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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5704363 No.5704363 [Reply] [Original]

Were you a fan of Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1?

>> No.5704412

Yes, I was.

>> No.5704445

THPS is actually a 3D platformer.

>> No.5704486

Yea. Whever I play it im feeling younger in my mind

>> No.5704487

No the fuck its not. Thats like saying skateboarding is the same as parkcore

>> No.5704532

>Tony Hawk

>> No.5704548

It actually is a 3D platformer though. It's a collectathon.

>> No.5704561

No, I never played it. THPS2 blew my fucking mind though.

>> No.5704562

Uh, yeah it is. It's an arcade sports platformer. The comparisons between THPS and platformers of the era are obvious if you have triple digit IQ anon. Just think about it. The way you move is by skating, but you have to jump around platforms, launch off ramps and grind rails to collect tapes, letters, etc while also fulfilling objectives in the level to get completion of the level and progress. You can use tricks to build score for bragging rights and sometimes score is part of the objective list.

It's like Tony hawk fucked Mario and Spyro. There is a reason games like Skate were heavily embraced by actual skaters: they were more realistic than THPS. Still love THPS though

>> No.5704565

That's such a vague, nothing statement.
>There are platforms in it and the graphics are 3D, henceforth; 3D platformer

It is only a "3D platformer" in the most banal of ways but at the same time it's also a game centered exclusively around skateboarding from its presentation to its mechanics so more accurately it would be a "skateboarding physics simulator with arcade style elements".

>> No.5704569

Not really. It's a platformer. A skateboard physics sim would be Skate.

I think you're just butthurt about the truth. It's not even a bad thing that it's a platformer but you are treating it as though its bad.

>> No.5704578

I never said it was bad bucko :o)

>> No.5704581

Shrug. Fair anon.

>> No.5704685

I thin you need to learn what a platformer is. Just because it is more linear than other skateboarding games doesnt make it a platformer.

“In a platformer the player controlled character must jump and climb between suspended platforms while avoiding obstacles.”

>> No.5704690


>> No.5704692

He probably thinks GTA is a platformer as well.

>> No.5704694

Yeah bro, any recommendations for a good platformer? I like Mario and Klonoa and shit.
>Tony Hawk's bro.

>> No.5704701

Sateboarding+obectives= platformer.


>> No.5704702

Here I am

>> No.5704705

>It's a platformer.
lol posts like this make me glad I don't actually discuss games I like with you tards

>> No.5704741

It's a 3D platformer with emphasis on style.
Look at what the guy is doing in the video, he's jumping/wallriding around the level, how is that any different than Mario/Prince of Persia ?


People who can't grasp this means they can't pull off any of the lines the video, meaning they don't understand how to play.

>> No.5704746

It's an endless runner in a closed space environment with pick ups to collect. Or an ERICS

>> No.5704759

Do you think the Sega System would have won if it had more ERICSs?

>> No.5704762
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GTA is an open world action game. How could you make such a blatant leap in logic?

>In a platformer the player controlled character must jump and climb between suspended platforms while avoiding obstacles
You quite seriously do this in Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Have you not played the series?

Prove it isn't a platformer. I've actually supported my stance on why it is. You people have given me nothing.

>its an endless runner
>in a closed space
You can't have an endless runner in a closed space, or at the very least Tony Hawk does not fit the description.

To everyone that refuses to accept that Tony Hawk is a platformer: Why is this so difficult for you to grasp? It makes complete sense that its a platformer, especially given that it came out during the era where Platformers were the First Person Shooter/MOBA/Battle Royale of the day.

At the very least, it HEAVILY borrows from 3D platformers. You skate around, jumping and grinding, there are platforms and objectives to complete/objects to collect. It's a platformer.

>> No.5704873

Where do you climb in tony hawk pro skater 1-3? You dont. How is it any different from actual skating you retard.

>> No.5704880
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>> No.5704881
File: 469 KB, 1242x739, B9676845-FED6-41E3-BDD6-9EA89160D30C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it came out during the era where Platformers were the First Person Shooter/MOBA/Battle Royale of the day.

I cant even.

>> No.5704890

Can't face the truth, eh. Sanic is as much a cynical corporate product as fortnite

>> No.5704895

I can already tell you wasnt alive in the 90s.

>> No.5704898

I can tell you can't english

>> No.5704904

Where did I mess up? Please show me, kid.

>> No.5704907

You wasn't know?

>> No.5704915

You got nothing, huh?

>Hurr Durr Tony Hawk is pro platformer hurr durr

>> No.5704927

THPS1 was great, but THPS2 was a better scotformer. Is the second one retro?

>> No.5704936

Dont waste your time guys. He probably thinks SSX is a platformer as well.

>> No.5704948

SSX is awesome. Shame its not allowed on this board

>> No.5704950

Hell yes, I still remember getting it for Christmas in '99. I don't even remember where I first came across the game, none of my friends had it and I hadn't even seen or played a demo. I just remember wanting it so badly and then spending all Christmas day playing it.

I can barely play it now - it just feels so damn clunky - but it does nothing to diminish my nostalgia and memories of how much fun I had playing it back then.

>> No.5704953

Maybe you saw something called..............a commercial.

>> No.5704969

But the far superior 1080 is allowed.

>> No.5704971

Yeah it was fun

>> No.5704972

Which one? Avalanche sucked huge cock.

>> No.5704983
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>open world action game
>mutually exclusive

>> No.5705248

Why are people saying THPS isn't a platformer? It is. Just like Jet Set Radio. I don't understand the debate.

>> No.5705249
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>Prove it isn't a platformer
It's a skateboarding game. Done.

>> No.5705274

There's no such thing as a skateboarding. Do you think Wave Race is seriously a jet ski game? It's not. Remove the water. What do you have?

>> No.5705346

>Do you think Wave Race is seriously a jet ski game? It's not. Remove the water. What do you have?
It's a racing game because of the way it's structured. THPS is structured nothing like a platformer, despite the fact that you move and jump around in a 3D space. It's a skateboarding game and whether you like it or not that is its own genre.

>> No.5705501

The OG on N64. And yeah, Avalanche sucks.

>> No.5705594
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>how is it any different from actual skating?
uh, tony hawk is nothing like actual skating.

I'm right though.

They're not but GTA isn't a platformer. You really have very few reasons to jump.

It's a platformer where you use a skateboard to move.

>> No.5705605

the platforming genre holds a stigma

if anything its a testament to how fucking great it is. Neversoft took a giant shit on every single skateboarding released up to that point on top making games like Croc look like dogshit. I'd rather collect stuff in THPS than in Croc.

>> No.5705613

>Why so many replies?
>All but idiots arguing about stupid ass game labels
Am I on /v/?

>> No.5705626

>I'm right though.
You aren't but congrats anyway, retard

>> No.5705628

I've supported my stance. You haven't. Stay mad I guess.

THPS is a platformer. You just move and jump with a skateboard.

>> No.5705632

>You just move and jump with a skateboard.
That isn't at all true though and not what the game is about. It's closer to score chasing arcade games than platformers because the game is never once about risking death over any perilous platforms, but about using its trick mechanics to obtain high scores. It's also about collecting things in difficult to reach areas but that's not a trait inherent to platformers. If your idea of supporting your bullshit retarded sloth brained retard argument of it being a platformer is saying "lol you move and jump so it's a platformer" then fuck you, you sincerely don't understand what the game is.

>> No.5705634
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>> No.5705672
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>at the very least it has heavy platformer elements
is a concession I made earlier but you can't read and that is not my problem.

>> No.5705690

Its my favorite competive punk rock sports scotformer

>> No.5705739

it's a jarpigformer with beltvania elements

>> No.5705741
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>> No.5705814

Who gives a fuck. You knew what he was refering too.

>> No.5705816

>You just move and jump with a skateboard

You do that when you ollie in any type of skateboarding. So according to you skateboarding in real life = platformer simulation.

>> No.5705821

Miyamoto confirmed Tony Hawk is essentially banjo kazooie for emo kids, get over it.

>> No.5705827


>> No.5705848

Guys chill its actually an Action RPG. You “grind” in skateboarding and you “grind” in a RPG. Being able to get new decks is the same as being able to get new armor.
Increasing your states in the game is the same as leveling up in a RPG. Also custom characters

>> No.5705864

Probably has a better story than most jarpigs too

>> No.5706006

He even has the same name, weird

>> No.5706034
File: 22 KB, 451x396, electrodeasdfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so according to you, a real life situation is a video game genre
you're being intentionally retarded.

it is not difficult to see the platformer elements in tony hawk pro skater. why the butthurt about it? they're right there in your face dude.

>game literally has rotating collectibles scattered about for you to grab
>you run(skate) and jump around obstacles to get them while increasing your score arcade style and fulfilling level objectives that unlock new areas
Quite literally the same shit as a 3d platformer. Stay mad dudes. I have no idea why you guys hate the truth but its there for you to seize it.

>> No.5706130
File: 481 KB, 1242x925, 8A592502-9B9A-4FEC-BBF4-E3FA28305519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're being intentionally retarded
Says the guy who wont shut the fuck up about Tony Hawk being a platformer.

I could go around and hide tapes in my city and make skaters look for them..that doesnt make it a platform simulator. Its clear you have a very Low IQ, as most people on here have pointed out. I feel sorry for you. You probably cant even skate and no nothing about video games.

>> No.5706137
File: 588 KB, 608x1449, BF615A57-14D0-4D7D-8C43-F7FA4A911117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha dumbass.

>> No.5706157
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Why do you keep trying to compare video games to real life? Tony Hawks Pro Skater is not a realistic skateboarding game dude. Play Skate if that's what you want.

You do realize I can edit that right?

>> No.5706170

Go ahead and edit it. It will just be reverted because no one else thinks its a platformer.

>> No.5706176

I'm not going to. I'm pointing out that wikipedia isn't a reliable source and the content there is subject to change.

>> No.5706234
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>this entire thread
Never change, /vr/.