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File: 14 KB, 220x160, The_Legend_of_Zelda_A_Link_to_the_Past_SNES_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5706067 No.5706067 [Reply] [Original]

Minish cap, links awakening, link between worlds, and the oracle games are all better than this.

This game is kind of... Meh. The world is kind of annoying when it comes to the routes you have to take to go back and forth between one area and another. The main soldier guys are annoying because they mindlessly rush you, take multiple hits, and even with the boomerang it's just an annoyance. As soon as you get the Pegasus boots you just try to run past everyone as fast as possible.

I was also surprised by how few secrets there are, especially in the dungeons. The writing is really bare bones, not much better than the original Zelda.

>> No.5706073

It's the best of 2D Zelda and your blog post is pathetic.

>> No.5706089

Man is really not. You're nostalgia blind. The bosses were kind of boring too. The 3rd boss in particular was lame as fuck.

>> No.5706093

It looks and sounds nice (better than LBW), dungeons are designed better than Oracles (albeit with fewer mechanics). Link's Awakening is better and I'll return to that more often. Never played Minish, but the graphics are meh.

>> No.5706096

>never played minish but I'll replay the one from when I was a kid because im autistic

The dungeons are so fucking boring in lttp. There's barely even puzzles its mostly shitty combat rooms.

>> No.5706104

How original. A bait thread about how there's no redeeming qualities in one of the best games of all time. /vr/ will still fall for it and get this idiot 300 replies without ever saging.

>> No.5706105

Zelda 1 is exclusively combat rooms and it's a classic.

>> No.5706117

More like a relic. Its a good time capsule but it doesn't hold up, unlike say, Mario 3.

>> No.5706119

I didn't say its trash, i said its meh. The other 2D Zeldas are better.

>> No.5706205

Nice blog, zoomer filth.

>> No.5706219

Got this game on release and have to say I’ve always felt the same way.

Somthing about this game has always been unnerving to me and I never enjoyed it nearly as much as the majority of other Zelda games.

>> No.5706228

Imagine thinking Minish Cap is a good game.

>> No.5706263


>> No.5706278
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its an ok game with a very nice art style. sprits are animated well.

OP with all due respect: you're wrong.

>> No.5706284

Minish Cap sucks six dicks, dude. The whole kinstone fusing bullshit was just a time waster and the bosses were pretty lame for the most part too.

Link's Awakening probably IS better though. I haven't played it in a while but when I last played LttP the dungeons were considerably more lackluster than I remembered them. There was really no puzzle elements involved at all other than step on switch or push a block for 90% of cases.

>> No.5706290

>links awakening

Can someone explain why everyone dickrides this game so hard? Is it a good game? Yes, it is. It's the first Zelda i ever owned as a kid and I've played it and enjoyed it for years. But I've recently seen people claiming it's one of the best in the series, even the best in the series. I see people say it's better than OoT and ALttP. How? It's a good game but if we're talking Zelda I always thought it was just okay. Am I missing something or is it just a trend to like this game this much?

I just don't understand what makes it better than any other game in the series. It seems like one of the more average Zelda games.

>> No.5706291

This was actually a good game that deserves the praise.
The really meh game in the series is Ocarina of Time, that one doesn't deserve the dicksucking it gets, no matter how much fanboys insist how revolutionalry the context sensitive action button really was (it wasn't), or other insignificant bullshit they usually justify it, that really is just reaching as hard as they can to justify.

>> No.5706293

stay seething dude. OoT is fucking awesome.

>> No.5706295

He's right. There's no reason to play Zelda 1 now unless you are a Zelda fan interested in its history. Would you recommend Zelda 1 to someone who has never played a Zelda game? That's right, of course you wouldn't.

>> No.5706296

>Link's Awakening probably IS better though.

There's that Link's Awakening meme again

>> No.5706297

Not liking OoT is zoomer-tier.

>> No.5706305

>games that followed the groundbreaking title were improved and updated hence they play better
amazing analytic abilities dude

>> No.5706327

Not only doesn't it hold up today as opposed to other classics released earlier, like Alttp or Square jrpgs, Mario, etc, it doesn't sound like it really holds a candle to games released in the same year like Starcraft, Baldur's Gate, MGS, etc. I would have preferred those games even if I had played it when it was released.
It may have been a big deal for the N64, but not if you were a PC gamer.

It truly is the most overrated game of all time.

>> No.5706348

Minish cap is really good. LTTP is still my favorite though. Nostalgia or no.

>> No.5706349

My 7 sons and I think it's great. But what do they know? They're just kids!

>> No.5706351

But alttp is incredibly average. It doesn't do anything better than the rest of the series besides muh nostalgia

>> No.5706353

Well don't deny the sequels are better. Derp.

>> No.5706482

Why wouldn't I? It's what a Zelda game should be. It and the Zelda 2 offer the most challenge and aren't piss easy garbage that won't stop coddling you.

>> No.5706484

Peak summer autism

>> No.5706513

The games you listed are better, kind of like how this is better than Zelda on nes. It's almost as if a company can improve games as they go and build upon the mechanics and success of the franchise.

>> No.5706519

To me it's more focused and concentrated Zelda formula. There is less filler. It's also very charming graphically and musically. It really hit the sweet spot between exploration and wasting your time. Sometimes less is more, I'd rather have a medium sized house made of premium materials than a huge house made of cardboard and chipboard.

>> No.5706520

Explain that to the posters disagreeing. Derp

>> No.5706525

LTTP, LoZ, and OoT are too popular for some people to admit they're the best ones, so people latch onto the stinkers like LA and MM

>> No.5706527

I mean, he has some good points.

The sheer wealth of pros outweigh those admittedly annoying cons though. My personal gripes are those fucking flying bomb throwing things, the zoras and their shooty things, the beamos statues you cant kill, the repetitive dungeon music and limited tile set and ....thats about it.

Basically everything else in the game, everything, is so great i can take these minor quibbles. I really, really like above all else the world feels very alive, i like to just visit the witch, stroll through kakariko town, visit the blacksmith and the lumberjacks, it's great.

>> No.5706536

Stay mad. Game holds up fine and is every bit as good if not better than MGS

>> No.5706549

lmao, hell no

>> No.5706557

>It may have been a big deal for the N64, but not if you were a PC gamer
zoom zoom
I recall many people buying new graphics cards or accelerators in 1999 to be able to emulate OOT on UltraHLE64
Every single PC-only magazing back in 1998 at least mentioned or praised OOT as "the thing we can envy"

>> No.5706575

False. I've read multiple monthly (mostly) PC only magazines back in the day, and nobody even referenced OoT. Mind you in my country nobody gave a shit about Nintendo, people had Playstations (minority) or PC (majority) for gaming, so I'm free from the Nintendo bias, I'm one of the few people who are able to look at Nintendo games objectively.
It was only 10+ years later did I discover it even existed, and apparently it was the greatest game ever. Gave it a try and I probably have never been more disappointed in an overhyped game since then.
Mind you I have tried many different, even older, games (inlcuding other Zelda games) only later via emulation that I agreed they deserved the praise. OoT was not one of them.

>> No.5706579

I'd rather play Oot than any of the other games you mentioned, and I like all the other games you mentioned.

>> No.5706582

Nah. They're legit mediocre. The people who make comments like yours are fucking red ditors who never even played the others.

>> No.5706586

But the world feels the least alive out of the 2d games mentioned. There's Bagwell any npcs and most don't do anything.

>> No.5706587
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, 1549400887771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys playstation magazine
>never reads about oot
Mind you

>> No.5706591

Kindly point out where I wrote that I bought playstation magazines.

>> No.5706635
File: 32 KB, 510x302, Fermion 082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not get into explaining subjective opinions and preferences, that's a fools game.

>> No.5706650

Oh, it's the context sensitive action button now? Kinda like every previous game that had an action button, but didn't lrompt you to use it on screen?
Rrside t Evil and Tomb Raider being the most noteable examples, but literally dozens of other games by then.

OoT gets credit for action buttons, a lock on feature and I'vr even seen fucktards insist that the horse was the first in-game vehicle (clearly never played GTA) and all the game actually did was be one of the first games to have hand holding on-screen prompts...

>> No.5706656

This, exactly. There were tons of games released that year that were far better and actually influenced other games and industry trends. Games that spawned entire genres. Meanwhile OoT is just kinda meh, and only it's defense force, and zoomers who know no better try and claim it was anything else.

Even when it released, most N64 owners I knew said they liked it, but LOVED Goldeneye and Turok. Now, 20-ish years later, know nothing kiddos think OoT imvented videogames, so it's a fad to praise it.

Fuck OoT and it's drone fans. If you retards played more games, you'd see how right I am.

>> No.5706680

The Oracle games are garbage only the plebbest plebs can defend them

>> No.5706686

1982 baby here, played it at the time, it was disappointing then too. Nice try though to spin the game worshipped by zoomers as the holy grail, as a game only hated by zoomers. It's an especially pathetic attempt since most criticisms of OoT come from how it doesn't hold up to the standards of exploration and challenge set by earlier games in the series that zoomers have never even played. Sounds like major zoomer projection.

>> No.5706875


>> No.5706880

zelda kiddies and /vr/ posters should behave

>> No.5706947

You're so despeerate for attention that you screencapped these and made it a thread on /v/ for (You)s

>> No.5706953

ootbabbies should be shot.

>> No.5706990

>A bait thread about how there's no redeeming qualities in one of the best games of all time.
That's not what OP said at all, chill out with the autistic black-and-white extremism.

>> No.5706996

>Links Awakening
Owned it as a kid, came close to the end but got stuck on the boxing glove boss/mini-boss. I recently went back to play it again. I never realized how much of the game is backtracking and spamming A to get through the endless pointless dialogues. I got to the second or third dungeon before I lost interest.

>> No.5707005

Liking popular games games should be a bannable offense.

>> No.5707028


>> No.5707054

i find pretty embarrassing that we have posters that enjoy pop garbage like mario, doom, zelda, sonic, quake, unreal, half life, pokemon, resident evil, final fantasy instead of intellectual masterpieces like ultima, system shock ,deus ex, dwarf fortress, fallout, civilization, thief, alpha centauri.

>> No.5707064

Link's Awakening is actually the best Zelda.
The people that made it just wanted to make something fun, and although the lame fetch quests in later Zeldas stole that concept from this game, this game introduced the concept without leaning on it so much that you felt like you were playing a fetch quest instead of a game.
Link's Awakening is undeniably the best Zelda.

>> No.5707069

Zelda 1 is better than this game, and Link's Awakening is the true spiritual successor to that.
LttP was a huge step when it came out, and it's a good game, but Link's Awakening blows it out of the water.

>> No.5707073

>mentioning a few of the retro games you probably never played together with non-retro to seem more legit
>"the writing is really bare bones"

Go back to /v/, zoomer.

>> No.5707082
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Link's Awakening is the best Zelda. You can carry BowWow with you in it.
Which Zelda game lets you steal from the shopkeeper? Oh, that's right, Link's Awakening.
Which game has the rockets? Oh, again Link's Awakening.

>> No.5707083


>> No.5707091

lmao when did this place become reddit, talking about what other boards are talking about, jesus christ

>> No.5707097

Pcfat who never owned consoles. Yawn.

>> No.5707103

>Mario 3
Autoscrollers: the game. Easily the worst 2D Mario.

>> No.5707108

The first two are shit

>> No.5707117

>endless pointless dialogues
You're one of those retards who kept bumping into heavy objects without the power glove, right? LA has incredible writing precisely because there's so little of it. They didn't have cartridge space for pointless dialogue (or any other filler).

>> No.5707149

Most people i see criticizing OoT are zoomers who think it's boring compared to the newer games. As opposed to boomers who think it's boring compared to the older games.

>> No.5707159

im not going to stop until all popular games are shunned in this website. Mark my words.

>> No.5707164

Minish is garbage top to bottom, Oracles have the worse dungeons of the whole series.
Awakening is the best but LttP is better than all the others though

>> No.5707181

>link between worlds
They don't make bait this bad anymore

>> No.5707184


>> No.5707186

It legit was better though. The dungeons were more fun and so were the bosses.

>> No.5707191
File: 204 KB, 1280x853, banjokazooie-featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first post best post

>> No.5707193

this is you lttpfags.

>> No.5707238

Minish Cap and Link Between Worlds suck. I haven't played the Oracle games yet.

>> No.5707245

Nice try. Almost everyone you talk to who isn't Marin or Tarin has lines of
Zelda 1 is great, since all text is a single shot, and appears within seconds, even if borderline worthless. Even Zelda 2 is pretty short and to the point, if Engrish at times. ALttP has some instances of dialogue, but the majority is optional unless you really want to talk to everyone. Every mandatory conversation in LA goes on far too long, and you have to go through 2-3 of them just to progress to the next area/dungeon.

>> No.5707246

>The writing is really bare bones, not much better than the original Zelda.
The writing in ALttP is excellent. A lot of the later games are ruined by bad writing. So many modern games in general are ruined by bad writing.

>> No.5707249

Hideous charmless game.

>> No.5707257

No one who uses "meh" in conversation has ever had good taste or valid opinions.

>> No.5707258

When the ps1 was added to the list.
Even Moot knew this board would go to shit when that happened so he staved it off.

>> No.5707293
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it is but whatever dude. I love both of these games a lot so its really funny to me that you think your opinion is worth more just because you hate one but like the other.

>> No.5707318

But they're better than lttp

>> No.5707321

they really aren't but ok

>> No.5707326

You're nostalgia blind. Lttp does nothing special by the standard of the sequels

>> No.5707330

>muh nostalgia argument

>> No.5707331
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I first played LttP last summer but whatever helps you feel better man

>> No.5707336

>muh country
Where it is? Are you from post-communist shithole?

>> No.5707339
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>so I'm free from the Nintendo bias
Yeah, instead you have an anti-Nintendo bias. You sure showed us dude!

For what it is worth, I grew up on SEGA and playstation and didn't check out the zelda series until I was an adult. I've enjoyed them, and OoT/Majora are two of my favorite games of all time.

Lose the chip on your shoulder dude. You aren't enlightened.

>> No.5707373

Except I don't have anti-Nintendo bias, since I enjoy Nintendo games just fine, like old Mario games, and as I mentioned even other old Zelda games too like LTTP.

>> No.5707380

shrug. I don't know what to tell you. Sorry that these games didn't click with you. I loved them though.

it has been a while since I played them, really all I've played for a month or so is age of empires 2

>> No.5707521

So what you're saying is that you have a nostalgia bias.

>> No.5707548

Those were all newer games that used the same formula as LttP. Of course they try to improve on what LttP had.

>> No.5707592
File: 541 KB, 160x144, zeldala_half.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically you agree that Link's Awakening is the best Zelda?

>> No.5707691

Imagine thinking.

>> No.5707708


Switching items in LA is annoying. 9.5/10
ALttP, less annoying. 9.6/10

>> No.5707747

Anyone also notice how majora’s mask fans are all huge faggots somehow?

>> No.5707856

So it's a perfect sequel to LttP.

>> No.5707875

>It doesn't do anything better than the rest of the series

And it doesn't need to. It's the most straightforward Zelda and it was probably the peak of the series. It's the one you're supposed to play if you haven't played a Zelda game. Every other entry in the series had some weird gimmick to try something new that hadn't been done before.
(And arguably even this one had it with the light world/dark world thing being the gimmick.)

>> No.5707880

A Link to the past is the only game in the whole series that feels alive desu

>> No.5707921

No, that honor definitely goes to Majora's Mask.

>> No.5707952

Link's Awakening is the best 2d zelda.

>> No.5708178
File: 1.98 MB, 808x538, 88gm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link's Awakening is the best Zelda.

>> No.5708210

wtf is this real?

>> No.5708216

I think it was the most important, but I think the other games are more refined.

>> No.5708394

Go play the game and find out.
Btw, yes it's real. Original LA has all sorts of great glitches--more than all of the other Zeldas in the timeline combined.

>> No.5708543

here's your (You), this is what u wanted, take it and leave, and don't ever come back.

>> No.5708559

(you) mad

>> No.5708594

All of the dead homeless agree, Link's Awakening is the best Zelda.
It's carved into their chests.

>> No.5709586

Does LttP have an item for jumping across large gaps?

>> No.5710293 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 512x448, 1562196802258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5710514

Is that the Roc's staff I've heard so much about?

>> No.5710978

That's the fucking hook shot you retard

>> No.5711105
File: 60 KB, 640x480, moonman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you say that?
Link to the Past has the most boring dungeons as well as lame enemy redesigns, and an overworld that feels like a literal sandbox. The game is basically a rehash of the first Zelda made to appease fans who were unhappy with Zelda II. The same way that Twilight Princess was made for Ocarina fans who hated Wind Waker. Both of which are great games (despite being derivative) but I wouldn't call either of them an artistic achievement. And pretty much any other Zelda game feels more alive than LttP.

>> No.5711204

Yeah kakoriko village and hyrule castle barely fell alive. What is there, 10 npcs? Majora feels the most alive. Awakening and minish cap feel pretty alive too. After that id say wind waker.

>> No.5711297

Which is ironic, since Wind Waker was already an Ocarina rehash.

>> No.5711452


>> No.5711457

Sorry your first Zelda is literally a watered down OoT.

>> No.5711497

False on both accounts. Stop being retarded.

>> No.5711585

Oh no, you fell for the "Wind Waker is totally different because the art style isn't OoT's" meme.

>> No.5711729
File: 1.73 MB, 266x473, black woman head shake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stahp. Its not the same at all, other than being a 3D Zelda game.

>> No.5711956

You're right, nothing alike at all. Now go get the three red, green, and blue orbs to open the door to the master sword, get help from a mysterious brown skinned alter ego of Zelda, awaken the sages to stop Ganondorf in his castle, and don't forget to visit the Deku Tree or Lord Jabu*--

>> No.5711972

Every Zelda is a rehash of every other Zelda. That's the whole series.

>> No.5712063

>A bunch of sequels are better than a progenitor title
oh cool

>> No.5712850

All of the except Zelda is in every single fucking Zelda game you tard. Oh wait except in majora you have to get the 4 masks. Derp

You're hrasping at some really superficial shit. Ocarina stile everything from a link to the past. Collect the macguffins while traveling between two different realms, use a magic ocarina, find the master sword, collect rare powerful items like the mirror shield, defeat the bosses of different dungeons, save Zelda, and then go to hyrule castle which had been taken over by ganon and kill him.

>> No.5712867

I hate trinexx

>> No.5712875

>it's in every Zelda game
>except those ones that it's not ignore those they don't help my argument
Watered down OoT.

>> No.5712887

Your jimmies seem rustled

>> No.5713000

Iys still in majora, just masks now. Twilight is the real ocarina knock off. And you're the one ignoring how ocarina is a lttp knock off. Tard.

>> No.5713001

What about Link's Awakening?

>> No.5713501

Pretty original

>> No.5713601

I love Link's Awakening and it was the first Zelda game. That said, this is one of those cases when something is underrated or forgotten people giving it the praise it didn't initially receive. Then moron bandwagoners start attaching themselves to the game like a lamprey because they're too stupid to formulate opinions of their own while being desperate for approval. It happens all the time.

>> No.5713605

You can't say that ALttP has annoying overworld routes and say that Link's Awakening is better in the same post

>> No.5713623

I liked Link's Awakening I think because it was the first Zelda I really played. The only other one I really liked was Wind Waker but I think that was mostly graphics and all the open sailing. They all feel like the same game just juggled around abit between versions.

>> No.5713638

Links awakening is compact.

>> No.5713641

>link between worlds
>better than lttp
it's a dumbed down version of lttp

>> No.5713657

It's true, though. LttP's overworld is too big for its own good, like it was being big just for the sake of it, and they wanted to force you to traverse it in the longest ways possible to force you to appreciate how big it is.

>> No.5713704

Its really not. The dungeons and bosses and over world were all way more interesting.

>> No.5713706

It wouldn't be too big if you didn't have to circle all the way around shit

>> No.5713756

I never got very far in LttP, but the LA map always felt weirdly small and cramped to me.

>> No.5714000

y'all ever tried the randomizer

>> No.5714079

It's also ugly.

>> No.5714085

For the sake of conveying that Link's on an adventure.

>> No.5714685

The problem is that it's boring to walk from place to place in that game. It didn't have to be, but it is.

>> No.5714701

At this point you zoomers are just making shit up as you go along

>> No.5714705

Except they're not

>> No.5715494

Nah. Nah. Play them back to back instead of being a fucking autismo.

You probably never even played it, you just watched clips on YouTube and sperged out.