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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 455x340, reasre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
567160 No.567160 [Reply] [Original]

I like ZSNES.
ITT: Guilty pleasures

>> No.567174

I prefer the SNES version of Final Fight sometimes, due to the fact that it actually challenges me.

>> No.567181

I use LCD screen for emulation.

>> No.567202


>> No.567207

I play my retro games on a LCD TV
I'm horrible at collecting old video games

>> No.567251

Eiko Carol.


>> No.567265

I've lost interest in collecting older games, and even worse find myself bored when playing them on emulators.

>> No.567280
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I like ZNES too

Why is that a guilty pleasure?
Is there a greater, better emulator that I don't know of?

>> No.567294

OP here.
Don't even try.
Shitstorm inbound.

>> No.567317

I love overly cheesy and hammy voice acting. It's part of the reason I loved Asura's Wrath.

>> No.567338


>> No.567356

literally anything else

>> No.567358
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I enjoy Gaki no Tsukai far more than GCCX

>> No.567365
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That kinda stuff makes me nostalgic. Same goes for bad translations.

I'm not complaining about getting good translations these days. I appreciate it. But something about us never getting another "This guy are sick" or "This is not enough golds" that isn't tongue-in-cheek makes me sad.

>> No.567371

Yeah, BSNES if you want accuracy and SNES9x if you just want a balance between performance and accuracy. ZSNES is good if you really need performance, which in this day and age, is pointless since any computer can run SNES9x and most can run BSNES.
ZSNES is still good if, for example, you're trapped in a cabin in the mountains for months and all you have is a laptop from 2000.

>> No.567382

Please don't start this shit again.
No one likes comparing emulators anymore.

>> No.567403


>> No.567419

>or you like any kind of gui at all

>> No.567415

>you shouldn't use a program that works perfectly because there are a bunch of other programs that do the same thing while using more system resources

i realize i'm part of the problem here, but really nigga?

>> No.567421

I'm warning, this will become out of everyone control, and everyone will be mad.

>> No.567438
File: 1.85 MB, 240x190, Stop it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up.
Take it to /v/.
Or /lbgt/
Or /b/

Somewhere other than here.

>> No.567443

Not trying to stir the pot or anything, just genuinely curious. Why is ZSnes so bad? I used it years ago in middle-schoolish age (~2002) and thought it was fine. Only really played SNES through actual system or through emulator on modded Xbox (which seemed fine). Not trolling or anything, just want to know what's wrong with it.

>> No.567446

I legitimately, unironically love FMV adventure games.

>> No.567451

Stop it.
Post no more on this matter.
Lurk and you will find the answer, but don't fucking entice it.

>> No.567467

It's happening.

>> No.567471


I've been watching some of those on the longplays.org account and retsupurae and some of these games have some definite charm.

I also happen to miss live-action things done for video games, be it trailers, cutscenes or intros.

>> No.567472

It's not bad, like I said here >>567371.
It just focuses less on accuracy because- at the time- they needed speed hacks to be able to run most games well. ZSNES is an ancient program compared to most other emulators.
Apparently they're working on a new version of ZSNES, but it just looks the same as snes9x to me.

>> No.567474


there's nothing wrong with it whatsoever. the gui is just a little out of the ordinary, and people here like to bandwagon on shit.

>> No.567484
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Guilty pleasures eh?
I enjoy watching bsnes/zsnes shitstorms

>> No.567493


Can anyone point to a concrete example of how this affects any SNES game in a noticeable way?

>> No.567494

Yeah, I think it's just some indescribable "charm" about them that I love. Phantasmagoria 1 and 2, Ripper, The Beast Within and the Tex Murphy series are some of my absolute favorite games of all time.

>> No.567495 [DELETED] 
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>> No.567508

I know zsnes doesn't have a piece of art GUI, but i'm kinda accustomed with it.
Well, in popular games, you probably won't have a problem.

>> No.567514

I hate these threads.

>> No.567517

I've never really frequented /v/ and only stop by here on occasion because it suits my interests more. Was unaware this was actually a well known thing.

Seemed accurate enough for me, but it was a long time ago and I was pretty stupid.

Fair enough.

>> No.567505

>I play my retro games on a LCD TV
Fuck stupid CRTs anyway. They're fat and ugly.

>> No.567507


I can also appreciate the work that went into the games. I mean, maybe not gameplay wise, but it takes effort and budget to put together even a bad movie.

I know this first hand because I've made some shitty projects for classes in college.

>> No.567523

>not just using higan for snes
purification isn't a tough task and it makes me feel clean

>> No.567537


It won't affect you if it's your first time playing the game

for people who have already played a game several times on original hardware, even the slightest differences will be noticeble and give off a feeling of something being off or not right

>> No.567539

I play on the original hardware, like pros do.
You can't be more accurate than that.

>> No.567540

>first spoiler

Gotta admit that I'm the same. My old CRT finally bit it and I never got around to replacing it. I'm debating on if it's even worth it, given how much space CRTs take up.

>> No.567551

>Well, in popular games, you probably won't have a problem.


>> No.567556

I love N64 graphics. Not even ones that have aged pretty well like Perfect Dark or Turok 3, the really old shit like Turok 1. Something about the obvious texture seams or the creepy skinwalker photograph faces from Goldeneye is just part of the experience for me. Even Superman 64 holds a weird, indescribable charm.

>> No.567580

I love ZSNES
I don't bother collecting all my old favorites even though I have the consoles to play them
I hate Street Fighter
I like being nice to people on anonymous image boards

>> No.567598


I assumed as much, but that's still really vague. Not saying you're all just following the herd without any proof here, but... Yeah, I'm saying that.

>> No.567621

I haven't been able to beat a single NES game without save states. Not even one.

>> No.567636

Well do it then. Or don't, whichever. I personally think it takes away from the experience, and the frustration is important, but whatever.

>> No.567654

why is using ZSNES a guiltly pleasure? i really like the GUI and it works, that's all that matters (except if i want to play der langrisse)

>> No.567675

Here are some examples that will no doubt get shot down as "inconsequential" because they always do with plebs like you.


>> No.567692

> because they always do with plebs
> always do with plebs
> do with plebs
>with plebs

>> No.567698

Unfortunately, it's also a prime example of what you can expect when an emulator does not focus on accuracy. This emulation bug was first reported in 1998, and to this day, the most popular SNES emulator still has not bothered to fix it. Rendering this classic completely unplayable. A continuing tragedy.

Holy shit, that drama.

>> No.567707


A lot of those ARE inconsequential. There are a good examples there, but a lot of those are tiny glitches (and on some games that most probably won't care about, but that's another issue). The first example he lists is a damn shadow FFS.

>> No.567727 [DELETED] 

I'm really into and collect NES stuff even though I've turned 18 five months ago.

>> No.567734

Have you actually played air strike patrol? It's fucking impossible to do anything without having the shadow there, you can't tell where the fuck your plane actually is since it's psuedo 3D.

>> No.567737
File: 27 KB, 500x375, dontcryformeimalreadydead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had this hardware feature been emulated properly initially, this situation would have never happened. Instead, people who actually want SNES games to run on the SNES (imagine that) are forced to fight with people too short-sighted to see tomorrow. Eventually, and inevitably, hardware will be emulated properly. Even if it requires the complete and total death of the x86 ISA, perhaps twenty plus years off, but it will happen. And all of these hacks will be rendered useless.
>SMW hacks no longer being useful

>> No.567747

I'm really into and collect NES stuff even though I turned 18 five months ago.

>> No.567759

>What is it with inaccurate emulators and running things twice as fast as they should, anyway? It's creepy.
this whole webpage seems incredible petty and "inconsequential"

>> No.567761

I fail to see how this is a guilty pleasure.

I mean that in a good way.

>> No.567770

There's nothing wrong with liking good games.

>> No.567771


I actually do too. Started with Night Trap back in the early 90s, then Double Switch, etc.

I can't admit this to anyone.

>> No.567789

And what happens when your SNES' internal battery eventually dies? Then you'll have to use emulators in order to play those games, and higan will be the only one worth using

>> No.567785

This may come as a shock to you but that it what some people call a "joke", intended to poke fun at a subject or people in a humorous way.

>> No.567808
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>> No.567812

I still play Goldeneye single-player to this day. I don't find it very dated at all.

>> No.567818

>air patrol
why would i want to?

>> No.567821

Bust out your soldering iron

>> No.567823

You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. Did you even read the part where he clearly states that some games are UNBEATABLE in inaccurate emulators? Is that fucking inconsequential?

>> No.567838

i love kana imoto

>> No.567847

>Did you even read the part where he clearly states that some games are UNBEATABLE in inaccurate emulators?

Yes, hence the "There are good examples here" in my post. You should feel utterly retarded after that post.

>> No.567852

Not his problem that the ZSNES developers are so ridiculously lazy and incompetent that they can't get off their asses for 10 minutes to fix the oldest bugs in existence. The entire project is a waste of time.

>> No.567854

>Mecarobot Golf
>The order of events that occur huring HDMA are important for timing purposes. Bad timing may cause the entire screen to flicker.


>> No.567872

I fucking never finish a game start to finish these days. I get like 80% through tops and call it quits. I'll also buy a game and just let it sit on my shelves for months. I've got tons of games I've bought that I just haven't touched beyond testing the cart

>> No.567875

But it's true. If bsnes never got made, nobody would be able to play the less popular games because ZSNES and Snes9x emulated them like horseshit. Case in point: Speedy Gonzales. Excellent game btw

>> No.567885

ZNES is so good an emulator, a multitude of hacks only run on it.
Shitty inaccurate emulators like BSNES just hog your memory doing god knows what and can't even play hacks properly.

>> No.567886

I use that one shitty filter /v/ hates.

>> No.567887

>implying anyone would even be aware of that game much less it's glitch if it weren't for that webpage


>> No.567903

Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean other people didn't either. I'm not that guy but I had it when I was a kid.

>> No.567910

not even trying/10

It's too bad that everyone in the bsnes community is kind and warm-hearted. What they should do is make some awesome ROM hacks that only work on bsnes (not even the original hardware), hype it up to the ZSNES community (telling them that it'll work on ZSNES) and enjoy the ensuing rage

>> No.567917

> It's too bad that everyone in the bsnes community is kind and warm-hearted.
The rest of this thread disagrees vehemently with that statement.

>> No.567921

>ITT: emulator fanboy's

>> No.567923

>wanting everyone to start over from scratch in game modification scenes just because you're butthurt that something works but not the way you want it to.
>call the people who don't want to abandon their work "short-sighted"
And I'm not even talking about just Super Mario World hacks. I'm talking about just about everything from little things like Super Mario World to heavy hitters like full game translations or even Star Fox 2.
Shit like that can and will have to be redone from scratch.

>> No.567930

It's not possible to make something that works on bsnes but not the actual hardware, though. At least as far as I know.

That would be because most of the people on 4chan are incredibly defensive of ZSNES for some reason and see bsnes as some sort of unholy affront to everything that their lord and saviour ZSNES stands for.

>> No.567932

The rest of his post disagrees with that statement.

>> No.567935
File: 171 KB, 706x677, laughinggirls3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's too bad that everyone in the bsnes community is kind and warm-hearted.

>> No.567939

>everyone in the bsnes community is kind and warm-hearted
fuck you, every time there is an emulation thread you guys are always calling out the people that doesn't use BSNES and always start a fucking emulation war, so that line alone is complete and utter bullshit

>> No.567940


>> No.567948

>That would be because most of the people on 4chan are incredibly defensive of ZSNES for some reason and see bsnes as some sort of unholy affront to everything that their lord and saviour ZSNES stands for.

it's because we've been using zsnes for over a decade with no problems and most of the people who go on about bsnes act like huge cunts.

>> No.567949

No it doesn't, I never said I was part of the bsnes community. I do however agree with this guy: >>567484 These shitstorms are far too entertaining.

>> No.567954

Speedy Gonzales can only be beaten on bsnes. On any other emulator, the game locks up on the last level.

>> No.567956

No, you've got no idea what you're talking about. The only thing that's bugged is a SMW hacking tool called Addmusic (you can read up on it here: http://www.smwiki.net/wiki/Addmusic)) Most non-SMW games are not affected by this, and only those SMW hacks that used the older versions of Addmusic are affected.

>> No.567965

cool we have already heard that, any other game?

>> No.567959

high five, street fighter is a terrible fighting genre

>> No.567963

no problem? is low accuracy not a problem?

>> No.567969

*terrible fighting game

>> No.567971

No problems, really? You can't think of a single time that you have ever experienced errant behavior in any game you've played?

>> No.567972

Then what is the fucking problem?!

>> No.567981

On 95% of games and to 95% of players, yep, it isn't.

>> No.567984

That is not a reason to hate the emulator itself. ZSNES won't even work once Windows drops 32-bit compatibility. Have fun using your ROM hacks when that happens, you'll probably still be using old versions of Windows at that point too. Funny how being stuck in the past is just a vicious cycle.

>> No.567987

Accuracy, accuracy, accuracy.
Don't you swines have anything else to bitch about?
If I hold right on both emulators the same thing is going to happen in any game you can list.

>> No.567989

The fucking problem is that a huge chunk of good SMW hacks don't fucking work on any emulator that isn't ZSNES, and especially don't work on the actual hardware. If Addmusic was originally developed to be accurate to the hardware instead of ZSNES, then every SMW hack would work on every emulator and the original hardware too. That is the problem.

>> No.567994

>he didn't read the article

>> No.567996

>once Windows drops 32-bit compatibility

will never happen.

>> No.567997

I can't personally.

>> No.568007

Not at all.
Only problem was the infamous chamber in Chrono Trigger, and that's a problem with windows/keyboards, not an emulation problem.

>> No.568009

>once Windows drops 32-bit compatibility
yeah, because you know, there are no ports of zsnes and there only exists the PC version right?

>> No.568015

Funny thing about these threads? You don't hear this kind of blatant bullshittery from both sides about any other emulator.

>hey guys shantae doesnt work on vba wat do
>use gambatte fag
>k, works

seriously, SNES emulation chatter should be grounds for a vacation.

>> No.568019

>All of these people implying that SMW hacks are somehow important to anything whatsoever.
who cares lol

>> No.568024

I really don't know why anyone would NOT use bsnes. It doesn't even have high system requirements. Literally any modern PC can run it, my fucking $200 laptop can run it for fuck's sake. In fact, it can run multiple instances of it. On top of that it's exactly like playing it on the hardware itself, which is (correct me if I'm wrong) what you fucking want when you download an emulator.

>> No.568031

People who like SMW? Are you stupid, or something?

>> No.568036

>implying you would ever notice even the slightest difference between zsnes and bsnes if it weren't constantly bandwagoned in instances such as this

>> No.568042

I've never really used an emulator that's not VBA or ZSNES... I don't know a single fucking thing about emulation and these flame-wars don't make much sense to me. Maybe I'm missing something... but I chose ZSNES because it's what I knew of and wanted to get some nostalgia from it. I've played through games like DKC2 and Super Mario World without a problem on it... Maybe I'm missing something, and not a hardened collector or whatever. But if being "serious" about retro games means being an annoying dickwad on 4chan, I think I'll just go back to enjoying my small collection and slowly building it and appreciating games. I don't care if it's exactly accurate or not,or what emulator you use. It's a shame that this sort of stuff is filling up the front page of the board. Not new, fun and interesting topics about retro games. I know this is still 4chan and I can't expect everyone to get along and play nice... but I don't like seeing my favorite board degenerate into /b/ over emulators. I like the civil atmosphere here. You guys need to hug it the fuck out or maybe we should start an emulation sticky that says "hey this is what emulation is, and this is how it works. These are the pros and cons. Now that we've put this information out in the open, lets never talk about it again or you're banned for not being intelligent enough to understand other people have different choices as consumers and opinions as gamers".

>> No.568048
File: 30 KB, 465x500, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be this upset over something so incredibly irrelevant

>> No.568049

Ok, and so what? bsnes still has more filters and features than zsnes, and the performance difference is completely negligible on modern hardware. Why, in this day and age, would anyone want to use ZSNES other than netplay or the nostalgia factor?

>> No.568054

I don't get it either, use a very accurate emulator or zsnes

and somehow bsnes is the devil

>> No.568056

>caring about filters
get out

>> No.568059

>Goes to the retro games board

>> No.568069


That is one hell of a strawman.

>> No.568061

Why can't people just recognize the objective superiority of certain emulators in certain situations?

My shitty laptop can't run bsnes, but even if it could I'd still use snes9x since I've been using it for about 13 years. But looking at the facts rationally, bsnes is clearly superior.

>> No.568065
File: 72 KB, 250x272, stoppedreadingthere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey this is what emulation is, and this is how it works. These are the pros and cons.


>> No.568070

>bsnes still has more filters and features than zsnes
I'm all in for a good troll, but 0/10. You got to be more subtle.

>> No.568074

We have established time and time again that bsnes has cons.

>> No.568079

there is one con, and it's the only con that most people who argue against it can muster, it's that it takes a INTEL CORE 2 DUO to run (holy shit!! where will I find such awesome processing power!!)

>> No.568084

Name them.

>> No.568089

I'm just more comfortable with zsnes and have never had a problem with it. When the only evidence presented to me about why I should switch is "irrelevant game flickers" and "ship appears slightly different" from Timecop (another game I have 0 intention of playing), I don't see why people are so determined to make me switch.

>> No.568091

And then another interesting thread that wasn't even related to the SNES specifically was ruined by an emulator fanboi shitstorm.

>> No.568096

It's retarded fanbase for one

>> No.568098

>chamber in Chrono Trigger

easily fixed by temporarily remapping two buttons to the same key. the more you know.

>> No.568105

How exactly is using an emulator that retards also use going to affect your experience with vidya?

>> No.568106


It's not an SNES/SFC

>> No.568107

I honestly don't care that you're a pleb

>> No.568110

>First words of thread: "I like ZSNES"
>surprisingly enough turns into heated conversation about emulators

>> No.568114

Why is fuck censored?

>> No.568116

what does the fanbase have to do with using an emulator to play games?

>> No.568118
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>> No.568119
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>Guilty pleasure
Complicated matter, there are atrocious games like Shadow the hedgehog that i happen to enjoy for some reason, but on the other hand there's some games people don't have on high steem, and i like them because i really consider them good, like the digimon world series and megaman X6.

>> No.568134

I think that's a given and when comparing emulators which are all not a SNES/SFC, it's a bit of a moot point don't you think?

>> No.568138

I abuse save states to a ridiculous amount. Especially in RPGs, I make save states before I level up or add certain characters to my party so I can take an alternate routes with different characters. I never actually use them, though, Ia always restart if I want a different party.

I can replay Pokemon Red and Blue endlessly. Even though I deride them as simple and laugh at people who think they were the best and all followups were terrible. Despite the lack of good customization, I like using Pokemon I never used before, having teams be different each playthrough, as a challenge to myself. The fact that I can speed it up in an emulator makes the grinding less of a chore. It just never loses it's magic for me.

>> No.568142

>calls someone a pleb for having a simple disagreement
>and somehow bsnes is the devil

lyl bsnes supporters are the worst. what jerks.

>> No.568148

I play Brutal Paws of Fury a lot, and think it needs more discussion on /vr/.

>> No.568150

I don't think that's a bsnes supporter, it's Fagicus Trippus, or the common tripfag.

>> No.568153

dude what else did you expect from these tripfags

>> No.568154

I can't tell which feud on here is more retarded. The ZSNES vs BSNES one or the filter vs non filter one.

>> No.568156


No it's not a moot point. All emulators have flaws until they are 100% accurate. Until that day, that pale in comparison to playing on an actual SNES/SFC.

You cannot be this dense.

>> No.568169

>has no proper rebuttal
>y-y-you're a p-pleb :\

>> No.568182

Was three deleted threads not enough for you fucking emulation warfags?

>> No.568178

ZSNES vs bsnes. bsnes is objectively superior, so there is no reason for any arguments.

Filter vs No Filter, on the other hand, is a preference.

>> No.568181

You're missing the point.
We are comparing emulators.
Saying "Well it's not the hardware itself" is useless when comparing emulators, which are all "not the hardware itself".
Ergo an emulator not being the hardware is not an applicable con when comparing emulators, you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.568183

But it isn't superior. It can't play SMW hacks.

>> No.568194

byuu's articles, blog posts and forum posts have created an entire zombie army that will defend him and his emulator, no matter the circumstances.

>> No.568196

It can play SMW hacks, just not some of them, specifically those that used an older version of Addmusic to insert their own audio. It can play the majority of SMW hacks.

>> No.568204

That is a fault of of the SMW hacks, not the fault of ZSNES or bsnes.

>> No.568209

>can't play all SMW hacks
>somehow superior

>> No.568212


No shit it's not the hardware. That's not the point. The point is whether or not it can replicate the hardware at 100%

And since it cannot, the fact that it is not an SNES/SFC is a flaw. I even said this in my last post with saying that they pale in comparison to using an actual system. Again, please don't be this dense.

ITT: Some moron tried to start an argument by looking up the definition of the word "emulate"

>> No.568217

How about this, fuck you for not owning the physical medium you lazy prick. Get a job and buy it. You want accuracy, buy a super nintendo.

>> No.568230
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>>567443 here, stepped away from computer for a while.
>mfw i've created a monster

>> No.568232

It's because specifically ZSNES here is like pissing on an anthill.

Trolls found the word to use, and they will use it to make a trollthread.

>> No.568235

>SNES emulator
>can't run on older devices/more simple hardware
>somehow superior

>> No.568238

But I do have a job, own a SNES, and purchase the games I want.

>> No.568240

I remember the very first ZSNES vs. bsnes thread on /vr/. You know when it took place? THE VERY FIRST FUCKING DAY THE BOARD OPENED

I should have seen that as an omen. That the shitposting and the dumbassery would never cease, because the argument would never be resolved.

>> No.568251

Nor can it.

It's console wars
It's genwars
It's /v/ saying they're here.
It's [insert 4chan war here]

>> No.568258

The monster was created when OP used the name ZSNES. He clearly wanted to watch two groups of retards fight over emulation.

>> No.568262


I can play BSNES on school computers that still accept 3.5" floppy disks. It doesn't get much older than that unless you want to play it on the fucking Apple II.

>> No.568265

I still like collecting old Nintendo games even though it's cheaper and more convenient to get them on the Virtual Console
I'm looking for a Link to the Past and Super Metroid right now.

>> No.568274

But that's what /vr/ is virtually all about, it's not a guilty pleasure.

>> No.568276

>not just accurately emulating them through bsnes thus preserving SNES

>> No.568291

average BSNES fans:
>meme spouting faggots
not in this post:

>> No.568293

If you want to play them, buy them. Stimulate the economy.

>> No.568306

The OP is the one who said he liked ZSNES. Which, in and of itself, isn't a bad thing - back in the day, ZSNES was the only emulator worth using. Back in those days you had to disable transparency on some games (FFVI in particular) because it would be too CPU intensive. But nobody complained.

bsnes today is objectively superior, but people should use what they want. If you've got an older computer it makes sense to use Snes9x/ZSNES, and even if you don't it doesn't matter. Please do not make the bsnes community look like a bunch of tards by shitting on other emulators and emulator authors.

>> No.568309

This. All these threads should just be wiped from /vr/, just like /vp/ and that faggotry.

>> No.568318

I just said that I do that?

>> No.568323

I haven't beaten my first video game ever- Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday

>> No.568330

I play retro games using the most pleb setup known to man
Cart goes into the Retron 3, the component output gets converted into HDMI, that plugs into an LCD monitor.
despite all this I haven't noticed any input lag, and aside from the shitty graphics due to the LCD I don't mind it

>> No.568335
File: 515 KB, 638x480, 4bvt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese artistic style from the late 80's and early 90's. I think it's part nostalgia and part artistic creativity which games lack now. Like even if it's drawn mediocre, it's still something that was actually drawn. Sure a lot of it was copy paste like now, but somehow it looked more like they knew how to hide it.

I love finding very oddly placed religious references that either denounce or totally get the concept of a religion wrong. It's almost like an unintentional easter egg or something for those who have even the slightest idea. Princess Maker 2 has God sending Satan to kill humanity for it's decadence, and after you defeat Satan you are blessed from the Heavens with a child. This is no more contradictory as some of the things God did, but God sending Satan with a an army of demons just makes me laugh.

>> No.568340

The problem though is ZSNES supporters. Although it's completely obvious that BSNES is superior in every measurable way, they still refuse to change. It's not the BSNES-communities fault that they're all plebs.

>> No.568343

Buy more. If you truly believe in your country you will spend all of your money on video games and then get a massive loan from the bank to buy more.

>> No.568360
File: 13 KB, 300x75, thatfeelcall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really guilty pleasure, more like secret shame:

I had to increase the amount of continues through the options screen to beat Super Ghouls n' Ghosts

>> No.568361

please see >>568169

>> No.568362

>Although it's completely obvious that BSNES is superior in every measurable way

Wrong. ZSNES has a really nice looking menu that allows you to add snow flakes in the background.

>> No.568368

Then we can stop the emulation argument. Because clearly, emulation doesn't matter

>> No.568371

You hear that byuu? ZSNES has motherfucking SNOWFLAKES. If that isn't in higan 093, ZSNES wins the emulator war by default

>> No.568373

>I've never beat Contra

>> No.568380

have you used the code?

>> No.568389

>back in the day, ZSNES was the only emulator worth using.

oh man, remember when the best nes emulator was nesticle? dat icon with the hairy ballsack.


>> No.568398

It doesn't really at the end of the day. I'd always prefer to play the games through the system, but for games like Earthbound or something, it's unreasonable to pay $150+ for it and I'll just play through the emulator. I probably have a 50-60 SNES games though.

>> No.568407


I actually tried to use NESticle the other day. I was sad when it didn't work.

>> No.568408

yep... remember how everyone busted a nut because UltraHLE was emulating the N64 only 3 years after the console itself came out? good times

I suppose Dolphin fulfills that role today. hope they add Wii U emulation in the next decade

>> No.568409

yes, what did you use? I had 133mhz p1

>> No.568426

Red Steel is one of my favorite games.

Also I fap to dickgirls.

Not really /vr/ related.

>> No.568428

I fap to male gardevoir.

>> No.568429
File: 1.22 MB, 328x240, homernerd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember your processor speed from a decade ago

>> No.568430

>hope they add Wii U emulation in the next decade
They wont (different gen of PPC and completely different GPU), another team might though.

>> No.568441

>emember when the best nes emulator was nesticle


I stuck with Genecyst for so long just because of how good NESticle was.

Fuck, I just realized I never beat Shadowrun for SNES.

>> No.568443

I used NESticle last year and it played Final Fantasy just fine

>> No.568445

really? you'd forget what you're using now a decade from now?

>> No.568450

>a decade ago

A decade ago, I had a P4-500. I had a P133 back in 1996.

>> No.568451


>> No.568453

how many computers do you go through regularly?

also, you're on /vr/, we're all nerds here

>> No.568469

I probably had 3-4 computers from elementary - high school. Now I use macs.

>> No.568474


>WiiU emulation

Setting up the controls for that would be fun. Playing N64 with a keyboard is a good way to get sore fingers, and that doesn't have a microphone, webcam, touch screen and two displays.

>> No.568482

>I was using a 2004 cpu until last year
It feels like having a massive turd stuck in your intestines.
Getting rid of both also feels the same.

>> No.568487
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Uh oh.

>> No.568490

Dude, get a wired Xbox 360 controller and stop torturing yourself. They're cheap and you can use it for PC games too.

>> No.568492
File: 35 KB, 490x586, 1352380158179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no hey you pickachu

>> No.568510


>What the fuck is gardevoir
>Oh, Pokemanz
>Shit, first page in Google images is porn
>Welp there's a dick already
>Google Male gardevoir porn to see if I'm into it

Is this some sort of weird meme?

>> No.568498

pikachu dammnit*

>> No.568501

Please stop. The thread just recovered from the emulation fight into computer nostalgia. Lets keep it that way.

>> No.568512

>mfw i don't even know what my current processor speed is

>> No.568514
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 11.33.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since it's a guilty pleasure thread...

>> No.568516 [DELETED] 

>just recovered from the emulation fight
Thank god those ZSNES supporters finally wised up and realized they had no leg to stand on

>> No.568517


I don't know what I'm using now

>> No.568520

In the game they're both male and female, believe it or not.

>> No.568526
File: 9 KB, 399x399, ;3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that?

>> No.568527


I bought an actual N64 a while ago, so no worries there. I did end up buying a controller for PS1 emulation though, because fuck trying to play Metal Gear Solid on a keyboard with firmware blocking.

>> No.568528

get a program called "Speccy", it'll tell you

>> No.568530


>trying to start it up again


Also, I didn't beat DQ1 until this year.

>> No.568534

OpenEmu, an emulator frontend that's only available for OS X.

>> No.568539

DS3/360 controller with a Tablet/Phone over wifi/usb would work fine.

>> No.568545

It's OpenEmu, still in development but you can find a build at the emulation general wiki.

It's a lot like Retroarch, but much easier to use and it weirdly is a lot like iTunes using archive.vg as a source for the pics and stuff. Very odd bird, but it does work really well actually.

>> No.568546
File: 37 KB, 500x384, mite b cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx m8

>> No.568551


I thought all Pokemanz were like that.

I guess it would be a little odd since it wears a skirt.

Is that what makes you hot?

>> No.568554


Thanks, not planning on using it but might come in handy.

>> No.568565

I think that one filter looks good on some fighting games like SF3 and JoJo's
Mega Man is one of my favorite series but I've never beaten any of the NES games
My favorite PS1 Final Fantasy is VIII
I loved the Splatterhouse reboot

>> No.568559

It's a fetish of mine.

>> No.568569 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 762x1048, sdfsatf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought all Pokemanz were like that.
That's the thing, there are some pokemon like milktank that are only of a specific gender, then you have stuff like machoke who can be female.
And i'm dead sure at least somebody in this bloody world has fapped to one.

>> No.568571

I Dont know how to spoiler

>> No.568573

what did you like about VIII the most?

>> No.568583


>> No.568587


I know I have.

>> No.568595

Triple Triad

>> No.568602

I've been typing this shit out all this time. Fucking hell.

>> No.568604

spoiler goes here

>> No.568610

yeah, I nearly maxed out the collection, but those card rules that change later on got overwhelming

>> No.568634

Icon? I thought NESticle was a DOS program? If it had a Windows version and you used that you were doing it wrong. Everyone knows games run faster when you run them through DOS!

I'd still exit to DOS to play games if it was an option...

>> No.568658


I was 5 and my older brother had Nesticle on his computer. I had no idea what the icon was until it clicked just now. Fucking hell.

>> No.569003

I don't even feel guilty about using the konami code in gradius

>> No.569041

Implying thats a bad thing
also WinKawaks

>> No.569082

I love bad translations too. Harvest Moon has a shit ton of more typos than what I remember, especially when Nina is involved.

>> No.569175

>Japanese artistic style from the late 80's and early 90's. I think it's part nostalgia and part artistic creativity which games lack now. Like even if it's drawn mediocre, it's still something that was actually drawn. Sure a lot of it was copy paste like now, but somehow it looked more like they knew how to hide it.

This is so true. I guess this qualifies as a guilty pleasure for me because I'm not into anything weeaboo unless it's from the late 80s or early 90s, but fuck, the visual style of Japanese games from that era really pulls at me in a way that few other things do.

>> No.569204

I bought my SNES for $160, came with some good clasic games, but still a bit more than I should have paid.

>> No.569210

This. I put up with that crap and the eye-strain it caused when I was a kid, because there was no better alternative, but there's no way I'd put up with that crap today when there is far superior screen technology readily available.
It's generally best to play games on a computer screen, since they are designed to have no input lag, while most TV sets have at least a tiny amount of input lag.

>> No.569221

>most of the people on 4chan are incredibly defensive of ZSNES for some reason
I get the impression it's just one or two zsnesfags stirring up shit all the time.

>> No.569239

I bought one of those Gigaware control pads at Radio Shack® (way overpriced) and have been having loads of fun with ZSNES.

I do the cheating, I've played around with Super Mario World and enjoy being immortal in that. It's actually more challenging and fun to find the right parts of ram to modify than it is to actually play the game!

I do only play roms for games that I own, though I still think it's likely illegal anyway.

>> No.569250

Is that out??

>> No.569254

>back in the day, ZSNES was the only emulator worth using
Yup. I remember those days.

Not him, but IIRC, I used a Pentium 200 back then.

>> No.569267

>Please do not make the bsnes community look like a bunch of tards by shitting on other emulators and emulator authors.
I'm not part of any "bsnes" community, and I have no loyalty to bsnes or byuu. IF and WHEN a more accurate emulator that works decently comes along, I'll be the first to switch, but at the moment there aren't any that I know of.

>> No.569283

The dos version of zsnes actually is about as nostalgic to me as the snes games I would emulate on it.

>> No.569304

the whole point of roms (officially) is to use them as backups for when your legally purchased games die on you. you are one of the few people who are legally using them properly. fear not, the software police would likely give you a fuckin medal.

>> No.569309

Assuming you had the later DOS versions of it, it looks about the same as the current Windows versions. Nothing major changed in the interface since 0.700 or so (or at least the first version I used that had the "new" interface as opposed to the old simple one from 0.300/0.400) IIRC, except for addition/removal of options.

>> No.569339

I actually enjoy grinding on rpgs. I always end up abusing it removing any possible challenge the game may offer.

>> No.572116

What the fucking fuck /vr/

stop derailing threads with emulator dicksize comparisons

Mad I am

>> No.572667

I liked Silhouette Mirage's US PS1 localization. The script is clever and the difficulty isn't broken

>> No.572694

>I loved the Splatterhouse reboot
Me too