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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5641662 No.5641662 [Reply] [Original]

I heard this is THE game to play if you wanna try DQ, is that true?

>> No.5641664 [DELETED] 

I heard you're so fat and ugly nobody would wanna fuck you, is that true?

>> No.5641740

If you're new to Rpg's, play in order from 1.
If you like the first, you'll be able to appreciate the changes to some of the later games.

>> No.5641889

Yes. Definitely.
And don't listen to >>5641740, unless you're that type of autistic "I need to start with the first from a series". If you're new to RPGs DON'T even touch I or II. They'll probably kill your interest in the series. Play those after III.

>> No.5641893

1 is great and very refreshing, though

>> No.5641917

No. V, VIII or XI are the best starting points. If it came out on the NES, SNES, GBC or PS1, it isn’t worth playing.

>> No.5641929

III is the most popular in Japan and was a sort of cultural event there, a lot of the popularity and mythology of DQ comes from III

>> No.5641952

>If it came out on the NES, SNES, GBC or PS1, it isn’t worth playing.
Hot take.

>> No.5641969

Even more reason to avoid it.
Japs have terrible taste in entertainment , music and pop culture.

>> No.5641971

What do you prefer OP, plot or exploration?

>> No.5641974
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You lost?

>> No.5641976

both, and big tits

>> No.5641995

Nah, there's a difference between japanese as creators, and japanese as consumers.
Lots of good games/media they create get very little appeal in japan, compared to their popular games.

>> No.5642020


>> No.5642224

I think it's absolutely the best DQ game, though I had to play DQ1 first before I understood the appeal of the series.

>> No.5642230

whats the definitive version/translation for this game?


>> No.5642240

I'm playing the ps2 remake of DQ5 I just got married and so far the game is rather boring. But the music is great.

>> No.5642249

>recommends V
>"hurr hurrr, if it was on the SNES it isn't worth playing huuuurrrr"

>> No.5642258

DQ1-3 are a steady progression in all regards, but especially in how you get to explore the worldmap, visit towns and their storylines, and the freedom to connect rumors and what key item goes where.

DQ4-5 are narrative based instead, DQ6 has a huge clusterfuck of a world map, DQ7 has NO worldmap... And let's face it, general gameplay wise almost nothing changes from 3 and onward (at least going by the SNES/GB versions).

Ofc DQ5 is peak narrative and DQ8 peak aesthetics, but those are secondary attributes in my book.

>> No.5642283

Yeah it's the most definitive in the series
Play it first
But V is better, play that next, play the DS remake it has weird accents but otherwise the translation is fun and it has the most content

>> No.5642307

While I suggest playing DQ3 as soon as possible, a lot of the impact (and one of it's main selling points) comes from having played DQ1 first. Trust me. I went blind and the twist >>5641662
fucking blew me away.

So play DQ1 first, any versions other than the NES one are pretty short and last about 5 hours tops for your first time.

Then play 3 and you'll apreciate what the fuzz is all about.

I recommend either the SNES or (surprisingly) the Android ports, both of these are good.

You can skip 2 until later, if you wish.

>> No.5642327

No. V or nothing.

>> No.5642335

V is overrated.

>> No.5642367

Why are you on /vr/?

>> No.5642371

I won't disagree but I isn't beginner friendly and you know it.

>> No.5642920

DQ2's mobile version is fucking great though

>> No.5642938

Incarnations on those consoles aren’t worth playing.

Because I like retro games.

>> No.5643013
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>> No.5643371

How's the mobile versions of DQ? There's like a shit ton of them but I don't know if they're worth

>> No.5643402

1 + 2 are old phone ports from japan but they work good enough. 3 phone port oddly cut stuff including enemy animations that even the GBC version had.

>> No.5643506

Excellent for commuting, as they only play in portrait mode and you can play with one hand.

Also they include orchestrated soundtracks so thats a big plus

>> No.5643848

How about the iOS ports?

>> No.5644269

Literally the same as the Android ports.

>> No.5645131

Suddenly being made king of Romaly in DQIII was the coolest thing ever

>> No.5645150

I enjoyed the PS2 one when i still had the patients for JRPG.

>> No.5645160


>> No.5645170
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>> No.5645207

Go back to Twitter if you have nothing of value to say, underage-kun.

>> No.5645246
File: 95 KB, 418x403, DQ III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, is kinda weird reading positive comments about ports, even more so since it's mobile ports we're talking about. Cheers, anons. I'll replay III on mobile and see how it goes.

>> No.5645327

well memed faggot

>> No.5646628

The thing about 3 is that it's a prequel that expects you to have played the orginal first. Basically the impact of the final areas of the game is going to be lost on you if you haven't played DQ1 first. I really don't recommend it as your first.

Now, DQ2 is entirely irrelivent to the DQ3 experience, you don't need to play that as a prerequisite at all.

>> No.5646631

>I isn't beginner friendly and you know it.
Are you having a giggle? Mechanically it's THE babby's first RPG that makes FF Mystic Quest look complex and threatening. There couldn't BE a softer kid glove than DQ1.

>> No.5646961

>figuring out basic clues from NPCs isn't something a beginner can do
>grinding isn't something a beginner can do

>> No.5647145

Nope. Most people agree Dragon Quest 4 for SNES is best.

>> No.5647150
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Speaks truth to the weebo crew.

>> No.5647161

The SNES version of DQ1 greatly reduces the amount of EXP needed to level if you don't fancy the grinding

>> No.5647168

It also added battery saves, facing and things like automatically taking stairs.
It's not quite the original experience but maybe that's not for everybody.

>> No.5647195

Dragon Warrior added facing

>> No.5647201

this and unironically

>> No.5647203

I played through both. I recommend the NES one first for the more unique experience. The difficulty/grind seemed about the same between the two

>> No.5647206

>managing one character is hard
>fighting only one bad guy at a time is hard
>repeating this ad naseum while great music and sound effects play in the background is hard

>> No.5647231
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DQ3 is the best open-world,c reate-your-own-party adventure.
DQ5 is the best story-driven game in the series and is pretty much nothing like any other JRPG.

When trying out DQ after having played other JRPGs, you should remember:
1. Despite the appearances, DQ games are completely unlike other JRPGs. The formula has pretty much NEVER been aped properly. It's just far too hard to do. It's infinitely more than the sum of its parts. Any element on its own is a detriment and works as such in msot other games (hence the changes to complexity, difficulty etc in other games). Only all together do elements of DQ games click and produce this rare effect.
2. Throw out all preconceptions about "grind". There is no grind in DQ. You actually learn to fucking love it very soon. One of the tricks the game uses is that you really fucking want to punch that fucking boss demon's face off because you want the princess, in which case every random battle actually feels welcome as fuck because it's more exp and gold for you to use in the actually important battle.
3. Battles are not about skill. They're casino-like games of luck. This is something pretty much no other series understood. You enter the battle without knowing if you could win and you basically watch to see what would happen. Do you lose and go equip better shit? Do you barely win? You can't know. Even when you come back to the boss with new equipment, you still never know if you're strong enough, which is a fucking thrill.
4. If somebody recommends DQ9 for whatever reason, completely disregard their opinion. It's like recommending FF13 to someone who wants to see what the series is all about.
5. Playing DQ1 or DQ2 before the rest of the games is a terrible idea. You better have already become a freaking fan before you can appreciate 1 (it's marvellous, but weird), and DQ2 is fun on its own but is worse than pretty much any other game in the series.

>> No.5647236
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Oh, and also:
6. When people tell you that 1-3 and 4-6 are trilogies, that's a scam. The games reference each other. 3 loops into 1's world, which can be appreciated in any order (1 after 3 or 3 after 1). Otherwise the connections are negligible. The connection between 4, 5 and 6, the "Zenithia trilogy", is just that the sword has the same name in every game. The worlds, characters and stories are 100% unrelated. The sequence is completely irrelevant.

>> No.5647282
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All the games are interconnected, you can go to the Zenithian Castle in 3 on the GBC, also on 6 you can meet Rubiss from 2 and 3 at the bottom of the ocean, in 8 there's Empirea who references how in 3 they call her Ramia, at the ending of 6 the new born baby dragon could be the baby dragon from 4 and 5, meanwhile it could also be the son of the Dragon Queen from 3.
Only one that doesn't have a connection is 7 as far as i know, but yes, you don't need to play all the games to understand the in game story since they are more like cameos than anything else.

>> No.5647285

They are not interconnected. They just reference each other in passing. It's the stupid old "lol remember that shit from your favourite game, kids?!?!" way.

>> No.5647417

Playing the series for the first time here as well, currently at 5.

3 is excellent but I would recommend at least playing 1 first. It's quick and easy plus it gives you a little background that will be important for 3.

>> No.5647820

Mostly DQ1 though. With party members you can have someone heal you through most encounters so they lose all edge.

>> No.5647851

both 4 and 5 talk about the power of evolution at some point, so there is some common lore ground - but yeah characters themselves are unrelated.

>> No.5647864


>> No.5647948

Nobody should give a shit about non-Japanese DQ.

>> No.5647986

can you name any other game that lets you have a full party of clowns

>> No.5647991

have sex.

>> No.5648003

Fail. You're supposed to reply that to more than one post at the same time.

>> No.5648008

>Fail. You're supposed to reply that to more than one post at the same time.

>> No.5648189

>Playing DQ1 or DQ2 before the rest of the games is a terrible idea. You better have already become a freaking fan before you can appreciate 1 (it's marvellous, but weird), and DQ2 is fun on its own but is worse than pretty much any other game in the series.
b-but muh autism!? I really wanted to start with I and II, but i'm very tempted to just dive into V.

>> No.5649665
File: 6 KB, 256x224, Dragon Quest III001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you describe this feel

>> No.5650203

by far the best dragon quest game ever made

>> No.5650709

Don't fall for that absolutely fucking retarded post, regardless of if it's a master troll or not, go ahead and play the games in order.

>> No.5650718

>The connection between 4, 5 and 6, the "Zenithia trilogy", is just that the sword has the same name in every game.
And, you know, the fucking castle.

>> No.5652014
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they locked up my merchant

>> No.5652019

DQ2 is great. It has exploration, which is extremely novel for this genre and it's done well

>> No.5652037
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

list your favorite DQ3 parties and rosters
>hero, fighter, cleric, wizard>sagae
also list your favorite personalities to keep it interesting and flavorful, to develop a quirky and interesting roster to explore the world together
>don't bother, just make them all Sexy
>and female
>welp that's that
okay i guess we can just talk about parties i guess

>> No.5652041

the personalities were pointless imo it just made your characters stronger than they otherwise should be

>> No.5652045

I went with male hero, male warrior, female pilgrim, and female mage, didn't bother with sage
Tough, tough, sharp, and sexy; didn't go out of my way to min/max like an autist.

>> No.5652292

>finding those fucking orbs
>that late game grind
Yeah no play it a few hours until you get both party members and see all the evolution from 1, then move on.

>> No.5652309

female hero, female cleric>warrior, male warrior>fighter, female thief > sage
sage was the most overpowered since thief had a billion MP

>> No.5652323

>thief had a billion MP
I never knew about that, dickshit

>> No.5653170

>see all the evolution from 1
yes that's why I want to play mr. non-gaming retro game blogger with a beard and glasses. as long as the game is in your bookshelf though

>> No.5653194

Just play 1, it's a simple, fun game, don't listen to /v/.

>> No.5653398

The remake for SNES/GBA fixes all of that grinding. The crests aren't hard to find if you talk to everyone and there's always the internet if you really can't be arsed. The game shows its age but it's still a worthwhile play.

>> No.5653418


The fighter has more ATK and DEF than the warrior does, the only reason to have a warrior is because the fighter gear is limited while Warrior is not. Going with an Int build for all save for the fighter and then an HP build for the last 10 levels will ensure you have a shit ton of MP and HP, the two most valuable stats.


This is a fun party and requires some fore thought without heavy grinding. Hero on Sharp to get that +40% on Int and an HP build on Fighter and Dealer to tank while Thief has a Strength build to play into their multi-hit weapons. Medicinal herbs and item magic becomes a great asset. Going and snatching some of the staves with spells early on is a good idea as is stocking up on Wizard's Rings in the elf village since Hero is your only healer.

>> No.5653565

This actually sounds fun as fuck.

>> No.5653702

One of the few shitposts I agree with

>> No.5653736
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>> No.5653785
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>> No.5653805

Hero, cleric->thief, mage->sage, bunnyslut->sage.

>> No.5653814

what are the comfiest DQ games?

>> No.5653821

3,4,8 from my experience

>> No.5653823

is it possible? seems dangerous to go it alone.

>> No.5653827

which version of 4?

>> No.5654223

yeah its possible. you have to cheese it a little bit. hero needs to be leveled into the mid-80s, around 480 hp 250 mp 255 agi 500+ def wearing radiance armor, and noh mask. you use the sphere of light round 1 and spam HEALALL at zoma until he dies, healing yourself when you dip into green hp. takes like 10 minutes.

>> No.5654242

you can also do it the normal way, you just have to grind stat seeds for a month or two to hit 255 str+agi and >600 hp.

>> No.5655331

I agree with those three, but in reverse order.

>> No.5656049

don't lose your waaaaaay

>> No.5656634

Jesus, I always get a fucking hard-on whenever the screen is full of menus.

>> No.5656647

IV is the best one to start with. V is a bad one because it's basically all downhill from the best game in the whole series.

>> No.5656654

Why didn't DQ3 get a bombtitty remake like all the SNES ones when it's Japan's favourite?

>> No.5656669

Are you a brave enough man to rescue the king?

>> No.5656671 [DELETED] 

it wouldn't be good enough, so it had enhanced rereleases instead

>> No.5656686

Definetely recommend snes version. I completed NES just to be done with it at least once. The balance is complete shit by the end of the game due to lack of playtesting.

>> No.5656758

9 felt like a failed attempt at recapturing what made 3 so great, at least to me it did. It was a decent game, but nowhere near as good as 3.
And to answer your question, 3 doesn't need a remake. If zoomies can't appreciate it, that's their problem.

>> No.5656763

Neither did FF3 (which is of more or less the same status as DQ3 in Japan), but, well, here we are.

>> No.5656801

Is it? I head FF4 was more popular. FF3 seems like a poor DQ3 ripoff, even down to these adventure game gimmicks like forcing you to turn your party into midgets and frogs, and a lower 'world of darkness'; all crappy imitations of what DQ3 did right.

>> No.5657158

So if I never played a DQ game, what would you guys recommend for a first time? Reminder that I wi be playing on an emulator.

>> No.5657692

is it a dragonball ripoff? artwork seems like a straight up plaigrism

>> No.5657701

>dragon quest 1
>dude magic keys lmao
shit game

>> No.5657703

Wow you're right, akira toryama should sue.

>> No.5657805

honestly this

this shit is way too similar artistically. it's fucking annoying as hell seeing the work that was put in to manga from 80s/90s and then that shit always gets fucking ripped off or re-packaged by some western firm that rakes in WAY more money than the original artist ever did

>> No.5659452


>> No.5660553

idk, I've only played some of them. 3 is the only one I haven't dropped 30 minutes in, take it as you wish.

>> No.5660978


>> No.5662063

Good post except for the casino-like games of luck part.
IDK where you got that, there is a lot of strategy involved in some fights. You can get completely wrecked because of not using a certain spell or whatever.
I do agree that there is an element of randomness to DQ, Sometimes bosses give you a good pattern, Sometimes they just spam high damage shit.