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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 354 KB, 826x536, 3rd version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5675297 No.5675297 [Reply] [Original]

The truth is out there.

>> No.5675327

>The first Pokémon games, Pokémon Red and Green Versions, came to the Nintendo Game Boy system in Japan on February 27th, 1996, which was the fulfillment of Satoshi Tajiri's dream and allowed people of all ages to catch, train and trade 151 creatures and become a Pokémon Master. Due to high sales, Pokémon Red and Green were swiftly followed up with Pokémon Blue, which had improved graphics and sounds.
>Farore was going to be the main oracle of The Legend of Zelda: Mystical Seed of Courage. The game was dismissed due to linking errors. So instead of wasting her, they gave her a minor role in both Seasons and Ages.

>> No.5675749

After Link's Awakening they are going to remake of Seasons and Ages in cute 3d plastic world.

>> No.5675754

That art style looks great, how dense do you have to be to dislike that

>> No.5675765

>how dense do you have to be to dislike that
I wasn't being passive aggressive. It'd be great.

>> No.5675778

Pokemon Green was definitely released, but only in Japan. Western Red and Blue use the sprites and script from Blue, but the Pokemon locations of Red and Green.

>> No.5675816

They released a third version you retarded faggot. It was Yellow. Japan got two follow ups to Red and Green. As for Zelda, there were three games planned to be released at the same time but it was scrapped for time/money reasons.

>> No.5676571

>remaking Oracles
God, I hope not. Let those shitty games stay dead.

>> No.5676578

Better than ALttP, by far.

>> No.5676617

Having "versions" was a dog-shit idea to begin with. I lived through Pokemon gen 1 being in the exact target demographic and I can tell you that didn't make any better; it was still by far the worst aspect of the games. We all had friends and the necessary hardware, but no one could be fucked to do it. Everyone in my circle of friends always talked about catching one of each of the exclusives for one another, but it was just too much of a hassle. If we did bother to break out the stupid cable, it was to evolve Pokemon like Kadabra, which was another shitty mechanic. Releasing Yellow on top of that was insulting enough, we didn't need a fourth one. Worst part of it? I went and got Yellow. I cringe when I think about having wasted (my parents') money on shit like that, which is obviously the point. If any of you are parents now, don't indulge your kids with dumb shit like this.

>> No.5676630
File: 419 KB, 2752x2080, LegendOfZelda-OracleOfHours-Falsia(Day).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't played Oracle of Hours

>> No.5676685

I liked Yellow because you could get all the starters in one game. I had fun with it.

>> No.5676949

Quick rundown?

>> No.5676978


>> No.5677020

it looks good but doesn't really suit the game imo. feels kinda forced and out of place. also not a huge fan of the lighting

>> No.5677032

Because it's not a modern interpretation of the original art style. You should always try to make the art of a remake match as closely as possible to the original. That anime scene of link in the boat for the reveal trailer is what the game should try to look like but they chose to go with making everything look like plastic toys when it wasn't that originally.
This new art would be just fine for a brand new game but not a remake.

>> No.5677035

Somebody put far too much effort into this.

>> No.5677049

They're really not.

>> No.5677098
File: 22 KB, 478x432, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.5677567

Oracle of Secrets never came out because it would've been far too cost effective and straining to try and link 3 games together with a password system, to the point that it wouldn't be worth it anymore.
There was a 3rd Pokemon version. Pokemon Blue (JP) was in Japan only (We got Pokemon Red and Green, but was relocalized to Blue version), and we still got Pokemon Yellow.

>> No.5677920

I've always heard that the "real" third game that actually exists somewhere in Nintendo's vault was a remake of the first Legend Of Zelda game in the gameboy Zelda artstyle.

>> No.5678129

I hate the fucking faces, they're terrifying.

>> No.5678154

Some of it (the first boss being the same as the first game) got in seasons.