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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5713509 No.5713509 [Reply] [Original]

horror games that are actually scary

>> No.5713585
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>> No.5713674

This, oof, played it with a guide because it was too spooky.

>> No.5713694

Which game in the entire series would you recommend to someone who isn't good at video games?

>> No.5713743
File: 9 KB, 352x326, spooked-zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask same question on /v/
>they unanimously agree that "console" bootup sound was pretty spooky when they were kids.
>they start sharing youtube links where "youtuber" goes into full detail about how spooky "console" bootup sound was in 2003.

>> No.5713748

Nightmare Creatures

>> No.5713769
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Horror games? Oof! MonkaS! ha ha
Umm...ok, let's see...Resident Evil...Silent Hill...I don't know if anyone said Clock Tower yet....Fatal Frame...Alone in the Dark. Well, anyway, there's some good ones to start you off, friend!

>> No.5713774
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The Sick Ward was the only genuinly scary level.

>> No.5713776
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Is Shinobi 3 a horror game?

>> No.5713792
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>> No.5713796

Are you okay anon?

>> No.5713858

Well, that's a start.

>> No.5713875



>> No.5713879

If you were ever scared of a console bios sound you are literally a faggot

>> No.5713890

The usual:
Hellnight, The Note, D, Clock Tower (the first 3D one), despiria, etc...

>> No.5713931
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anyone got any stuff I never heard of?

>> No.5713971

Blood is a good shooter, a great one in fact, but I don't find it particularly scary, as Caleb, though far more fragile than most of his contemporaries, still packs a powerful arsenal and with plenty of ammo to put it to use. The game doesn't shy away from giving you lots and lots of dynamite.

Maybe one or two levels manage to be a bit spooky, but not much more than Doom, which has some great B-horror visuals here and there, but for the most part is action and exploration (E2M6 does a pretty good job with feeling scary and threatening in a way, but then you also start that level with a rocket launcher).

This one is pretty good, it's genuinely a spooky and scary one. Clunky to play on the SNES (as you use the Dpad to control the cursor), and I think it lacks a few things from the original, but it still works, and it's genuinely terrifying to be ambushed and chased by the scissorman.

>> No.5713985

Sounds like /v/ alright. Or the kind of autistic spazzes who used to haunt TVTropes.

Never played it, but looking at the screenshot makes me kinda wanna try it. That's nice spriting, and I love the giant grotesque monster.

Wasn't D absolutely off its tits crazy? Or am I thinking of another game by the same dev.

>> No.5714531
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Have where shit you're powerless to defend yourself from relentlessly chases you like White Day or Hell night or Hello Neighbor and even RE3 or Dino Crisis is too stressful for me day sue.

Survival Horror games are literally the ideal scariness level and back in the day when they were the realest shit and the draw distance etc wasn't something we were actively aware of it all came together so nicely. Silent Hill was such an amazing experience. To actually have good odds of beating the monsters to death with a pipe as long as they didn't gang up on you too bad or blindside you, that's how I would want to feel if really put in a similar situation.

Before that era, games that scare me on a satisfying level were spoopy stuff like Shadowgate or Dark Half when I was a teen actually playing games on PC. If I'd have played like Personal Nightmare or Waxworks or something when I was a kid I'd have had horrible nightmares I'm sure.

It's really more the time and narrative that I like to be horrifying more than the game play. A LOT of visual novels do it and back in the 20th century they actually had SOME game play so check out the VNDB.

The first game that really scared me and I persevered and triumphed over was The Immortal and like "chased by monsters" style horror games its trial and error grameplay but it was just so darn edgy I went for it.

>> No.5716375

Somebody said horror adventure?
"Realms of the haunting" and "The Legacy: Realms of terror" are your choice.

Not sure if they are "scary" but they are horror titles in their own right.

>> No.5716390
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Pic related always spooked me out when the music hit.

>> No.5716426
File: 160 KB, 640x480, 1408629646264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid I was hiding under my desk during this scene of Elvira 2.

>> No.5716435

t. 15-year old zoomer

>> No.5716495

jon's video on this was funny as fuck

>> No.5716516

Wizardry 4.

>> No.5716579

It's fne if you put a bag on her head.

>> No.5716640

Shinobi III gets a lot of unfair hate, it's no Revenge but it's still amazing

>> No.5716647
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>he gets scared by videogames

>> No.5716652

Good one. The actual solution was a courage spell made from alcohol.

>> No.5716819

>ask the question on /vr/
>get the same 3 tank control fetchgames where the enemies are about as threatening as the ps1 bios boot sound
i mean im not even saying im disappointed, i know where i am but i fail to understand just how clocktower is more scary than the ps1 bios boot sound. there isn't actually any danger, being scared of either is equally as pathetic

>> No.5716860
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the pic is pretty scary
could be just me though

>> No.5717375
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>> No.5717586

The one that was posted.

>> No.5717618

Did this post somehow pass through an Internet stargate? How did this land here?

>> No.5717632


baroque has a genuinely dread-inducing and uncomfortable atmosphere, but i wasn't actively "scared" of it

the original silent hill is honestly still very spooky

>> No.5718353
File: 2.92 MB, 4030x4030, Titan2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monkas means a twitch emote of sweating pepe, for anyone also confused
i wish i didn't know but because i do you do too and this is saturns moon

>> No.5718539

Yeah, I never found Blood scary either. But a lot of the levels have a nice spooky aesthetic going on, like the one where your going through a haunted house, and then the level with the hedge maze is super comfy.

>> No.5718654

The gothic horror aesthetics mixed with the whole old timey shit (1800s and early 1900s stuff) makes a very nice blend.
It's like you're traveling in a weird and warped alternate history America, where The Cabal is some dominant force, and there's this drawn out depression teeming with dark magic and supernatural horrors, people aren't just starving and poor, many probably take to joining The Cabal because they have no other options, then end up preying on other poor folks, or doing Tchernobog's bidding at the expense of the innocent. Among starvation and the typical crime you'd see of the era, ritualistic murder and attacks by horrible monsters would be yet another part of daily life.

Then you have the 'hero' of the game, Caleb, who cares about nobody else short of his pals, tearing a monumental path of destruction through it all in his quest for vengeance.
It's a very cool take on Southern Gothic.

>> No.5718668

Clock Tower for SNES is the only game in the series worth playing. The PS1 game hasn't aged well and CT2 and CT3 were shit even in their day. Seriously, the original game on SNES is a masterpiece. The rest of the series sucks.

>> No.5718670

>and I think it lacks a few things from the original

The SNES version IS the original.

>> No.5718731

You sure? I thought it was originally a computer game which was ported to SNES?

>> No.5718734

Haunting Ground is supposed to be pretty good, but it's more of a spiritual sequel.

>> No.5719336

>Shinobi III gets a lot of unfair hate
Seriously? Where and who? I've almost only ever heard constant praise of 3 and people calling it a step up over the last game, which was also great.

>> No.5719554
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>> No.5719558


he's just butthurt anons here criticize shinobi 3's poor level designs and lack of difficulty

>> No.5719913 [DELETED] 

shinobi 3 is garbage.

>> No.5719917
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shinobi 3 is garbage.

>> No.5719949
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The weirdest approach to "scary" games is to have a standard early FPS protagonist with screeching enemies costantly on drugs.

AvP2000 copies everything from the movies, but it employs masterfully the lowest tier of being scary, trapping you somewhere with something fast, unknown and alien. Also endless jumpscares. There's an art even in jumpscares, I guess.

>> No.5721135
File: 507 KB, 848x465, scissor enthusiast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
