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File: 23 KB, 500x348, Mario_on_the_roof_with_Yoshi_500px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5724869 No.5724869 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone here who actually thinks Sonic is better than Mario? Is there any reason to play Sonic other than muh nostalgia?

>> No.5724879

Rich and AIDSmoby did a great video on why sonic doesn't hold up very well.
I'd still recommend playing through the series for educational purposes, but you probably won't replay them. Weak soundtracks, poor gameplay that actually encourages you to go slow, overall 5/10 at best.

>> No.5724882


>> No.5724920

It has better gameplay and level design for one.

>> No.5724923

>just get your opinions from two ecelebs that literally look like they have downs
How about no you faggot?

>> No.5724924

zoomers have no shame.

>> No.5724927

The music is pretty good.

>> No.5724940

Sonic rewards acquired skill in a more interesting way than Mario. Obviously you'll never find that out, so feel free to ignore it.

>> No.5724948

I have no nostalgia for Sonic. I always had nintendo shit growing up. The original sanic games are decent to play, but not nearly as good as SMW. The controls, worlds, and features in SMW are near as makes no diff flawless. The controls in World especially are STILL among the best for any game ever.

Sonic's controls are best if you're NOT trying to go fast.

Also, ad hominem attacks on RLM do not at all invalidate their somewhat correct assessments.

>> No.5724954

keep shilling ecelebs it will not validate you.

>> No.5724963

>Sonic's controls are best if you're NOT trying to go fast
Sonic rewards skill with speed. You've not reached that point.

>> No.5724964

Why does mario have a run button but sonic doesn't? The genesis shipped with a controller with 3 face buttons for God's sake, there is literally no excuse to not have a jump, run, and spin button.

>> No.5724967

Embarrassing thread.

>> No.5724979

Mario World rewards with speed too. When you play SMW fast, it feels godly, hitting precise jumps and platforms right, etc. And there's a huge skill ceiling with the game. But playing games a bit slower actually allows you to take the time to look at it, appreciate the visuals, music, and controls, etc. Sonic and Mario games both look and play better with patience.
This is why speedrunning is such an ungodly abomination of a thing. Playing a game like a coked-out lunatic who takes shit way too seriously is not cool or talented. Just like jumping rope thousands of times in a row isn't.

>> No.5724982

>run button
Defeats the purpose of the gameplay. Stop playing it like it's Mario 3.
>spin button.
Down on the d-pad. Works very well.

>> No.5724996

>I really really wanna force the same retarded console war shit we do on /v/ thread #2373728

>> No.5725000

There is already a better sonic thread. Learn how to use the catalog next time, zoomers.

>> No.5725001

Sega should have made it so the screen slowly inches/pans to one side or another depending on your direction. Say about 20-25 percent added to the side in which you're traveling in. Would have made the games so much better.

>> No.5725004

Mario has a clear speed cap. You're always going to jump so high and so far.
Sonic can go as fast as you're able to keep up with, and you can use that speed to jump off of slopes and hop between multiple level paths.

>> No.5725056


>> No.5725063

I see your point. With Mario World, it's more about timing jumps and hitting plats at max speed. It's far more interesting to see it happen by someone who isn't an expert. If you play a game so much you can play it super fast and do all that amazing shit like you were born to, it no longer is impressive. Impressive is doing it after only playing the game normally, in short(and often lucky) bursts.

>> No.5725064

>Literally spend half the video talking about how Sonic was meant to appeal to the cool kids who bullied them at high school
What a bunch of bitches

>> No.5725071


>> No.5725076

Stop killing threads because you want to talk about sonic. You are not better than zeldafags and mariofags by doing this.

>> No.5725120

As a whole series, no. But I enjoy the old Sonic games (and Mania by extension) more than a large number of Marios.

>> No.5725130

Sonic Adventure 2 is a great game.

>> No.5725132

I do not understand what you're describing as impressive. Watching a master doing their thing is impressive.
Watching someone do a thing a little better than before and getting lucky, like I'm happy for them I guess.

>> No.5725168

A master of a legit craft is impressive, but I find it far more impressive when non-masters pull off amazing shit in games than speedrunners. I'd rather watch someone play through a level of Sonic 2 who isn't an expert, than an expert. Seeing the fuckups and honing of skills as a person plays is interesting. Watching someone who knows a game inside out is boring after a short while. The amazement wears fast.
>okay so this guy can ace Dracula X without taking damage. Whatever.

>> No.5725282

>doubling down on bait to keep your hilarious funposting thread alive
Just let it go, it's not that important

>> No.5725312
File: 68 KB, 700x642, crash_bandicoot_n_sane_trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people who think Mario and Sonic are better than Crash Bandicoot

>> No.5725369

ehhh.... I like them on botw, but rich and jack's opinions on video games are really not that well thought through. prerec was always considered the worst rlm show for a reason.

>> No.5725406

They don't understand the autistic design philosophy behind Sonic. It's an at-home arcade game, meant to be mastered through repetition, not played through just once.

>> No.5725408


>> No.5725410

There’s a reason most platformers do not have run buttons.

>> No.5725415

Yuji Naka wanted it that way.

>> No.5725423

Sonic clearly only works when you are going super fast and on a mostly linear or pathed system. You would think the best option for this series is a driving/puzzle/platforming game except on-foot.

>> No.5725426

sonic is always running

>> No.5725431

I'm more of a Rayman guy.

>> No.5726790

remember the poochieposter?
like holy shit, it took a revival to kill that resident shitposter

>> No.5727153
File: 390 KB, 317x451, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario's dull, Sonic has personality.

>> No.5727237

>remember the poochieposter?
No, I'm not usually on /vr/

>> No.5727240

>implying Crash isn't still the poochie of video games
>implying anyone gave a fuck about crash "revival"
>implying Hugo isn't the better corridor platformer anyway

>> No.5727246

>why doesn't sonic have a run button
awww it's retarded

>> No.5727503

3d, fuck no. In 2D, Sonic games are better in my opinion. Levels amd soundtrack is memorable. More variety of enemies. Mario gets repetitive fast.

>> No.5727992

>selling several millions is not giving a fuck
>but muh nicher platformer is better!! t. hipster
okay buddy
i'll be seeing you again once he gets into Smash DLC next

>> No.5727994

i actually liked Heroes more than i did with Sunshine

>> No.5727995

absurd bait

Sonic CD does this. I'm still kinda mad no other 2D Sonic game does until like Sonic Advance 2.

>> No.5728074

Classic Sonic is better than classic Mario
Modern Mario is better than modern Sonic

>> No.5728224

>Modern Mario is better than modern Sonic
So is the last shit I took

>> No.5729081

The contrarian Sega retards will always believe that Sonic > Mario, but reality says that Mario > Sonic. Now that is not to say that Sonic is not a precious childhood character, but he cannot compete with Mario.

>> No.5729761

>Sonic commercials hype up how he's all about SPEEEEED
>play game
>second stage is Sonic standing completely still slooooooowly riding a block across some slow ass lava

That's about as far as I ever make it in that game. It's so goddamn boring and dull.

>> No.5729772

Unfortunately, the first game in the series that really embraces GOTTA GO FAST is adventure, and only for sonic levels.

>> No.5729775

>I played one level of sonic in my life
>here let me lecture you on how good or bad sonic is

>> No.5729776

why you zoomers are spamming these threads?
Do you hate Sega that much?

>> No.5730127

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.5731206
File: 9 KB, 256x224, mariobrothers_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a plumber kicking down turtles
Dropped the series after 2 minutes

>> No.5731291

>two dipshits who don't understand that Sonic is intended to be played through over and over again until you master it.

It's not Mario. You don't defeat the final boss and then calll yourself the winner.

You have to get all the chaos Emeralds, and you are not going to manage that on your first successful run to the end of the game. You won't manage it on your third, your fourth, or your fifth.

>They don't understand the autistic design philosophy behind Sonic. It's an at-home arcade game, meant to be mastered through repetition, not played through just once.

DINGDINGDING, we have have a winner!