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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 205 KB, 256x363, Comix_Zone_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5678457 No.5678457 [Reply] [Original]

This game has terrible combat.

>> No.5678465

No, it just has combat with mechanics you aren't used to. Granted, for a zoomer that's the same thing

>> No.5678473

No he's right the game is completely mindless alteration between high and low attacks with no tactics or thought. There are beat em ups with 1 attack that are more engaging and have more depth than this.

>> No.5678480

Its plays great using analog stick instead a directional pad.
its almost like sega is an arcade company first and foremost.

>> No.5678483

What you call "tactics or thought" is simply being able to do something that you are sure will work. CZ's combat is based on avoiding repetition: you need to change up constantly in order to get attacks through. It's kind of AoL that way, though here you can use special attacks that sap your health but usually work every time in case you get antsy

It's unorhodox for a beat'em up, but then again the whole game is.

>> No.5678485

holy fucking based

>> No.5678495

Final Fight is 100 times better. Stop being retarded.

>> No.5678497

No its figuring out what will work through experimentation with the tools you are given or intuitively understanding it in the moment. CZ has none of that, nearly every normal encounter is solved in the same way and that solution is simply alternating between high and low attacks as I said, only the adventure game elements give it some depth but the combat mechanics themselves are bottom of the barrel. Doesnt help that it lacks the extra movement dimension of belt scrollers.

>> No.5678502

Coincidentally I was eating some chinese takeout the other day and I thought "Final Fight is so much better than this"

>> No.5678505

For fuck sake you are comparing a cps1 game to a genesis game. At the very least I would expect it to perform marginally better

>> No.5678506

even the snes and sega cd version's better

>> No.5678507

Strong IF TRUE

>> No.5678530

Its a problem of design not hardware. Even as far as 1v1 high low attack based combat systems go CZ is just bad, look at Zelda for a better example where high and low attacks have to be chosen depending on situation instead of making the player cycle through them on autopilot

>> No.5678535

You're correct. And you know what's funny, even though the combat is flawed most people here still weren't able to finish that game.

>> No.5678546

Luckily for the game the combat is not it's selling point. You don't play Comix Zone for the combat, you play it for the unique visual style. And the banging soundtrack.

>> No.5678612

>And the banging soundtrack.
Easily my favorite Genesis ost after Bloodlines.

>> No.5678619

Roadkill was a parody band that ironically managed to be better than their inspirations.


>> No.5678747
File: 416 KB, 500x432, comitDy1qmo396o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the combat.

>> No.5678771 [DELETED] 

If the combat is so basic, why can't anyone finish the game?

>> No.5678773

The combat is so basic yet you LOSERS still can't beat the game.