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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 196 KB, 1600x900, anthopants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5725281 No.5725281 [Reply] [Original]

Does /vr/ like belt scrollers?

>> No.5725291

That's a Punchyvania

>> No.5725297
File: 30 KB, 271x258, kFdtncr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No /vr/'s mostly credit feeders
But I do, belt scrollers are awesome and very unique compared to everything else during that era

>> No.5725356

Yeah, I'm pretty fond of jab 'n jogs.
Happy to see they are making a small comeback. Even if I'm not expecting much out of SOR4 and River City Girls

>> No.5725725

There's always Fight N Rage.
Hopefully the guy makes other games that'll have more original art instead of having donut steel furry knockoffs of classic beat em up/fighting game characters

>> No.5725732
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, super dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this one never talked about

>> No.5725932

My favorite beat em ups (off the top of my head so I might be missing some).

Batman Returns (very standard beat em up but throwing is satisfying as fuck)
The Ninja Warriors Again (has to be the Jap. version for the additional enemy type)

Mighty Final Fight (Guy has a secret "rebound" kick move that not many people know about)
River City Ransom (nostalgic as hell for me)

Streets of Rage 1 (love the music and the 90s atmosphere)
Streets of Rage 2 (Max's throws and pipe smashes are satisfying as fuck)

Alien vs Predator (an almost perfect game)
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (fantastic game that is fun, fast, and has awesome guns)
Crime Fighters 2 (play the Jap. version)
Guardians (fun as hell but wish there were voices)
The King of Dragons (very simple but fun as hell)
The Simpsons (personal nostalgia)
Tower of Doom (only learned to appreciate it after a long time)
Knights of the Round
The Punisher
Final Fight
Metamorphic Force
Violent Storm
Warriors of Fate

And in case anyone is wondering, I've one-coined all but 2 of the games.

>> No.5725935

Only the Streets of Rage series, the NES version of Kung-Fu, and NES Double Dragon 2.

>> No.5725943

>And in case anyone is wondering, I've one-coined all but 2 of the games.
Damn. You can do whatever you like with my boipusy whenever you like.

>> No.5725957

Based, on defaults? Metamorphic Force is like a different game on hardest

>> No.5725973

Metamorphic Force, Japanese version, default, panther dude for the ground-hitting drop kicks. No plans to play the US version because I don't like being raped. I generally never touch the settings on arcade games because I'm still borderline casual and want to retain some sense of relaxation when playing games rather than push myself too hard.

>> No.5725983

The US version's a real pain in the ass, but the japanese on hardest is really fun and reasonably balanced, definitely easier than Final Fight. In a lot of games hardest is just slightly harder than normal, but Metamorphic Force doubles or even triples the enemy count in levels and becomes so intense and fun, highly recommend it if you've already 1cc'ed normal

>> No.5725991

>but Metamorphic Force doubles or even triples the enemy count in levels

Whoa, that sounds good actually. I'll give it a try.

btw, know about enabling "Ura mode" on Warriors of Fate CPS2 version? It removes the 3 hit knockdown counter and has a shitload of extra moves. It's basically the hidden mode from the PSX and Saturn ports. But you can play it on MAME.

>> No.5725993

>CPS2 version

Clumsy me, I meant CPS1 version.

>> No.5725997

Nope I haven't put much time into Warriors of Fate yet but I'll keep that in mind when I get to it. The length put me off, spending upwards an hour per run is quite a commitment, but the game seems good otherwise

>> No.5726027

Because most e celebs hate it. Beat it recently and besides from a couple of warts, it has a pretty cool combat system and decent to good sprite animation on the main characters. Solid game I’d you like double dragon for sure

>> No.5726031
File: 33 KB, 301x300, 51KC7Q2AM6L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Dragon dropped off the map after the first few games. Pic related is a god-tier remake that surpasses the first game but you won't hear anyone talk about it much less play it

>> No.5726034

The defensive options save it from mediocrity, but it's no DD2 NES.

>> No.5726037
File: 52 KB, 480x480, sshodown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're okay, but why not just play fighting games instead, even against the CPU they're more dynamic and interesting.

>> No.5726039

NES DD2 has bad combat mechanics

>> No.5726042

Keeping track and btfo'ing groups of aggressive independently acting enemies is more fun than beating fighting game cpu

>> No.5726046

Because it's clunky and feel incomplete - and turns out it was incomplete.

>> No.5726052

herding trash mobs gets boring pretty fast

>> No.5726056

1cc a better beat em up, what can I say

>> No.5726057

It has the best mechanics of any 2D beat 'em up in existence.

>> No.5726061

>spam knee/uppercut : the game
No way

>> No.5726062

>thrown enemies just pass through other enemies

>> No.5726068

Also really, the defensive options of all things? Not the 30 something offensive moves some of which can be chained together into combos?

>> No.5726082
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>belt scrollers

>> No.5726282
File: 1.33 MB, 1000x729, sgsgsgsgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what my favourites would be but I'm having a good time with DENJIN MAKAI 2.
I don't see many posts or people talking about this hidden gem.

>> No.5726294

That's because it's better known as Guardians

>> No.5726305

please don't post cringe
they're called beat em ups

>> No.5726308
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>> No.5726310
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, Banner-CapcomBeatEmUps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake news

>> No.5726314

Localisation mistake

>> No.5726317

right, don't post that mistake again

>> No.5726320

I never did, I call them belt scrollers or belt action like they're called in their country of origin instead of using an american term

>> No.5726335
File: 78 KB, 800x540, rsz_10-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>" I call them belt scrollers or belt action like they're called in their country of origin instead of using an american term"

>> No.5726338

Damn you ran out of arguments quick lol

>> No.5726349
File: 142 KB, 1200x900, country of origin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm it's not "Japan" it's Nippon, I prefer to use the correct name from the country of origin, not the american term.

>> No.5726364

Would be applicable if I advocated saying ベルトアクション but it's translated into english. Dilate & try again

>> No.5726383

I second this one. Not only is it much faster and more fluid than the original, but incorporates elements from the original DD, DD2, and Super. Truly an example of a remake done right.

>> No.5726405

Still cringe no matter how many buzzwords u use.
You're not in Japan. We say bmups here.

>> No.5726408

No you don't burger, "belt scroller" is the official /vr/ term and has been for years. Deal with it

>> No.5726415

Yeah importantly it fixes the game mechanics so it's no longer just elbow spam, removes slowdown entirely and fills the levels up with a ton of enemies many of which are new. It's just a huge improvement in pretty much every sense.

>> No.5726419

False. And people who actually play these games don't use that term.

>> No.5726421

Which 1cc's did you get recently?

>> No.5726454

Did you not like Captain Commando or something?

>> No.5726459

No interesting levels and setpieces to go through. You're right about the shitty AI though, which is why my favorite bmup is God Hand- it's more fun than both vs. fighters and retro bmups.

>> No.5726468

>watching streamers
You disgust me.

>> No.5726470

That's a vod

>> No.5726474

Yeah, watching people better than you so you can learn from them is for fucking faggots. I rather like staying a shitplayer.

>> No.5726479

People here are fucking lame lmfao. Stay posting on 4chan and don't bring your cancer into a real gaming community

>> No.5726481

Back to discord faggot

>> No.5726523

you haven't died from stomach cancer yet?

>> No.5726843

I like Captain Commando. I just forgot to mention it. I'm missing other good games in my list for sure, just can't think of them at the moment.

>> No.5726851
File: 132 KB, 782x758, 1562706550120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People here are fucking lame lmfao. Stay posting on 4chan and don't bring your cancer into a real gaming community

>> No.5727256


>> No.5727263

It's a remake you dumb nigger

>> No.5727269

Which is harder on Mania to 1cc: SoR2 or SoR3?

>> No.5728737

why does it matter? they're both hard enough
just avoid the censored Hamburger version of SoR3, it's needlessly hard (bosses are hp sponges) and thus more tedious.

>> No.5728740

No, but I do like Beat 'Em Ups.

>> No.5728789
File: 240 KB, 1101x505, debate ended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the debate is settled. Beat Em Ups it is.

>> No.5728892

>muh pasky
Get your own brain retard

>> No.5728906
File: 41 KB, 630x394, 1473693098196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasky is an authority on the genre. And come to think of it I never hear superplayers call them anything but beat em ups.

stay salty

>> No.5728916

>when you suck so much and have so little knowledge of the genre yourself that you can only refer to the opinion of others

Cringe lags, cringe

>> No.5728968

our personal skill levels don't matter in this argument, when superplayers call them beat em ups that's the name that sticks. Deal with it.

>> No.5728972

Superplayers also call shmups "STG's" out of a desire for a more "serious" name because they want their obsession to be validated, it's soi & cringe just like u lags

>> No.5728973

That's fine.
But you lost this one kid, back to your hipster cuckshed and re-think how you'll force the "belt scroller" meme again.

>> No.5728976
File: 194 KB, 1571x1089, 1561318220668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already the dominant term newfag
Stick to dark souls trash, where you belong

>> No.5728980
File: 7 KB, 315x297, vr11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Souls. Now THERE'S a belt scroller.

>> No.5728983

belt scroller sounds faggy

>> No.5728986

Is belt scroller the biggest autism filter? Never seen a non-sperg get upset at it

>> No.5729193

he says it right there in the comments that belt scroller is the japanese term and since japs made the only good belt scrollers you should use their term not the retarded westshit label

>> No.5729210
File: 131 KB, 1200x679, 1546970602687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 5 dash n' bash games:
Streets of Rage 2
Turtles in Time
Alien vs. Predator (Capcom arcade game)
Ninja Warriors Again
Streets of Rage 3 (US version)

>> No.5729221

Turtles In Time is pure cancer

>> No.5729229

I should have put (SNES version) next to it. It has better gameplay.

>> No.5729238

I mean sure it fixes alot of the flaws like attacks that have no impact, random combos/throws/dumb ass timer bombs but doesn't preserve any of the good parts like huge enemy count, intensity and challenge, and still has spammy gameplay just a different kind of it. Play Violent Storm and Metamorphic Force.

>> No.5729248
File: 83 KB, 321x321, 1526755421053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean

>> No.5729257

Seething nintentoddler

>> No.5729263

>muh nintendo

stop sucking jap dick ffs

>> No.5729365


>> No.5729558
File: 200 KB, 1280x960, mike-haggar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't call them badass simulators

>> No.5729560

Some """people""" play female characters in belt bumpers believe it or not

>> No.5729646
File: 194 KB, 640x373, 1556928679018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schaefer is not a bad character.

1) Enemies do NOT have grab immunity during attacks. Common misconception about this game.

2) You need to grab enemies with your "hands" not the center of your sprite, meaning your grab "hit box" is at the front of your character not his center. If you want to know exactly what I mean by "hands" go load up the game and grab an enemy and see where Dutch's hands are. THAT is basically where your grab "hit box" is located.

3) Aliens have smaller grab "hurt boxes" when they're standing upright, so make sure your "hands" touch the middle of their body.

4) Walking straight up/down is faster than walking diagonally up/down, so grabbing enemies (with your "hands" not your center) by moving straight up/down is much more reliable.

5) Power bomb chaining is awesome.

6) Easy enemies to grab: warriors, crushers (when they're not charging), arachnids (during early levels), royal guards, stalkers (occasionally hard), defenders (while blocking -- e.g. do a jump kick then grab)

7) Hard enemies to grab: arachnids (during last 2 levels), humans with plasma or knife, defenders (when not blocking)

8) Enemies are vulnerable to wakeup grabs: a reliable method is to stand on top of an enemy and wiggle left/right when they get up.

9) When an alien is moving around fast in "attack mode", don't try to grab it.

10) Regular combo is REALLY good. Use it a lot, especially on crushers.

11) Arm gun is underrated. Use it to for crowd control (e.g. get enemies off you on both sides) and also as close/mid damage. Also good after down tackle to cancel the delay after the attack.

12) Try not to leave weapons on the ground for marines because if no weapons are lying around then they will often retreat.

13) Queen is VERY no-deathable with practice. e.g. use arm gun (with B+C) from long distance, rising uppercut invincibility when she's charging, rising uppercut away from queen and unload the gun, exploit enemy spawn (leave 1 chrysalis alive), etc

>> No.5729738

Based Schaefer poster, any tips for dealing with Razor Claws consistently?

>> No.5729745

Schaefer is fun to play as but his sprites both in gameplay and cutscens always look more amateur than anyone else in the game.

>> No.5729764

As soon as you get control of your character, walk slightly right then turn around and do a normal charge (just plain C button) as soon as the boss lands on the floor. Keep doing the charge to stun lock the boss all the way to the left wall and continue doing it. When regular enemies start to spawn, finish off the tackle with more damaging attacks (e.g. rising uppercut followed by bullets, regular combo, whatever). This should've done a huge chunk of damage to the boss.

Quickly move up to the crates and get the pulse rifle. Use B+C to get normal enemies off you and also use it if the boss leaps at you. There is no need to be stingy with B+C, use it until you get the positioning you want. Get close to the fallen boss, and right when he gets up, unload with the pulse rifle. That should pretty much finish off the boss. If not, end him with a couple combos or B+C's. To hit the boss without getting hit, you want to stay slightly above/below him and make him walk into your combo when he walks down/up toward you. It's all about positioning.

>> No.5729765

>Get close to the fallen boss

Didn't mean that. No need to get close. Just get in position and range so that you have a good shot at him with your pulse rifle.

>> No.5729790

>pulse rifle

I mean plasma rifle.

>> No.5729818

Nice I'll try the stunlock, for me the fight's just nervous superjoy usage and hoping get him in a combo on wake up. Works out about 70% of the time but that 30% of restarts add up

>> No.5729837

Pure patrician taste. I never 1CC'd any of these games but i played every single one except Guardians and Metamorphic Force and had a blast.

>> No.5729880

Because you have to play against spics and nigs

>> No.5729973

Looks like shit and sounds even worse; not good for a genre that relies more heavily on presentation than any other.

>> No.5729975
File: 211 KB, 650x392, 1549568508236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on this game? I never gave it a proper chance before but I'm playing it right now and it's actually really good.

>> No.5729978

Equal bad news

>> No.5729990


>> No.5730509

Not a traditional beat em up but its still fun. I need to try it again.

>> No.5730543

Plays so well that you'll forget it in a couple or a few hours

>> No.5730753

Almost had a 1cc in SoR3, but Robot Y decided to be a fag.

>> No.5730802

>even against the CPU they're more dynamic and interesting.
There are like 3 fighters ever made that lets you do 1 v many, whereas in beatemups, that's the staple.

>> No.5730839

No one asked for this autism.

>> No.5730851

Kill yourself retard

>> No.5730862

Really hope its just copypasta

>> No.5730873

These kind of games are unironically better than 1 vs 1 fighting games.

>> No.5730876

Nothing to copypaste since there's no good breakdowns of Schaefer online, not that credit feeders like you would know

>> No.5730901

but muh human element

>> No.5731052

Speaking as somone who lived right through the 1980's, they were never called anything but Beat 'em Ups in the English speaking world

If you disagree with this i'll twat you

>> No.5731158

Because /vr/ is fucking awful at games and thinks fighting games are button mashers against the AI

>> No.5731172

If you liked River City Ransom, be sure to check Kunio Kun jidaigeki (with translation probably) - It's RCR set in Japan, with map system, upgrades, secret shops, growth/level-up system. Basically upgraded RCR!

>> No.5731243

Go back to SRK, Tyrone

>> No.5731246

Look at this very thread you fucking idiot, people on this board don't know anything about fighting games. It's embarrassing seeing them talk about the genre

>> No.5731341

Why are you chimping out? You don't want to be here, we don't want you here, so accept my helpful advice. I'll be praying for you.

>> No.5731342

>Chimping out
/vr/ with the highly intelligent discussion I see

>> No.5731583

/vr/s shit at belt scrollers too though and cant 1cc shit

>> No.5731738

>level-up system
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.5731986

Okay, I played this game some more and overall I don't like it.

This game literally has missed inputs. Not just the attack, but the jump. Not once, but several times while playing.

This game has a lot of good ideas and usage of items and backgrounds, but the missed inputs are a deal breaker for me. Also the game isn't very good for improvising. You need to do things right, all the time.

Lastly, there are some differences between the boy and girl character. The girl has a faster but smaller fireball and a less floaty "uppercut" move. But you literally can't use her unless 2 people are playing simultaneously. You can't just press the 2p start button to play as her. Doesn't work that way.

>> No.5732037

They were always called "jab 'n jogs" here in Canada.

>> No.5732127
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>mfw an american calls pound pinchin' promenade pummelers "beat em ups" near me

>> No.5732148

Official shitty ベルトスクロールアクションゲームs list

>Double Dragon
All of them. Except the ones where thrown enemies actually knock down other enemies. Those aren't shitty, just mediocre.

>Golden Axe
All of them. Except the ones where thrown enemies actually knock down other enemies. Those aren't shitty, just mediocre.

>D.D. Crew
Being able to only hit one enemy at a time is almost as stupid as thrown enemies passing through other enemies.

>Streets of Rage 3
Feels like you're slapping enemies.

>> No.5732157

Not the guy but Dark Souls is a fine game. Wtf.

>> No.5732160

It's a great game, but you're pushing the definition of "beat em up" pretty far if you want to talk about it ITT

>> No.5732285

It's pretty shite honestly. Ys Origin/Oath will always be the superior action-RPG's.

>> No.5732287

It's not even a beat em up or retro. If Souls is a beat em up then anything with melee combat is

>> No.5732295

Who cares

>> No.5732296
File: 1.14 MB, 830x644, 1474561597513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we feel about Yakuza?

>> No.5732297

I've only played 0 and it was awesome, but not retro

>> No.5732298

Tryhard aspies who think you can't have opinions on games if you don't have WR scores in shmups, no-miss clears in bmups, and WR times in racing games.

>> No.5732350

Played a bit of 0 and hated it, couldn't get into the story because of all the constant diversions that have a completely clashing tone and GTA style busywork gameplay. And the combat seemed incredibly easy, guess it probably gets better eventually.

>> No.5732362

Not enough of an arcade game for me to really get into. Don't like slogging through the story and street fights, and don't like that there's no competing against personal scores integrated. The climax battles keep records, but they're just fighting in one area. The most fun I had in 0 was the first boss area where you climb up the tower. If the game had a mode where you could play full "stages" like that and compete for score, it would be excellent.

Also not to keen on Motor Raid's first port being locked inside Judgement, although I might buy it anyway just for that and the HotD minigame.

>> No.5732379

What about belt scrollers without throws

>> No.5732472

>Batman Returns

>Alien vs Predator
And AvPilled.

>> No.5732485

I played the game on Hard for my first time through it and I had a little trouble with the first boss. After that, the already-easy and mashy combat only got easier and mashier as I unlocked more fighting styles and abilities. It's a decent game when you want to shut off your brain and unwind after a long day or something, but it's never super engaging or difficult or deep.

>> No.5732496 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 512x384, Target-Renegade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shame about SNES belt scrollers is how there's never more than 3 enemies on-screen in almost every game. Even still, my favorites:
>Batman Returns

Double Dragon

ZX Spectrum:
Target: Renegade (all other ports suck)

>Alien vs Predator (better than the overrated Final Fight, even if it's almost a clone)
>Captain Commando

Mega Drive:
>Streets of Rage
>Streets of Rage 2

>> No.5732503
File: 5 KB, 512x384, Target-Renegade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shame about SNES belt scrollers is how there's never more than 3 enemies on-screen in almost every game. Even still, my favorites:
>Batman Returns

>Double Dragon

ZX Spectrum:
>Target: Renegade (all other ports suck)

>Alien vs Predator (better than the overrated Final Fight, even if it's almost a clone)
>Captain Commando

Mega Drive:
>Streets of Rage
>Streets of Rage 2

>> No.5732510

Thanks for the tips. The Queen always fucks me up, it's such a shitty boss.

>> No.5732567
File: 222 KB, 556x800, goemon2fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other good adventure belt scrollers besides Goemon 2 and Kunio-kun?

>> No.5732587

Beating the crap out of a horde of enemies is more satisfying than twirling a joystick in the right spot to pull off a single move

>> No.5732736

>Alien vs Predator (better than the overrated Final Fight, even if it's almost a clone)

This is why credit feeder opinions are a joke

>> No.5732849
File: 27 KB, 474x266, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>belt scroller

" I call them belt scrollers or belt action like they're called in their country of origin instead of using an american term"

>> No.5732857
File: 25 KB, 540x720, oh my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it^
Guys who call bmups "belt scrollers" think doing a DP is too complicated and unfun while mashing A against retarded AI mooks is much more "satisfying"

>> No.5732872

On the other team you have lags, a shitter who got obliterated by Knights of the Round

>> No.5732916
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, paranoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making up nonsense
>haunted by names and genres

>> No.5732925

>making up nonsense
Same use of ^, same sperging over belt scrollers, same butthurt over getting crushed by retarded AI mooks

>> No.5732948

>lol obliterated in knights of the round
what are you talking about?

>Same use of ^, same sperging over belt scrollers, same
Good job Sherlock. Obviously I haunt your brain and live rent free in it after all this time. Cool.

>same butthurt over getting crushed by retarded AI mooks
What butthurt? all bmups have dumb AI mooks it's just part of the genre. I still like beat em ups but you're saying fighting games are worse because you have to do joystick motions is retarded cope.

>> No.5732951

What are some bmups with good AI and fighting game style complex inputs?

>> No.5732957

good AI? none.
fighting game style would be Sengoku 3 for neogeo, IGS bmups like Knights of Valor 2, Oriental Legends 2, Shen Jian.
Denjin Makai 2 also has some fighting game style maneuvers.

>> No.5732995

That wasnt me you mong, the guys a retard especially cause belt scrollers have fg inputs too. You tried kotor and got btfo even by the second boss last I recall. Also stop shitposting in bmups threads faget

>> No.5733010

at least you're speaking english properly now.

>btfo by second boss
how so? I'm supposed to clear a bmup on my first credit? I just said he was tricky and so was the samurai boss at the time.

>> No.5733027

lmao even the guy in OPs pic says beat em ups, not belt scroller.

>> No.5733036

Belt scrollers bmups, same shit only mental midgets get bothered by this. And lmao I love how it went from "making shit up" to me being completely correct in what I said. So which boss cock blocked you out of a 1cc?

>> No.5733045

>Belt scrollers bmups, same shit only mental midgets get bothered by this.
You're the one who is bothered by it since you prefer the original jap literalism, which no one uses here, and think it's the "dominant term" >>5728976
cringe as fuck.

> I love how it went from "making shit up" to me being completely correct in what I said.
It's pretty stupid and deceptive to say a game obliterated someone who was just trying it for the first time and because they said some bosses are tricky...that's a misrepresentation. You're delusional.

>> No.5733062

I don't care if you call them bmups, beat em ups, belt scrollers you're the one sperging out over how someone calls them you idiot lol. Also dominant term on /vr/ specifically because it bothers autists like you. You were doing a bunch of runs not some lone credit, I even gave you advice at the time don't lie fag

>> No.5733074

>Also dominant term on /vr/
that's not it either

>doing a bunch of runs
>gave you advice
That was literally my first or second day playing. And you forgot the part where I said I beat him and he wasn't too because of the 2up trick?

>> No.5733079

>he wasn't too
wasn't too tough*

>> No.5733081

Listen lags I don't give a shit, did you 1cc the game or not
>that's not it either
lol sure, have fun unleashing your tism in every belt scroller thread

>> No.5733083

Cee, is this a relative of yours? His speech is a little clearer than the usual pip pip bangers and mash vomit, but some of the same patterns remain.

>> No.5733089

I think its Cee Jr.

>> No.5733092

Biologically impossible.

>> No.5733093

> did you 1cc the game or not
Why does that matter?
I don't 1cc every game I try immediately, sometimes I just mess around to see what they're like. Saying "OH IT CRUSHED YOU" is just you trying to divert attention from your weeabo autism and you think doing DPs in fighting games is too inconvenient and unsatisfying lmao

>> No.5733101

Ah I see, to make it more on-topic, which bmups did you 1cc recently?
>you think doing DPs in fighting games is too inconvenient and unsatisfying lmao
Wut, no I don't

>> No.5733118
File: 14 KB, 257x200, cheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's make it more on topic, what WRs have you gotten recently in bmups or even shmups?

>> No.5733126

>this dodge
Ahhh, well it wasn't unexpected
Got a bretty gud fight n rage score recently, though not wr and not /vr/

>> No.5733197

I like her with the preds, one of the better Capcom final bosses imo. It's just a fight about using resources correctly and being fast with damage. No dumb loops, grabs are well telegraphed, no blocking or any of that annoying shit.

>> No.5733328

Stop this, stop this right now.

>> No.5733354


>> No.5734589

what's wrong with blobber

>> No.5734642

If I can't beat the game on a dollar I would reset.
Used to do that as a kid in front of something like metal slug in real life. If I had two and a half bucks I'd reset every time I was a dollar down.
Emulator baby's have no idea how easy it is to get good at these games now with save states. Back in the day if you were shit at a level you had to replay the whole game.

>> No.5735150

Exactly there's all these tools that make getting good convenient and completely devoid of tedium, there's no excuse to not be able to at the very least 1cc your favorites desu.

>> No.5735168
File: 201 KB, 1200x675, 1562277208050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean easy. 1cc has lost all hype now that savestates and replays and autofire exist.
I cleared Warriors of Fate in 3 days, 7 hours.
I cleared Giga Wing in 6 days, 12hours.
Back at the arcades these games would take me weeks to clear and would feel like an accomplishment.
Now that these tools exist its silly NOT to use them but they also ruin the difficulty and sense of achievement.
Truly single player games are meant for casuals and autistic speedrunners/score milkers. The only place for achievement, skill and thinking is in multiplayer competition, live or online, period.

>> No.5735179

Shmups and beat em ups can be cleared by anyone, you don't need reflexes for them, just memorization.

>> No.5735183

What's funny is that this is true. Many rpg players dabbled in shmups, crushed them, got bored and went back to rpgs. Rpgs and shmups are mostly about memorizing routes and patterns.

>> No.5735191

Autofire has existed since the beginning, larper kun

>> No.5735195

>3rd party autofire
>arcade owners modifying cabs

>> No.5735198

this guy is suffering (physically and mentally) he's sick, I can tell he plays dead games and milks points in some of them, which is equivalent to speedrunning, his spirit is dead.

>> No.5735206

If you can't make it in fighting games and online games you settle for single player memorizers or speedrunning rpgs. Gives scrubs a sense of being pro-gamers.

>> No.5735212

Yup it's a standard. And you could get something quite close to save states with level select modes in home ports (why do you think being arcade perfect was such a selling point? They were used for practice), japs also shared tips and strategies locally, entire games were built on community collaboration. These tools are extensions of what was available and used at the time. It's also kind of stupid to get upset about this isn't it? If you don't like save states then simply don't use save states, if you don't like autofire you're welcome to mash until the CTS sets in, and if you don't like replays then don't copy them. I change things up depending on game and mood myself, games like Warriors of Fate and Giga Wing are definitely ones that you can 1cc without ever touching save states and have a good time, something like Dragon Blaze on the other hand is better played with save states IMO because of how memo heavy and quick it is.

>> No.5735219

It's all the same shit desu, if you play any game a lot and you'll get good at it

>> No.5735232

playing alone is a good way to protect fragile egos.

>> No.5735236
File: 452 KB, 1449x1398, 1563060903708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of doing that?

>> No.5735245

Big fish in small pond syndrome.

>> No.5735252

Why does the mention of 1cc's trigger scrubs? It's like beating games on normal mode

>> No.5735258

>1cc has lost all hype now that savestates and replays and autofire exist.
Literally just don't use them? I don't use them and I enjoy beat em ups. Not shmups though, that's cuck shit.

>> No.5735265

You're assuming he wants to have fun with the games, instead of just looking for excuses to bitch and moan even when the "problem" can be easily solved with some basic self control that tons of people already display.

>> No.5735307

>just play with one hand
Nah, the context and playing field have changed, handicapping yourself feels like a stupid waste of time now.
If everyone was forced to play with one hand then it would be interesting again, but that time is gone.
It's a catch 22.

>> No.5735315

Sucks for you if you play more for your ego than fun

>> No.5735330

I play for fun. That's why I play hard online games not dead single player modes.

>> No.5735341

>I play for fun


>> No.5735375
File: 41 KB, 426x621, FOR FUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do this purely for fun! So it's worthwhile!

>> No.5735409

>thinks that dumping time into vidya is "worthwhile" in any real sense because he does it for challenge

Oof. Want a real challenge? Try getting a date with your genetics.

>> No.5735420

Dude, low blow.

>> No.5735424

Someone's gotta be the bearer of bad news.

>> No.5735441

Fun that is challenging is more worthwhile than fun that comes effortlessly and mindlessly.

>try getting a date
Nice projection, hows your wife?

>> No.5735460

>Fun that is challenging is more worthwhile than fun that comes effortlessly and mindlessly.

This is cope, neither does anything to improve you as a person

>> No.5735480

One cultivates a working and calculating mind the other a passive and dull mind. One gets used to overcoming problems and exerting effort the other is complacent.

It's better to play chess for an hour than watch an hour of sitcoms on tv

>> No.5735507

If video games were your only avenue for learning to overcome problems and exerting effort then you might have a point, but that's not the case. Any healthy person will have actual hobbies that not only challenge them far more than games but actually give long term fulfillment and have social and/or health benefits in addition to that.

Challenge in games can be dangerous, since it gives a quick unearned release of dopamine and short term satisfaction without requiring any real effort or self improvement. You can look at the lack of real accomplishments among "hardcore gamers" as evidence of this.

>> No.5735509

I like the idea, but I can't say that there are any specific games that I really care much about.

>> No.5735519

>an achievement in chess, starcraft or poker is unearened because its mostly mental and virtual
>an achievement in juggling testicles or riding a bicycle is earned because its PHYSICAL

You need to train your brain more, your logic circuits are fried probably due to drug abuse or a pre-existing health problem.

>> No.5735548

>video games aren't actual hobbies
Why not?

>You can look at the lack of real accomplishments among "hardcore gamers" as evidence of this.
A hardcore gamer with achievements is someone like Tokido or Serral, they definitely earned their results. Not someone who memorizes speedrunning routes or boss milking sequences in dead games no one plays. That's garbage. I know the difference. Do you?

>> No.5735557

>something like Dragon Blaze on the other hand is better played with save states IMO because of how memo heavy and quick it is.
trash game from trash company
unsurprising you think so highly of it

>> No.5735568

Players like Tokido and Serral have achievements because of the esports gravy train, without it they would have nothing to show for their time, like the vast majority of "hardcore gamers" who won't reach pro levels. It's ultimately a self destructive gamble

>> No.5735572

One day you'll be in the ground with all us lesser folk with bad, fake hobbies. Keep on chasing those "real accomplishments", though.

>> No.5735626

Even if you don't get fame or money it's still an accomplishment to make it to the highest leagues in those games and get the chance to compete with the best. Competitive interaction is much more exciting and fun in the FGC than playing dead single player modes in your basement or casual gatcha shit, with literally nothing to show for it.
If you're going to play games for a couple hours a day it might as well be something competitive within a lively community.

>> No.5735636

There will always be people that think all video games are a waste of time
Then there will be people that think you should have very little time for hobbies and should work as much as you can
Then there will be people that think certain jobs are worthless

Why fuss about something like this? No one's "standard" will ever be correct.

>> No.5735658

>people disagree about X, so I guess we'll never know
That's not how truth works.

>the spectrum is so blurry at the edges, therefore it's all relative
This is retarded, like people who say White and Black aren't real races because Mulatto people exist.

Some jobs are better than others, some ways of playing games are better than others. Some ways of living are better than others.

>> No.5735672

You are not going to get to the highest levels playing <2 hours a day unless the game is niche to begin with, so even if that was an accomplishment (it's not) it would be a very poor reason to pursue hardcore gaming. And by FGC interaction do you mean faceless online play or local communities? Because if it's the former, then absolutely not.

>> No.5735678

Then what is your answer if someone deems you a childish idiot for playing video games at all, even in your superior way?

>> No.5735704

>You are not going to get to the highest levels playing <2 hours a day
2 hours a day for a few years adds up. More time on weekends since most people have those free. Also transferable skills from past experience.

> so even if that was an accomplishment (it's not) it would be a very poor reason to pursue hardcore
How is it not an accomplishment? Because you don't get paid? Give me a break. Doing well in local tournaments or getting to the top 5% or 1% in online rankings is a big accomplishment in lively FPS, fighting, or RTS games. Much more than getting top 1% in a dead single player game where all competition has dried up and the real challenge is digging up what the highest score actually is.

>And by FGC interaction do you mean faceless online play or local communities? Because if it's the former, then absolutely not.
Being faceless isn't a big deal when you get responses to questions and comments immediately and can have conversations with your opponents and talk strats with hundreds of people instantly. This is the internet age, so that argument is boomer shit.
And yes local communities exist, local arcades or internet cafes or tournaments. People actually play these games, it's not hard to find fans and even pros in real life.
Meanwhile pros in single player games are 1 per country, they break a WR and post it on youtube and it gets 99 views after 3 years of being uploaded.
Now that is a dead, faceless community.

>> No.5735707

>What if someone says 1+1 =3 or eating dogshit is healthy?
>what if someone is ignorant or lies
I educate them as much as possible. If they are reasonable they will change.

>> No.5735723

Name one top player in any game with fierce competition like CSGO, SC2, LoL or even SFV/Tekken 7 that can afford playing only 2 hours a day and still stay at a competitive level. Being 1% is not an accomplishment simply because it isn't unless you can make money off it or turn it into something productive with other means like streaming. It simply means that you took a game more seriously than 99% of people who played it. You still haven't improved yourself either physically or mentally and you have not contributed anything to society or anyone close to you, and almost certainly wasted a lot of time that could be spent on more meaningful pursuits.

>> No.5735743

> Being 1% is not an accomplishment simply because it isn't
Accomplishment doesn't have to be monetary. It just has to be meaningful, difficult and have a community to appreciate it and objectify it via competition, or some sort of standard.

>make that money?
There are streamers and youtubers who are good at games, very skilled, but not actually pro level tournament champions. You can think of some I'm sure.

>You still haven't improved yourself either physically or mentally and you have not contributed anything to society or anyone close to you, and almost certainly wasted a lot of time that could be spent on more meaningful pursuits.
You have it BACKWARDS. People who improve themselves physically and mentally will most likely apply excellence to whatever hobby they pursue, whether it's chess or street fighter or bowling. They don't do those hobbies proficiently in-order-to get excellent as people, they do those hobbies well because they are excellent people and have high expectations and standards for themselves.
And part of that standard is playing well, being competitive, and choosing games that aren't totally dead or casual and easy.

>> No.5735773

>People who improve themselves physically and mentally will most likely apply excellence to whatever hobby they pursue
We are talking about gaming where not only is this a completely baseless statement not backed up by any evidence and counter inutitive but also misses the point completely. Excellence in anything, even gaming, requires a lot of time and commitment and since time is limited people are faced with the choice of which hobbies and activities to pursue. People who seek actual self improvement physical and mental will turn to more productive or creative hobbies, while others will fall for "self improvement" and "achievement" in a virtual space. The drive for improvement is there but it's being sapped by video games. For most players this isn't even a real choice as they have been sucked into the skinner box of video games since early childhood.

>> No.5735786

You don't seem to have a very high opinion of video games. Any reason why you're spending time on a video game imageboard?

>> No.5735796

I don't dislike games, I just have no illusions about their nature or competitive gaming as a serious pursuit. I'm sure you have friends who bought into the competitive gaming meme hoping to go pro only to regret it later in life

>> No.5735820

> I just have no illusions about their nature or competitive gaming as a serious pursuit
We're talking about competitive gaming not as a career but as a hobby. You have illusions about this hobby for some reason.

>People who seek actual self improvement physical and mental will turn to more productive or creative hobbies, while others will fall for "self improvement" and "achievement" in a virtual space.

> For most players this isn't even a real choice as they have been sucked into the skinner box of video games since early childhood.
Competitive video gaming isn't for people who desperately need self-improvement. It's for people who are already well adjusted, understand what matters in life and are pursing those things already. But they also have some extra free time for hobbies. Instead of doing a passive hobby that is easy and low-effort they get more satisfaction out of doing competitive hobbies, whether it's physical/mental/virtual it doesn't matter, they will apply the winners-mindset to it and do well.

>skinner box
skinner box are for studying and modifying behavior not for judging behavior normatively. That's pseudoscience, you can call anything that has a stimulus + reward system a skinner box but you aren't saying anything meaningful.

>> No.5735975

Sounds like "competitive" to you means just playing multiplayer games normally at mediocre levels against similar players, taking improvements as they come, having nothing at stake and not having a greater goal of competing with the best. That's just a normal low effort pass time. And the skinner box comment is meant to convey the addictive nature of games, they are skinner boxes not just because they have stimulus and inconsistent rewards, but because they were built to use those to encourage compulsive play.