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File: 106 KB, 424x600, Sonic_the_Hedgehod_3_carátula_Megadrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5646991 No.5646991 [Reply] [Original]

I think we can all agree that this is a great game.
But better than Sonic 2? Better than Sonic 1?
I'm open for any opinion regarding the trilogy of Sonic.
CD and S&K are fine too, but neither hold a candle to the original trilogy.

>> No.5647075

Sonic 2 > Sonic 3 > Sonic & Knuckles > Sonic

>> No.5647076


>> No.5647082

I mean call me a retarded cuck zoomer casual, but I get way more enjoyment from the occasional run of S3&K than from the earlier games. Better balance of careful platforming and rollercoaster sections, more fun bonus stages, more distinctive zone gimmicks, etc

>> No.5647103

This. Sonic 1 is just too full of "trial & error" gameplay. You'll run out of lives unless you've already memorized everything.

>> No.5647109

Sonic 3 is easily the best out of the three. Best graphics, best music, every act has a boss fight. Also I haven't randomly dropped through the floor in Sonic 3

>> No.5647117

Sonic 2 starts out the best. And remains strong for the first 4 or 5 levels. It starts to peter out around Oil Ocean zone and never fully recovers.

S3K is probably the most cohesive experience but lacks the punch of those first two levels of Sonic 2.

I could play any of them.

Sonic 1 is ok, but the lack of move set found in 2/3 kind of holds it back.

Sonic CD is pretty and fun to look at but the levels feel less balanced and often times like a tech demo.

Knuckles Chaotix also kind of felt like a tech demo. The gimmick seems to have taken priority over everything else. Levels are way to easy and the game can be beaten in one weekend, first time.

>> No.5647154


>> No.5647242

>6 zones
>broken spinning barrel
>inferior mid boss theme
>6 zones
Without &Knuckles, S3 is incomplete and inferior. With &Knuckles, its the first 6 levels to a fantastic game.
The ranking imo is: S2> S3&K> S&K (stand alone)> CD> S1> all the game gear ports> S3 (stand alone)

>> No.5647291

>CD and S&K are fine too, but neither hold a candle to the original trilogy.

Do you know why Sonic is showing 3 fingers on his left hand and one finger on his right hand? He is telling you the game you're playing is Sonic 3 Part 1. S&K is Sonic 3 Part 2. Both are part of the original "Trilogy".

CD ≃ 1 > 3&K > 2

>> No.5647318

1 > 2 > 3&K > CD
Objective fact.
2 and 3&K get increasingly HoLD tO Go FaST and CD's level design is like a toddler went apeshit with debug mode.

>> No.5647326

If I got Sonic 1 as a pack in with my Genesis and disliked it enough that I never even tried any of it's sequels is there any reason for me to give them a go? I don't think there are and pure platformers I'd go so far as to say I'm a fan of.

>> No.5647349

Wow. One example of American cover art being far superior.

>> No.5647573

there's no reason not to really. it takes less than 10 minutes to clear the first zone of either S2 or S3 and it's enough to decide whether the game's mechanics appeal to you or not
S3 especially is completely different from S1

>> No.5647578

Patrician taste, though I would say 1 > 3&K > CD = 2

>> No.5647684

Actually I would say 3 calls back to 1 far more than 2. 2 is radically different than 1. 3 is like a combination of both. CD is a true sequel to 1. 3 is basically like the shareware version and s3&k is like the full version with all episodes.

>> No.5647701

1 is best, but I played it first, it came packed with my family's genesis so for a long while it was the only game we had other than occasional rentals.

the other sonics had to compete with what other games we had gotten up until then, which pretty soon included Streets of Rage 2. we never committed as much time to 2 or 3.

>> No.5647723
File: 189 KB, 832x1170, sonic 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the EU cover art, but the Jap art wins again.

>> No.5647738

I’ve always found 3&K to be sluggish and bloated. Call me whatever you want but I liked the more straightforward levels of the previous games and how you would get progressively faster the more you played because of it.

>> No.5647756

>Actually I would say 3 calls back to 1 far more than 2. 2 is radically different than 1. 3 is like a combination of both
that's fucking bullshit
1 had three acts /zone and a boss at last act, one type of shield, no spindash
2 had two acts /zone and a boss at last act, one type of shield, spindash
3 has two acts /zone, boss after every act, three types of shield, spindash, and a save file
there is a clear design progress

>> No.5647764
File: 184 KB, 832x607, 39140-Sonic_the_Hedgehog_3_USA-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it's an ugly game. The Egypt stage wouldn't have been approved in Sonic 1 or 2. I inmediatly noticed the downgrade back then in magazine previews.

Just look at the screenshot. That was not what were looking forward after Sonic 2 (even if the bonus stage was impressive)

>> No.5647782 [DELETED] 


>> No.5647785

Still think NA box art was best on this one

>> No.5647805

Posting a screenshot doesn't make it justice. Actually here it sort of does. Look at all of those same minibosses flying around in the bg, in S3 there's a lot of things happening in the background

>> No.5647818

It's not like I want to diss on 3&K; it is definitely the most value you're going to get out of a Sonic game, I just find 1 infinitely replayable and more charming, and for that I just like it more. I think 1 is the perfect game to replay in short bursts since it's the right number of stages. 2 is too long and personally unappealing, 3&K is too complex for a short playthrough (provided you don't just want to speedrun it), while CD I'm just biased for. CD while not being the shortest entry in the series has godlike art direction and music, it's like a drug hitting me everytime I play it and can never put it down before finishing it.

>> No.5647837

>The Egypt stage wouldn't have been approved in Sonic 1 or 2.

Based, it's all about that Oil Ocean and Metropolis. Now those are some A+ stages.

>> No.5647858

Everything here is correct.

>> No.5647862

>But better than Sonic 2?
Lol, no.

>Better than Sonic 1?
Nah. I used to say this, but Sonic 3 has really grown on me in recent years.

>CD and S&K are fine too, but neither hold a candle to the original trilogy.
S&K is apart of the original trilogy bud. It's Sonic 3 Part 2.

Also, CD was ass.

>> No.5647883

Metropolis Zone it's kind of ugly, but I always liked Oil Ocean. Not the prettiest stage of Sonic 2, but kind of memorable and has a nice hot sunset evening atmosphere. Great Music too.

>> No.5647895

Personally I switch 2 and 3. 2's great for straightforward gameplay, but I have a fond preference for 3's more ambitious design. I sure as hell hate a couple of S&K's zone though.

>> No.5648178

Sonic 1 had the best badniks

>> No.5648193

>he doesn't like Sky Chase
aint gettin no pussy then either

>> No.5648194

Sonic 2 was my first videogame and I love it to death but the sound palette is so grating to me now.

>> No.5648347

>Lol, no.
Why? Sonic 2 has a lot going for it: more stage variety, better pacing, great boss fights.
>Nah. I used to say this, but Sonic 3 has really grown on me in recent years.
Same happened to me but with Sonic 1.
>Also, CD was ass
Why? Bashing the game for being exploration-focused is not a reason for it being ass.

>> No.5648375

>I think we can all agree that this is a great game.
I take it this is your first time on /vr/?

I think Sonic 3 is a good game but not a great one. Sonic 2 is the only Sonic game I'd consider great.

>> No.5648496

>But better than Sonic 2? Better than Sonic 1?
Uh, yeah. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is THE Sonic game other than Mania. It added so many series staples. Both acts having different music, minibosses, branching paths, Hyper Sonic, fucking KNUCKLES. Plus the kickass MJ music. Of course it's better than the first 2 and CD.

>> No.5649494

In my opinion, minibosses were not a good addition to Sonic games, they could break the flow of the game and makes replaying them more tiring. Anyway, midbosses in Sonic 3 were passable for the most part, but in Sonic Mania were a complete chore.

Also, midbosses in Sonic 3 & Knuckles consisted basically in battles with generic robots. The games tried to be more gritty and realist than Sonic 1 & 2 and that was a mistake for the most part.

>> No.5649804

3&K > CD > 2 > 1
2 and CD are very close but I prefer the music and aesthetic of CD.
All good games though.

>> No.5649810

Agree with this.
What the fuck were they thinking with Carnival Night's mid-boss?

>> No.5649924


>> No.5651676
File: 135 KB, 645x729, 1512063240433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5651686

>I think we can all agree that this is a great game.
Disagree. It sucks. Sonic 2's pretty good though.

>> No.5651690

The addition of Knuckles to Sonic 3 is like vomiting on a pile of shit.

>> No.5651696

Somebody doesn't have a decent Genesis/MD.

>> No.5651698

>look up Sonic 3 complete
>Sonic wiki straight up lets you download the full, hacked ROM file instead of just an IPS patch
The fuck is that about? Wouldn't Sega get pissy?

>> No.5651704

Yep, nasty looking game, especially after the attractive first two.

>> No.5651710
File: 11 KB, 545x534, blab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ has gotten so contrarian that not only is S3&k a bad game now, but it's actually an unplayable pile of shit

>> No.5653834

S&K is fantastic with literally one less than good act in the whole game (Sandopolis 2).
S3 alone is pretty decent. Has some rather rough patches (Marble Garden, Carnival Night 2), but it's good.

S1 is kinda bleh. As a kid, I'd rather play Sonic 2. These days, I'd much rather play Sonic 3.
Sonic 2 is a decent game and I've played it so much that I don't need to pay that much attention anymore, I can single-cycle most bosses, etc, etc.
I dunno if it's just me having played so much S2 or not, but S3&K is a hell of a lot more engaging for me.

The bosses in Mania kind suck, even by Sonic boss standards.

S3 Complete is built from source, like most Sonic "rom hacks", rather than a set of patches.
Distributing it as IPS would be counterproductive, since the S3C binary and the S3&K binary are too different regarding offsets and the lot.

Sega also doesn't really care that much.

>> No.5653838

I agree with this, but I love them all. S3&K is basically as good as 2 and I can accept people liking it more. 2 just appeals to me slightly more.