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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 490 KB, 1542x2156, SAT_MAGIC_KNIGHT_RAYEARTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5697727 No.5697727 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on this game /vr/. Was thinking of getting a repro disk. Is it any good?

>> No.5697738

>repro disk
so you're burning a disk? or is that a thing people sell?

>> No.5697742

Both, anon. Dont reply if you cant contribute to the thread. Thank you.

>> No.5697743


Isn't that basically a SNES game with CD audio and cutscenes?

>> No.5697746

I'm literally asking you guys. A SNES game on Saturn sounds pretty good tho

>> No.5697772
File: 951 KB, 1440x1080, umi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great. You should watch the anime too.

>> No.5697779

It's different than the SNES game, it's better as well. SNES is a turn based RPG this is an action RPG.

>> No.5697781

get out of here if you can't cope with even a little bit of doubt or criticism

>> No.5697789

>if you can't cope with even a little bit of doubt or criticism
Doubt or criticism to what? You can criticize the game all you want, I dont care. I was asking a question and your post was utterly useless.

>> No.5697830

>repro disk

Just burn a CD-R. Literally the same thing. Anyone who buys a repro is a retard or has too much money. Possibly both.

>> No.5697847

Honestly selling "repro disks" sounds like an incredible business. Just burn discs, print labels and sell at a markup. Easy money from fools.

>> No.5697859

Too lazy. They sell for like 5 bucks anyway.

>> No.5697956

Just make sure you get the Japanese version.

>> No.5698018
File: 43 KB, 768x432, MKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repro disk

>> No.5698026

What's the difference in the versions?

>> No.5698039

wtf is wrong with you?
Working Designs changed all the gameplay and butchered the writing.

>> No.5698215
File: 127 KB, 1267x950, safd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working Designs singlehandedly promoted the game from being a shitty licensed RPG to being a flawless masterpiece with their excellent localization.

>> No.5698231

Saturn Repros are the dumbest thing. Until they can actually reproduce the security ring there's no benefit to buying them over making your own.

>> No.5698232
File: 1.91 MB, 700x1180, tl notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also improved the save system and removed most of the slowdown, among other features.

>> No.5698241

yeah, i few bugfixes, but introduced many more, and we got LOLcalization as a price.

>> No.5698278
File: 92 KB, 960x720, Magic Knight Rayearth Ep10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.19_[2018.06.07_06.59.19].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good game based on a good anime.

I love Umi

>> No.5698291

Why not download it and burn it yourself?

>> No.5698293

He's an assblasted weaboo, you can safely ignore

>> No.5698335
File: 7 KB, 174x250, 1342922673190s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dig up my retro collection
>see a cib magic knight rayearth
>it has the umi disc

>> No.5698339

>purchasing a repro disk
what a fucking moron. just burn it to a fucking $1 CD-R, or any fucking CD-R you can find retard

>> No.5698357

Nah I'm good

>> No.5698371

To be fair not ANY CD-R. Some cheaper ones are quite shit and some games do not behave well when burned to them even at the slowest speeds.

Case in point, Grandia will completely shit the bed on cheap quality CD-Rs. You'll get skipping music, skipping FMVs, crashes, and just general unstable behavior.

Now if the game doesn't do a lot of loading or streaming off the disc you'll usually be ok with Cheaper CD-Rs, but honestly I'd just say shell out for some better quality ones. You'll end up with less coasters.

>> No.5698392

>justifying repro disk purchases
>promoting the sale of counterfeit shit
fucking idiots

>> No.5698394


Mediocre action game with light rpg elements.
Unless you're a fan of the anime, you're not really missing out on anything.

>> No.5698396


I'm not promoting it. I think Saturn repro's are dumb. I'm just saying if you're going to be burning Saturn games you need to shell out for some nicer quality CD-Rs. Otherwise you'll end up with a lot of coasters.

>> No.5698407


>> No.5698416

can i get by with my shitty high school japanese?

>> No.5698467

>you need to shell out for some nice quality CD-Rs
im seriously cringing now lmao. my burnt linkle liver runs flawlessly using poverty cdrs. you're just a dumbass that doesn't know how to fucking burn his shit. or you're just reading anecdotes. go back to redd1t retard

>> No.5698486

Can you not read? I said games that do a lot of streaming or loading will be more heavily impacted.

Linkle Liver Story is not one of those. The disc has 1 FMV on it, and doesn't have a whole lot of data that it's streaming or loading frequently. So disc activity is down to a minimum. Games like that will not show the issue cheaper CD-Rs have.

Now go try to burn a copy of Grandia on your shit quality CD-R's and tell me how well that goes. That game uses ADX Audio streams, and is constantly accessing the disc to load data. On top of that the FMVs are a custom format that also uses ADX audio. The game typically runs like crap on poor quality CD-Rs.

Burning it to a Verbatim I had the game skip during FMVs, or just crash while playing them. Some areas wouldn't load properly, the music would cut out, and various other issues. Burnt at the same speed and settings using a JVC Taiyo Yuden CD-R and it worked flawlessly.

>> No.5698650

>Taiyo Yuden
lol I knew that was coming

>> No.5698824


Again did you even read the post? The amount of disc access the game uses will determine how unstable the game is when burnt on poor quality media. My guess is you've only burnt games that aren't doing a ton of disc access so you haven't noticed. Or you have a stack of discs that you bought years ago that are still decent enough.

I have discs I burnt years ago on decent quality Verbatim's, Maxells, and Memorex's that all still work flawlessly. The most recent stack of Verbatim's I bought however were total junk when I tried them with more advanced games like Grandia, Lunar Silver Star Story Complete, or even a standard Video CD for that matter. I eventually bought a stack of Taiyo Yuden's and had zero issues with them burning the exact same way I've always burnt Saturn discs. A good Bin/Cue rip at the lowest speed possible.

When the only difference in a burnt disc not working is the stack of CD-Rs the disc came from, I think it's safe to say it's not the way it's being burnt, but instead the quality of the media.

>> No.5698827

It's for teens.

>> No.5698834

you're useless. fuck off. To come to 4chan of all places and try to be such a bitch. You're pathetic

>> No.5698836

WD's localisations are the only reason these bland-ass games are remembered at all

>> No.5698837

I have the Umi disk and it never occured to me that there would be other ones until /vr/ showed me

>> No.5698842

that was working design's autism. welcome to the umi club btw, nigga. hikarufags and fuufags should kill themselves

>> No.5698943

is that a yes or no

>> No.5698949


>> No.5698951

fuck you sound like a redditor with this pussy talking and being so up your ass with obnoxious nonchalance it just hurts. get the FUCK out of here if you're such a fucking pussy.

>> No.5698956

No, I don't know, sweetie. Please elaborate!

>> No.5698957
File: 111 KB, 960x720, Magic Knight Rayearth Ep20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.04_[2018.07.24_03.59.07].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luck ducks. I got the Hikaru disc, which I understand to be the most common. I like all the girls a lot, even Fuu, but it'd be nice to have your favorite.

>> No.5698969

Anybody here a fan of the Rayearth GameBoy games?

>> No.5699470

Samefag, also, when somebody makes a thread, it's to have a discussion about the topic in said thread. It's the entire point of this site. Bring out your reddit boogieman all you want, but you sound like you're actually retarded. When you have autists like yourself who cant stay on topic, you're literally contributing nothing. You're literally useless. If anybody is reddit its you because you look really new. Nobody cares that you're an prick on an anonymous site. You dont fit in. You'll never fit in anywhere you go. And it's sad dude.

>> No.5699565

What do you mean by "even Fuu". She is the best among those three. But I also love them all.