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5725467 No.5725467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do EOPs get so defensive when told to learn Japanese? They always make bad excuses for not knowing Japanese and act offended at the idea of learning something. It's like they expect the world to spoonfeed them. Is it an American thing?

>> No.5725497

What's an EOP is it some stupid American term we're supposed to know?
>Playing Japanese games voluntarily.

>> No.5725502

>Is it an American thing?
Speaking as an American, I think it probably is to some extent. Americans tend to think of learning a foreign language as this impossible superhuman feat instead of just being a normal thing that lots of people do. I partly blame the environment, because America/Canada is so fucking huge that most people don't ever bother traveling outside of those two countries, and as such there's very little exposure to foreign cultures and languages. But mainly I think the educational system is at fault. There's so little effort put into making foreign language classes available, and the ones that we do have are so shitty and low-effort, that it puts people off from the concept entirely.

>> No.5725506

Lingua franca of the world homo

>> No.5725513

Lol, don't make threads like this. That one EOP tranny will come and cry about all Japanese games being bad again.

>> No.5725520

Yeah, exactly. This attitude is super common in America. I don't even blame you, because I know firsthand how garbage the educational system is and totally understand why people end up like you.

>> No.5725540

Americans don’t think it’s too hard to learn other languages, they just see it as a huge waste of time. It’s the most fast paced and important country in the world by far. Everyone wants to learn English, and go to school in America, not the other way around.

>> No.5725553

Right, Americans think it's so hard that it'll take a huge amount of time, and they're so uneducated about other cultures that they think it's pointless. You're just proving my point.

>> No.5725556

>tfw foreigner getting recruited to American companies to steal American jobs while speaking 3 languages fluently
feels good having a three digit IQ

>> No.5725560

Blow it out your ass faggot. Go get pounded by your jap idolizers

>> No.5725562


>> No.5725578 [DELETED] 

If America is so uneducated, why does it have the best schools that everyone from these more-educated-according-to-you countries come from?

>> No.5725580

>he thinks the point of learning languages is talking to people from other countries
what's it like being a normie brainlet? did you watch the new stranger things yet?

>> No.5725581

The fuck is a stranger things

>> No.5725617

A popular normie Netflix show.

The first season was actually pretty okay, but the other two are fucking shit.

>> No.5725682
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>thread proves OP right a few posts in

>> No.5725694

Speaking as a slav, in Russia it's pretty much the same with english. People are so impressed with me being able to read untranslated english books, it's ridiculous. So it's less about education and more about mentality and/or susceptibility to nationalistic political beliefs.

>> No.5725706

Russians consider themselves the best? Just looking around should make it clear Russia isn't exactly a paradise on Earth.

>> No.5725712

I think you're partly right, but I'd also be inclined to say that nationalism is frequently a symptom of a subpar education.

You could say the same about America, yet here we are.

>> No.5725754

>learning a language to jack off to some porn and play a video game or two
>worth it
Your life is empty and so your calculus is skewed.

>> No.5725783

Because you fags keep suggesting that learning Japanese to a proficent level is as easy as "grind kana for three days and then grind 100 kanji a day", as if people don't have other things to do. I took four years of Japanese in university and lived in Japan for three years afterwards, there was still plenty of shit that tripped me up before leaving, and it's not uncommon for westerners to still have issues 10 years after living there.

To illustrate my point I'm willing to bet that OP can't read/write at anything above a JLPT5 and is a NEET who has been "studying" everyday for two years and thinks he's proficient because he can read kana in menus.

>> No.5725787

Why not? Good a reason as any. Your problem is that you think of studying a language as a big deal. It isn't.

>> No.5725797

I'll do it when I see a single good game that demands it. So far the jap only games I care about are either easy to figure out with some basic trial and error or are in english so I'm not really missing out

>> No.5725798

Yikes! Projecting your personal failures onto other people sure is embarrassing.

>> No.5725801

>in university
Found your problem, JET-kun.

>> No.5725813
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You can pretend learning a language isn't a r=1 time in > proficiency out if you want but I'm not going to buy that or any other subsequent bait.
When you have nothing going on in your life you can do far worse with your time than learning another language.

>> No.5725819

You sound like a fatso making excuses for not exercising. You claim not to have time due to your "full" life but I guarantee you fill it with mediocrity.

>> No.5725827

Not him but that's a retarded comparison. Exercise is necessary to stay in shape both physically AND mentally, it keeps your mind sharp and increases overall energy levels which helps you with literally any activity you want to engage with along with numerous health benefits. Japanese is near worthless if you don't plan on living in Japan, it sucks up your time and all you get in return is what, some crappy VN's to jerk off to? Come on.

>> No.5725831

Your obsession with porn is getting a bit pathetic.

>> No.5725837

Wut? This is my second post ITT. VN's and dating sims with the occasional mediocre RPG is all I see you weebs playing.

>> No.5725839

After you get over the initial hump, studying Japanese literally consists of doing the same shit you would be anyway: playing games, reading books, etc., except in Japanese. It's really not as hard or time consuming as you're making it seem.

>> No.5725850

i'm a translator and i know AI will be better than me in no time. so it's useless to learn jap now, computers already speak it better than the weebs on /vr/ and in a few years they'll be fluent. plus, the level of japanese is so ridiculous in these old games that you really don't need anything else than machine translation

>> No.5725861


>> No.5725863

You're a fat tranny living on food stamps.

>> No.5725895
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>> No.5725958

>"Ey, spend two years learning japanese to play visual novels"
>"Nah, I'll wait for some translations and spend that time learning other things".
The absolute state of homosexuality.

>> No.5725996

I mean, every country HAS to think of themselves as ubermensch, otherwise it's gonna be a very sad existence.

>> No.5726002

Japanese is an abnormally difficult language for English speakers. If all of this shit were written in say, French, I don't think it would be nearly as much of an issue.