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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 28 KB, 240x240, aaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5686050 No.5686050 [Reply] [Original]

it's time for weird gbc shit

>> No.5686072
File: 53 KB, 600x600, spell-checker__61458.1523559766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spelled GB wrong

>> No.5686117

Honestly I could see myself using this as a kid

>> No.5686735


>Source Pak

Is that the term for Paks that were not Game Paks?

>> No.5686785


First game with rape, human sacrifice, and genocide in it?

>> No.5686791

Didn't even notice that, kinda cool

>> No.5686793
File: 129 KB, 1080x1080, Austin_Powers-_Welcome_to_My_Underground_Lair_-_2000_-_Take_2_Interactive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5686794
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>> No.5686803
File: 54 KB, 400x378, Microsoft-Pinball-Arcade-Nintendo-Game-Boy-Color-2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microsoft 3.1 games for Game Boy Color

>> No.5686804
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>> No.5686810
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That's rad as fuck anon

>> No.5686843
File: 85 KB, 1171x714, jesuscamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indoctrinate your children from a young age with a handheld digital neo-Talmud.

Great idea!

>> No.5686852

>A spell checker as slow as entering your initials for a high score

>> No.5686863

Better than have them growing up to be pillow-fucking virgin weeabos though...

>> No.5686871

shhh, don't disturb them, they might reproduce

>> No.5686876

>& calculator

>> No.5686881

oh yeah, nearly forgot

>> No.5686898

More often than not, one leads to the other.

>> No.5686925

james is a pretty gay name for a king

>> No.5686930

don't forget incest child erotica with Lott

>> No.5686940
File: 59 KB, 500x500, spanish_GB__72195.1443107839[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up a copy of this at a pawn shop for $5.

>> No.5687178

I have this. It would have been useful if you wanted an electronic Bible pre smartphone days. Has a few crappy games on it too. I need niv version of this (price lmao) and super Noah's ark and I have all retro wisdom tree games. I collected them since it's kind of an interesting footnote in nes history.

>> No.5687350

turbospergs like CWC grew up in religious, oppressive households.

>> No.5687415

Definitely not, but certainly the first to out the synagogue of satan as snakes and vipers

>> No.5687421

>grandma made us go to church and wear a suit on Sunday morning I'm oppressed
I smell the s.o.y. from here

>> No.5687465

Rockstar also published an Evel Knievel game for GBC. Their fledgling days were so cute.

>> No.5687819

DAE onions is le bad? I sure love pseudoscience because it makes me feel good about myself!

>> No.5687956

>wearing suits when going to church.
was this a southern thing because i live in jersey and the only times i ever wore a suit in church was my first communion.

>> No.5688079

Jesus didn't reproduce
checkmate incels

>> No.5688082

>King James

>> No.5688093

>reading any other translation
not retro

>> No.5688095

go back to /v/

>> No.5688112

In the 50s, sure. It was your "Sunday Best" after all. In the 90s in the south at rural fundamentalist churches I attended khaki's and polos were the norm for men except for the preacher.

You've never attended a fundamentalist church have you?

>> No.5688187
File: 42 KB, 500x384, pedisedate_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we go back to posting weird game boy shit?

>> No.5688314
File: 1.49 MB, 4032x3024, RYLvv1m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the sewing machine and also the depth finder.

>> No.5688569
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>> No.5688668

What a rip off

>> No.5688686
File: 25 KB, 352x550, 130402366-352-k54890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I smell the s.o.y. from here"
shut the fuck up fat nerd

>> No.5688695

He probably did tho, checkmate catholics

>> No.5688746

Man this thread looked interesting, shame you guys drove it into the ground

>> No.5689009

Its what we do

>> No.5689352
File: 1.56 MB, 1008x756, IMG_20190623_075008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game Boy had online gaming, albeit only in Japan and via mobile networks.

>> No.5689445
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>> No.5689516
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>> No.5689531

fine, keep believing in your magical sky faeries

>> No.5689536

And this worked on GBA too.

>> No.5689538
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>> No.5689541

Narnia ain't real dude

>> No.5689554
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>> No.5689856

>Thread gets back on track
>You retards derail it with arguments over religion again

>> No.5689865
File: 66 KB, 620x375, Gamboy-Pedisedate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5689930

Anyone arguing religion on a fucking old video game board really should hang themselves.
Go shit up /b/ with this tired crap retard. I hope hell is real so you go there faggot.

>> No.5690451

>cool early mobile internet stuff
It's always japan, why does it have to be japan. I unironically get jealous about satellaview and the like, even though I know they don't work anymore.

>> No.5690591

The Talmud came AFTER the Bible retard

>> No.5690907

He was bisexual

>> No.5691113


>> No.5691138

When I was in high school back in the mid-00s, cell phones were still a novelty that only rich kids had. Apparently, they were pretty widespread among Japanese high school kids as early as the late 90s.

>> No.5691256
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>> No.5691496

Sure, none of it really works anymore, but the good thing about Nintendo is that there's always a dedicated group of people restoring services. Pretty sure there are plenty of Satellaview ROMs and restoration groups for the mobile adapter.

>> No.5691534 [DELETED] 

>thinking I'm being series using circa 2012 reddit-tier atheist arguments

>> No.5691537

>thinking I'm being serious using circa 2011 reddit-tier atheist arguments

>> No.5694051 [DELETED] 

was it fun

>> No.5694178

>bragging about the number of words in the dictionary

>> No.5694242
File: 138 KB, 350x350, carlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
You could say they put the loli in glossolalia

>> No.5694595
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>> No.5694734

Cell phones and other communication devices weren't really the expense back then, it was always the network connection that made you pay out the ass. Japan is pretty compact and could afford to cover more of themselves with less equipment compared to the US, which has pretty massive stretches of sparsely populated land. It's the same sort of struggle why the US's internet infrastructure is still so bad outside of major cities.

>> No.5697149

1 Thessalnoians
"the Jews, who killed Christ, are the enemies of the entire human race"
I guess the bible really is a book made by JEws to control people.

>> No.5697242

And here I thought the Romans killed Jesus, who was himself a Jew

>> No.5697303

Guess you didn't read the book then. Pilot offered clemency during Passover to one criminal each year, as was Roman custom, and tried getting the Pharisees to request it for Jesus. They hated him though, and demanded Barabbas be freed instead, Barabbas being a shit-tier thief, thereby condemning Jesus to death.
They did this because he'd caused a minor riot in the Temple during the most sensitive time of the year for their people, in a climate that had already seen one revolt against Roman occupation. Pilot specifically says he washes his hands of the whole affair after they demand Barabbas, putting the guilt directly on the Pharisees.

>> No.5697421

the Bible rom doesn't work for me, the game crashes

>> No.5697629
File: 114 KB, 356x294, 00000ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know how to activate Godmode.

>> No.5697661

okay then bigshot how do you get it to work? select any book and try to read it

>> No.5697682

Quick guys I need help. I was trying to do a secret harlot play through but got knocked up. Me and my husband haven't even fucked yet. How do I get out of this? Am I just fucked?

>> No.5697754

fucking americans

>> No.5697794

>Pilot offered clemency during Passover to one criminal each year, as was Roman custom

No it wasn't, it was obviously an invention by the writer of Mathew and later comentators to shift the blame completely on the Pharisees and absolve the Romans so as to put Christ followers in the Roman's good book which is exemplified by famous Mathew line "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's".

>> No.5698782
File: 67 KB, 500x490, 61zFoL5-ibL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5698784
File: 25 KB, 265x266, !!e!VDr!!WM_$(KGrHqZ,!hIE0fkiNNpQBNP4Bn7qFg___1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5698808

That line is about how money is not from God, but is instead a function of human creation. It is just as true today as it was then. You can't give money directly to God, but the government and the state sure do want it.

>> No.5698810

Also, the Pharisees were trying to stop or even kill Christ throughout the entirety of the Gospels. Jesus even healed the centurian's servant and told him that he was a man of faith. It's not all some conspiracy to please Rome.

>> No.5698812
File: 154 KB, 752x440, 1557759947297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that skifree on Gameboy?

>> No.5698831


>> No.5698885

LSDJ is a 4channel tracker that came out in the early 00's that allows one to make music with 4 instruments at a time how ever you can sync two with a link adapter to have 8 channels its also possible to mod a keyboard to use as a controller by plugging it into the link port

the only mods one needs to do if they choose is soldering in a better cap for the sound and taking out the headphone jack and replacing it with any number of input jacks

touhou bad apple

under spider dance with two gameboys linked (both kick in at 40s)

some dudes OC skip to around 2mins in

djing live with two gameboys hooked to a mixer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho65HX29SAs

undertale memelovania with two gameboys linked

tl;dr LSDJ is cool as fuck if you're into chiptune

>> No.5699060

stop giving away all my secrets
midines too while youre at it
mgb and trash80 arduinoboy

>> No.5699083

most church isn't "fundamentalist"

>> No.5699706

John 9 21-22

21 but how he now sees we do not know, nor do we know who opened his eyes. Ask him; he is of age, he will speak for himself.” 22 His parents said this because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if any one should confess him to be Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue.


>> No.5699720

>>Cool mobile internet stuff.

You mean slow barely functional not really fun online stuff.

>> No.5701328


>> No.5701335


>> No.5701352

Objectively false conspiracy theory. Thee Anthony Weldon source you're referencing is a forgery from 25 years after James died. King James was strongly against sodomy and witchcraft, and he had many enemies that tried to slander and kill him (eg, Guy Fawkes and the Papist Gunpowder Plot).

>> No.5701364

Also had 9 kids with his wife and wrote about how much she turned him on

>> No.5701474

Japan is far advanced on the concept of interconnectivity through the internet and how much it's damaging to society when used for malicious purposes. These people have had terms for shit that western internet wouldn't have gotten later, like their term for incel (毒男)

>> No.5701490

it is when you spend all your time masturbating and drinking onions

>> No.5701491


>> No.5701494

Why is this weird?

>> No.5701501
File: 8 KB, 1120x1008, InfoGenius Productivity Pak - Berlitz French Translator (USA, Europe)-181014-022423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also a french translator

>> No.5701518

Do you really want to read the Bible on your Game Boy?
Does anyone?

>> No.5701525

The cartridge is considerably smaller than the book.

>> No.5701531

But when you add in the system you need to use the cartridge, it's similar to the size of a normal book. And I can't imagine wanting to read a book on a Game Boy if I didn't have to.

>> No.5701534

It's obviously for people who already use the system for games.

>> No.5701535

But it has a resolution of 160x144 and is hard to read under certain lighting.

>> No.5701947

Absolutely based.

>> No.5701948

Imagine thinking religion brings you comfort.

>> No.5701953

Don't all the gospels have this? Also, none of Christ's rhetoric is about Rome or breaking free of opressors. It was about spiritual salvation and the hypocrisy of the Jews.

>> No.5701960

Oh shit now it's pedophile and NEET scum discussing religion.

>> No.5702146

this.. lmao @ someone buying a game boy to replace their bible

>> No.5702153

A lot of people don’t read The Bible like a novel (maybe the first time). They’re looking up certain passages, which requires about as much reading as any Game Boy RPG.

>> No.5702606

I owned both of these as a kid. In retrospect, they're pretty awful. But goddamn I played the shit out of them.

>> No.5702618

based and kjvonlypilled

>> No.5703430
File: 24 KB, 178x212, 20190630_195607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm, like, SO offended and tired and uncomfortable right now!

>> No.5703439

Good asspulls. Bart Ehrman, himself, would likely call you a retard.

>> No.5703442

Don't let those hard truths hit you on the way out, sodomite.

>> No.5703446

true sister, /vr/ is a safespace and rrleddit annex

>> No.5703449

See >>5703439

>> No.5703454

Same here, anon. Anyone know what the issue is?

>> No.5703497

idk bro but i want to have the rom working

>> No.5703634

>Bart Ehrman
>Jesus can't be married because it hurts my feel feels

>> No.5703638

What did you enjoy about them? They're barely games.

>> No.5703656

>atheists versus Christians debate
what is this, reddit?
fuck off you niggers
and accept Christ

>> No.5703661

Fine, Pilates then, whatever.

>> No.5704136

one the few posts with the word nigger in it i actually agree with

>> No.5704464
File: 28 KB, 517x326, atdj6muj9rn01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an atheist, I roleplay as a Christian online because I need an excuse to hate women and gays.

Do I get to go to Heaven?

>> No.5704805

I just really loved Austin Powers, and I did everything I could to enjoy them. I mostly stuck to the movie quotes bit, though I did play a decent amount of the maze games.

>> No.5705901

was it s o y?

>> No.5705924


>> No.5706298

¡Muy bueno!

>> No.5706301

Why is this normal?

>> No.5706783

When I was in high school back in the mid-00s EVERYONE had them

>> No.5706865

It sounds like you don't actually know what they're talking about, then. You probably grew up in one of those """religious""" households where everyone went to church on Sunday and just did whatever every other day. Try growing up in a household where your mom thinks rock music is literally from Satan, seeing two people kissing on TV out of wedlock is pornography, and having romantic interests (crushes, "girlfriends") before adulthood is sinful. I could go on, but hopefully you get the point. There are some batshit people out there and growing up in that super-sheltered environment makes it really hard to relate to normal people as you get older. I'm still fucking trying to get over a lot of the bullshit programmed into me from my childhood.

>> No.5706876

The bible teaches against being a derelict parent, which Chris obviously was subjected to.

>> No.5706896

I'd rather be made uncomfortable by the truth than comforted by lies.

>> No.5706906

Is this comment pro- or anti-religion?

>> No.5706921

it's a perfectly ambiguous statement that could be taken either way depending on how you look at it

>> No.5707027

>literally the same boxart across two games

It sure is amusing when you consider what Rockstar became. I wonder how they started out, why were they publishing random ass games? I know about Take Two, but information on pre-GTA Rockstar is scarce.

>> No.5707038

Something about Undertale's music always felt wrong to me, something I couldn't put my finger on. Then I see your videos and I discover what it is; they're too fucking crowded. Do you really need a fucking 4 way harmony with mixed instruments? Not to mention UT music just kinda goes
>make a pattern
>repeat a few times
>add a bassline/percussion
>now add three more instruments to sound "epic"
>adlib the rest

>> No.5707270

>which Chris obviously was subjected to.

>> No.5707642

oh wahhhh mommy didn't let me be degenerate

>> No.5707701

More like mommy didn't let me develop into a socially functioning human being because she was too busy sheltering me from the evils of the world.

>> No.5707758

>not sheltering and being protective of your literal children
>acting like a nigger

you lack perspective

>> No.5707762

your shortcomings are to be blamed on no one but yourself

it is always our own decision who we are

>> No.5708309
File: 1.62 MB, 1728x2592, 1500806095077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5708491

How is saying "I'd rather be comfortable with lies" not equivalent to saying "I'd rather watch other guys fuck my wife"? I don't hate religious people but that nerd is a moron

>> No.5709648
File: 19 KB, 460x322, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5709779

Nah,he didn't.
There's a reason his disciples asked him why the fuck he was talking to women (it's clearly been cut out of the Bible, but he probably already told his bros the truth that the bitches are out to get us).
They also ask him about marriage, and he straight up tells them it's better not to marry, and some guys are super blessed by that fact.

>> No.5709786

Why so triggered?
You forget your fedora this morning?

>> No.5709795

The onions brings comfort; spiritual truths do not.
That's why you're triggered so easily.

>> No.5709803

Do you want to?

>> No.5709807

Fuck a whole bunch of sluts bareback to prove your mom wrong.

>> No.5709948
File: 624 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20140524_180832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like LSDJ. I modded a keyboard for it too. Pic related.

>> No.5710215

Anything recorded?

>> No.5710303

i have one too but it looks WAY shittier than yours haha

>> No.5710359

Can anyone confirm that this actually has the entire King James Bible on a tiny little cartridge? How long would it take to read through it?

>> No.5710481

probably makes more sense to read an actual print anon

>> No.5710850

A little, but nothing posted. Got halfway through making an album then had a kid which stole all my free time haha

Gotta get back to it sometime though

>> No.5710912

Well, Japan has been worrying about birth dates for a while now, rather than virgins-themselves-trannies screaming a reddit buzzword at everything they don't like.

>> No.5712279

based, i just ordered a ps/2 keyboard to do this

>> No.5712341

Famicom was the ultimate system for weird releases.

>> No.5712382

kill yourself unappreciative faggot, you should've been brought up by abusive parents instead

>> No.5712438

How much of an NPC do you have to be to not understand that the Bible describing some shit doesnt automatically mean it's a good thing. Lott fucking his daughters is clearly depicted as a bad thing and the point of it was to ridicule the tribe of Lott's descendants because they were rude to Jews.

>> No.5712471


>> No.5712485

>Lott fucking his daughters is clearly depicted as a bad thing and the point of it was to ridicule the tribe of Lott's descendants because they were rude to Jews.
For real?

>> No.5712518
File: 30 KB, 736x980, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure?

>> No.5712519

Why wouldn't you? GB carts were tiny but had limited memory, so you'd want to show off how much it contained

>> No.5712667

Which one

>> No.5712901

nah nigga you're thinkin of paul "i only met jesus in a dream" the apostle

>> No.5712908

who /lsdj/ here?
nanoloop is cool too but seems like it has less options

does anyone have good solutions for the midi to gb problem

>> No.5713173
File: 260 KB, 1244x850, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it was Paradise Lost.

>> No.5713610

it's software to make music on Gameboy. You should be able to get newer ones for $40

>> No.5713889

>GB reboot with e-ink screen
Well, would you buy it /vr/? It even would simulate the low refresh rate nigh identically.

>> No.5713912

Too readable in sunlight.

>> No.5713965

some stuff on those Mobile Adapter GB compatible games is still theoretically doable, like trades in Pokémon Crystal. You just need the correct adapter and a phone with an ass-old phone contract, since it's just P2P