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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5677935 No.5677935 [Reply] [Original]

What have people's experience been with local video game collecting groups? Love em, hate em?

>> No.5677961

game collecting is cancer, game hoarding groups are just fart sniffing clubs. the whole hobby of collecting is cringeworthy.

>> No.5677969
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>> No.5677972
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kill yourself senpai

>> No.5677973
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They all somehow manage to look like this guy.

>> No.5677978
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hasn't 1CC'ed a game in his life

>> No.5677987
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>> No.5678051

I will be Lenny here in about 10 years.

>> No.5678104

They're great and full of based retards with disposable income. I've become known as one of the go-to repair and mod service guys in my area. I charge them insane prices for stuff like region mods, RGB and HD video mods, re-capping, modchip and softmod installations, shell replacements, etc.

>> No.5678115


>> No.5678180

ah yes, only the best replies about collecting to be found on this children's pirate board

>> No.5678240
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Most of it is usually people posting shitty instagram memes like "remember the 90's lol" and just showing off. ie posting a picture of an ultra expensive game they just blew $800 on or their "epic haul" of the day. One funny thing I saw once was a guy posted a picture of common games he had for trading, and someone asked him if he was buying games to resell them, or buy them for collecting. The op answered he buys bundles of games, keeps whatever he doesn't have and sells whatever he already has. Another user commented something like "lol he's just a reseller", and the op got super defensive, like as if that had deeply hurt his feelings, like really pissed off. He then proceeded to prove he's not a reseller by posting pictures of his "collection" which consisted literally of mountains of extra systems, like 12 gamecubes, 6 n64s in the box, 30 copies of mario 3 and just a huge unorganized mess of games spanning 3 rooms of his house. Maybe he was telling the truth, but he got really defensive out of nowhere about it. Lol

Selling stuff, at least from my experience, almost isn't worth it because I find with alot of groups nothing ever seems to sell unless it's like some super popular games that get posted for like $5 a piece and sell in 30 minutes. Even then this never happens because most people who join the "buy sell trade vidya collector" groups are usually collectors who know the value of stuff anyway, so there not gonna post something valuable for pennies. This was more common way back but I think overtime more collectors joined these groups cause they'd hear "oh yeah join these secret fb groups and you'll always find earthbound for $10" rumors and end up joining and never buy anything unless it's super dirt cheap. As a result nothing sells because the people selling (usually collectors, sometimes resellers) charge very high prices and the buyers (mostly collectors, resellers also) don't want to pay anything for the stuff. It becomes a weird stalemate.

>> No.5678264

I 100 percent agree with your weird stalemate assessment. The people in my area are hyper-competitive and most of the big time resellers do it for a job so they scrape the internet for anything below pricecharting or ebay.

there are a lot of nes-001 type of resellers around here and no kidding they seriously want like 25 for smw or like 40 for alttp it's sick.

>> No.5678267

Lol, I went to one once. Here are some people I met.

>A boomer (50+), the organiser
Buys machines solely so he can install MAME (I think it was MAME). He boasts that every machine he buys he somehow manages to install MAME. I asked if he ever masters any of his games, he said no. He asked me why there are so many SF2 versions in the MAME game list (apostrophe, turbo, super... and then there's those alpha games). Kept going on about some sort of "daughter board" he had to buy for one setup. He had MAME setup on a projector, but the player 1 joystick was partially busted (no left direction).

>A fat chick and her friend.
Seemed to want to be involved in the "scene". Fat chick wearing game related T-shirt. Said she loved Nintendo. Seemed to drop names of e-celebs and some local TV people. Her friend didn't talk to anyone.

>A pretty cool late 30s guy with a Commodore 64.
He quietly played a few C64 games in the corner and let me watch. He had the original setup with a disk loader. Then he let me play a couple. I asked which was better, NES or C64 and he said C64.

>Some LARPing dudebro with a Jaguar
Kept talking about how he plays Super Burnout for time trials but his times didn't seem to impressive. He chatted up the fat girl a bit. He did know that the Jaguar chipset includes the Tom and Jerry chips so maybe he was legit.

> A couple of early 20s guys playing SNES
One of them showed me some retro 8-bit style platformer he was making on android. His friend was saying shit like "16-bit games... that's when games started to have story", while watching someone play Cool-Spot.

Probably a few other people there, I didn't talk to them all.

All in all, a bunch of misfits (except for the C64 guy, when the fat chick was gushing about some nonsense I gave him a look like wtf and he gave me a nod and a smirk).

>> No.5678270


Oh yeah,

There was also some early 20s asian guy just playing a game by himself I don't know if it was competitive or what.

>> No.5678278

I'm so glad to hear this isn't just happening in my area. When I was even looking through old, old posts there were much more people willing to trade, and they didn't seem to care as much about pricing or values at all (mind you this was several years ago before stuff got more pricey). It used to be, "hey you have a game I want, and I have a game you want, so let's trade." That never happens anymore. Nowadays it's "I've got this game here, it's worth about $300 so howabout you give me your mega man x3 and $200 cash on top of that" People care wayyyy too much about the values. And yes a majority of the people in these groups are definitely resellers.

>> No.5678365

megaman x3 isn't as rare as people think it is, it's honestly just very uncommon. i see them constantly for sale.

in my area i see games for sale for top dollar all the time but they don't really sell either.
i think the apparent interest in this type of stuff is overhyped by the internet and it makes these people think that there are droves of people who are shitting their pants to buy copies of final fight 2 or dracula's curse. most people don't like old games.

>> No.5679074

Whenever I've sold any games from my collection, the stuff that takes forever to sell is the rare, very expensive stuff. Most people just aren't willing to pay $200 for some 30 year old game. And most of the people that want that game usually just want to trade up for it anyway cause they don't want to spend much on the game. Once you get over the ~$60- $100+ range you instantly lose much more of a buying audience.

>> No.5679158

That sounds super cringey. Luckily never had any experience with them.

>> No.5679167

I find their faggotry unbearable. There's something to be said about collecting, but there's another thing to be said about hoarding games. To make matters worse people like them is why a lot of old games cost so much to buy a physical copy, so I guess I could thank them for making me get into emulation.

>> No.5681132

Lol why is tubthumping on display?