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File: 146 KB, 300x371, Sam_&_Max.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
558934 No.558934 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth playing through Sam & Max? I wouldn't say I'm the biggest point and click adventure fan, but I really like the way the characters are written in Poker Night and Poker Night 2. Is it worthwhile to read all the comics and other stuff too? What about the TV show?

>> No.558970

It's alright.

>> No.559009

You can't really expect too much in the way of interesting plot when it comes to these characters. Although Telltales Season 1 does have some high-points that make it worthwhile, it still does swim around in mediocrity for a lot of it. The original Lucasarts adventure completely failed to grab me it for the lack of any serious plot and way too many developer jokes. Grew up on the comics and tv series, so I can't say much about that without my nostalgia goggles.

>> No.559031
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Play this OP.

>> No.559273

Well slap those nostalgia goggles on and tell me about it.

>> No.559321
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Play Hit The Road
Play Sam And Max Season 3 Devil's Toybox
Play the other season if you want
Also read the comic and TV show if you want a good laugh

>> No.560883

>Games are still 30 bucks each on steam
>PSN has them for like, 15, 20 bucks
Bull fucking shit.

>> No.560909

The Telltale games go on sale a million times a year on both GOG and Steam anyway.

>> No.560956

I am a huge fan of Sam & Max.

Hit the Road is great, fire up ScummVm and let it roll baby.

The Telltale games start out bad, but get increasingly better. Season 3 is really, really good.

The TV show has a million references to cult movies and stuff so if you are familiar with them you might enjoy it, otherwise its just a lot of nonsense craziness.

The comics are a mixed bag. Try Bad Day on the Moon and if you like it, buy the TPB from Telltale's store.

>> No.560986
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start out with the comics: http://www.mediafire.com/?qag2in2m0no
then play Hit the Road
skip the cartoon
then play the Telltale games.

should play the telltale games in order unlike >>559321 says, because there are major plot points that carry through to all of them (the ending of season 3 doesn't make a whole lot of sense if you haven't played season 2 for instance)

>> No.561008
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>skip the cartoon
This, it isn't that good unless you have nostalgic attachment to it.
Only really worth it as a curio after you've drained every other Sam&Max media, and even then I can't grantee that you'd enjoy it enough to watch it all. Pic related, horrible.

>> No.561025
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>tfw i have the max hat in TF2

i just fucking love sam and max
Hit and Road>The devil's playhouse>>>>>>>Season 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Season 1

>> No.561459

does anyone here know whether or not they hint at a Season 4 of Sam & Max in Poker Night 2?

>> No.561468


I'm hoping they hint at a fucking RERELEASE of Sam and Max Hit the Road on Steam.

>> No.561493

Not a chance. LucasArts still owns the rights to that game (And Disney owns LucasArts)

>> No.561507


But isn't LucasArts, like, no more?

>> No.561518

It's going to exist in name only which, to be fair, has been the case for about 5 years now - most of the actual games developed by "Lucasarts" have been largely outsourced during this last generation.

Disney is far from above making money off of old rope, and all of the porting work to make it work on modern versions of Windows was done in 2004. They could just throw that "version 2.0" of it on there with no changes and call it a day.

>> No.561557

Not likely, they have a lot of projects already running. I am quite sure there will be a season 4 but I don't see it happening in the near future.


On the other hand I can easily imagine that they will release a Linux version of Fables, then if its successful the Telltale backcatalog can be ported all the way.

>> No.561590

I bought season 2 on a gog sale out of curiosity, I loved it despite having played few point and click adventures before that. Some of the puzzles can get frustrating but it's never as difficult as the LucasArts game, which is also definitely worth a playthrough. Whether you want to play Season 3 or Season 1 first is up to you, there is sort of an overaching story but I didn't feel like I missed much by playing Season 2 before Season 1

>> No.561595

>I'm hoping they hint at a fucking RELEASE of Sam and Max Freelance Police.


>> No.561621


That too!

>> No.561628
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>> No.561639

I'd start with Telltale's Season 1 if you're not familiar with point and clicks, it's easier to get into the Telltales than Hit the Road.

Season 3 is about as good as 1 in my opinion, 2 is less good I think.

The comics are funny but they're kind of dark..

>> No.561651
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I liked the cartoon show...

>> No.561656


Me too... a bit.

>> No.561665

>hating on season one
>liking on hit the road (I agree)

Enjoy your over-the-top tryhard edgy postmodern excuse for an adventure game. While I agree the puzzles were good (although I played Psychonauts just before S3 so I wasn't impressed with the gameplay), S2 and 3 felt wrong, from a S&M stand.

>But Sam&Max is meant to be over the top!

I know, but it's a stylish kind of over the top. I read the comics so I know what I'm talking about. I also know Purcell wrote S3 and S2 to an extent, and I blame him. Sam and Max are basically McGruff and Bugs Bunny put in a surreal world where anything can happen and they always keep a shine of superiority because they always are self-conscious about it (and about being in a comic), while logical fallacies and fancy terms are put to shame by the both. All of this in classic Simpsons comedy (the one from the 90's, while it was still gold). I mean the comics remind me so much of the Simpsons it's not even funny. The characters are well written because they have their little details plastered all over which gives them a personality (They both like guns, icicles, Sam plays lame song with his banjo, Max dislikes girls, Sam hardly gets angry, and when he does there comes Max, ready to ironically chill him up, since Max is the most steamy of the both, and he's always happy about it). They are always very vocal about it so it gets kind of jammed into your head.

S2 and S3 writing is, put it in two words: convoluted and tiring. Maybe S1 was a novelty so I found it interesting, but I wasn't bought off again with S2 and 3. Season 2 seemed like the humor was taken down by Seth McFarlane, edgy and nonsensical for the sake of it, I didn't like it one bit. Whilst S3 did have some highlights, but the story was way too dense and the focus on Molemen ruined it for me. It was like the Vacalyans in Tales all over again, and even they knew where to draw the line. S3 also took the edgy road with the Lovecraft thing.

>> No.562120

Yeah, plus the voice-acting for Sam and Max in Telltale's games seems like it was done by tryhards too. Very cringeworthy.

And the fact that the original actors were made fun of in Poker Night 2 opens up an old wound...

>> No.562363
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what the fuck does psychonauts have to do with sam & max? psychonauts is a platformer, sam & max is an adventure game. there is no basis for comparison

eat shit you little doublefine fanfaggot

>> No.562379

they weren't making fun of the Hit the Road actors, they were making fun of the fact that they had to replace William Kasten as Max with a new guy

>> No.562387


They did make fun of the original actors. The dialogue made it seem that Sam's original voice was one that people supposedly laughed at because it sounded "goofy".

>> No.562451

The Devil's Playhouse was basically S&M: Psychonauts Edition. And yes, as a matter of fact I think I like DoubleFine more than Telltale. For starters they owe me 200$ of non-traced, non-refunded shipping I never got and probably never will. Amy even confused my shipping with other people ones. I'll never buy anything from their site ever again. And cut me a break, I tried giving them one more chance, but they died on BTTF, their worst game ever. Now they make VNs. I only wish Dave Grossman would get out of that hole and join DF.

>> No.562454
File: 1.76 MB, 1090x1524, sam_and_max___season_3_by_maliris_san-d3hbzkx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying The Devil's Playhouse isn't the best game in the entire franchise
>Implying Save the World isn't the worst
ya got problems mate
>hit the road sam sounded goofy
To be fair, he was voiced by the same guy who voiced... Goofy.

>> No.562487
File: 526 KB, 958x1412, sam_&_max_-_surfin_the_highway_tpb-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like everything Sam & Max, and I think all of it is worth checking out.

Usually people tend to say that Hit the Road is best and Telltale games or the cartoon sucks. However, if you don't play adventure games too much, Telltale's games might be a much easier starting point. Their puzzles are not as difficult as the ones in Hit the Road, and they have pretty nice hint systems in case you get stuck (talking with Max will give you some ideas about what you should try to do next). Also, I originally had trouble warming up to Sam & Max in the first place; the humor felt too quirky for my tastes. But Telltales' works is where it all clicked for me, and after that, I grew fond of the other versions of the characters as well.

I personally thought Telltale's S1 was good, S2 was awesome, and S3 was a bit strange (it had some new gameplay mechanics that I wasn't too fond of).
They've got demos of their episodes available, and they've also released episode 104 ("Abe Lincoln Must Die!") for free.

And when it comes to the cartoon: it was aimed at kids and it's somewhat neutered because of that, but it's still got some fun moments. I guess I'll agree with this anon; >>561008
If you end up liking Sam & Max and need more material about them, then you could check out the cartoon as well.

>> No.562494

Well, I don't know what the line is, but Sam's original voice WAS Goofy's, so I think that's the joke.
William Kasten was best Max after Nick Jameson, the new one always stood out to me like it wasn't meany enough.

>> No.562513


>> No.562629

>better than Telltale


pretty good tier:
Brutal Legend

complete utter shit how did garbage these even get released tier:
Costume Quest babby's first rpg
Stacking the same character to beat every puzzle in the game
Sesame Street Kinect
Happy Action Kinect
Middle Manager of flashgame
Kinect Party kinect kinect kinect
The glitch filled Cave full of boring characters and gradeschool puzzles
Dropchord music toy for children



shit tier:
Bone out from Boneville
Back to the Future
Jurassic Park: The Game

kinda okay tier:
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
Sam & Max Save the World
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures
CSI Deadly Intent

pretty good tier:
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space
Tales of Monkey Island

10/10 thank you based god tier:
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
The Walking Dead

tl;dr yeah naw you're a cunt

>> No.563216

>crosses fingers for a HUGE Sam and Max announcement at E3

>> No.563252

telltale is busy working on walking dead season 2, so I doubt we'll hear anything about a new sam & max for quite a while.

even if they are making a new sam & max, I doubt they'd announce it at e3. it's better business for them to get everyone to focus on the games they already announced for this year instead of things years away at best

>> No.563273

>so I doubt we'll hear anything about a new sam & max for quite a while

They downright said they're not interested in classic adventure games anymore.


You can kiss Sam and Max goodbye.

>> No.563331


Then we should tell Steve Purcell to give the rights to someone who IS interested.

>> No.563354

oh don't worry, telltale will keep putting them in shitty video poker games so their rights to the characters will never run out

>> No.563362

And give them shitty voices while giving good voices to everyone else.

>> No.563387
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>that last frame

I loved the Hit The Road when I was kid, but I never got any of the comics. I think I'll go hunt some comics then.

>> No.563395


>> No.563545

Sam & Max is the only adventure game series I could ever get in to.

It's really a shame because the genre is completely outdated. If the characters are enough to carry something that's otherwise dull in gameplay, just think of how much better it'd be applied to something else. I mean look at psychonauts.

>> No.563714
File: 523 KB, 918x1382, sam_&_max_-_surfin_the_highway_tpb-086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S&M comics are good stuff, although I wish there were a little more of them. "Surfing the Highway" compiles about all them, except for some really early and unprofessional stories that never got reprinted. The first edition of the book can be pretty hard to find and expensive, but it has been scanned and it was posted earlier ITT. They made later an anniversary edition which is sold on Telltale's site; it's cheaper, and it has some additional content that wasn't included in the earlier print. Oh, and there was also some sort of S&M webcomic by Purcell.

>> No.565330

I forgot they even did a Bone game.

>> No.565358

If they have really good characters and good writing the genre can be really good. If it has an annoying cunt as the main person like in Still Life it can get pretty painful. Personally I enjoy point and clicks because I like investigating stuff and finding clues.

>> No.565660

Right, but you can get that from a lot more genres, and probably in a more interesting format than a still image that you just click on.

>> No.570476


Well, they did it all WRONG. If they hadn't gone all Chaos Wars with the voices, it might've been popular.

>> No.571264


I wish he made more of these...

>> No.571515

sadly the newest sam & max comic he made is over 7 years old: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/comics/samandmax/issue-1

>> No.572604


Yikes! That's older than the age some of the Telltale employees are acting!

>> No.572623
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>> No.576137



>> No.576607

>The TV show has a million references to cult movies and stuff so if you are familiar with them you might enjoy it, otherwise its just a lot of nonsense craziness.

The TV show was how I was introduced to Sam and Max, believe it or not. IMO the show's Sam has the best voice (Harvey Atkin). It's so distinct from the boring old 'deep' voice that all other Sams have.

>> No.577207

Alls I know is, Sam is seriously winning me over in the poker game. Except for when he's the only one left and the camera slowly zooms in on his gigantic feet. That I could do without.

>> No.577224

I know that feel. For some reason it's always me and Sam who face off in the end

>> No.578112

Except for the Hit the Road voice... that voice was so frickin awesome!

>> No.578260


David Nowlin > Harvey Atkin > Bill Farmer
Nick Jameson > William Kasten > David Boat > Robert Tinkler > Andrew Chaikin

just my opinion

>> No.578315

scratch that, I went back and listened to them all again and I put robert tinkler above david boat

>> No.578445

Thanks, been meaning to track down the comic for a while.

Reading this while listening to Dick Dale and it works shockingly well:


>> No.578472


Well, I would rate Sam like this:

Farmer > Atkin > Nowlin

>> No.578482

I'd put him above Kasten too.

>> No.579563

If Pixar doesn't make a Sam and Max cartoon, I'll scream.

>> No.579596

>Pixar = Disney


>> No.579668

Steve Purcell actually works at Pixar and he himself has said that there's no chance of that happening

>> No.580002


Come on, Disney! License both of the Sam and Max games you got from LucasArts already!

>> No.581109


>crosses fingers

>> No.581481

Love all of them, really. Played every game, watched the entire cartoon, and read all the comics.

I enjoyed all of the Telltale games, but holy shit Devil's Playhouse was excellent.

>> No.582132

When played with the volume turned down, that is.

>> No.585024
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>> No.585053

I have all of the S&M games on steam. I got them on sale like 2 years ago but I haven't played a single one.

>> No.585351

Me too. I'm just waiting for "the right moment" to play them...

>> No.585502

I've played too many adventure games to count, and I can honestly say that The Devil's Playhouse is among my top 5 favorites of all time.
Quit dilly-dallying and play that shit you cocksuckers

>> No.585504

but play the first two seasons first. they're not as good, but it's best that way trust me

>> No.585941

You need to go from first to last season or you wont understand shit.

>> No.586481

When their voices stop sounding like shit in those games, I'll start playing them.

>> No.586504

I don't follow.

>> No.586516

I quite enjoyed their voices.

Really, I quite enjoyed Sam and Max's voices from pretty much any incarnation, although cartoon Sam and Max are probably my favorite.

>> No.586674

I initially hated Sam's voice in the telltale games, but it grew on me quickly and now it's probably my favorite voice out of all of them.
Max's voice in S1E1 was pretty bad though. Thankfully he got replaced with someone much better in subsequent games. I still prefer the voices he had in the cartoons and the old lucasarts game though

>> No.587163


And I'd prefer it if the cartoon series and the LucasArts games were ACKNOWLEDGED by Telltale instead of cast aside.

>> No.587209

>Max's voice in S1E1 was pretty bad though

Jokes on you, it had the best delivery.

>> No.587406
File: 215 KB, 737x794, maxnope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I strongly disagree: http://youtu.be/shLNdcJbMWs

>> No.587498

I still stand by what I said.

especially 4:13

Chaikin's voice sounds awfully forced at times, while Kasten got the hyperkinetic and lively aspect dead on. He was always on the point on how he delivered. Also listen to the "Yaaay!" near the end.

>> No.587573

You do realize you just agreed with me, right? It was Chaikin who voiced Max in Ep1.
The superior Kasten voiced him from Ep2 onwards

>> No.587602

Whoops, I mixed them up. I'm sure you'll forgive my mistake and let me agree Chaikin was the best Max while you go on with your opinion without getting into childish shenanigans like "You said Chaikin sucked it's too late to backpedal now!!", right so?

>> No.587620
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>> No.587697
File: 53 KB, 500x187, snm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even want to say CHAIKIN FOR THE WIN because I wanted to keep it civil but now you JUST WENT AND DID IT

We can all agree Nick Jameson rocks, by the way.

>> No.587750


BTW, Bill Farmer is best Sam.

>> No.587785
File: 157 KB, 480x360, tumblr_lqoykmVhWh1qhhv13o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Them's fightin words boy

Anyone who's anyone agrees Harvey Atkin's the best

>> No.587809
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I oughta sock you just for saying that

>> No.587816
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Agreed, Nowlin's politeness makes me feel like Sam actually cares about his surroundings, which he really doesn't.

>> No.587873

Well, that's kind of funny. I recall saying, on this very board, that I hope the breakout success of Walking Dead won't change Telltale too much. Looks like I was wrong.

by "kind of funny" I mean "absolutely fucking depressing".

>> No.587881


Yeah, as if the NUMEROUS GLITCHES in Poker Night 2 didn't tip you off.

>> No.587894

I haven't played Poker Night 2 yet, I've been kind of busy with clearing up my backlog some more.

>> No.587903

What numerous glitches? I played until I unlocked all the bounties, and all I ever got were occasional animation glitches. Nothing game breaking whatsoever

>> No.587975

So I've been a fan of Sam and Max for years, read the comics, watched the show, loved the game. I thought the first telltale season was really dull though but I really enjoyed the second. When I tried to play the third though, I found the new controls and everything to be extremely offputting, is it really worth it to keep going? I didn't see anything in the time I spent in the first episode that made me want to invest any time in the season.

>> No.587997

>is it really worth it to keep going?
oh god yes. the devil's playhouse is hands down the best out of the 3 seasons
keep going, you won't regret it

>> No.588004

But those awful controls and that stupid psychic powers gimmick...

>> No.588025

Quit hoping for an office cameo. Ain't happening.

>> No.588087

And I bet you didn't get any glitches in Walking Dead too. Whatever.

>> No.588095

u wot m8? the psychic powers mechanics were one of the best parts about the game!

>> No.588131

>Game based around psychic powers mechanic
If it was a gimmick, so was Racoon Mario.

>> No.588149

the only thing gimmicky about season 3 is the interrogation segments in episode 3

>> No.588196
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I was reading in half way until I realized that you have to put cursor over the panel to see the speech bubbles. I thought it was one of those mime strips with no talk at all.

>> No.588210
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I actually started to draw comics thanks to Sam & Max. I'm currently writing my own script for my comics and if I'm not too lazy, I might even draw it.

>> No.588230

What's the subject? And mood?

>> No.588321
File: 892 KB, 600x864, phenomenomix003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to reveal too much, but it's a dark comedy about paranormal investigation agency. A sort of parody of the X-Files. If you're familiar with the work of Hunt Emerson and his series 'Phenomenomix', it's something like that, but mine makes more sense.

>> No.588529

But then again, Raccoon Mario was an AWESOME gimmick!

>> No.588705

What are you gonna do... BREATHE on me?

>> No.588791

Harvey is the best.

>> No.588884
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>> No.589153

I love the OG game. Bought the telltale series on sale a while back. Are they comparable/ worth playing, or will I be disappointed? Which ones are best

>> No.589180

The games vary in quality, but they are a really good laugh at times.

>> No.589215

I just did a Let's Play of Hit the Road and it still holds up to this day. I love it and wish LucasArts had made more but the Telltale games are pretty damn good too.

>> No.589239

i dunno, seems like a tall order to fill.

which of the telltale games are the best? Im not a NEET anymore so I dont have time to play them all.

>> No.589254

The ones that DON'T have Sam and Max in them, obviously.

The ones that DO have them in them have them voiced BADLY.

>> No.589261

just play them all. each episode is only about 2-3 hours each, so even if you only have enough time to play 1 a day it'd only take you a couple weeks to finish

>> No.589273

hey samefag, some people here actually like the telltale voices

>> No.589301


>Im not a NEET anymore
swear to god.

>> No.589334

Play Season One. If you like it then go through 2, play 3 only if you can/want to.

>> No.589341

Are those all the comics or are there more?

>> No.589345

But do they love Sam and Max?

>> No.589353



>> No.589362
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You can't compare a point and click with a fucking poker game op

>> No.589382

That's the 1995 version.
It's got pretty much everything, but there are still a few things that have been made since that aren't in it (like this for example: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/comics/samandmax/issue-1)) but you'll probably have to shell out 50 bucks for the 2007 version if you ever want to read them

>> No.589417

Personally I think that Bill Farmer and David Nowlin are about equal when it comes to voicing Sam. I still prefer Farmer but I think Nowlin does a pretty good job with it.

When it comes to Max though Nick Jameson outclasses all others. William Kasten's voice just gets too shrill for me, sometimes becoming more obnoxious than entertaining.

>> No.589615

I really liked the original Point n' click because it was gushing with personality and the voice clips got the job done without being boring.

Episode 4 of Season 1 of the new Telltale series is free-to-play on Steam and I found myself avoiding most extarneous clickables, because it meant a new camera angle and 30 seconds of dialogue for every single object. The writing wasn't all that bad, but I preferred the characters when they were just as disinterested in the extra crap as I was and could drop the subject quickly.

>> No.589725

Telltale IS Lucasarts

>> No.589860

I've also heard rumors about Bill Farmer voicing a character in an upcoming Pixar film... and it's NOT Goofy.

I hope the rumors are true... has Pixar finally listened?

>> No.589874

Yeah... the one that ignored their customers who complained about what they were doing lately.

>> No.589978

don't get your hopes up. he's a voice actor who works at disney. you're just making wild assumptions.

>> No.590071


No man, Telltale might group some fired people from late LucasArts, like say Kevin Bruner and Troy Molander which both worked on technical duties at GrimE, and the older ones which are Dan Connors (CEO of TT, ex-head of testing department at LA) and Dave Grossman/Mike Stemmle, which are the really more recognizable names, but that's about it, they don't even have a word in things anymore if not for advice and major fuckup fixing (BTTF EP4 was directed by Grossman to fix things up). DoubleFine has THE Tim Schafer, Peter fucking Chan and Peter McConnell at full leisure. That's the whole creative department you need for new games worthy of ol' LucasArts name.

>> No.591681

And yet the latter is the better company as of late...

>> No.591774

comics, cartoons, lol didn't even know this shit existed about these fellas

the game is good tho, but it's that kind of game where you'll find yourself hoving your cursor over every pixel and trying to use every item on everyone and everything.

no wonder the genre died, although you'll often know what you have to do to progress, usually you do it in ways that are least expected

>> No.592173


I think Big Fish Games has done a good job of resurrecting the genre.

That, and Double Fine. I'm looking forward to Broken Age!

>> No.592918

We shouldn't just write it off just yet. You don't know how many times Pixar has been asked to make a Sam and Max movie!

>> No.593003

I'd say Sam & Max Hit the Road is to adventure games what EarthBound/Mother2 is to JRPGs.
It's a bit unconventional and full of "random" quirky humor and dialogue. Its often illogical puzzle solutions and large number of accessible locations make it fairly difficult to figure out.

You won't find any deep serious storyline there, but there's plenty of good laughs. I'd say try it out. If you don't find it amusing, you can always stop playing.

>> No.593289

the new games are tryin too hard to be like that

>> No.594412

Tell me about it

>> No.595405


>> No.595808

Wanna borrow mine?

>> No.597513
File: 82 KB, 500x600, sam___max__they_see_me_rollin___by_bad_asp-d319ary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.599203
File: 137 KB, 415x640, sam_and_max___it__s_dangerous_to_go_alone_by_bad_asp-d4ifnwz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]