have a routine in your code to upload that to the SPC memory and there you go
don't deal with it yourself

slopes are a pain to implement, but they're not slow
object collision ends up ballooning how many checks you need to do
it's especially bad if two groups of objects have to collide with another (the checks grow pretty badly -- say you've got 5 of object a and 5 of b -- 5*5=25 checks between object A on B)

multiload on that open, non-linear map would be awful

>> No.5740724

^This. Atari 2600 homebrew is easy as pudding--the games are tiny and making something comparable to the commercially released stuff from the early 80s is entirely doable by one person. ZX Spectrum homebrew like Zniggy is doable because the games are small and commercially released Spectrum stuff was mostly all made by amateurs anyway.

Even with NES homebrew, the early stuff from 1983-85 was crude and barely a step above Atari level. A game like Ice Climber or Door-Door can be made by one guy. You can't do Door-Door or Galaxian on the SNES though, that would just be laughable.

In SMW, Mario alone has 100 different frames of animation. Now think how many frames were needed for all the enemies/power-ups etc and then the background graphics.

>> No.5740732

Not every game has to be FF6. Also I'm just giving my perspective. I'd love to port Catastrophy to the SNES, but without a decent C compiler, I don't see that happening.

>> No.5740742

Having better tools won't help produce more SNES homebrew. Take it from someone who was active in the homebrew scene in the 90s when SNES games were still on the rack at Toys'R'Us. Even back then, the amount of SNES homebrew games was essentially fuck-all. I can't name more than about 5-10 total and demos were a lot more popular. All because a typical SNES-standard game is more than homebrewers can handle.

And while you can do ROM hacks of commercial titles fairly easily, that's still a long way from writing an entire game engine and designing the art assets for it.

>> No.5740746

>Not every game has to be FF6
No but SMW was still the launch title and widely seen as the baseline game. Therefore your homebrew game has to be at least as good as SMW. The minimum standard for commercial NES games was Popeye, Ice Climber, Galaxian, Door-Door or something. Quite a difference there.

>> No.5740752

I don't expect amateurs to produce FF6. Any SNES homebrew even Zniggy-tier stuff would still be something. Learning how to code for it is asking a huge amount out of people, as would be learning any unfamiliar architecture. And to those who scoff at that, no, you really don't have to be a great programmer to make a game. You don't even have to be a good programmer. There are quite a few games out there (successful commercial ones even) that manage to be fun to play despite the code being held together with chewing gum and Scotch tape.

It's mostly the sheer boring tedium of spending weeks writing line after line of 65816 assembly language to display a message on the screen or make Link wave his sword (his literal sword--please take your mind out of the gutter if you thought I meant something else) that puts people off.

>> No.5740756

Programming in C on a 65816 isn't very much fun. The Apple IIgs had C compilers, even some really good ones like ORCA/C, but they could only do so much and could never be as fast as pure asm.

>> No.5740758

I stand by what I said that a good C compiler is not why the SNES is short on homebrew. I was there in the 90s homebrew scene and nobody made games even back then. We had some nice dev tools that ran on the PC and Amiga, they're all museum pieces now because nobody ever updated them for newer OSes.

>> No.5740764

If want of a good C compiler is all that stops you, you were never really committed to it anyway. And assembly language is just a means to an end.

And you don't have to make SMW...actually people will expect you to make Dragon Quest 6. :^)

Maybe set some more realistic goals? For example the C64 and ZX Spectrum communities have competitions like the 4k game challenge (just how much of a game can you fit into 4k?) Then there's 8 and 16k challenges. These games are tiny and easily done by one person. Making a 2MB AAA game may be a little too much. Maybe set a base limit for SNES homebrew of, say, 32k?

>> No.5740770

To me I think the bigger issues are the lack of 65816 programming tools that can run on modern OSes and the SNES just being a PITA to learn, especially after you got used to the much simpler Mega Drive. The SNES sold a lot more units in its day than either the PC Engine or MD yet it has significantly less homebrew, and there's probably a reason for it.

>> No.5740771

Starting immediately with very low level and assembly is just too much for a lot of people, we don't want to spent 3 weeks just to understand how to display a simple "hello world" string on the screen.

>> No.5740772

If they don't want to spend 3 weeks for "hello world", then they probably won't ever spend the time to make a full game for the system. I spent probably well over 3 weeeks when I wanted to do a "hello world" on NES back when I started this activity in 2002 at age 13 without any knowledge of the English language back then.

>> No.5740778

While good C tools may be an inclusion factor for additional devs, I don't think language choice is the main problem here. It's assets and scope--people can and will expect a SNES game to do more than a comparable 8-bit one and that's just too much for the amateur to pull off.

The SNES is definitely not as difficult to work with as 8-bit machines--the CPU is better and you have a bigger memory space so can afford to be more wasteful. The 5A22 also has custom features not found in the stock 65816, but what good is it if all you're going to do is Atari-level stuff? You're probably doing it for the specifics of its visuals, sound and controller interface.

>> No.5740784

The fact that there's a lack of modern SNES dev tools is a big problem. As I said, we had a lot of them in the 90s that ran under DOS and Amiga OS but they're all ancient as fuck and nobody has made any updated replacements. I knew a lot of people who started out all eager to code for the SNES only to give up when confronted with the SPC700 and S-PPU. The SNES is a terribly convoluted architecture although I still don't think it's as hard to code for as the NES.

>> No.5740793

While we're on that, I want to just point out that the Apple II has surprisingly poor emulation, for example the IIc+ isn't even emulated. It wasn't very popular despite all the Apple PR bullshit about it. Too bad, I think the IIgs was the single best computer they ever made. And is there an Apple /// emulator? You know, just for novelty purposes? :^)

>> No.5740796

The SNES has several annoyances including the segmented memory space versus the Mega Drive's flat memory. This increases the chance of bugs in your code. It can be worked around but it's not that much fun.

Compare the NES where most of the time (unless you were the autists at Rare with their precious AOROM) you can switch only a portion of the PRG bank and leave the rest of it fixed in place.

There's several reasons why the SNES runs like a slug compared with the Mega Drive.

>> No.5740797

>The SNES has several annoyances including the segmented memory space
So like x86 code pre 32-bit, right?

>> No.5740807

Sort of.

>> No.5740857

I agree that programmer art is less acceptable on the SNES than it would be on 8-bit machines.

>> No.5740860

thank you for proving the point that merica is a social shithole

>> No.5740862

The NES has 30 total registers in the basic hardware, more of course for add-on peripherals/cartridge hardware and one of the most widely supported and coded for CPUs of all time. If you want to do SNES-style games, the GBA is honestly better since you can viably program it in C and the hardware/register map is more logical. And it's had a homebrew scene since the first copiers came out six months after its launch.

>> No.5740865

GBA has what's basically a cleaned up, enhanced S-PPU without a dedicated sound processor. It's vastly easier to program for.

>> No.5740872

Any game that's going to really push the SNES is moving into late Square RPG territory while the NES's hardware is limited as fuck and there's not too far you can go with it before you need a mapper.

The smallest commercially released SNES games were 256k. Most were at least 512k and the average was 1MB. That's a lot of game for one person to do while there were plenty of great NES games in 64k or less.

>> No.5740873

You could look at it the other way too. SNES could be easier to develop for in some respects compared to the NES. Less restrictions for your artists as you have more colors, more tiles, more sprites per line, much more storage, DMA transfers, huge amounts of RAM, etc.

>> No.5740878

Friendly reminder that jarpigs are animated storybooks, not video games. Thank you.

>> No.5740881

And GBA is even easier. Your point?

>> No.5740883

Sure, but the SNES has higher resolution graphics and better audio, also of course it's a retro console while the GBA isn't, at least by /vr/'s standard.

>> No.5740886

Nice thing about Gameboy homebrew is that you can put the ROM on a Flash cart and take it with you to test while you're on the bus

>> No.5740903

>And I don't think the Mega Drive is inherently more or less difficult to code for than the SNES
The Mega Drive's VDP is not as complex as the S-PPU, but trying to access it is Hell on wheels because you have to go through a bunch of convoluted setup processes due to all the legacy TMS9918/YM2602B video modes. I'd rather just use the SNES and ignore all the fancy goodies the MD didn't have anyway.

>> No.5740906

It's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be although omitting Master System backward compatibility probably would have made it a bit easier.

>> No.5740907

The Genesis would have 1/100 the homebrew it has without a C compiler. Writing for the SNES would not be hard in C comparing to Gen or GBA, it would be about the same difficulty.

I had very little trouble adjusting to the NES, Genesis and GBA, coming from the PC world. Script kiddies and Unitybabbies will always exist, but some of them will graduate to become real programmers eventually.

>> No.5740912

Yeah when it comes to the actual development process, whining begins: "There isn't a C compiler! There's no PNG or JPG file support! ..."

>> No.5740917

Lots of professional programmers are scared of assembly and think you're a god if you use it. You'd be surprised how common this attitude is.

Anyway, I'm imagining you guys drawing beautiful pixel art by simply punching in the bytes in a hex editor. No but seriously getting my drawings up on the screen is my biggest headache when it comes to SNES development so far, simply because I have found no reliable way to do it. All the tutorials use fossil file formats from 1995 that work with fossil programming tools from 1995 that only work on fossil PCs from 1995.

>> No.5740919

>literally only Zelda games going for it
I'd agree if not for Wario Land and much more importantly Metal Gear: Ghost Babel

>> No.5740920

Since the late 90s, Java has been the standard teaching tool for programming in high schools and colleges. No assembly language involved, and thus we've bred an entire generation of idiots who can't code anything but web pages.

>> No.5740926

Emphasis on teaching tool. You're not expected to do anything serious with Java. From Capcom's official programmer hiring requirements:

>2 - 6 years’ experience with C++ programming and debugging.
>Game console development and optimization experience is preferred.
>Bachelor's degree in computer science / related field, or equivalent experience.
>You have the ability to write structured and well documented code. With attention to detail.

And here's EA's requirements list:

>Post-Secondary education in Computer Science, Computer Systems, Computer Engineering, or equivalent training and professional experience.
>Strong expertise with C++ and experience in object-oriented design and implementation.
>Experience with C# and/or Lua
>Demonstrated knowledge of good software engineering practices.
>Understanding of memory management, multiple processor use, and runtime optimization.
>Excellent debugging skills and experience using tools to help debug.
>Strong ability to work with internal and externally developed code in a collaborative fashion.

Case in point. Java and Python aren't what serious professional software development uses.

>> No.5740928
File: 622 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_20171004_195305948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a copy. It runs great on my PCjr, in Tandy mode no less. I guess he didn't program in that retarded Tandy check like most game devs did back in the day.

>> No.5740930

I dunno about you but my high school taught C++ and glad they did. Granted, I was the only kid in the class who was actually seriously into it and learned anything, but oh well.

>> No.5740939

>I guess he didn't program in that retarded Tandy check like most game devs did back in the day.
I know what you mean and there's actually two different machine ID checks. One of them is the BIOS ID byte at F000:FFFE. This is FDh for the PCjr. The Tandy 1000 just uses FEh, same ID byte as the XT so games would instead test for the Tandy copyright string in the BIOS ROM.

Jumpman is one game I know that does this. It checks F000:FFFE to see if it's running on a PCjr which means if you try to boot it on a Tandy, it will get an FEh instead and think it's on a regular PC so you can't use the PCjr sound/graphics modes, it will instead run in CGA/PC speaker mode.

>> No.5740940
File: 11 KB, 300x169, 300px-SNES-CD_add-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>In SMW, Mario alone has 100 different frames of animation. Now think how many frames were needed for all the enemies/power-ups etc and then the background graphics.
Not calling you a liar, but can you provide pics to show?

>> No.5740945

Jumpman wouldn't run on a Tandy anyway because in PCjr mode it does all its video writes to the first 128k of memory where the PCjr's video RAM is located. Unless you had an original Tandy 1000 with 128k, it will try to write over the 1000h segment and probably overwrite the game code and crash.

>> No.5740952

Right. A NES game up to 128k and MMC1 is entirely within the reach of 1-2 people. Remember that most NES games weren't Kirby's Adventure or LaGrange Point.

Whereas even the SNES launch titles like SMW and Mario Kart are large, complex productions that hobbyists couldn't do.

>> No.5740957


Would have take two seconds of Google searching.

>> No.5740993

How does it feel to be perpetually miserable?

>> No.5741645

There are actually a lot of tricks you can do, but they're not necessary (debug register tricks, full color dma, 128k mode tricks, etc).

>> No.5741671

Are you telling me the snes has no dma? Lol what

>> No.5741686

You can copy code to work ram and execute it from there in all the old consoles I know of

>> No.5741725

barrier to entry is a real barrier
if I'm getting stuff showing out the gate, I'm going to be a hell of a lot more motivated to keep going than if I'm spending ages on what seems like it should be a zero effort task
the rest of the work could remain just as hard, it's that initial hurdle that gets people

>This. Atari 2600 homebrew is easy as pudding
I'd say the availability of something as easy to use as Batari Basic really, really helped in this regard.
actually writing that shit out yourself to draw things on the Atari is a pain in the ass full of cycle counting

sure, you get like 26 bytes of RAM left over for the game, but like you said, Atari games are expected to be piss simple, so you don't need to keep track of too much stuff

>Emphasis on teaching tool. You're not expected to do anything serious with Java
outright bullshit
>Case in point. Java and Python aren't what serious professional software development uses.
neither language is used in gamedev, sure (also, C# is effectively just "Java, by Microsoft", there are massive language, implementation, and performance similarities, although C# is nicer than Java and has better tools)

but Java is extensively used professionally for enterprise systems all the time, inventory keeping systems and time punch systems and the lot
Python is heavily used in scientific computing (largely with the assistance of libraries written in C, but eh) and gets use in back-end a lot (shit, IIRC Google was looking into doing a compiler for Python to speed things up, can't remember if they went through or just ported the stuff to a different language manually)
people fucking write back-end shit in JavaScript of all the god damn languages because lol node.js (fuck these cunts)

the takeaway is that these are languages people use professionally all the time

I think what that anon was really getting at is that you don't get nearly as much RAM to play with since your program is in ROM.

>> No.5741753

> I think what that anon was really getting at is that you don't get nearly as much RAM to play with since your program is in ROM.

true, it's one reason why runtime code gen is tricky and not very common on them

> people fucking write back-end shit in JavaScript of all the god damn languages because lol node.js (fuck these cunts)

As someone who just got a job doing this and thought it would be awful, it's amazing how much of a difference typescript and having tons of tests + disciplined developers makes.

>> No.5742216

The vast majority of commercially-released Atari 2600 games were 4-8k. That's equivalent to a few pages of text.

>> No.5742218

I always thought SMW underused the SNES's graphics capabilities.

>> No.5742228

The game was something like three years in development, work began in 1988, probably shortly after SMB3 was completed. The SNES's technical specs may not have been finalized yet.

>> No.5742234

>I think what that anon was really getting at is that you don't get nearly as much RAM to play with since your program is in ROM.
Yes exactly. On a computer like the C64 you can store game variables anywhere you like and also do self-modifying code which saves you a lot of space because you won't have the room to have separate routines for everything.

The 2k of RAM on the Famicom is very limiting and results in stuff like unfair enemy spawns and whatnot.

>> No.5742250

I think if you were going to make a SNES-scale game it would just be easier to develop it for the PC or other modern-style system.

>> No.5742256

Yeah it's like how if you were to make a PS4 game people would expect God of War or something.

>> No.5742271

For modern PCs and consoles there's plenty of good modern tools for homebrew. So it's not actually as hard to develop something for the Xbox 360 as you think and modern consoles are just modded gaming PCs anyway.

The SNES and 5th gen consoles are a headache because they're too complex for one person to easily code for yet also not modern enough or accessible enough to easily code for.

>> No.5742278

Depends on how you define "modern". The 6th gen consoles (Xbox definitely) are getting closer to PCs architecturally, for example they require you to use their API routines for graphics and sound access and you're no longer writing to the bare metal.

>> No.5742283

5th gen has plenty of homebrew mainly for the PS1 and Jaguar. Saturn has a little bit.

>> No.5742286

Modern consoles are very very uninteresting, they're just glorified PCs. I don't see the appeal of programming for them.

>> No.5742289

And anyway, there's not a whole lot of challenge to programming the things the way it is for an Atari 2600.

>> No.5742292

PS3 had an official Linux option for a while, which was actually a pretty neat way to play with the Cell. The GPU was not directly accessible in this mode though, so it wasn't really that suitable for trying to make 3D games, but you could still do quite a bit of interesting stuff. I actually wrote a software 3D renderer for fun on it, and it was good for emulators too. Unfortunately they removed this option at some point in the firmware...

Though at this point the PS3 has been completely cracked anyway so you can do whatever you want with it I guess. I have no idea what I'd do with a cracked PS3 anyway. It was fun to play with when it was current but now that its time is over I don't know what ideas or inspiration I could have for it.

>> No.5742295

I doubt anyone is going to have the same nostalgic attachment to the PS3 in 20 years the way they will for 8-bit machines. It's not as if you can distinguish a PS3 game from a PC or Xbox 360 game anyway the way you could in the 8-bit era when each system had its own distinct character.

>> No.5742298

I'm not the only one to notice that physics and AI haven't improved as much as graphics, if at all. A lot of AAA games nowadays look stunning until you try to interact with something, at which point it all falls apart.

Some of this is just because developers aren't doing what they could be - running in place in front of walls instead of reacting to the wall is a good example - but a lot of the physics may be waiting on more powerful CPUs. Fluid dynamics in particular tend to look really bad; a body of water in a modern game can look completely real until you jump in and start splashing around, producing splash effects that would have been unremarkable on the Nintendo 64 and totally failing to alter the lovely realistic wave pattern that looked so impressive a moment ago. I've seen semi-realistic interactive water in a modern game, but it was an indie game where you play as a swimming frog, and the Reynolds number was super low. (Also, I'm pretty sure the refractive effect was wrong, as usual. I don't think I've ever seen correct refraction in a video game, and it's not like it'd be hard.)

Vidya took a wrong turn somewhere. Nobody seems to care about world interaction any more; it's embarrassing that the decent physics in Breath of the Wild were such a revelation (and showed up the physics in Horizon Zero Dawn so thoroughly). Racing games of all things can fail to credibly simulate a three-car pileup. AI has been mostly stagnant for a decade. Graphics have settled into a standard way of faking things, and if you go outside the range of stuff that looks good in demos the seams start to show. Real-time shadows can look worse nowadays than they did on the N64. The last generation with a standard 60 fps expectation was the 6th gen, so all of this photorealistic stuff held together with spit and baling wire doesn't even move smoothly.

>> No.5742303 [DELETED] 

The excessive realism sort of ruins the immersion, you can't use your find to fill in the gaps like you could on an Atari game.

>> No.5742313

The excessive realism sort of ruins the immersion, you can't use your mind to fill in the gaps like you could on an Atari game.

>> No.5742320

N64 is the worst and nobody does any homebrew for that beyond some really simple Breakout/Pong-tier stuff. Harder than balls to program, we don't have complete technical info for it after all these years, and it's impossible to emulate accurately so any code you write and test on an emulator probably won't work on a real machine anyway.

>> No.5742324

The SDK for N64 is available on the web if you want to give it a try. Be forewarned, programming this thing will test your sanity.

>> No.5742326

Right, right. Nostalgia only exists for people that grew up in a very small time period in the 80s to mid 90s. It's weird that older people don't have any nostalgia and younger people are just devoid of any memories at all. You're special, snowflake. Never forget it.

>> No.5742329

That's probably just for basic bitch stuff like SM64. The high level stuff like the s33rit l33t hax0r microcodes Rare used aren't publicly available anywhere.

>> No.5742332

>It's weird that older people don't have any nostalgia
Nobody ever said that. If you thought boomers never had any childhood nostalgia you'd be silly.

After the turn of the millenium maybe the early 2000s at most there's nothing to be nostalgic for, really.

>> No.5742347

N64 didn't have flash carts until recently so you could only program it via rare and expensive tools like the Doctor v64 and z64.

>> No.5742350

It suffers from the same problem as the SNES which is that N64 dev tools are ancient and haven't been updated since the 90s.

>> No.5742360

There was a brief flowering of N64 homebrew and demos when the SDK leaked in the late 90s but it didn't last long because of the difficulty and expense of getting your project working on a real console and emulators were/are too shitty to be able to use the console's more advanced features.

>> No.5742365

Only three translations that I know of:

Doubutsu no Mori
Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth
Wonder Project J2: Koruro no Mori no Josette

>> No.5742371

Audio programming on the N64 isn't too bad especially after the bullshit of SNES audio programming, but the video hardware is like a Skinner box.

>> No.5742373

I've noticed that some N64 translations (Sin and Punishment is one) and "ROM hacks" rely on emulator-based texture replacement plug-ins. In other words, they won't even run on a real machine.

>> No.5742387

Some people will certainly be nostalgic for it though Minecraft and phone games will probably mean more to current children than consoles played by adult dudebros who have a God of War session.

>> No.5742478

Speaking of 5th gen consoles (and really old PC games), how feasible is it for a modern PC game to be optimized to the point of being played well enough even on the oldest computers? Anyone can make a game that looks like Money for Nothing in Unity as a "retro fps", like today's current trend, but they're not anything like old games because they need exponentially stronger hardware than what Crysis originally needed. A game that looks like money for nothing should get about 30fps at 240p on a 486 in software accelerated mode, though I feel like I may be overestimating the performance. The main advantage I see in this is that this game can run on practically any computer made in the past 15 years, and I don't think there's much of a market for such destitute hardware. It is immensely satisfying, though, to have 5th and 6th generation games running smoothly on a sub 100 dollar tablet you can carry around with you, I doubt modern "retro FPSes" could do that.

>> No.5742491

N64 emulator authors had the idea that being able to run SM64 and Mario Kart 64 was good enough.

>> No.5742496

As the VC demonstrates, Nintendo can't even emulate their own console accurately.

>> No.5742504

The N64 predates standardization of 3D hardware so it does lots of weird things and doesn't easily conform to any modern implementation.

>> No.5742516

More like they only need to optimize it enough to run SM64 and Mario Kart 64.

>> No.5742537

Saturn and its square polys are even worse. How can you even recreate those graphics with any standard PC video card?

>> No.5742570

The Mark III added an YM2413 FM synthesizer, which markedly helped the, er, bloopiness and sometimes lackluster tuning of the SN76489 used in the SMS.

>> No.5742574

And the SMS had the same basic sound as the Colecovision/SG-1000 I understand?

>> No.5742587

That's right. The SN76489 was just a TMS9919 with a 6 step duty cycle instead of a 5 step one which makes it play sounds at a roughly 15% lower pitch. It sounds nicer than the shrill TMS9919 to be sure, although the main reason for doing it was likely just to cheat patent laws just like how the NES CPU had the decimal mode removed.

>> No.5742598

Not really. It does have a couple useful improvements.

>more colorful sprites means you don't have to stack them ala Mega Man
>fighting games can get away without having to cheat by using background tiles to comprise the fighters
>also each tile has its own flag to set whether it appears in front of or behind sprites which is more convenient than how it works on the NES (and some other systems like the C64) where you instead have a sprite-to-background priority flag
>so on the SMS it's much easier to eg. have a character walk behind a pillar

The SMS was a better machine than you think, but for many many reasons didn't find any market success except in PAL regions.

>> No.5742604

I'm fairly sure NOA's Nazi-tier business practices were why the SMS didn't succeed.

>> No.5742609

I want to like the Master System but the shitty sound ruins it for me. There was no excuse for using a 70s sound chip in a console designed in the mid-80s. The TMS9919/SN76489 is really limited, has few interesting exploits, and no real way to play samples. It also can't really go low enough to make decent bass--even the YM2149F can make some nice bass.

>> No.5742610

>CPU clocked at a higher speed--4Mhz vs 1.79Mhz, except oops it's a Z80 which means instructions that take up to 14 clock cycles
Balanced out by an easier to use and more developed instruction set and Z80 code also takes fewer instructions to accomplish the same task.

>> No.5742625

SID was originally meant to have six voice sound among other features, development was cut short for time reasons and the die has a lot of unused space on it.

>> No.5742628

I own a Franklin Ace (clone of Apple IIe/II+) and wish I had a working drive for it - and that it wasn't in storage in another state. Alas. Those systems had horrible 1-bit sound (bit-banging on a serial port so single-channel PWM sound) on the 8-bit generation, and wonderful 15-voice synth chip on the 16-bit IIgs version. Graphics were on par with NES and SNES as well.

>> No.5742630

No Apple machine ever had hardware graphics acceleration. The Apple II just had a frame buffer that used NTSC bleed to generate colors depending on what alignment the pixels were in. The IIgs was frame buffer as well, similar to the Atari ST. Not even a hax scrolling trick like you could pull off on EGA/VGA.

>> No.5742637

at that point just code a genesis game in C instead. way more capable than nes and you don't have to drop into asm unless you're trying to do something really fancy.

>> No.5742639

Having some C64 experience, I'll add my two cents.

The NES and all subsequent consoles have a huge advantage in how cheap and almost effortless the scrolling is. On the C64 you can scroll two tiles in the H direction and one in the V direction before you need to very slowly refill the buffer with the next row of tiles. You can't double buffer the color RAM either. This could be gotten around with VSP/line crunch which allows the C64 to perform the nearly effortless NES-style scrolling but it doesn't work on all VIC-II revisions (and line crunch has a habit of inadvertently displaying the sprite points on screen). The VIC-II lets you do some crazy stuff due to its hacky architecture.

As for the C64's color palette, it's not the best in the world but it's not like too many other 8-bit systems look any better and nothing else out in 1982 could display full 16-color graphics.

>> No.5742640

Balancing out the small NES sprites is hardware multiplexing while the C64 has to do that in software. This was a feature inherited from the TMS9918.

>> No.5742645

That's true but at the same time the NES succeeded because it offered the best overall balance of features. The Master System had a bit better graphics but awful sound and it wasn't as expandable as the NES.

The C64 and MSX2 can stack up to the NES performance-wise and in some ways they're more flexible, although trying to accomplish the same task on them is also more work. The horrible load times on the C64 in particular are something not everyone can handle.

>> No.5742646

also the 65c816 8 and 16-bit modes can be a headache

the ppu tile restrictions are pretty bad for the time (compared to pc engine and especially mega drive)

>> No.5742647

The Master System is easier to code for than the NES, it's a cleaner architecture, more logically designed, and not as hacky--NES games have to be coded very carefully--paying attention to clock cycles and whatnot or it won't even display anything on screen. Unfortunately Nintendo got a head start of two years and Sega couldn't catch up.

>> No.5742654

NES had some advantages like better sound, hardware sprite flipping, and the dual-bus architecture but the Master System had more colors, the tile background priority thing, and a built-in IRQ counter for split scrolling. The graphics were definitely better, they look almost 16-bit and the NES can't approach them without using an MMC5.

>> No.5742661

Draw two triangles per quad with perspective correct texturing disabled. Will show different artifacts than real hardware, but that's not the end of the world

>> No.5742665

I'd rather program a Master System or a C64 any day over a NES. The former two are a lot more forgiving to the programmer. You can access the video RAM/processor any time you want and there's no big hassles with cycle counting or timing your code exactly right. If you don't write to a PPU register at the correct microsecond, you'll end up with a blank screen or garbage.

The VDP and its memory can still be accessed while rendering the screen, albeit slowly and something might get skipped. The VIC-II just uses the main system RAM so it's even easier. And don't get me started on split screen scrolling which the Master System and C64 can both do out of the box and not with a hax trick that costs you a sprite or else requiring an external cartridge chip.

One problem that may have held back Sega was refusing to license third parties in the early days--they insisted on coding all SG-1000 games themselves and of course it's impossible for one developer to do everything. I'm fairly sure I think Nintendo were the first console manufacturer to explicitly authorize third party development (with Atari they didn't intend to, but the 2600's technical info got leaked).

>> No.5742667


explain all the mega drive homebrew then

>> No.5742674

I can't imagine all those great Capcom and Konami NES tunes and how they would sound if you tried to do them on the Master System.

>> No.5742679


xeno crisis devs said they wouldn't have made the game if sgdk didn't exist

>> No.5742682 [DELETED] 

One of the big limitations of the SID is the volume register being global for all three channels while the NES has independent volume control. That means it's a difficult to have good dynamics in SID music.

>> No.5742689

Nintendo struck a good balance of features on the NES that they somehow lost with the SNES and N64's overly snarled architectures. They did kind of find their way back with the Gamecube and Wii (if only the Gamecube had had GTA, which was pretty much the 6th gen equivalent of FF7). The Gamecube was the smallest selling Nintendo console in history but it still had over twice as many games as the N64. Post-Wii it seems like Nintendo kind of lost it again.

>> No.5742693

C64 can do parallax very nicely as well and I've never seen a NES game that looks anything like Flimbo's Quest.

>> No.5742698

has 2 background layers but otherwise looks like complete shit lmao

>> No.5742705

The Atari 2600 is like the reverse of the NES. On the NES you do all video manipulation during the VBLANK and game logic while the frame is being rendered but on the 2600 you write to the screen during the frame render and the VBLANK is occupied by the game logic.

>> No.5742713

The VCS doesn't even have video RAM. With 128 bytes of WRAM and 4k ROM space you're not going to have very complex game physics. Average number of cycles per frame is around 5320, and you can vary the height of the playfield. The NES has a total of 27,280 cycles per frame.

>> No.5742714

By way of analogy, the original Macintosh, the Genesis, the Neo Geo, the Amiga, the Atari ST, NeXT machines, really early Sun workstations (everything before the Sun 4), earlier Palm PDAs, and many other things, all used the 68000 or its descendants. Yet I don't think anyone would assert that it would be significantly easier to port a program from one to another solely because they use the same CPU.

>> No.5742723
File: 14 KB, 236x324, 0b62eb819de8884c0210cb40d4e09baf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So genuinely curious as to why we don't see more, Past and present, porting of games cross platform.

Marathon on 32x?
Sonic CD natively on Macintosh?
Metal Slug on anything with sufficient power?

>> No.5742743
File: 310 KB, 973x936, Screenshot_20190716-194940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off, nobody gives a shit about accuracy to that extent, you're just being retarded.

Hurrr durrr what about the microwave in the kitchen that gave you instant cancer when your mommy warmed up hotdogs?! I CAN'T GAME WITHOUT HOTDOG CANCER!

>> No.5742758

I don't think either console could do true parallax scrolling, what Flimbo likely done (at least what would've been done for the NES) is draw unique tiles to update the background to give the illusion of parallax scrolling. I can think of four NES games that use this trick, two licensed, one unlicensed, and two homebrew.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypy4GWrC0wY (at 2:13)

With the C64's 64KB of memory vs the NES' meager 4KB, it's much easier to fake.

Ironic that Nintendo's most balanced console was born because they wanted to maximize profits from cheap hardware. I guess you could also say the Game Boy was also a balanced system, and the GBC was a lopsided upgrade.

>> No.5742895

because porting is a ton of work

>> No.5743348
File: 46 KB, 416x640, 1224509820745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And coding from scratch isn't?

>> No.5743550

The 2600 doesn't have any "WRAM". It just has RAM. You can use it for whatever you want. You can do some very impressive stuff if you use it for video. Not sure where you got your 5320 figure but since it's so far off the actual number I guess your ass. Maybe you're just parroting a number you heard but don't understand.

>> No.5743763

I can, and it's not awful - if you're going FM. I reproduced the Mega Man 2 title music on LMMS with SMS FM samples, and it sounds pretty damn good.

>> No.5744252

Both are but often people want to make their own things, and most of the people obsessed with a single game enough to do a port aren't skilled, productive programmers. There are exceptions of course.