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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 122 KB, 1280x720, segagenesisflashback-1280-1501275319965_1280w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5650225 No.5650225 [Reply] [Original]

>3 and half actually good Sonic games
>Better version of Aladdin
>Err..some nice sports games?

Ok, how could this joke of a console with barely any games, worse graphics and three-button controller seriously compete with SNES, which was one of the greatest consoles of all time? But despite that Genesis was even outselling SNES at some point

>> No.5650227

Snes had no toaplan shmups tho

>> No.5650236

Dreamcast was the only good SEGA console

>> No.5650248

>Better arcade ports than the SNES
>games were not censored like SNES
At the time, it was the edgy, more adult console with the blood and gore and aggressive marketing. Perfect for annoying 11 year olds who’s parents had more money than common sense

>> No.5650267 [DELETED] 

fuck off nintentoddlers. enjoy your games with slowdown and 2 enemies on screen at once.

>> No.5650273

By being generally cheaper. The Genesis was the poor kid's console.

>> No.5650372

Treasure games, better arcade action games: Two Shinobis games, the good Rocket Knight game, Thunder Force IV, Streets of Rage trilogy, fantastic ports of Capcom CPS-1 games like Mercs, Ghouls'n Ghosts, Strider, Mega Twins, etc.

Not a good bait.

>> No.5650415

The Genesis had 6 botton controllers. You even posted a pic showing 2 of them. The console had a huge library and did well outside of Japan because it had games that appealed to wider audiences.

>> No.5650436
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Not owning and loving some apps for each system, yet saying you like retro games... anon...

>> No.5650451

>>Better arcade ports than the SNES

What arcade ports were better on the Genesis? I always hear that, but have no idea why when games like Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat 2 were better on the SNES and it even had games that werent ported to the Genesis like Turtles in Time, Killer Instinct or Street Fighter Alpha 2

>> No.5650486

This is the only reason i can think of for this console ever being popular. Around 2000 some family friends gave me their Genesis with a few games. I was really excited to play it until i soon realized there were barely any games worth playing for it. I played Sonic and thought it was boring. To this day, it still baffles me that this was a serious competitor for the SNES. Even the system and cartridges feel like cheap flimsy plastic compared to the SNES.

>> No.5650495


Those aren't bad games but are any of those really worth buying a whole console to play?

>> No.5650508

>in an era when anyone can download complete romsets for all consoles and play everything
It's all so tiresome. If anyone here had actually bothered to go through the libraries for both consoles, you would see how minor the differences are. Both had a large number of multiplats, and the only time one multiplat was better than the other was when either the devs took advantage of the larger color palette of the SNES, or the wider resolution of the Genesis. Both consoles had a large amount of exclusive sports games, both consoles had a lot of arcade ports and computer ports, both consoles had games from just about every genre, both consoles had a decent library of exclusive games.

What you end up with is arguing if Sonic or Mario was better, when it's apples to oranges. Anyone still screaming that the Genesis was just sports games and arcade ports, or the SNES was just JRPGs and Nintendo IP's, is someone who hasn't actually bothered to look at the library of either console. Go be a retarded faggot who doesn't know what he's talking about somewhere else.

>> No.5650513
File: 38 KB, 496x599, Newfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

project harder cringelord

>> No.5650518

>t. angry butthurt /v/irgin
Cry harder bitch.

>> No.5650523

Well, add the Sonic games, the Sega Disney trilogy, the Splatterhouse sequels, two Rolling Thunder games, Contra: Hardcorps, a pretty decent Castlevania and TMNT, Ristar, Shadow Dancer, E-SWAT, Road Rash 2 (Great, especially multiplayer), the Wonder Boy / Monster World games, Micromachines, Phantasy Star III and IV, the Puyo Puyos, etc. I don't know, do you even need more?

And that's not counting games tha were on snes too, but that if you couldn't afford two consoles, were excelent options: Mortal Kombat 2, SF2 Special Champion Edition, Flashback, NBA Jam, Fifa Soccer games, etc.

>> No.5650531 [DELETED] 

muh jarpigs

>> No.5650537

>genesis didn't have jrpgs
Point at this /v/irgin and laugh.

>> No.5650561

worst bait this week

there you go, a list of decent genesis games you've never heard of because of having head so far up your own ass:

generations Lost
mazin saga
light crusader
lighting force
sword of vermilion
super thunder blade
shadow dancer
soldiers of fortune
zero wing
zero tolerance
wings of wor
rolling thunder
wings of wor
centurion defender
chase hq 2
bimini run
demolition man
earnest evans
el viento
f1 world championship
jewel master
midnight resistance
might and magic gates
pirates of dark
road rash 2
shadow dancer

>> No.5650568


>> No.5650606

How the hell do you not like revenge of shinobi, streets of rage or gunstar heroes wtf is wrong with you OP

>> No.5650607

Here's the games I have injected on my 3DS
It's like half the games that the SNES has, and I literally cannot find any more games that interest me while the SNES I have to hold myself back as to not go over the 3DS's title limit

>Beyond Oasis
>Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
>Castlevania: Bloodlines
>Comix Zone
>Contra: Hard Corps
>Devil Crash MD
>Dynamite Headdy
>Earthworm Jim
>Earthworm Jim 2
>Ghouls'n Ghosts
>Gunstar Heroes
>McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure
>Mega Turrican
>OutRun (3D OutRun on 3DS, so really the arcade version)
>Phantasy Star IV
>Rocket Knight Adventures
>Shining Force
>Shining Force II
>Revenge of Shinobi
>Shinobi III
>Snow Bros.
>Sonic 1
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3 Complete
>Sonic Megamix (ROM hack)

Overall, I mean it's a great library it's just not as fucking stacked as the SNES

>> No.5650617 [DELETED] 

nintendies are npcs

>> No.5650618
File: 14 KB, 256x224, Sunset_Riders_SNES-title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better arcade ports than the SNES

>> No.5650623 [DELETED] 

you have to be a manchild to enjoy snes games.

>> No.5650635

This same thread literally every week

>> No.5650640


through sports games which were the most popular games and which everyone played on genesis, not snes.

lads are citing wonderboy for how the genesis competed with snes lol

>> No.5650643

What's Phantasy Star? Nintendo didnt have that.

>> No.5650645 [DELETED] 

imagine liking nintendo games .imagine worshipping them

>> No.5650660

Imagine trying to play a fucking sports game from 1993 in 2019.

>> No.5650692

That game is better on Megadrive. Improved controls, harder levels, and a vs. mode.

>> No.5650726
File: 132 KB, 960x640, genesis does.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the snes was for children and the genesis was for everyone else who was awesome at living life.

>> No.5650742

Fun fact, you can download a 2019 version of NHL 94 for the Genesis. The modern games also have a three button NHL 94 control mode

>> No.5650759

What the fuck did SNES even have? Mario and Final Fantasy?

>> No.5650876

Lol final fantasy and chrono trigger aren't everyone's cup of tea

>> No.5650882

Wonder boy is a great game you fuckin retard

>> No.5651032

There are seriously people out there who think their Genesis library is complete without Alien Soldier?

>> No.5651059

>Better version of Aladdin
Absolutely wrong.
That aside, the megadrive had shitloads of good games. You're not even trying.

>> No.5651301

> Ok, how could this joke of a console with barely any games,

The Genesis wasn't really a joke console. The Genesis was released in NA in 1989. By the time the SNES was released in 1991, the Genesis had built a solid library. The SNES had about a half dozen quality titles within 6 months of its North American launch, but then outside of ALTTP in 1992 had a bunch of lackluster exclusive games until about 1994, and from 1992-1993 the SNES didn't do multiplats well enough to justify the purchase over Sega. In particular, the two most popular fighting games of the day - SF2 and Mortal Kombat, were better on the Genesis, and Genesis did sports games better.

Then in 1994 - six years after Genesis launch and at the end of Sega Genesis's lifespan - the SNES started seeing a bunch of quality, memorable titles again (as well as a superior port of MK2). The system made a strong second-half push to compete with the PSX while the N64 saw numerous delays, and it worked.

>> No.5651308

You're asking this the wrong way.

In 1989-1990, your choice was to buy an outdated NES or the new-hotness Sega Genesis. The SNES didn't exist yet.

So the question is: does Nintendo's SNES lineup from 1991-1993 justify the purchase of a whole new console over Sega Genesis?

>> No.5651347

1. Sonic
2. Sports games
3. sometimes better direct ports or different versions of games and franchises that were also on SNES
4. was marketed as the more mature edgy console
5. blast processing
6. Sega does what Nintendon't
7. three button controller was before SNES came out and was more comparable to NES controller in actuality, which by having three main buttons instead of NES two main buttons made it seem like the games were more advanced plus they made great use of it anyways unlike NES which had to use select awkwardly for so many games in order to have three action buttons
8. a six button controller released later anyways
9. that sound chip could produce some amazing unique sound/music for games you couldn't hear elsewhere if in the right hands
10. games actually for the most part run better on Genesis

>> No.5651353

>three button controller was before SNES came out and was more comparable to NES controller in actuality, which by having three main buttons instead of NES two main buttons made it seem like the games were more advanced plus they made great use of it anyways unlike NES which had to use select awkwardly for so many games in order to have three action buttons

I agree with you in principle, but I don't remember any games with select as an action button. I do remember A+B simultaneous press being a 3rd action in some games, which got frustrating if your timing was slightly off.

>> No.5651357

No Streets of Rage series?
No Golden Axe?
No Altered Beast?

>> No.5651364

>I'm too lazy and stupid to look for good games on the Genesis therefore they don't exist
Literally what in the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.5651386

>better version of Aladdin

>> No.5651401

Give me a bigger list of SNES games that aren't JRPGs.

>> No.5651404

>Facts are bait

>> No.5651407

Well if you think about some games such as Rush and Attack it had an awkward way to jump where as if it was on the Genesis they would have just mapped it to a button. I'm pretty sure the lack of extra face buttons influenced the way magic is used in Castlevania as well although it sort of became a thing with the series in later games anyways to retain that method of using the magic attacks. Select was usually used to make selections of weapons and such for games that used it like Mega Man.

>> No.5651432

you're forgetting SNES got SF2 in 92, and while it's port of it (WW) was so and so with different game feel and difficulty than arcade (which already had its issues) but it sold like crazy, then CE/HF came and was better on genesis.

>> No.5651437

Contra III: The Alien Wars
Demon's Crest
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Harvest Moon
Jaki Crush
Kirby Super Star
Kirby's Dream Land 3
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Magical Pop'n
Mario's Super Picross
Mega Man VII
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man X
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X3
Parodius da!
Super Castlevania IV
Sunset Riders (best port)
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts
Super Mario All-Stars
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Super Punch-Out
Super Smash T.V. (best port)
Super Turrican
Umihara Kawase
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

Maybe counts as a JRPG maybe not:
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

>> No.5651492

>give me a bigger list of SNES games, but JRPGs don't count
>the Genesis list has JRPGs

>> No.5651502

I wasn't forgetting it. SF2 release for SNES was huge since it was the first time a fighting game like that was brought to a home console. Nevertheless, I think at or around that time word leaked that the Genesis would be getting CE/HF, so I don't think that too many people ran out and bought an SNES just for that.

Then Nintendo undid its momentum by censoring the gore in Mortal Kombat, even though the Genesis started showing its age with inferior graphics and sound.

>> No.5651519

What makes SF2 better on Genesis? SNES has better graphics and sound and plays pretty much the same

>> No.5651523

> What makes SF2 better on Genesis? SNES has better graphics and sound and plays pretty much the same

They got the CE while the SNES only got vanilla SF2 until Super SF2 came out.

FWIW, I had both systems and I played the SNES substantially more. But I also got the SNES for Xmas 1992, so I had enough of a backlog of games to play to carry me through 1993 and then 1994-1995 was pretty much the golden age of SNES.

>> No.5651540

>They got the CE while the SNES only got vanilla SF2 until Super SF2 came out.

You're forgetting Street Fighter II Turbo.

>> No.5651547

So it's basically just Megaman, DKC, Nintendo/Mario shit, worse versions of Genesis games and.... fucking Plok?

>> No.5651552

Mah nigga

>> No.5651556

Try actually playing Plok you fucking memester
And try not being retarded instead of just ignoring everything that's NOT Mega Man/DKC/Mario you dumb cunt

>> No.5651564

>Contra Hard Corps is better than III
>Rocket Knight Adventures was better than Sparkster SNES, hell, Gen Sparkster was better.
>Good 30%ish of your list didn't make it over here to the US, weeb

>> No.5651582

>>Better version of Aladdin
It's not a "version" is a completely different game.
And I prefer the Capcom one for sure.

>> No.5651591

>everything that's NOT Mega Man/DKC/Mario
That was pretty much covered by worse versions of Genesis games.

>> No.5651603

World Warrior came out on SNES on 92, by that time CE was out, and later that year Turbo/Hyper Fighting was released, if anything such rumors of a console port wouldn't happen as early as December 92, but in fact the first version of CE who came out was SF2 CE on the PC engine in japan, and it was a hit there, but it only had CE, since the former and Turbo were blended into each other, both Genesis and SNES ports had both games into one, it was called Turbo on SNES and Special Champion Edition on Genesis, the genesis version went trough a couple of build rom protos that didn't look favorable due to outsourcing and capcom choose to rushed a new made build developed in house using assets from the SNES and PC-E versions and only they were able to put a rather nice port that even plays closer to the arcade versions, with the only bad thing being the shitty mustard gas color palette they defualt gave the game due to them assuming the genesis could not do colorful color spectrums due to being a more limited palette of 64 colors at once version 256 on screen VGA style of SNES (the palette got fixed with 2 patches in recent years and it works on real hardware)

>> No.5651607

Jesus Christ anon.

>> No.5651612

What eceleb did you steal this list from? :'D

>> No.5651616

>Contra III: The Alien Wars
Not on Genesis, I do think that Hard Corps is better but they are different games
>Demon's Crest
Not on Genesis
A bit reminiscent of Shinobi but that doesn't change the fact that it kicks ass
>Harvest Moon
Nothing like it on Genesis
>Jaki Crush
Not on Genesis, Genesis does have Devil Crash MD though which I do think is better
>The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Not on Genesis
>Magical Pop'n
Not on Genesis
>Parodius da!
Not on Genesis
Different game from the one on Genesis, about on the same level
>Super Castlevania IV
Not on Genesis, I prefer Bloodlines but I'm a minority there
>Sunset Riders
Genesis port is fucking shit. They cheeped out on a 512kb cartridge and as a result there's only 4 bosses and next to no voice clips. The levels are also completely different with many levels cut out. The only thing good about the Genesis port is the whores.
>Super Ghouls'n Ghosts
Not on Genesis, this is better than Ghouls'n Ghosts by a lot, not that that's a bad game
>Super Smash T.V.
The controls on this fucking suck on Genesis. This game only works as a twin stick shooter, which the SNES's controller does much more naturally
>Super Turrican
Not on Genesis, I like Mega Turrican more though
>Umihara Kawase
Nothing like it on Genesis

>> No.5651636

Altered Beast and Golden Axe have aged poorly and/or just suck
Golden Axe especially, Altered Beast I suppose can be fun for a few minutes
You're right on Streets of Rage though, 2 at least. Was never too fond of the other games but 2 is great and has a kickass soundtrack too.

>> No.5651724 [DELETED] 

So basically pretty much everything is ≥ on the Genesis except maybe some cute em ups and Smash TV? But then you got Super FantasyZone for the former and Granada for the latter (which is a much better game anyway). Soon Xenocrisis will drop if you want a more similar game.

So we're pretty much left with Harvest Moon and Umihara Kawase?

>> No.5651728

So basically everything is ≥ on the Genesis except maybe some cute em ups and Smash TV? But then you got Super FantasyZone for the former and Granada for the latter (which is a much better game anyway). Soon Xenocrisis will drop if you want a more similar game.

So we're pretty much left with Harvest Moon and Umihara Kawase?

>> No.5651739

And Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Can't understate how good that game is

>> No.5651785

Contra Hardcorps
Wonderboy in Monsterworld
Revenge of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer
Shinobi 3
Gain Ground
Castle of Illusion
World of Illusion
Toejam and Earl
Mega Twins
Alien Storm
Golden Axe
Golden Axe 2
Fire Shark
Twin Cobra
Thunderforce 3
Thunderforce 4
Herzog Zwei
Elemental Master
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Streets of Rage 1
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Dynamite Heddy
Mega Turrican
Ghouls N Ghosts

If you wanna include jap only stuff nothing the SNES has is as good as rainbow islands extra, sorry umihara kawase is shit compared to taitos best

>> No.5652521

>game 1
shitty game
>game 2
not exclusive
>game 3
not as good as
>game 4
has never been good

/v/ and /vr/ aren't that different

>> No.5652524

I was thinking about buying Mega Sg but I have no idea what kind of game I can play on it. Thank you for the list.

>> No.5652536

half of the games there are abysmal

>> No.5652538

>barely any games

It has more good games than the SNES, actually.

SNES has a handful of amazing classics, but once you get past the best 20-25 games, it gets really murky.

Genesis has at least 150 arcadey action gamers worth playing if you're not a total pussy who runs away crying at the first sign of challenge or adversity.

>> No.5652545


The SNES Classic came with 20 games built in and it didn't feel like too many of the truly must-have games were missing outside of Chrono Trigger and TMNT IV. The Genesis Classic has 40 built-in games and it still feels like it's missing 20 or 30 games.

>> No.5652549

Such as?

>> No.5652595

Genesis 6-button controller was superior for fighting games compared to SNES controller at the time,
However, shoulder buttons were a new thing back then, probably doesn't matter as much now since shoulder buttons are a common feature now. I also preferred the Genesis Dpad for fighters, SNES dpad would sometimes miss diagonals on me. That's just my opinion though.

>> No.5652601

Not to saythe MD doesn't have a lot of great games, but you should research the SNES/SFC catalogue more if you actually think there's not more than 20 good games on it.
Also, console wars are silly. Especially 4th gen console wars.
If you didn't grow up with both SNES and MD, I feel sorry for your kid self.

>> No.5652640


>> No.5652648

Ghouls wasn't on SNES, and the MD port is the worst one with fucked hitboxes, PC Engine version was better.

>> No.5652748

Nintendicklets such as yourself are a disgrace to this hobby

>> No.5652754

He's not even a Nintendo fan, just some pleb who wants to LARP as a console warrior.
If he was really a Nintendo fan he would know Aladdin on SNES by Capcom is a superior game to Dave Perry's hitbox mess.

>> No.5652908

it wasnt on the pc engine stop saying this, it was a supergrafx game supergrafx games wont work on a normal pc engine

>> No.5653135

The Supergrafx port has worse music (8-bits quality), worse sound effects, and a strange inconsistent artstyle (some parts look almost like tha arcade and others are really awful). I would say the color palette is worse too.

The Mega Drive port doesn't have great graphics, but somehow is more consistent and has more eye-pleasing colors. Also, the game plays great. I have never had any big problems playing it.

>> No.5653468

> Compares based on two different thresholds - 'amazing classics' vs 'arcadey games worth playing.'
> Grossly exaggerates the amount of good Genesis games.


>> No.5653508

Not him, but Growl, Wolfchild and El Viento are all pretty weak.

>> No.5653864

how is lttp and "amazing classic" and streets of rage 2 isnt? Get the fuck out of here ya retarded faggot

>> No.5653867

el viento is great you retard, wolfchild is legit bad and growl is I dunno Ive only ever played the arcade which actually rules.

>> No.5653871

what is with super nintendo faggots having such pedestrian tastes

>> No.5653917

why is marios picross on there you absolute faggot?

>> No.5653925

Because Picross is a top puzzle game you brainlet

>> No.5653930

its about as exciting as playing with a graphing calculator. Even if its a good puzzle game its not an all time super nintendo classic. Nintoddlers always think its better than it is because it features their father figure mario.

>> No.5653938

>Games need to be exciting to be fun
Uh oh Jimmy needs his adderall

>> No.5653940
File: 186 KB, 1152x1408, gingerbread-man-color-by-numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related it's marios picross

>> No.5653947

tetris is exciting and fun
panel de pon is exciting and fun
puyo puyo is exciting and fun
columns is exciting and fun
Solomons key is exciting and fun
Klax is exciting and fun
puzzle bobble is exciting and fun

marios picross is boring as hell color by numbers bullshit.OH WOW I MADE A UFO SHAPE REAL FUCKIN COOL

>> No.5653952

Picross is a logic puzzle akin to crosswords or sudoku
It's not meant to be super exciting, it's meant to stimulate your mind

>> No.5653956

Jesus, fuck off zoomer.

>> No.5653958

so do those games I mentioned, you cant really blow through level 20 on tetris being a retard

>> No.5653976

Soldiers of Fortune
Centurion Defender of Rome
Demolition Man
Might and Magic
Pirates of Dark Water
All absolute trash.

>> No.5653984

soldiers of fortune isnt trash you faggot, but its also on SNES isnt it so w/e
and pirates of dark water on genesis is actually supposed to be pretty good.
Might and magic 2 is a great game but also on the SNES isnt it

>> No.5654045
File: 26 KB, 369x336, Sega-Genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mortal Kombat games are a good way of comparing the two. All of the SNES versions look nicer and have better sound effects/music. Save for MK2, they all play like shit compared to the Genesis ports.

>> No.5654150 [DELETED] 

>it's hard so it's bad
Back to super onions land you faggot

>> No.5654154

Except music is almost always way worse on the SNES with its shitty ROMpler. And SNES doesn't really look any better on an actual CRT/composite setup.

>> No.5654157 [DELETED] 

>>it's hard so it's bad
>Back to super soi land you faggot

>> No.5654163

>it's hard so it's bad
Back to super soi land you faggot

>> No.5654175

THIS ! so much this !

>> No.5654239

>amazing classics' vs 'arcadey games worth playing.'

Except Genesis has both. Try again fag.

>> No.5654285

Growl (terrible port)
Sword of Vermillion
Mazin Saga (solid beat'em up gameplay, but single player only and awful boss battles)
Super Thunder Blade (terrible port)
Zero Tolerance
ESWAT (better than arcade, but still a weak game)
Bimini Run
Cadash (bad port)
Demolition Man
Earnest Evans
Midnight Resistance (bad control scheme)
Shadow Dancer (good game, but listed twice)

>> No.5654354

SNES had a worse soundchip, and didnt have Herzog Zwie, Lightning Force, or M.U.S.H.A.

>> No.5654365

What's wrong with the Cadash port?
Also I thought Earnest Evans was ok.

>> No.5654394

Can I play Genesis games with a color palette similar to the SNES in any emulator? I love the Genesis library, but fuck those colors...

>> No.5654412

>barely any games
The machine is full of games.
>worse graphics
being released two whole years earlier would do that
>3 button controller
I really do wish the controller had more buttons. It made sense at release -- the NES and PC-Engine had 2 buttons, and arcade games typically didn't use more than 3, but the SNES's six buttons was pretty nice.

Genesis was marketed better, the machine was priced better, and the games it had were pretty damn good. It was the lead platform for EA, and a lot of ordinary consumers were very into sports games.
Loads of games that no one really talks about anymore like Desert Strike were a big deal on the machine.

It had a head start, and Sega managed to turn their tepid start into full on success with Sonic. Sonic was absolutely fucking HUGE. At his height, he was literally as big of a name as Mario, and to this day he still gets mentioned like that, even if he's literally had nearly 20 years of shit games up to now.
Still doesn't stop Sonic 2 from being a pretty good game. Or S3&K, which is still damn good.

Also, a lot of the SNES's big name titles like Super Metroid came out kinda late.

Genesis got HF and called it CE for some reason, and then SNES got HF and actually released as SF2 Turbo on the box.
Hell, the SNES release came a few months earlier.

>cadash (bad port)
Eh? It's okay. Could be better.
I still have no idea why anyone would possibly thing Earnest Evans is anything but a total kusoge though.

>> No.5654456
File: 56 KB, 640x480, Gaiares9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100+ replies
>No Ranger X
>No Gaiares

Shameful Sega fans, the lot of you.

>> No.5654471

Give me a second to be really pedantic about video signals: I will argue that if you're able to hook both systems up via RGB you find while Genesis's composite signal is garbage, it's RGB is razorsharp while SNES looks blurry and not nearly as crispy.

That said, give NES credit, it has a strong composite signal and SNES's wasn't inherently awful as say, the TurboGraphx.

>> No.5654475

Cadash has way different graphics and missing playable characters but it still manages to be a great game. In fact I may play through it again soon, that shit was really fun.

>> No.5654482

>Ranger X

>> No.5654486

I'll give the SNES credit, that game is fun and Mystical Ninja is pretty unique. Closest thing we got is maybe Chiki Chiki Boys. Somewhat similar play and vibe.

Mostly responding to make sure to recommend that game as well since like a previous anon said it, and Gaiares were missing from early lists.

Someone mentioned Toplan but I think TRUXTON (All caps when you say the shmups name) deserves credit too.

>> No.5654505
File: 89 KB, 640x480, Gaiares-JU-068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe? Gaiares is fucking awesome. Fantastic upgrade system, good dose of challenge, kick ass levels... You fly though a fucking space castle avoiding spikes and guillotines then fight robot Death like it's a fucking Castlevania shmup. And he's not even the coolest boss!

>> No.5654507
File: 849 KB, 1280x1100, guy-are-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaiares? Cringe? Whatever do you mean?

>> No.5654824

Be sure to tell that to all the people using RGB back in 1993.

>> No.5654879

Ranger-X was my favorite Genesis game for a while. Dunno if it's the best thing, but it's still some top-class stuff. Looks absolutely gorgeous too.
Shame about that 30fps.

Also, I just realized that I've never played Gaiares in my life.

>> No.5657151


I used RF for every system through PSX/N64 because my TV didn't have RGB or Svideo connections.

>> No.5657165

I fucking love the YM2612, the snes was technically more powerful sound-wise, but the Genesis had actual personality to its sounds

>> No.5657185

3 shinobi games

>> No.5657195

Ranger X is overrated and mediocre. Even Vectorman is better.

>> No.5657263

MK2 is the one that matters.

Also, Super Nintendo has the best 90s port of Mortal Kombat 2 on any platform, not just compared to the Genesis. It is better than the Saturn and Playstation ports, too. The limitations of the CD medium are very apparent in the Mortal Kombat games.

>> No.5658339

For me it's Sega Mega Drive

>> No.5658353

I play NBA Jam with friends at least once a week. It’s still fun.

>> No.5659807

solid games overall but i dare you to actually try and play smash TV with a SNES controller, i dont know if you count the arcade original when you say best port but ive played the SNES one and its fucking horrendous, perhaps the other ports of it are even more horrendous, i just dont know, but this one i wouldnt even say is very playable

>> No.5659823

How is it "technically more powerful"?

>> No.5659831

Oh look, we found people on the internet with 1st grade reading comprehension.

>> No.5659839

>perhaps the other ports of it are even more horrendous
yeah this is it
the other ones you can mimic the twin stick controls by using 2 controllers at once, but the snes version is the only one where you can do it with one controller
of course the arcade original is the best

>> No.5659840

the genesis' sound chip was shit m8. look up the one that came on the sega cd, it's much more comparable to the snes'

>> No.5659865

SNES is better at simulating actual instruments due to it's superior sample capabilities, but for stuff like electronic music, bass, electric guitar, the Genesis sounds a lot sharper.

>> No.5659912

yeah the only genesis games I like are sonic and ecco
the zelda clones missed the mark so badly

>> No.5659923

now that's good taste

>> No.5659953
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Shut up you slag wanker.

>> No.5659962

Genesis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BifEzw-PEg
>music changes a lot more
>gets down

SNES - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DIHbKDhfa4
>sterile as fuck

>> No.5659972

> Better versions of Castlevania and Contra
> Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier and a fuckton other great Treasure Games
> SHMUPS like MUSHA, Eliminate Down, Gleylancer, Lightening Force and Grind Stormer that BTFO any genre games on the SNES
> Phantasy Star, Shining Force, Dune 2, Herzog Zwei, etc.
> Splatterhouse, Road Rash, Rocket Knight Adventures, Crusader of Centy

do I have to keep going?

>> No.5660123

You didn't answer the question, fag.

>> No.5660137
File: 11 KB, 273x185, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga, the Genesis version is so devoid of sound texture it's not even funny. The mix is empty as fuck. The main instrument is so much fuller sounding in the SNES version. The drumkit uses much higher quality samples in the SNES version. Pretty sure the Genesis isn't even using samples.

You wouldn't know sound mixing if you actually had a pair of ears. But if you prefer the Genesis version, you wouldn't know good mix quality anyway, now would you?

>> No.5660223

It came out nearly two years earlier than the SNES in the U.S. There were actually a lot of good games for the Genesis and the early SNES games had terrible slow down in them, especially in the third party games.

Finally, the big seller for the Genesis was John Madden Football, which was the first football game that featured 11 players on each team.

>> No.5660678


You guys must be deaf. The Genesis does not produce better SFX and music than the SNES. It's simply not as capable in this area. You can cherry pick a handful of games where the developers made the best of the hardware, but the vast majority of Genesis games have poor quality sound. This particularly shows in most multi-plats, like this:


The SNES's SFX and midi tracks hold up to many PSX games (in fact, FFVII re-uses a ton of samples from FFIII on the SNES).

>> No.5660681

>I really do wish the controller had more buttons.

Right, because all of those games for the SNES that utilize only Y-B-A indicate that a 6-button controller was absolutely necessary. In fact, the N64 and GCN controllers were designed around only two action buttons because that's what was used most of the time.

Really, it's only a hindrance for fighting games which wouldn't hit the system until 2-3 years after the system's release.

>> No.5660691

SNES doesn't generate music at all. It plays very compressed samples of, in the specific case of Final Fantasy, Roland Sound Canvas samples. If you've ever heard what any of the synths the SNES is sampling normally sound like, it comes off very poorly.

Meanwhile the Genesis has an actual synthesizer in it. An older one, but it sounds great in the right hands.

Enjoy some SNES ear rape.

>> No.5660712

Who cares? Outside of like a half dozen games the Genesis sounds like shit. When you compare the two systems side by side you can clearly tell that the Genesis has lower quality sound.

Thanks for proving my cherry picking point.

>> No.5660720

I'm not sure how documentation is "cherry picking", especially when Shovelware is usually employed to "prove" that the Genesis sounds bad. Games like Chrono Trigger and DKC2 are the exception on the SNES, too.

>> No.5660724

>It's not as capable
is very specific wording which can only in this case be about the ability to create, i.e. the hardware, rather than actual perceived final product, so wailing that someone is cherry-picking is bizarre when you chose to use said wording.

>> No.5660751

This OP brought to you by a wannabe who has only experienced SNES via emulation and hasn't completed a single title in the library.

>> No.5660874

> is very specific wording which can only in this case be about the ability to create, i.e. the hardware, rather than actual perceived final product,

No, that's not at all what I meant. Sound is about the product, ie what you hear. I don't really care about what's going on under the hood. You just interpreted that way in order to try to use techno babble to try to justify why the Genesis is "better" even though it sounds awful most of the time.

> so wailing that someone is cherry-picking is bizarre when you chose to use said wording.

He was cherry picking because he picked some japanese weeb shit to try to show that the SNES has inferior sound.

> Games like Chrono Trigger and DKC2 are the exception on the SNES, too.

No, they aren't.

>> No.5660919

The SNES version is incredibly bland and your edgy opinion is based in tastelessness. They just downsampled 4 seconds of music and put it on loop. The Genesis version has way more variety to it, despite how much harder it is to get good sound out of it

>> No.5660961

The Genesis was like a SNES but for adopted kids.

>> No.5660968

The SNES version comes closer to the arcade, although they both miss by a wide margin.

>> No.5660972

Also, the Genesis sounds like shit when actually playing the game and looks substantially worse:



>> No.5660976

SNES version has no music during gameplay and the genesis version has that nice swanky tune, besides why play either of those when the saturn version exists

>> No.5660985

https://2late4sleep.com/SamanthaMO/ u might like dis or might not

>> No.5660987

Enjoy your slowdown and 2 enemies on screen at once.

>> No.5660994

I've been an SNES owner since 1993 and have played plenty of good games as well as shovelware. If you think most SNES games sound like DKC2 or CT you have no ear at all.

>> No.5661013

Enjoy your farting and 4bit color.

>> No.5662512

Both Mega Drive and Snes sound chips have their own flavour. That's one of the things I like more about that era, each system had a distinct sound and personality. PC Engine, Snes and MD all sound different and their games have their unique palette.

Some games sound better in one console. I prefer more how NBA Jam or SF2 sound on the Mega Drive, but at the same time, I don't think Sega's console could have done Super Castlevania IV or DKC soundtracks, for instance.

One problem the Mega Drive has is that youtube it's plaged of badly emulated sound rips. I had the MD Model 1 back in the day, and it makes my ear bleed listening to a lot of them. Real harware is almost mandatory to make music comparisons. For example, this Contra video it's pretty much the only one I can stand of all the youtube records, and sounds much more like I remember sounding in my MD Model 1 connected to a Sony CRT:

>> No.5662527

Genesis came out before SNES.

It had a two and a half year head start.
It was 50-30 dollars cheaper the the snes at retail and the launch titles were well advertised.

While Nintendo was promoting Mario 3 on NES sega was promoting altered beast and golden axe on genesis.

>> No.5662532

Nintendo also killed off the marketing for SNES around the time killer instinct came out to promote the unreleased ultra 64.

>> No.5662534

The streets of rage series and road rash series were awesome two series that appealed to 14-16 year old boys.

>> No.5662535

SNES had an amazing library but unfortunately the games were not marketed too well.

Sega had better marketing for the genesis then Nintendo had for the SNES.

>> No.5662562

>SNES had an amazing library
Fuck off retard, this thread just proved it didn't.

>> No.5662570

well altered beast is shit

>> No.5662572

There wasn't nor ever will be a generation as awesome as 4th.

>> No.5662580

It was awesome enough to keep me all the way through the awful 5th gen. And that was just the SNES. Got into the Genesis in the late 2000s.

>> No.5662582

The art direction of the game is beautiful even though the animation is choppy.

The art direction for golden axe and altered beast was ground breaking in 1990

>> No.5662591
File: 37 KB, 353x439, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute em ups

>> No.5662616
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I just want a Yakuza game where Kiryu owns all the sega consoles in his apartment and can play all the old games whenever he wants.

The Yakuza 0 arcade minigames where you play outrun and space harrier were pure kino, I can imagine how must of a nostalgia surge they would have been for Nips who grew up in the 80's.

>> No.5662625

Pop culture in it's self was awesome during these consoles lifespans.

Being a 12-16 year old during the era of genesis vs SNES was fun.

Music was good you had nirvana,gun n roses,nine inch nails and soundgarden on the charts at the time.

You had action movies like terminator 2.

>> No.5663262

MK1, NBA Jam. The graphics were worse but the games played closer to their arcade counterparts.

Also, in 1989-1990, Sega ported a lot of its own arcade titles to the Genesis, so people are typically referring to these when they say "better arcade ports." Better just means more of them in this case.

It was the vast majority of the library at first since third party devs were still largely on the Nintendo train.

>> No.5663269

My grandparents bought a Genesis in 1990. My grandmother oddly enough enjoyed playing Columns.

Some games that were worth playing over having an NES:

> Altered Beast
> Golden Axe
> Phantasy Star II
> Revenge of Shinobi
> Streets of Rage

The golden age of the Genesis was 1991-1993 where a lot of classic titles came out. Of course this was also the height of the console wars.

You'll notice that if someone made a list of best SNES games, a majority of them will be from 1993-1995. Before then, you have like Zelda, Mario, and a couple of odd games.

>> No.5663271


>> No.5663287

But jrpgs!

>> No.5663503

>Turtles in Time
Extremely disingenuous post. Hyperstone heist is like 90% the same game.

>> No.5663553

late to this thread but what most posters fail to mention is the Genesis sports games line up Normies loved the fast, aggressive multiplayer hockey / soccer / football titles on Genesis that were slow and shitty on SNES

>> No.5663560

>there's people who unironically didn't own both snes and md growing up
Feel bad for your kid selves.

>> No.5663562

I don't wanna start a console war and Imma let you finish but ironically enough the EA sports games were intended to be simulators and played slow as shit compared to the arcadey japanese releases. I don't know about the other sports developers and I do know Mutant League was an exception but most EA Sports games are slow as molasses.

>> No.5663589

Most of these larpers (including you) did not own either one, but few people had both IRL anyways. It wasn't the cringey consolewar back then that you guys love so much.

>> No.5663601

>console was $99
>more money than sense

>> No.5663605

>including you
You're wrong, I did own both back then, although it was admittedly a bit late in their lifespan in early 94. A great time to own both of them since many great games were available.

>> No.5663628

ok my friend shadowrun for sega was pretty meh desu and same with zero tolerance
ill throw some wood on your fire
Contra hard corps (really dude you didn't include it?)
Gunstar heroes (ost is shit lel)
Comix zone
Beavis and Butthead
The chaos engine
Mega Lo Mania (i have shit taste)
Rock N Roll Racing

>> No.5663651

I had an SNES in the 90s, the only times I played a Genesis I played Sonic 2 and Knuckles, Golden Axe, Rocket Knight Adventures, and Sonic Spinball. I thought they were awesome (yes, even Sonic Spinball). Console war is Gen X faggotry, really.

Oh, and I did play Sonic 3d Blast at a Toys R Us, as well. That game was awful, isometric platformers are trash. But I didn't really hold that against my opinion of the system. I just thought of it is a stupid gimmick game like Uniracers on SNES.

>> No.5663712

Damn that SNES one sounds so weak by comparison.

>> No.5664040

Castlevania was done right on both

>> No.5664708

No, it didnt. See >>5651437

And that's not even counting all the RPGs it has to offer

>> No.5665454

Genesis is heavy metal
SNES is radio rock

>> No.5665489

People really have to learn the difference between a PCM-based sound chip like the one SNES uses and FM-based sound chip like the one the Mega Drive uses.

SNES plays back samples at different pitches (with optional reverb) while the Mega Drive generates instruments on the fly through by programming a frequency generator. It's a lot easier to get more realistic instruments with samples but the downside is they have to be stored in ROM and RAM which means in practice they get compressed as fuck - FM doesn't have that problem.

A good comparison between the two is The Lion King since both versions had competent sound programmers at work. This is arguably a tricky one for Sega's console since the movie's soundtrack relies on a lot of natural instruments while FM tends to be better at electronic/synth ones.


>> No.5666707

> Golden Axe 1+2
> Streets Of Rage games
> Altered Beast
> Shinobi games
> Bonanza Brothers
> Gain Ground
> Ecco 1+2
> Gunstar Heroes
> Alisia Dragoon
> After Burner II
> Atomic Robo-Kid
> Cadash
> Crack Down
> El Viento
> Forgotten Worlds
> Growl
> Heavy Nova
> cool Jurassic Park side-scroller
> Kid Chameleon
> Moonwalker
> Muhammed Ali game
> Out Run
> World Of Illusion
> Ys
> Valis games
> Thunder Force
> decent arcade-style Strider
> Splatterhouse games
> Shining Force
> Rolling Thunder 2+3
> Rastan
> Roadblaters
> Road Rage
> Quackshot
> arcade Punisher w/Nick Fury
> Predator 2
> Phantasy Star games
> ton of great sports games

All worth playing.

>> No.5666740

Lol I don't think you've played either.

>> No.5666745

Rocket Knight Adventures is peak 16-bit era, so yes, it is worth getting a Genesis.

>> No.5666753

Shadowrun on the Genesis is STILL the best Shadowrun video game. Is it perfect? No, but it is an excellent game worth playing.

>> No.5666796

>Rocket Knight Adventures
>Streets of Rage
>Gunstar Heroes
>Contra Hard Corps
>Beyond Oasis
>Phantasy Star
>Castlevania Bloodlines
>Golden Axe
>Monster World 4
>Castle of Illusion
>Road Rash
>Shining Force
>Comix Zone
>Toejam & Earl

Sounds like you just need to spend more time with the library. Genesis is best for short play sessions.

>> No.5666801

Fantasy Zone and Parodious are great nigga

>> No.5667149

>golden age of the Genesis was 1991-1993
i'd say 1991~1994
>SNES games, a majority of them will be from 1993-1995
and the SNES would be 1993-1996 (including some Japan-only releases)

>> No.5667262

96 should definitely be included for SNES
considering games like Mario RPG and Kirby Super Star

>> No.5667392

SNES was the kiddie console

Genesis was the chad game system

Don't even compare the games.

>> No.5667486

Now read the responses to that post you smooth brained retard.

And Genesis has all the best 16 bit RPGs anyway.

>> No.5667502
File: 58 KB, 600x400, 1544649222289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genesis has all the best 16 bit RPGs

>> No.5667515

Their reading comprehension was fine. Do try and keep up.

>> No.5667517

Got a problem with that you memeing faggot?

>> No.5668121
File: 79 KB, 566x568, DtkpVkmVYAwEqdc.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it sounds like shit why does it have the Michael Jackson game dumbass

>> No.5669390
File: 40 KB, 480x268, phantasy-star-iv-virtual-console-20081222084412587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does though. Quality is better than quantity.

>> No.5669445

MJ himself thought it was shit which is why he quit working on Sonic 3's OST mid-way.

>> No.5669468

>And Genesis has all the best 16 bit RPGs anyway.
K, bud.

>> No.5669474


>> No.5669502

Maybe and it's a big fucking maybe if you included Jap MegaDrive and CD. Genesis is trash when it comes to RPGs. You have the Phantasy Star and Shining games.

>> No.5669531

Arcus Odyssey
Buck Motherfuckin' Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
D&D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun
Light Crusader
Might and Magic: Gates to Another World
Rings of Power
Sword of Vermillion
Uncharted Waters

Just because they're not down to your standards doesn't mean they don't exist, Shitmus McDumbfuck.

>> No.5669534

Agree, but I wouldn't call the Parodius games cute. They had some cute bits, but also a lot of sexual stuff (obvious or not so obvious). TwinBee or Fantasy Zone are cute, but Parodius is pure awesome nonsense and a love letter to Konami games.

>> No.5669538

Ooops, I meant that for >>5666801

>> No.5669602
File: 122 KB, 399x462, 1519405691825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any of that shit
>best of 16bit rpgs
Oh man
>Buck Motherfuckin' Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
Ear bleeding trash.

>> No.5669652

Guy are Us doesnt make any sense, but they feared people will mispronounced as GAY AROUSE so there's that.

>> No.5669692

Phantasy Star IV, Lunar II and Shining Force II are surely top 10 16-bit JRPG material.

>> No.5669961

western boxarts were so bad back then

>> No.5670016

I obviously read the responses, you utter mongoloid. But they were basically >"its Nintendo so it doesnt count!" as if that meant anything and >"its better on Sega!" even though he mentioned several games that weren't on the Genesis and made it very clear right here: >>5651616

Try filtering crappy arguments that you read for once.

>> No.5670023


>> No.5670070

Sword of vermillion and warriors is the eternal sun have some awesome soundtracks and play decently as well

>> No.5670075

That isn't the new Genesis Mini, is it? I thought ATgames wasn't involved anymore.

>> No.5670380

It competed with the NES for two years before the SNES released. Market penetration for those who had one and free Sonic for those who didn't handled the rest of its life span.

>> No.5670403
File: 286 KB, 438x610, 1531289080863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The genesis was released in 1988 to compete with the nes. The snes was released in 1991. Funny enough even though the snes came later 80% of its library is total shit and the rest suffer from god awful slowdown and muffled sound.

>> No.5670875

>80% of its library is total shit
I'd be hard pressed to find a console without that ratio

>> No.5671475

>That isn't the new Genesis Mini, is it?

>> No.5671519

>80% of its library is total shit

Just like the genesis. And the rest suffers from inferior graphics and music that sound like computer beeps and farts.

>> No.5671563

Vic Tokai games are top tier on the fucking genesis just as good as any first party sega or nintendo shit.

Decap Attack is great
Whip Rush is Great
BattleMania is fucking amazing.
Battlemania 2 is even better

>> No.5671567

Sword of Vermillion has a godawful collision

>> No.5671586

not the guy your replying to but I prefer the rigid soundwaves of synths to faked orchestras.

Listen to how fake and gay this horn sounds

now listen to how fucking nice this synth sounds yeah it sounds computerized but its a way nicer sounding song done in this style and packs much more emotion.

This sounds like actual farts

this actually sounds spooky