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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 147 KB, 800x553, 1559308144271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5663309 No.5663309 [Reply] [Original]

What's the matter trainer?

>> No.5663313

Go back to your containment board little nigger

>> No.5664793

Word of advice, this isn't /v/, we discourage joke posts that just consist of someone posting a well-known quote from a game with little else. This board is slow, and low-quality posts tend to hang around clogging things up for a day or two.

>> No.5665005

>le serious bussines

>> No.5666203

don't be a retard, OP just wants there to be a Pokemon Stadium thread.
let's talk about 2's soundtrack, probably the most nostalgic game soundtrack for me

>> No.5666206

>same thread with same text and same image as the last one, right after it disappears from the catalog
No. This is gayer than a general. Wait a week or two.

>> No.5666216
File: 52 KB, 400x300, 1539554581791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off gatekeeping autistic faggot. go to another thread if you don't like this one

>> No.5666448

fuck this thread

>> No.5667593
File: 1.83 MB, 360x270, Get me out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't use any of my pokemon because they aren't in the new game's regional dex

Why can't we just get another stadium game.

>> No.5668025
File: 3.88 MB, 500x282, 1555569640506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5668046

>stop talking about retro games on /vr/!

>> No.5668153

>Pokemon fanbase finally stopped sucking the gamefreak dick and realized the main games are terrible
I'm glad it finally happened. People are unironically spamming SOUL and posting pokemon stadium gifs all over the internet now

>> No.5668162

Don't let this shitty website twist your perception

>> No.5668163

Back to on-topic...
Any tips for R2 prime cup if I want to unlock Surf Pikachu?

>> No.5668197

Using your own pokemon or rentals?

>> No.5668758

What would be the best moveset for Poliwrath on Stadium 1?

>> No.5668770

I cant imagine what he would use. Fighting type with no good fighting moves. Water type with low special. I guess try some sort of hypnosis crap but thats the worst sleep move. Maybe Body Slam, doubleteam, earthquake, rest. Spam double team and then body slam for paralysis. Earthquake for any electric types. Use rest if something actually hits you.

>> No.5669037

it's not going to work if you use rental, all the pokemon have to come from your cart

>> No.5670012

If thats the case go for a max coverage Tauros, Starmie, and Zapdos. Those 3 can deal with absolutely everything. Biggest issue with be evasive pokemon

>> No.5670361

Just use Mewtwo and tear through it. Otherwise you're probably gonna get raped in the final round because Pikachu is wasting a slot on your team.

>> No.5671338
File: 421 KB, 640x360, Attack Animations in Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Let's Go Ee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shamelessly stolen from plebbit
Soul vs Soulless
I'm not sorry

>> No.5671351

i know it's been said 1000 times but this is fucking unacceptable. not to mention the various ways they made the mainline games even easier. i briefly owned Omega Ruby before i sold my 3DS and got bored so fast because of dumb shit like every pokemon in your party getting exp for every battle

>> No.5671571

that guy is completely right though. yes the game is retro, but that doesn't mean this thread is any good. it's /v/-tier tripe. and /vr/ is too slow of a board to have autistic faggots spamming generals for shit that belongs on /vp/. And don't even compare this retarded thread to the doom general because that's totally different.

>> No.5671691

>Stop talking about Pokemon guys!

>> No.5671747

We have a Pokemon board. Go talk about Pokemon there.

>> No.5671795

Which rule says we can't talk about retro pokemon games on /vr/?

>> No.5671802
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, big_1496148706_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you been to /vp/? a stadium thread wouldn't last 2 posts without HUHUHUH MUH GENWUN shitposting and furfaggotry
congratulations for being just as autistic on the other end of the spectrum so we can't discuss stadium anywhere on 4chan

>> No.5671807

It's not my fault that you Pokéspergs are all autistic and amongst the worst fanbases in videogames. We wouldn't need a Pokéshit containment board if you guys weren't cancerous shitposting fuckheads.

>> No.5671872


>> No.5671876

Y'all are the furries of the videogame world. You didn't know? That's why everyone else hates you.

>> No.5671905
File: 7 KB, 150x150, 1e353w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still sperging
i'm not even a big pokemon fan, i just have fond memories of playing stadium as a kid - the discussion of such things is the fundamental purpose of this board
you are likely just another underage summerfag looking for (you)s. you and your ilk killed this board years ago. fuck yourself

>> No.5671914

If you weren't a Pokemon fan you wouldn't be this upset right now. Anyways,
Nobody likes your shit games but you.

>> No.5671935

So far all the Pokemon threads haven't been nearly as cancerous as the detractors claim them to be, in fact it all comes down to "i don't like Pokemon, take your shit somewhere else"

>> No.5672472

I'm 100% convinced the guy complaining is from plebbit and-or /v/ and is making assumptions about this board's attitude after witnessing the big controversy stuff going on. So rather than hide the thread because they're just that damn triggered they want to come here and be annoying.

>> No.5673612

It's true. I tried to talk about Pokemon Stadium a couple times on /vp/ and it was shit.

>> No.5674195

Didn't Poliwrath had access to Amnesia in gen 1?

>> No.5675093

Oh yeah I think he did. I guess spam it 4 times and sweep everything using surf. He can still get blownout by a type advantage before getting a chance to charge however.

>> No.5676647

This is just sad

>> No.5678567

Did you just assume a Pokemon gender?

>> No.5680539

>Oh, is it down and out?

>> No.5682067

>Y'all are the furries of the videogame world
Nope, that's Sonic's fandom

>> No.5683924


>> No.5684205

Just let the thread die. When people want to talk about it again they will

>> No.5684274

I'll talk about it because you bumped the thread and brought it to my attention, friend.

This game is way too easy if you use a Mewtwo with Amnesia. Even R-2 was kinda easy, even though the CPUs sometimes cheat.

>> No.5684312

Stadium 1: 150 Pokemon, 100 or so moves.
Whatever we're up to now: 807 Pokemon, 700 or so moves.


>> No.5684423

>Stadium 1: 150 Pokemon, 100 or so moves.
That was the second Pokemon Stadium game. In Japan, there was one before that where you could only use about a third of the Pokemon since they didn't have time to animate all 150 (their models are all done and viewable in the Pokedex, but there just wasn't time to finish the battle animations for them).

>> No.5684453

The newest game only has 160 pokemon. Thats why people are so upset. In the past it was forgivable but now its not a handheld title for the gameboy/DS/3DS. Its on a "real" console now and they couldn't be bothered to animate anything at all.

>> No.5684972 [DELETED] 

I've been replaying Crystal after I bought a GBC link cable. The game is a lot better when you can trade to your gen 1 games to evolve your Pokemon either through trading or just using a stone in Kanto. (Seriously why were they so stingy with evolution stones in gen 2?) Pokemon distribution still sucks major balls but at least I can play this closer to the way the developers intended which is cool. I've been trying not to rush and instead just exploring every area and just trying to catch different Pokemon. Gen 2 is a lot better when done that way.

Right now I'm leveling up to take on the Pokemon League and this is my current team:

Typhlosion with Fire Punch, Thunderpunch, Smokescreen and Quick Attack

Alakazam with Psychic, Ice Punch, Thunder Wave and Recover

Quagsire with Surf, Ice Punch, Strength and Earthquake

Venusaur with Razor Leaf, Headbutt, Sleep Powder and Leech Seed

Also have Suicune and Tentacruel as damage sponges/sacrifices for Lance.

When I get to the next half of the game I plan to dump my team and start all over with

>> No.5684983

I've been replaying Crystal after I bought a GBC link cable. The game is a lot better when you can trade to your gen 1 games to evolve your Pokemon either through trading or just using a stone in Kanto. (Seriously why were they so stingy with evolution stones in gen 2?) Pokemon distribution still sucks major balls but at least I can play this closer to the way the developers intended which is cool. I've been trying not to rush and instead just exploring every area and just trying to catch different Pokemon. Gen 2 is a lot better when done that way.

Right now I'm leveling up to take on the Pokemon League and this is my current team:

Typhlosion with Fire Punch, Thunderpunch, Smokescreen and Quick Attack

Alakazam with Psychic, Ice Punch, Thunder Wave and Recover

Quagsire with Surf, Ice Punch, Strength and Earthquake

Venusaur with Razor Leaf, Headbutt, Sleep Powder and Leech Seed

Also have Suicune and Tentacruel as damage sponges/sacrifices for Lance.

When I get to the next half of the game I plan to dump my team and start all over with a brand new team.

>> No.5686628

Cool, i'm on my way on beating the Kanto gyms on Pokemon Gold, already have four badges

>> No.5687981

it's times like this i'm glad i got out when i did. i can't imagine how salty i would've been if i found out that i couldn't use any pokemon from the previous games.

>> No.5688106

Especially when the game designers legitimately wanted people to grind for weeks to make a single team. Some people have invested tens of thousands of hours into curating all their pokemon. Now its all about to go down the drain.

>> No.5688130

Honestly, starting a new file using Pokemon Stadium as your personal pokemon bank is comfy as fuck. Great for sorting out items and stuff too.
Can't imagine playing the game without Stadium now. And the best part is, once I'm done with the GB game, I continue using my mons on the cups in 3D.

>> No.5688218

I must have restarted my GB game a dozen times when I found out I could store them all on the N64 cart. I used a gameshark to force mew to appear but for some reason it only worked for my starter. So I had to restart the game if I wanted multiples.