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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5674046 No.5674046 [Reply] [Original]

so which order do i play the retro resident evils in, and how am i supposed to play them? i have only played resident evil 4 on the wii, and i am accustomed to using the knife against everything and defeating all enemies in each area, but should i do this in the other games?

>> No.5674049


Release order, duh.

These are the must plays:


>> No.5674057

i heard code veronica was the "real resident evil 3", but was that just a dreamcastfag?

>> No.5674072

You play them in release order

>> No.5674081


It is in terms of storyline. But the over-arching RE storyline is kind of a mess so it's not like you're missing much. I don't consider it essential. If you're intersted, check it out.

But CV and 0 were right when the formula was getting stale, and people were getting sick of the series. It was a period of real slump.

>> No.5674086

people got sick of it? then why is resident evil 4 hated here for changing up the formula then?

>> No.5674087

I'm a huge REfag, so just trust me on this.

Just play them on release order, 1,2,3 Code Veronica, Remake, and maybe Zero if you feel like it. Stop at Zero and ignore everything after that. You should try and unlock all stuff, costumes, weapons, endings to get the most out of it, most of the unlockables are neat.

>> No.5674098

It's good.

>> No.5674101

But how am I supposed to tackle the zombies, specifically in the first one? Do I use the knife like in re4, gun them down or run? Can they go through the whole mansion to hunt me down or do they stay in their screen?

>> No.5674107


/vr/ is bitchy people who hate anything new. Ignore them. RE4 is universally praised everywhere else. I like both the older style Adventure game style RE games, and RE4 which is more of a linear action game with some horror elements.

>> No.5674114

Ok, I found that game very fun and atmospheric also. what about 5, 6, 7 and revelations??

>> No.5674116

Zombies are very easy to dodge. You can kite them with the knife but that's too much work. Some of them you can just dodge, some you can get stuck on furniture. Never bother killing everything.

>> No.5674120


RE4 is unironically for brainlets. No wonder it did so well, everyone is a stupid faggot.

>> No.5674123

Revelations > 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6
7 is its own thing, it's nothing like any of the others so it's hard to compare it to them.

>> No.5674125

But will they hunt me down ever? Do I save the ammo to exclusively use on bosses, or are there some zombies which need to be killed to progress?
I am really anxious about dodging them, in case there is some final mission where I need to search the entire mansion and there are zombies everywhere that clutter the space

>> No.5674126

Code veronica is a good game it's worth playing, avoid REmake

>> No.5674131

>avoid REmake

Now THAT is some peak hipsterism.

>> No.5674134

Isn't that version kind of a remix of the ps1 game which spices up things for those who have played the original? I can see that the new visuals and voice acting might have changed the experience for the worse for some people though.

>> No.5674135

both are fine

>> No.5674151
File: 132 KB, 868x773, claire_flab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because re4 is worse than CV and re4 isn't an re game

>> No.5674321

Just fucking play the game

>> No.5674327

i tried grinding in parasite eve and after losing all my ammo i got stuck on the worm boss. since that happened i have always been anxious for playing games with scarce ammo

>> No.5674391
File: 233 KB, 800x1050, Grumpy-Old-Men-Fishing--91022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say grandpa, whatever you say...

>> No.5674569

What the fuck do you mean scarce ammo? I have literally never run out of ammo in that game. If ammo is a concern you are playing very wrong.

>> No.5674570

He's not wrong though. RE4 was developed to appeal to low iq CoD type players.

>> No.5674575

Any more Claire chub?

>> No.5674737

Is Director's Cut bad?

>> No.5674754

Fuck off, the original already has plenty of replay value and is far superior, there is no reason to touch REmake

>as an insult on /vr/
That's a compliment you zoomer faggot

>> No.5674768

The good order is :
Resident evil 1 Dreamcast
Resident evil 3 Gamecube
Resident evil 0 remaster
Re2 Remaster
Resident evil 4 Wii
Resident Evil Gaiden

You can safely ignore the rest

>> No.5674778

>there is no reason to touch REmake
Lol you retarded nigger. REmake is the superior version of the Spencer Mansion adventure. This is objectively reality. Deal with it you contrarian fuck.

>> No.5674781

Don't bother with 4, its not a real RE game.

>> No.5674785

You should be playing this:

>> No.5674786

just play in release order
but if you really want to get the most bang for you buck, do this

RE1 director's cut or deadly silence, director's cut dualshock edition is the one with the music change and it's worth checking out because of how good some tracks are and how bad others are
RE2 dualshock edition or sourcenext
RE3 doesn't really matter much but the sourcenext version is prettier
I'd go with the gamecube version of CVX

avoid survivor 1, 2, survivor 4(dead aim) is p cool though
the outbreaks can be played online via emulation which is p easy to set up and is some of the best fun you'll ever have with friends

REmake is seen as the best in the series but I wasn't that in love with it, and 0 sucks shit so avoid it
avoid gaiden at all costs

>> No.5674801

The DS port, retro or not, is OBJECTIVELY the best version of RE1.

>> No.5674843

I wouldn't say objectively
director's cut has arrange mode and non-compressed backgrounds/fmvs

>> No.5675085

Get the original english version of RE1, it doesn’t have auto aim

>> No.5675254
File: 583 KB, 1599x1464, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question. I have this odd variant of Resident Evil Directors cut. It doesn't have any demo disc for RE2 and I assume it came out before the Greatest Hits version. Is this just some odd variant they made, when they didn't want to bundle the RE 2 demo disc anymore?

This is a picture of what it looks like. Didn't feel like taking a picture myself, so I grabbed it off someones ebay.

>> No.5675339

They must of just dropped the RE2 demo disk when they reprinted the Director's Cut to fix the false advertising of uncensored FMVs on the back of the box. They could have just fixed the FMVs, lazy fucks.

>> No.5675346
File: 239 KB, 800x1000, 1451190388081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya, that entered my mind too. I know they had false advertising on the original release, saying the FMV were uncensored on the original Directors Cut. I just didn't know they reprinted the whole thing to just avoid that. They also did a non long box version of Resident Evil in a disc case. Just makes me wonder how many reprints the original had, not counting the different versions of the actual game.

>> No.5675804

>avoid REmake
epitomy of contrarianism

>> No.5675812

Zoomer faggot

>> No.5678098
File: 172 KB, 656x960, 1528249886850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order of release, starting with RE1 Director's Cut Dualshock Edition. The original US RE1 original release took away autoaim, and gave you less ink ribbons. RE1 Director's Cut Player's Hits has a godawful soundtrack. The backstory to the composer of that soundtrack is funny. It doesn't matter much what system you play RE2 and 3. IIRC, the DC and GC versions have higher quality models and the pre-rendered backgrounds look better. RE Code Veronica is alright but it's one of the very few mainline RE games I haven't beaten.

RE4 helped explode the series' popularity. When that came out, everyone in my high school was talking about the series.

Revelations is good. RE5 is a god-tier co-op game, 6 puts me to sleep whenever I play it. 7 is great. Takes the mechanics of the first 3 PS1 games and boils them down to a very basic formula. I get RE1 vibes playing it.

>> No.5678265

Re 4 is overrated and turned the franchise into shit. Also

>no Gun Survivor
>no Dead Aim
>no Outbreak

>> No.5678476

Why did they change re1 for the international release? Does the added difficulty add to the experience and make it feel more intense and scary, or does it just make it needlessly frustrating?

>> No.5678517

Epitome of retarded faggotry. REmake is soulless.

>> No.5678908


>> No.5679115

>Re 4 is overrated and turned the franchise into shit.
>but play all this shit instead

>> No.5679125
File: 232 KB, 937x985, 1469506042088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would suggest the Resident Evil Directors Cut on the PlayStation or Resident Evil Deadly Silence for the Nintendo DS. My reason is, you have so many options for playing these games now.


>RE1 Director's Cut Dualshock Edition

You mean just the Directors Cut. The Greatest Hits version (at least in America) is the Dualshock Edition with the horrible soundtrack. Even to this day, people are still confused about what version includes what. I blame Capcom, they just did so many versions of the original RE

>> No.5679126

>I only play smart mature games for smart mature gamers like myself
Okay, then either you are a hipster faggot or nostalgia makes you unable to play a game unless it's EXACTLY like the 4 previous installments. Better?

>> No.5679146


Back in the day, it was for rentals like this guy said >>5678908

For some reason, Capcom of America removed auto aim and made the game over all harder in the American release. Keep in mind, this extreme was only used for the first release of Resident Evil. I have basically beat all version of RE and I didn't think the long box version was that much harder over all, besides a few minor things. That being said, the Japanese version is much easier IMO. I did notice a difference with how much damage you could take over all and it felt so strange being able to tank hits.

>> No.5679761

RE4 is not RE.

>> No.5679789

It is, objectively.