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File: 17 KB, 320x224, Sonic_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
570346 No.570346 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sonic the most overrated game franchise of all time?

>> No.570352

I'm tired of the buzzword "overrated"

>> No.570353

That's not FF

>> No.570356



>> No.570358

You may think it's overrated, but for it to be the most overrated franchise of all time it would actually have to be shit, but beloved by a wide range of people regardless. Sonic is definitely not shit, as far as /vr/ is concerned.

>> No.570364

Actually what he means is more that the only good Sonic games were the first two and everything after that is irrelevant.

>> No.570370

Maybe not the most overrated, but it has the worst fans of any major franchise

>> No.570376

So it's Sega's fault that Sonic fans are a bunch of sick disturbed people who drew 100,000,000 R34 pics of Amy

>> No.570382
File: 511 KB, 642x479, 1366778949516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't think Sonic 3&K is at least as good as the first two, if not better, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.570383

Well it sure wasn't the fans who brought Amy Rose upon us back in the Sega CD days

>> No.570384

ok three good games

>> No.570386

Nah. It's totally their fault in Rouge's case though.

>> No.570389

I agree with you completely there. I honestly thought I was the only person that felt that way. I can understand there's an argument for including CD and S3&K in that list, but it's not one that's particularly convincing to me.

>> No.570390

I dunno; Zelda and Mario have never had these problems with like Princess Peach R34

>> No.570402

I've seen a shitload of Peach 34.

>> No.570403

But those aren't furry though. As you know, furries are completely inhuman creatures that only vaguely resemble men. That is why Moot won't give them their own board on here.

>> No.570407

Sure not as much as Sonic I bet

>> No.570412

Final Fantasy

So no.

>> No.570413
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That would imply I look at Sonic porn.

W-which I don't.

>> No.570416

Not that guy, but someone who agrees wholeheartedly: S3&K is way too dependent on gimmicks to the point that it breaks up the flow of the levels way too often. I don't want to run on tops, or pump up lever-type-things, or fucking snowboard. I'm here for the platforming.

I hate the plasticine-looking main sprite and feel the more '3D' Sonic looks the less he works as a character, I hate the music, and I'm not overly sold on the more detailed (read: cluttered) visuals.

>> No.570420

Final Fantasy is the most overrated, obviously.
The fans must really love pain and self abuse since it keeps getting shittier and shittier, yet they continue to eat it up and ask for moar.

At least with franchises like COD or whatever, most people know it's not the best. They just play it to do something with their friends

>> No.570424

>2D Sonic
>Press Right to win
>3D Sonic
>Press Forward to win

>> No.570429


Street Fighter
Half Life
Left 4 Dead

>> No.570434

I don't recall Nintendo is living off the fumes of good games from 20 years ago

>> No.570438

Oh look, it must be Opposite Day

>tfw Nintenyearold in denial that they keep feeding him the exact same games for the last 30 years

>> No.570439

You should get that amnesia of yours checked out then.

>> No.570445

Mario and Zelda are stale because Shiggy is stale and hasn't had any new ideas since the SNES era (except Pikmin). But he's planning on retiring soon anyway, so...

>> No.570451

>The fans must really love pain and self abuse since it keeps getting shittier and shittier, yet they continue to eat it up and ask for moar.
Nah, I abandoned shit after X. Had a fun battle system and delicious Lulu tits, but holy shit, the dungeon design was atrocious and the story was laughable.

I heard good things about XII but haven't played it, but XIII seems to be something I want to avoid altogether.

The more I look into Bravely Default, the more it seems to be like what Final Fantasy should be now. It's honestly one of the few recent games that I actually am looking forward to. I just need to find some bullshit excuse to justify buying a 3DS for one game.

>> No.570454

>At least with franchises like COD or whatever, most people know it's not the best

Are you kidding? COD kiddies think it's the greatest game franchise of all time.

>> No.570456

He already "retired" in the sense that he's working on smaller projects. He's pretty much said he has no plans to actually retire anywhere in the near future.

>> No.570457

Not really. You rarely hear anything about it anymore at all, except when its fandom is mentioned in relation to furries.
The actual game series might as well have ended after Sonic 2, isntead of being dragged into the dumps as it has been over the years.

>> No.570470
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And the fact that they were running low on original ideas so resorting to such gimmicks makes it feel like a cheaper set of 2 games. TWO separate games that were released separately yet get treated as one game by fanboys in an attempt to gloss over the flaws and shallow gameplay that drag them down to the lower rungs of original Sonicdom beneath the far superior Sonic and Sonic 2

>> No.570472

Right...but it looks like he's going to let younger guys do the heavy lifting and one can hope they refresh Nintendo's extremely stale franchises that live only on name recognition and past glories.

>> No.570478

I don't think they represent the entire fanbase, while for most players, COD is just a fun party game to play with multiple people.

>> No.570482

Not him, but that'd be about right.

It's not. The first 2 games are actually good. S3&K is infernally dull due to a combination of for the most part extremely forgettable music and boring drawn-out repetitive level designs.


>> No.570486

My neighbor thinks this. I had him over a few years ago when he was in middle school, and we were playing Brawl because it was the only video game we had in common and I was stuck with him for an hour.

Who's Sonic?

>> No.570491

COD's fanbase is made up of underage kids and dudebros, with mindless sheep thrown in, all parties are people that have never played any games besides whatever is the most popular because IGN or Gamespot said they are.

>> No.570501

Their opinions don't count though. The fact alone that they actually play COD is a testament to their bad taste.

>> No.570506

"overrated" is a term that only applies on an individual basis

>> No.570532

what is final fantasy

>> No.570535

Classic Sonic is actually underrated.

Not on /vr/ though; on /vr/ it is appropriately rated.

>> No.570536

Not OP, but yeah... I guess as of the PSX generation, Final Fantasy could very well be one of the most overrated game series of all time.

>> No.570541

>people think Sonic3&K is badly designed

come on

Sonic 1 and CD are my favorite but I can't lie and say Sonic 3&K has great level design. CD easily has the most polarizing and most awkward level design.

Also stop fucking using overrated for games. People have ruined that term on the interent.

>> No.570546

But it's a valid use of the word. Games are rated, often based on more than just their qualities as a game.

>> No.570571

>Sonic 3&K has great level design
Great in what way exactly? Do you enjoy huge stretched out repetitive levels with almost nothing in them?

>Sonic 1 and CD are my favorite but
I haven't played CD, so I can't say anything about that, but S3&K frankly bores me to the point of almost being mental torture to play. The levels are often extremely long and repetitive, and almost devoid of anything actually interesting or challenging. Often it resorts to wasting your time and testing your patience by having annoyingly placed springs bounce you all over the place, rather than actually putting in enemies or interesting platforming sections. And then there's stuff like the hovering spinning tops in Marble Garden zone that is just sprinkling extra slow tedious pointlessness on top of levels already devoid of anything even remotely interesting.

>> No.570575

I'm not even a huge Sonic fan and I had a lot of fun with S&K3 the first time I played it.

I guess I just have BAD TASTE.

>> No.570591

>Often it resorts to wasting your time and testing your patience by having annoyingly placed springs bounce you all over the place, rather than actually putting in enemies or interesting platforming sections.

It's really funny you say that about 3&K (the generally most favorited one), it's exactly what people complain about Sonic CD.

To be honest, CD feels different from the classic, straighforward and speed based platformers. It's still fast, it's still good controls, the problem is the level design for the people who expected a straighforward game... in Sonic CD you have to play it with exploration and time-traveling in mind instead, otherwise you won't enjoy the levels. It's as if you were expecing big, labyrinthic levels in Sonic 1 or 2... they are pretty straighforward, you don't really have nothing to look out for other than the goal and maye some extra monitors and rings.

>> No.570594

The only thing I don't like about Sonic 2 is the massive shift of difficulty on the last level. You go through the whole game doing comparably easy stuff and suddenly a level where you have 0 rings and have to beat 2 bosses in a row and the last one takes incredible timing. It just upsets the flow of the entire game.

>> No.570604

>extremely forgettable music
and here's how we tell you're full of shit.
I wouldn't have had that shit stuck in my head for 20 years if it was forgettable.

none of it may be sonic-1-final-zone-tier, but the way second act remixes were a fucking incredible thing to do, and nothing has compared since (unless you count modern games that take ONE tune and remix it repeatedly for the whole game)

>> No.570612

Final bosses are supposed to be hard.

>> No.570616

in that case, let's also point out that when someone arbitrarily nitpicks on popular things, that they're being edgy.

>> No.570620


Yeah but it's the only boss that takes timing and the rest pretty much don't.

>> No.570623

If you hate S3&K, you suck at Sonic games, period.

The "gimmicks" such as the top in Marble Gardens are no obstacle if you can, you know, actually beat acts with more than 100 rings, consistently.

The "gimmicks" have perfect controls and integrate perfectly with the in game physics. If you bitch about them being "gimmicks," then you suck at old Sonic games because literally EVERY one of them can be controlled with 100% accuracy if you approach them from a physics perspective, not "hurr durr push left to win." That's all classic Sonic is. Physics.

The levels aren't "too long," it's not Sega's fault you suck so bad you can't maintain ring counts for an extra three minutes. They aren't repetitive either, but I wouldn't expect any actual bulletpoints from a casualfag who thinks "Sonic 1 is best Sonic because original." Have fun with your Retron 3, homo.

If you think Sonic 1 is the best then you're a casualfag who's trying to sound smart around a bunch of hardcore Genesis fans. Literally no one who has spent more than five minutes playing a Sega Genesis will say Sonic 1 is the best. If you like stiff controls, slow movement, poor physics, and bad level design, then it's for you.

This isn't NeoGAF, fuck off.

>> No.570627
File: 15 KB, 211x185, mario has a coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>push left to win

>> No.570625

video games are also supposed to have a difficulty curve, not a difficulty wall.

there was no appropriate scale-up in difficulty leading to the final boss.

>> No.570630


i just woke up nigger

>> No.570632

>and the last one takes incredible timing
Not necessarily. It just depends on whether you want to do it slow and safe or fast and risky.
The fast way requires getting the timing right, but it's hardly what I'd call extreme. If you can't do it, you can always play it safe and just wait for him to fly away and then land again, hit him as he comes down and run away again. It takes a while, but it gets the job done.
The metal Sonic is easy, and once you get the controls down, it's easy to kill him in under 10 seconds. The hardest part of the game by far is Metropolis Act 3, and mainly because of that last part where you have to run on nuts to ascend while avoiding getting hit by the exploding star things, and more unpredictably, the mantis at the top. And then there's the boss, which could have been somewhat challenging if you couldn't just keep re-grabbing your last ring indefinitely, although if you time it right, you can hit him without ever taking a hit.

>> No.570638

This. Learn some new ways to say "I don't like this series and you're dumb if you do."

Actually, just go ahead and take that to /v/.

>> No.570648

>muh spin dash

I like all of them but you can't tell me Sonic 1 sucks, not to me at least. I literally speedrun it anytime I feel bored. The limited possibilities help me focus on not making mistakes, and I never stop having fun with it. I don't get the same feel with Sonic 2, I don't know.

>> No.570649
File: 10 KB, 211x246, ftw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are coherent enough to type that out, but can't tell left from right?

>> No.570652

I woke up white. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.570657


I am not coherent right now, that was ten minutes of proofreading. The point stands

>> No.570660

>Literally no one who has spent more than five minutes playing a Sega Genesis will say Sonic 1 is the best. If you like stiff controls, slow movement, poor physics, and bad level design, then it's for you.

This is where your post became bullshit. Nothing is wrong with Sonic 1's controls, movement, or physics, and very few things are wrong with its level design. Maybe you grew up with the 50Hz PAL version, in which case I feel sorry for you, but otherwise there is no reason to complain about the movement and controls in Sonic 1 unless you're a casualfag who can't enjoy a Sonic game without spamming spindash all the time.

>> No.570664

>and here's how we tell you're full of shit.
>I wouldn't have had that shit stuck in my head for 20 years if it was forgettable.
You overlooked the
>for the most part
Yes, it does have a few memorable tunes (Hydrocity Act 1, Ice Cap Act 1, Lava Reef Act 1), but it's extremely inconsistent throughout the game, unlike the first 2 games that had almost only excellent music of the sort that stuck on your mind for ages.
The occasional good music track isn't really sufficient to make up for the dull level design.

>The "gimmicks" such as the top in Marble Gardens are no obstacle if you can
I never said it was challenging, I said it was boring and pointless as fuck and served no purpose but to waste the player's time. If it actually added anything of value to the game, I wouldn't have had any problem with it.

>Sonic 1 is best Sonic because original
I don't. Sonic 2 is the best by far.

>> No.570667
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>> No.570676

>no Angel Island Act 2

>> No.570708

Most levels in 3&K are better than most levels in Sonic 2 -- with few exceptions.

>> No.570702

>or marble garden 2
>or launch base

>> No.570703

>forgettable music
>boring level design

If you are serious go play lava reef or whatever now

>> No.570705

>it stands only because I say it does


>> No.570719


Fag detected. I said Genesis, not Mega Drive. 60Hz.

There are plenty of things wrong with Sonic 1, and it's not a bad game, but compared to the later ones it's kinda lousy.

The movement is stiffer than Sonic 2 or 3, and you can't maintain super high speeds. Let's say you hit a spring. You get a speed boost. The very SECOND you touch right on the D-Pad you slow down back to normal speed.

The physics are less precise than the other two.

The level design is severely lacking compared to the later games. Spring Yard Zone is fun but it's a mess, and kind of an unfinished concept. Marble Zone is slow and boring. Labyrinth Zone is bar none THE WORST zone ever put in a Sonic game. And the worst part is that Sonic 1 has a three act system, but the levels rarely change, save for Scrap Brain. So you have to play the same crappy level AGAIN.

The lack of spindashing is a serious problem, but at least they design the zones to compensate for it. Kind of.

>> No.570723

It's actually a meaningless phrase unless you make a more in-depth argument. Calling something "overrated" is completely dependent on how highly you perceive that other people rate it, which is a very context-dependent judgement. There is no objective definition for the "consensus opinion" that you're implicitly referencing when you say that something is overrated or underrated.

Simply calling a game "overrated" doesn't give your reader any context for that statement -- such as which raters you're referring to, how you perceive them to rate it, and whatever justification you may have for making these implicit assumptions. If someone happens to think the exact same way you do your opinion will make sense to them, but a lot of readers will have different implicit assumptions and won't be able to see eye-to-eye with you at all.

>> No.570726

I wish sonic gameplay stayed to be a pinball platformer.

>> No.570727

>If you don't like what I like it must because you suck at vidya!
Oh look. /v/ is here.

Nobody is saying the gimmicks are challenging or problematic from a difficulty standpoint. We're saying they're unnecessary, dull, and break up the flow of of play. Because they are, and they do.

>> No.570734


The top in Marble Gardens Zone actually shaves a TON of time off of the level, and can seriously boost ring counts, if you aren't dogshit at Sonic.

>> No.570740

Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks this.
Honestly, the fact that S3&K is actually considered the best by so many people makes me wonder if it just happened to come out at the "right time" to be the first Sonic game played by many kids, causing them to be blinded to its flaws by nostalgia.

>> No.570742

I hate how everyone bring the "too much gimmicks" everytime they want to say that sonic 2 is the better one compared to s3&k.
I could say that sonic 2 is the one who feels the most "press right to win" between the classic games, appealling to a more casual and plebeian audience. I could say the best zones are also incredibly short except mystic cave. I could say a lot of things to notice how sonic 2 is the inferior one.
I still love the game, but Jesus, I always found the comparison embarassing.
S3&K wins on every front by a landslide.

>> No.570748

No, but that's clearly the reason why Sonic 2 is the most popular Sonic game.

>> No.570750

sonic was the first game I played in my life, and I prefer sonic 3&K

so for the purposes of this thread, I would be a counter-example to your theory.

>> No.570756


No, YOU'RE saying they are unnecessary and dull. And the truth is they shouldn't present a problem for a skilled player. The overwhelming consensus is that S3K is best Sonic, and that's the opinion everywhere. Now if someone had valid reasons for that, sure, but claiming that thing level design is too long, too gimmicky, and straight up boring is not a valid argument. That's the kind of shit you hear at NeoGAF because little Tommy just passed Game Design 101 and wants to shit on everything.

YOU get off /vr/, I like it here.

>> No.570757

So? They could've designed the level properly in the first place so the dull top rides weren't needed. Encouraging and rewarding boring tedious actions is not what I consider good game design.

>> No.570758

Sonic 2 is inferior not only to S3&K, but to Sonic 1 and Sonic CD as well. This is fact.

>> No.570760

My first sonic was 2, in 1992.
I loved it.
I sold it the cart some years ago.
I will never sold S3&k carts, bought both around 1995.

>> No.570761

>sucking on MJ's dick

I'm the first one loving them, but you could at least pick one from S&K, to compensate for your bias. Like Flying Battery Act 2 or Sky Sanctuary.

>> No.570765

who's MJ?

>> No.570770

Michael Jackson, presumably. There is a rumor that he worked on the music for Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I don't think it's ever been confirmed though, and I have my doubts.

>> No.570778

This, a thousand times this.
Add that sonic 2 was made in amurrica,
and now we all can see why among the masses it's more popular then s3&k

>> No.570790


They DID design it properly. Jesus fucking Christ. The top can be used to shave 1-2 minutes off the level if you're skilled with it, between hidden passages and driving it on the ground to boost speed. The control is easy to learn and difficult to master, and it requires constant fine tuning to stay in the air. It's not boring and tedious, you just suck, and I doubt you've ever even beaten the game with all 14 emeralds. Go back to NeoGAF and take your shitty, devils advocate opinions with you. I hate people who always have to be "that guy" and disagree with bullshit bullet points. You don't sound smart, you sound like a fucking asshole, get off /vr/.

>> No.570810
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You can easily detect the ones he did if you're good at perceiving styles. The obvious ones are those with vocal samples (which ended being cut in S3&K), while the less obvious are those which create a particular mood but and the lead track's priority gets switched with the bassline.

Marble Garden and Ice Cap were definitely his work, and people close to him actually confirmed S3 ending credits inspired Stranger in Moscow, while some even wackier rumors related the Stranger in Moscow song to his stay at STI.

>> No.570828

S3&K was also developed in America, but it was a full Japanese team. People thinking something is better because it was made in a country they like are the worst.

>> No.570838

A guy that worked with him wrote the music. None of the supposed evidence that MJ was directly involved is the slightest bit convincing.
MJ wasn't one to rehash so shit like "Carnival Night has a orchestra hit like Jam! That proves it!" is stupid
Strangers in Moscow is a simple as fuck chord progression and so ambient any song could line up with it

>> No.570886

I don't think Carnival Night was made by MJ for different reasons, by the way you may want to take a look here:


Unless Roger Hector likes spreading lies, I think this is solid proof right here.

>> No.570891

>No, YOU'RE saying they are unnecessary and dull.
Absolutely. I don't for one moment think my opinion is some godly, objective truth. I'm just giving one of the many reasons I prefer the prequels. If you thought the gimmicks were a great touch and a welcome break from the straight-up platforming then great. Fantastic. I'm pleased you enjoy them. I prefer 'purity' in my platformers and anything that takes me away from the actual meat-and-bones platforming is detrimental to my enjoyment of a game. It's nothing to do with difficulty and everything to do with what I personally am looking for in a game. It's the same reason I personally rate SMW over Yoshi's Island, too, and still hold 8-bit Sonic up as an underrated gem in the series. Opinions, etc.

Now stop pretending someone disliking what you enjoy is some horrendous personal attack, and stop with the idiotic mudslinging and the HURRNEOGAFing. This isn't the board for it, and at no point has anyone been anything but civil toward you.

>The overwhelming consensus is that S3K is best Sonic
>Add that sonic 2 was made in amurrica,
and now we all can see why among the masses it's more popular then s3&k
You people need to make your minds up...

>> No.570896

>People thinking something is better because it was made in a country they like are the worst.
I have literally NEVER come across anyone voicing that opinion about any of the main-branch Sonic games.

>> No.570904

I will never understand how it was possible for such an abysmal character design and mediocre platforming game to develop such a rabid fanbase. It's really bizarre.

>> No.570910
File: 47 KB, 300x504, Sonic_CD_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the point where Sonic died

>> No.570917

S3&K is considered the best usually by the ones who played them all extensively.

>> No.570920

Enjoy not living a life of power, not believing in yourself, and not doing anything.

>> No.570921

I'm flabbergasted by people thinking S3&K had bad level design.
"B-but I can't go fast!"
Deal with it idiots Sonic was always more about exploration than blasting as fast as possible. It's why you have goddamn TEN MINUTES to complete a single act.

>> No.570935

I want to argue why I think you're wrong, but then again S3&K gave one hundred THOUSAND fucking points to anyone who completed the acts precisely at 9:59, so I don't know what to say.

>> No.570941

I swear to christ I remember seeing this exact thread with the exact same posts in /v/

>> No.570950
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Any game that has to resort to arrows to spell out to you where you need to go to complete a stage is seriously flawed.

Sonic 3 is a step down from Sonic 2
its sequel Sonic and Knuckles is better but still not on par with either of the first 2 Sonic games

>> No.570957
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But I can't be mad at the programmers. They had innocent intentions and never imagined what this would lead to.

>> No.570959

so donkey kong was seriously flawed?

you have retarded standards.

>> No.570970
File: 4 KB, 224x256, Donkey_Kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so donkey kong was seriously flawed?

Waitwaitwait. DK has arrows showing where you're supposed to go?

>> No.570979

a Sonic stage so badly designed that it needed arrows to lead you in the right direction.
Yep definitely the height of the franchise right here boys.

>> No.570976

>Sonic & Knuckles
That's how retarded you are

>> No.570984

was talking about DK country, and yes, they're fucking everywhere.

there's a difference between HAVING arrows and the arrows being neccecary.

>> No.570985

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Original release dates:[18]
NA January 23, 1994
EU February 24, 1994
JP May 27, 1994
AUS 1994

Sonic & Knuckles

Original release dates:[21]
NA October 17, 1994
JP October 18, 1994
EU October 19, 1994

A published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one.
Something that takes place after or as a result of an earlier event.

>> No.570987

You fucks got stuck at Carnival Night's up-down barrel yet complain about arrows directing you through a constantly shifting maze?

>> No.570991

you are so obviously grasping at straws it would be funny if it were a little more clever of you.

>> No.570995

And with that, /vr/ became /v/ 2.0

>> No.571000

I want to laugh but you probably though looking it up was really clever.
S&K is not a sequel

>> No.571009

I'd say it was more an expansion pack

>> No.571010

yeah, the barrel is worse. I have played it too many times and I know it by now, but there was no mention of it anywhere. also
>most barrels don't respond to up/down and you have to jump on them
>think this is how it is supposed to be
this is why everyone gets stuck there

>> No.571026

different guy, and we're all aware that sonic 3 and S&K were intended to be one game, but they were in fact two.

if S&K were unplayable without sonic 3, then you could say it was an expansion rather than a sequel, but as it stands, you are objectively wrong, and highly conceited at that.

>> No.571034

Not him, but he's right, it's technically not a sequel, but it actually is. Half Life 2 Episode One and Two are actually Half Life 3 as said by Gabe, that doesn't mean they weren't thought out in advance and meant to be part of the original Half Life 2, before they decided to move on and cut stuff from the game so they could find a balanced intereation in faster time. That's also why they were ultimately referred to as HL2.

>> No.571040

I thought the development of HL2: ep3 had effectively become half-life 3?

>> No.571041
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I see a series of games released one after the other never together.

What is so hard to understand about 2 games, 2 boxes, 2 names, 2 different release dates?
2 separate games, one continuing the former's story, in definition my friend; a sequel.

>> No.571056

>saving that to your hard disk

>> No.571054 [DELETED] 
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>> No.571060

Yeah but I was referring to this:


>Probably a better name for it would have been Half Life 3: Episode One, but these three are what we're doing as our way of taking the next step forward, but Half-Life 2 was the name we used.

>> No.571062

Sanic was fun in the Genesis era. I played the games faithfully up until part 3.

I don't understand it's longevity. But I suspect it's due mainly to the hordes of sickies who get off to fanfics where all the characters fuck.

The whole franchise feels tarnished to me. I don't even pay attention to it anymore.

>> No.571065
File: 17 KB, 281x217, S1concept-Madonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really though...

>> No.571069

Western Sonic looks awkward as fuck.

>> No.571071

>But I suspect it's due mainly to the hordes of sickies who get off to fanfics where all the characters fuck

*BZZZT* Someone get this guy a medal and an all-expenses-paid vacation to Cancun.

>> No.571075

The fuck?

>> No.571082

Honestly the only reason to still watch The Simpsons anymore is because every Bart-gets-a-gf episode provides more Paheal material.

>> No.571083

>But I suspect it's due mainly to SATAM and Archie Comics, with people watching them not even playing the games.


>> No.571092



>> No.571093
File: 74 KB, 1000x697, Madonna concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you've never heard of Madonna?

>Madonna was supposed to be a love interest for Sonic back when the original game was still in development. She was a blonde haired skinny human woman in a form-fitting red dress and was actually going to be Sonic's girlfriend.

>She was supposed to chase Sonic around like Amy Rose does in current games. She was first designed by Hirokazu Yasuhara, as a very attractive woman who would chase Sonic. She was later removed by Madeline Schroeder, her reason for removing Madonna was that she wanted to "soften" Sonic for children and foreign countries, because she thought it was too "Japanese".

>> No.571094

Bart get out i'm piss

>> No.571101
File: 75 KB, 925x585, 3434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.571102

Are we really in here carrying out a marketing battle from 25+ years ago?

Genesis does what Nintendon't?

This is a binary proposition - you either like Sonic or you don't. There's no cause for naturalizing discourses or essentialized identities (oh...go look 'em up.)

I don't like Sonic. I understand that a lot of people do. I understand a lot of people like broccoli, which I also do not enjoy. I don't go around saying people who like broccoli are a bunch of Birdseye dick-riders, because I understand that would be insane.

>> No.571103

ITT: Epic samefagging and a foul mouthed Hedgehog fanboy

>> No.571104

You should've been here yesterday and gone to any emulation thread, it wasn't console wars but it was just as bad.

>> No.571107

>Oh, you've never heard of Madonna?

Isn't she some old hag who parades around in bondage costumes?

>> No.571108

It would have probably went like an inverse Jessica Rabbit relationship, which would have made the game more surreal than it already was. I'm kinda okay with this.

>> No.571110

>I don't go around saying people who like broccoli are a bunch of Birdseye dick-riders, because I understand that would be insane.
Insane. But funny.

>> No.571125

Laura Powers is the only one who's likable.
Edna doesn't count and with Jessica you have a character you love to hate (or hate to love if you've ever dated crazy). The rest can die in a fire along with modern Simpsons.

>> No.571132

Jessica is a traditional favorite for Simpsons fan artists and especially R34

As for the rest, Laura is a closet dyke, Greta is a stuck-up bitch, Clara is a hick, Gina is an open dyke, that Sarah Silverman chick is stupid, and the girl with the basket I never saw that episode

>> No.571134
File: 77 KB, 788x600, 788px-Sonicguide4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Sonic was originally supposed to be in a rock band for some reason.

>> No.571138

That picture of Sonic with the microphone made it in the Master System version of Sonic 1

>> No.571142

I don't know if it is overrrated, I just have fond memories of Sonic games and I fully admit it clouds my judgement. Pre-Sonic Adventure 2 was a beautiful thing, and then Generations brought back some of that magic for me.

>> No.571160

>Jessica is a traditional favorite for Simpsons fan artists and especially R34

I kind of don't see the distinction and don't care. I'm going by series canon here and character. The episode with Jessica is one of my favorites and clearly a cautionary parallel to real world crazy chick adolescent/adult relationships.

>As for the rest, Laura is a closet dyke
[citation needed] And I say that because it so perfectly captured how "older" grunge chicks used to appear to us who were being babysited in the early-mid 90s. Whoever wrote this episode must have had similar memories or based her of a real girl.

>> No.571173

They wanted to give Sonic a Masato Nakamura background, he was actually Sonic and his band who composed the songs for the game and he later played them in the Sound Test. Then they took that whole thing out and with the space left they shoehorned in the original SEGA sound at the beginning, which wasn't there originally.

>> No.571180

No. It's pretty rated. It has a ton of fans, but they typically either know it's just a decent game or they want to yiff something.

>> No.571197

What is that image trying to say

>> No.571208

Sega went full retard and they decided to place Sonic CD just Sonic 4, at least that's what I got.

>> No.571230

>Whoever wrote this episode must have had similar memories or based her of a real girl

Mebbe someone's daughter or niece

>> No.571265
File: 1.66 MB, 3344x2388, Sonic Faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions, yay.

>> No.571273

There is no "Death Egg Saga", Sonic CD could easily fit between Sonic 2 and 3. 3 is not set immediately after 2.

>> No.571281

Someone please explain the hardon everyone has for 3 / S&K.

There's too many gimmicky obstacles, no sense of speed, the controls/gameplay feel weird compared to the rest of the series, and the music is fucking awful.

I don't get the love. 3 was the end of the line for me with Sonic, and to me the only good games were 1/2/CD.

>> No.571286 [DELETED] 


>> No.571297


>> No.571304


Does the blue eye symbolise... abuse?

>> No.571319

A "black eye", I presume.

>> No.571337


If you have no sense of the speed and feel the controls as weird, chanches are you suck.

>> No.571350

Laughed my ass off, thank you. By the way, I was right about western Sonic looking awkward. It's the same fucking thing in every game. They thought people wouldn't notice?

>> No.571362

I'm with you there. It's a mystery. Maybe a lot of people just have really bad taste in games.

>> No.571386


Actually, all barrels do that, even the first one in Act 1. It'd just never been necessary, useful or a way to have some fun before that point and is never necessary, useful or a way to have some fun after it. It was the perfect example of a cat-hair moustache bullshit puzzle.

>> No.571387

Why does every goddamn kid that gets offended by someone calling his pet goddamn garbage game out for the subpar mess that is immediately go to this retarded argument?

It has to be a defensive mechanism, I swear. It just makes the original argument stronger by how stupid the reply is.

>> No.571425

>with the space left they shoehorned in the original SEGA sound at the beginning, which wasn't there originally.

You're fucking tripping. That SEGA sample takes up most of the ROM. Seriously, Sonic 1 is a game shoehorned onto a cart designed primarily to make the Mega Drive yell "SEGA!".

>> No.571450

>barely a reaction from Sonic 2 on the Genesis
>Ridiculous dick sucking of the shitty third game.
>Actually liking the Dreamcast games


>> No.571465


And no jizzing buckets over Spinball.

>> No.571472

Spinball was a poor pinball game and an ever worse Sonic game.

>> No.571492

There are plenty of times when you go fast but the levels are more exploration based, especially since you had to find the Special Stages.
People keep talking about gimmicks like they were a bad thing.
I'm honestly confused, It's got to be the same people who liked the shitty Advance games that think S3&K is TOO SLOW.

>> No.571505

I hate casino and water zones

Why are they in every fucking classic sonic game?


God Tier:
-Lava Reef 2 / Hidden Palace
-Starlight Zone
-Mystic Cave
-Death Egg
-Sky Sanctuary
-Ice Cap

High Tier:
-Hilltop Zone
-Powerplant from Sonic 2
-Flying Battery
-Oil Rig

Meh Tier:
-Launch Base
-Marble Garden

HATE Tier:
-casinos (inb4 that fucking thing in Sonic 3, you know that one)
-Labyrinth zone (fuck you Scrap Brain 3 too)
Hydrocity can pass.

>> No.571504
File: 106 KB, 544x323, SonicSing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're sarcastic, so I'll drop this in:


>But the biggest thing I remember we had that we didn't use in Sonic 1 was the break-dancing. We had this idea for the sound test. The composer for the game was one of the members of Dreams Come True, a famous Japanese band, so we wanted to do something special for the game's music. See, we wanted to have a separate sound-test screen with an animation of Sonic break-dancing while a "Sonic Band" played the game music. We were working on the images, and had enough space left on the cartridge memory for it, but once again time constraints prevented us from putting it in the program.

>So what should we do with that leftover space? I suddenly had an epiphany! It said to me ... "SE-GA!" It came from our TV commercials, and that became the game's startup sound. I thought it made a good impression when you heard it, right? Though to fit it in, we had to delete all the break-dancing picture data we had made up to that point. Oshima was heartbroken, since we didn't need his pictures anymore. But seriously, that sound alone took up 1/8 of the 4 megabit ROM! Ah, those were the days...

Quite a pity though. The SEGA sound really is what put Sonic aside from the other Genesis games.

>> No.571631

>Tails Adventure
>Not Good


>> No.571664

I honestly would say Sonic is the most overrated series. I think the classic 2D games are awful.

Zelda and FF, while overrated, at least have some genuinely great games to their name.

>> No.571673

i actually think sonic works better in 3d and 2d. being able to see ahead of you makes the gameplay feel more fair and less like bullshit where you have to memorize the levels

>> No.571685

Nice genuinely great argument you got there.

>> No.571850 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 271x243, 1311293727998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and the best game of all,
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the Gamecube
isn't even on the image. I guess it's just too good to be noted.

>> No.572945

and redesigning sonic to make him edgier.

>> No.572965
File: 590 KB, 1500x1161, RED_HULK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't...hold ....it in....

>> No.573007
File: 14 KB, 286x400, ferret bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> FF is the most overrated series ever, guys
> every FF thread has 2 guys discussing and 8 "haters", proportionally
Maybe you mean overhated? I'm not seeing the logic here.

>> No.573017

Yes. Only furry faggots play them.

>> No.573047

I never really liked Sonic simply because the camera is too zoomed in and I can't see what's ahead of me. What's the point of a fast paced game if you can't see shit?

>> No.573127
File: 1.43 MB, 1802x1438, GOTTAGOFAST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up a Sanic fan and can say that the franchise is pretty overrated but not the MOST overrated. To me most of the 2D games are fucking great while having their issues and there are a handful of good 3D Sonic games, and as much as I love the Adventure titles, they are very overrated and didn't age well especially Adventure 1.

I grew up with Sonic 2 being my first Sonic game My first vidya game was Mortal Kombat and Earthworm Jim and they don't get that much love here. and I know how all the classic games feel and work and with all the shit it gets it's not worst video game series, it just has the worst fanbase in the fucking world tied with Final Fantasy fans and OoT vs Majora's Mask fans.

Besides the only series I could say is more overrated than Sonic is Pokemon, CoD and Madden and I like Madden but shit you can tell EA isn't trying with that franchise anymore

You want my opinion on the games see this. I haven'r played Colors yet since I got issues with my Wii, once I get a WiiU in the fall, I'll get Colors as well as Episode 2

>> No.573221
File: 375 KB, 1110x607, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been able to get into Sonic.

>> No.573268

How do Shadow and Heroes give you that reaction but not SA2?

>> No.573284

I played Sonic when I was a really little kid, when they were new games. They were mindblowing.

I played them a decade and a half later, having never played them in the interim, having been a SNES owner, and was not impressed. They just aren't that interesting.

>> No.573305

Some games have a curve, some have a spike, others have a wall. It is just how it is. You have to do so with about eight or so levels that older games had.

>> No.573347

What? SA2 was the best 3D Sonic game for a long time.

>> No.573513

Heroes, as much as loved it as a kid, playing it now I see all the problems it has now and it's not a bad game, it just so many fucking issues.

Shadow is everything I hate about Heroes multiplied by 3. Slippery ass controls, linear and dull level design, really stupid missions, bad story, forcing me to beat the game 10 different times to get the "true" ending and unessesary vehicles. Watch that BrainScratch commentary on Shadow the Hedgehog, they almost say the same things as I do about that game.

Shadow made me rage more than 06 ever did

>> No.573519

It was only 1/3 a Sonic game "the best 3D Sonic" doesn't even constitute a good game.

>> No.573954
File: 106 KB, 640x480, homor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fapping to Simpsons porn

>> No.573963

Many other series are more overrated.

Example: Zelda and Half Life

>> No.574235

Hey, Advance 1 and 3 were terriffic, games, especially 1. That was some updated oldschool Sonic, and had great gameplay.

>> No.576307

>But seriously, that sound alone took up 1/8 of the 4 megabit ROM! Ah, those were the days...

It didn't take up an eighth of the cart, more like a 20th of it. I've checked this out and the dude is remembering wrong.

>> No.576326

Well yeah the sega sound is 27 kb while 1/8 would imply 64kb but even then the natural course of events remains what it is.

>> No.576329

Nah, there are many other more overrated franchises, Zelda and FF come to mind.

Sonic is just a mediocre franchise. The 2D ones range from meh to great, 3D from "oh my god this is the worst game ever" to mediocre.

>> No.576332


Those Apostle pics are pretty good. He made fappable Smurf porn, too.

>> No.576376

No. That would be Earthbound. There. I said it.

>> No.576387

Some of it is very decent quality, but the yellow skin and spiky heads always weird me out.

>> No.576397


There is no Earthbound franchise. It's called Mother, you pleb.

>> No.576419
File: 50 KB, 400x505, eatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate the music
>I hate the details
>I hate the updated sprite
>I hate the new gameplay mechanics that were use sparingly but appropriately

I hate you

>> No.576417

Sonic 2 is definitely overrated.

>> No.576434

How could it when people have been saying it is shit since like 2004?

>> No.576439


And yet it still sounds worse than many other NES samples.


>> No.576440
File: 22 KB, 320x240, openjazz2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any game that has to resort to arrows to spell out to you where you need to go to complete a stage is seriously flawed.

How about every fucking platformer in the 80s and 90s you dingus

By the way, this was a very well constructed troll thread. Very refreshing compared to the obvious b8 on /v/ yet still maintains /v/'s overreactions.

>> No.579615

What a worthless term.