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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5705518 No.5705518 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5705657


>> No.5705659

>a million choices
>1 ending
Truly ahead of it's time

>> No.5705664

why the fuck did they think a close-up photo of a dude in shitty makeup would be a good choice for box art

>> No.5705794

So I had a friend that trully loved this game. Since I recomended him earthbound and he had a blast playing it, and he told me his 2 favorite games were this and ff6, I gave it a try. I am not his friend anymore.

>> No.5706028

This shit is the most overrated fucking game in existence
yeah, nah, we fuckin get it, mate. you actually have NO taste and follow the bellowed, unrefined pure shit taste of other retards on this website. I'd rather play Divinity Original Sin 2 than this piece of god awful dogshit- id rather play daggerfall in the super faceball engine.

>> No.5706042

I'm convinced the people that hate this game are the same sad excuses for humans that hate Raiders of the Lost Ark. You're not impressing anyone and you don't sound smart or clever. You're that asshole that complains about pizza being fattening. You're the limp wrist touting how great you are for never jacking off but you can't get a woman either. Nobody likes you and your stupid views make you even worse. Stop wasting oxygen already.

>> No.5706052

>can't make an argument without bringing up his three main sources of pleasure: Hollywood, junk food, and porn

>> No.5706061

lmao /vr/ cucks.

>> No.5706063
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>> No.5706121

Answer didn't matter, but Ravel gave interesting comments for each one...

>> No.5706148

This game is like a pseudo-JRPG of its time. Super boring and terrible until about 5-10 hours in. Just power through it.

>> No.5706204

The answer is autism, as this thread has demonstrated. That or brown nose Ravel so she gives you better items...

>> No.5706208

>What can change a nature of a man?
A reroll.

>> No.5706336

there's more than 1 ending though

>> No.5706446

Regret is the answer I believe in.

>> No.5706483

They were way ahead of the reaction image trend.

>> No.5706515

Why Torment threads are always so terrible.

>> No.5706537

Fuck the OP was even vaguely interesting, I wanted to know what everyone picked and why
But no, instead we have to listen to a bunch of unemployed teenagers out doing each other's empty posts with yet more meaningless shit.
>hurr durr box art ugly
>hurr durr overrated muh taste is better than yours
>hurr sur friend played ff6 now he's not my friend
>hurr durr literally a jarpig lol
>hurr durr you can't have legitimate reasons to hate this game, let me now compare it to a bland blockbuster
Fucking hell fags, fuck off to reddit if all you want to be is a sheepish contrarian.

>> No.5706543

That's not autism, that's sheepish teenage groupthink
>look I hate critically acclaimed thing I'm so different but just like you guys p-please notice me

>> No.5706601

Americans love that shit

>> No.5706604


>> No.5706605

Every thread on /vr/ is like this, what's your point?

>> No.5706616

>look at me I'm so jaded, everything sucks, what's your point
For fucks sake, will you gloomy emos fuck off already
Go kill yourself or something.

>> No.5706618

I'm not the one going on a rant though? Are you okay?

>> No.5706621

What is the logical connection between your retarded post and the one you're answering to? Do you have brain damage?

>> No.5706626

Maybe if you stopped tardraging people would see your point a bit better? Just a thought.

>> No.5706631

What the fuck are you even trying to say?
Maybe if you weren't a passive aggressive poser and an actual point, people would actually understand what you're trying to say
>hurr durr anger bad
Fuck off, really.

>> No.5706698

Welp, time to reinstall, and get past Curst this time.

>> No.5706748

Easily the best fucking WRPG from the 90's. Nuff said.

>> No.5706757

While it's true /vr/ quality has been declining there's still decent threads.
Even Baldur's Gate threads are being better now that everyone is getting tired of the usual Beamdog shitstorm. I can't remember a single Torment thread with just civil discussion about the game. It's like certain games are cursed for whatever reason, maybe FF6/Chrono Trigger suffered something similar.

>> No.5706836

>It's like certain games are cursed for whatever reason
You still don't get it?

Popular games are bad because this is a place where people pretend they're better than everyone else because they play (or just collect) old (and preferably obscure) games.

>> No.5706852

Baldur's Gate threads had been great since forever, if you're not an autistic janny paid to focus only on noting every bad thing said about beamdog. Surpsingly, lengthy (and pretty high level) technical discussion about the finer points of rules and builds for scs no reload, tactics, etc., which was the main attraction of these threads, died for a while when some retard thought it would be great fun to make the threads all about beamdog by basically censuring any mention of beamdog. And then accusing every anon in here to turn the threads into beamdog shitstorms. These great discussions that mostly never even involved the mention of beamdog except for rule differences, haven't really been back since then, because who would want to talk at length about anything when you know every post is monitored and can be deleted for no good reason. Add to that the general unpleasantness of the janny doing so and complete lack of any actual explanation about what was allowed or not, and you get your fucking result.
Fucking tired of you, lying cocksucker and your narrative.

>> No.5706853

I don't think Torment is that popular, I was under the impression that it was the least popular Infinity Engine game, way behind the Baldur's Gate series.
I mean they aren't even giving any arguments beyond ad hominem, not sure why anyone cares about those fags anyway

>> No.5706957

Yeah, but Torment isn't even popular, it's only popular between "hardcore" WRPG players.
Hell, I bought the game in december 1999 and no one knew about it, it sold less than 400000 worldwide.
It's like being the most hipster in a group of hipsters.

>> No.5706967

It's one of the most critically acclaimed games ever
Sure it's not fortnite levels of popularity but come on, of course most /vr/ threads are about being the most hipster in a group of hipsters

>> No.5707118

This was my choice as well

>> No.5707169

>reddit normalfags

>> No.5707173


>> No.5707182

lmao planescape trannies cant defend their game.

>> No.5707469

/v/ finally discovered this board. Be glad it took as long as it did. Took only two weeks for /pol/ to shit up /his/

>> No.5707559
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I played it for the last time 8 years ago and I think I choosed "Nothing" because the nature of man is changing all the time so nothing can't make a man not to change or some shit like that. Maybe it's just a dumb paradox but it made sense to me.
I can't remember what I choosed the first time because that was ages ago.

>> No.5707929

Reminder that death is the objectively correct answer

>> No.5708075

I always thought it was particularly poignant for TNO to tell Ravel he doesn't know the answer.
Hundreds of hapless rubes show up with a hundred different answers and she kills them all, then he shows up and says, "I'unno.", and she's all, "That's correct."

>> No.5708152

>fuck off to /v/ if all you want to be is a sheepish contrarian.


>> No.5708165

Play a real CRPG like Wiz8 not this faggy visual novel disguised as a CRPG garbage.

>> No.5708173

see planetniggers>>5708165

>> No.5708305

apart from updating my journal, whats the appeal?

>> No.5708383
File: 243 KB, 600x652, just_right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unconventional setting
>unconventional party
>many other cases of subverting expectations, e.g. no swords, no elves or dwarves
>made up slang
>big tittied prostitutes
>20 remixes of the same song
>words words words
>wow it's like I'm really smart for reading this much purple prose
>10/10 best game ever

>> No.5708895

>enter a """"town""""
>fight trash mobs

>> No.5708897

Because it looks fucking cool and sold the game alongside the title

>> No.5708917

*reaches out and snaps your neck in the blink of an eye*
>heh... nothin personal kid

>> No.5708918

raiders is fuckin boring, indie is a terrorist and a pedo

best scene is when dude just eats that fly that crawls in his mouth

>> No.5708919

literally fucking anything, it is the nature of man to change

>> No.5708992
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But it looks great.

>> No.5709397


>> No.5709457


>> No.5709512


>> No.5709521

same reason ur mom got her prom picture anyway lol

>> No.5710790

Jesus dude, you need therapy, not 4chan

I'm pretty sure anyone who isn't just fanboying will tell you this was basically the west prototyping VNs.

>> No.5710818

Have sex /vr/cels.