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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 148 KB, 391x262, crtlag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5644554 No.5644554 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder: CRTs have a minimum 8.3ms of input lag

>> No.5644596

It's still less lag than modern TV's

>> No.5644597

>CRTs have a minimum 8.3ms of input lag
Nah. I don't think you know how long that really is.

>> No.5644602

Don't forget about in-game lag m8

>> No.5644617

In-game lag is pretty irrelevant to the question of display latency. We don't care how long it takes the console to render the frame, just the length of time between the console rendering it and the display showing it.

>> No.5644627
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>camera in front of tv to tape gameplay
I can't be the only one who tried this

>> No.5644630
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stop exposing the business.

>> No.5644653

Look up DSP gaming. He did that up until X360 and PS3 era to record all his gameplay.

>> No.5644664

Umm, do the Resetera mods know you go on 4chan?
I'm really not feeling safe here guys, looks like we got THQ staff posting! MODS HELP WE GOT ANOTHER NAZI!!!!

>> No.5644692

Back when youtube had the 10 minutes limit his method of recording 10 minute chunks on a HDD handycam was pretty clever, dispite DSP's lack of pragmatic thinking in every other facet of his life

>> No.5644698
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>Watching Sue Lightning review vidya gaems
>This guy walks in

>> No.5644763
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>Sue Lightning
Cute man, disappointing porn

>> No.5644764
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>> No.5644823

>CRTs have a minimum 8.3ms of input lag
Did you not even read the article you posted or are you deliberately mis-stating its conclusions?

To be reasonable, the article itself is also sort of leading its readers to compare consumer crt tvs to lcd gaming monitors

In an apples to apples comparison, a high frequency crt monitor will have an average of 3.5ms of input lag vs 10ms on a gaming lcd monitor and any trash-picked SD consumer crt will have an average of 8.5ms on input lag compared to 20-???ms of input lag on a random lcd tv

>> No.5644836

10ms is shit for a gaming monitor. Depending what type 1-4ms is common

>> No.5644837
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>> No.5644838

...isn't this literally just how long it takes to draw half a frame, and display lag measurements are done at the middle of the screen anyway?

>> No.5644851

Anon that is less than half a frame

>> No.5644875
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>> No.5644970

yes, but the signal is interlaced, so it shows a frame wach 8,3

>> No.5644973

So, I guess these new game monitors can handle lightguns, considering there's not conversion lag beetween composite and HDMI and the signal is sent as interlaced.

>> No.5644980


Get the fuck out of here, commie.

>> No.5645001
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>> No.5645105

I was going to call bullshit on that but I looked it up and while it spotless be a car stretch to call it "common" especially when you put gtg response time on top of it is pretty fucking shaving that there are a handful of lcd monitors that can accomplish it.

>> No.5645110
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>> No.5645112

And devs were aware about it, since they playtested the games on CRTs.

>> No.5645115

Get the fuck off my board fag.

>> No.5645123

When it comes to display lag, all that should really matter is if it feels fast enough for you.

>real hardware on crt
fast enough
>real hardware on hdtv through good upscaler
fast enough
>emulator on crt
fast enough
>emulator on hdtv
that's when it starts becoming unbearable for me. The lag stacks between the emulator and the display

>> No.5645142

Friendly reminder, eat shit.

>> No.5645153


>> No.5645156

Here I was blaming /v/ for this board going to shit, I had no idea we were infested with resetera parasites.

>> No.5645228

Friendly reminder there's a point at which most people in here won't be able to tell the fucking difference

>> No.5645245

After neogaf went down, many users from there were worried that their new home would die as well, so they spread around everywhere. /v/ got flooded, and many users from /v/ freaked out at their board getting overrun by people who didn't give a shit about the board. In response, many of them have moved to /vr/, along with some of the neogaf people.
They have zero interest in retro games, constantly spam shit like OP's post, and constantly demand 6th gen be allowed. They are doing to /vr/ what neogaf did to /v/, and somehow they can't see the hypocrisy of their actions.

/v/irgins think they are those two guys playing games in that picture about the destruction of a hobby, when they are actually the dudebros and "LOL WEED" guys who destroy the hobby for those that just want to play fucking retro videogames.

>> No.5645370
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>Friendly reminder there's a point at which most people in here won't be able to tell the fucking difference
Most zoomers who grew up on LCDs have no clue what we are talking about....though a few will respond to this, feeling like this was a direct attack.

>> No.5645384
File: 388 KB, 879x924, retro vs antique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constantly demand 6th gen be allowed
I have been on /vr/ for the last 4 years, and am not an orphan from another site. Though I am not zealous about this rule, It confuses and confounds me. I think that the 6th generation is or is not retro, and know that the DC was only allowed for discussion because people complained long enough. Do I think that the 6th generation is "retro" at this point? Yes. Do I really give a fuck what a bunch of ADHD-Autist mods say is actually retro? No. I will however do my best to continue to respect the rules, though I will continue to wonder what the reasoning is. Frankly, I think it was just a bunch of Sega widows who wanted something, anything to say that Sega is best at. So here on /vr/ sega is the most technologically advanced video game system we can discuss....even though it was a complete and total failure.

>> No.5645485 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5645679
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>direct-linking to ResetERA
Holy shit OP fucking kill yourself.

>> No.5645696

>all these triggered crt fags complaining about a domain name to distract from the topic of thread

>> No.5645702

Silly rabbit, trips are for fags

>> No.5645767

go back to your retardera

>> No.5645787

>I think that the 6th generation is or is not retro, and know that the DC was only allowed for discussion because people complained long enough
I entirely agree the DC special snowflake exemption was a stupid idea, and the mods shouldn't have caved to spammers. Like has been said many times on this board, we support the creation of a /v2k/ or somesuch board for discussion of 6th gen and onwards, but bringing in more material here on /vr/ would drown out the obscure stuff. As it is most obscure stuff falls off the board thanks to all the e-celeb watching /v/irgins only posting about the top 10 ten games on a console, recently reviewed games, or meme threads like this one. Moving 6th gen onwards and these people to a separate board would not only give them a place to discuss stuff that can't be talked about on /v/, it would give us our fucking board back so we could discuss stuff like pre-VGA PC gaming and have regular JP PC and RCT threads again. Take a good look at the "wat got u into retro gamez" thread and all the people who have no interest in retro games.

They whine that videogame discussion is drowned out on /v/ by resetera, then they come here and drown out discussion on retro videogames and act like they are not only victims, but deserve to have /vr/. This is why no one except the most retarded faggots and /v/irgins want 6th gen on /vr/. I'd welcome the Dreamcast getting kicked back out, since those faggots swore there was no slippery slope to allowing the DC leading to 6th gen begging, when that's exactly what fucking happened.

>> No.5646042

Fuck off.
I bet they say CRT's cause transphobia

>> No.5646047

All that radiation, maaan

>> No.5646223

It takes 1/120s to get halfway down a 60Hz frame? So shocking. this isn't the CRT doing it, it's just the nature of a 60Hz frame.

>> No.5646239
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>> No.5646256

I have personally never noticed any lag playing games with RetroArch on my 1080p computer monitor

>> No.5646815

Friendly reminder: underage LCDfags will be forever BTFO and buttpained

>> No.5646820

I don't have numbers around to prove anything

However I will say, with my old CRT TV and PS1/SNES, and my 120hz monitor, I notice next to no input lag on that monitor with the right settings and emulators. I have another 60hz monitor and no matter what I do it's still somewhat laggy.

>> No.5646910

Doesn't the gun go much faster and wait between frames?

>> No.5646934

Lol. You use Resetera as a source. Whether they're right or wrong in this instance is irrelevant; you peruse that far leftist dumpster fire of a fucking site. Shame on you.

>> No.5647061

keep seething

>> No.5647069


>> No.5647163
File: 32 KB, 454x550, flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scanline delay counts towards display latency
Fucking no, we use CRT's as a baseline and measure the lag added on top of the signal.
This is a matter of signal transference, not inherent display lag. Want lower input lag? Increase the refresh rate.

>> No.5647221
File: 496 KB, 1325x2000, ERIC-KIM-STREET-PORTRAITS1-1325x2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5647470

What gun? The Leo Bodnar tester? It measures time between the start of the frame until it sees the light it puts at the middle of the frame, i.e. 8.33 ms minimum for a perfect display.

>> No.5647494

Did a paedophile beardlord write that article?

>> No.5647505

Everything that runs on Win98 should be allowed. This board is too console faggy imo.

>> No.5647534

checks out

>> No.5648113
File: 30 KB, 443x960, 1558820215075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shithole of a site requires beign castrated like neofag?

who cares what nosense sput those retards

>> No.5648187

that would include games like GTA3, GTA:Vice City, Halo CE, the first Operation Flashpoint, the first FarCry, and so on
most are very much modern games (they play the same as the newer titles in same series), they're just released earlier and with a bit worse graphics

that was always a shit idea. it's basically "let shitposters take over /v/ completely as long as I can be a refugee somewhere else". at least until the shitposters start crossboard posting into your "refugee asylum". then what? you're going to bitch for yet another asylum board?

>> No.5648972

You sound very confused sport

>> No.5649041

They're still better, what's the point?

>> No.5649376

There may be a tumor pressing on your brain.

>> No.5649456
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>> No.5649504

GTG response time is purely a marketing term. It's half the proper BTB response and doesn't actually determine your input lag.

>> No.5649669

Then clarify away.

>> No.5649768

>a device you position at different places on the screen to check lag at different places on the screen
literally retarded

>> No.5649826

input lag only matters in fighting games and at the very top level of fps
most people who talk about input lag and high refresh rates are scrubs too

>> No.5649967
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>> No.5650128


Go dilate.

>> No.5650274

The test that showed 8.33 had it in the middle, they had pics of the setup.

>> No.5651539

Born a male or not I don't give a shit I'd facefuck that shit until the cows came home

>> No.5651574

It's ultimately the same thing. The end result with both is still a delay between when you press a button and when you see the action on screen. You'd have a point if there was no way of removing the latency inherent to the game but now that we have emulators with run ahead that's no longer the case.

>> No.5653528
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>> No.5653550
File: 29 KB, 450x300, picard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the exact same thread link that's used as a "source" in all these arguments. It's complete bullshit.

A CRT displays something on the screen the nanosecond/picosecond it's received PERIOD. If the console changes something mid-beam it will be displayed immediately.

What they are talking about is refresh rate, that is NOT input lag and has never been considered as input lag.

>> No.5653568

Ok, lag between when the player presses an input, and when they see their action on screen, then. Lag.

>> No.5653692

Yes, lag from the console and how it's handling the input, not lag from the CRT.

>> No.5653915

Okay, but now I got a 240hz/gsync monitor on my compy 1386.

My emulator receives input, emulates the next frame and my monitor puts it up in the same time original hardware would. Theres no lag.

>> No.5653918


>> No.5653932

No, there is a 8.3ms lag between when the CRT receives the input, and when it shows on screen, because the player has to "wait" for the screen to refresh.