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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5702163 No.5702163 [Reply] [Original]

I used to LOVE King's Field on the PS1. The atmosphere was nice, and I had the impression to be an adventurer in a real danger zone. Played it to death until the end.

20 years later, I try a new game for nostalgia's sake.
>Horrible controls
>Insta deaths
>No auto save
>No clue where to go
>Horrible graphics
>No story
>Having to deal with the goopy, slimy controller that leaked plastifier over the years

Either I'm getting soft over the years, or that game wasn't that good to begin with.

>> No.5702201


Certain games are just made obsolete over time.

After Demon's Souls/Dark Souls, there is no reason to go back and play this again.

>> No.5702208

I first played this two years ago, and beat t. I had to use a walkthrough in a couple of places because the game is too slow and too obscure.

I appreciate the concept behind the game, but the game itself is just a pain in the ass to play.

>> No.5702341

>no story

Is this bait? Anyway all the KF games are great but the sluggish combat hasnt aged well. KF2 has amazing level design but the slowdown ruins the experience. Shadow Tower aged the best but it's an even more unforgiving experience.

>> No.5702375

It should have a mini-map and icons popping up telling you where to go and what you can interact with. Should have auto-save, and enemiea should not do as much damage. Also should have way more cutscenes and some QTE's to keep you on your toes.

>> No.5702379

Shut up, boomer. This isn't even an issue in modern games anymore. Its not 2012.

>> No.5702386

Breath Of The Wild has quick time events.

>> No.5702391


>> No.5702530

>muh soulsbornekiro
kings field isn't anything like those.

>> No.5702558

Not true, DS is really not at all similar to KF. It's more like Shadow Tower obseleted KF1.

>> No.5702771

This is the Japanese KF1. Not the game you would have played in English as "King's Field" when you were a kid.

>> No.5702810

shh don't ruin the bait

>> No.5702817

Did it? I don't recall.

>> No.5702912
File: 49 KB, 499x333, Old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a 20-something adult at the time... When that game came out.

>> No.5703614

The game didn't age, you did.

You need to adjust your expectation to play some older games. The issue is that there are certain things we now take for granted, good controls, good camera, user-friendliness, or story in RPGs.

>> No.5703619

I've never played these games, but every time I see footage of one it looks like a really shitty version of Elder Scrolls in slow-motion

>> No.5703623

And that's exactly why the concept of aging is so hard for this board. You can't accept growing older.

>> No.5703626
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Yet I still like it.

>> No.5703652

>it's another "nostalgiafag has a hard time accepting some games are dated" episode

>> No.5704170

Big red racing
>back then
- drive around in a heap of cars in a partially open world
- the cars don't even touch the ground correctly and steering just spins the car instead of using physics

>> No.5704218

Always wondered why the fuck you would play this when Morrowind exists.

>> No.5704220

Lol this

>> No.5704542
File: 70 KB, 500x567, tumblr_inline_p7xa0ixaei1slknhm_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was great how they build upon each other, similiar to stuff we see in souls today. KF1 takes place in this underground grave, 5 layers deep. In KF2 you start on an island with so much more shit to explore. KF3 goes even more open world, with big fields and travelling between towns. Visiting the KF1 grave at the end of KF3 reminds me of souls aswell. Both souls and KF are just fun to explore! Some more shit thats pretty similar:

-A crestfallen Soldier like NPC in every KF.
-killable NPCs
-Lore about kingdoms, heroes, gods and acient lands. Alfred obtaining the MGS, getting crowned King only to get possessed by evil forces seems classic soulslike
-Dragon springs act as a safe spot to heal and come back to, almost like a bonfire

and so much more.. if they wanted to they could tie up all souls kf lore into one.

>> No.5704560

It's another 'we can't accept that old games and new games have their individual traits, strengths and weaknesses' thread. If you play King's Field you still get a unique experience and yes it was and difficult and time consuming, but it was designed to be. Same as fixed cameras were designed to create a certain effect, and why I feel modern 3D cameras that you control actually take away from the game and presentation of environments, same as old tank control games were designed around that and had the possibility for precise controls that suited the gameplay, and lack of a map adds something to the game. In my opinion King's Field can be enjoyed for what it is.
Either you neither played them both or don't understand the style of gameplay. Comparing the two gameplay wise is like comparing an early Resident Evil to Resident Evil 6. Morrowind and the like simply don't offer the same challenge, focus on gameplay, environment, etc... Morrowind etc... obviously offer the story, visuals, overt details, etc... Both completely different experiences.

>> No.5704620

>It's another 'we can't accept that old games and new games have their individual traits, strengths and weaknesses' thread
It isn't. The OP had complaints about specific gameplay elements of the game, and some of them are warranted. I don't know if it was you or someone else, but to reply to any complaint about an old game with
>it should have a mini-map, icons and QTE's to be great, zoomer!!
is retarded.

The issue with King's Field is that it is too open ended in a game that plays very slow to begin with. And that the second half of the game is crap compared to the first half. Those are ultimately what kill any chance of replaying this game for me.

>> No.5704634

Everything that I loved years ago is good now. I only loved good games.

>> No.5704954
File: 113 KB, 633x930, eminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one thing everyone actually agrees on is that the phenomenom referred to as "aging" is in fact about how well it holds up to today's industry standards.

the question is whether industry standards really make a good indicator for quality. OP, for example, mentions autosave. is this really something that makes a game objectively better? others mention tank controls as an example of "obsolete" controls that don't hold up today. is that really the case, though?
graphical standards are an important part of the reasoning too, but people often forget that graphics have two major components to them. we're often stuck with discussing the technical sophistication, but what we also need to take into account is the artistic quality. graphics can be technically primitive but still redeemed by great artistic quality. is this aspect also subject to "aging"?

>> No.5704970

Fun n Games

>> No.5705029

The reason why King's Field looks bad today is because it looked bad when it was released. Plastic-looking models, no cohesive texture work, practically absent lighting. If you look at contemporary dungeon crawlers such as Shadow Tower and Baroque Syndrome, it's evident that King's Field always looked bad. It's not time that makes games look bad, it's a lack of art direction and detail.

>> No.5705080

Thats because its literally one of the first games to ever release on the PS1

>> No.5705101

Came here to post this. Very clunky controls, but its still kino.

>> No.5705127

Baroque and Shadow Tower were released years later than even King's Field 2

>> No.5705130

That stupid rush attack when you dodge an enemy attack. I'm pretty sure it's entirely possible to make it through the whole game and never use it.

>> No.5705778
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>> No.5706630

I love that game.

>> No.5706682
File: 10 KB, 259x194, Echo Night 2 Controls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Echo Night and in particular Echo Night 2 are excellent From Software games that have held up over the years. If you like first person atmospheric stuff and/or horror, do check them out. (EN 2 has a complete English fan translation patch.) Pic related is a KF reference in EN2.

>> No.5706727

>not 2012
>implying games have changed in the last couple of years

Ah yes, because the most popular and modded games of this decade are still Skyrim, GTA V, and Minecraft. Call of Duty still is big, as is Battlefield. Only real change is the return of popularity for Roblox and a greater preference for Terraria. Literally nothing made in the latter half of the decade has any significance. Telltale is dead, but The Last of Us remains one of the most shilled game along with the Tomb Raider remake and Mass Effect. Meanwhile, people are talking about Dark Souls and Halo as well.

Literally no differences from the early 2010s to now. Steam still exists and is shitting up the market with forced DRM and updates. There are still alternatives with just as shitty systems like whatever Assassin's Creed uses. Games are still focusing on trying to become more subscription based for multiplayer, while singleplayer remains linear romps while focusing on the story, offering about as much gameplay as a shitty VN. Gamers are still focusing a lot on streaming. DLC and loot boxes still exist, note loot boxes have been around on casual phone games and Mafia Wars for years.

There is still a craze for TERA. Still a craze for World of Warcraft.

All that gets released these days are throwaway titles that nobody seems to care about, or sequels to shit that people already enjoyed like the yearly Madden releases. Playstation versus X-box, Microsoft is shitting up their OS while Linux is not as good for gaming.

We might as well have died in 2012. Nothing has changed. People still like the same shit that is dooming us as a species by degrading the gaming market for worthless casualization while also destroying any sense of history.

>> No.5706729

>playing Morrowind
Some people hate endless reading and predictable hand-crafted dungeons which are nothing more than a few shitty rooms. Should have gone with Ultima Underworld or Elder Scrolls Arena.

>> No.5706781

What exactly is your definition of a QTE, then? Do you think dodging, flurry, and shield bash are QTEs or what?

>> No.5706782

all arena dungeons save for the ones in the main quest were tiny.

that being said, I liked arena for how polished it was. out of all the early ES games (up to and including morrowind), it was the game that felt most like a finished product.

>> No.5706945

its shit

>> No.5707086

I always wanted to play this game, only because little big adventure: twinsen's odyssey was the first pc game I played and that game was made by the same team, I will play it someday.

>> No.5708271

Al of its sequels look and play exactly the same though. Even the PS2 one.

>> No.5708280


The Ancient City looks fantastic

>> No.5708285
File: 68 KB, 780x405, Tomb-Raider-II-PS1-3-780x405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tomb Raider series. The controls are so goddamn awful.

>> No.5708289

Shenmue has a million.

>> No.5708971
File: 29 KB, 640x480, moraffs funtime dung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moraff's World was always funny/bad.

>> No.5708973

>Having to deal with the goopy, slimy controller that leaked plastifier over the years
I hated this about King's Field too.

>> No.5711041

They take some getting used to. There wasn't a standard for 3rd person games back then, so they were trying everything. Once I got used to them (recently - few months ago) I was running and jumping, grabbing, flipping, shooting all very fluidly.
The controls are weird. But not at all insurmountable, and if you have any modicum of patience they don't detract from the game overall.