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5660742 No.5660742 [Reply] [Original]

Is it beatable going in blind?

>> No.5660743 [DELETED] 

Yeah but you'll wander around a hell of a lot and it's absolutely vital to keep the things the clues givers say at the front of your mind at all times.

>> No.5660758

It depends entirely whether you figure out that you can bomb walls on the overworld.

>> No.5660765

Yes. A walkthrough helps but see how far you can get blind before resorting to one. At least try and visit every overworld tile before giving in.

>> No.5660849

No, it's full of obtuse puzzles and artificial difficulty

>> No.5660867

Yeah, but honestly there's better uses of your time than spending 45 minutes per screen trying to burn every tree with the candle. The dungeons are absolutely doable blind.

>> No.5660872

Not really. As long as you write shtt down you should be fine and outside one or two exception every dungeon is merely a matter if pushing blocks, bombing walls and killing enemies.

>> No.5660879

Just don't forget to get good.

>> No.5660893

depends on if you want to spend forever trying to bomb random walls and trees.

>> No.5660902

I just print out a map before playing

>> No.5660926

Besides bombing random walls and trees, are there any -official- ways of finding out which tiles to bomb? Are there worthwhile clues in the official manual, for example?

>> No.5660952

No, some of the hidden shit you have to blow up or burn looks just like the other 1,000 bush sprites in the game. So you have to waste hours bombing/burning every possible one and with that one candle IIRC it only lets you use it once per screen, so you have to burn a bush, nothing happens, leave the screen, come back, try the next one, repeat 50 times.

>> No.5661053
File: 319 KB, 985x1477, Vicky_Pollard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the crying and bitching in this thread is so high, let us discuss how many bomb- and candlespots are crucial to beating the game.
As far as I can remember there is 1 candle- and 1 bombspot needed to actually finish the game, which are at the very end so you will have gained maximum experience with its mechanics... and the npcs give you help for these puzzles.
How is finding 20 rubles or a secret shop in any way neccessary other than boosting the progress a marginal bit, even the heart pieces don't make you magically better vs darknuts and pushing Blocks in dungeons. Why is this always the issue with this game for people?

>> No.5661071
File: 53 KB, 600x315, matt-lucas-600x315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding the different swords also doesn't need any bombs or candles. You don't need the Power bracelet to progress. The game forces you to learn that you can bomb walls and push blockd in certain dungeons. The one candlespot is so different than anything else in the game that you would be stupid not to try it (what is the only material on the map that burns). The map isn't that big that you won't remember a good chunk after an hour of playing.
The game shows you that there are heart Containers you can collect in the overworld (ladder), and combined with the reqirements for swords you should start thinking there are more hidden.

Many of these things are just common sense or actually designed well (enough) to push the player into the right direction, anyone bitching about the secret is just an ultra completionautist-faggot who can't get behind that games don't give you everything for free like the pandering shit you have today.

Also, it is well established in "videogame culture" that zelda can bomb walls and burn stuff for secrets, how can anyone be suprised by this nowadays unless you are 8... Uuuuh woow he can use a boomerang who would have thought.

>> No.5661096

>even the heart pieces don't make you magically better

The more hearts you have got, the faster you can get better swords. You could get the white sword prior to Level 1 and you the magical sword prior to Level 5.

>> No.5661126 [SPOILER] 
File: 304 KB, 754x980, 1560532317892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about just don't do this if you don't feel like it? Are you really such an unbelievably fucking stupid brainlet that you can't figure out what to do in pic-related? Literally nothing else you find in bombed caves or burned bushes is necessary to beat the game.

The fact is, dropping a bomb or burning a bush now and then as you play through the game takes very little additional time and effort, and if you do that you'll find some optional rewards like money, convenient shop, or a heart container.

This is easily one of the dumbest memes ever I really can't imagine how much of a retard someone has to be to complain about this.

>> No.5661132

By the time you need to burn a bush to progress, you have the red candle.

By the time you need to bomb a wall to progress, you should have 16 bombs.

Both of these 'secrets' are fairly easy to find in the context of the game and how the screen is designed.

If you find yourself burning every bush and bombing every wall at the onset of the game, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5661141

Yeah but there are enough hearts to get the magical sword by Level-7 even without finding the hidden ones in the overworld.
Basically if you are a shitter who can't make it through Level 6 without the Magical Sword, then you can go poking around in the overworld looking for upgrades until you think you can handle it.
Getting the White Sword before Level-4 is something you do on replays because it's fun to play again knowing where everything is. Those first 3 dungeons are obviously designed to be beaten with the wood sword. If you were intended to have the white sword before Level-3 why even bother having those Zol enemies split into Gels?

>> No.5661149

I'll typically do level 1 with the wooden sword because farming for rupees to get bombs or a candle isn't fun. Then I pick up the heart in the mountain to get the white sword prior to level 2.

>> No.5661174

>Those first 3 dungeons are obviously designed to be beaten with the wood sword.

You needed five hearts to have the white sword, unless you skip a heart upgrade after killing the boss, you are able to get the white sword before Level 3.

Having to stab red darknuts five times should be the first waking call a player has that maybe it is not a good idea for them to start with Level 3 or skip either Level 1 or Level 2 after doing one or the other. That is for the 2nd Quest.

I forgot if you can get to Level 2 in the 2nd Quest with the white sword. Two heart containers need the whistle. But if you are hardcore, you can get the one from the graveyard, before or after you beat Level 1.

>> No.5661184

Playing an adventure and exploration-based game with a guide is the epitomy of idiocy. It's like reading a mystery novel with a spoiler list so that you can consult it anytime you notice that you don't know something about the plot.

>> No.5661196
File: 124 KB, 520x466, 1292123500755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when has /vr/ gone casual?

>> No.5661223

100% yes. I did so a few years ago and it was my first time playing it. Granted I had some knowledge of general mechanics from playing Link to the Past, but I think everyone has played at least one zelda before. Like >>5660872 said just write the fucking hints down. I also graphed out the later dungeons on paper to keep track of which walls I had already tried bombing

Isn't spectacle rock the only time you NEED to do this? I don't know how you would possibly be on that screen, knowing that spectacle rock was important, and not figure that out.

All the stuff you are referencing is optional like extra hearts. The only dungeon that requires burning a bush is """hidden""" in a bush you'd want to burn anyway to use that path as a shortcut. Found that naturally before I was even on that dungeon

>> No.5661234

I usually can get a drop of bombs from the blue octorocs along the coast in the first 4-5 minutes. Moblins in the forest also drop them a lot.

>> No.5661259

>you are able to get the white sword before Level 3.
Right at this point it's a question of whether you've even found that first old man yet. Level-3 has the hint about where to find him.
This also assumes you've even beaten Level-2, which I hadn't on my first playthrough. I did Level-3 before Level-1 because I hasn't found Level-2 yet (was playing a rental and the map + manual had been lost/stolen).
>Having to stab red darknuts five times should be the first waking call a player has
You only have to kill Darknuts to get the raft. You can easily beat the boss using bombs. And hitting an enemy 5 times didn't seem crazy then. They're sturdy-looking knights, it makes sense they'd be hard to kill.

>> No.5661334

OP it should be, just probably would miss a few things. Honestly if I was good at drawing I'd do the autistic thing and map it out (like fuck, I wouldn't mind if the game had some sort of map feature that only revealed what was discovered, gonna be honest). I completed a good chunk of this game without any guides or anything else a while ago. I should probably try again, it's been long enough I only remember the first sections.

>> No.5661394 [DELETED] 

Disregard this, anon is a faggot zoomer. Once you realize there’s only one entrance allowed per screen it, it’s pretty easy. Bomb obvious spots.

>> No.5661512
File: 155 KB, 521x587, Screenshot_20190614-140813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I played this recently for the first time, and dungeon 6 was the only real hurdle in the game. It was fun, engaging, and a good challenge.

So many whiny babies in this thread that don't know that games are supposed to be somewhat difficult.

I think my playthrough was about 20 hours total, not exactly a huge amount of time. I got frustrated and quit here and there, but always came back with a new found vigor and found progression.

>> No.5661532

Those pics it is obvious what to burn/bomb. The problem is after you learn that it works once, then you have to inevitably try it on every other bush or else how will you ever know where is a secret and where there is not? Obviously some are going to be more hidden and cryptic than this example but you will never know until you try every single one. Going in blind you will not know if it is not necessary to beat the game.

>> No.5661539

>All the stuff you are referencing is optional like extra hearts.

To someone going in blind they won't know this.

>> No.5661554

Blame the direction the Zelda series took since ALTTP (yeah I know, the vast majority of games in the series). More linear, more cinematic and explanatory, and overall easier in difficulty, people got used to them, not to this.

>> No.5661578

The game just isn't fun without a guide in some from though (either friends or an actual guide). If you go in completely blind, a lot of time WILL be spent wandering around the same areas trying random things until you progress (and this isn't a question of skill or IQ, it's how the game is designed)

>> No.5661585

Mainly why OoT sucks. So much time wasted just walking back and forth across boring and completely empty Hyrule Field. There's really not even enemies even. It's there just to waste 2 minutes of your time every time you need to back track to get an item, buy something, or do something else. yes yes horse, but kid Link still has to walk it.

>> No.5661592

This. Also all the "anti-whiners" in this thread are completely neglecting that hindsight is 20/20 and of course it's obvious to them, the locations are ingrained in their memory, just like programming and technical stuff is natural for me due to studying it for a long time, but for an old grandma it might seem insurmountably difficult.

Point: playing Zelda for the first time today, completely blind, you'd probably be frustrated. There's no way to know that there's just two mandatory bombing places as an example, nor where they are

>> No.5661605

If by blind, you mean no prior knowledge of Zelda or any of the mechanics it popularized, in addition to lacking what game with the game, no.
If by blind you just mean never played but played other Zelda games, it is perfectly beatable.

>> No.5661621

>The problem is after you learn that it works once, then you have to inevitably try it on every other bush or else how will you ever know where is a secret and where there is not?
Your autism is not a problem with the game.
The intended/correct answer to this is that you
>To someone going in blind they won't know this
This is not relevant, so long as there is someplace new to explore and some new challenge to attempt.
Suppose you have just beaten Level-4. You obtained the ladder, which unlocks the entire northern and western portions of the map (which were technically accessible already if you solved the forest maze). There are new enemies over there (Lionels and Ghosts), and a challenging dungeon level that is just sitting out in the open (Level-6). The power bracelet is hidden over there, though NOT in a bombed-cave, which grants access to warps. You'll probably find the Level-8 burned bush around this point.

So, the point is: you have shit to do. You have challenges to attempt, even if the difficulty is a little beyond what you're ready for. When you play, you can choose between exploring the world looking for Levels 5 and 7, and trying to beat Levels 6 or 8 (or at least finding the items inside, which include the Magic wand, book, and magic key).

If you manage to beat levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8; and STILL haven't figured out the mountain puzzle to get into Level-5, then yeah maybe you'll get a bit frustrated and start bombing everything and burning everything. But up until that point, you should have been able to search for Levels 5 and 7 in-between attempts to be 6 and 8. Presumably you'll have taken trips to the shop to replenish medicine or to replace your magic shield. Or just needed a break from dying to Wizrobes so you explored a bit. You should never have been in a situation where the ONLY thing you could do was repetitively bomb everything in site hoping that held the secret.

>> No.5661624

>The game just isn't fun without a guide
Zelda 1 broke my adventure game virginity and had lots of fun figuring things out. In fact it was this game when I realized problem solving gets me going.

>> No.5661628

You are assuming that the player going in BLIND will know EXACTLY which spots are and are not vital to bomb

>> No.5661634

Yeah I guess, you might need to dick around for some shit but as long as you're thorough in exploring every area of the map you'll eventually find everything. Except the entrance to the last dungeon of course, you'll either find that on accident or not at all.

>> No.5661635

I beat this game blind and I'm dumb as a brick. If I can do it you can.

>> No.5661648

Yes, but at that time you were a kid with nothing but time. Kids are very forgiving and have a very high tolerance for frustration and stupid shit in games, especially when they don't have a plethora of games to choose from.

My point is, trying to look at things objectively it is not a good design choice to have ANY normal looking section secretly be destructible and mandatory to destroy , because now the player can never be sure where he can or can not bomb, leading to a high amount of experimentation, which regardless of what you might think personally can not be regarded as what most people think is 'fun' in a game of this size

>> No.5661652

Objective answer: yes but it will be very boring, or require a very boring mind that thinks 'try everything on everything' is a fun mechanic

>> No.5661672

Every location that matters has clues, yes. Either from NPCs, the manual, or the room design.
The only things that don't are the two bonus heart containers that you don't need to finish the game.

>> No.5661679

I did it when i was 7 so you should be able to.

>> No.5661702

see: >>5661621
>Point: playing Zelda for the first time today, completely blind, you'd probably be frustrated. There's no way to know that there's just two mandatory bombing places as an example, nor where they are
It doesn't matter. The point is the game is designed so you probably aren't going to be so stuck that you need to do that, unless you're so autistic that you literally can't do dungeons out of order.

>> No.5661709

>You are assuming that the player going in BLIND will know EXACTLY which spots are and are not vital to bomb
I'm obviously not assuming that. Try gaining some reading comprehension.
Dropping a few bombs in-between dungeon-diving attempts with maybe a 15% success rate finding a secret is fine. You'll almost never be stuck doing nothing but sequentially bombing the entire map unless you go out of your way to do that.

>> No.5661714

The assertion people are disagreeing with is that the game cannot be beaten without candle/bomb sweeping every room, not that some players might decide to do that as an approach to the game because they weren't explicitly told not to.

>> No.5661834

no idea what you're supposed to bomb here, every wall looks the same.

>> No.5661860

The map literally came with the game.

>> No.5661865
File: 64 KB, 317x271, LittleBritain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does hindsight have to do with bottlenecking during progression you twat? The first logical process someone will go when getting stuck is
>hmm, nothing new in 15 Minutes... Have I maybe not seen something on the map yet
>uh... I had These points of interests I remember, like that weird Mountain that keeps repeating/ that exclusive lake without a fairy / those npcs that told me something... What was that all about, do I have an item that might help?
>hurrdurr been stuck for 15 Minutes, let's start autistically bombing and burning every pixel on each screen

By default the Player must have already found hidden places to assume this and saw that the payout never was real progress, just money/heart/shop/gambling/penalty.
Your argumentation is fucking stupid.

The crybabies are just bitching about knowing that there are more potential secrets that they are sure of they are on the map and MUST find all of them to please their disorder, it's raw autism. This is further fueled by hidden spots not having a clue like the bombable walls in alttp, or a handholding helper that plays the game for you
>Hey! Listen!

>> No.5661912

>that there are more potential secrets that they are sure of they are on the map and MUST find all of them
But this is the part I don't understand. I had that impulse as well on my first playthrough but it didn't take more than 30 minutes to bomb every wall/burn every bush. The overworld is tiny as fuck; there's only one type of wall that can be destroyed and you can test two at once, there's not that many forest screens because of death mountain eating up a huge chunk of the overworld, and there's always a max of one secret per screen. Combine it with the red candle and the two bomb upgrades and you're burning through secret real estate quickly enough.

>> No.5661918

Pretty much no, the point of the game was to have people exchange information and help each other. It was never intended to be beaten in a vacuum

>> No.5661949
File: 91 KB, 470x313, Eiji-Aonuma2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this game is unbeatable because those super bosses octoroks are on EVERY screen of the game I've ever seen, they're so impossible!

>> No.5661950
File: 80 KB, 936x622, 15034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon I agree, you can only bomb upwards which already eliminiates 80% of the screen, and you can check two at a time. Also don't forget that each screen has a maximum of one hidden entrance, surely after finding the 10th secret a player without mental issues will realize this.

>It was never intended to be beaten in a vacuum
First of all: citation needed. Where does shiggy speak of this?
Second: this argument can be made with any game ever made, what a nothing-saying statement. Furthermore, please show me those games where the developer said it has to be played in a vacuum.
>like, dude... like... you never are allowed to ever talk to anybody else about this game dude. Only vacuum gaming bra.

>inb4 vacuum simulator 2019
Oh fuck off you know what I mean

... All I hear is lazy excuses

>> No.5662098
File: 271 KB, 754x980, howdumbareyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to be clear, we are talking about the entrance to the last level of the game. If you make it to spectacle rock and still are too dumb to have noticed that you always place overworld bombs on south-facing walls, it make take you 10 bombs to find the entrance. Everyone who isn't a complete retard like you will find it in 1 or 2 bombs (up to 4 if they never learned that you can check 2 tiles at once by placing a bomb in between)

>> No.5662170

Didn't this guy not even realize you could cut grass in LttP? Or was the story he would ONLY cut grass and ignore the rest of the game?

>> No.5662192

>Second: this argument can be made with any game ever made, what a nothing-saying statement. Furthermore, please show me those games where the developer said it has to be played in a vacuum.
not that guy, but I've noticed a trend in the last decade or so of emphasizing "100% blind playthroughs" where you play a game without looking up anything about it online, sometimes with an implication that this hearkens back to the pre-internet days of gaming.

Personally I find this attitude can get a bit excessive, going beyond common sense spoilers Sephiroth kills Aeris and not following step-by-step walkthrough guides to find every item, into this realm of thinking people absolutely need to play a game entirely on their own without talking to anyone or looking up anything about it. There's this idea that looking up details about some random game mechanic on a wiki is an unforgivable spoiler.

I think that's why sometimes people take the trouble to dispel the myth that pre-internet gaming was always 100% blind just because you didn't have easy access to GameFaqs and Youtube.

>> No.5662197

You're making an awfully large leap in logic there that those two mounds of rock look like a pair of glasses. For one there are no frames so it really looks more like two huge tits than anything else.

>> No.5662212

>Is it beatable going in blind?
of course it is. did it when i was 7 or 8 years old. t. boomer

>> No.5662219
File: 102 KB, 1536x1056, level-1-surpluskeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'try everything on everything'
This depends heavily on the size of the list you get when you enumerate "everything."
In NES Zelda, due to the way the game is constructed this list is not actually as long as you might imagine it to be if you approach the game with a post-Ocarina mindset (or even a post-alttp mindset). This guy gets it: >>5661912
There are only 8 usable items plus your sword. The world is made up of a limited set of object types, and most of the mechanics are easily discovered and introduced gradually.

One of the great elements of Zelda 1's game design (that good game designers should take away as a lesson for their own games) is the way mechanics are introduced. Mechanics such as wall-bombing are available for the player to discover on their own WELL before they're required to progress. For example, you can optionally use bombs to get through the first level without using all your keys (which can be used in other dungeons in Z1).

>> No.5662221

>You're making an awfully large leap in logic there
no you are an idiot

>> No.5662261
File: 212 KB, 1600x1200, 1544423966801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nintendo never let us see oppai mountain

>> No.5662264

Oh yeah, I forgot about that other sage who gives you the clue "there is nothing out of the ordinary about tits rock"

>> No.5662353

the argument is kinda moot since there are rooms that are not shown in the map and the game never really "introduces" you to that mechanic, I spent a good while on level 7 because of this, trying to look for places to bomb to bypass dead ends, but it took me a good time to figure out that I had to bomb my way into a place that wasnt in the map

>> No.5662354

protip: if you discover that you can burn certain bushes and decide that you can't progress in the game until you have checked every one of the other 11000 bushes on the map for secret prizes, the problem is with your brain and not the video game.

>> No.5662409

There's a difference between "some other kid at school might have this game as well and would know what to do, also I read the answer to this puzzle in a game mag once" and "everything about this game is a google search away".

Yeah, maybe half your soccer team had Zelda 1 or something, but for the most part you didn't HAVE anyone to ask. As a kid we generally bought different games because you only got maybe 3 games a year and wasting one of those slots on one you could borrow from a friend if you wanted to play it that badly was dumb.

>> No.5662423

>tfw space babe zelda will never be a thing

>> No.5662483

Yes, though you'll really want to find one item in particular to make searching for passages on the overworld far less monotonous. I beat the game last month after playing it blind.

>> No.5662486 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 1024x1408, 1560569859232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the argument is kinda moot since there are rooms that are not shown in the map and the game never really "introduces" you to that mechanic
Incorrect, this mechanic appears as an optional one in Level-4. There's a very suspicious spot on the map in the middle of the snake's "coil." You can bomb any one of those walls to access the secret room, and those are the ONLY bombable walls in that entire level, which also introduces you to the other important rule which is that sometimes walls aren't bombable even if there's a room on the other side.

>> No.5662494

and if you want to explore this further, go analyze the first place where you walk through a wall in the 2nd quest. The game basically funnels you toward the one spot with the secret wall (which you'll probably try to bomb but will pass through the wall as you walk into it).

>> No.5662495

It still takes quite a while to burn everything with the Blue Candle. The Red Candle is a huge improvement.

>> No.5662515

>beatable going in blind?
No, because you won't be able to see anything.

>> No.5662738

What's a quick way to replenish hearts after you die in a dungeon? Early on it was fine but I'm in level 6 and wanting to kill myself because of those fucking wizzrobe niggers

>> No.5662748

Fairy fountains, duh.

>> No.5662780

of course guides and walkthroughs make this game playable

elitists can pretend going in blind and finding random spots to bomb and burn is fun gameplay, but the truth is games like these were designed to be frustrating leading you to dead-ends so you would call up Nintendo's 1-900 gaming tips hotline and spent like $5 or more each time you got stuck.

>> No.5662869

Spoken like a true zoomer

>> No.5662902
File: 5 KB, 211x239, u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spoken like a true zoomer
yeah, because a zoomer would even know what a 1-900 number is, let alone remember gamertip hotlines from the 80s and 90s

>> No.5662917
File: 2.32 MB, 6280x2353, The-Legend-of-Zelda-Instruction-Booklet-Bonus-Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the map that came with the game, yes.

>> No.5662994
File: 4 KB, 128x128, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its an established meme you dipshit, not like the ads have been posted 1000 times here already
>muh Nintendo hard
>>Spoken like a true zoomer
>yeah, because a zoomer would even know what a nintendo is, let alone remember zelda games from the 80s and 90s
See I can make up shit, too

>> No.5663076

there's a warp point right near Level-6 than can take you to a fairy pond (and back) if you have the power bracelet.
try actually playing the game before parroting meme opinions about it.

>> No.5663081

nobody used that shit.
you did have Nintendo power but that was usually for cheats and exploits like the Konami code and infinite 1-ups in Super Mario Brothers, not how to cope with the basic scavenger-hunt gameplay in Zelda which is apparently too much for retards like you.

>> No.5663178

The manual also straight out tells you how to get to the the 1st dungeon and tells you where to find the 2nd, by that time you should already have a sense for how the game works and the map is there to help after.

By the time you exhaust all your dungeon options there's a chance you know about burning suspicious bushes and accidentaly discover wall bombing. My biggest issue with the game is how cruel it can be if you don't find the blue ring which is really easy to miss.

>> No.5663240
File: 90 KB, 900x450, little_britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well to be fair, there are quite some secrets hidden under the statues through out the game (at least four as far as I remember), if you find one of them you are bound to suspect there could be more hiding something. The blue ring store is also at a very suspicous dead end, and fighting the enemies there could bump you into it by accident. But yeah I know where you are coming from

>> No.5663245

> t. boomer
If you are a boomer, this game was not even conceived when you were 7 years old.

>> No.5663249

I can't read comments like these without an unhealthy level of rage.

You are playing an adventure game.

The point of the game is exploration and finding items to defeat Ganon.

It is beyond me how there are people in this world who are so dumb that they can't fathom how a game built around exploration might have a fucking secret room.

And not only that, if you have just a minute amount of brainpower to use critical thinking, the game gives you a pretty good idea where most of the important secrets are, like "huh, I wonder if I can get rid of this bush in my way" or "huh, I wonder if this big rock in the middle of the screen contains a hidden cave" or "huh, I wonder if this blank space on the dungeon map that looks like the eye of a monster contains a secret room."

Seriously, 2nd graders were figuring that shit out when Zelda 1 was originally released. If you don't have the brainpower to process these in-game context clues then, for the good of our gene pool, kys.

>> No.5663259

>tfw I beat this game and it's second quest when I was 8.
Can't even give them that excuse. They're just overstimulated retards.

>> No.5663397
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Every old zelda game is impossible without some kind of guide or map on the first playthrough. They made these shitty games be as directionless as possible with very inane clues. Otherwise kids would beat these dead empty games in 2 hours and they couldn't make money on guides.

>> No.5663561

>try actually playing the game before parroting meme opinions about it.
Still have my golden NES cartridge
>nobody used that shit.
bullshit, yeah we did>>5663397
>Every old zelda game is impossible without some kind of guide or map on the first playthrough. They made these shitty games be as directionless as possible with very inane clues. Otherwise kids would beat these dead empty games in 2 hours and they couldn't make money on guides
this, very obviously this, yet of course everyone is going to jump on you with "hurr durr keep posting memes" or "ur retarded if it was too hard for u"

>> No.5663567

LITERALLY cheating. Even FAQs are not this blatantly explicit.

>dem scanlines

>> No.5663572
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>>nobody used that shit.
>bullshit, yeah we did
Citation needed. Show some kind of proof of hotlines calls in relation to units sold or else just talking out of your ass and just buzz off.
I have been playing zelda since the 80s and had to move every three years, being an armybrat, and never have I met a kid in all that time that used such a Hotline.

>> No.5663586

>Citation needed. Show some kind of proof of hotlines calls in relation to units sold or else just talking out of your ass and just buzz off.
>I have been playing zelda since the 80s and had to move every three years, being an armybrat, and never have I met a kid in all that time that used such a Hotline.
you're really asking me to give you a citation? You think even if I knew where to find that date from 2 to 3 decades ago about number of calls to gamer hotlines, I would bother to go through the trouble just to prove a point to a random autist on this board?
This was my personal experience from my life and the people I knew. Getting stuck in video games was common, and with no internet you either needed to call the line, buy a guide, or ask somebody you knew who had the game and got past it.

>> No.5664090

>bullshit, yeah we did
Are you seriously admitting you're so retarded you called a fucking 900 number because you were stuck on Zelda?

>> No.5664134

Which one is the sexiest Zelda anyway?

>> No.5664262

You suck hot monkey semen and need to check into a secured area if you legit think that someone is retarded for getting stuck in zelda.

>> No.5664278

>knowing that spectacle rock was important
Good luck figuring out what the hell "Spectacle Rock" is if you're going in blind.

>> No.5664285

How many times does a player have to drop bombs on random overworld walls and find nothing until they decide that bombing walls on the overworld probably isn't a thing?

>> No.5664303

>Are you seriously admitting you're so retarded you called a fucking 900 number because you were stuck on Zelda?
no, I was like 6 when i got zelda and just stopped playing because it was frustrating and directionless. But I did call 900 numbers for other games where I didn't know what to do and wanted to finish the game.
But yeah, you can pretend to be the uber l337 gamer pro all you like, but it was very easy to get stuck in those old games, Legend of Zelda nonetheless. I have no problem admitting to it, especially as a young child.

>> No.5664310

> I paid for 1-900 hotline calls with a credit card as a 6 year old.

Either you are lying, or you're leaving out the part where your parents beat the shit outta you when they saw the phone bill.

Seriously, almost no one used hotlines. If 6 year old you couldn't figure out Zelda, then you're literally retarded.

>> No.5664316

Yes, literally thousands of little kids went in blind when it came out and beat it just fine.

That's a Zelda staple.

>> No.5664329

>Either you are lying, or you're leaving out the part where your parents beat the shit outta you when they saw the phone bill.
yeah sorry, I didn't grow up poor as fuck and my parents wouldn't beat me over a few bucks. I always asked before calling anyway.
If nobody used them, they wouldn't have been in business.
But seriously, you sound so impressive with being able to beat zelda without help as 6 year old. So cool dude, I wish I was as good as you. Now I feel bad about myself because I'm not.

>> No.5664360

Fuck wizzrobes and fuck manhandla

>> No.5664362

>If 6 year old you couldn't figure out Zelda, then you're literally retarded.
There is actually something wrong with you.

>> No.5664396

So many idiots in this thread. The only required bomb places are obvious as fuck. That’s like compulsively flying against every tile in SMB3 in case there is a warp to a bonus, just because you found some other secret room earlier, and you’re too stubborn to try other solutions first. Not the games fault.

>> No.5664654

Nah. Just not a spoon fed brain dead millenial or zoomer.

>> No.5664668

>But seriously, you sound so impressive with being able to beat zelda without help as 6 year old. So cool dude, I wish I was as good as you. Now I feel bad about myself because I'm not.

It's not impressive at all. That's the fucking point. You lack the critical thinking skills to solve problems in a game designed for elementary school children and cannot realize why this makes you retarded.

>> No.5664690

>nobody used that shit.
Then why did it stay up for like 20 years? They paid people to do that.

>> No.5664694

I would put my house on him not being tested as being retarded.

There is very little relation between being good in these games and intelligence and if you believe otherwise you are a plain fool.

>> No.5664697

Yes, but you’ll waste a lot of time wandering around.

>> No.5664715

>not a millennial or zoomer
surprised you even know how to use a computer, grandpa
what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.5665314

Fucking shit. You serious? I always felt like drawing my own map wasn't the way to go. FUCK.
Welp. Time to start over with the manual printed out.

>> No.5665668

It's not so much a matter of getting stuck or not but rather how you react to getting stuck.

>> No.5665686

Drawing maps was expected then. Zelda, Metroid, Final Fantasy, even something like Fester's Quest. That Zelda 1 had an indicator for where in the overworld you were at all was a rare thing for the time.

>> No.5665845

Hey retard if you can remember playing Zelda as a child 5-10 yrs old you are in gen x, but keep on showing that only intellectually inferior generations fail to figure out how to beat Zelda.

>> No.5665848

His IQ is 95 max. So not 'technically' retarded but he's close enough.

>> No.5665870

i actually started to draw my own map while playing, but it was shit and not very helpful

>> No.5666059

I beat the game completely blind a few weeks ago.
Claims that you have to burn every Bush/bomb every wall are ridiculous. These spots are well telegraphed to the player.

>> No.5666096

took me a long time as a kid but yes

>> No.5666379

Others have pointed this out, but it's perfectly beatable going in blind. You probably just won't find everything. There's one bush you've got to burn and one obscure wall you've got to bomb, and they're both towards the end of the game. The idea that this is somehow an insurmountable task or that the game is filled to the brim with Rubik's cubes that you have to solve to reach the next dungeon is just silly.

For most of the bigger titles, though, I think the odds were good that you would find at least one kid who would have the game that you were trying to beat. And LoZ is part of a minority of console games from that era that had super obscure secrets. Most of the popular games were platformers, beat'em ups, or scrolling shooters. Stuff like Star Tropics and FF1 were the exception. The next generation started introducing secrets even in the more popular genres, but I still don't remember many that were required for progression.

Besides, what you really needed was for you or one of your friends to be Playing with Power.

>> No.5666410

95 is five points off average intelligence of 100, it's not close to retarded.

You seem to have a psychological complex about someone being "retarded". I have used the term myself but about a videogame, how fucking pathetic are you.

>> No.5666415

95 is five points off average intelligence of 100, it's not close to retarded. You also know basically nothing about what his iq would be. Nothing.

You seem to have a psychological complex about someone being "retarded". I have used the term myself as an insult or make a point sometimes but not about playing a videogame, how fucking pathetic are you.

>> No.5666482
File: 43 KB, 848x480, 1560651538085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.5666491

Not pathetic enough to be ass blasted by a stranger on the internet using the word retarded as an insult.

>> No.5666831 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 488x772, 10343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably just a moron but you may be an imbecile.

>> No.5666850

I have all the bomb and burn spots memorized but i've never not gotten lost for like 15 minutes looking for level 2.

>> No.5666881
File: 40 KB, 443x455, repent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer detected

>> No.5666895

Delete your life.

>> No.5667325

>Hey retard if you can remember playing Zelda as a child 5-10 yrs old you are in gen x, but keep on showing that only intellectually inferior generations fail to figure out how to beat Zelda.
hey genius, just because I was 6 when I got zelda doesn't mean I was that age when it came out. I got it in like 1990
but then you go on to say I'm part of a intellectually inferior generation while claiming I'm part of yours?
your posts are absolutely dripping with IQ points

>> No.5668395

Learn how to read for context faggot.

>> No.5669196

It is.

It is not intended to be beaten entirely blind as the developers hoped players would exchange information with each other in order to figure out how to finish the game. You're intended to piece together with others or brute force it extra hard to be the source of info. Also, Nintendo Power was your friend and I imagine it was a part of the success of that magizine.

Essentially, it's supposed to be experienced like P.T so it is doable blind but the fun lies in either figuring it out or consulting a few hints and doing your best.

>> No.5670346

>Learn how to read for context faggot.
please explain what I'm missing and taking out of context.
oh right, you won't because you're a retard

>> No.5671540

> Please spoon feed me basic life skills.

Fuck off millenial.

>> No.5671548

Please spoon feed me basic life skills

Fuck off millenial

>> No.5671851

just like I said, you can't because you're a retard

>> No.5671869

t. person who forgot how much help he got with Zelda as a kid from friends and uncles who knew the game and thinks he "figured it all out by logic"

>> No.5672371

>there's always a max of one secret per screen
Someone playing blind would have no way of actually knowing that and might not make such an assumption. You only know it because of your familiarity with the game and its limitations.

>> No.5672676

> Another stupid millenial/zoomer.

Look, Zelda's gameplay is pretty simplistic and fairly easy for an elementary school aged kid to be able to learn. D-Pad moves, A to attack, B to use an item, start to bring up the item menu. This isn't like modern vidya where you have 40 different moves executed by pressing dozens of combinations of 6-8 different buttons while executing precise movements on an analog stick.

The game came with a partial map of the overworld, which is easy to read even for a kid. After that gets you started, you already know the mechanics and it's a matter of having the patience to explore the game's world.

Getting lost while exploring an open world is the point of the game, and it's not that hard for a kid to grasp that concept.

I'm sorry that you're so used to games spoon feeding you where to go that you can't understand how a child can figure out Zelda, but the fact remains that Zelda is a kid's toy and many, many children were able to beat it without being told what to do.

>> No.5672727

Why would you need a fucking map for final fantasy

>> No.5672934

Literally the only thing in this game that isn't immediately self explanatory is the fact that you can burn some bushes/trees. That's the one thing that might give a person trouble who goes in blind.

>> No.5673331

everyone gets familiar with the game and its limitations after playing it for a bit. And it's not like using up a few bombs to do learn the patterns is a huge time consuming waste

>> No.5673370

No. It has too many cryptic passages you will not beat without prior knowledge, a guide or a walkthrough

>> No.5673414

Is there any quick way to draw a map or track shit on this game?

I don't wanna use a guide, but I want to make sure I don't get too lost.

>> No.5673417

Print out the original map that came with the game. The one that doesn't show the top corners.

>> No.5673436

The map is a 16 screens wide by 8 screens grid. Should be relatively simple to note down, the only .problem is the cemetery that loops around

>> No.5673464

Imagine being this stupid