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File: 196 KB, 922x651, Force_armor[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
569213 No.569213 [Reply] [Original]

Mega Man X thread.

Starting off with the best armor.

>> No.569223

Series just got progressively worse over time. X1 is still one of the greatest games ever made.

>> No.569241

Eh. I think X4 was a little too easy and didn't really introduce anything too dramatically different aside from Zero as a fully playable character (which was fucking awesome), but it felt right. Better than X2 and X3 in my opinion.

>> No.569248

I haven't played through anything past X4.

Worth a shot, or should I just not bother with the rest of the games?

>> No.569256
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No it's not; the is good enough to pass the test of time just that, is overall easy yet not the easiest of the X series. X2 is X1 improved.


Shadow Armor till the end.

>> No.569262

X5 is flawed, but has a lot of good moments, notably some very difficult final stages, one of which is a throwback to ye classic Mega Man games of old.

It's worth it if for nothing else than to experience the ending the series was intended to have.

X6, meanwhile, can be skipped unless you just really like doughnuts.

>> No.569264

X5+ has some robocunt interrupting your gameplay all the fucking time to give you advice. Shit is worse than Castlevania 2.

>> No.569278

It doesn't ruin the experience, but it does hurt it.

The things I would give for a Mega Man X5 without Alia, retarded parts acquisition methods, and a complete rehaul of Dark Dizzy's boring boss fight.

>> No.569276

i had a lot of fun with x8. switching to different beam weapons as zero was kickass, especially the laser fans

>> No.569354
File: 34 KB, 286x286, 8Bosses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom already flushed X down the shitter
but we still have fan games to look forward to

>> No.569367

>furry X boss
Please no. Flame Stag and Neon Tiger were already dangerously close.

>> No.569373

Herp, who else remembers MM 21XX?

>> No.569379
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>those names
>that furry

>> No.569380

That's the shit I don't like.

>> No.569403

X5 has the best last stages.
>Quick man throwback
>Bubbleman throwback
>Black Devil

Am I missing anything? Oh and the weapon get theme in the intro stage.

>> No.569430


I liked the bosses in X2 but I found the music very dull. Probably the weakest soundtrack of the SNES trio.

>> No.569438

somebody makes a promising X game and you're concerned about it being furry?

look at this goddamn video how are you not sold

>> No.569442

This is wrong.

This should be illegal.

I...I am calling the government.

>> No.569448

I don't care about the furry aspect, I just don't think they look that great. Though to be fair, the picture is so fucking small I can barely see it.

Also those names are retarded.

>> No.569454

Fuck. I was actually excited about that.

He could at the very least tone down the tail and make him more robotic.

And NanoHack Mosquito is the worst name ever. Even worse than the Skiver.

>> No.569460

Alright, it does look nice.

>> No.569462

NeuroHack, whatever

>> No.569468

>Buster ammo


I mean, I know it recharges, but what was the point?

>> No.569490

I guess he's trying to emulate the series by introducing an unnecessary awful game design choice that people will complain about for years to complain.

>> No.569512


The last stages were the only solid good thing in X5.


I think Crystal Snail is probably the most fun boss of the series; is good as challenge with the buster and using weakness don't take away the fun.

The music is debatable, X3 is a weak for me; none of the versions sounded in the way that i can call awesome, but still good.

>> No.569514
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>> No.569530

The X3 soundtrack was always weak to me too, but the "Genesis covers" make them sound pretty badass.


I think the Genesis soundchip just fits it a lot better.

>> No.569531

Alright, that looks pretty fun.

>> No.569542

Crystal Snail spends too much time in that dumb rotating shell pattern for it to be fun. It takes too long and he's too easy to hit afterwards.

Fucking around with his shell when you have his weakness is probably the most amusing thing in the entire series, though.

>> No.569543

I disagree completely, I think it sounds awful, but hey, different strokes etc.

>> No.569553


Dude playing that kinda sucked. I could have taken that bitch apart in less than a minute with them Zero skills.

>> No.569558


>> No.569568

You almost feel sorry for the guy.

>> No.569580

I'll go ahead and give you the rundown from X5 and up:

I personally can go without X5 but it's alright. Not much to say about it, just kind of bland for me though it definitely had it's moments here and there.. Some claim it's this god tier game but I don't see it. Give it go and see what you think. You may enjoy it more than I did.

Now, to answer your question: Really the only ones you need to stay away from are X6 and 7.

X6 is a game that should not have been made. But Capcom forced Inafune into beating a dead horse, and it resulted in a souless, uninspired mess. It has some really bad level design and ridiculous boss fights. It also has a plot that feels like it was written overnight by a seven year old. (Actually that's an insult to seven year olds, that Axe Cop kid could write better stories.) Gameplay itself is okay, plays just like 4 and 5 did. It's just bogged down by all the other issues I mentioned before. Not worth a play, but if you're a glutton for punishment, give it a whirl.

>> No.569586

The next two aren't /vr/ but here you go anyway:

X7 had some interesting ideas and I appreciate what they tried to do (bringing Megaman X into the 3D realm) but it all falls flat on it's face in the execution. It's slow, clunky, and the 3D sections have bad camera angles. Adding in the horrible phoned in voice acting and Sonic 06 tier load times and it makes it just an absolute chore to play. Like X6, only if you're morbidly curious should you try it.

Then X8 is actually pretty decent, if you can overlook some boneheaded and sometimes lazy level design. There are two stages where you just ride your hover bikes on rails and they quickly wear out their welcome with cheap deaths and dragging on for way too long. Also:

>"Spikes = difficulty right guys?"

I do like what they did with the tag team system, felt a lot more natural than it did in X7. I'd say give it a shot, I quite enjoyed it.

>> No.569604

>Not worth a play
I'd say it is, if only for the music.

While quality in the PS1 games subjectively went down for the most part, the music got better.

>> No.569605

>tag team system
I've never played X8, but this doesn't sound appealing at all. Do they at least share a health bar or something?

>> No.569610
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I give a nod to "Genesis covers" for the attempts. I know there's a diehard Genesis fanbase out there, and I'll agree that -some- select songs from select games sound better... but stickin to my guns on the MMX series. SNES is where they belong:



>> No.569616

Nah they don't, you can choose two hunters to go on mission with you and switch out whenever. There's also special moves you can pull off for boss fights.

It's not great or anything, but it does add something to the gameplay.

>> No.569617

Mattrex's theme is also great, but goddamn this track makes me cum every time.

>> No.569625

I should have been more clear on that, yes the music is pretty much consistently excellent. As with most Megaman games.

>> No.569623

Just seems incredibly abusable.

>> No.569630

I should rephrase that:

The quality, game to game(X4 to X5 or X5 to X6) went down.

>> No.569634

Not really, the special move can only be used as specific times and having the partner is basically like having a backup if you get fucked up as one character on a level. I THINK you can go solo if you want? Probably wrong on that though.

>> No.569635

>Capcom forced Inafune into beating a dead horse
Even worse. Inafune was working on Zero, so they made X6 without even telling him.

>> No.569637


The tinny Genesis tones sound better for the music. I love that sound. But the SNES is definitely superior generally as far as music goes.

>> No.569631

Music opinion time.


Haven't played anything beyond X6.

>> No.569642

Actually, nm, just remembered Frost Walrus's stage.


>> No.569649

Shit, yeah you're right. Fucking Capcom.

My point still stands though, the game was just phoned in on all points. Sad, really.

>> No.569669


I think the Genesis' sound chip fits the more grundgy rock soundtrack X3 had going on.

>> No.569676

It's thanks to X6 that we didn't get the original story for Zero. Fighting ACTUAL X instead of a Copy? I commend Inafune for doing what he could under the circumstances, but the original premise seems a lot cooler.

>> No.569690


Yeah, i agree with the SEGA covers. The thing with X3 OST is weird; in SNES sounds "dark" but SNES tune of music has it's magic, In the PSX sounded better with quality but just that even though some stages were perfect. Take the intro stage as example.

The X3 OST would have been perfect if it had been done with real instruments not electro tunes; more like X4. But it's entirely personal overall, i think X3 had preference for the guitar.

>> No.569695

Would make the fight much more better if it was original X since you know, some people grew up with the character and having to kill him would be pretty sad for some.

>> No.569714

I remember pirating/emulating X4 and X5, the torrent files at the time had no music, I had to play through X4 and X5 without their music.
Took me years before I realized how much I've missed out.

>> No.569723
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>> No.569732
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>tfw Dr. Light's worst fears coming true after all

I mean, that seems like X's logical outcome doesn't it? Too much power and all that. Shit, hundreds of years of peace and you're bound to lose your mind just a little bit I figure.

At any rate it would have at least made me feel something at X's body being destroyed in MMZ 2, unlike in the final version where it's just "Eh, he's fine."

>> No.569741
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>those Saturn/PC "improvements"

>> No.569798
File: 996 KB, 800x615, rmcial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megaman X corrupted
>Rockman Ciel
>Megaman unlimited
Megaman will live on even if Capcom killed him

>> No.569829
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>> No.569839
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Poor Snail

>> No.569845
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>> No.570148

How is that furry?

>but what was the point?

I guess he's trying to prevent autofire abuse. Every MM game basically gives you a free machinegun if you have some autofire device.

>> No.570162

I know I'm probably going to get flamed for posting fanfiction, but there's this parody story of the X series that I used to love to read many years back that condenses the story of each game into single chapters. I thought it was a pretty fun little read.


>> No.570215

Iirc not every firing of a weapon drops the meter. I know for a fact this is the case with Zero at least, as the 'saber meter' only drops when he uses tech outside of his normal airslash or 3slash ground combo.

>> No.570328
File: 215 KB, 400x600, 1332915649365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like X6, it's because you're bad at Mega Man.

It's as simple as that, limpdicks.

>> No.570335

Because the story is in no way a valid argument against the game.
Neither is the shitty music, graphics, boring as fuck bosses, thrown together stages with shittons of fake difficulty, grammatical errors, completely and utterly flawed gameplay elements that are 100% broken in every possible aspect.
>nightmare system

>> No.570348
File: 83 KB, 349x348, 1311188344068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, exactly.

You're just bad at Mega Man.

>> No.570350

Yeah, you're right, if I was good at Mega Man, then the retcon of X5 would make perfect sense, and the game would magically stop being a rushed piece of shit.

>> No.570464
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It's hilarious what some people think passes as valid criticism these days.

>> No.570517

The problem with text is that it can't convey sarcasm

>> No.570519

Stop responding to X6fags that think its a well designed game.

The only reason they say its good is cause they want to hipster and act like they're hardcore for liking an unpopular game.

They don't genuinely like it and admit it has legitimate flaws.

>> No.570859

I fucking love donuts. Why?

>> No.570903

Mega man 3 weapon get theme can be heard in the intro stage.

>> No.571098
File: 279 KB, 882x1195, YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero gives a thumbs up after a maverick is beaten
Don't give a shit about anything else
Fucking sold right there

>> No.571151

>X4 didn't do anything new except for completely reinvent the way the game could be played.


>> No.571157
File: 14 KB, 197x256, megaman x3 best armour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all other armors need not apply

>> No.571186
File: 105 KB, 638x900, tenkawa-akito1366684591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else getting this?

>> No.571214 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 422x690, Dynamo 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character with the most squandered potential here. Y'all are small time. Besides, everyone knows that the Shadow Armor is the top of the tier lists.

>> No.571228


A million times yes. Especially since I sold my Bandai 1990s version last year. God, what a mistake that was.

>> No.571250

Why would you do that :(

Also Bandai toys were kick ass. I remember the armor could randomly transform into a hoverboard

>> No.571282

Man, I really liked Dynamo. I always love those type of recurrent battles with some douche who thinks he's hot shit.
Pretty sad that he only showed up in X6 as an optional battle, and after that he's never seen again.

>> No.571292
File: 27 KB, 460x261, maverick hunter x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise what's going on in this thread?

>> No.571309

Decent remake. Music is worse.

I'd say it's better than Powered Up. Playing as bosses and a level creator is cool, but MHX seemed more polished and you can play as fucking Vile.

>> No.571327

You mean you didn't like this kind of stuff?


Not trolling, sincerely one of the only decent remixes that didn't butcher the original.

>> No.571332
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>> No.571349
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>> No.571357

Playing as Vile was great.
Shame the ending was such complete bullshit.

>> No.571363
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>> No.571374


Dat shitty frame rate.

>> No.571393



And now I know I'm not straight.

>> No.571402
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>> No.571471
File: 176 KB, 503x421, 1363229798929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? I mean it's not like I don't already deal with sprite flicker and slowdown in the classic series.

>> No.571530
File: 19 KB, 418x330, rock1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for this one in advance


>> No.571549

>your face when the PSP has more slowdown than NES ever did

>> No.571556

I could never get that fucking armor as a kid

>> No.571621
File: 74 KB, 362x344, 1308050585381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you, DSP

Fuck you

>> No.571669


I needed money and that piece fetched a fair price, even though it was already assembled (and I botched a few sticker parts). I sold a lot of shit last year, and now I'm slowly trying to rebuild...

To be fair, though the wings of the Ultimate Armor could transform into a hoverboard, X didn't stand on it well and it was really poorly design in my opinion. I usually just kept his wings on his back so he's be ready for a Nova Strike anytime.

If it makes you feel better, I still have a bunch of 1990 Bandai action figures left. I'll take a picture of them in a little bit.

>> No.571778
File: 605 KB, 2048x1536, collection1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are my boxed Bandai figures. All of the figures are unopened, so they're as good condition as you can get. The boxes for Duo and All X armors are in A+ condition; truly mint, the boxes for Spinning Blade and RX armor are B+ condition with a bit of wear and tear and the Megaman and Rush action figures are probably C/C+, with Rush having some unfortunate rip damage on the back.

>> No.571784

Is X4 good? Do you get to use Zero's saber?

>> No.571790

>Do you get to use Zero's saber?

Babe you don't even know

>> No.571796
File: 590 KB, 2048x1536, collection2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are additional armor pieces you can use to swap the bodies of other X figures. The Max armor on the top works on Zero too, but I don't have any Bandai Zeros anyway. The other armors are Tornado Fang and Parasitic Bomb, the last two being duplicates with Spinning Blade and RX armor.

>> No.571936

I am the only one who likes every MMX title? I mean, X7 is, IMO, the worst but still enjoyable game, and petsonally X3 and X4 are te best ones. X6 and X8 just started another plot in the series; I don't think Sigma is the only great threat in MMX universe.

>> No.571937

It's 50/50. Both consoles can do marvels when used properly. I personally can't stand the muffled down shit the SNES pours out most of the time.

>> No.571941

Not really, can't say I was ever really a fan of the design.

I got the model kit from the late 90s years ago because it had the "armor partially disassembles into a sled" gimmick (not the Strike, that's only partial disassembly), without that I'm not very keen on the armor.

>> No.571948

>Because the story is in no way a valid argument against the game.
Story is never a valid argument when it comes to a story, unless the game consists more story than gameplay. Then something's wrong.

>> No.572018

>golden armor from x3
>from x3

Sorry, I can't get behind any armor with that awful two-shot combination gimmick.

>> No.572036

I guess the one good thing about Capcom not giving a shit about Mega Man anymore is that they probably won't bother with cease and desist orders for fangames... probably.

>> No.572040

Nah, I like them too. I got MMX7 just because everyone said it was terrible, and I enjoyed it.
I don't know if I'm just tolerant or if the rumors blew it out of proportion so badly I thought it would be literally unplayable, but either way I had fun.

>> No.572046

A little something for my fellow ma/vr/icks


>> No.572065

Ugh, looks like a pile of shit from an elephant's ass.

>> No.572069


I also like every MMX game. MMX7 is easily the worst X game, but it's not a bad game in its own right. I'd rather have it than Naked Brother Band or some shit like that

>> No.572073

what is this TRON?

>> No.572098

God fucking damnit.

I for some reason went to watch the next video, and he calls X3 broken because you "have" to use s. blade on Sigma's first form, "something no other Mega Man does"

There should be a law to ban people like him from the internet.

>> No.572107

h-hey, look on the bright side, at least it's not as bad as his MGS2 and 3 runs.

>> No.572109


Why is Dr. Light so young? Also, I don't get why he's making his message so urgently. I always envisioned Dr. Light making X in his later years in peace, but in secret, because he was aware of X's potential. I mean, the Day of Sigma flashbacks kind of confirm that Dr. Light was just kind of loafing around as he built the best robot of all time.

Although I must admit, seeing what X's reliability training would've looked like is a cool idea

>> No.572124

God that looks awful.

>> No.572140

Ech, that almost looks as bad as the Mega Man fan film.

>> No.572223

The director had a small budget of seven hundred dollars. Its bad, but I thought it was a decent attempt.

He was definitely off on some of the details.

>> No.572367

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the worst LP series on the face of youtube.

>> No.572409

Yeah except that game is actually legitimately terrible.
Watch his MGS2 playthrough.
Actually you should just watch this summary, because the actual thing will rot your brain even worse.

>> No.572430

That's the point. Man awful at video games plays an awfully designed video game when he's used to accusing even well-designed games of cheating.

Although at least he apparently figured out how to use items in Mega Man.

>> No.572451

I have to wonder how this guy functions in real life. Does he have someone constantly telling him how to do things?

>> No.572447

Does anyone else find the armor in this series to be incredibly homoerotic?

>> No.572458

He probably has someone literally spoonfeeding him.

>> No.572467

>shitty music
What. X6 has a lot of problems, but music is not one of them.


>> No.572492

That's really a Plant Man thing there, there may be one or two okay tracks, but the rest is annoying, generic, or completely unmemorable
Most of the songs in X6 are pretty annoying, and grind on the ears. Especially Blaze Heatnix, it sounds like it's from fucking Mega Man II or something.

>> No.572494

The ironic thing is that he's actually using a walkthrough, at least for the X games, and he still is completely incompetent at recognizing the most basic patterns.

>> No.572509

Guess it's opinion time then. The only real track in X6 I don't like is Ground Scaravitch. Everything else is awesome, though Metal Shark Player is a bit repetitive.

>> No.572643


excuse me?

>> No.572637

>it was a decent attempt.
It wasn't. There's nothing Mega man X-y in that short.

>> No.572653

Does anyone else find this post to be incredibly homoerotic?

>> No.572659


>> No.572678
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I, uh, I...

>> No.572680

didnt have the comics or cards or whatever, but how come RX doesnt have 2 regular arms? only one arm and then a buster. Never understood that...

>> No.572692


>Damn, he kicks ass, he's way better than Mega Man!


>> No.572693

If X is homoerotic, Zero must be fabulous

>> No.572717
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>> No.572726

And Axl is a femme boy.

>> No.572732
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Oh yeah, now we're talking.

>> No.572824

Bambi was a boy.

>> No.572831


This is what New Jersey does to people.

Please, send help.

>> No.572845


You're going to need to wiki it, I never thought about it so I don't know.

>> No.572851

What an astute observation you've just made.

>> No.572863

How do the Maverick bosses you defeat come back to life after you kill them and take their power?

>> No.572879

Sigma revives them, duh.

>> No.572881

How does X come back to life after falling down death pits, spike traps, and getting blown up multiple times in the same game?

It's a video game, son.

>> No.572875

They explain it in MHX
Sigma or whoever else rebuilds them, but as they're Reploids, they have no personality or sentience after they've been rebuilt, they're just hollow shells

>> No.572884


>> No.572885
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They're hunks of inorganic soulless fucking killer metal. They just pop them out of whatever factory mold the original came out of.

>> No.572892

Saying 'it's a video game, I don't have to explain shit' doesn't make sense when they've actually explained it.

>> No.572887

Do you understand the difference between a Reploid and a regular robot?

>> No.572903

>Not believing in ghosts

Yeah, you keep eating that ketchup.

>> No.572907

How does X wall-jump?

>> No.572919

High friction boots and powerful legs that can propel him up.

>> No.572920

>How does X come back to life after falling down death pits, spike traps, and getting blown up multiple times in the same game?

He doesn't die, the energy you see him explode into is just rematerialized at a designated checkpoint his COs could lock onto with their radars. Your lives are just how much energy they have left to work with before they have to send him back to the start of the level

>> No.572936

He always jumps away from the wall at first, then changes his trajectory. No friction or powerful legs can do that.

>> No.572937

That reminds me of a Metroid doujin

>> No.572929

No, it's one of those things where you never actually fell down a pit, it goes back to before you did.

>> No.572940

No, he dies. Then the game continues from the last check-point.

>> No.572942

what kinda doujin are we talking here

>> No.572946


The Nanomachines in his body change the aerodynamics of his body allowing him to effortlessly guide himself through the air

>> No.572950

>he dies.

So do they just pump out more Megaman X's when one dies and implant the copy with the previous ones memories?

>> No.572948

What do you think

>> No.572956

There's no nanomachines.

>> No.572957

He's made out of a super-light titanium

>> No.572958

No, we the viewer just go back in time to before he died, and change fate accordingly.

>> No.572962

That still doesn't allow him to change trajectory in the air.

>> No.572963

X1 = X4 > X6 > X8 > X5

Never played X7, and I need to replay X2/3 before really assessing them. I've only beaten both of them once, and can barely remember a thing about them. Also, I'm somewhat fond of how bullshit X6 is.

>> No.572960

No, the game resumes to the latest check-point and detracts one life from the counter.

>> No.572961


>> No.572970

Don't...don't try to explain these kinds of things.

It just always sounds silly.

>> No.572972


So the viewer in this case is a godlike entity unbeknownst to the characters who alters destinies at a whim?

>> No.572973

No, there are no memories, X is just data in a video game. Don't tell me you can't tell the difference between reality and a video game.

>> No.572979

Why don't you like X5?

>> No.572975

No, we're just seeing the game five-dimensionally.

>> No.572986

Except he's a Reploid, he's a conscious living creature with a soul

>> No.572982


I always imagined that extra lives were just them deploying another X. Continuity-wise, that doesn't make sense, but he's a damn robot. They can build more of him.

>> No.572983

So, how does this doujin relate to Mega Man X?
Does its relation require it to be possibly linked and/or spoilered on here to make it clear?

>> No.572991

>thinking DNA-soul is the same thing as human soul

>> No.572995


X5 is an okay game. I just find it blander than the others, I guess. Flying around with the Falcon Armor was pretty cool, though.

>> No.572987

>he's a damn robot. They can build more of him.
They can't. Canon-wise, they don't know what makes him tick, and when they are barely able to reproduce him, the mind is not the same.

>> No.572997

Even the virus stages?

>> No.572998


Huh. Well, there goes my theory. Not like I gave it that much thought, in all honesty.

>> No.573010

They can barely rebuild the ones that they know how to make in the first place, they end up being mindless empty shells.
The only time it's ever even come close to being successful to resurrect a Reploid is Zero, and that shit took an entire game and who knows how many countless hours of work, only made possible in the first place because his body was intact.
Well, and Sigma, but he's a different thing entirely.

>> No.573012

It's a game mechanic, it doesn't have a need to have any sort of story driven meaning behind it.

>> No.573004


But at what point does a machine stop being just a machine and start becoming a conscious living thing capable of understanding it's own existence? What makes Megaman have more of a soul than a trash compactor if it can think about the fact that it's a trash compactor except for their abilities in combat?

>> No.573005

Nah it's a doujin about Samus coming out of a save chamber, finding a tentacle monster, doujin-stuff happens, and then she dies.

The last page is of her coming out of the save chamber again, none-the-wiser, implying that things will keep repeating.

>> No.573020


I don't have a soul, but that's besides the point

>> No.573021


I know.

>> No.573023

Huh, I don't understand the relation.
Maybe you can link it or post it here to make it perfectly clear.

>> No.573015


I forgot about the viruses. Fuck viruses. It's been a while since I played X5, though probably more recently than X2/3.

>> No.573016

What makes you have more of a soul than a trash compactor

>> No.573019

Yet he's often shown, X5 in particular (although I realize Light did the job in that game,) having heavy damage at the end of a game and being repaired with trouble at all.

>> No.573031

You do realize that this was a case of original creator fixing his work against people who have no fucking idea how X works and just made imitations of his systems?

>> No.573025

Hey, if you gys love Mega Man X. Why don't you subscribe to the Mega Man comic? the writer says that they could convince Capcom to give them the rights if they get more sales

>> No.573026

Heavy damage, but not dying.

>> No.573032

Archie doesn't carry subscriptions to Europe.

>> No.573035

I hated viruses almost as much as nightmares, but the virus stages I thought were pretty awesome and rivaled the first X in terms of atmosphere.

>> No.573042

X3 is not so good beside BGM.
It's too difficult to play without special weapon.

>> No.573053

It's not even difficult game. Perhaps most difficult of the SNES Mega Man games, but that does't amount to anything.

>> No.573062

Mostly cause they dicked up the charge shot.

That said, spinning blade, triad thunder, ray splasher and acid burst are all legit weapons.

Saber-X without arm upgrade is best X

>> No.573069

even better than gold armor?

>> No.573074

Okay guys, hear me out here for just a moment.
We know that Dr. Light is conscious and 'alive' in some way shape or form inside the capsules, he's carried out conversations with X and Zero, about things that he couldn't have possibly foreseen.
Now, what if Wily managed to figure out some way to do the same thing?
We already know that Wily and Light were practically equals when it came to intellect and robotic creations, so if Dr. Light finding a way to preserve himself is possible why wouldn't it be for Wily?
He built Zero around the same time that Light built X, and Light would've probably started creating the capsules after sealing away X.
Now, the earliest time that we've seen Zero alive is in X4, when he's a crazy as fuck Maverick.
We know at that time that he's being possessed by the Sigma virus, and that during the battle, the virus passes from Zero to Sigma, and Sigma becomes the villain we know.
So, what if Wily literally is the Sigma virus? He could've found some way to posses Zero, and stay alive in the process of doing so, as if he was a cyber elf.

>> No.573079

You get a saber every time you charge your buster normally to level 3.

That is Ultimate-Armor levels of ridiculous

>> No.573080


The funniest thing ever about us finding the X games easy is that the X games have a reputation of being difficult. Maybe its just because we're good at vidya, but this reputation exists.

Look up the Icons episode featuring Mega Man and you'll see just one example of what I'm talking about. In the media, these games are considered "throw your controller at the wall" hard.

>> No.573082

Yeah but you have to kill off Zero to get it, and you get a shitty ending if he dies.

>> No.573084

That requires getting the charge shot. Two dashes is really the only chip that's worth it, so as long as you get the leg, head, and armor upgrades with the leg chip and then the saber, you're good to go. The other chips just aren't worth getting the "upgraded" charge shot over.

>> No.573085

I still think that Wily look-alike in Legends is actually him in a new body, simply living a new, relaxing life free of his previous stresses.

>> No.573095

I don't think you can get the armor upgrade or the head upgrade.

Well I guess you can get the armor upgrade IF you get the double-dash enhancement (cause you need to traverse a column of spikes, and one air-dash isn't enough). The head-upgrade is outright blocked by a boulder, but it's useless for us anyway.

>> No.573096

It's a fallacy. Mega Man games never were difficult until Inti-Creates wanted to make that myth true and made Zero series into bullshit games and ruined classic games with 9 and 10

>> No.573090


Didn't you play X5? The last segments of the game confirm that Wily exists in some shape or form.

In the background for the Black Devil fight theres a huge "Dr. W" symbol thats blurry as fuck and Sigma says he has never been more powerful than he is now thanks to "the doctor".

>> No.573110

Except Zero games are literally the definition of GOOD difficulty.

>> No.573115
File: 23 KB, 507x404, Yellowdevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mega Man games were never difficult
Hello Rock, my name is The Yellow Devil, and I'm here to kick your ass into oblivion.

>> No.573116

He dies. Post-X5 games in the series are AU and non-canon for the earlier games.

>> No.573108

I remember the X games being very hard when I was a kid. I never beat the first one and I never even got past Violen in X2 until I was in middle/high school

>> No.573101

He doesn't die, he just gets damaged

>> No.573123

>Post-X5 games in the series are AU and non-canon
Do you understand what a retcon is?

>> No.573117

Oh right. Still, it looks cool, but unncessary. If anything, it would be annoying on anything other than a first playthrough since you have to wait the 5 seconds or however long it takes to get that map out of the way at the beginning of every stage.

>> No.573120

how did they ruin the classic games? They didn't go back and reprogram them

>> No.573129

it's not even a retcon. People don't understand that just because a game has multiple endings it doesn't mean both happened.

>> No.573131

Yes, and Inafune is an idiot.

>> No.573124

>my fanon is canon!

Every time someone talks Mega Man X, this bulshit comes up. You do realize that Inafune CHANGED zero so that X6+ was canon, right?

>> No.573126

If you regard bullshite stage memorization good difficulty due to shit levels, then good for you.

No, Yellow Devils were never that hard. With every iteration they just gor easier.

>> No.573136

That's the thing, the Zero series is good enough that, even though memorization can certainly get you through the stage, a player who is just plain good can get through just fine (albeit not optimally or with an A rank).

>> No.573137

You're missing quite a lot of devils in-between.

>> No.573132

>MM1 yellow devil
>not hard
>MMX5 shadow Devil
>not bullshit

>> No.573135

The first one was hard, and you're just a dumbass if you think you can bullshit your way to saying it was easy.
I bet Castlevania was a breeze for you, wasn't it?
They've never made a hard Castlevania, have they?

>> No.573141

Castlevania was more challenging that Mega Man for sure.

>> No.573145


>implying 9 and 10 ruined the classic games

Are you fucking high? Mega Man 9 and 10 are easily some of the best games in the classic series by FAR.

>> No.573146

No one ever said all the devils were hard. However, just one being hard negates the statement that "Mega Man games were never hard."

>> No.573150

I was disproving the all-inclusive argument.

After you realize the MM3 Yellow Devil's pattern, it's cake, and stuff after that is also cake

>> No.573152

Yeah no. You're showing your green.

>> No.573154

Elec Man's stage was an awful lot harder than Castlevania.

>> No.573157

No, it doesn't. That means a boss in Mega Man is hard, but one boss does not make a whole game hard.

>> No.573158

I remember that did they ever expand on that bit of info from Sigma?

>> No.573159

Yeah no. You're showing your hipster.

>> No.573164

I don't think you know what that word means, son.

>> No.573162

Not really. Elecman had no swaying medusa heads.

>> No.573168

nope. There was an interview that said that Wily "Lived on" in the virus, and I assume the virus has some memory of Wily, or something like htat. This memory of Wily infected Sigma and manifested as the "old man" Sigma was "talking" to, and when the virus created the final stage area, you can see how its a mix of Wily and Sigma (Quick Man stage with Shadow Devil Boss, Sigma Fortress Stage with Rangda Bangda, etc)

>> No.573179

Castlevania didn't have Watchers.

>> No.573178 [DELETED] 


Uh, no. I'm 32 years old and grew up with the classic Mega Man games.

Mega Man 9 and 10 are far better games than 4, 5, and 6 were. I don't even need to mention that they're better games than 7 or 8, but will, because they blatantly are.

You're just a fucking faggot that probably doesn't even like Mega Man that much

>> No.573193


>9 and 10

confirmed for not having played them

>> No.573194

It's simple, everyone loves 9 and 10, so you hate it,

>> No.573181

But saying Mega Man was never hard implies no aspect of any of the games was hard, not that no game was hard throughout. Even one boss being hard disproves that statement.

>> No.573186

I thought that 'lived on' was supposed to be metaphorical

>> No.573203

Considering we have Sigma talking to some old man and Isoc running around in X6, I don't think it was completely metaphorical

>> No.573196

>9 and 10
>better than 4, 5, and 6

I would disagree, since they took out a lot of good improvements from the latter NES games in favor of being as much like 2 as possible

>> No.573202


He's a troll. Ignore him.

>> No.573213

found nothing....o well

>> No.573219


>Took out a lot of good improvements from the latter NES games

And they added a lot too. Again, you clearly haven't played them, because they really didn't take that shit out because you can play as Protoman, who has the slide and the charge shot.

As for the Rush bullshit including the Armors or Beat, you should just stop talking if you think the removal of those things is either bad or good. Its just "whatever" when it comes to that garbage.

>> No.573227
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Obnoxiously loud death beams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mega Man games never were difficult

>> No.573229

Dificculity and priority are not problem.
Playing is FUN. you know?

>> No.573234

wasn't Proto Man locked content behind a key?

I'm not the guy you were originally talking to, but I am the guy you responded to. All of the new stuff in 9 was DLC that was behind an unlock key!

>> No.573235


Mega Man games have always fairly challenged the player with the exception of Mega Man X6

I thought this was a consensus but apparently...

>> No.573250


It cost a dollar or two so you're paying 13 or so bucks for a great game that in the late 80's to early 90's and even today would run you for four to five times as much.

Don't be a drama queen. This is one of those times that DLC isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.573256

and back in the day, it was dlc like Mega Man 9's that paved the way to SFxT bullshit, and you know it. They were testing the waters with it.

>> No.573262


In Mega Man 10 you have protoman from the start and have to buy bass for 1.99 or something

>> No.573265

I never found this part all that hard.

But any ice level with the slipping and the sliding and holy fuck I will die so much

>> No.573270
File: 77 KB, 853x480, mmx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.573280

that was optional

>> No.573281

Alright, you can do it.
Just dash-jump over to the gap, turn around, and let loose the speed burner.

>> No.573275

it really isn't THAT hard, you just have to die a few times until you've memorized it.

>> No.573289


>SFxT bullshit

You can't really compare the two anon, and with all due respect, how couldn't you see that earlier?

Mega Man 9 has everything a classic Mega Man game has in terms of content, and then more if you pay nominal fees to add onto it. These fees are VERY nominal. 1 or 2 bucks for a new character or a new mode shouldn't be a big deal when a Mega Man game way back in the 80s or 90s cost five times what Mega Man 9/10 does. When you look at it that way, its a steal, because I bought all those Mega Man games back then as full priced games.

SFxT on the other hand is a modern, fully price, retail console game. Of course its DLC is complete bullshit(and I LOVE street fighter, so I was really disppointed at the way they handled it).

>> No.573293

Just wondering - how would this be done without upgrades?

>> No.573296

You don't.

>> No.573303

>Implying New Jersey does that to every person that visits that state.

Yeah, no.

There are cool people that live in New Jersey.

Not /vr/ related, pitching in my two cents.

>> No.573306

>You can't really compare the two anon, and with all due respect, how couldn't you see that earlier?
I was a blind Capcom fanboy until MML3

>> No.573310

you need all the upgrades to get the item beyond there, anyway

>> No.573325

What was the original story of Zero and why was he fighting the actual X?

Also that's kind of ironic that Zero eventually does do his original purpose in that scenario.

>> No.573345


9 and 10 are great games but better than every Megaman since 3? I don't think so.

It's clear you don't like charging your buster. 4, 5 and 6 are great games (5 is probably the weakest though) which added a lot to the series. I think your nostalgia glasses really are on a little bit too tight...

>> No.573357


>more /v/ "this fag pays for video games" bullshit

>> No.573389

it was until most of capcom said it was a stupid idea

X6 had nothing to do with it, but Inafune did say they changed SOMETHING for X6 and plus to be canon

>> No.573397

no I was happy to buy every bit of DLC until MML3 was cancelled and then they made my collector's editon of MvC3 obsolete, and lied about the tsunami being the reason they were making another retail release and, well let's jut say on July of 2011, my capcom fanboyism died hard

>> No.573426


The lie about the tsunami 'delaying' the 'dlc' in MvC3 pissed me off too. I haven't bought a Capcom game since and I don't intend to until they clean up their act.

I also think that RE5 was them testing the waters on DLC, everything else was just them exercising their nickel and diming strategy

>> No.573439

Was the "Lost in Nightmares" thing on the disc? I don't think so, since the 360 version of the gold edition had a download key

>> No.573454

Well, not him, but I personally wouldn't go THAT far. Maybe, like, top 20.

>> No.573448


You should pay for games, but are you denying that DLC is among the top 5 worst things in human history?

>> No.573458

top worst things in gaming history?

>> No.573468

I'd put it right after the Trail of Tears.

>> No.573470


Obviously the statement was slightly hyperbolic, but I think you get the picture.

>> No.573492


Mercenaries mode and alternate costumes were on the disc but I think Lost in Nightmares and Desperate Escape were not

>> No.573868



>> No.573906
File: 207 KB, 500x455, 1363481600254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


X6's Music>X5's Music>X4's Music

I should give X2 and X3 another playthrough soon; I feel like I'm being a bit unfair to them

>> No.573957

X1>X4=X2 > X5 > Xtreme > X8=X3 >>>> X7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X6
X1 > X2 > X3 > X5 > X4 > X6=X7=X8

>> No.573980

>X5's music below X2 and X3

>> No.573989
File: 173 KB, 790x650, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X5's music below X3
What the fuck man.

>> No.573990

This is how

>> No.574004

The only good part of X5's music is parts it took from other games.

>> No.574026


>> No.574038

Zero's themes were badass, but the rest of the themes weren't particularly memorable aside from Bubble Crab, who has a superior X5 remix anyway.

>> No.574060

>superior X5 remix
there is no way in hell that Tidal Makkoeen's theme sounded better than Bubble Crab, that's like saying the Wily Wars remixes sounded better.
But here, have some music.

>> No.574062

How about this?

Shame the battle is so short that you can barely notice the theme.

>> No.574115

>Before we begin, I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for my life, and all the gifts which I've been given in it, including the ability to make this extension. Your name be glorified, my Savior, even in something as small as this. Amen.

Anywho, neither of those stand out nearly as much as things like


It's all opinions, I guess. I do prefer X5's take on Bubble Crab's theme, though.

>> No.574127
File: 27 KB, 623x244, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even.

>> No.574134

I didn't even notice that.
But the song is badass as fuck

>> No.574150

Yeah, I stumbled on that guy before. He's alright, I guess.

>> No.574153

Yeah, that guy does that for all of his videos. Or at least when he uploads music.

>> No.574170

The thing is, X2 and X3's themes are very Mega Man sounding. They've got that general vibe, and the melody that goes all over the fucking place. X5 just doesn't seem to have that.

>> No.574381

Right now I'm doing a run of MMX1 with only the fire weapon, but I've hit a snag.

It doesn't work underwater, obviously.

/vr/, what weapon should I substitute for it for Launch's stage?

>> No.574398

Peashooter, no charging though.

>> No.574410


I've been thinking about doing the same thing in X2 with the Spin Wheel. I beat a couple of bosses with it last time I played and thought doing the whole game might be fun.

What do you do when you run out of Weapon Energy, by the way? Just switch to another or do you restart?

>> No.574425


One of my favorite musical pieces from the series.

>> No.574440

Why do majority of the complaints towards the PSX music is just " ITS NOT MEGAMAN IT SUCKS"

Like seriously? Does everything goddamn song need to be metal/rock? X3 and X8 has the most blandest OST and its nothing but Metal/Rock garbage that doesn't sound good at all and its very samey.

Variety is good and X6 probably had the best approach to its soundtrack that satisfies everyone.

>> No.574453

Hasn't happened yet, though I'd probably suicide.

So far shit's been pretty easy, the only snag so far, besides my Launch Octopus dilemma, has been Sting Chameleon. Sting Chameleon with the fire whip is a challenge.

>> No.574586
File: 97 KB, 632x472, Words....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is Crystal Snail
>What is Wheel Gator
>What is the X-Hunter Base

>Hating on anything but like maybe Tunnel Rhino, Neon Tiger and Crush Crawfish

>> No.574619

You forgot the Boss theme

X3 in general is half assed but holy fuck that is most lamest boss music i've ever heard for a Megaman game.

They weren't even trying

>> No.574650

Not sure what you disliked; I thought it was simple and intense, comparable to MM2.

As for half-assed in general, idk; maybe you just don't like guitarsynth.

>> No.574660

>the same 10 second loop over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
Yeah, not sure what was so awful about it.

>> No.574683

You know, I really like seeing little challenges like this. Ever since I played a couple of Tactics SCCs back in the day I've always liked the idea of doing similar stuff in other games, but no one else just seems to give a fuck.

Of course, I know most weapons don't have enough energy, but I think seeing how far you get is part of the fun. I'm pretty sure you could do at least manage Single weapon runs in some of the latter classic games. They have weapon tanks and all.

>> No.574686

I thought that was supposed to be Dr. Weil.

>> No.574716

So, have any ROM hackers ever attempted modifying the playstation X games? Or any 2D playstation game at all?

Would love to see a hack of X6 to fix its level design

>> No.574735

> all other armors need not apply

It sucked. Good god, the buster upgrade in X3 was so terrible. I vastly preferred the un-upgraded buster because it was fast and easy to hit things with.

>> No.574741

>that feel when armor upgrade actually downgrades

>> No.574754

I wouldn't mind a Romhack of X5 to take out the shitty Guns n Roses names.

>> No.574752

Do you know what an actual boss theme sounds like for the X Series?

Last for 30 mins yet still feels intense. There's an actual mood and tone to it.

X3 is just a repetitive loop that last for 4-6 seconds and its dull as fuck. Doesn't feel intense at all. Doesn't help that majority of the boss fights are awful in X3

>> No.574768

It'd take a lot more than that to make me enjoy X5. What a terrible game.

>> No.574774

So after giving a listen to the boss themes of MMs 1-6 along with X-X3, they vary from 10-30 second loops, give or take 2 seconds, with a notable exception being MM5 at around 40.

So two things:

1. None of the boss tracks are that long, unless you're talking like X4-8, which are on CDs and DVDs respectively. What did you expect?

2. Just because a piece of music is short doesn't make it bad, and at least imo X3 is a good example of a loop that keeps consistent and seamless, while capturing the intensity of the situation for which it is employed.

>> No.574780

I wouldn't call it terrible but it has alot to make me not replay it much

that said I enjoyed it more than X3 but not by much

>> No.574790

X3's is the shortest and the blandest. Every other theme has some sort of variation that keeps it from sounding too monotonous, but X3 just drones on without developing anything.

Also, it's bland. Did I mention that?

>> No.574805

I am familiar with most of the music of MM and MMX, having OSTs of all but MM7, 8, 10, and MM&B.

X3 is actually about a 10-second loop, so maybe you're not listening to it like you think you are. That said, from what it sounds like you just don't like X3 in general, so whatever.

That the track in X ascends and descends is nice, but in a different way; it sounds good, but doesn't really give me that 'immafuckthisguy up' nor 'oshitibetterwatchmytoes' mood.

>> No.574802

>1. None of the boss tracks are that long, unless you're talking like X4-8, which are on CDs and DVDs respectively. What did you expect?

X1 has a memorable one and it last for 30 seconds and then loops.

Making it a fucking 4-6 sec loop is fucking lazy and doesn't actually capture any intense feeling cause you're hearing the same goddamn shit over and over. X3 is a lazy ass game and I have no idea why some people hold so much praise towards it

>> No.574808

X3 gets a lot of praise because it was impossible as fuck to find

>> No.574812

>'oshitibetterwatchmytoes' mood.

Too bad none of the bosses ever have that mood at all

X3 has the worst boss patterns in the series. Chill fucking Penguin had better pattern and AI than those half assed rejects

>> No.574817


>okay, makes the fight tense
>top lel
>not bad, just because of that guitar in the middle
>who gives a fuck
>now THIS is boss music

>> No.574832

It's just a bit of grinding for energy before a boss or miniboss.

Boomer Kuwanger gets rekt with this weapon harder than Crystal Snail. You don't even have to move, just hit him when he teleports, and you can get him in an infinite teleport loop and whittle his health down one hit at a time.

>> No.574840



THIS is how you do a simple yet effective loop of a intense and fierce boss theme. Its very simple but still maintains its theme throughout the song and fight.

and this is on a GBA while X3's boss theme was on SNES

No excuse

>> No.574845

X4 boss theme is best boss theme

>> No.574854


What a great boss theme.

The Zero games are fucking awesome, period.

>> No.574864


X3 gets a lot of praise because it was FUN

>> No.574859


You're just mad their super moves fucked you in the A aren't ya

>> No.574860



You mind describing what you mean when you use these words? It sounds like you're just being contrarian at this point. What exactly was wrong with the bosses now? Did they wait too long in between moves for you? Not have enough variety in their attacks? Did you not appreciate that they had desperation moves?

Also, just going to say it: Your exaggeration with the Chill Penguin comparison is full of shit. They all are more active, actually do something with their attacks, and have gimmicks that are more dangerous than fucking adding wind to the arena. Even Blizzard Buffalo is more threatening, as he almost never lets up on you even if his attacks are all entirely avoidable. Try harder next time.

>> No.574874

>mmz1 crush

That's the best boss music in the entire mega man franchise.

>> No.574876

Somehow I prefer Crash II over I
It's catchy

>> No.574889

Yeah man Blizzard Buffalo is so hard

Ram into one wall
Ram into another wall

So complex. Oh shit he's shooting ice on the wall in a slow ass pattern. What should I do?

Oh fuck Tunnel Rhino is hard as fuck too


Majority of the bosses in X3 are so simplistic in design and too fucking easy. Fucking Doppler had a stupid dash into you move that was slow as fuck. I've played X1-X3 many times and X3 has the worst bosses by far.

>> No.574890

'Nother dilemma with my fire run: Armored Armadillo automatically blocks the fire attack.

Do I pea shooter him, or remove the armor with his weakness and then use fire?

>> No.574893


X8 boss theme is king, I agree.

X8 gets so much slack, but it has great music. I don't see how any self-respecting Mega Man X fan would dislike at the VERY LEAST X8's music.



>> No.574905


Yeah Blizz buffalo is pretty lame gotta agree with you there.

>> No.574912

it's even more retarded if you use the vertical dash since he looks to the other way when you do it.

>> No.574917

Crash I is so much more immersive, it puts me in "the zone". The boss fight is like a dance. At around 48" I feel like my movements are perfectly fluid, as if everything made sense. Maneuvering all around the boss. Three slash combo. Dash jump away.

So. Much. Fun.

>> No.574918

Also do whatever will harm your goals the least. In this case, your goal is to use only fire as much as the game will allow you, so using his weakness to use fire would be more acceptable.

>> No.574930

X8 tracks are really good, also
>dat elevator theme

>> No.574932

That loop isn't as simple as you make it out to be; it has all kinds of pacing, bringing new pieces in and taking other pieces out. It's rather complex in that regard, by comparison to what is being discussed. It's also 90 seconds long, making it longer than any of the MM/X themes by anywhere from 2-9fold; hardly a fair comparison.

>Implying I said they were hard
I don't suppose you can name an X-X3 8master boss that was difficult by comparison?

Blizzard Buffalo and Tunnel Rhino's ramming could feint in response to your activity, and the breaks between each attempted attack were pretty short. In BB's case, his ice wasn't particularly hard to dodge, but was clever in how it tracked in relation to your position, generally leading rather than deliberately aiming at you; if you moved wrong, you could end up in a position where dodging his ram was actually a catch22 with walled ice. His beam was poorly designed though, true.

>> No.574941

Goddammit even without the armor he's immune. Guess I have to peashooter, I didn't know until now that a quarter of MMX's bosses are immune to fire.

>> No.574950


X8's music is ever better than X6. I'd say both X8 and X6 are at the top of the MMX OST charts.


This badass remix:


>> No.574953

That is one of my favorite tracks in X8.

Although with a few more exceptions I didn't like X8 tracks as much as I thought I would not to say it's bad but I don't know man.

>> No.574961

Rolling shield might be a better challenge next time since no bosses are immune to it.

>> No.574975

according to
he's vulnerable to the charged attack of the fire weapon. So I guess just get the buster upgrade before fighting him.

>> No.574979

Then again, a one weapon challenge would probably be impossible past the first 8 Mavericks anyway, since you have to fight multiple bosses in each of the Sigma stages.

>> No.574980

Sting Chamelon in X1 is actually a challnge if you go buster only cause he has a very unpredictable behavior and the random spikes. Launch Octopus is also a dick too.

The feint never gave me issues and it wasn't really that short or an issue cause I still dash wall jump and do the same thing over and over again. In BB's case he does at least try with the ice but its still very easy to not lure yourself into a position where he can wall you with the ice and fuck you over. Every match with him I'm always in a position where that rarely fuck me over. You can't lie and say Tunnel Rhino isn't lazy.

Now I'm not saying X bosses have to be hard to be good. They just need varied amount of attacks and a pattern that makes it fun to fight.

Chill had 3-4 attacks and he's the easiest to fight in X1.

He can shoot at you and the ice pellets alternate from dragging on the ground and just a straight shot. He creates ice statues and jumps on the ceiling to make them crash into you. He can also do a slide move into you sometimes after the statue move. He's still more fun to fight and varied than most of X3's nonsense despite being easy.

I dare you justify Doppler's fight. That was such a letdown.

>> No.575003

Spark Mandrill is also pretty unpredictable, but not as much as Sting Chameleon. Chameleon can be a real bastard when you're trying to do a buster-only run with no damage.

>> No.575013

Spark Mandrill isn't that bad. The real issues with him is that you can't tell if he's gonna do a spark or punch at you.

Frustrates me so much

I still can't beat Octopus without getting hit. Guy is impossible

>> No.575025

Yeah. I always have to just shoot a charge shot after a slight delay and prepare myself for the sparks, but he'll sometimes go into multiple punches while I'm in mid-air, which throws me off. Probably a problem of my reflexes more than anything, though.

And Octopus is a real cunt. There should be a limit to the amount of missiles he can have on the screen at once.

>> No.575028


Sting Chameleon was alright, although to me he always took too long coming off his cloak, giving himself away.

Launch Octopus is a boss you have to pay attention to, true; between shooting down his projectiles, actually hitting him, and dodging his attempts to latch onto you, it keeps you on your toes.

Penguin, despite his variety of attacks, is extremely boring and one-dimensional; As long as you cling to a wall and avoid him on the off-chance he jumps directly at you, you have him; it's not hard to figure this out either once you see all his attacks only cover the bottom third of the screen.

>when you're trying to do a buster-only run with no damage

But on the real, the fact that animations prepping for spark or punch is a pain, and basically mandates that you constantly keep a perimeter of distance from him. That said, it's not so much difficult as it is attempting to force you to play a particular way.

>> No.575085

>"Penguin, despite his variety of attacks, is extremely boring and one-dimensional;"

As with alot of bosses in X3

Ignoring the two famous bad ones. You can beat Crush Crawlfish by just wall climbing. Whatever pattern he has is easily exploitable and makes him a very one dimensional fight. Neon Tiger isn't much better. He usually just jumps up the wall above you and does nothing. Then he can either do the same or just shoot at you with very simple shots to dodge. I rarely have a battle where he actually shoots from the wall. He's so predictable it huts. Even worse he has an ex attack where he can just slowly go towards you and slash you. Pathetic.

and Doppler

Doppler is proof that X3 is the Laziest X game. They didn't even fucking try making him a threat.

>> No.575098

Oh forgot to add

I think Sigma's 1st Form is really fun to fight and if more bosses were like that I would like X3's bosses more

>> No.575110

Holy shit man. X8 is made out of guitar badassery.

Noah's Park

Results - Yeah, even the mission results jingle is badass

Stage Select 1 & 2

Gravity Antonion's Stage

Burn Rooster

Boss Battle

Orbital Elevator

Vile Battle

The Gateway

Sigma's Palace

Sigma Battle

Lumine 2nd


>> No.575128

I'm pretty sure Penguin was designed specifically so that new players would have something to beat up on.

When I first played the game, I was about 6 years old or so. I couldn't get past the intro stage on my own, so I constantly begged my brothers to beat it for me so I could try the real stages. Inexplicably, I wasn't able to beat the intro stage, but I was able to beat Chill Penguin's after some difficulty. Of course I was steamrolled in every other stage, so I just kept on going through Chill Penguin again and again until I finally got good.

>> No.575149

>One boss is proof
Let's try to steer away from that. Anyway, I agree that Doppler and Rhino are lousy, but with regards to Crush: I'm not sure what you mean. Does he not throw those anti-wall wraps at you, leaving him to attack the other wall with impunity should you make it over to the opposite side?

Neon's AI, aside from its annoying habit of blocking, seems to be inconsistent in terms of when it will try to drop on you, come down from a wall, or fire. Sometimes it flatout won't do an option of the three, constantly doing one or both of the other instead (like coming down for a swipe sometimes even if you're not in range). Not sure if bugged or what.

Oh, and...
>They didn't even try making him a threat
But they did. They just did a poor job of it. His whole absorbing shots and shit.

I've always felt that way myself, but it doesn't excuse things.

>> No.575162

Not that guy, but every time I've played Crush Crawfish, I just walljump, let him pull me down with said anti-wall wraps and let loose on him while his claw grabs above me. Rinse and repeat. I still don't know what other attacks he has because this is all every battle I've had with him has consisted of.

>> No.575201

Every Fight with Crush always goes with this. I climb a wall he tries to to anti wall me. On paper this sounds good cause it stops the wall clinging strategy; however the anti wall stuff barely holds you enough that you're in any dangerous you can repeatably wall jump and not be in any danger. I barely know his other attacks cause this strategy works every time and its pathetic.

Neon is weird. He goes from a boss fight to a retarded kid that climbs walls and has a gun but forgets to use it and then climbs more walls and does nothing else.

Doppler would be a cool fight if they actually gave him more threatening attacks. The healing factor was the only unique thing about him.

Can we at least agree that X4 has the best boss fights. Fucking Magma Dragoon is the best.

>> No.575216


>Magma Dragoon is best

In X4, I damn agree. Even though the big factor on why I like him is his stage theme is pretty intense and of course him channeling his inner Street Fighter.

>> No.575237

He was a pansy in X5's training, though. I could never figure the exact reason.

>> No.575249

>I could never figure the exact reason.
Well it is the training mode so they had to make him easier.

>> No.575250

I think it's really because his battle is nothing but reflexes. He doesn't have any set pattern so you just have to be on your toes at all times. It's exhilarating.

>> No.575243


I always thought that Magma in X5 was just a training mode AI for Repliforce or something. Sucks he had to be demoted like that.

>> No.575268

Yeah, but what did they do to make him easier? I think he just seems slower in general, and jumps around a lot less, plus the stage's smaller and has no lava.

>> No.575276


Weird; I usually end up getting rushed and grabbed after a wrap hits me; maybe the there's a timing to exploit there.

Doppler mostly just needs to not take forfuckingever when he comes to rush you. That and maybe some kind of airtoground attack.


I have a bias for Dragoon because Street Fighter, but if I put that aside I actually mixed feelings about the roster as a whole. Most of the bosses are really simple overall, but have bullshit desperations

Dragoon: KICK, Hidouken, Lowdouken, hop, occasional Shoryuken. Bullshit desperation.
Spider: Show up, Web, run away. Desperation is the same plus spiders.
Peacock: Move aside when he appears and shoot him. Totally bullshit desperation

Just as examples. Mushroom and Beast were pretty solid. Stingray was a pleb..

>> No.575283

Stingray is a bitch if you're Zero.

>> No.575296

>implying you can ice sword the fucker without taking damage

I just rekd him with regular saber instead.

>> No.575307

As someone who's pretty awful with Zero, what?

All you have to do is hug the wall he's on and hit him until his little stingrays are about to hit you, then just stay put, hit them until they're gone, and move to the other side if he hasn't already started that swooping move.

And it's even easier with Frost Walrus's move.

>> No.575309


Fuck I never realized all the fortress bosses were immune to spin wheel. Or that everyone except Serges was immune to everything except their weakness.

>> No.575312

>>implying you can ice sword the fucker without taking damage
You can; Just takes a bit of practice.

>> No.575314

Just hug the wall, jump once and use it?

>> No.575320

he wasn't the real Dragoon and that's because that was a tutorial.
I think he was like a hologram or some shit like that.

>> No.575327


Jet Stingray is the Spark Mandrill of X4

You can get him in a pathetic infinite loop he stands absolutely no chance of escaping

>> No.575337

The timing to get him in a loop is a lot trickier than Spark Mandrill, though. Especially if you're using Zero.

He's still one of the more abuseable bosses of X4, though.

>> No.575348


He was reformed once he was beaten and realized the error of his ways.

Incidentally, he also stopped his training and lost a lot of his skill over the years once he finally got a chance to fight megaman and zero and realized he wasn't as strong as them, it made him depressed, you know?

>> No.575396
File: 130 KB, 1024x878, 1626262563873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design wise, which one is your favorite armor?

>> No.575419

>inb4 shadow armor

>> No.575432


>New Armor not present in image

dude New Armor from command mission is my favorite

>> No.575434


Shad- oh goddamn it.

Falcon armor really, and X4 ultimate.

>> No.575427

What the fuck are the top middle three?

Also, falcon armor.

>> No.575447

>What the fuck are the top middle three?
X8 amours.

>> No.575441


X1. The rest are gay, overdesigned, shitty weeaboo shit.

X1 is my favorite armor, but don't take the rest of the post seriously

>> No.575443


Those are his armors in Mega Man X8

You change armors depending on which "chip" you insert into the head piece

>> No.575463


what is that armor on the 2nd row, 1st one(far left)? it looks like X3's but X3's is on the far right of the same row.

>> No.575483
File: 66 KB, 640x448, MMXCMSketch004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commencing dump of concept armors from Command Mission that never made it into the game

>> No.575480

see >>569213

>> No.575494
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>> No.575486


so its the fourth armor? okay

>> No.575503
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>> No.575498

The top 3 in the middle (from left to right) are Icarus, Neutral (does fuck-all nothing!), and Hermes. Why all 3 are exactly the same shape is beyond me; I think its when the designers got lazy on making X8.

>> No.575528


and that's all I have. Not sure if any more exist.

>> No.575516

So many missiles
I really wanted that armor to be in the game.

>> No.575517
File: 64 KB, 640x448, MMXCMSketch003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.575560

Falcon and Shadow.

>> No.575578

>native murikkan X


>tank X

looks bulky as fuck

what the fuck am I looking at, a fucking digimon

>samurai X

just not as cool as shadow armor

>> No.575574

>Big O drill punching tank armor

Do want.

>> No.575640
File: 1.51 MB, 2460x3280, 100_2514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck am I looking at
Megaman X: Heavy Arms Edition

>> No.575653


It's cool seeing concept art for games and that's why I dumped them.

I never said they should have been in the game, no need to convey your negative opinion in a dickish way man.

>> No.575665

>hating on Native American X

>> No.575672
File: 129 KB, 840x713, C[1].M_JetZero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tank or Missile armor might have been neat, in place of the Ultimate Armor.

>> No.575704


I apologize for your ears. If you can watch for a bit, he loses to chill penguin.

>> No.575726

>this guy is just too easy
Fight starts at 7:00

>> No.575727


I stopped watching after he pronounced "chameleon" without the "k" sound for "ch". He pronounced it as if he was saying "chill"

>> No.575742

I kind of feel bad for people like this. I want to laugh at him, but I feel awful.

>> No.575795

Pretty sure this guy legitimately has aspergers.

>> No.575919

I cannot believe he lost to Chill Penguin.

>> No.575923

He proceeds to "show off" basic shit for any "slow learners" watching.

I don't know if it's more painful watching someone awful at the games pretend to be a guru at it or watching someone awful at the games call the game a cheating piece of shit like DSP.

>> No.575936

Anyone have that image of the most efficient ways to run through the games to collect everything without repeating stages?

>> No.575947

Fuck that guy. This is too depressing.

Where's that unassisted segmented no-damage minimal speedrun of X6 on Xtreme mode someone posted yesterday?

That guy knew his shit.

>> No.575974

>fails at getting the storm eagle heart tank
>three fucking times
>lel showing off to you slow learners

Fuck the hell off and go die in a fiery tornado.

>> No.575968


Really good shit.

>> No.576002

Yeah, I enjoy his commentary. It's very entertaining watching him describe just what you gotta do to in order to beat X6. With unarmored X. Without picking up any upgrades or parts. And without getting hit. In Xtreme mode. As fast as possible.

So convoluted it's awesome.

>> No.576024

His X5 run is also really interesting if you have the time. Not quite as impressive as X6 for obvious reasons, but still worth a watch.

>> No.576086

Damn /vr/. How do I get this gud.

>> No.576096


"Oh holy goddamn, it's a stage so chock-full to the brim with bullshit, it's over ten minutes long and I can still spend every waking second talking about what's going on"

>that rising lava segment

Holy Fucking Jesus Ass-Raping Christ.

>> No.576139

Quit your job, play video games every day.

>> No.576149

Holy shit, you can get to the top of the lava section before you actually kill the robot? I thought it would simply keep looping forever.

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.576176

>doos-ex machina
I'll excuse it given how he's fucking great at the game.

>> No.576225


>> No.576252

Oh my.


This is from the X4 minimalist no damage speed run he did before the X5 and X6 runs, and he actually sounds like he has his soul intact.

Maybe there is really a price to pay for having such skill at these games.

>> No.576312

Fuck, dude. I got so mad since I got the CE to MVC3 too. They should have just done what they did with SSF4:AE and made it DLC and disc based. But nope. Fuck you, Capcom.

>> No.576331
File: 31 KB, 342x185, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What have I just fucking witnessed

>> No.576357

You have witnessed the truest, hardest, most gritty gaming warrior taking on the hardest, artificially or not, game in the X series with as many restrictions as possible, and winning.

Now, watch:


>> No.576369

Wait, watch this first:


That's just fucking insane.

>> No.576406

Ground Scaravich, man. Fuckin Ground Scaravich

>> No.576469

Did this guy make runs of ZX or Zero games? I'd love to watch them.

>> No.576487

Only boss rushes.


The Mega Man romhack runs are really interesting, though.

>> No.576490

He did a boss rush of ZX.

>> No.576506

I'd love to do a ZX let's play myself. I just have so much fun using HX.

How's DS emulation nowadays? I have the console and the games, but I play a LOT better on a keyboard.

>> No.576517

Haven't tried it in about two years, but I could run Pokemon Platinum at full speed at the time. Should be fine

Important question: Are you exceptionally good at ZX?

>> No.576530

I'm probably not as good as him, but if I start practicing again I think I can possibly show off some good uses of the insane speed and mobility of HX.

>> No.576561

My 12 year old brother is way better at megaman X than I am, I still kick his ass in the classic series though. He played through maverick hunter X all night basically, he fell asleep about 4:30. He got all the upgrades, heart tanks, and sub tanks. I was so proud.

>> No.576590

Holy fuck

>> No.576609

I watch this guy regularly on YouTube, his name is clementj642, he really hates the game for almost the same reasons. Go watch his play through for some hilarity.

>> No.576634

Oh I think I've watched his runs. Isn't he the guy who said he wasn't going to do X runs?

>> No.576640

Nevermind, I'm confusing him with another LPer.

>> No.576658

Ground Scaravich?

has he never heard of the yanma weapon damn that thing makes the game insanely easy.

>> No.576675

No weapons challenge.

>> No.576682

Minimalist challenge, genius.

>> No.576690

Well, actually, yeah he did during his mega man and bass play through. But he did them anyways. Should watch some of his shit if you haven't, he's pretty entertaining.

>> No.576754
File: 724 KB, 1407x1209, D-Arts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what's weird

I can remember all the boss weaknesses up to X4

X5 I can remember some here and there

and starting with X6-onward almost all the weaknesses become total unknowns to me, no matter how many times I go through and beat the games.

>> No.576760

That is weird. X5's are easy to remember since they're even separated into two groups.

>> No.576762
File: 816 KB, 768x615, single_segment_run_killer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the Central Museum, does anyone know of a sure way to get where you want?

I always end up revisiting the stage 3 or more times to get everything.

>> No.576774

It's all random. Based crapcom.

>> No.576769

My god, this game. Too bad it's seemingly vaporware at this point.

>> No.576771
File: 91 KB, 486x555, Old Sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

440 replies in less of 24 hrs... damn!.


>> No.576778

True, but with X5 if I'm not playing it, I have trouble recalling the order. I know Crescent Grizzly and Duff McWhalen are among the firsts, rest I can't recall

>> No.576781

Th-thanks Capcom...

>> No.576776

Completely random, for lelfakereplayability

>> No.576785

Dude there's tons of videos on youtube. It looks fucking badass.

>> No.576786

This is why X6 is so fucking horrific.

>> No.576789


X4-X6: Everything is weak to Nova Strike.

>> No.576797

which defangs the games and makes them boring

>> No.576801

I recall thinking I was hot shit for beating X4 with ultimate armor X when I was 10.

As far as I'm concerned I never really beat the game until a few days ago when I did it with both fourth armor X and Zero.

I still feel a little cheap for never beating X without the hadouken.

>> No.576803

Using boss weakness does basically the same thing.

>> No.576805

it's a tough thing to decide on, since the Hadouken itself is difficult to pull off with the need t maintain full health for it

>> No.576806

Grizzly>McWhalen>Adler>Glow>Grizzly<wbr> is the first loop, I can remember that.

Second one is something like Dizzy>Skiver>Mattrex>Axel.

>> No.576807


That is what I had always thought but I figured someone might know something I don't.

Apart from level design, that is why I don't like the Central Museum. Always kills my single segment runs.

>> No.576808

Except you're not invicible when using them, unlike when you use the Nova Strike.

>> No.576810

That's correct.

>> No.576816

X4 was always the hardest for me, for some reason. Took me a while to be able to beat it without the ultimate armor.

>> No.576818


>> No.576813

You may as well be invincible when most bosses are knocked on their asses and become harmless when they get a whiff of boss weakness.

>> No.576814
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>> No.576825

The only thing it really helped me on are Sigma's pet and his first form, which are incredibly easy to get hadoukens off on since they're at the start of the level.

I still don't know what any of their attacks are.

Fuck it, tomorrow I'm starting a buster-only run.

>> No.576819

It ain't THAT funny

>> No.576830

Sigma's final form can be a pain in the ass, but I don't recall anything else to be particularly difficult.

>> No.576836


>> No.576859

Am I the only one who thought that FPS might've been kinda cool?

>> No.576865


>> No.576872



>> No.576894


Was being developed by former Retro employees, so even though it looked a little iffy, it could've been neat.

>> No.576895


>> No.576915

Not a bad idea, but I can't fathom wall-jumping in first person. The other aspects of platforming can be done very well, though. Just look at Mirror's Edge.

>> No.576928
File: 65 KB, 512x262, 1347924245754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people used to joke about a gritty, fps megaman game just like that
>mfw it was real all along
The idea of Zero having to take down X ala MMZ's original plot is pretty cool though

>> No.576935

Yeah but...
The character models man.
That wasn't Mega Man.
That wasn't Mega Man at all.

>> No.576937


Holy shit, what's with the gritty robotic realistic models? This isn't Mega Man anymore.

>> No.576945

Thus mfw; Unless you can figure a way that x laying face down on the floor could be taken as good.

>> No.576962


>gritty as fuck
>muh realism
>crysis nanosuit
>machine gun x buster

Nanosuit Man X - Modern Warfare

>> No.577060

Ever since /vr/ opened up, we've been having solid Megaman threads. I just want to say I love Megaman, and I love you all too. Whatever your favourite game is, remember, (almost) all Megamans are good games in the end, and keep being cool. See you next thread

>> No.577078

Except X6 fucking sucks

>> No.577076

This. I never saw any Mega Man thread on /v/. Okay, I did, but they seemed to be pretty rare.

>> No.577082

Till the next thread fellow ma/vr/ick.

>> No.577083
File: 716 KB, 1280x1024, 1252856040147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Y-you too.

This thread was awesome. You're all cool.

>> No.577093

Fuck you

>> No.577094




>> No.577091

Is there a consistently fast way to deal with the extending platforms towards the end of Boomer Kuwanger's level? I always have to slow down at that part and it ruins my pacing.

>> No.577104

Speaking of next thread, this one's getting close to the bump limit. Should we make these a recurring general? A single thread filled in a day seems pretty good to me.

>> No.577098

get gud

>> No.577106

>gurren lagann style rockman x6

Please tell me there's a nightmare zero version of that image

>> No.577112

I was joking. I like all of the X games I've played.

>> No.577117
File: 216 KB, 544x466, 1362446674141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never saw any Mega Man thread on /v/
I miss the old saturday night megaman threads.

Weekly would be better. Daily threads would run out of things to talk about far too quickly.

>> No.577249
File: 471 KB, 768x1024, 1252860377336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. Let's have a week to actually get back to playing Megamen games.

I really need to do that Zero run, but I have Muramasa and Shinobi PS2 nipping at my toes like rabid piranhas, especially Shinobi.


I don't think there's a Nightmare Zero in the same style, but I have this out of the set.

>> No.577243

I hate when people promote the idea of X becoming the evil guy.

>> No.577267
File: 210 KB, 1000x800, 19063539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoops. hate to double post but here's the imageset off of Pixiv. Pic unrelated though.


Enjoy, fellow ma/vr/ick

>> No.577283

There's been mega man threads made just about daily in some way or another

>> No.577290
File: 79 KB, 480x640, 1362461704797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been playing a lot of the PS1 games recently. That's actually why I mentioned earlier that I may not be being very fair to X2 and X3, rating wise.

>> No.577354

Bump limit now reached. New thread, please!

>> No.577436

Should it be a Mega Man X thread, or just a Mega Man thread?

>> No.577448
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We should stick with X for now, in the spirit of the previous 2.

>> No.577450
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There's not really any active conversations going on right now, so I don't really see the need for a new thread.

Might be smart to wait a few hours, it's pretty late in clapistan.

If you do end up making one, general megaman would be the better choice.

>> No.577458
File: 341 KB, 638x468, Mega Man OVA 2-019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not making this easy

>> No.577529
File: 8 KB, 223x249, general.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


X thread guy here, you know what, just go with General. It wouldn't hurt so bad now.

But yeah let's wait out a bit before starting anew.

>> No.577706
File: 118 KB, 300x369, ahhnah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, not that i want to be the bad guy; but there's too many Megaman threads too often. It will be good slow down a little.

>> No.578023

>Don't have my megaman general image on this computer
Kill me.

>> No.578090
File: 51 KB, 444x579, General[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.580989

New thread
I hope it's not too early