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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 142 KB, 642x451, super_mario_64-255597-1246524248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
559303 No.559303 [Reply] [Original]

Am i the only one who gets somewhat unsettled by the atmosphere of SM64? Actually, a lot of 3D platforming games of the time have that same feeling.

>> No.559450

Why are these "unsettling 3D game feeling thread" so often?

>> No.559508

Perhaps you should wait more than a day before posting the EXACT SAME THREAD you already have for weeks and weeks?

>> No.562157

you even played DK64 and get this creepy feeling of emptyness? i mean, DK island is completely barren, devoid of anybody but you, and a bunch of bees and beavers trying to kill you. No thought was put into making the world look alive, and worth saving.

Incidentally, This is why i love majora's mask so much.

>> No.562251

yeah, but hes an ape so meh

>> No.562284
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I feel like that as well, but when I think of Jersey Devil.The game's theme is somewhat undefined, it isn't about horror but it's not all shiny either.The environments are dark and even though it has some attempts at humor or goofyness, it still gives off a gloomy vibe.

>> No.562430

It's the water noises around the Castle that freak me out. I don't know why, but SM64 has an interesting atmosphere.

>> No.562445

This thread is silly, but thank you for reminding me that Jersey Devil exists.

>> No.562572

i still argue with people that majora had the best "game fee" or atmosphere or environment or whatever you want to call it of any zelda game to date. Even when TP tried to be all dark, it didn't compare at all the almost graphic nature of Majora. So desolate and fucking creepy.

>> No.562583
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Creepy early 3D thread?

>> No.562601
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>draw distances making a game creepier

>> No.562631

>You will never see them again.

>> No.562651

Interdasting. Its like early 3d lended itself very well for scary, horror games, because of how it looked

>> No.562665

>implying fps don't have harsh draw distances
Playing RO2 is impossible because of this. A sniper 200m away doesn't see the bush you are hiding inside. Fucking sucks

>> No.562674
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most horrifying enemy in vidya

>> No.562682
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I think a lot of it has to do with repeating geometry, blurriness, and poor draw distance. PS1 games could be horrifying because of this, even when they weren't necessarily supposed to be. Tenchu's a pretty good example of this.

>> No.562731

when things are more abstract/less detailed/polygonal your mind has to take over and sometimes plays tricks on you, much like how people sometimes see 'shadow people'

its the vagueness combined with the emptiness.

>> No.562759

i think that's why I liked the original pokemon games but not the ones after. The sprites were so vague you could kind project onto them.

>> No.562824

>DK island is completely barren, devoid of anybody but you, and a bunch of bees and beavers trying to kill you

A lot of games, even modern games, are like this. Even TV shows, movies and books... you just have to temporarily suspend disbelief and not think about it too much otherwise most forms of media degrade and stop being fun.

>> No.562828

Plus you had plenty of dark undertones masked by childhood innocence and happiness. I also love the pixel/sprite artwork for the originals too.

>> No.562830

what game?

>> No.562838

>otherwise most forms of media degrade and stop being fun.
On the contrary, this just makes it more fun

>> No.562841

>ctrl + f
>"uncanny valley"

Look that up OP. The more realistic 3d combined with tech limitations makes the characters just seem...off

It's really common with 3d animation. They don't look like cartoons, but they don't look entirely real either

>> No.562843
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This game had a lot of that.

>> No.562863
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My mom bought me that game because the case looked like pic related and she thought it was hilarious.
But, yeah I never liked playing it because it was kinda creepy.

>> No.562894

The difference between the two is that DK was an open world that you could explore in. CoD knows that it doesn't have much to it beyond the hallways, so they restrict you to that hallway.

DK64 didn't seem to know.

>> No.562904


But OP's hugbox is broken, he needs some other means of preventing overstimulation such as reposting shitty threads.

>> No.562907


Looks like Shadowgate 64

>> No.562918

thank you for reminding me also

>> No.563146

No it doesn't matter if it's open world, or if it's even a video game. There's only so much depth you can write into a story. Maybe it was more obvious for older games but newer games have that seem eerie "feel" to them.

Yeah I basically agree. It's only when you fail to realize that most forms of media are inherently "empty" (if that make sense) that it will bother you.

>> No.563185
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Yes this game was empty as hell. I think the occasional enemy robot made it feel even more isolated.

Persona 1 wasn't a fully explorable 3d environment, but it turned hospitals and schools into oddly labyrinthine-like mazes. Completely empty of course.

>> No.563186

It is.

>> No.563205

I know what you mean and I think this is the only reason people still find System Shock 2 frightening

>> No.563262

Yeah, yeah it kinda does.In cod you're being taken on what basically amounts to a roller coaster, and if you immerse yourself in it, you end up more preoccupied with the guy with the AK that's shooting at you rather than the world itself. Not true in DK. In DK, even if you get immersed, you still can't shake the inescapable fact that there's just nothing to the world.

Also, multiplayer never feels that way, and that's usually what people play the games for.

>> No.563269


The developers definitely used that to their advantage. SS2 trumps Bioshock's atmosphere with a lot less.

>> No.563305


I think that aspect of it improved the atmosphere though.

>> No.563306

Sometimes it felt like it had to be intentional, there's no way nobody noticed how odd dire, dire docks was.

>> No.563309

a lot of it has to do with the sound. things tend to have an echo to them in older games that lends itself to creepiness.

case in point: this game's audio freaked me out as a kid, and it's pretty much the least creepy game ever.

>> No.563326

Meant to post jolly roger bay

>> No.563350

The other Bugs Bunny game's music freaked me out as a kid. The one that was more like LodeRunner

>> No.563365

Unintentional creepiness is one of my favorite things to discuss and even I think you're posting this way too often.

>> No.563370

That's not an echo though. That's a musical design concept where they used two square waves to generate the same sound, to give the impression of an echo or reverb. Sometimes they use it for dual harmonies, which was often the case.

>> No.563407

Dude, in practical use, it's an echo. Why even bother trying to correct him?

>> No.563458
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well looky what we got here, sum kinda fancy pancy sound designer

>> No.563474
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>Tenchu Stealth Ass

>> No.563479
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>> No.563484
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>> No.563504


The wampa's in this game used to scare the shit outta me. Few times was so overwhelmed I shut the game off.

>> No.563515

Pehaps he should make an epic meme caption and zoom in on his face while cropping out "STEALTH ASS"! It would be so funny, I will show it to my pierce!

>> No.563523

>Stealth Ass
Best mom.

>> No.563587


I wanted this game so hard that I had dreams about it. When I did get it, it was fucking rad.

>> No.563608

could never beat Boba Fett while in his ship on a setting higher than easy

>> No.563648

I never finished Tomb Raider 1 for this reason

>be like 10-11 sitting in dark attic
>walking around this huge open area in game
>can't see shit
>GIANT FUCKING T-REX runs out of the wall of black fog 5 feet in front of me

>> No.563667

I always thought CoD was pretty bad because of how predictable it was. If there was a real war going on there wouldn't be guys popping out of windows at pre-defined intervals waiting for you to kill enough until suddenly that last guy you killed removed the enemy's entire presence in that part of the level. CoD might be worse than other shooters because it is designed to be immersive whereas some shooters are designed to be fun with less immersion.

And like I said it's not limited to video games. Books and movies have that same flaw or empty feeling. Although it seems like the larger series are worse off -- like star wars seems more empty than single one-off movies because you expect more from something like star wars and less from a smaller movie, especially if it's a comedy or something. So yeah I guess I can understand open worlds being more susceptible to being "empty" but CoD isn't really the best counter to this and I think it's still pervasive in video games, and all media, regardless of genre.

>> No.563718
File: 19 KB, 320x240, demo_medievil3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. Best example for me was Medievil for the PS1.

>> No.563749

I remember being able to look forward to games that much...so many Zelda dreams...

>> No.563773

Ah, Shadows of the Empire. One of my personal favorites on the N64, too bad it's impossible to properly emulate. Anyone know where I can get the PC version?

>> No.563775


>> No.563785
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Son, do you even realistic military sim? Saying COD equates to realistic depiction of the battlefield is like comparing Tango and Cash to modern day police work.

This whole thread is aspie as fuck, early 3D appears barren because you traded bells and whistles (active animation making a world believable) for core features like fighting animations or playable frames.

Majora's Mask is incredibly small compared to other games in their play areas so they could craft a more believable (and active) world. Without stripping the feature-set they had or performance.

Want to bitch about barren worlds? Blame lazy gamedevs and existing technology at the time.

tl;dr OP belongs on /x/ getting scared of his own shadow.

>> No.563794

He said immersive, not realistic.

>> No.563804 [DELETED] 
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>Complaining about aspies
Pretty amusing.

>> No.563812
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>Saying COD equates to realistic depiction of the battlefield is like comparing Tango and Cash to modern day police work.

>> No.563814

Unsettled? Not really. Just bored.

>> No.563823

Even on re-releases of games that had it. They'll do something like remove the fog that limits your view because 2spooky for modern audiences.

>> No.563856
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>game about modern day battlefield
>complains that enemies are pop-up targets

Realism would be the immersing factor here.

Sage for off-topic.

>> No.563869
File: 35 KB, 513x445, dragon_view_triforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Dragon View?

>> No.563893

I never got a creepy feel from Medievil for some reason.

>> No.563918


>> No.563927


Because it was a comedy game, not supposed to be spooky.

>> No.563940

This has nothing to do with uncanny valley, early 3D didn't look human at all.

>> No.563970

>that's not an echo
>it's an echo, or reverb

>> No.563974

The same thing happened with Pokemon.

RBYGSC were all really melancholy, and then it was all super funtime friendship adventures. And that's largely attributed to the hardware. The feeling it gives off and all

>> No.563985
File: 1.09 MB, 1021x738, you're not perfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought this game was creepy. It just gets infinitely more creepier though when you discover cartridge tilting. To do it in an emulator, just save a save state while playing super mario 64 and load that save state when you're emulating another game.

>> No.563986

Way to miss the point.
Not surprising.

>> No.563995

You're retarded.

>> No.564019
File: 1.17 MB, 1021x738, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.564027

There was this game for the PS1 called Ghoul Panic, I think, one of those G-con games. It was meant to be kind of playfully creepy but something about it just disturbed the hell out of me. Same think with Medieval and Akuji the Heartless.

>> No.564042
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0 minutes in paint

>> No.564045

The only games that cause me to get unsettled like that are the N64 Zelda games but those were fucked up in general. Still can't believe Nintendo did not get in trouble from angry parents when those came out.

>> No.564056

>more creepier

>> No.564057
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I'm 25 and I grew up with early-3D, so I can't relate at all. In fact, old 3D (especially PS1-era 3D) is pure, fuzzy, warm nostalgia to me and I never feel creeped out by it.

>> No.564078
File: 1.12 MB, 1006x850, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-1 minutes in paint

>> No.564085

I'm 24 and I do get the uncanny.
But I admit it's also very nostalgic too.

>> No.564108

all the years of punching bricks and jumping abnormally high have ground down all his limbs like a Nintendo 64 joystick

>> No.564114
File: 40 KB, 499x399, dreamweavers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream Weavers homeworld in Spyro 1 spooked the bones off of me when I was younger. A lot of Spyro did, but Dream weavers seems to come to mind more often when thinking of creepy Spyro places.

>> No.564142


It just doesn't freak me out like it does younger gamers. I just accept it with no problems for what it is because I remember when that level of 3D was still cutting edge and impressive, so I can still value it even though it's so outdated. There's people that get the jeeblies over Namco Museum Vol. 1, but that place relaxes me like no other.

I don't want to sound insulting, but it's like there's a lot of people born too late to really remember what passed for good graphics before PS2 and XBawx (you can be too young to remember PS1 and N64 but still be old enough to browse here), so when they look back at old 3D, they're a bit spoiled so they get creeped out.

>> No.564143

I'm 20 and i was still creeped out by it.

>> No.564148

Beast makers did it for me, parents throwing their kids, being slapped by frogs, people charging at you to their death etc...

>> No.564162

That's because when you were old enough to play video games the Playstation 2 was nearly up and about.

>> No.564163

Nah, I'm pretty sure you're the one who's mentally moronic enough to contradict himself in the same fucking sentence.

>> No.564167

For me the creepy in early 3D games comes from the lack of a real structured world. Once you get past the small section you're isolated in, you realize that there's absolutely nothing else out there. There is nowhere for you to go, and no one else to talk to beyond the few npcs. It's a kind of claustrophobia I think. A realization that inside that game, that's it. You're trapped and not getting out. Kind of a meta fear of being in the game.

I've since gotten past it, but I refused to play 3D games for a few months because of it.

>> No.564176

How comes there are stars underground?

>> No.564196

Not even close. I was playing super nintendo when i was 5.

>> No.564213

Always get the feeling from the original Spyro. It's some lonely, distant world with psychadelic landscapes and not a friend for miles. The backgrouds stretch out forever in every direction and the pits are bottomless.

>> No.564215

It was a very lonely game. I can see why they put so many NPCs in later Mario games.

>> No.564228

King's Field games on ps1 were unsetling, and not becase of the monsters.

>> No.564231

Ever played Kula World?
That game is all kinds of messed up.

>> No.564262

The great thing about the N64 Zeldas, is that they get that dark fairy tale atmosphere just right. The later games either tried to be full on epic, or full on quirky.

>> No.564265

I was sort of hoping this kind of thread would stay far away in /v/ due to it proving as a reminder that I'm getting to old to be in the main demographic.

>> No.564413

Yeah and more anime-like.

>> No.564904

Never fear, your backlog is here.

>> No.565926

Examples? If you use an emulator you increase draw distance etc because of better hardware but I don't think there's a legitimate concern that it's "too scary" when they re-release old games...

>> No.565973

CoD is designed to be immersive, not realistic. Youtube some old CoD interviews or watch some old tech tv video game reviews.

Also great job completely missing the point etc.

>> No.566056

Please return to /v/.

>> No.566070

The levels in early 3D games are essentially big empty playgrounds. SM64 in particular was just like

>Theme: Rock, ice, water, fire, etc.
>Put some fucking platforms in there
>I don't fucking know, stars or some shit

That said, the only thing remotely creepy about that game is the music for Big Boo's Haunt. Fuck that song.

>> No.566092


I never really listened to it until now. It's pretty cool.

>> No.566106

I find it more interesting than creepy.

>> No.566124

>For me the creepy in early 3D games comes from the lack of a real structured world. Once you get past the small section you're isolated in, you realize that there's absolutely nothing else out there. There is nowhere for you to go, and no one else to talk to beyond the few npcs.

This right here a million times. Even procedurally generated stuff (like indie games) or huge games like skyrim do this to me. It's not that I feel trapped like you said it's just I realize "that's it", even if there is more stuff in the game it's just so incredibly... empty.

Even in the very beginning a game will feel this way, although originally I would realize this after I had played the game and was maybe hoping for a sequel.

>> No.566149

Oh shut up. Seriously you're too immature to be on this board if you're going to do that.

>> No.566157

I get that feeling when I first start playing, but once the music kicks in that feeling is totally gone.

>> No.566175


Do you honestly know why you're saying that? I dislike Call of Duty, but that's because I've played a few CoD games and found it lacking in comparison to other first-person shooters. Did Game Overthinker tell you that the CoD franchise is Satan and a turd all in one, so now you sperg out whenever somebody even mentions it?

>> No.566185


It's because it builds atmosphere and the nightmarish creatures you fight have an origin that announces itself in their sound and appearance.

That's what horror is supposed to be about, rather than jump scares.

>> No.566203
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>> No.566215

Well no shit they. The atmosphere in those is presented in a way to make you feel unsettled and alone.

>> No.566253



Never played it, but I see exactly what you mean.

>those skellingtons
>those ghosts
>that mood lighting
>all the flashing

Was originally arcade I think, but played at night in your room it would get really unsettling.

>> No.566284

the problem with RO2 isn't the draw distance, it is the fact that it can be tampered with and stuff like fog can be modified and removed giving players an unfair advantage. If everyone had the same fixed draw distance it wouldn't be such a problem in that game.

>> No.566317
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It took me a while to understand what OP is saying, but I think I get it. It was described in a YouTube video once, with a 2D platformer it's a pure game and you're a distant observer, but with a 3D game it's more of an immersive experience and you feel like you're the character. Given how artificial/claustrophobic the world in games like SM64 look, it's not really the kind of place I would want to be, so it can sometimes give off a nightmarish vibe I guess.

Thankfully this improved with later generations when we got prettier games like Sunshine.

>> No.566374
File: 233 KB, 640x480, Leuchtturm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note, did anyone else used to fly to the very top of Treasure Trove Cove and beak buster all the way down? It really feels like you're on a free fall ride.

>> No.566378


That fucking picture made me take a deep breath and shiver. I forgot how terrifying that thing was when I was a kiddywink. Wasn't there a big huge whale or something as well? I hate swimming in big underwater areas in games. Freaks me the fuck out.

>> No.566528
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>Wasn't there a big huge whale or something as well?

Nope, nothing like that. You might be thinking of Dorrie

>> No.566562
File: 191 KB, 629x342, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either that or he's thinking of clanker

>> No.566608


I think I'm just thinking of the big lizard thing. I remember seeing it from a long way away and being a little freaked out, and then having to get close to it for whatever reason and almost fucking dying.

>> No.566648

The funny thing is I dont know if he's mad because he thinks I'm saying something good about CoD or because he thinks I'm saying something bad about it (people apparently get mad if you do either). My comment was completely neutral and just relevant to the post I was responding to.

Also I was referring to the older CoD games, still not retro, but cause that's when they were putting lots of emphasis on things like bullet shells hitting the ground, people yelling at you, and extra "details" like that which were supposed to immerse you into the game (the idea was to take you along with the game as another poster said). Today this is completely normal but back then they were one of the first, or at least the loudest about pioneering that type of game play cause that's what they would say in every freaking interview on TV back then...

>> No.570060
File: 41 KB, 768x576, Not Perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not perfect

>> No.570072

u dont have 2 b bb :')

>> No.570141



It was also eerie as fuck if you flew to high

>> No.570158


>> No.572491

Shit, I came to /vr/ to ask how was called this game, thank you guys.

>> No.572548

I don't get it, Medievil had amazing draw distance.

Tomb Raider 1 and 2 cannot be bested for this topic, that huge black void was the reason even things like the main shaft in St. Francis' were so incredibly scary.

>> No.572545

As a kid I used to bserve hyrules market in oot. It was then when Inoticed that every npc had the same movements and patterns.
I stared at the happy couple dancing on the same pot. The townfolk doing the same arm movements over and over... I suddenly felt lonely