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5677025 No.5677025 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the greatest console of all time.

>> No.5677028

i didnt knew the n64 was a modern system.

>> No.5677034

This chart is really bad.

>> No.5677038

>360 beating PS2
>PS1 beating dreamcast
>N64 beating PS1
>NES beating SNES

In what fucking world

>> No.5677046
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>DS beats the Saturn

>> No.5677051

>Best Console
>54% fail rate
this why this board is never changing for newer gens, theres enough bad opinions already

>> No.5677054

What had 54% failure rate?

>> No.5677074

the new gen 2nd place. you know, the white one

>> No.5677079

Oh the 360? I know of the red ring stuff but I didn't know it was that bad. I haven't owned anything past 6th gen.

>> No.5677094

Who the fuck set up those initial matchups? Literally retarded.

>> No.5677119

If anyone ever said to my face that they think Game Boy is better than Genesis I would vomit on the spot.

>> No.5677124

In zoomer amerilard bizarro world

>> No.5677130

Man that is a piss poor list in OP pic, jesus, whoever made it needs to be force fed saw dust.

>> No.5677137

Depends if they mean just the Gameboy or GBC also.

>> No.5677138

>Muh zoomer
>muh America
Get more material.

>> No.5677139

>Game Boy vs Genesis
>Obvious loser against SNES

There's far worse flaws than the results here.

>> No.5677143

>PS1 not beating Dreamcast

>> No.5677146

Nintendo 64 hit the early-childhood sweet spot of a lot of kids and gave them good feelings so of course it's worshipped today.

>> No.5677150

The game library helps.

>> No.5677153

>PS2 losing to 360
>PSP losing to GC
>PS3 losing to Wii
what the fuck

also the best console of all time is either the NES, SNES or PSX

>> No.5677161

To be fair, the ps1 is a top 2 console, but it isnt better than the dreamcast.

>> No.5677167

Ps2 is better than predecessor as it includes the psx hardware plus native upscaling and it's cornucopia of a library. Can't wait till it has it's dedicated threads.

>> No.5677198

N64 shits all over the ps1. Get over it

>> No.5677203

The n64 has like 3 games that stood the test of time

>> No.5677207
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>games age

>> No.5677231

That's because that number is just a meme; the 360 wouldn't have sold 84 million units if over 40 million of them failed.

>> No.5677302

Wow I’ve totally never heard this argument before. You’ve totally convinced me that the most talked about console on this board is actually bad

>> No.5677327

>Original image is 564x469.
Are they making articles for ants?

>> No.5677397

5th gen 3D games did, mostly because of how many of them ran at 20 fps and below. Ocarina of Time ran at 17 fps in PAL regions and the Daytona USA on the Saturn ran at 20, but both were highly praised at the time since 3D gaming in home consoles was still fairly new and there were no real standards for performance.

>> No.5677403

both of you are toothless fools

>> No.5677425

>>360 beating PS2
>>PS1 beating dreamcast
^those are wrong

These are right
>>N64 beating PS1
>>NES beating SNES

>> No.5677431

It's a tie between PSX and SNES.

>> No.5677435

i find myself playing more n64 games than ps1 games.

>> No.5677454

Dual Screen beats Dual Processor

>> No.5677460

What the fuck is Nytec?

>> No.5677462

Had two. Two RRODs
Fuck 360.

>> No.5677486

You mad, lardarse?

>> No.5677490

What is this monkey language you speak

>> No.5677496

The first few models are almost guaranteed to fail because of how poorly they were designed. The solder always cracks after overheating around the graphics chip. It was only fixed with the Elite models.

>> No.5677513

It definitely is though. It's fuckin PlayStation my man

>> No.5677536

yeah I loved FIFA and Elmo's Number Land too

>> No.5677550

>Genesis couldn't even get a first round bye
>NeoGeo getting btfo by Intellivision
>Nytec conference all manners of fucked up
NES wins the championship, all is right in the end.

>> No.5677618

>The Genesis vs The Game Boy
>The Saturn vs the Nintendo DS

These couldn't be further apart from each other. What the fuck? Game Boy vs. Game Gear perhaps, but those brackets are weird.

>> No.5677620

PALshit has never nor ever will be praised larper.

>> No.5677626

Ok. The NTSC version ran at 20 fps, still not good.

>> No.5677657

So what's you're point? Nothing in 3d back then ran at 60fps even on PC unless you really dropped the resolution.

>> No.5677721

N64 beating 360? No

>> No.5677725

I smell a soyn poney butt blasted because 360 won that gen over Ps3.

>> No.5677730

The point is that due to limited hardware at the time, many 3d games ran at a low fps, which makes those games on original hardware very dated for modern times. It doesn't have to run at 60 fps to be good, but 20fps is definitely not nice to modern eyes, which is why I say that 5th gen games have aged.

>> No.5677745

so then.. this bracket was created by a young 20s person then?
i mean because i wasnt in early childhood when N64 launched ergo i dont approve

>> No.5677751

What? I was literally defending the 360; I'm an "Xbot" in your parlance.

>> No.5677756

And what standard are "modern eyes"? I can't think of any games off the top of my head that aren't just upscaled garbage or running at 30fps with dips. You're taking two objectively horrible standards and saying the one that is only slightly less shit is somehow superior. If anything the later should be judged harder.

>> No.5677757

yeah. i saw that too and thought "what the fuck is this guy on?"

>> No.5677903

Sorry, i just went full retard

>> No.5677907

>all those shitty systems
>no pc engine