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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5707982 No.5707982 [Reply] [Original]

Midnight Pulp has the rights to distribute the Retro Game Master series via streaming and youtube.

Which is your favorite episode?


>> No.5708045

shill this shit somewhere else

>> No.5708047


>> No.5708128
File: 1.88 MB, 1056x943, arinoboobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The subs look about the same as the fanrips but the announcer being dubbed and constantly coming over the production music with bad mixing is grating.

>> No.5708148


His voice is awful. A narrator needs a deep voice, and to treat the action seriously.

>> No.5708174

Is the Binary Land episode up? I usually watch this shit on archive.org (the torrents have no fucking seeders) and that's one that they don't have

>> No.5708189

This. The retrogame master narrator needs to be subbed too. Just keep the jap audio as is

>> No.5708225

are these the same episodes / dubs released as RGM on DVD in the states? I can't remember looking at which episodes after watching so many

>> No.5708243


Yep. They have the license to distribute the RGM DVD via streaming services now. This is 100% legal and not just a user upload btw.


>> No.5708316

I want to like this, but my god the narrator is awful. Why couldn't they just subtitle the narration? Or at least get someone with a more appropriate voice?

>> No.5708464

All this is is the horrible dubs from the DVD of the handful episodes that were up on Kotaku a decade ago. I don't know why this guy is shilling it constantly all of a sudden just because it's on YouTube. These aren't new episodes or anything. He didn't even put GCCX in the OP. How does he expect people to find the thread?

>> No.5708492

>He didn't even put GCCX in the OP. How does he expect people to find the thread?

Uh, we should not be using obscure Japanese only terms to describe the show. GCCX is not a term that the average American is going to be familliar with. To produce the least amount of confusion, we should use Retro Game Master. This is localization 101.

>> No.5708545

This show is so hard to love. Base show is great, but as an American finding the subs has gotten insanely hard unless you torrent stuff and I don't. Used to just be able to find them uploaded to Daily Motion or whatever then the show got too popular and the copyright claims started. I missed it for several years and now I see it's back but wtf, why is there an English dub over the narrator? Why is it so hard to just keep the fan translated episodes and keep the audio 100% original?

>> No.5708568

Why rip the track with the horrible american announcer?
Once I get my chinese replacement cables for my old DVD drive, and if it still works, i'll rip the DVD myself.

>> No.5708573

>hard to love
>because you're a retard who needs streams
Unbased and cringemerican pilled

>> No.5708583

I need subtitles, doesn't have to be a stream. I have several downloaded until they got deleted.

>> No.5708584


These two torrents in the pastebin have the Binary Land sub.

>> No.5708589

Very funny. How about Arino? Should it be Areeno like the terrible dub says? Apparently that's easier for Americans to pronounce.

>> No.5708593

>I missed it for several years and now I see it's back but wtf, why is there an English dub over the narrator?
See >>5708464
The uploaders used the bad dub track instead of the perfectly good Japanese narration/subs which are also on the DVD.

>> No.5708696 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 626x350, 1533152288196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to get in early on the one true crypto currency of the future.
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Using this code is special and will also help Arino make friends.

>> No.5708964

>tfw say that, got the cable the day afterwards and it doesn't work
t-thanks chinks

>> No.5709009

Is this just the Kotaku release of the show that cut out all of the non-game segments like the arcade trips and such? Because that is fucking gay.

>> No.5709072

did anyone ever paste the subs onto the undubbed episodes?

>> No.5709084

>Thinking than anyone than hardcore weeb nerds will ever care about some obscure Japanese let's play show and trying to dub it in english for an alleged casual audience that will never exist

This is beyond retarded.

>> No.5709093

Why can't someone like Netflix just buy the rights of the show and stream it with some decent english subs slapped on it? They do that with that shitty Japanese Style Originator 50+ minutes-per-episode borefest but they can't do the same with GCCX? There's some niche pontential to be tapped here.

>> No.5709668


>perfectly good Japanese narration/subs which are also on the DVD.

>> No.5709797

Ninja Gaiden for sure, that one ep made me get into GCCX.

I couldn't find the general anywhere, now I know why.

>> No.5709809
File: 236 KB, 550x598, 1464668588696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell this really is the SOULLESS to GCGX's SOUL, what the fuck were they thinking? I'll stick to the fansubs.

>> No.5709840

Well it took like 5 hours to torrent it at 50kb/s with 2 seeders but I finally did it. Great episode so far.

>> No.5710098

fuck off

>> No.5710487

>Super Ninja-Kun

Woah, never heard of this game.


>> No.5710517

They played another Ninja-kun game about 4 years ago. I figured they'd get to Super Ninja-kun eventually, so I guess next week is it.

I really thought they might do The Ninja Warriors Again since that has a revamped game coming soon like Wild Guns got, but that will have to wait.

>> No.5710708

>le funny emojis xd
No. Just No.

/me bites you then pads off to pirate more GAME CENTER CX episodes
nyan nyan!

>> No.5711068

any of you guys remember that one ep when Sasano comes back to help Arino? I think it was the Ghosts and Ghouls ep, but I can't remember.

>I've been secretly training
>You say secretly but it's not like we talk much
I only remember that part.

>> No.5711580

Because this isn't your average fictional show where all the content is owned by the license holder of the show, it's a show built around featuring other companies' licensed material. Every single episode needs to be negotiated wither whoever owns the rights to the game featured, you can't just contact TV Fuji and buy the license to a couple seasons just like that.

A ton of the episodes don't even get reruns in Japan yet because TV Fuji weren't able to renegotiate the rights to the games featured.

>> No.5713290

S06E04 Gargoyle's Quest 2 / Action adventure / Sasano returns

>> No.5713301

It sucks to say but this is show literally made for pirating, or 'circulating the tapes' to use the MST3K verbiage. There's literally no way on earth to get all involved parties and license holders to see eye-to-eye on an unaltered release, fans of the show are not only the best hope but really the only hope.

>> No.5713304

thanks dude

>> No.5713310

Embarrassing dubs is like something out of the 90s. Who the hell localizes like that anymore?

>> No.5713316

I know this is alien for you weebs but people like dubs even if they're low quality.

>> No.5713340

no they don't

>> No.5713358
File: 533 KB, 544x544, 1559847501726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you weebs
Who do you think you're kidding?

>> No.5713549

Only people in brainlet countries watches dubs after they're old enough to read. Civilized countries never even dub shit that's intended for audiences over the age of 8.

>> No.5713717

Holy shit, the Klonoa challenge is terrible. They literally haven’t shown a single puzzle, it’s just a boss montage with Arino’s bored reactions to sprinkled in between each battle. There’s even a point when shit’s gets all dramatic, Kan tells the audience that Arino has been struggling with some late-game stage for over two hours, yet they don’t anything of it. What a waste.

In general, the editing on Seasons 20 onwards is pretty bad:

>Arino starts the level
>Show some random gameplay clip or two of Arino progressing through said level or skip that altogether and just show the stage cleared animation
>Boss montage

The earlier seasons were so much better at showcasing the games.

>> No.5713835
File: 86 KB, 268x309, b8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this show is made for pirating
This! There's no way a good international version can be made (though the people at Discotek sure tried), and even the Japanese DVDs are butchered. Everyone damn well knows it that the broadcast versions are the only viable thing for non Japanese audiences.
>western girl is involved with fan translation
>she always sends rad fan art in episodes with fan interaction
>gets invited to do official art for GCCX products and shit

>> No.5713925


I guess the show's editor just thinks the bosses matter the most. Real shame.

>> No.5715145

Sounds like the Kirby 64 episode.

>> No.5715290

I unironically love these dubs, I think they nailed it.

>> No.5715301

They're terrible. People were making fun of these dubs ten years ago, and they still are.

>> No.5715331

They're the ones that think Abe is pronounced "Ayb", right?

>> No.5715335

They're fine, I think they did an admirable job. There will never be any more, so I'm glad they exist. I'm happy to have them as a supplement to the fan work.

>> No.5715386

Right, they hired someone who was cheap, and he didn't know how to pronounce anything. They didn't even give him a proper audio track. They just turned down Kan's volume and told him to talk loud. You can still hear Kan's quieted voice underneath the dub. They cut every possible corner, and they should not get a pat on the back for it.

>> No.5716358

>They just turned down Kan's volume and told him to talk loud. You can still hear Kan's quieted voice underneath the dub.
This is fairly common in dubbed documentaries.

>> No.5716362

this is retarded

>> No.5716875

It's shit.

>> No.5717258

The problem is that old games were based around having not much content, but it was all rock hard. So you could very easily make an hour long show out of a game that only clocked in at an hour or two in a casual playthrough if you didn't die.

With the well mostly tapped, moving onto to PS1 games doesn't actually work, because most of these games were designed to be 5+ hours. It's the same reason RPG challenges were always garbage, because there just isn't enough time to explain the story.

The show just fundamentally doesn't work when you move outside of arcade ports. The best you can do is weird game-based challenges like the yoiko 生活 shit.

>> No.5717341

GTA3 when

>> No.5718592

>It's the same reason RPG challenges were always garbage
Dragon Quest was good. But that was also a very short game they stretched over 2 episodes.

>> No.5718603

>GCCX is not a term that the average American is going to be familliar with
Who cares what the average American thinks?

>> No.5718753

Instead of doing 5th gen games, they should’ve gone in a different direction and started doing actual arcade game challenges.

>> No.5718908

I'm pretty sure he was being facetious.